Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

ʚ ◦ Ris’ JWC Writing Portal ◦ ɞ


ʚ About Me ɞ
⊱ Iris/Ris
⊱ she/her
⊱ Going off of UTC for my writing
⊱ 13-16
⊱ 345/20,000
⊱ Leader of Pirate
Pirate Cabin
Pirate Word-Adding Group
Main Cabin


ʚ Dailies ɞ
January 1 ◈ 345 ◈ 400
January 2 ◈ 221 ◈ 500
January 3 ◈ 316 ◈ 500
January 4 ◈ 318 ◈ 400
January 5 ◈ 414 ◈ 600
January 20 ◈ n/a ◈ 200
January 22 ◈ 207 ◈ 350
January 23 ◈ 318 ◈ 400
January 24 ◈ n/a ◈ 150


ʚ Weeklies ɞ
January 16 ◈ ?? ◈ incomplete


ʚ Other ɞ
January 3 ◈ monthly challenge ◈ n/a ◈ incomplete
January 5 ◈ word war ◈ 214 ◈ 0 (lost)
January 22 ◈ writing competition entry ◈ 178
January 24 ◈ word war ◈ 174 ◈ 200 (won)

Last edited by Eeveedonut (Jan. 25, 2023 01:32:33)

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Kat's JWC thread

↤ Daily 1 ↦
↤ Dailies #2 to #11 ↦ (Not able to complete due to vacation </3)
↤ Daily 12 ↦
↤ Daily 13 ↦
↤ Daily 14 ↦
↤ Daily 15 ↦
↤ Daily 16 ↦
↤ Daily 17 ↦
↤ Daily 18 ↦
↤ Daily 19 ↦
↤ Daily 20 ↦
↤ Daily 21 ↦
↤ Daily 22 ↦
↤ Daily 23 ↦
↤ Daily 24 ↦
↤ Daily 25 ↦
↤ Daily 26 ↦
↤ Daily 27 ↦
↤ Daily 28 ↦
↤ Daily 29 ↦
↤ Daily 30 ↦
↤ Daily 31 ↦


↤ Weekly #1 ↦
↤ Weekly #2 ↦
↤ Weekly #3 ↦
↤ Weekly #4 ↦

⇏ ◌ Kat ◌ ⇍
⇏ ◸ she/her ◹ ⇍
⇏ ◆ writer <3 ◆ ⇍
⇏ ⋙ digital artist ⋘ ⇍
⇏ ⁂ proud new zealander ⁂ ⇍

14 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

✰ - - - ❀ - - - ✰

Mɪʀᴀ's JWC Jᴏᴜʀɴᴀʟ ..
⤷ she / they
⤷ pirate cabin
⤷ 0 / 9.300 words
all dailies + weeklies
⤷ be warned that most of my dailies / weeklies will contain spoilers for my story, so if you'd like to remain free of these if/when I do share it, I suggest you stay away!

✰ - - - ❀ - - - ✰

Dᴀɪʟɪᴇs ..
⤷ 001 . [ link ; 463 words ; 400 points ] ⤷ 017 .
⤷ 002 . [ link ; 278 words ; 500 points ] ⤷ 018 .
⤷ 003 . [ link ; 383 words ; 500 points ] ⤷ 019 .
⤷ 004 . [ link ; 258 words ; 400 points ] ⤷ 020 .
⤷ 005 . [ link ; 419 words ; 600 points ] ⤷ 021 .
⤷ 006 . ⤷ 022 .
⤷ 007 . ⤷ 023 .
⤷ 008 . ⤷ 024 .
⤷ 009 . ⤷ 025 .
⤷ 010 . ⤷ 026 .
⤷ 011 . ⤷ 027 .
⤷ 012 . ⤷ 028 .
⤷ 013 . ⤷ 029 .
⤷ 014 . ⤷ 030 .
⤷ 015 . ⤷ 031 .
⤷ 016 .

✰ - - - ❀ - - - ✰

Wᴇᴇᴋʟɪᴇs ..
⤷ 01 . [ parts 1, 2, 3 ; 2430 words ; 2000 points ]
⤷ 02 .
⤷ 03 .
⤷ 04 .

✰ - - - ❀ - - - ✰

Fᴀʀᴇᴡᴇʟʟ ..
⤷ thank you for visiting my humble journal ; may the best cabin win <3

✰ - - - ❀ - - - ✰

Last edited by miraqles- (Jan. 7, 2023 00:43:34)

❀ ❀
500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Hi, there! Please keep in mind that stealing any of my ideas is plagiarism. I work really hard on my writing, so it wouldn't be fair for you to pass one of my ideas off as our own. Thanks!
Jan 1st Daily: Happy New Year! And welcome to the first day of camp. Usually, the first day of camp is an introductory day and this is no different. Or is it? For your first day, you’ll be introducing yourself but a bit differently. Write a short scene in the third person pov where you’re introducing yourself to someone. Try to include things about yourself not only in the dialogue but in the actions as well. This scene should be a minimum of 300 words. You’ll earn 400 points for this daily!
Word Count: 396 words

My writing:

Pineapple stood in front of a rustic log cabin, the Main Cabin to be precise. She was excited and overwhelmed all at the same time. With an oversized backpack on her shoulders that had a pillow sticking out the top, she knew she was ready, but her feet were still planted in place. She inhaled a deep breath and blew a stray curl out of her eyes, “I can't wait out here forever can I?” she whispered under her breath.


Pineapple turned sharply, her long, brown curls falling over her shoulder, as she noticed a small blonde girl behind her.

“Oh, nothing,” she said, angling her blue eyes at the ground.

“Well-” the blond girl paused, rocking on her heels as she glanced around, “I'm Bree. What's your name?”

“Pineapple. That's my nickname anyways.” She answered, finally warming up to her a little.

“Oh, wait, you're the co-leader of Sleuth, right?”

Pineapple laughed, her blue eyes sparkling, “That's me.”

“Then you've been here before, last session, right? Can you show me around?”

Pineapple smiled now, feeling useful and a little more sure of herself, “Sure! Just let me put my stuff away, it's getting a little heavy.”

Bree peaked around Pineapple, her eyes widening, “Wow-that's a lot of stuff.”

Pineapple blushed, “Yeah, I uh-like to be prepared.”

“Well, I'll walk with you! Where's your cabin?”

“Just over there,” Pineapple pointed to a cabin that had a Sleuth logo and the correct cabin colors.

As they walked, a calm breeze blew and ruffled both girls' hair, and Bree glanced at Pineapple.

“So what do ya do for fun?”

“Read, sketch, take photos of nature…stuff like that.” Pineapple paused, thinking, “Oh, and hang out with my dogs.”

“Aww, I love animals! I have two cats, and I've always wanted a dog, but my Dad's allergic so-.”

“Yeah? Maybe you could do a dogsitting job, that way you could spend some time with dogs.”

Bree nodded, “That's a good idea!” she paused, glancing at her, “You're good at solving problems aren't you?”

Pineapple laughed and shrugged before noticing that they had reached the cabin.

“I'll be right back,” she said, bounding up the steps.

After finding her room and dumping her backpack on her bed, she went back outside smiling, happy she made a friend.

“Alright? You ready for a tour?” she said, guiding Bree across the park.

Last edited by school4girlsad (Jan. 22, 2023 20:46:20)


100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Ender, Any Pronouns!

Droid Cabin as a Camper, JWC ‘23.


Daily 1. Introduction, 426 Words, 400 Points.
Daily 2. Plotter/Pantser Writer, 209 Words, 500 Points.
Daily 3. Humans Having (a) Unique Body Parts, 302 Words, 500 Points.
Daily 4. Cliches, 326 Words, 500 Points.
Daily 5. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 6. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 7. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 8. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 9. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 10. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 11. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 12. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 13. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 14. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 15. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 16. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 17. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 18. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 19. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 20. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 21. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 22. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 23. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 24. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 25. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 26. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 27. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 28. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 29. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 30. Title, Words, Points.
Daily 31. Title, Words, Points.

Weeklies !!

Weekly 1. Characters(unfinished.), Words, Points.
Weekly 2. Title, Words, Points.
Weekly 3. Title, Words, Points.
Weekly 4. Title, Words, Points.

Monthly Challenge !!

Do 15 dailies.
Progress, 4/15 Dailies.

Enter the Writing Comp.
When it comes out.

Do the MBCC.
When it comes out.

Win 4 word wars.
Progress, 0/4 Word Wars Won.

Roleplay with someone from your cabin.
Progress, people I roleplayed/will rp with!
Will start a thread on my profile with @luna724 and @TheBibliophile7 !!

May vary.

Last edited by CookieRun_Kat (Jan. 5, 2023 01:01:10)

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

✄ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

About Me

Nickname ➣ Kenzie
Pronouns ➣ she/her
Cabin ➣ Sleuth (Camper)

Daily Info


Happy New Year! And welcome to the first day of camp. Usually, the first day of camp is an introductory day and this is no different. Or is it? For your first day, you’ll be introducing yourself but a bit differently. Write a short scene in the third person pov where you’re introducing yourself to someone. Try to include things about yourself not only in the dialogue but in the actions as well. This scene should be a minimum of 300 words. You’ll earn 400 points for this daily!

Points Worth ➣ 400
Words Written ➣ 330 words

✄ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

What I wrote

Scene: Sleuth Cabin, January Writing Camp 2023.

A girl walked into the cabin. She was a little short. The mysterious girl had brown hair and blue eyes. She walked over to one of the tables and sat down and she started observing her surroundings. Then she opened her mouth to speak and said, “Hi everyone! My name is Kenzie! I go by the pronouns she/her!” A few heads turned towards Kenzie. She made a big smile at everyone. She then opened her mouth to speak again and said, “I love to read books! A few of my favorite genres are Fantasy, Fiction, and Science Fiction! A few book series that I love to read are ``Keeper of the Lost Cities, Millie Maven, and Left Behind: the kids. You will normally be able to find me in a corner on my couch with my nose in a book!” Then another person in the room opened their mouth and said, “Do you go to a public school?” Kenzie opened her mouth to reply back and she said, “No! I am homeschooled! My mom homeschools me along with my two younger brothers!” A few of the people in the room spoke and told her that they were homeschooled too. Another person that looked a little shy then spoke up and said, “Can you tell us a few of your favorite things?” Kenzie did not hesitate for one second and she replied and said, “Hmm. I think my favorite color is pink but I also like other colors! My favorite school subject is math. I love math a lot!. I think my favorite animal is a cat even though I am allergic to them.” She then let out a little giggle. A few very observant people noticed that she was an ambivert which is a type of person that is both extrovert and introvert. Kenzie then sighed and grabbed Unlocked by Shannon Messenger out of her backpack. She opened it and started reading.

✄ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈


Kenzie ✿ she/her
writer ♡ bookworm ♡ Christian

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Word Count; 401 words

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Mars just wanted to go straight to the cabin and read. She knew she couldn't do that, though. Mars sighs as she truds over to the sleuth cabin and sets down her stuff. Suddenly, a girl with green eyes walks in and shouts, “I call top bunk!” then slowly adds, “Uh, hi, you're new here!”
“Oh.. yeah! It's my first time here.” Mars replies
“Wait, is that Squirm?” The green-eyed girl says.
“Yes, have you read it?”
“Are you kidding? It's one of my favorites! I've read it so many times!”
Mars smiles. Nobody knew what books she was reading, it felt like a big connection. “Wow, that's crazy. Have you read any other of Carl Hiaasen's books?”
“Yep! I've read literally all of them.” she exclaims, then adds, “Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Aurelia.” she then unpacks a bunch of books and lays them on her bunk.
“Nice to meet you! I'm Mars. I go by she/her, and I obviously love reading, singing, and playing the piano. Jeez, you've got lots of books!”
“Cool! I play the violin. And like, how could I live without books? It's a necessity. Do you think we could do a book swap?”
“That would be awesome. I've got a few books in my backpack.” Mars replies, as she sets out the books on her bed.
“Wait, you've got Scat?” Mars says.
“Yeah, it's the best of Carl Hiaasen.” Aurelia declares.
“No way, I'll bet Squirm is a thousand times better!” Mars says confidently.
“How about you check for yourself.”
“Wait, really?” Mars asks. “Thank you!”
“No problem. It's an absolute sin to not read Scat!” Aurelia jokes. “Hey, have you read books by Alan Gratz?”
Mars asks, “Huh? No idea what you're talking about.”
“What! Alan Gratz has the best books!” Aurelia's jaw drops. And Aurelia begins to show Mars some of the best Alan Gratz books.
“Okay, these are actually pretty nice!” Mars says in awe.
“Of course they are.” Aurelia says proudly. She picks up the book “Refugee” and hands it to me. “You'll love this one.” Then, she grabs the book “Code of Honor” for her to read. We both smile at each other.
After a while, Mars says, “I'm glad I found a friend” But Aurelia has her eyes closed and her book is planted on her face. Mars laughs, and she continues reading in her book.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Last edited by aIoe-there (Jan. 1, 2023 02:02:55)

-ˋˏ aloe there ˎˊ-

azlin ~ she/her ~ wip

500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily 1/1; 927 words
“Happy New Year! And welcome to the first day of camp. Usually, the first day of camp is an introductory day and this is no different. Or is it? For your first day, you’ll be introducing yourself but a bit differently. Write a short scene in the third person pov where you’re introducing yourself to someone. Try to include things about yourself not only in the dialogue but in the actions as well. This scene should be a minimum of 300 words. You’ll earn 400 points for this daily!”

Reese’s first impression of the library was to squeal in delight. Floor-to-ceiling shelves packed with books of all shapes and sizes; safe to say it was a reader and author’s paradise.

She half-ran through the door, and stood in the center of the room, slowly spinning to take it all in. The walls rose like mountains around her, stretching up towards a stained glass ceiling patterned with roses. An elegant marble staircase led to a second floor on one side, and she could see rows of bookshelves up there as well, as well as a section of chairs for reading and writing.

A delighted grin spread across her face, twisting her features into something much lighter than they’d been before. Reese let herself stand there for an extra moment, breathing in the scent of pages and ink, before hurrying to the first set of shelves. She’d just begun to skim the titles when a tap on her shoulder startled her.

Spinning around, she came face-to-face with a teenage girl, who seemed to be about her age. She had dark hair and sharp eyes, which were looking her up and down as if peering into her soul. A lean frame dressed with skinny limbs and covered in a casual sweatshirt and jeans. Her hair was knotted in a loose ponytail, which hung messily under a Yankees baseball cap. “Hello!”

Reese jumped backward, almost hitting the shelf. “Who are you?”

The girl laughed. “I’m Clea.” She extended her hand as if for a handshake.

After a beat Reese shook it. “Reese.”

Clea’s face split in a smile. “Nice to meet you.” She held the handshake for an awkwardly long time, and Reese felt her brow wrinkling in confusion against her will.

She blinked. “Um… nice to meet you too?”

“Ah, yes. Welcome to the Library! If you don’t mind coming with me, I’ll be handling your initiation process.” The other girl turned as if to lead her back towards the door, but looked back when Reese didn’t follow. “You coming?”

Reese stared at her. “What are you talking about?”

“Initiation, of course!” Clea replied. “What else would we be here for? Come along!” She tried to lead her away again, but Reese stayed rooted in place.

“What initiation?”

“Do you really not know what I’m talking about?”

Reese shook her head.

Clea frowned. “Then the situation is even more dire than I’d imagined. You really need to come with me. I’ll explain on the way.” She gently grasped Reese’s wrist and tugged her towards the doorway.

“Wait!” Reese exclaimed, yanking her wrist back. “I’m just here to look at books!”

“I’m sorry,” Clea said, “but you need to take the initiation. It’s of utmost importance, and you can help us!”

“Initiation for what?” she demanded.

A short pause. Then, “To travel through books, of course.”

The hesitancy had disappeared right then, replaced by overwhelming excitement. To travel through books? That was a deal that couldn’t be passed up, even if Reese was still a bit skeptical about the initiation.

“Okay, take a seat,” Clea said as they entered a small stone room off the main library.

Reese slowly plopped into a wooden chair across from Clea. “How does this work?”

“Well, all you have to do is answer the questions honestly! Don’t worry, they’re simple questions. This pin” -she slides a gold clip across the desk- “monitors your reactions and answers to each question, and the results determine your results.”

Reese swallowed nervously. “Okay.”

“First question: you like to read, yes?”

“Of course!” Reese replied quickly. That was easy; reading had been one of her pastimes ever since she could make sense of the inked letters.

“And what are your favorite books?”

“Ah, why this question-” She thought for a moment. “Probably the Legend series and The Young Elites by Marie Lu, the Divergent series, The Testing, Keeper of the Lost Cities, and The Thing About Jellyfish.”

Clea’s eyes went wide. “Really? I love Divergent! So you’re into dystopians?”

“Yes! That’s probably my favorite genre to read, and I really like writing in it too.”

“You write?”

Reese nodded enthusiastically. “I first started writing in 3rd grade, and then picked it up again in 6th, and it’s been one of my major hobbies since then!”

“What kinds of things do you write?” Clea asked.

“Short stories, and I’m working on developing a novel.”

She nodded. “Okay! What other hobbies do you have that could affect your book-travel levels?”

“Um… I’m not entirely sure what that means, but I like playing soccer, listening to music, and hanging out with friends.”

The questions continued, and Clea continued to interrogate Reese about books and general life. “Last question!” she finally announced.

Reese breathed a sigh of relief.

“If you were to travel into one book, which one would you go into?”

The room went silent as she contemplated for a long time. “Sorry, I’m overthinking this,” she admitted, laughing. “Probably The Unwanteds, because I’d love to see Artimé, which is a part of the world where creativity is used in a bunch of unique and beautiful ways. I guess that’d be pretty cool. Or Keeper of the Lost Cities, because I would definitely want to see the Lost Cities. Oh! And any dystopias, because I want to see what things would look like in the future, and maybe try and help them?”

“Thank you for your answers, Reese! It seems as though you’ve been accepted.”

The pair grinned at each other.

“Welcome to the Library. The written world is just the beginning.”

Last edited by TheBibliophile7 (Jan. 1, 2023 20:38:14)

reese (she/her) <3
reader | writer | swiftie
❝ who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay ❞
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

xxfierrorfalfafel thread

daily 1:
Heart pounding, Phoenix ducked behind a concessions stand. Hopefully he could hide from the monsters here. A small cough alerted xem that someone else was behind the concession stand too, and xe jumped a little. There in one of the cupboards below the counter with the door slightly open, another theater-goer gave him a small wave. Awkwardly, Phoenix waved back. This probably wasn’t what most people would do when hiding from giant dinosaurs that had come out of the movie screen, but well… When did that actually happen to people? Cupboards were a good idea though, and so he hid in another one. They weren’t able to close the door though, but it still hid them most of the way, especially since their shirt was black. He was really glad he’d decided not to wear his bright orange hoodie today. Even though he felt safer in here, he hated it. He felt trapped, crammed in this tiny cupboard. His hearing, or rather his ability to process words he heard, was already bad enough, but now sitting in this cupboard, he had just about no idea what was going on. He could still hear the roars of the dinosaurs though, luckily none of them seemed to be close by. Prehistoric life had always fascinated Phoenix, but surprisingly xe’d never been really interested in dinosaurs. So it wasn’t like they ever lay awake, wondering what dinosaurs were like, but they’d never imagined dinosaurs would be like this, especially their roars. At long last, Phoenix noticed that a bunch of the people at the theater were gathered around something in the hall. Not wanting to just sit around, xe carefully stepped out of the cupboard, and motioned for the other person to sneak over to the hall with them. They did and joined the crowd. Craning his neck a little, Phoenix could see that they were all gathered around a speaker. A voice was coming from it, but it was staticky and everyone was talking at once, which meant it was pretty much hopeless for Phoenix to try and understand.
“Well, that certainly isn’t what you expect to happen at a movie theater. It took Phoenix a second to realize the girl was talking to him.
“Yeah,” they said with a chuckle. “I mean if it were like a play, it would be kind of fun, but this is just creepy. Maybe this is why I hardly ever go to the theater.”
The girl laughed. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Phoenix and I’m thinking very hard about what my last words should be. Got any ideas?”
“You’re morbid,” the girl said with a laugh. “I’m Jaz. Last words… hmm, you got a favorite book?”
Even though there were dinosaurs in the part of the theater where the movie had been playing, Phoenix found themself lightening up a little, and was grateful to the girl. ‘Nah.. I can’t pick favorites. I mean… Dragon Rider… Mark of the Dragonfly… an ember in the ashes… song of achilles.. Percy jackson? How can I choose?”
“That’s fair. Actually I like a lot of those too. Wow.. now you’re making me reconsider my favorite book. Okay, well maybe let’s not focus on last words and let’s get out of here.”
“I got stuck in the car once when I was little cause my family closed the door before I was unbuckled. I was home and I was fine, but I’m not sure I have too much faith in myself with these dinosaurs.”
She laughed. “Okay, wow, now I’m making it my mission to keep you alive so I can tease you.”
“Oh please, I’m sure you’ll have nothing on my self-deprecating sense of humor. It’s fun to use in writing and in real life.”
“Oh you write too?”
“Yeah, for years now.”
“Nice! What genre?”
“Haha good question. I can’t answer that question when it comes to music or writing. Not that I can play music though I really want to I just never commit. I did learn piano briefly once and-sorry what were we talking about?”
“I was just asking what g-”
“Oh wait I remember,” Phoenix said at the same time. Not on purpose they just had a tendency to accidentally interrupt people. “Um, fantasy? Adventure? Little touch of romance? Honestly, I’m not really sure, but I wanna explore more genres soon. Like sci-fi and historical fiction.”\

daily 2: “He does,” Aunt Norna said with a smile. “You have three amazing big brothers, and one awesome big sister, Roscoe.”
David choked up a little, but he managed to hide it. Aunt Norna and Uncle Iskander didn’t refer to him as their son or his cousins’ brother super often. And though he didn’t like to admit it, it did feel nice when they did.
“Is he… is our theory correct?” Uncle Iskander asked, taking the baby from Aunt Norna and looking at him.
She shot him a sharp look, gesturing to David and the other kids. David knew that expression all too well. Not in front of the kids. What were they hiding from them? Theories about what?
“Is he sick?” Sheppard demanded before David had a chance to. “What’s wrong with him?”
“Nothing sweetheart,” Aunt Norna said gently, brushing a hair from his face. “Roscoe’s perfectly happy and healthy. You know, hospital food is awful. I could really use some pancakes.”
“I can make some!” Astrid volunteered, raising her hand and waving it in the air excitedly.
David’s stomach rumbled at the idea of pancakes, but he knew that his aunt had only said that to change the subject of the conversation. He thought of the toddler he’d seen floating. It definitely wasn’t Roscoe but… No. No, there was no way his aunt and uncle were talking about that. But then what was it? He looked at them, but their faces gave nothing away. He knew it was crazy, but maybe he wasn’t the only one who had some connection–really it felt more like a tether or a chain– to magic. But he couldn’t just ask about that. If his theory were wrong, what would they do? Iskander had treated him like he was a danger to the kids sometimes, what if he was?

daily 3 My little brother Jonah was born with light blue eyes. In ancient history books, babies being born with light blue eyes was perfectly normal, but ever since the motusarcoculi mutation had taken over nearly all of the human population, a baby born with light blue eyes was considered an omen.
“What does it mean?” my mother asked the midwife, her eyes the grayish green color of worry.
The midwife’s eyes were a soft rosy pink. The color of kindness and gentleness. “Well as we have figured out, before babies are born their souls live in some other world. We don’t know anything about that world, but we do know that light blue eyes are the color of sadness and sorrow. Typically babies are born with rainbow eyes for confusion and curiosity and just the feeling of being in a generally new world of course. But because Jonah was born with blue eyes, it means he carries sadness over from wherever he was previously.”
“Will he always be like this?” I asked. I couldn’t see my eyes but I assumed they were probably dark gray with fear.
“No, no. Jonah should be able to live a mostly normal life. But he may need to visit oculotherapy fairly often. And… typically babies born with eyes a color other than rainbow have a special connection with their past that most others do not.”
“What does that mean?” my mother breathed, holding Jonah close to her chest.
“I’m sorry,” the midwife said, eyes now a soft purple color that now showed her apology was sincere. “I’ve never actually seen this. So the only advice I can give is extra oculotherapy and plenty of love and care. Do everything you can to give him a happy normal life and perhaps this connection shall fade soon.”
Six years passed since that happened. Jonah’s eyes worked normally. Red when he was angry, bright purple when he felt overconfident and bossy, orange-yellow when he was happy. But there was always something strange about him. He had nightmares a lot and he had memories of the place he’d been in the past, but he could never tell us what it was like. One Wednesday, we were sharing a meal with everyone at the temple when suddenly his eyes flashed a color that I had never seen before. I’d seen black and I’d seen white. But I’d never seen this mesmerizing swirling pattern that his eyes were now. Naturally this attracted a lot of attention and I quickly pulled him into the bathroom. “Jonah, honey, what was that?”
He blinked and his eyes were rainbow. “What was what?”
I sighed and k*ssed the top of his head. “Nothing buddy. Come on, let's go pray.”
That night we were eating dinner when we heard a gasp and a crash. I ran to see what it was and found my mother on the ground. Her heart had suddenly failed and she had died. Naturally, it was a shock to me and I cried more than I ever remember crying. I won’t go into the details of my grief. If you’ve lost someone like that, you know. If you have not. Imagine the worst day of your life and imagine it worse.
We lived with our grandparents for a while, but they were old and would not be able to care for us soon. I lay awake at night, hearing them talk about sending us to the orphanage and I came up with a crazy plan.
Orphanages were known for being awful places, but surviving alone as a fourteen-year-old and six-year-old was also hard. So I searched and searched until I found a man who sold a plant that kept your eyes one color, regardless of emotion. It was the perfect thing to hide lying and guilt, because I had decided to become a thief.

daily 4: Read between the lines has always been one of my favorite sayings. The meaning of something is not always obvious; sometimes it is hidden. I have spent many days searching for secret codes in stories and pictures knowing that they are probably not there, but I let my imagination put them there and so I let my brain dig into them and see what it finds. It’s also something I see more literally in other things. Writing is a very powerful tool and is very often to sway your audience to your point of view. I love how hidden messages in good writing can be taken almost as strongly (if not as strongly or more strongly) as the more clear and obvious message. In my stories I think writing characters who are not all they seem is very fun. So I think maybe in a story it would be nice to include a character who tricks another into thinking they are something they are not. So that character will have to read between the lines and find the lies they are being told. And of course maybe I could make this more literal and give the character some mysterious manuscript that they need to decode. I have never been a fan of anyone who tried to tell me the world is black and white and I think reading between the lies is a skill we all need. Characters and real people both should take this phrase to heart and dig past the surface a little, read between the lines. So yes, I really like this and even though it’s a cliche its meaning is still important and really gives a nod to the complexities of humans and ways of communication. There are many hidden messages in things that real people and characters in my stories must read between the lines to find.

daily 5: Name: Ara Lovelace
Alias: Arlo Weaver
Age: 15
Gender: girl
Sexuality: straight
Looks: Ara is short with skin that is reddish and tanned from working all day in the sun. her hair looks black but in the sun you can see that it’s deep red. Once she wore it in a braid with a simple cloth covering which was customary for the women and girls of her village, but now that she is pretending to be a boy, it is cut short. Her eyes are a yellowish green color like many cats have. She has a nice friendly smile, though she is missing a couple teeth which is common for her people. Most of the time her expression is more focused and you can tell she is often thinking and running complicated calculations in her head. And though she is small, she has a scowl that tells you she can handle a lot worse than whatever you have to throw at her.
Personality: Ara is resourceful, creative, resilient, fearless (sometimes too fearless and getting herself into very dangerous situations) and good at adapting. Ara is also very smart but doesn’t have a lot of emotional intelligence. She’s also extremely stubborn and often doesn’t know when to stop and in a world where ignoring fights often saves your life, she joins in many of them, striving for justice.
Backstory: Ara and her family were peasants under the rule of King Lysander. Although Ara was often busy working the fields, she always found time to use her creativity for fun, which usually meant making up fun games. A lot of the kids in the village admitted she wasn’t their favorite person, but she made really fun games they could play. Everything changed though when Ara was fourteen. A man named Baxter Chekov rallied an army and declared that they were going to take the kingdom for the people and topple the throne. Ara’s father Joachim was forced to become a soldier for them, but Ara wanted to join too. She was enthralled by Chekov’s speeches of what the world would be like if the people ruled. And being a peasant, she had a lot of negative feelings for a king who constantly kept so many of his people on the brink of salvation while he feasted. So Ara cut off her hair and did other things to make herself look like a boy. She joined the rebellion as just a regular soldier, but they soon decided to give her a special job working on war machines. But now that she’s been in the war a year, she’s beginning to realize it’s not as amazing as it seemed.

weekly: Protagonist: Prospero (he/him)
Antagonists: The Siren Queen (whose name cannot be spoken by human tongue) (any pronouns really since full sirens can shapeshift, but typically she/her) and Captain Albatross (he/him and most neo pronouns from time to time)
Deuteragonists: Riley Abbot (he/they), Captain Ty Jenkins (he/him), Tallulah Jenkins (she/they), Captain Masha Cassidy (she/her), and Darcy Wilde (they/them).
Tertiary characters: Captain Cassidy’s crew, the sirens, Captain Albatross’s crew, Old Widow Flora, the children of Ketos

I was always told hatching when the gods took out their wrath on a human ship was a good omen, but I don’t know who it was a good omen for. Certainly not me. They tossed my mother out when my egg had hatched because sirens were not allowed to fall for humans. I was an ugly unsightly creature, far too human. The other sirens wanted to k*ll me, but dared not because of the omen when I hatched. I guess it did help me in one way. On our island my life was miserable and I was always treated horribly. I was forced to remain in the caves most of the time, especially when they were hunting since they didn’t want me messing anything up. That was fine by me. I remember the first year I snuck out and saw them luring people in with their songs only to slaughter them. People who looked a lot like me. I was twelve when I saw that and not long after that I swam away as far as I could and never looked back. I lived a relatively normal life in a small coastal town, taking the name Prospero from a play I saw them perform once. Until now. When I was sixteen I saved someone named Darcy Wilde from drowning. Humans here have a saying that if somebody swallows too much sea water they go a little insane, which must be referring to Darcy because he was always going on about how an albatross stole something of his and he had to get it back. I’d forgotten about him until today, my 30th birthday. Well my hatch day of course, but all these people think I’m just a regular human and I’d like to keep it that way. Today I spent my 30th birthday with the lighthouse keeper I met about a month ago, Riley Abbot or my lighthouse keeper as I like to think of him. I don’t really know how to describe Riley, but one thing about him is that he’s always loved helping people and he has the biggest heart of anyone I know. Well, there’s a sadness masking it of course because of all the ships he can’t save but I know it’s there. When he was young he and his father were on a whaling expedition when they crossed paths with Ketos, king of the whales. Everyone on that ship died except for Riley, though he lost his right leg below the knee and his right eye. Now of course, he’s a lighthouse keeper. He says he likes it up here, doing the best he can to guide ships through the safe parts of the sea near here. A sea full of monstrous whales and sharp rocks. Anyways, back to my day. I guess the signs were there. It did start off pretty weird with Old Widow Flora, Riley’s neighbor being terrified about something. But she was always scared so what difference did it make? Well when Darcy Wilde whom I hadn’t seen in a long time alongside three people who knew Riley well and whom I trusted. The first was Ty Jenkins, a retired captain of a whaling ship. Knowing what the whales were like around here, I had respect for anyone who faced them. The second was Masha Cassidy who took over Jenkins’ ship when he finally left and slew the great Ketos. Lastly is Jenkins’ daughter Tallulah who has told me about mysteries of the sea that are strange even to me, a secret creature of magic. Captain Albatross the pirate wizard king and his band of pirates have teamed up with the queen of the sirens. They don’t know why but it can’t be good. Sirens hate pirates more than just about any other humans. I have to admit, even I still hold that bias. It’s been nearly twenty years since I saw the sirens and now I’ll have to face them once more. But this time I’ll have my friends on my side. And one well-meaning but also revenge bent sort of friend. And one man whom I may now never confess my love to before I die horrifically. And of course this is all supposing we get past Ketos’s vengeful children. But hey, Masha’s crew is pretty amazing. Plus I got a little trick up my sleeve. My siren song. What could possibly go wrong?
819 words

Stock (specifically the explorer) Tallulah Jenkins//24//she/her and they/them// Tallulah has never been satisfied spending all her life on land or on boats. She has lived her entire life near the ocean and it drives her insane not getting to explore every inch of it. For years she’s been trying to get into a university for marine biology but they’re very sexist and almost never allow girls in. that of course is awful, but in her case, maybe university and that conventional type of study isn’t best for her. She is convinced the ocean holds dark and wonderful secrets of magic and she always has this itch in her bones to explore it. Slowly but surely she’s been building a submarine though that isn’t her forte, she refuses to give up and loves to see her progress.

Static: Darcy Wilde//33//they/them// (I don’t wanna give spoilers away lol so I am gonna leave out some details buuut) When Darcy was about fifteen, they were separated from their family and their only way back to them was stolen by Captain Albatross. Even before this, Darcy had separation anxiety, especially since among his people fifteen is incredibly young. Darcy was always stressed out even before this, but now that they’ve spent nearly half their life away from their family they seem a little insane and are very focused on two things only: reunite with family and get revenge on captain Albatross. As a note I would like to say the insanity is how they are perceived in their world and how they view themself sort of. This is not my view on stress or anxiety or anything like that.

Round: Riley Abbott//28//he/him and they/them//kind, warmhearted, but a little gruff, Riley hides survivors guilt by helping other people whenever he can. But he’s become something of a loner and only really ever talks to a couple people. Mostly just people he knew all his life. People who knew his story so he didn’t have to try and explain it to them. After everyone except him on board a whaling ship, including his father was killed by Ketos, he made it his mission to protect people from Ketos and perhaps earn forgiveness for having survived. He knew he couldn’t go out and directly face Ketos because he would help no one that way. Instead he fixed up the old lighthouse and became the lighthouse keeper, safely guiding boats to safe harbors and showing them paths that the Goddess gave to humans to protect them from sea monsters. Riley writes a lot and he sketches the way in which he wants the world to be. Quiet, kind, and a little sad, determined to lessen the number of sons who cry over their fathers’ untimely deaths as he did, and also a dreamer, but if things he thinks could be possible. Not really into all these wild ideas about krakens and stuff.
496 words

It was rare to be able to see so many constellations on the island of Hvalostrov. Even though Riley was a good distance from all the smoke of the villages and there were only a few people who lived around the lighthouse, there were always so many clouds. The clouds of course affected the sailors too, many of whom still preferred to trust the stars over a compass and sextant and astrolabe. Seeing the stars gave Riley comfort, knowing maybe some sailors were using them right now to stay far away from the island so close to where the monstrous whales known as the children of Ketos lived. But if they were coming toward this little island, well, it was just about time for Riley to start on his next shift. Being a lighthouse keeper meant always starting next shifts, but he was used to it. Getting a full nine hours of sleep, especially in one sitting or lying down was probably unhealthy anyway. These whales were good for one thing and that was their oil. Riley pulled a shirt on and put a shoe on his left foot. His right foot didn’t need one since it was just a peg. Then he grabbed one of the cans of whale oil and started walking up the spiraling stairs to the top of the lighthouse. When he’d first started, he’d struggled a lot to carry the whale oil and even cried a little. But now his arms and upper body bulged with muscles from all the constant work on the lighthouse. And if a job got too hard, he wouldn’t let himself cry. Because a lot of these sailors were going through way worse than he was and it was his job to help them. This was his penance. Saving lives to make up for the fact that he had survived.
He couldn’t save all of them though and he always felt guilty when he heard about another crash or another whale attack. Hvalostrov was not a safe place to live and yet for some reason everyone stubbornly stayed. Because in spite of everything, they had made a home in a place that some people might consider one of the entrances to Hell, they had made it their home and they’d even made it beautiful. Not that Riley went to the village ever really. Tallulah Jenkins who had been like a sort of little sister to him came up every week with food and supplies for him and Old Widow Flora who lived up here too. Flora’s husband had been dead as long as Riley could remember and she’d been living up here just as long. She didn’t like people. But for some odd reason, she loved Talullah Jenkins.
On days when Talullah came to bring them food, she always ate a meal with Riley and for the past several years, it had been their tradition for Talullah to help the wheelchair bound old woman over to Riley’s home so the three of them could all enjoy a meal together. Today was one of those days.
“Oh Tabitha, you’ve grown,” Flora crooned while Riley prepared their meal. He could trust Talullah to transport the food. But as for cooking? Well… he knew how she liked to experiment– without any sort of logic. He loved her of course and her wild creativity, but he knew better than to let her near food. If he got sick that would be bad.
“Talullah,” she corrected.
“Yes, that's what I said. How are your studies going?”
“Well the university is full of a bunch of dummies who think I shouldn’t be there. But I’m having a much better time studying and exploring by myself.”
“Oh, my. Such a brave girl. You know I’ve always been scared to go too far beyond my house.” Flora always said this. And she always went on about how that was the house she grew up in and when her late husband Keith married her they lived in that same house and… on and on. It was the same story, nothing exciting. But it was soothing and a good balance to Talullah’s stories. You never knew how crazy they were going to get. Especially since recently she’d grown incredibly interested in sea monsters.
“And they were telling me all about the sirens they saw. Really Riley, they’re real.”
“If we’re going to pretend creatures like that are real, can’t we at least not use our escapist fantasies to believe in sirens of all things?” he asked with a yawn as he set the food out.
“Oh Riley, dear. We should assume that everything scary is real so that way we know to be afraid of it.”
“I’m not afraid of them. I wanna study them. Learn how their song works.”
“Look, the most magic I will believe in is the Goddess and Ketos’ children, but that’s it. I grew up sailing. There’s no other magic. None. End of story.”
He didn’t realize how gruffly he said it until Flora flinched. “Oh dear… I’ve dropped my bread.”
“Not to worry, Miss Flora. I’ll get you another,” he said quickly, scrambling to the kitchen as fast as he could with a peg leg.
Just as he was handing her another slice of bread, someone started pounding on the door. Expecting the worst, though he wasn’t exactly sure that would be, Riley rushed to the door and opened it. Standing in the doorway was a short figure with wide dark brown eyes. Riley couldn’t figure out if it was a man or a woman, but they were definitely a couple years older than him at least and did not seem in the most stable state of mind.
“Is this the Hvalostrov lighthouse?”
“Er yes but-” Riley began but the person was already shoving past him and running into the house toward the door to the stairs.
“Whoa, what’s going on?” Talullah asked, blocking the door.
The stranger bared their teeth which were oddly pointed. In his peripheral vision, Riley saw Flora slowly wheeling her way out of the house. That was probably a good thing. Like she said, she got scared very easily.
“Let me through,” the stranger said, shaky and unsteady. Definitely he must have eaten some fish pie from Mrs. Havish. There was some secret ingredient in it that made people act kind of like this, or so he’d heard.
“No. The lighthouse is only for the lighthouse keeper,” Riley said gruffly.
To his surprise, the person actually started to cry. “No, no, no. Promised… they promised me you help people.”
Riley had no idea how to comfort people when they were crying, but he did have an instinct to help people. And Tallulah was suddenly very interested in the bones of her fish.
“I can help you but I can’t let you up there,” he said simply.
The stranger sat down, hugging their knees and rocking back and forth. “Have to find them, have to find them, have to find them.”
Riley frowned slightly. “Hey, it’ll be okay. Who are you looking for?”
The stranger’s eyes were big and wide. Not in the innocent way of a child though, but of someone who’d seen too much to feel safe closing their eyes. “My family. An albatross took them.” He began to laugh suddenly. A crazy laugh. One that was starting to make Riley even more worried than he had been. “When I get my hands on that little birdy-”
“Okay,” Riley said quickly, interrupting him. “Well what’s your name? Maybe we can find them.”
“D-Darcy Wilde,” they said, breathing heavily.
“Oh are you Jennifer and Maurice Wilde’s kid?”
“No, no, no, no village. Not there, never there. I need the albatross. Find his ship! Find it!” with surprising strength, Darcy gripped Riley’s shoulders and gave him a hard shake.
“Whoa, hey stop that,” Talullah said. “We’ll come up with a solution that doesn’t involve hurting each other. You say an albatross stole your family?”
Of course she could treat them like they were perfectly logical, which of course they weren’t. Riley was a dreamer, but he was a dreamer of more realistic stuff. Then again…
“Darcy, did an albatross steal your baby?” maybe he should have asked more kindly, but didn’t think of that.
“Coat. stole my coat. Can’t see my family without my coat,” Darcy lamented.
Riley and Talullah stared at each other in confusion. Why was a coat so important?

1412 words

total: 2,727

daily idk which prompt: the wind blew against the sun's tentacles. i forget who it;'s from let me go find them again
Deep, deep, deep down in the ocean there is a place where the sun goes at night. Everyone thinks the sun is just a giant burning ball of gas but they couldn’t be further from the truth. You see, dear reader, the sun is in fact a glowing jellyfish given the power to light up the world and bring us all warmth. In the day he drifts through the ocean up above us that we like to call the ocean. Golden tentacles drifting along and spreading warmth although the cold breeze tries to fight it and keep the people below shivering and hugging their cloaks and jackets tight around themselves. The sun was often sad because many people didn’t like other jellyfish or even realize he was a jellyfish. They called him different gods and goddesses, a chariot, a literal disc, and of course most common of all now: a giant burning ball of gas. But never a jellyfish. Of course they didn;t. Nobody respected jellyfish. They were just terrified of them and sometimes thought they were pretty. But jellyfish were one of the greatest creatures of all time. They’d been on earth longer than just about anything else in the world. The gods loved them and did not even have to give them brains for them to be full of great wisdom. The sun sighed sadly which was a skill most jellyfish did not possess because they had more artistic forms of communication. But here up in the sky, the sun spent many many many centuries watching humans that he had adopted many of their mannerisms. They wished people appreciated them more, but humans had never been very smart. Suddenly he saw huge fluffy, growling beasts approaching. The cloud monsters. They were always trying to block him out so he couldn;t shine down on the world. Well he wouldn’t let them today. It was not time for rain yet. There’d been too much flooding in this part of the world and the people needed his heat and light. So what if they didn;t know he was a jellyfish? They still loved him and that was all that mattered right? After all, humans were pretty dumb. He closed his eyes and shone brightly, illuminating the sky even more. He would not let the clouds cover him so easily, but he couldn’t do this on his own. Then suddenly the west wind came dancing through the sky. She grabbed the clouds’ hands then laughed and twirled off with them.

In my 5+ years of writing, my skill has developed so much that if you were to look back at my old stories, you wouldn’t be able to tell the same person wrote them. A lot of my earliest stories were fanfictions of series such as Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter and Redwall by Brian Jacques, two of my favorite series in elementary school, though warrior cats did follow me all the way through middle school and a little into highschool. In those times I was full of creative ideas and storylines, but it was getting them to work or staying motivated that I really struggled with. I also made my stories much more plot oriented and didn’t focus on characters enough. Either that or the times when the character was shown was in useless conversations that did nothing for the story. Honestly, for a kid who loved dreaming up cool twists and plots, I really could never get myself to write them for real. Even now, I still struggle with motivation but stuff like workshops with other writers or watching a ton or writing videos on y**tube has helped tremendously. My characters are more complex and fleshed out and when they’re in the story they don’t always act the same, but they act as themselves. Very few of my stories I am currently working on have the same writing process, but as I outline, I am almost always asking: “okay does this vision I had actually make sense for what the character would do? And if not, how can I change it?” Writing is a long, careful, slow process for me and that’s what’s worked out. If I’m feeling bored with a story I’ll often set the current stuff aside and let myself write the scene in that same story I’m really excited for. Then I’ll look back at the current stuff and ask myself, “Okay, could I believe that future stuff could happen? Is that character acting like themself?” If not it’s fine of course, it just means I need to be aware that this change should come over a character arc and not just be all sudden as a cool twist. Because that’s one thing I love about plot twists is that so many of them are actually detectable in the previous pages, the readers just don’t notice it because of subtle foreshadowing. That brings me to the topic of getting inspiration. Look, I’m not gonna say where I get my inspiration. There’s so many places, but a lot of the time, I have started a book, seen what I thought was foreshadowing, gotten really excited and made epic predictions about what would happen, been disappointed to find out that didn’t happen though I did still enjoy the book, and tried to write a similar story with the plot I predicted. Stories that start out like that always change a lot, but it just goes to show your initial idea may not always come through in the final product, but rather a very much grown out and developed version of that plot. I guess what I’m saying is that writing is hard work and if you have a story in your head go ahead and start writing it. Find ways to motivate yourself and if something is going wrong with your story, no one should stop you from getting rid of it, but if it is something you love, getting help or breaking my story down into small pieces to analyze where the problem is has always worked for me. Stories are the language of humanity in my opinion and it’s really something special to be a writer. Sure maybe I would feel more successful if I were better at math or something, but I love being a writer and I have grown so much and I plan on growing more.

daily jan 12 spoilers duh. also death, violence, demons, and mentions of cults


-David Ransom has a dream in which he overhears that some demons and a mysterious cloaked figure are planning something dastardly but they need a key first.
-David has a weird dream that feels like he’s in someone’s memory of some seemingly normal toddlers, but then one seems to have some sort of eldritch powers
-David meets his new baby cousin, Roscoe (pretty much his brother because he lives with his aunt uncle and cousins)
-David gets this really strong gut feeling that he has to go to a certain abandoned subway. He isn’t sure why but he asks his aunt to drive him. He also confronts her about the demons because he knows she knows they’re real. Then he gets angry because she ends up driving somewhere else instead. When he asks where they’re going, she just says they’re going to the place where it began
-Before they can get there, demons attack and David’s aunt is k*lled but his uncle is able to save him.
-his uncle blames him and he blames himself for his aunt’s death. He also can’t help but wonder if maybe he’s some monster with creepy powers that will only ever be more trouble than they’re worth. (this is a struggle that will follow him through the book, but it really starts here)
-he and his young cousin Astrid discover Roscoe glowing and floating and decide to keep it a secret, but both are pretty worried about him.
-In another dream, David sees a man and a girl about his age who are demon fighters
-In yet another dream, David meets a man named Malcolm and is shocked because usually nobody sees him in dreams like these, but not only can Malcolm see him he can even have a conversation with him and offer to train David to really be able to navigate the labyrinthian world of dreams and memories.
-David’s house is attacked by a demon and although he is able to k*ll it, he knows it was hunting him so he leaves home to go to a small town where Malcolm told him to go.
-On his way to this town, David ends up sort of teaming up with a homeless kid named Atticus who is a bit younger than him and also hunted by demons and is looking for his twin sister Ophelia though everyone believes she is dead. David finds out a lot of this by accidentally seeing Atticus’s memories
-Atticus and David meet Siobhan, Ophelia’s best friend and she reveals that she thinks Ophelia is alive too. David and Atticus part ways.
-David arrives at the town he was heading to and meets Ignatius Graythorne.
-Following series of clues he is able to open a secret door and go to a sort of secret headquarters where he meets a girl he once had dream about, named Saskia. Saskia seems hesitant to trust him, even getting slightly disturbed when he blurts that he dreamed about her, but she realizes he must be one of them and lets him inside the headquarters.
-David meets Saskia’s sword instructor/sort of brother Dante and the council of demon fighters who also seem hesitant to trust him and there’s definitely something they aren’t telling him.
-The council agrees to let David start training and he meets Bellamy who is about his age and Sequoia who is about Dante’s age.
- Sequoia lets slip that he knows some secret about David. Since David can’t really remember life before he went to live with his aunt and uncle he is immediately intrigued but Sequoia acts like it never happened.
-He does find out though that Sequoia has a lot of tattoos on her arms, similar to a tattoo David has had as long as he could remember, which he was always told had something to do with his family’s religion.
-Sequoia, Dante, and Delta are given a mission to go check out some strange activity that may be a gate being opened near Las Vegas, Nevada. Saskia and David who have quickly become friends during his time training with her, decide to sneak out after them, although they aren’t allowed to go. Saskia because she’s sick of people saying she’s not ready when she knows she is and David because well of course he wants to protect people but also he wants answers.
-However, realizing maybe they can do this on their own, they head to new mexico after david has a dream that they need to go there and they meet an old woman with a dark history with the demons who helps them and tells them to go to Phoenix, Arizona (I had to do it lol) because her son there might know about all the disappearances that have been happening around the country which most people have been blaming on a widespread cult.
-Battling demons, they go to Arizona and meet the old woman’s son as well as three boys who are looking for their friend Emeric. They find out he was captured by demons for some mysterious ritual along with hundreds more around the country and that it has something to do with whatever is happening in Vegas. David and Saskia join forces with the three boys. Ignatius, Romulus, and Wesley.
-David sees Emeric in a dream and becomes determined to actually contact him but can’t figure out how yet.
-They meet the others near Vegas and fight some demons. They also find out that the situation seems to have defused, but the strange man disappeared before anyone saw his face or really understood what he was doing, but it was clear it was bad.
-Malcolm appears to David in a dream telling him he’s found the location of the prisoners sort of and they’re somewhere in Western Canada. Although this isn’t much to go by, the group starts heading toward the border.
-battles and demony stuff lol and also stress because they don’t have much time
-David is finally able to contact Emeric and learn about his escape plan with a girl named Nerissa.
-David finds out that Malcolm and Dante were best friends growing up but Dante thinks he’s dead. David decides not to say anything.
-since traveling with the adults, they’d been using a car, but it gets totalled. Luckily no one is hurt, but walking will be risky.
-They sneak across the Canadian border and meet an old friend/demon fighter who offers them a place to rest, eat, and come up with a plan.
-In a dream, David learns from Emeric they are in a cave called fang cave. Little do either of them know, someone is listening in on the dreams.
-Climax section starts here. Yes, multiple events can be the climax if they are connected. I could just write “final battle” but that wouldn’t be enough.
-The friend from Canada drives them to the place where the cave is and the prison break/final battle begins with some more demon fighting forces from Canada joining in to help, but unfortunately western canada doesn’t have many and a lot of those who are there die.
-during the battle it is revealed that Delta is a traitor and has been working with the demons the entire time and this is a trap.
-it is also revealed that Malcolm is evil
-Emeric is killed in the battle that is still raging
-an important gate to hell is partly opened with David’s bl**d, and it’s clear that although Malcolm’s ritual will be delayed, it is still very much under way and it becomes more and more clear that David was baited here for this.
-The remaining survivors are able to chase the demons back through the gate and close it, but the gate is still unlocked.
-end of climax section and story arc heads down.
-They return home with the haunting memories of the battle hunting them.
-Sequoia and Dante decide to drive David to a church in Kansas. In that church he passes out and goes into a memory. It’s Sequoia’s memory about him as a baby. How in that church, she gave him that tattoo to protect him and hide him and also performed a ceremony so that his aunt could protect him.
-when he wakes up they tell him about his past. How he and Malcolm were twin brothers but because he was something called The Key and had dangerous powers and connections with demons, his memories were wiped and he was frozen in time. Then about a decade later his dad freed him against the council’s orders and he went to live with his aunt and uncle.
-foreshadowing/teaser for book 2

weekly 2:
Emeric Burakgazi is a fourteen year old gay boy with a love for the stage. Both life on it, or life of it watching his favorite plays and musicals such as Hamilton. Constantly being overshadowed by his prodigy twin brother Romulus, Emeric has always craved attention and sometimes he can seem annoying and a little desperate for attention. He is very passionate about and dedicated to theater, but he also has a pretty short attention span and can get distracted very easily. He’s very loud and easily excited, he’s also super friendly and full of life and trust. Bullies often use this trust to their advantage to hurt him, but Emeric has always been good at hiding his sadness and loneliness, usually behind jokes or just witty comebacks, or distracting himself with theater. Emeric speaks in a very animated way, often gesturing with his hands a lot or just using them in general when he speaks. Emeric’s main passion is theater of course, but he’s pretty good in gym class and once almost considered joining a soccer team but he decided that while it was fun he didn’t want to be distracted from theater. He has gotten very good at dance from being in musicals though and that can take a lot of strength, especially stuff like backflips. It’s clear that Emeric feels most at home on the stage.
Emeric has very light brown/tan skin, brown hair that is typically covered by a backward baseball cap, deep ocean blue eyes, and is somewhere between short and average. Emeric’s fashion sense is fairly average–t-shirts that are usually from musicals, jeans or sweatpants or just whatever sort of pants, his favorite cyan hoodie which is usually unzipped, and sneakers or vans or something like that. He likes to accessorize to make them fun though. Some examples of accessories he wears a lot are rose-tinted heart shaped glasses (which yes if you want to view that as a metaphor, fine. If this ever ever gets published and for some reason is used in an english class your teachers will love you), little colorful beads on his shoelaces, lots of bracelets, and fun earrings. He also has a pair of shoes he doodles on a lot. Emeric always has a lot of random stuff in his pockets like string, spare change, hard candies, and just random stuff. He likes doing complex handshakes and high fives. He skateboards just about everywhere, but likes to rollerblade from time to time. He also tends to live pretty much moment to moment, able to remain optimistic and cheerful where a lot of people might not be able to.
Emeric has lived all his life in a small town in Colorado not far from the Rockies his entire life. He lives there with his mom, his dad, his twin brother Romulus, and his little sister Aurora whom they call Rory. They’re comfortable and Emeric can only remember one time when they struggled to meet their basic needs when his Dad was out of a job and Rory was sick. Now they’re careful about how they spend of course, but they’re comfortable and have enough for all their kids to do after school activities.

part 2 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/728197151

Part 3: Emeric’s story I think really shows how much one’s attitude in bad situations can affect the others around them. It shows that someone who might just seem like a dumb optimistic kid can be really brave and become a leader, while still keeping their personality. It shows the importance of hope and really believing in yourself and that even if you think you’re not brave, you just might be a lot braver and better at leading than you think. It shows what one’s reactions to dangerous situations can reveal about themselves, even stuff they were not aware of. But yeah it shows the importance of hope and not giving up. But while this change can have a good effect that saves lives, showing this character the strength they have by putting them in these dangerous situations can be terrifying. It shows just how insignificant some of emeric’s old struggles are in comparison to this. It shows that he is good enough and that someone who might be viewed as just the funny best friend can be the hero. Writing out a character arc helps me understand the character better and how he can contribute to the story. By writing out this character arc it’s actually helping me to figure out some pretty important parts of the plot and how it will all go down. It also helped me figure out a place for a character that I had sort of floating around that was named Nerissa Naphtali. Now that I’ve made an arc for Emeric, I also found out more about her, so making an arc for one character can even help you to learn things about other characters. Even though he and Nerissa are so different, I can put them both in a similar situation, or even the same one and show their different attitudes toward it. This arc helped me realize that Emeric couldn’t just be the kid who got captured and then got saved–sure maybe talking to David in a dream once or twice, but that was about it. Emeric is full of hope so it stands to reason that he should use that hope to inspire other people and do something he thought he could never do. And help lead a bunch of kids and teens in a prison break out of a demon prison. Emeric might not be the main hero of this story, but by making this arc, it’s helping me get to know him better and how he can still be a hero to many. Emeric’s story might not be seen as having a happy ending, but he gave a lot of other people happy endings and always did his best to smile.

David Ransom is, in a way, scared of himself. He is scared of his strange powers, what those powers could do, and who they could hurt if things go wrong. David knows something is weird about him, and when two demons attack him, he knows it’s because of these powers, which really feel more like a curse. When his aunt dies protecting him, he blames himself and becomes terrified that the rest of his family will die in similar ways, and for this reason he forces himself to grow up a bit more, become more of a protector so that no one ever dies saving him again. David’s powers include visions in his dreams, so even in sleep he cannot escape. In these dreams he looks for an escape though and he meets Malcolm. Malcolm is a man he might not necessarily trust if he weren’t so scared, but David is getting more and more scared. He wants to face his fears though, and Malcolm offers him a possible way to be free of these powers and a way to protect his family. Even though things were complicated, and David always felt like the adults were keeping secrets from him and like he never truly belonged, it was the place he belonged most and he doesn’t want them to be in danger because the demons are hunting them, and so this fear, this love, and this determination to stop being hunted, David begins his quest.

Last edited by xXFierroOrFalafelXx (Jan. 19, 2023 22:20:37)

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 1st

As Wordy way awake, waiting for JWC to start, she found her eyelids drooping and herself falling asleep…

“Welcome to get to know that JWC-er! What’s your name?”
“Er, Wordy?” She said, glancing around. It looked like a game show set up, but no one was watching.
“Perfect! Now say that without the er and you can be our next contestant! Can you introduce yourself to us?”
Wordy considered. This man seemed legit. Maybe she could try… “Heyo, I’m Wordy, or that’s what my friends call me-”
“Where did you get that nickname?” The man interrupted. Wordy glared at him for a moment before responding.
“My real name is reallybigwords. Bit of a mouthful, don’t you think? So we took the last few letters—words—and turned it into wordy! Maybe also because my writing can be a tad wordy…”
“That’s great! But can you tell us a little more about you? Your likes, dislikes, passions, talents?”
Wordy regarded him carefully. “Hmmmm, likes.. Well I like reading Keeper of the Lost Cities and The Unwanteds, and I sometimes reread some Harry Potter. That makes one of my passions reading. I also enjoy writing. I can type 300 word replies on 30 minutes, impressive, eh?”
The man grinned and began clapping. “Yes! Yes! Exactly what we need! Continue.”
Wordy was on a roll, “I really really really hate PE. I’m good at it when I want to be, but otherwise no. Running laps around a gym for an hour? No thanks. My favorite class is band, and I play the clarinet and tenor sax. I’ve been playing clarinet for way longer, so I’m way better at it. I honestly don’t like tenor very much. Or my band teacher. I am in band advisory though. I think my greatest talent is being able to set a goal and a make a reward, and then I can reach it!”
“Perfect! You’re hired!”

Wordy jolted out of bed. It was only a dream? To bad, because she would’ve made a great contestant.

Last edited by reallybigwords (Jan. 1, 2023 05:47:30)

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Luna's dailies and weeklies for JWC

Daily 1 - 430 words | 400 points

Daily 2 - 257 words | 500 points

Daily 3 - 545 words | 500 points

Last edited by iqona (Jan. 3, 2023 02:29:56)

Hi, I'm Luna!
It's pretty rare to see me around forums unless it's camp related.
My current camps:
SWC March 2023 - Mystery
SMC April 2023 - Choral
Camp Ethereal April 2023 - Music/vocal
SVAC May 2023 - Emotion
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 1st

Ava was practically sitting in the library for hours doing her homework on Monday. It was ridiculous! What was so important about homework anyway. When Ava returned to her dorm she was struck with an idea. Return to class with no homework, and confront the teacher.

Ava had nothing against Ms. McLoughlin, but she was an easy target. Herbology homework sounded so pointless. Shouldn’t all of that work be done in class? Ava shouldn’t have to research mandrakes because the teacher was too lazy to teach them! That night, Ava didn’t even look at the herbology homework wasting away on her desk.

Ava sauntered into class. She was feeling quite confident that morning, and was more then happy to be smug about it. Most students came in with a paper clutched in their hands. Ava came in with a charred page. When Ava had woken up that morning, she had stuck her homework into the fireplace long enough that the questions couldn’t even be read. It was flaking around the edges and a big chunk was missing in the upper left corner. Ava slammed it on the teachers desk along with a paper saying: no homework! Ava smiled at the teacher.
“You have the whole evening to do whatever you like. I’d like the same.”

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 1st

I marched up to flight class. It was one of my first days here at Hogwarts, but I had already made numerous friends. Mum and Dad said I would fit right in with the other kids here, and they were right! I loved hearing stories of when Mum and Dad had fallen in love at Hogwarts, and now it would happen to me! I came over near a girl I had met in the train, Ellie. Her real name was Elizabeth, I found out, becuase we were roommates and she had hung it on the wall of our dorm. We were both in Slytherin, and we had chosen to join a dorm full of the most girls. Ellie seemed nervous today, more than she had been other days. I nudged her shoulder.
“Hey. You nervous?” I asked. She nodded quickly. I smiled at her. “It’ll be fine. I’m sure you’ll…”
I trailed off, because there before me was the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. He was a griffindor, and the red suited him will. I gaped at home for a moment before shaking myself awake. “Ellie, you see that guy?”
Ellie nodded at me and gave me a look. “Yeah. His name is Daniel. Weren’t you paying attention at sorting?”
“I can’t remember a thousand names.” I grumbled. But surely I would’ve noticed him? Before Ellie could reply, the teacher arrived. She went over the rules but I couldn’t care to listen to them as I stared at the griffindor. I only started paying attention again when the teacher said we would be practicing an exercise to get us comfortable flying. We walked over to the brooms and my heart leaped when I realized that on my right was Daniel. I checked my broom quickly before holding my hand out above the broom. I looked around. So far only one kid had had any luck. Daniel. He was way up in the air, and I wanted to join him so we could have a conversation. “Up!” The broom rose. I grinned. Maybe I would be good at this class! I looked around to make sure I was clear before trying to mount my broom. I was surprised when I first try rose a foot off the ground. “I’m doing it!” I shrieked happily. I tried to focus on going up even more, but I couldn’t. I frowned. How would I reach Daniel if I couldn’t go up? I tried again and again to go up, but the broom seemed to be broken. I began actually growling. “Up!” I yelled, but the opposite happened. My broom took a nose dive to the ground, knocking me off. “You okay?” Ellie asked, “Yeah.” I rubbed my nose. “Maybe it’s better if I stay off my broom for the rest of class.” I looked longingly at Daniel, then back at my broom. I then sat in the grass to wait for class to end.

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
81 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily 1 JWC


Sitka walked past the crowd , clutching her briefcase. Today Was her interview. Her very first interview. She had hopes of being recruited by Tuner , the global billion dollar designer company. It wouldn't be that easy to get in of course. The CEO was a secret , never revealing himself except his name was Kosher Brown. You’d never know how difficult it was for the paparazzis to actually get a picture of his face. Rumors suggested he was in 20s , cruel and cold hearted . Well who knows?
Hopefully Sitka would get her first job and salary. ‘Stay calm and cool’ , she muttered to herself.
She walked into the tallest building she had ever seen . It was quiet. Not much talking . The officials were busy discussing something in secret while drinking cups of coffee. A lady clerk sat at the table , shuffling the papers around. “Excuse me , could you please direct me where the interviews are held?” Sitka asked politely. The lady clerk looked up. Having a classic ponytail and wearing lenses. It was obvious she was a brunette since her hair was brown. “ “The CEO will be interviewing you today. Go straight and take a left. You’ll reach his office.” The clerk said casually. Sitka thanked her and hurriedly went to the CEO’s office. She glanced at her watch , 11 o'clock , she was right on time. Hesitantly , she knocked. ‘“Come in”, was the answer. As she walked in , the CEO turned around. Black hair , Deep brown eyes with a touch of spark in them along with an emotionless expression. “Introduce yourself”, said the Ceo. “Hi, my name is Sitka . I’m a digital artist and I paint currently on Krita. She said calmly. The CEO’s expression didn’t change. “Tell me about your hobbies and what you like.” That was unexpected since that wasn’t part of the interview. Not wanting to fail , Sitka continued. “I like to play wordle , bake , drink Cardamom or Elaichi tea and I like watching Netflix shows .I like reading mythical and adventure books. “ The Ceo gave a sudden warm smile . “You’re recruited.” Sitka’s heart skipped a beat. That was a rapid response. Beaming , she said , “Thank you CEO Brown!” He smiled and said , “The pleasure is mine!” With her heart feeling happy , she walked away

379 words
500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

『 ✭ 』
Welcome to Sarah's Daily and Weekly tracker! (copied and pasted from @miraqles- because I had no time to write out the numbers XD)
『 ✭ 』
⤷ 001 . Link ; 456 words ; +400 points ⤷ 017 .
⤷ 002 . ⤷ 018 .
⤷ 003 . ⤷ 019 .
⤷ 004 . ⤷ 020 .
⤷ 005 . ⤷ 021 .
⤷ 006 . ⤷ 022 .
⤷ 007 . ⤷ 023 .
⤷ 008 . ⤷ 024 .
⤷ 009 . ⤷ 025 .
⤷ 010 . ⤷ 026 .
⤷ 011 . ⤷ 027 .
⤷ 012 . ⤷ 028 .
⤷ 013 . ⤷ 029 .
⤷ 014 . ⤷ 030 .
⤷ 015 . ⤷ 031 .
⤷ 016 .
『 ✭ 』
⤷ 01 .
⤷ 02 .
⤷ 03 .
⤷ 04 .
『 ✭ 』
Thanks for popping in!

Last edited by Froggola (Jan. 1, 2023 15:47:16)

29 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Alfa's Abode

Jan. 1st / Strange Introduction / 454 words / 400 / Link
Jan. 2nd / The Revealer / 265 words / 500 / Link
Jan. 3rd / Meeting / 534 words/ 500 / Link
Jan. 4th / Cliche / 263 words / 400 / Link
Jan. 5th
Jan. 6th
Jan 7th
Will add more as I go

Part 1 / Link
Part 2 / Link
Part 3 / Link

Last edited by Alfalfa78 (Jan. 5, 2023 06:00:42)

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 1st

I walked slowly to class. The field was still a little wet from morning dew, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. But it was something my books couldn’t handle. I had three books on the topic of flying clutched in my arms, and I was afraid to ruin them by getting them wet. Luckily, I was prepared for something like this happening. I had a small foldable blanket in my robes pocket that was enchanted to unfold as many times as you needed. I invited other Ravenclaws to set their books on it as well. I also put my charm bracelets on the blanket, because I didn’t want to loose them while flying. The teacher was still no where in sight. I looked around until I spotted a dot descending towards us. I also observed that there were no brooms waiting for is to use. When the teacher landed, the students crowded around her. I wanted to be near the front, so I pushed forward until I was in the front row.
As you can see, I haven't brought any brooms for all of you today.” The teacher gestured to the field to tell them so, “This is because today's lesson will be entirely theoretical.”
Many students groaned. Mostly the Gryffindors, being honest. My fellow Ravenclaws didn’t seem quite as disappointed. I sure wasn’t. Theoretical would be fine for me, I didn’t need any real flying. Though I did wonder what she meant by theoretical. The teacher told them to take a seat. I unfolded my blanket enough so I could sit down and still see without getting my bottom wet. While the teacher explained more about the history of brooms (I already knew this from my reading last night of ‘The History of Flight’) I put my charm bracelets back on and listened as they reviewed the stuff that they had gone over. Suddenly, I had an idea. One that may impress the professor.
“Miss? Miss? How exactly would you make a broomstick?”
Before the teacher could answer, it was time to go. I was a bit disappointed, but with enough digging I could find out.

That night when I fell asleep, I dreamed of a broom making company.
He was sitting at a desk, quill in hand, yet nothing on the parchment. This design was due tomorrow, he knew, but he hadn’t thought of anything to put on it. He needed a name for the broom. As he looked out the window at the starry night, it came to him. Star Jumper. He write that at the top of the page and began drawing a sleek handle, not unlike that of the fire bolt. He had the letters Star Jumper written on the side of the handle, and at the very tip, a star. He then added the bristles that would make this broom great. He labeled the handle to be blue spruce wood, and the bristles were made of horse hair, which he knew would have to be taken from a very nice horse, a fast horse, to make the broom speedy. As he slowly dropped asleep his head hit the table and rested in his arms…

When I awoke the next morning, I had a full nights rest and a great idea. I drew out the broom, just like the one from my dreams, and put it in safekeeping so I could show it to the teacher next class…

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 1st

It was Saturday, and she was heading down to the library to check out some books for her homework, as well as return the ones she already had. The homework was due on Monday, but she wanted to get a start on it so she would have the entire day to sneak into the forbidden forest tomorrow. She had recently found a way in and a disguise. Now all she needed was someone to go with…

She walked slowly, checking around the corners to make sure no one was there. She had made that mistake once already, and was determined not to let it happen again. She was carrying a few books back to the library, along with some parchment with the scribbling of her homework. The books were quite heavy, and Ava had to lean up against the wall to not collapse. Suddenly, a kid smacked right into her and knocked everything out of her arms. At least this time she had a right to be angry.
“Hey!” She cried out, wobbling precariously before straightening herself. “Haven’t you ever thought to watch where you’re going?”
Ava bent down to pick up the books and her homework, and the boy helped her.
“Where are you even going in such a hurry?”

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #1 - 353 words
Skylar was running, faster than she ever had before. She was late for her new weekend internship at the Courier Times, and that would not be a good first impression. The train to the station was delayed, and so she arrived late. Skylar began preparing her apology response - Sorry I’m late, the train got delayed, I know this might to be a good first impression but…
Skylar arrived at the offices, and quickly checked her phone. Yep, this was the right place. With a bunch of nerves tingling inside of her, she knocked on the door, hands shaking. The door was opened by a black haired woman, who Skylar assumed must be the owner.
“Hey, sorry I’m-” Skylar started, panting heavily, but was cut off by the kind voice of one of the head journalists.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s your first day, nothing will go onto your permanent record.” the woman smiled, and placed her hand out towards Skylar.
Skylar nervously shook her hand. “Thank you,” Skylar managed no more than a murmur.
“No worries. I haven’t met many of our new interns yet. I’m Em, by the way. Who might you be?” The woman smiled, and Skylar was thankful that she had only been let off with a light warning.
“I’m Skylar,” she replied quite nervously, but slowly became more confident. “I’m 14, and from the UK. I’m interested in science, maths, engineering, art, music, politics, geography, history and medicine.” Skylar paused, remembering something. “Do you need my badge?”
“No, I don’t need it. You’ll need it from tomorrow though,” Em answered Skylar. Em gestured for Skylar to follow her, and led Skylar up the stairs. “Please, continue teling me about you!”
“Well, I do art, and music and other things in my free time…” Skylar trailed off.
“What other things?” Em asked.
“Mostly YouTube, animation and playing Minecraft with my friends. I also really like building.” Skylar was still slightly nervous.
Em pushed open the door. “Here we are, just feel free to join in. I’ll fill you in later.”
“Thank you,” Skylar replied. “I’ll see you around, I guess?"

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Jan 1st Daily: Happy New Year! And welcome to the first day of camp. Usually, the first day of camp is an introductory day and this is no different. Or is it? For your first day, you’ll be introducing yourself but a bit differently. Write a short scene in the third person pov where you’re introducing yourself to someone. Try to include things about yourself not only in the dialogue but in the actions as well. This scene should be a minimum of 300 words. You’ll earn 400 points for this daily!

Word Count: 419

My Writing:

Piper waved to her family as she stepped out of the car, hoisting her duffel bag over her shoulder and walking towards the main cabin in the middle of the camp. She smiled as she looked around the campground once again, turning around slowly and taking it all in. She loved being in nature, something she didn’t often get to experience in the city where she lived.

Walking into the main cabin she saw a couple of her old friends walking around; Jean, Moss, Dawn and many others. She also saw plenty of new faces which was always exciting! She wondered which were going to be her campers in Sleuth this session.

After she had checked in with the hosts, she was standing around waiting for camp to officially begin when another girl walked up to her.

“Hey,” she started “You’re Piper right?”

“Yup!” Piper smiled “And you are?”

“I’m Emily. I heard you were leading Sleuth this session, right?”

“Yeah. I’m leading with Pineapple!”

“That’s awesome! I’m new here so I don’t really know anyone.”

“That’s alright,” Piper grinned. “There's plenty of new writers here! If you want I could show you around a little bit before the session starts.”

“That would be great, we can go in a bit. But I kinda want to get to know someone, so what can you tell me about you?” Piper smiled and thought for a moment before answering

“Well, my name’s Piper, I use she/her pronouns and I’m somewhere between the ages of 13 and 18. I live in the PST time zone and this is my second session of JWC! Last session I was a leader for Dystopian and this time I’m leading Sleuth. I love musical theatre, so you can expect me to be singing almost anytime you see me.”

She laughed at that, though it was true; she was always either singing or listening to showtunes. Especially when she was writing

“I’ve been writing since I was 8 and love writing fan fiction and dystopian the most!” She thought for a moment and grinned “I think that’s about it!”

“Wow, that’s awesome! What musicals do you like?” Emily asked

“Ooh, that’s a tricky one, but my favorites are probably Legally Blonde, West Side Story and Matilda! But I love all of them— especially anything by Lin-Manuel Miranda!”

“I love Lin-Manuel Miranda’s stuff too!” Emily exclaimed

“That’s awesome! We’ll have to get together to chat about that sometime soon!” Piper smiled widely “Anyways, how about that tour now?”

Last edited by Piper_Camps (Jan. 1, 2023 23:43:59)

Piper ➸ She/Her ➸ Avid Reader/Writer ➸ Theatre Kid ➸ Ravenclaw

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