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Complete Compilation of Dailies and Weeklies from the SWC November 2022 Session

Whether you want to use these as references or prompts to improve your writing, this is a list of all the dailies and weeklies from the SWC November 2022 session. Included here are word war prompts and alternative dailies as well.

Day 1: Welcome everyone, new and familiar faces alike, to SWC! Fun fact: November 1st is both the start date of this session and National Author's Day! Today's task is to introduce yourself in the Main Cabin comments and tell us about your favourite author(s). What are their names, what genres do they write in, and what do you love about their books?
Day 2: Our SWC magazine, The Postscript, will be open for submissions all through November! Today, start working on an article about any SWC-related topic; once you've written at least 200 words, you can claim 100 points for your cabin. We encourage you to finish off your article before the end of the month and submit it to Robyno's (@-redredrobin-) profile (they should have a project shared by the end of the month) for publication!
Day 3: Quick! Look directly to your right - what is the first object you see? Congratulations, it's now the main ingredient in your Object Smoothie! Write 300 words persuading your fellow campers that your smoothie is actually delicious for 300 points. An extra 100 points if you share your writing!
Day 4: Google Translate is infamous for its inaccuracy - but today, we're using that to our advantage. Copy and paste a song into Google Translate, and translate it into different languages until the lyrics are completely different… then write a story based off it! 200 words for 200 points, no evidence required.
Day 5: “A message in a bottle is all I can do,” says Taylor Swift in her starr-striking song. Write a message to go in a bottle - you know, the kind you toss into the ocean waves in the vain hope someone might find it someday - and invent a little backstory to go along with it! (Or, feel free to use mine: Your darling teddy bear has decided to abandon you for a life of piracy and crime, and you’re convincing them to come back </3) 300 words for 200 points, and earn an extra 50 points for sharing your message.
Day 6: In Victorian times, people sent messages to each other through secret code - aka flower arrangements! The flowers they used signified different things; for example, roses for love and friendship, crocuses for happiness, and marigolds for grief. Today’s daily is all about writing using the Victorian Language of Flowers. Our brilliant Alba has compiled this beautiful list of flowers: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/741579314/. In 400 words, write a piece with 2-5 flowers on the list (and incorporate their meanings into your work) to earn 300 points! Extra 100 points for sharing, and a virtual daisy for stating your favourite flower in the comments for Starr’s enjoyment.
Day 7: A classic SWC daily - three word stories! Comment three words (e.g. ‘polar bear pirates’), wait for someone to reply with three more words (e.g. ‘are zai’s favourite’) and watch a story write itself. You may not reply to yourself - but other than that, you have free rein. Go make masterpieces This daily is for Superb Wonderful reCollections, not points! Additionally, the Memory Book Cover Contest is out today. Hop on over to this project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/757177433/ in order to enter and have the chance to have your cover(s) featured in the front/back cover of the Memory Book. Also, word wars are here! Go to this project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/719946544/ to find more information.
Day 8/9: Flash fiction is the shortest form of prose writing. It’s a flash - a blink - of a story, a universe contained within a few words. Go check out Soki’s fantastic workshop on how to slay flash fiction writing: ( https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6688387/ ). Afterwards, I challenge you to, in 400 words, write three complete stories. Structure it however you like - the sky’s the limit! Upon completion, 300 points (and an extra 50 for sharing) shall be awarded.
Day 10: Today's daily (inspired by certain celestial beings within SWC) is centered around constellations! Using a constellation of your choice, write a fictional essay on how it came to exist- you can incorporate different aspects of it into your essay, such as the names of the stars, the meaning behind it, and so on. 300 words will earn you 300 points, and earn an extra 100 for sharing your writing!
Day 11: Have you heard of time capsules? They're little collections that we make for our older selves to read so that we can look back on the good old days. For this daily, you'll be writing a letter to the future you! What do you hope your future self will be like? In decades ahead, what do you want to remember about your world as it is now? You can write about anything from your age, current trends and music, upcoming events and releases, your writing projects, and anything else you want to remember. Then, you can come back to it in a year or so, and see how much you've changed over time! You can even pull a Luna and make a habit of writing yearly letters to yourself. Your letter should have a minimum of 200 words (though it can be much longer) for 300 points!
Day 13/14: Welcome to the second bidaily of this session! The ever-stunning Starr has granted us with a workshop on humor, which can be found here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/747563700/ . We'll be putting a spin on the iconic daily as we know it- using what you've learned from the humour workshop, write 400 words of a SWC fanfiction in the form of a comedic skit/script! This'll earn you 300 points- remember you have 2 days to complete this daily. We hope you'll have fun with this one!
Day 15: With all the writing we've been doing, it's easy to lose sight of some of the other joys that come with SWC- setting cabins on fire, polar bear pirate adventures, and more importantly, the nurturing of friendships and your well-being. Take today to indulge in the happy vibes! Start a conversation with someone you haven't talked to lately, or meet someone new that'll make you smile. Leaders and campers alike, check in with your cabin as well, and see how they're doing! This daily isn't worth any points, but hopefully you'll strengthen some bonds that can't be measured by a number
Day 16: Losing him was blue, missing him was gray, but loving him was red… Taylor Swift has one of the best examples of color writing out there. For today's daily, try incorporating different colors to describe abstract concepts into your writing, whether that's in a piece of flash fiction or a poem. Earn 100 points for 200 words and an additional 50 points for sharing your writing!
Day 17: Today's a very important day… homemade bread day (for the US)! (Oh, and also the birthday of one of the daily team members… lasagna .) Look at what bread come from your country (or if you don't want to reveal your country, pick a random bread), and make a poem based on that bread. 200 words for 200 points! (p.s. go wish @polarbear_17 a very lasagna birthday <3)
Day 18: Looking for a new way to earn points for your cabin every day? Introducing Critiquaires, where you can earn points by critiquing other people's writing. It's essentially like word wars, but with providing feedback instead of word sprinting. You can find more information on the project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/762993599/ . Make sure to read the entire project through to make sure you understand the rules! Like word wars, you're responsible for commenting in the main cabin once you've finished your critique.
Day 19: Metaphors and symbolism are common literary devices, but they can become quite a cliche. Fire for destruction, roses for love, light for hope, some symbols can be overused to the point they seem uncreative To circumvent this cliche, visit this project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/756858370/, and generate a random object and a concept that that object should symbolize in your writing. The harder it is to draw a connection between your concept and object, the better! 400 words for 400 points, and an additional 100 points for sharing your writing.
Day 20: Today is everybody's (maybe) favorite day– roleplay day! Talk in third person in SWC for the rest of the day. Additionally, today's also cabin swap day! Go visit some of the other cabins and leave a comment (in third person, of course). No points for today's daily.
Day 21: Let's play a quick game of truth or dare! Except, this time, there's no truth option. Oh, and keep the dares writing related. Please do not dare someone to commit arson unless it is through writing. These dares can be as simple or as complicated as you want, as long as they are within reason (meaning no daring anyone to write 1k words). Dares can be about format, topic, theme, and anything you can think of. For example: write a poem about Zai (that's a good dare). Ask for a dare in the Main Cabin, and someone will reply with your dare. Write at least 50 words for someone else's dare to win 100 points. No extra points for sharing, but feel free to do so!
Day 22: We're always creating new, fun pieces of writing for each daily and weekly. But we shouldn't neglect our other works! Today, you will write 300 words towards a preexisting project, daily, weekly, or novel to gain 100 points for your cabin.
Day 23: Today, the Main Cabin is a Bestselling Bookstore! Why not take a look around and browse some books? And surely you want your own works on the shelves? Write 50 words describing your book in the Main Cabin for 100 points. Then, take a look around. If you see another book you'd be interested in buying, say so in a reply to that comment!
Day 24: Sometimes one story is just not enough for the SWC community, which is why today's daily is a dual timeline. What is a dual timeline, you ask? It's a simple way to write two stories in just one writing piece. Start with the beginning of one time line, break in whatever way you see fit, and begin the second timeline. You may do so as many times as you'd like, provided that it is 300 words or more. This will award you 200 points, plus 100 more if you share. Here is an example of the formatting: welcome to story number one. Here is the exposition. || Now we are in the second timeline. This is fun. || And back to the first timeline.
Day 25: Have you heard the famous phrase ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’? Today, we ask you to find a picture on onceuponapicture.co.uk (if you don't have access to the site, you can choose a picture from this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/764339470/ ), take a look at the questions associated with it, and write a story based on the picture. If there are prompts, you are welcome to use them if you wish, but you do not have to. Make sure to answer some of the questions about it in your writing. The final piece should be at least 400 words for 400 points. (If you want to honor the adage, you can write 1k words as well, but you will not receive extra points for that)
Day 27: Documenting the little things that you appreciate in life is a great way to show gratitude and boost your mood! Today, write at least 100 words about either something good that happened today or a goal that you have for today. You will receive 50 points for completing this task and you can receive an additional 50 if you share your happy moment or goal with the main cabin.
Day 28/29: The end to this session is drawing near, and it's time for the final bidaily! It's a long tradition to write thank you notes to leaders, cabin-mates, hosts, and committee members towards the end of SWC. Check out Moss' workshop on how to write more personalized thank you notes here https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/645254/ and then write three hundred words in thank you notes to scratchers you look up to for 250 points. No extra points for sharing, but please share with the person/s.
Alternative 1: Books where the ‘good’ win and the ‘bad’ lose and there's a happy ending are quite common, but today we'll be turning the tide. You are to write a piece where the main character doesn't fulfill their goals and the story ends with defeat. This could be done in many ways as long as you keep the theme of defeat prevalent in your writing.
Alternative 2: Burning messages is quite common, but maybe not burning messages onto toasted bread for yourself - just six months ago. Today, you're going to do exactly that! What do you say on the message?
Alternative 3: Someone's behavior when talking to different people can change. Today, you'll be focusing on that. Write __ words where your character is talking to a complete stranger. Flip the tables and write the same number of words where your character is talking to a loved one (whether related, best friend, or significant other). How did your character's behavior change between the two?
Alternative 4: Write at least __ words of gay poetry! (If you don't want to write gay poetry, write poetry about penguins.) Enjoy <3
Alternative 5: Choose a popular art piece and write a story inspired by the objects or subjects depicted within them. For example, if I chose the ‘Mona Lisa’, I could write about her daily life, you could describe the village in Van Gogh's ‘Starry Night’, etc. There are endless possibilities!

Weekly 1: “Welcome! To start the session off, we’re focusing on epistolary writing We challenge you to pose as a personified version of your cabin and write letters to the other 14 genred cabins. The letter recipients could be the other personified cabins, or perhaps you could address it to a (made-up) friend, making the cabin theme their location. Or you could invent your own premise - be as creative as you like! However, the 14 letters should somehow be related to the 14 other cabins.

You should end up with 14 letters, each letter being a minimum of 100 words (total of 1400 words).”
Weekly 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/640977/
Weekly 3: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/642678/
Weekly 4: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/762359450/
Text-Based version for Weekly 4: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/644290/

Word War Prompts:
Word War Prompt Set 1
↠ “Meow,” said the cat, and smiled. -@Stariqe
↠ I thought I knew pain. I was greatly mistaken. -@seasiide
↠ Nothing I can do will have any affect in the end. But I'm going to try anyway. -@booklover883322
↠ People in so-called republics can still “vote.” -@Polarbear_17
↠ “I did not pay you to do that.” -@RLove10
↠ “Bro, you’re not supposed to fall /into/ the well.” -@opheliio
↠ It's hard to believe, but this block of cheese is the only thing that can save the world as we know it. -@-Alocasia
↠ The time has come, and you must now leave these earthly plains. -@Xx_Hermione_xX
↠ Your fingers tense around the object in your pocket, ready to pull it out at a moment's notice. -@not-a-nobody
↠ Just as I sat on it, the couch groaned. -@MoonlitSeas

Word War Prompt Set 2
↠ “Nobody is allowed to move! No, not even you, turtle.” -@booklover883322
↠ “But then… who are the flowers for?” -@Stariqe
↠ Even from way down here, I could see the tree frowning. -@MoonlitSeas
↠ The key was hidden in the most unexpected of places… a lime. -@opheliio
↠ He died days later, and it was my fault. -@RLove10
↠ “If only I had listened…” -@seasiide
↠ She trusted you with her life, how could you? -@Xx_Hermione_xX
↠ The room is desperately cold, and my fingers are starting to go numb. -@-Alocasia
↠ And this creates an uptight rigid mess of a person… -@Polarbear_17
↠ You are shorter than me, therefore you are a child. -@xc-egg

Word War Prompt Set 3
↠ “Well…” she grumbled, “there's a reason why the sign said DO NOT TOUCH.” -@MoonlitSeas
↠ Just as the phone rang, the explosions began. -@opheliio
↠ The person I loved most in the world was… a traitor. As the knowledge sunk in, I knew… I should have expected this. -@Telianar
↠ There's nothing I despise more than fluffy socks. -@-Alocasia
↠ The world was ending and it was my fault. -@Xx_Hermione_xX
↠ Tears filled her eyes as she scanned… -@not-a-nobody
↠ “I used to think that living like royalty was a dream. How wrong I was.” -@seasiide
↠ Who put that raccoon in my locker?? -@strange_skies
↠ “But… but… mangoes.” -@booklover883322
↠ Hands that smell like parchment. -@Stariqe

Word War Prompt Set 4
↠ “If you think you have rights in the world, you’re lying yourself.” -@seasiide
↠ The train whistle was a scream, and the smoke a monster. -@Stariqe
↠ “Hello,” said the teddy bear. “Why are you sitting on me?” -@MoonlitSeas
↠ Two souls, reaching across the cosmos, finally meet. -@opheliio
↠ Don't turn around. They're here. -@strange_skies
↠ “Enough! The crown is mine!” -@booklover883322
↠ Everyone always says not to leave the stove on, but until now I never thought they were being serious. -@Whirlygig
↠ “You must not be brave,” someone whispered, “Or else the creature will easily sense your presence.” -@Telianar
↠ “Remember, class, never leave your fairy eggs out in the rain!” -@opheliio
↠ He did one of the best things ever, he believed. -@RLove10

Alternative Word War Prompts
↠ The storm in their heart was made of memory. -@Stariqe
↠ Find x. -@xc-egg

I hope you find this compilation useful! <33

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