Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Weekly #3 Pt. 1 1/18/23
word count: 938
points: 800

Serenity walked along the forest’s dirt path. The dirt was wet from yesterday’s rainfall so it was basically mud. Every step that Serenity made had a squelching noise, so much for ‘hiding in the shadows.’ Suddenly the leaves of a bush nearby rustled, Serenity whipped around but nothing was there. She then heard it again seconds later, the leaves rustling, some even gliding to the ground.

“Hello, anyone there?” she yelled, her voice echoing in the forest, she could hear a distant hooting of an owl, who? Who? Who? It seemed to screech. Yeah who, repeated Serenity in her head. Ignoring the unsettling feeling that something or someone was definitely following her, Serenity pushed ahead. As she neared a small clearing she saw a small flash of light shine ahead. Curious, she pushed ahead, she wasn’t watching her step and stumbled across a vine on the ground, she could hear the loud snap and as she fell to the ground she could hear the sickening pop of her ankle as it got sprained.
(word count, 174)

I popped the sweet treat that I’d received from the fairy into my mouth. It was a serious explosion of flavor. As soon as it came in touch with my saliva, I could hear it fizzle and pop. Then the flavors, I thought I tasted the stomach twisting taste of lemon but then I tasted the sourness of passionfruit. As I kept it in my mouth longer I could feel the sourness progress to blandness. Though there was still the occasional pop in my mouth. The candy had also gotten real hot at some point like a candy that has been in someone’s hands for too long. I then tasted the light sweetness of cotton candy, it soothed my scorching tongue, providing it safety. Then as I got to the center the candy turned salty? It was as salty as a spoonful of salt, it was drying up my tongue. I struggled to spit it out, then I gulped a cupful of delicious tasting water, water had never tasted that good.
(word count, 172)

The forest had an ethereal vibe to it. Dainty like sage green vines draped from one branch to another. The sun reflected off the silvery dew resting upon the leaves of the vines. Amongst the ground there were bunches of small wild flowers. Ranging from dark gold to bright pink. One flower caught my eye. It was hidden in the shadowed right corner of the small clearing. It glowed, literally. An aura of ice blue light circled the flower. The flower itself was quite big, as big as my head! It was like a peony, several layers of delicately grown petals. Its color on the other hand was very different from a peony, in fact it was a dark indigo color. As I approached it I could see the center of the flower housed some small insects. I glanced closer, no not insects, they were fairies. They were about as big as a fingernail with sharp chins and small iridescent wings that shifted colors from the growth of the flower. I could see that they were asleep laying on their sides. Suddenly one awoke, rubbing their small hazel eyes, as soon as they saw me their eyes turned red and they flew for my face.

As I walked into the kitchen I could smell the savory flavors of my grandmother’s cooking. From the mouthwatering smell of buttery corn to the sharp scented pepper of the mashed potatoes. I could smell the sweet sugary scent of the apple pie with its delicious apple-y-caramel-cinnamony-y taste. Next came the refreshing pleasant smell of the cucumber salad on the counter. I could smell the garlic and the salty soy sauce. Moving on I looked to see what my sister was making. She was making some type of dessert, to be honest it looked inedible. It had the sickening sweet smell of gooey marshmallows mixed with the spicy scent of sriracha! Sriracha?! Did I smell that wrong, no, in fact I didn’t, a big container of Sriracha was on the counter half empty. I retched a bit in my mouth, I was not going to eat that.

“Mira, come over here and help set up the table!” my mother shouted, great a distraction, it would take my mind off that dessert, should it even be called dessert?! My sister was obviously trying to poison us.

I reached down into the frigid snow, the snowflakes melting with contact against my skin. The cold immediately pierced through my skin. I could feel it climbing my arm leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. I continued digging in the snow, I should have had some sense to bring some gloves but for some reason I didn’t. My fingers were near numb, barely able to feel anything anymore, but I could still feel the sharp end of the metal box I was looking for. The box was even colder than the snow, the cold from the box pierced like needles through my skin. I quickly retracted my hand wanting to warm it up. Huffing again my hand I could slowly start to feel again. My hand felt stiff and painful as I tried stretching it. I scolded myself for not bringing gloves. Who would go digging in the snow without a decent pair of gloves? I grabbed the only thing that was keeping me warm right now other than my coat, my scarf. The scarf was scratchy and itchy around my neck but not much around my hands. The warmth immediately seeped through into my hands, what a delight!

Last edited by Pinkmouse773 (Jan. 20, 2023 04:04:07)

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
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100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #19

One of my characters, Laura, has mysophobia. Which means, if you didn't know already, she is afraid of germs. Also called germophobia, Laura gets extremely nervous when she touches anything. She always wears gloves. Laura is an orphan although maintains herself better than the average teen. She still lives on the streets and cries for hours on end just because a car splashed rain water from the side of the road on her. She has so much talent but her fear is only blocking the way. Laura panics a lot when she gets very dirty. She desperately tries to rub it off. Because of this, her dad left early and her mom died of disease, which is why Laura wasn't close with her mother, because she had a disease and Laura did not want germs all over her. The orphanage she was sent to was very dirty and horribly maintained. Laura ran off the day she was sent and could not bear the smell, the food there was usually expired - deceased children haunted the air. She cannot keep a relationship with anyone therefore she was alone, until the bread baker chases her and she finally gets rid of her fear slowly overtime with her spy unit's help.

-ˋˏ aloe there ˎˊ-

azlin ~ she/her ~ wip

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Word wars with @Coding_Captain_UG

Time: Five minutes

Maybe if I tried to understand you better, you wouldn't have gone off with Sophie.
Maybe if you had tried to understand me better you would have stayed.
The moral?
None of us really cared whether we broke up or not.


My dog found you yesterday.
You were in a club, and Sophie had abandoned you.
Did I bring you home?
Of course.
But did I let you stay?
That is still to decide

I did not let you stay, since the first thing you did after waking up was call out Sophie's name.
'Sophie', you said. It infuriated me to hear the blonde girl's name.
I wanted to crush her like a pack of soda cans.
And I threw you out of my house in anger, you not minding, as you went on your way to finding your new loved one.


I sat next to my dog, wondering why you wouldn't come back home and instead go with Sophie.
It was my mistake, of course.
I shouldn't have met her at the cupcake shop.
I should've stayed with you instead of buying the pastries for my brother.
Maybe if I hadn't introduced that snake to you, you wouldn't have gone running off with her, leaving me alone.


It had been two months, and you had come home.
Guess why?
Sophie had abandoned you for a man with more salary. And you came crawling on your knees back to me.
What else could I do but accept?
But you would have to work on somethings, wouldn't you?
Those things you had broken while going off.


Sophie came knocking on our door today.
I shoved her and then tried to choke her, only to be stopped by you.
You told me it wasn't worth it.

I told you,
I don't want to
be part of another

Oh by the way,
what's the name
of the book?
*furious typing*

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Word War - 171 words, 3 minutes, (i was tired)

Aimee dashes out the door. “Hi Mom! Hi Mama!” she shouts. “Slow down!” Mama yells after her. Aimee ignores, running down the street for the bus. “Oh no oh no oh no oh no” she whispers. “I'm gonna be –” suddenly her brother's car pulls up and honks at her. “Come in, sleepyhead” he says. “Ugh, Max, Be quiet” Aimee murmurs, grumpy from the “You're going to miss the bus anyways. Just come in” he replies as Aimee hops in. He goes over the speed limit– but it didn't matter, Aimee was going to be late, and she didn't want to fail the history quiz just because she was late “Faster!” Aimee yells. “I'm already going to get pulled over, relax!” he shouts back. Then, as if it was jinxed, they get pulled over by a cop “Please sir, I'm going to flunk a quiz that I haven't even taken! I studied so hard” I look at the man with the puppy dog eyes. He laughs. “Alright, I'll let it slide” He finally says, smiling.

-ˋˏ aloe there ˎˊ-

azlin ~ she/her ~ wip

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Dear Quill Pal 1

Ava walked into the library, clutching parchment, a quill and ink. She had signed up for the quill pal program, which she assumed was like the pen pals she was used to back home. She sat down at one of the various desks and spread the parchment out across the desk. She wanted to get the letter just right, so she could be seen as older and even more mature. She spent a moment thinking before dipping her quill into the ink. “Dear Quill Pal,” She would write carefully, making each letter neat and tidy. She had to think back on her day before continuing. “For such such a warm day, nothing can seem to warm my spirit.” It was true, she had been feeling quite down that day. She would dip the quill in the ink well multiple times throughout the statement, marveling at how magical fold still used a quill and ink when there were much better muggle inventions, like pens and pencils. When she was sure the letter was sounding how she wanted it to, she would continue. “Most people have been nice, but I feel I don’t belong as a muggle born witch among purebloods.” That was true. She knew many in her own house didn’t like her for where she had came from, and thought pureblood was superior to all. She thought back to the first day on the train when she had met the rude boy who had called her a mudblood. She would thoughtfully dip the quill in ink again and scratch more words onto the paper. “I miss my home dearly, even if it isn’t the best place to be for me.” Growing up in the Winchect home, being magical had been strange and unheard of, and she would be punished whenever something uncontrollable happened. It hadn’t helped that her magic was always changing her appearance with her mood. “But it’s home, the place I grew up. Do you feel the same?” Maybe they didn’t. Maybe they thought Hogwarts was home. With a start, Ava realized that she had been writing just about her. “I hope this letter finds you well.” She would add hastily. Then with a flourish, she would sign her name at the bottom. “- Ava Winchect”. She would roll the parchment up carefully and leave the library, feeling a little better with her feelings off her chest.

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Dear Quill Pal 2

Ava would walk into the library with an arm full of parchment, fists full quills and head full of thoughts. She had many classes homework to complete, but the cogs in her mind wouldn’t stop turning, and she just had to write them down on paper before they were forgotten. She set everything down at a desk and took one of the rolls of parchment. “Dear Quill Pal,” she would write across the top, as you should always do when starting a letter to your quill pal. “I’m glad the weather is warm,” she would pause to consider what to write next. There had been many new sights throughout the last month, but she decided to show off her joking behavior. “it has allowed me to explore the grounds better. The Great Lake looks so inviting, don’t you think?” She would smile as she write, imagining jumping into the lake and breaking the layer off algae on the top. She shook her head and quickly scratched a few extra words. “Only kidding, of course.” But maybe she wasn’t so kidding, becuase her brain got whirring again, chugging along like a steady train with Ava hanging on for dear life at the back.

Ava would turn the words from Cynthia’s letter around in her head before carefully writing, “I’m glad you think so, because most people have been giving me stares,” and not able to leave it at that she would add, “most in my own house. I wish they’d see me as an equal among them.” That was true. She hadn’t even said anything about her blood, but people were stilling giving her looks by the questions she asked like ‘what’s quidditch’ and ‘how does the portrait move’. Ava had learned to keep her questions stored in her mind until she could come here to research them. After all, weren’t slytherin’s supposed to be cunning?

Ava was ready to move on, so she wrote a question among her previous sentences. “What is homeschooling like? I’ve always gone to public school.” She headn’t enjoyed public school very much people were always avoiding her becuase of the unexplainable things that happened around her. And if she was being honest, she found most of the lessons rather boring. Perhaps with homeschooling you were allowed a little more freedom.

Ava approached the next topic slowly, unsure how to approach it. She could be upfront and just tell Cynthia about her home, she could lie, or she could ignore the questions. She couldn’t help but wonder if ignoring it was the best option. Remembering how she had felt lighter last time she had written her secrets, she decided to tell the truth. “My home was never the greatest place for me. My mum died when I was just a little baby, and so it’s always been me and my dad, until he married my step-mum. My step-mum has favorites in the house, including my step-brother and half brother, and since my dad has always been head over heels for my step-mum, he doesn’t object much. I truly don’t know what he sees in my step-mum, she’s usually grumpy and moody. I suppose she somehow passed her moodiness down to me, I will admit.” I barely paused to take a breath as I rushed to finish writing the stream of thoughts that had followed the first word. I did feel a little better writing it down, but not as much as before. I was really just feeling ready to move on.

After reading Cynthia’s description of herself, I decided to write mine as similar to hers as possible. “I am Ava Winchect, a first year slytherin as you can guess. I don’t really have many passions, other than reading, I do have a soft spot for books.” Ava loved books. She was always going to the library at book and getting stacks to get home. Books provided a safe haven away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Ava reflected on her classes and realized she had been dong well in transfiguration so far. “I’ve taken on a knack for transfiguration I suppose, but I always find the homework a little confusing.” Atoms, neutrons, protons, call them what you’d like, I always got them mixed up. “I would love to be on my house quidditch team, but I’d like to learn more about the sport before.” Given that the only thing she knew about the sport was its name, she probably wouldn’t be the best on the team. Or maybe she would be a natural.

She decided she would end the letter like she had ended the last one. “I hope this letter finds you well.

- Ava Winchect” She signed it with a flourish. She had her doubts about sending it, but before she could tear it up she shoved it aside and tried to focus on her more important homework.

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023


“Blah, blah, blah. Blah blah!” That’s what I heard that morning. It was rare for me to be daydreaming during morning announcements, but that's what I was doing when the big announcement came. Dawson could tell I wasn't paying attention, and elbowed me, hard, right in the ribs.
“Ouch!” I squealed quietly, rubbing the spot where her elbow had gone. “What was that for?”
Dawson shook her head and sighed. “You clearly aren't listening. Dad just announced a pill that will make us smarter!” I looked at her in confusion. The science for that already? I guess that’s what happens when you make everyone work all the time, unlike in the dry age. Most people had forgotten the stories of people who lived on big lands with barely any water. Now all we had was water. Most people had forgotten stories of people who worked a few hours only, and did leisure activities. Now we all did work, work, work. School, school, school. I hadn’t forgotten the stories though, and I didn’t want to forget.
“My dad said everyone, even the adults will be required to take it!” Dawson grinned happily. “Isn’t that great? Now he won’t always be nagging on me to get better grades”
“Uh-huh, great.” I glanced around to see if anyone else was suspicious. Our society was great, but it wasn’t that great. There was no way a pill for that was ready. I couldn’t share my suspicions though, because the bell rang to announce the start of school. No one meandered through the halls, because everyone had somewhere to be. The pristine school building was brand new, made with a new kind of technology that allowed students to look out the translucent windows, but no one was able to look in. I was staring out at them when a tug came on my arm. I was jerked into a closet so quickly that when the door shut and the pitch blackness covered me, I couldn’t see who grabbed me. I hear something scurry across the closet floor and shudder.
“You don’t believe they made a smart pill.” The person who pulled me into the closet could’ve said it as a question but they didn’t, they said it as a fact. The bell rang and I now knew that everyone was in class, being the perfect citizen. He moves in front of the door to barricade it from anyone else entering. He’s still holding me by my arms, with me turned away from him.
“Yeah, I think that’s impossible.” I craned my head to look at the blurry shape of a person behind me. He’s mostly obscured by the shadows, but I can see his silhouette.
“I’m Nolen.” He turned me around so that I could face him.
“Yeah, yeah, your Lynn. I know” I gaped at him, surprised at how much he already knew about me. I wasn’t anyone special in society, I was just another person.
“What if I told you they are using the pill to erase everyone’s memories?” He seemed serious. It seemed impossible to me, but I shrugged.
“A possibility.” It did seem as abstract as the idea of them having a smart pill, but anything was possible at this point.
“How about the reality.” Nolen seemed so sure, and I couldn’t help but wonder… “An anonymous tip.” He explained, as if that made everything true. He could tell I was still apprehensive and I quickly thought of something to say that would make me seem less so.
“Okay, and if this is true, how do we prove it?” I put my hands on my hip and raised an eyebrow artfully. I could hear my name over the announcements. “Lynn Fartask, please report to the office.” Nolen ignored it, and so did I, though I faltered for a moment. Should I stay or go?
“We break into the governor's office.” He said it so matter of factly I was beginning to wonder if he was insane. “I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but then we can prove that they’re doing something, and if they’re not we can drop it.” He watched me think for a moment.
“I have an idea…but, I’ll need your help.”
“Are you ready?” Nolen asked.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Then let’s go.” He took off to the side of the house and began moving his feet and hands up the textured siding of the house. It was grueling work, I could tell, to climb up there. I knocked on the front door, and Dawson and her dad were there. Dawson was the governor’s daughter and basically the key to my plan. “Ready to go?” I said with a grin on my face.
“Yep! C’mon dad!” Dawson was so excited, but she had no idea what was actually happening. I had invited her and her dad to go check out an opera with me, and because me and Dawson hung out sometimes they had no reason to be suspicious. They had agreed, leaving Dawson’s dad’s office open for Nolen to check. I had to stay vigilant, and so did he. I barely watched the or listened to the opera and instead observed the people. He would be out of there long before the opera was over. Or so I thought. We were about a quarter of the way through the show when the curtain closed and when they reopened, a lab worker was holding containers of smart pills.
“Your show has been selected to get the first dose of the smart pills!” While the crowd cheered, oblivious to what they might be, I slipped out. I knew what was coming was required. I sprinted to Dawson’s house to find Nolen just exiting the window. There was a solemn look on his face, and I knew what that meant. I couldn’t lose the memories, no, I wanted to keep them, and judging his face he wanted to too.
“C’mon.” I grabbed his arm and dragged him back to the opera with me where the first of the people were spilling out. I pulled him inside and whispered as quietly as I could. “Pretend to take it, swallow it, but find me after.”
I separated from him then, and walked back to Dawson and her dad. Her dad was standing aside, and when the time came for us to get the pills, the lab workers waved him aside. I swallowed the pill when it was my turn, and hoped desperately my plan would work. I had no idea what was in the pill, but the concoction made my throat burn. I began walking out there only to be held back by an officer. He holds me there, long enough for me to know my plan has failed. It’s too late to choke it up, get it out of my system. They knew my plan all along. They were watching. My memories will be erased, along with everyone else in the city, and all I can hope is that someone, anyone, will remember the past.
It was rare for me to be daydreaming during morning announcements, but that's what I was doing when the big announcement came. Dawson could tell I wasn't paying attention, and elbowed me, hard, right in the ribs.
“Ouch!” I squealed quietly, rubbing the spot where her elbow had gone. “What was that for?”
Dawson shook her head and sighed. “You clearly aren't listening. Dad just announced a pill that will make us smarter!”

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

The Games - my writing competition entry!

2,270 words - 145 lines

Narrator: There were once 4 kingdoms, ruled by different leaders with different personalities. The first one was the kingdom of Lairia, which symbolized loyalty and innocence. The second one was the kingdom of Dixenia, showing strength and bravery. The third one was the kingdom of Vridora, showing intelligence and patience. Well, the last domain was what the other kingdoms despised greatly, the kingdom of Anastasia, where nothing happens there except war and bloodshed. But maybe the queen of Anastasia got a little bored and decided to invade the kingdom of Lairia one day…

Allie's mom: Allie, I need you to help with harvesting the crops!

Allie: Ok, coming mom!

Allie's mom: Thank you, honey, these are a lot to harvest for the village.

Allie: Oh it's no problem! Where are Alex and Alice?

Allie's mom: Oh, they're helping out with the animals.

Allie (narrating): If you're wondering who I am or what this place is, I'm Allie. And this is the village of Speria, located in the kingdom of Lairia. You see, loyalty and innocence are no joke. We're loyal to all our peers and we will always see the good in other kingdoms, or at least try I guess… Every day in the village of Speria is just working. I bet those other kingdoms can't do half as much as work as we could, we're just too good!

Alex: *sigh* another day of work is done, thank god.

Alice: Hey! Don't complain, at least you've got a house.

Allie: Those two are my younger siblings, Alex complains all day about the huge amount of work while Alice would've complained about the work but she likes flirting with the boys while “working”.

Alex: Allie where were you? We could've used a lot of help… or I at least

Allie: I was helping mom with harvesting the crops.

Alice: *gasp* That means… more village dinners?! I can finally talk to- *ahem* I mean to be able to taste great food!

Allie: Speaking of dinner, let's have our PRIVATE family dinner in the house.

Alex: Yeah Alice, don't get all dreamy about the guys.

Alice (Pretending): Um what guys?

Allie (slightly annoyed): Let's just go back, or mom's going to be worried sick.

Allie (Narrating): The three of us made our way back to the cottage we were staying in, being greeted with an amazing smell.

Alex: Wow, what's that smell?

Alice: It's dinner silly!

Narrator: They were surprised with a whole feast along with our neighbors.

Alice: Wait, we're having dinner with the neighbors?

Allie's mom: Yes! Feel free to-

Allie (Narrating): But of course, she didn't have to finish since Alice already made her way running to the neighbor's two sons

Allie's dad: You know our baby girl's grown up when that happens

Allie's mom: *sigh* well you two can go ahead and sit down.

Allie (Narrating): Alex went to sit down but I just couldn't. I felt oddly dizzy and I knew that I didn't feel like that a few minutes ago… what was going on now?

Allie's dad: What's wrong?

Allie: I don't feel very well… I think I'm just going to sleep early.

Allie (Narrating): Alex shot me with a look that said ‘don’t leave me with nobody to talk to!' but I shook my head and went over to my room. I lay down on my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Narrator: The next day…

Villager #1: Everybody run!

Villager #2: Leave everything behind, we need to get out of this place!

Allie: What…

Allie (Narrating): I woke up in confusion, what was going on? Why were villagers shouting all over the place? This just didn't seem like the normal village of Speria at all…


Allie: What's going on?! Why is there nobody here… What happened? Where's my family? Did they just… leave me?

Allie (Narrating): The thought of it was horrifying, especially through all the memories I've made with my family. But I refused to believe that my family left me, even if there were shouts from villagers just a few minutes ago. My train of thought soon got interrupted by the sounds of footsteps.

Allie: Hey! Who's-

Allie (Narrating): But I couldn't finish my sentence… because everything went pitch black.

???: Hey, you're finally awake.

Allie (Panicking): What the heck?! Who are you…

Raven: I'm Raven, your tour guide.

Allie: Excuse me, what? Tour guide?

Raven: Yes, I'm giving you a tour around the castle.

Allie: Castle… Where am I?!

Raven: You're in the kingdom of… Anastasia

Allie: The kingdom of- No… no… no no no no! I can't be stuck here, am I dreaming? Was this a prank from my siblings because if it is, it's not funny!

Raven: This is no joke. You're in the kingdom of Anastasia

Allie: Then if it's no joke… I'm just going to spend the rest of my days here?! Where is my family? Where did you take them?!

Raven: I don't know about your family, but I'm a prisoner just like you. They just ordered me to be your tour guide and if I don't, I'm going to be forced to battle.

Allie: Battle… so it really is true isn't it. Well, why don't you start the tour then and we can get this over with?

Raven: Alright so here's…

Allie (Narrating): I just couldn't listen to the tour right now, because if I was in the kingdom of Anastasia… I didn't really have much time left to live. Everyone knows what happens when you step foot in Anastasia… once you enter, you can never come out. How am I supposed to do this?! I need to find a way to escape… I need to-

Raven: Hey, are you listening?

Allie (Startled): Oh! Yeah.

Raven: I get how you feel, I felt the same way too. I haven't found a way to escape but it's worth a try especially since the more people, the better. How about let's be friends

Allie: Hmph, sure. I'm Allie by the way

Raven: Alright Allie, so why don't we continue the tour?

Allie: Sure, I guess. *whisper* but remember that we're only doing this tour to find ways to escape

Raven: Oh I promise there's nothing that helps here, I've done this tour a million times.

Allie: Well then doesn't that mean you've got a bunch of friends that can help you escape as well? That'll help a lot

Raven (Serious): Allie, they're d34d. They're all d34d. It's because they either got picked to fight or didn't obey the queen.

Allie: I… I see…

Raven: That's why you have to follow all the rules here, I can't bare to see one of my friends getting killed again.

Allie: Yeah I will, especially after what you just said.

Raven: Good. So, I guess this tour has ended.

Allie: But there are not enough ways that could help us escape!

Raven: Of course, there's not. Didn't I tell you already?

Allie: *sigh* of course you did, well what can we do now?

Raven: We can start by seeing how the queen hosts her arena battles

Allie: We're allowed to actually see them?

Raven: Yeah of course we are, now let's go.

Allie (Narrating): Why did I feel so nervous? Like something bad was going to happen to me? I just didn't feel good going outside and seeing the arena… I could already hear the loud cheers coming from inside the dungeons.

Ruby: Welcome everyone to our next battle I am your amazing queen Ruby, so get ready to see the best time of your life!

Crowd: *cheering and clapping*

Allie: What is this? How do people even enjoy stuff like this?

Raven: It's the kingdom tradition.

Ruby: 3… 2… 1… FIGHT!

Allie: No… I can't watch it.

Raven: That's fine, nobody can…

Allie: Hey, who's that?

Raven: The one next to the queen? That's Alora, she looks like she's being forced to do orders but she wouldn't bother helping any prisoners escape.

Allie: Well we could try right?

Raven: I don't think it's a good idea…

Allie: So you didn't try it, did you?

Raven: Of course not! It's a dumb idea, she could tell the queen!

Allie: We have to try it, I know that in her eyes she wants to get everyone out of here. She's not like the queen, she can help us.

Raven: Alright, but she only comes here once every 5 months. You better make sure to follow the rules because anybody who doesn't ends up fighting in the arena.

Allie: Of course, I will. So 5 months of waiting right?

Raven: She came 3 months ago, so we only have to wait 2 months to get her to come back.

Allie: Alright, so 2 months of waiting? That's enough time for me to get to know this place.

Allie (Narrating): But it wasn't. Two months went by in a blur and the castle was still a whole mystery. But the good thing is that I got to know Raven a bit more. Turns out that he was from the Kingdom of Vridora, and he told me all about what people did there. Apparently, they were known to be really smart and strategic and spent most of their days studying all the ways to improve their technology. Then, I told him about how the Kingdom of Lairia was all about going with the flow and living life by working together as a team. We realized how different we really were after all and kept talking about how hard it would be if we switched places. I gotta admit that I was going to miss him once I escaped this kingdom.

Raven: Hey, Allie! Do you remember?

Allie: Remember what?

Raven: Our plan! Alora's coming today, we need to tell her.

Allie (Narrating): Oh no, I was so concentrated on talking to Raven every day that I forgot all about why we were doing nothing in the first place.

Raven: So…?

Allie: Oh, right! Alora's coming today… how about you tell her all about it? I don't feel very well today…

Raven: Are you serious? Whatever.

Allie: Sorry…

Allie (Narrating): Half of it was that I was nervous, but the other half is that I actually didn't feel well. It was the same dizziness as I felt when I was at the family feast with the neighbors. Was I going to fall asleep and then wake up in my cottage the next day? Is this really all a dream? All I wanted to see at this point was nothing. I lay down in bed and drift off into a deep sleep…

Guard: Hey you! Wake up.

Allie (Startled): W-what?!

Guard: It's time. You've been here for too long.

Allie: Wait… you mean…?

Guard: You're in the waiting room to get out to the arena. There are still prisoners fighting so you can't get out into the arena just yet.

Allie: No… What did I do? Why do I have to do this?

Alora: You can't escape, and you know that.

Allie: Alora… What did you do to Raven?

Alora: That's nothing for you to know.

Allie: It's everything I need to know! What did you do to Raven?

Alora: The gates are opening, please get ready to fight your opponent.

Allie (Narrating): Before I could fight back, the guards pushed me out into the arena. I looked around feeling all the eyes on me, everyone was cheering and clapping. Such heartless creatures, then I heard that disgusting voice.

Ruby: Welcome everyone to our next battle I am your amazing queen Ruby, so get ready to see the best time of your life!

Allie (Narrating): If it wasn't even worse, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my opponent was… Raven?

Raven: I'm sorry Allie… but I had to do this.

Allie: What do you mean?

Alora: Ahem! I believe we have a problem.

Ruby: Excuse me? What do you mean we have a problem?

Alora: *whisper* you should run through the back gates.

(Alora pushes Allie over to the back gates)

Allie: Aack! What the heck?

Raven: Run… NOW!

Allie: *panting and running*

Ruby: Ugh… everyone, get them!

Allie: No… I'm not going to lose!

Guard: You think so?

Allie: Yes I do…

(Allie kicks the guard in the stomach and runs away)

Guard #2: You won't get away from- Aah!

(Guard #1 catches up to Allie but she moves just in time making the guard charge toward guard #2)

Guard #2: What was that for?

Guard: It wasn't meant for you it was meant for… Hey, she's getting away!

(The scene changes to an elegant ballroom with people enjoying their dinner)

Noble #1: Oh isn't this day absolutely wonder- AAAH!

Noble #2: What is going on?

Noble #3: A prisoner is on the loose!

(Turns out Allie had just walked into a fancy party, making the nobles frantic and the guards lost in the crowd)

Allie (Thoughts): Yes! I can't believe it, this is actually working! One last door, one last flight of stairs!

(Allie finally saw the light of day at the other side of the last door she had opened. She was finally free from this horrifying kingdom. But they could still find her so she decided to run into the forest to hide)

Allie: Raven… I didn't know that this was your plan. But don't worry, I'm going to find you one day and get you back to your kingdom! Just like how you did with me, I can't thank you enough. So please, hang on there. I will find you.

Hi, I'm Luna!
It's pretty rare to see me around forums unless it's camp related.
My current camps:
SWC March 2023 - Mystery
SMC April 2023 - Choral
Camp Ethereal April 2023 - Music/vocal
SVAC May 2023 - Emotion
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Character from @schoolforgirlhd
1025 words!

A single raindrop hits the sidewalk. I blink, and look to the sky. In a second the sky has turned from clear blue, to a dark gray. The damp scent of a storm fills the air, and I inhale. More raindrops spatter on my guitar. Enough playing for today, the piano man will be here soon.
Right on cue, a blind man carrying a battered piano comes and sets it up next to my spot. Don’t be fooled by his lack of equipment, this guy is amazing at music. His fingers scatter along the keys, creating a beautiful melody. I hum along while packing my guitar into its case.
There’s not much cash in my hat, but I don’t mind. I play for people to enjoy my music, and to spread a little joy into the world.
It’s what Dad would’ve wanted.
He was the one who taught me the guitar in the first place, the guy who made me promise that whatever happened I would make sure to keep on practicing.
He died eleven years ago, in a car accident that left my aunt unable to walk.
The locks on my case snap shut, and I wave at the piano man, who somehow knows to lift a hand back. It occurs to me that in the week I’ve been strumming here, I’ve never known his name.
“Who are you?” I ask
“A musician, like you!” He laughs
“Do you have a name? Like, what do I call you?”
“Kid, when you get to my age, names are meaningless. Call me whatever you want!” Then he disappears into another beautiful piece.
Time to head home. It’s taco night and Mom always makes the best tacos.
Someone slams into me. It’s a girl, with bronze skin and indigo hair. She’s holding a guitar case similar to mine. I can sense her fear from the way she keeps looking over her shoulders. My gaze meets her stunning eyes, which are…lilac? I back away.
Help. she mouths at me.
Is this some sort of trick? I can’t miss tacos. And I don’t really talk to many people. Keeping to yourself is much easier. Especially when you're me. But…
“Take this,” She shoves the guitar at me. “And take care of it. They’ll come for you if they know you have it.”
“Who? What?” I splutter.
“Just trust me, and take it.” She shoves it closer. “I guarantee you’ll see me again, considering the circumstances. I can’t stay for long.”
I grab the guitar and watch as she relaxes.
“Goodby-” I start, but can’t finish as she disappears.
Somehow I have a feeling that my life just got very, very, extraordinary.

“You’re home!” My three sisters say unanimously. “Tim!” Abigail shrieks, “Why have you got two guitars?”
“YOU’VE MISSED ALL THE TACOS!!!!” Daisy yells, in her overexcited way.
“And the sauce!” Belle chimes in.
“Don’t worry, I saved some for you!” Mom waltzes in, carrying a plate of tacos high above the triplets attempts to snatch my dinner.
I stuff it in my mouth, sighing at the mouth watering glory.
“Allright,” I say after I’ve finished dinner. “I’m going up to my room. Don’t disturb me, please.”
“Nope.” Mom blocks me. “Not until you tell me where that guitar came from. Don’t pretend that I haven’t spotted it.”
“Some girl saw me strumming and said that she was looking for an aspiring young guitarist to give it to.” It’s so easy how the lie slips out of my lips.
I head up the stairs, and open the door into my room.
The girl with lilac eyes is sitting on my bed, and turns around.
“Hello, Timothy Ashe,” she says. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

No one ever comes into my house. We live in a small neighborhood. And yet this strange blue-haired girl has made her way into my room. I never really left the house until Mom persuaded me to start playing my guitar in the streets. “It would make Dad proud,” she told me.
“Who are you?” I start with the basics.
“I don’t know, do you?” She smiles, mocking me.
I try again. “Um, here’s your guitar back. I don’t understand-”
“Keep it. They’re distracted by someone else. Someone I wish I could save. Though I’m the one they really want. And you.”
Wow. Not everyday you get told by a mysterious girl that your life’s in danger.
“This must be a joke.” I say. “Some trick. Just get out of my house!”
“I can’t,” she protests. “Because it’s not your house. Your fathers death wasn’t an accident.”
“GET OUT!!” I yell, then catch my breath. “Sorry. I don’t talk to strangers.”
She looks me in the eye, daring me to say more. “Well let’s change that. I’m Indigo Solace. Trust me, this is no joke.”
I roll my eyes. “No joke.”
Indigo ignores me and pulls something out of a pouch. It’s a weathered brown vial, filled with a dusting of yellow powder.
“Spit in it.” Indigo orders, holding out the vial.
“Spit?” I cringe away, disgusted.
“It needs your DNA, don’t be so squeamish.”
I spit into the vial waiting for something crazy to happen, like it explodes of sparkles. Instead the powder glows very slightly. That’s it? Honestly, if this Indigo girl is pulling the whole magical fairy roll, she could at least make something sparkly happen. What’s fantasy without sparkles?
“So, what now? Do I have to save the world or learn magic?”
“I’m not finished!” Indigo whispers some weird words to the vial. She’s really playing this game seriously.
Which is why I don’t expect for it to flash white hot, and I shield my eyes from the glow.
And when I open my eyes I find Indigo and I standing in an empty housing lot. Everything seems so much more…quiet. The steady hum of the highway has disappeared, and there are no houses near where we’ve appeared.
Okay, I obviously underestimated Indigo. Did we teleport here, or transport in a blink/
“Congratulations Timothy Ashe,” Indigo smiles, a genuine smile this time. “You’ve just traveled 137 years back in time!”

⇏ ◌ Kat ◌ ⇍
⇏ ◸ she/her ◹ ⇍
⇏ ◆ writer <3 ◆ ⇍
⇏ ⋙ digital artist ⋘ ⇍
⇏ ⁂ proud new zealander ⁂ ⇍

500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

JWC Fanfic: This is a fanfic for the monthly challenge! <3
Word Count: 1,034 words

Piper smiled and waved to her family as they dropped her off and drove off. She heaved her duffel bag over her shoulder and started walking up the hill to the main cabin. She waved to a couple familiar faces that she saw as she walked, noticing some of her old JWC friends like Moss, Jean, Pineapple and many others. She walked into the Main Cabin and walked over to the table where Dawn was sitting, checking people into camp and making sure everyone was accounted for.
“Hi Dawn!” Piper smiled as she came up to the table and put her duffel bag on the ground so she could sign in on the paper Dawn had on the table.
“Hey Piper! Glad to see you here again!” Dawn grinned back
“I’m glad to be back! Especially leading, I’m sure it’ll be tons of fun!”
“Absolutely! So…” Dawn paused and took a look at the map next to her “Sleuth Cabin is going to be… Down that path and up the hill.”
“Awesome!” Piper grinned, signing her signature on the line and then picking up her duffel bag and looking in the direction that Dawn was pointing. “Thanks!” She hoisted the bag over her shoulder again and started walking in the direction of her cabin which would be her home for the month of January.
Piper walked down the path and through the woods, smiling and waving to many of her old friends as well as stopping to talk for a couple of new campers that she had never met before. It was absolutely amazing to be able to see everybody in person this year instead of having the camp completely online. It was nice to be able to put faces and voices to names instead of having to guess for herself.
When she made it to the Sleuth Cabin she was pleasantly surprised. There were already a couple of campers there and all of them were looking very energetic and happy to be there; Piper was fairly certain that this was a good sign that she had gotten some very motivated campers which is something absolutely wonderful in this kind of camp. As soon as Piper walked in, a girl with tan skin and brown hair that came down to her shoulders came running up to her, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Hi there!!” She exclaimed, bouncing with excitement and her voice full of energy, quite a lot for it being a bit early in the morning, only around 8am. “I’m Kenzie! Who are you?”
“Hi,” Piper started with a slight smile, still a bit taken aback by the energy, but also looking forward to having Kenzie in her cabin “I’m Piper, I’m leading Sleuth.”
“Oh my gosh! That’s amazing!!!” Kenzie grinned “I’m so glad to meet you!!” She smiled brightly and shook Piper’s hand before going back to her bunk and sitting down, picking up a book and beginning to read.
Piper exhaled and laughed softly. She went and found an empty bunk bed and threw her duffel bag onto it and climbed up, setting up her sleeping bag as well as pulling out her laptop and connecting it to the JWC wifi so she would be able to do her writing there. She pulled out her stuffed animal and placed it on her pillow and was about to start reading a book herself when she heard a voice from the bottom bunk.
“Hi there! I heard you’re the leader, right?” Piper bent over the edge of the bunk and looked at the person on the bottom bunk, her french braids falling towards the floor. She saw a girl with brown skin and a frizzy black afro smiling at her
“Yup! That’s me!” Piper grinned “I’m Piper, what’s your name?”
“I’m Tilly!” The girl grinned back
“Nice to meet you Tilly!” Piper grinned, sitting up and jumping off the bunk so she could see Tilly right side up instead of upside down.
“It’s really nice to meet you too! I’m really excited for JWC, this is my first session!” Tilly smiled brightly
“That’s awesome! What do you like to do?” Piper asked, “Well, other than writing of course!”
“Ooh.. Um, let’s see…” Tilly started, thinking for a moment before responding “I really love drawing, digital and traditional, crocheting, and playing ukulele!”
“Oh my gosh! That’s amazing! Crocheting is awesome! I’m not very crafty, but I love the idea of crocheting.” Piper laughed slightly
“Oh yeah I get that,” Tilly laughed back “Maybe I can make you something during camp!”
“I’d love that! But don’t stress about it!” She laughed again, looking around the cabin and deciding to go and meet some more of her campers. “It was really nice to meet you Tilly!” She said, waving to the girl, before walking over towards the back of the cabin, where she saw a girl with long, medium length brown curly hair and beautiful blue-gray eyes.
“Hi there!” Piper grinned, and the girl looked up from the book she was reading, pulling out her headphones and pausing what Piper assumed was her music.
“Hey! I’m Amethyst, what’s your name?” The girl asked, smiling at her
“I’m Piper!”
“Oh! You’re the leader for the session, right?” Amethyst asked
“Yup! That’s me!” Piper grinned “What’re you listening to?” She asked, noticing the music app open on Amethyst’s phone
“Just some instrumental music for while I read.” Amethyst smiled back.
After that Piper went along and talked to a couple more of the campers and caught up with Pineapple, discussing some of their plans for Sleuth. As she talked to the rest of the campers in her cabin, she could tell that her earlier assumption was correct and all of her campers seemed extremely excited and motivated to start writing in the morning once it was officially January and they were allowed to start writing. After that, they went to the Main Cabin for dinner; and the first day of JWC had finished and come tomorrow the competition and general chaos of the entire camp would begin; including allies, betrayal, dailies, weeklies and, in the case of Sleuth, solving clues and getting ready to escape the library.

Piper ➸ She/Her ➸ Avid Reader/Writer ➸ Theatre Kid ➸ Ravenclaw

75 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily #21 - Writing Fight

Words: 674
Points: 750

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Character bio: Aisha // 15 // Female // Aisha is a quiet, mysterious girl. She is mostly unnoticed, she's like a shadow. She reads crime books, especially from Arthur Conan Doyle. She has a short temper, and gets angry quickly. // 5''6, purple long hair, purple eyes. Wears blue pull-over and white jeans.
(Character created by @Coding_Captain_UG)

The air was cold and damp, and there was a thick precipitation in the air. Aisha trudged along the wet sidewalk, her boots leaving footprints in the mushy snow. She shivered and pulled her thick blue pullover more tightly around herself, wishing she had worn a coat. It was a dreary evening, and she was moodily walking alone around the streets. She was being forced to stay with her unbearably cranky great-aunt Caroleen for the week of winter break, and she made up as many excuses as possible to spend the least amount of time in the house as she could. This afternoon Aisha had told her relatives that she wanted to take a walk, and “get to know the place”, and they allowed her to walk around with the promise that she would be back in time to eat dinner with them.
Aisha walked past the public library, past a private school, a barber’s shop, an ice cream parlor (that had a sign on the door which read “Closed Until This Sign Says It’s Open”), a suspicious looking building that looked like it might have used to be a restaurant… Actually, that suspicious building looked rather intriguing. Stopping in her tracks abruptly, Aisha glanced around her to make sure no one was watching her, and slowly approached the building. Most people never paid any attention to her anyway, but it felt like the right thing to do.
The building was clearly very old, and looked rather unsafe, with siding stripped from the walls and hanging in the air, and the ground around it was littered with tin cans, cigarette stumps, shards of broken glass, and gum wrappers. Her family would say not to go anywhere near the place, but Aisha was bored, curious, and knew how to take care of herself, should a dangerous situation arise. Besides, she was just going to take a look- a look was sure to be safe.
Pushing her thin purple hair out of her face, Aisha carefully stepped around the rubble and walked up to the building. She peered in the window, but it was too dim to see anything. Suddenly she heard something from within the walls; a low voice- no, two voices- speaking quietly. Her heartbeat quickening, Aisha put her ear to the wall, making sure to stay away from the window where someone could potentially see her, and listened closely…
“So I’ll get the key early tomorrow morning-” A female voice began.
“You’re sure you can do it?” Another voice interrupted the first.
“Darling, I was an escape artist, remember? No lock is truly unlockable when I’m around.”
“Right, right, of course. So, then we’ll sneak in late at night- say, two in the morning- get the goods, get out as fast as possible, deliver it to the boss.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
Aisha heard a small chuckle.
“Those old librarians will have no idea. I doubt they’ll even notice!”
More laughter.
“Shhh, don’t laugh so loudly…”
The voices faded away out of earshot.

Aisha couldn’t tell if she was excited or terrified. Finally something exciting was happening- it felt just like a scene from one of her favorite crime novels. “This is a crime scene… and I am the witness!” She thought to herself. It sounded like someone was trying to rob the library. “I wonder what’s so valuable at an old library…” She mused.
Aisha knew the sensible thing to do would be to call the police, but frankly, she couldn’t think of anything more terrifying than talking on the phone to a strange adult and explaining a situation that to her was blatantly obvious. And there was a chance that no one would believe her; just thinking about that was enough to make Aisha all fired up inside.
This was a crime scene, or at least could turn into one, and someone had to do something about it.
So she made the only reasonable choice- she would find out how to dismantle the criminals’ plan before they carried it out, herself.

she/her • cat lover • music lover • theatre kid • artist of sorts • crocheter
✎…✌ ♥
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

xxfierrorfalafel writing fight
day 1
attack 1!
Miles’ lungs burned as he ran, faded blue converse flying over the cracked concrete– breaking his mother’s back according to those dumb superstitions Jenny and Thelma had. He didn’t really care about those dumb superstitions and conspiracy theories right now. Right now, all he cared about was catching that little punk who’d stolen a record of his. “I’m gonna k*ll you, Murphy!” he shouted, leaping over a fallen trash can.
Murphy just laughed and waved to a car nearby. Just as Miles was about to grab him by the back of his hoodie, Murphy dove into the car and they drove off, leaving Miles fuming and in the dust.That record wasn’t even worth anything. It was just something he’d found and picked up. It wasn’t valuable, and wasn’t even an artist he liked. But there was a chance it could be an artist his new boyfriend Kyler liked. Or maybe that was just a lie Miles was telling himself. Kyler wasn’t really into music, mostly just watching Miles play the drums, and Miles had a feeling the drums weren’t really what Kyler cared about. But he needed an excuse for why he cared so much about some dumb record. Maybe it was just because nobody stole his stuff. Nobody pushed him around. He watched the car drive off, too exhausted to chase after it. But it didn’t matter, he’d gotten the plates, and anyways he knew where Murphy lived. He glared down at the empty street and spat on the sidewalk. “You’ll pay for this,” he promised with a growl in his voice.
He checked his watch. Late to see Kyler. Whoops. Eh whatever. He walked at a leisurely pace to Nacho Everyday Taco, Kyler’s favorite fast food place. While he walked, he was doing one of his favorite leisurely activities, planning his revenge. Thinking about Kyler made him think maybe he could get Murphy’s girlfriend Nora to break up with him, but that also seemed too simple. Well, he would think of something.
Kyler was already sitting at a table, eating fries, crutches leaning against the table. “You’re late.”
“Yeah whatever. I was trying to do something for you, ungrateful much,” I said, punching his shoulder and taking a few fries. I put some in my mouth like a walrus and he looked down, shaking his head, but I caught him grinning and blushing.
“I don’t understand why you get fries at a Mexican restaurant,” I said.
“They’re still the best fries in town. And you know how I get if I don’t get my weekly dose of fries.”
“Sure,” I said with a chuckle.
I finished the fries and smiled back. “Okay, I actually am sorry.”
“You, sorry?” he teased.
I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder again lately. “Just for you, okay? And don’t let it go to your head.”
“Oh never,” he said with a fake innocence. “Also my arms hurt from the crutches, punch me somewhere else.”
“Nah,” I decided. “I’m all done punching.”
“So.. where’s the thing you were getting me?” he asked with a curious smile.
Miles liked his smile. “Doesn’t matter. Some little punks stole it.”
“Which means you’ll be stealing it back.”
“Ever the smart one, Ky. Come on now, I’m starving, let’s order.”
They both got burrito bowls, though Kyler covered his in way more avocado than Miles did.
“Millennial,” he teased.
“Millennial? That’s a weak insult coming from you.”
“I’m hungry. And besides, I like you. No need to use one of my good insults. I could make you cry.”
“Awww, you like me?” he teased playfully.
“Slightly less now,” Miles joked.
“Well, I doubt your insults could make me cry.”
Miles smirked and reached across the table to wipe a bit of avocado off of Kyler’s face with his thumb. “Don’t bet on it.”
Kyler’s face turned bright red, it was kind of cute, honestly.
“So, what sort of thing are you thinking of for your revenge?” Kyler asked after swallowing and washing it down with some iced tea.
“I don’t know. But they’re gonna pay.”
“You’re feeling awfully vengeful, aren’t you?”
“Nobody takes anything from my boyfriend.”
He sighed and shook his head. “Why do I even bother? Can’t you just get me something new?”
“And let them win?” Miles sipped his limeade slushy.
“Eh, forget I asked. You always need revenge. You without revenge is like me without french fries.”
“Exactly. Don’t worry about it. I’ll get your gift back to you by Tuesday.”

attack 2!

Olive’s short black hair was a tangled mess from all the bushes she’d had to fight her way through in the forest in her hunt for potion ingredients. Olive didn’t have the skill yet to just ask the bushes to step aside, but she was having too much of a good time to really care. Okay, she was getting pretty impatient, but she didn’t let that upset her. “You aren’t stopping me from getting the Angelroot, dumb bush,” he said to the giant Wasp Bush, named for how much it stung if one of the thorns poked you. The bush was probably laughing at her, taunting her with the soft purplish leaves of the Angelroot that used the Wasp Bush for protection.
She heard her older sister’s voice in her head, irritating as nails on a chalkboard. Actually no, nails on a chalkboard probably cringed at Amaranth’s voice. “Olive, you have to stop being so stubborn sometimes and try new things. You might surprise us and be less dumb than you act.”
“Oh sure,” Olive muttered back to the imaginary voice and the imaginary laughter of the bush. “Cause I’d love to be just like you, always giving up so easily.”
She started to get her knife out to cut through the bushes, but she remembered her mother’s warning not to cut through plants unless she was taking part of one to use in a potion and poultice. And of course, Wasp Bush was good for absolutely nothing, but her mom said harming it was wrong, and Olive didn’t really feel like getting in trouble with her mom.
She huffed and knelt down near the Wasp Bush, not caring that her skirt was getting covered in mud. She fished some runestones out of her apron pocket and began arranging them in different patterns. She wasn't really supposed to have these runes since she was only eleven, but she’d snagged them from her father’s bedside table. Unfortunately she didn’t know how to use runes, so nothing really happened. Actually that was probably good because Amaranth, stupid Amaranth was constantly talking about all the stuff that could go wrong with runes. So, Olive stuffed them back in her pockets and rolled her sleeves down all the way so they covered her arms fully and tucked her fists in them, which were clenched in annoyance. “I’m not afraid of you,” she said to the bush. Then she put the hood of her cloak on, pulling it down so it covered most of her face and dove into the bush.
Moments later, she rolled out clumsily, burning and stinging, but she triumphantly held the Angelroot. “Take that,” she said, feeling her lips starting to swell. She put the angelroot in her pocket, and fighting past the pain, started making her way back to the cottage. After a while, though, she nearly collapsed, and had to lean against a big oak tree. “Ow, ow, ow,” she whimpered, trying to pull the tiny thorns out of her face and neck and stockings.
She heard footsteps approaching, but by now, Olive’s face was swollen near her eyes too much to see. “Oh for the love of the goddess,” groaned an unmistakable voice, Amaranth. But Olive didn’t even care, she was just grateful someone had found her. She let Amaranth wrap her in her cloak and lifted her up. Olive wished her ears would swell up though she didn’t have to hear her older sister's lecture as she carried her back home.
A while later, after many spells and herbal baths, Olive was feeling much better and she still had the triumph of getting that Angelroot.

day 2 attack 1

Gale Redwood || 13 1/2 || Whatever gender she/they/he feels like that day || Fiery/feisty, extroverted, never gets embarrassed, not afraid to stand up for themself/everyone else, impatient, very short fuse, likes talking to people but doesn't like a lot of people talking at once (whether to them or to each other) or crowds, has friends but doesn't open up to them–secretive about all emotions other than anger, passion, and goofiness. Slightly socially awkward. || Out-of-control wavy red hair, pale skin that sunburns easily, freckles, vivid blue-green eyes, and is 5'3. They like to wear jean jackets with brightly colored shirts underneath and dark jeans/black pants. In the winter likes baggy hoodies. Doesn't believe in socks and wears shoes as little as possible. Wears one fishnet fingerless glove when they feel like it. || If they are in a fantasy story they're a witch || Orphan who no foster family keeps for long || 1st class troublemaker || can be very rude

tw: a character says things such as nobody loves you to a character (and just generally bullies her) and since the character is always bouncing around the foster system she takes it personally. if this is triggering or upsetting content I suggest you do not read this

The class had a substitute today, which of course meant spitballs galore, at least for about five seconds. Then they found out this was no ordinary substitute they could mess with and she put her foot down. “Enough all of you or you’ll all be sent to the principal and I’ll assign you extra homework.”
“Oh yeah right, Ms. Wilder would never let you do that,” said a voice from the back row, that belonged to a sort of short but not really person who was a girl today and had unruly red hair, a reddish sunburned face, and blue green eyes in the process of rolling in annoyance. That student in the back was Gale Redwood, who had been there all of one week as she bounced around the foster system.
“Oh wouldn’t you like to try me,” the substitute replied, in that sickly sweet voice of hers.
“Oh wouldn’t you like to try me,” Gale repeated in a mocking voice. “I’m Ms. Schafer and I just graduated college which means I’m so much better than all you junior high kids. Ugh, hypotenuses, quadratic formulas, and other snooty smart people stuff.”
The classroom cracked up, but soon everyone went dead silent when Ms. Schafer glared at them. Well, a few laughed nervously or whispered, “please don’t hurt me.”
“Mr. Redwood, you seem to love attention.”
“Oh actually, it’s Miss Redwood, well for now at least. Actually you can almost always assume that on Mondays I’m gonna be Miss, but that’s not always the case, and every genderfluid person is different and um… it’s not a choice. And also that Monday thing shouldn’t matter because I hope I never have to see your ugly face again.”
There was silence, with Ms. Schafer just staring at Gale.
Tony broke the silence by saying, “awkward….”
Ms. Schafer cleared her throat. “Yes very well, I’m no stranger to transgender students. Miss Redwood, you are disruptive even by junior high standards and I think it just reads as you being desperate for attention. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s probably because nobody loves you.”
You could hear a pin drop in that room. And not just a regular pin. If fairies were real and they used pins you’d be able to hear that pin drop. That’s how quiet it was. Gale felt like she’d been hit by a bus and she might cry if she hadn’t trained herself to be very good at resisting the temptation of tears. Nobody loves you. Gale had been hearing those words longer than she could remember. Honestly, you would think those words had no effect on her anymore, and yet they did.
Ms. Schafer had the decency to look horrified by what she’d just said. “Oh my gosh, I-I didn’t mean…”
“Of course you meant to say that. Don’t try lying to me,” Gale said, getting up and walking out of the classroom.
At around 12:00 when Gale was trying to eat a piece of soggy bread with some cheese and sauce on it that her school called pizza, Ms. Schafer’s words were still with her. She didn’t notice the boy approaching until he was sitting down across from her.
“You alright?” asked the boy, Micah, who was in her class and so had been there.
“Of course I’m alright,” she huffed. “Shouldn’t you be sitting with your friends? I don’t need sympathy.”
“Eh, they’re talking about stuff I can’t stand. I need a break from them. Your impression of that substitute was pretty funny,” he said with a grin.
“Yeah well, she has no sense of humor.”
“No, not really,” Micah said in agreement.
“So… what happened after I left?”
“Well, she sucks at teaching. I think somehow I’m worse at math now and you know I’ve never gotten higher than a C+ in math.”
Gale snorted faintly. “I knew she would suck at teaching. Honestly, they don’t even care about our education anymore. I wish I’d thrown something at her. I feel like she deserved to have something thrown at her.”
“Oh for sure. She was awful. She had no right to say that stuff to you.”
Gale froze. She’d been having a good time. Micah and her had been getting along, talking about their hatred for Ms. Schafer, then he’d gone ahead and said that and the pain came flooding back.
“You shut up about that!” she shouted and gave him a hard shove. With a yelp, he and his chair fell to the ground.
“Hey! No fighting!” shouted a teacher, running over, but Gale was already shoving her way toward the door.
Gale didn’t make it out the door and a little while later, she sat next to Micah. Both of them were waiting for the principal Mr. Tomsett to be available.
Gale was a bit worried he would try talking to her when she wasn’t allowed to leave, but instead the two of them just glared at each other. Micah was rubbing his jaw that he’d bruised in the fall while he glared at her.
After a few minutes, they were called in and got the whole usual spiel of don’t be violent blah blah blah, you’re better than that blah blah blah, school is a place for education blah blah blah.
“I understand you attacked first, Gale. Do you have any excuse?” Mr. Tomsett asked.
Gale really didn’t want to talk about what had happened, so she just shook her head. “I guess I just can’t stand him.”
“Um, excuse me? You clearly have anger issues! I was just trying to be nice to you and give you some sympathy.”
“I don’t need sympathy Mr. “My dad takes me to Europe every winter and everyone loves me because I’m on the baseball team.”
“Alright, enough,” Mr. Tomsett said in a loud firm voice. “One of you is going to tell me what’s actually going on.”
“Gale got into an argument with our pre-algebra substitute and the substitute targeted the fact that she’s a foster kid and was a major jerk,” Micah said quickly, before Gale could stop him.
Gale glared at him. “I hate you,” he mouthed to him.
“I.. see. Alright yes, I will be sure to talk to her. Do you want to talk to anyone Gale? Or is anyone else bothering you about this.”
“No! God, no I don’t freaking need this. And if anyone is talking, I really don’t care. I’ll probably be gone in two weeks, so it really doesn’t bother me. I don’t need your sympathy so that you can feel better about yourself and your precious morals.”

attack 2
Ernest Rollins // 87 // Male, he/him // Loud, outcast, observer of the world. He used to be a private detective when he was younger, but passed on the job to his son. Ernest is also very afraid that one day the secrets his family have harbored will be exposed to the world… // Frizzy white hair, almost-white skin, large yellow eyes that resemble an owl. Usually wears a dressing gown and slippers.

The raccoon purred as Ernest’s hand, covered in pale, almost white skin, stretched tightly over it with age, pet the creature’s back. While he petted the raccoon, he sipped his tea, which was still hot enough to burn the tongue of any ordinary man who hadn’t mastered the art of drinking tea decades ago, and looked out the window. A new family was moving in which Ernest found a little odd. New families didn’t really ever move in here. This was the sort of neighborhood where one child inherited the house and stayed there all their life, taking care of their aging parents as they got old and eventually well taking over the house, and then having more children and their cycle would begin. People moved out yes, but generally the only people who moved in were spouses or servants. Ernest still remembered that day over eighty years ago when his mother moved into this mansion as a maid and had brought him along, her only son and under Mr. and Mrs. Templeton’s protection, they were safe from Ernest’s father Bertram. And in all those years, Ernest had watched and observed a lot and new neighbors were rare. But here they were, a van full of teens, kids, and toddlers, and two parents as well as a very, very old man in a wheelchair. There were also moving vans of course and so, with nothing better to do, Ernest watched as they made the place their own. Something seemed familiar, but Ernest just couldn’t place what. Was he just going to ignore it? Of course not, he was a retired detective after all

Last edited by xXFierroOrFalafelXx (Jan. 22, 2023 20:51:42)

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Bio by @TheBibliophile7
Leyna Neirfell // 18 // Female // Very composed; often keeps herself bottled up and her emotions and past are known by hardly anyone; not cruel, per say, but she is very certain about what she wants and will do anything to get it; very calculated, good at determining odds and getting what she wants through blackmailing; sharp-witted; often appears as though she doesn’t care about much, however she just doesn’t know how to express her feelings- looking weak is something she despises // Tall and broad-shouldered, but lean and fit, with hair so blonde it’s nearly white; dark olive green eyes that are dagger-sharp; angular features. Often dresses in normal clothes, dark pants and shirt with a leather jacket and combat boots, hair tied back in a high ponytail, dark wood-hilted dagger at her hip and another small one slipped in a sleeve pocket, black mark that she was born with located on her left shoulder, and her right knee is scarred badly, as well as her right forearm.

Leyna was caught in between dozens of zombies. One sneaks up behind her, only to be slashed with her dagger hiding inside her pocket seconds later. But it quickly fell to the ground. She was stuck in a corner, backing away with every step. Her stiletto was on the floor, waiting to be picked up, but she knew she was going to get bitten even if she attempted to grab it. Come on, Leyna. You're better than this! she scolded herself in her head. Suddenly, gunshots ring out, one more sharp and petrifying than the next. “Kamryn! You idiot!” Leyna shouts. Leyna knew she had those zombies. “Eh,” she quickly adds. “I'm going to the forest. Lots of zombies will be there,” And she stormed off, leaving Kamryn dumbstruck. Leyna stomped to the forest. She knew she was going to look tough and strong. Kamryn knew he couldn't live without her. She'd planned to threaten him as he wasn't a big part of her life. A smile widens across her face. Kamryn was an easy opponent. Leyna then pulled out the real deal; the bigger dagger hanging near her hip. It was from a zombie she found lying on the road. The wooden hilt of it feels rigid beneath her fingers. But it felt good. She walked in the forest without a care in the world. The apocalypse stole her family, her future– she was going to be a star, but of course the zombies took over. Leyna knew zombies came out during the sunset. The red-streaked sky signaled that. Perfect. As if a response, a zombie snagged her shirt. “Ha!” Leyna laughed heavily. She knew it was dangerous work, but she couldn't help it. It escaped right through her lips. Leyna collected the meat when suddenly a voice whispered, “Leyna Neirfell, a kind soul; indeed. But that soul is mine,” Leyna's eyebrows furrow. Was it her consciousness? “Oh, what's that?” Leyna asks into the air. A slash in the neck surely responded to that. She reached for her dagger, but the dark-hooded figure snatched it first. “Eager for my dagger?..” she says softly before adding, “Kamryn?” with a smirk. “Keep that smirk,” Kamryn says with a laugh, as he aims at Leyna's head. She quickly ducks and grabs her stiletto. Leyna glares with her signature stare. “Your stare is sharper than your dagger,” Kamryn swings. “Let's keep it that way,” Leyna says, her smirk going strong. She intended to win this fight and nothing less. She slashes back but Kamryn blocks. Leyna yawns just to get on Kamryn's nerves. An easy victory. Plus, another scar would make her look tougher. The wound on her neck pained her, and she winced, giving Kamryn enough time to slash her again, on the shoulder. Leyna's defenses went back. It hurt, badly. It hurt to see herself so weak. Kamryn swung his last shot. And held the dagger over his shoulder. He returned the yawn. “You're late. bud,” Leyna replies, fierce. But inside she wanted to sink into the floor. “Doesn't matter. Thanks for the sweet dagger.” He kicked Leyna hard in the stomach and she finally fell to the floor. He shrieked loudly, signaling the zombies. They all came rushing by. “Who's smirking now.”

Last edited by aIoe-there (Jan. 28, 2023 17:02:42)

-ˋˏ aloe there ˎˊ-

azlin ~ she/her ~ wip

1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Writing Competition Entry
Title: Suffocation
Word Count: 178
Trigger Warning: includes descriptions of death

I'm lifted into the air. I can't breath. There's no air. None. It's as if all of it has disappeared. Yet I'm alive. Somehow, miraculously, I'm alive. Yet I'm still choking. I start to black out. Someone whispers in my ear, “You're dead, my queen.” They whisper it so closely in my ear I can feel their breath. It's warm, and filled with tiny droplets of saliva. A shiver runs down my spine and I try to move away, but I can't. Hope is lost. Tears slip down my face. I can't do this anymore. My vision- it's leaving me. It was here and then not. Slowly fading into darkness.

And death.

And just like that, I see nothing. I slip away from life and land in a tunnel. And at the end of this cold, dark tunnel, there's a light. I try to run but my limbs feel like rock.

And I slip into darkness once more.

Will I ever reach the end of this tunnel?

Will I ever wake up?

will I…

will I…

will I…

Last edited by Eeveedonut (Jan. 22, 2023 06:56:50)

1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Writing Fight
207 words
Attacking @icebunny11 ;D

Ava sat in her desk at home. Her leg bounced up and down nervously. It was 2020. Her hair was wavy today, as if it knew today was going to be a rollercoaster. She reached up and stroked her hair, and it made a cooing noise back.

“It's time to take the finals, huh, Wav?” She sighed. “What a year to get trapped in, am I right? I mean, this alien-student exchange program seemed like a good idea, but then these humans started a flipping pandemic. Argh. And yet now I have to take the finals! And this won't even be the last time I do! Argh!” she groaned, rather annoyed with the human race.

Ava had been chosen by her leader and the United States president to take part in an exchange program, so the two races could be brought closer together. But then Covid hit. And Ava wasn't allowed to go home or see her family or anything! She just had to sit through stupid online classes and absorb as much information as she could so she could pass her stupid finals. With no clue as to when she'd go home or see her family in person next, she just had to live with this.

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Attack on (TiTaN) @Eeveedonut

'IsAbella YOu“rE BOyFrIEnD'S HerE'

Izabella sighed as she opened her WhatsApp to another bunch of texts in her friend group, most sent by Ava the night owl who was almost always active. HOW DID SHE SPEEDRUN TO HER PHONE THE MOMENT IT BEEPED?-

Once again, her latest message read-

'IsAbella YOu”rE BOyFrIEnD'S HerE,' a line from the famous movie Encanto, and as if fate had decided it her name just had to be Izabella too.

There were two Isabelles in the group: Izabella and Isabelle. Both of them were equally close to Isabella, and immediately got spammed. She was even forced to change her name to Izabella From Encanto.

This time it was her crush they were talking about.

The admin of the group was adding her crush from school when the message popped up. Izabella's eyes widened as she realized her crush might've seen it, but then realized that he had joined after the message had been sent. Phew.

She let out a sigh of relief, a huge puff of air escaping from her mouth. She glared angrily at her phone.

Her friend group was full of trusted friends which she could rant about, and a quarter of the time it was about her crush. Now that her crush was actually here, she was pretty sure her activeness would go down a few notches.

She screamed, annoyed, but then thought of her mother coming running outside, and her having to explain the topic, so she ran to the bathroom and closed the door, locking it in the process. Izabella whipped out her phone and started to type furiously in the VERY private group with only her friend Ava and the admin of the mutual group, Sky. She had met Ava and Sky in First grade, and they had never parted since. Once Skylar had switched schools once, and all three girls cried so much that next year Skylar was moved back to her old school.

Let's just say it was not a happy year for Skylar's parents.

Izabella From Encanto: GUYS WHY?!
Ground's Sister + lar: What do you mean, we did you a favor ;D
Your Average Psychopath Friend: Of course. Skylar is right, I thought you wished he was in the group anyways.
Izabella From Enacanto: Yeah but I didn't MEAN IT mean it, you know what I mean?
Your Average Psychopath Friend: My dear Izabella, are you sure you're ok?
Ground's sister + lar: We knew this day would come
Ground's sister + lar: Iza's losing her mind D:
Ground's sister + lar: Don't worry I have an underground bunker.
Izabella From Encanto: SHUT UP.

Izabella sighed and switched off her phone, leaning against the wall and allowing herself to slide down slowly while her blonde hair became fluffed to rugged in seconds.

She opened her gallery and searched through her photos till she found her class photo. She clicked on it and zoomed in on three girls' faces standing next to each other, beaming brightly. she moved the picture sideways until it reached the boys' column, and she zoomed on one boy's face in particular.

He had pure brown eyes and messy raven hair. His smile was more playful than naughty, and he was still one of the smartest kids in class while doing all the harmless pranks he did.
Ava's crush.

Next, she zoomed up on a boy with red hair and a very distinctive haircut. Once you saw it you could never forget it. Blue eyes shimmered in the photo. He looked like he could kill you, but he was actually a cinnamon roll, and once you got to know his soft side he was the most loyal friend ever.
Skylar's crush.

And finally, toward the boy next to them. His hair shimmered in the sun while his eyes twinkled with no light to reflect. Looked like a cinnamon roll, was actually a cinnamon roll, but acted like he could kill you, at least till the third year, when this picture was taken. His ego had been melted away by his classmates, and he became a normal student who was interested in games as much as anyone else.
Izabella's crush.

She was in ninth grade now, and she still liked him. Every day, the boy was one desk away from her, from third to ninth, six years in total. She still liked him with all her heart. She did coo about handsome celebrities with her friends like normal teenagers, but she still like him all the same.

She unlocked the door and jumped on her bed face first and groaned, waving her hands and legs around in frustration. She knew her phone was probably filled with messages from Ava and Skylar talking about their secret underground bunker and what deserts to take with them and was pretty sure that the main group would explode once all of them found out her crush was there. And they probably would tell him before she got a chance to tell him himself because her friends were not good at keeping secrets unless they were Ava and Isabelle. Dang, those guys were as good as hyenas. Once they had lied the whole year about Skylar being partially deaf to the new teacher, and she fell for it the whole time. Her class was about to explode with laughter every second of Biology, and she admitted she was really impressed.

Her thoughts wandered back to the boy she was initially thinking of. She would have to tell him first before the others, but…

When would she ever tell him?

She groaned, accepting the fact.

She didn't know.

Because being around him made her nervous, and tongue-tied, and not how she usually was with others. She could gossip for hours on need with everybody else in class; Ava, Skylar, Isabelle, literally everyone, including boys. It was just him which made her frozen to everything else, her heart the only thing which could be heard.

Was it legal to do this to someone?

Once again, she switched on the phone, ready for a bombard of messages while accepting again, she didn't know.

Last edited by icebunny11 (Jan. 22, 2023 13:50:23)

I told you,
I don't want to
be part of another

Oh by the way,
what's the name
of the book?
*furious typing*

75 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“The Call Of The Moon”- Writing Competition Entry

Words: 432

This piece was originally written as a backstory for a character I entered in a DTAE contest (linked here) about a year ago, but I revisited it recently and decided it would do as my entry.

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was wintertime, and I was curled up in my tree stump to sleep for the night. A quiet whooshing sound awakened me; I slowly lifted my head, glancing around the snow-covered bushes. As if unconsciously, I stood up, stepped out of my stump, and began to walk, my paws leaving heart-shaped marks in the snow. I didn't know where I was going or what I was doing, but I felt a strange urge to continue walking forwards in the moonlight.
My feet led me to a nearby forest, the hundreds of snow-covered trees twinkling down at me as if they were smiling a secret smile. Why was I here? What was I doing? I blinked my eyes in confusion, still walking as if in a dream. Suddenly, without another thought passing through my head, I leaped into the air and began to trot upwards towards the moon.
With every step I was expecting my paws to fall through the air and land back on the icy forest floor, but there seemed to be an invisible yet solid bridge up to the moon, holding me up. Higher and higher I danced upwards: I was at level with the stars now, twirling among them. Then, without any effort, I slowly began to drift upwards, higher and higher into the stars as if I was being summoned. A strand of the moon, glowing gently, floated over to me and circled me, enfolding me in the brilliant light. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and it almost made me want to take some of it back with me. It began to carry me downwards, through the stars, below the forest top. The bright strands of moonlight softly sent me down into the snow and drifted back up into the stars.
As I stared upwards, it began to snow. Large, fluffy flakes landed on my nose and whiskers. I glance around me and shake my head, snapping myself out of the surreal atmosphere. Was that all a dream? I wondered. Glancing around me once again, I decided that I must have just imagined it all. As I turned around to walk back to my stump, I caught sight of something swinging behind me. I turned around, and was astonished to see, hanging from my tail, a small crescent moon and a small, round charm hanging from my tail. I gasped in surprise; the charms were the exact same color as the strands of moonlight that had carried me here. It seems that I'd taken a bit of moon with me, after all.

Last edited by gamerny (Jan. 22, 2023 17:46:43)

she/her • cat lover • music lover • theatre kid • artist of sorts • crocheter
✎…✌ ♥
1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Writing Fight - Attack on Ivy (@Smartypantschlo) and Name Undisclosed (@iinspirqtion) (597 words)

“Aw, Ivy, you're at it again!” Ivy's friend teased her as she was being led back to the palace. “Always having to be dragged home!”
I hate my friends, Ivy thought bitterly. I need to find some true friends.
The guard led Ivy back to the royal palace and through the doors. Ivy knew what was going to happen next. She would be grounded in the palace until her parents decided it's fine for her to go. The thing is though, that never worked. Even though her parents would make empty threats Ivy would never listen. She actually despised figures of authority, and all she wanted to do was run away into the forest.
As she was led into the room, Ivy sighed. She didn't want to be here, her richly nature decorated room, her comfortable bed and her candlelight desk. The door shut behind her, and Ivy sat down at her desk. She stood there, just thinking about the forest, the nature, the beautoful greenery. What a simple life she could make for herself there, hunting and gathering.
It was pitch black at night. Ivy opened the window in her room and quickly slipped out of the palace. The guards always saw her out at this time, they assumed it was her “hysteria” that was driving her to the forest. Her constant pining and sleep-talking about the forest.
Once she was outside of the village, she made a break for the forest, heading for the hollow log where she kept her bow. She quickly grabbed it, and slung it on herself. Maybe this time her escape would work.
It never works, Ivy thought bitterly. but I have to try. It's for the best, I guess.
Ivy slowly stalked through the forest, before hearing a loud, “Who's there?”
Ivy jumped and crashed into a nearby tree. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this again!” Ivy's eyes were wide with fear. But this voice was different, something told her instinct to relax. This was not a guard. Her panic moment over, she calmed down. “I'm sorry for reacting like that, I thought you were the-”
“- the guards from the village?” the other person seemed to know what she was talking about.
“Yes,” Ivy replied, nervously.
“The princess, I see,” the other person muttered under her breath.
“Are you going to take me back to the palace- back to the- I can't have that happening!” Ivy replied, her breathing shallow. “I don't want to go back. I don't want to get grounded again. I just want to be around nature, and the forest.”
“I suppose, if you have no where else to go, you could come to the forest village.” the other person offered. “I just want you to not be my responsibility anymore.”
“What do you mea- never mind, I'd love to come to the forest village.” Ivy smiled, but it was difficult to make out anything in this darkness. She felt a hand reach out, which must be the other person's. Ivy took it gladly, and followed.
“I didn't catch your name- I'm Ivy,” Ivy said, trying to make light conversation.
The other person replied, “I don't disclose my name freely.”
Well, that was that, Ivy thought. I guess it doesn't hurt to ask….
“Why don't you? Do you just-” Ivy started, but was abruptly cut off.
“I don't volunteer that information freely. I'm a very private person,” the other person snapped. “Anyway, we're nearly at the village. You can stay with one of my friends for the night.”
“Thank you,” Ivy replied graciously.
Maybe I will make it here. Maybe this is my final escape into the wild.

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #22 1/22/23
word count: 1101

Ashlyn Opal Lykos walked through the store ailes, her long brown auburn hair swishing around her thighs. Her large azure-emerald eyes darted through shelves of each aisle quickly. Her violin, which she named, Wendy, from her favorite character from the book Lost in the Never Woods, was in its case strapped to her back bouncing along her pink tank top with each step. Her white vans slapping against the ground, despite the hot and humid weather Ashlyn still opted for her usual vans paired with some jean shorts and a tank top. She finally found the product she was looking for, rosin. She had run out of it earlier this week, she finally found some time to get it today. Snatching the rosin off the shelf she rushed to the checkout line. Upon reaching the checkout line, she saw a river of people waiting. The line wasn’t even moving, everyone was purchasing some cheap cold junk to keep them cool, Ashlyn was the only one who was in the convenience store buying something other than ice cream and water. Ashlyn sighed, a loud one but no one heard, she lined up behind the line she felt was the shortest and pulled out her favorite book from her violin case, Lost in the Never Woods. Ashlyn had gotten the book for her birthday last year. She still remembered the delightful new book smell it had and the smooth glossy cover. Now after carrying it everywhere with her some pages were bent and the cover was torn, but she didn’t care, it was still readable and that was all that mattered. She stood in line and in her mind she traveled to Astoria, Oregon filled with the magic and charm of both Wendy and Peter. The next thing she knew someone was tapping her on the shoulder. An old lady with ridiculously long lashes and catlike eyes stared back at her.
“Excuse me, are you waiting in line? If not, there are actually people who need to get somewhere, you’re just taking up our time.”
Ashlyn jumped, she nodded and stepped forward, she had no idea how to respond to that old lady, who was quite rude actually. She stepped forward and purchased her rosin. Heading out of the store she felt a wave of beating warmth which then turned to humidness. Her hair started sticking to her body, she really needed to think of getting a haircut sometime she thought. She started heading towards home where she could pour a cold cup of refreshing ice water.
When she got home she kicked off her vans and yelled, “Grandma, you here?” Ashyln was a relatively quiet girl; she was only moderately more social at home, especially with her grandma whom she called, Grams. Grams was probably off at some shopping spree with all of her friends, it’s not often you see old ladies having a shopping spree, but according to Grams, she liked having new things and feeling young again wearing bright clothes that made her who she is. Trudging into the kitchen Ashlyn grabbed her cup from the dishwasher, the cup was a cup she had been using since she was eight, when she first moved to Grams house, now it had been eight years later, she was now sixteen. Oh, how time flies! The cup has delicate designs of bees, birds, and flowers, encircling the mug, they were painted in pastel colors soft to the eye and gave off a real delicate vibe. Ashyln’s favorite part about that mug wasn’t just that it was the beautiful sheet music of Spring from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. It was one of Ashlyn’s favorite songs to play on the violin when she needed to relax and calm down. She could immerse herself, wrap herself into the music. Spring from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons was especially since the music was so alive, you could feel the bees buzzing and the gentle spring breeze rippling against your skin, it was definitely one of the best masterpieces. Ashlyn removed Wendy from her case, feeling the smoothness of the spruce front. She stood up straight, her posture like a rod, her violin tucked perfectly under her chin. Her fingers flew across the fingerboard, the notes dancing out, Ashlyn put all her emotion into the piece. From the crescendos to the decrescendos, fortissimo to pianissimo, then the pizzicato part. As she finished the piece with a final flourish and trill, her eyes fluttered then opened, grinning.
“Nice piece!” yelled a voice from outside the window. The grin was immediately wiped off Ashlyn’s face. She stuck her head out the window to see her new neighbor, who had just moved in last weekend, sticking their head out of their window which was directly parallel to Ashlyn’s bedroom window. “Never heard anyone slay the violin that great! You go girl!” she grinned, her pearly white teeth glinting back at Ashlyn. The girl had her chocolate hair cut into a short pixie cut, framing her also pixie-like olive face. “Name’s Trisha, moved here last week, what’s yours?”
“A-Ashlyn,” she replied, “Nice to meet you,” she smiled.
“Yeah you too! Want to come over for ice cream, we have three flavours in the freezer: strawberry, mango, or chocolate, your choice!” Ashlyn didn’t want to be rude but the truth was she didn’t really like ice cream, yet she felt compelled to accept the invitation, she could just politely refuse the ice cream when it was offered.
“Sure,” Ashlyn replied, turning her back and walking downstairs and out the front door, remembering to lock it after herself. She walked to Trisha’s house, the one left of Grams’. The house was quite cute, like a small cottage all decked out with small dainty flowers. If she had to choose the best looking house on the street it would probably be Trisha’s house second to Grams of course. She knocked on the small door with a rounded top edge as she arrived on Trisha’s porch. The door immediately swung open and there stood Trisha.
“C’mon in, sorry for the mess, my family hasn’t really gotten around to finishing unpacking. My parents keep on taking my brother to find some special sports event he wants to join so I’m home alone,” she ushered, rolling her gold eyes. The house indeed looked like a hurricane came through, boxes were stacked at dangerously high heights and looked on the verge of toppling over any second. “I was just decorating my room when I hear you play, want to help?” Ashlyn nodded and together they headed upstairs, together both laughing and talking.

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
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75 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Weeky #3 - Settings

Total Words: 2964
Points: 2600

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part One: The Five Senses
Words: 987

I slowly entered my grandfather’s library, the door squeaking with old age as it swung on its rusty hinges. I tiptoed around the room, the floorboards creaking under the thick, plush carpet, the sound of my breath echoed around the empty room. The sound was hollow and wispy.
Whoosh! A strong breeze rattled the walls, and I heard something that sounded like a swinging hinge. I glanced back at the door - it hadn’t moved at all. I wondered what else in the room could have made such a sound. But my thoughts were interrupted when, to my surprise, the sound of chirping birds filled the air.
Wonderingly, I let the melodic noises lead me through the room, and arrived at a small window that was wide open. It must have been pushed open by the wind! The birds sounded like a happy symphony; happy that winter had ended, happy that it was a bright and sunny day. Their chirps were high-pitched, sweet, and joyful. I stood there and listened to the unsteady breath of the wind, and took in the sounds of early springtime.
(Words: 184)

“Thank you!” I excitedly took the dripping ice cream cone from him. It was a scorchingly hot summer day, and I was desperate for something to cool me off. Eagerly, I pushed my tongue down into the cold goodness. At first all I tasted was cold- startling, icy coldness. Too cold, even, to distinguish any other flavors. Then a moment later the sugar hit my tongue, and my mouth was filled with the delicate sweetness. The sweetness grew and became even stronger, and right then I began to taste the flavor of the ice cream too: first I got a large, creamy, vanilla-y bite, tasting how the frosting of a cupcake would be if it was richer, more flavorful, and cold.
I took another lick, and a honey-like, warm, slightly salty caramel taste cut through the sweetness and reached my taste buds, then I caught a bite of a slightly sticky, fudgey, rich chocolate swirl. The distinctive flavors blended together nicely, creating a creamy, toffee-like combination.
(Words: 166)

She skipped through the tall grasses happily, glancing down and noticing how the golden sun shone down on the slender, soft, vibrant green blades and gave them a bright and ethereal glow. She could see something in the distance…. Something was glistening, and there also appeared to be something moving. Was it… water? Hurrying closer, the girl saw that it was a small waterfall. The water was clear and had a clean, silvery hue, and was sparkling and glistening in the sunlight. It trickled gently from the tiny, perfectly arranged mountain of rocks, which looked like each one had been stacked in a specific place. The stones were rounded, and though they were a grayish color they were not dull at all; in fact, they looked rather glossy and bright. The water pooled below the rock mound, creating a small pond-like puddle. Surrounded by the gently waving tall grasses, it looked truly magical, as if fairies or water sprites could live there.
(Words: 162)

Shivering, I approached the cafe. The cold winter air smelled sharp and tingled my nose, as if I had inhaled a peppermint- almost spicy, but cool at the same time. The little bell on the door jingled as I pulled it open and stepped inside. I stood there on the doormat and took a deep breath. Warm, buttery smells greeted my nostrils eagerly. The aroma of croissants was what I noticed first: soft, buttery, warm, airy dough. I could almost taste the delicious pastry no- the smell alone assured me that they would be flaky, warm, perfectly crisped on the outside, and soft on the inside.
Next I caught a whiff of coffee. It smelled like it had been brewed recently, and was dark, rich, strong, and had an almost chocolate-like note. I was immediately transported back to my grandmother’s coffee house- I had spent many, many hours there, sitting on a wooden stool and taking in the goings-on of the customers. I always loved when someone would order a coffee with lots of cream and sugar, for it would make the whole room smell like a coffee-tinged hot chocolate. I would sit here with my nose in a book, the sweet, honey-like smell of a well-loved library book intermingling with the hot, fresh coffee…
“Can I get you something, miss?”
I snapped back into reality as the waitress noticed that I was still standing at the doormat and addressed me. I smiled, and approached the counter full of sweet, comfortingly aromatic, delicious pastries.
(Words: 254)

“Ouch!” I woke up with a start as I felt the hard thump of my cat landing on my chest. I could somehow feel the tips of her sharp claws, even through the many layers of my feathery blanket. As she stepped around on my body, her little paws pushed down into the blanket and felt almost like hard, large hailstones landing on me. Finally deciding on a good spot to lay- in between my legs- the cat turned around twice, then sat down decisively. It was dark, and I couldn’t tell which way she was facing. I lifted my head from my pillow, my frizzy hair sticking a bit from the static, and reached out cautiously. My hand was met with soft, fuzzy, short fur, on a firm rounded base: the top of her head. I stroked her gently with my fingers, her soft fur gliding smoothly under my hand as I pet her over and over. She began to purr in delight, and her purrs vibrated comfortingly against my legs. I found her small, cold nose, and gently rubbed it with my forefinger. She clenched her paws against my leg, like a little claw-shaped clamp- a little friendly squeeze, a sign of trust and contentment. I sighed happily, and laid my head back down on my silky, warm pillowcase.
(Words: 221)

Part Two: Using Literary Devices
Words: 498
Literary devices used: Simile, personification, metaphor, and hyperbole.

I pressed my nose against the window. It felt cold as ice against my skin! I peered out, looking around happily at the liquid crystals falling from the sky. It was raining- my favorite weather. Everyone told me that the rain was dreary and boring and “no one likes to go outside when it’s wet out”, but I peacefully disagreed. Rain was beautiful! When it was pouring rain and everyone stayed cooped up, that was when I thrived. There was nothing I loved more than splashing around in a puddle, and feeling the wet drops fall on my skin, then coming inside afterwards and journaling or sketching.
I stared intently at the drops of water running in little streams down the glass; they looked almost as if they were racing each other, and I enjoyed seeing who reached the bottom first.
A little while later, I decided I was ready to stand up from my cozy nook and get into my outdoor attire. Pulling my legs out from underneath my soft knit blanket, I winced at how stiff I was. My body felt like I had been sitting still for days, despite it only having been about half an hour. Standing up, I wobbled over to the coat rack near the front door. Grabbing my rain jacket (which was covered with a cute rainbow pattern) and my mushroom umbrella, I hopped into my bright yellow rubber boots. I opened the door, anticipation bubbling up inside me, and stepped onto the tiny, rickety wooden porch of my house. I carefully stepped down the two wobbly stairs, and safely landed on the gravel path. All of the pebbles were a dark, dull gray color due to them being soaked in rain, instead of their usual light dove color. With some loud rustling, I opened up my umbrella. Then I did a little happy skip, twirling my umbrella in my hand as I danced. Holding a wide-open umbrella always made me feel like Mary Poppins.
To amuse myself, I made up a little story in my head: I was the daughter of a wealthy king, and I had been cooped up in a castle my entire life. But recently, a magical wizard appeared, helped me escape my closed-off life, and brought me into nature for the first time; and this was my first time experiencing rain. Fully emerged in living out my princess character, I stretched out my hand from under the umbrella very gingerly, gasping a little as I felt the glassy bead of water. Putting my umbrella down by my side, I grinned up at the rainclouds, allowing them to rain down on my face and my hair. I wasn’t really pretending or acting anymore; now I was simply living in the moment, enjoying each raindrop. I would be soaking wet by the end of my outside excursion and would need a towel for my hair, but I didn’t mind. I was in my own joyful, rainy world.

Part Three: Final Assignment
Words: 1480

I walked slowly through the forest, my heartbeat loud as a drum in my chest. The night air was cold and sharp, and the slight breeze bit my cheek with piercing teeth. I knew I shouldn’t be outside, alone, in the dead of night, but I had to. The girl in my dream asked me to come into the woods to meet her.
I’d been dreaming about her for weeks; sometimes she would talk to me, and sometimes she would just pop into an unrelated dream and sit there, a shadow. A ghostly, pearly white shadow. I somehow felt a special connection to this girl, whether or not she was real, and I wanted to meet her in the flesh.
So here I was: panicked, my curly hair uncombed and frizzy, still wearing my loose, silky pajamas, and still with bare feet. I noticed how soft the forest floor was beneath my muddy feet- the moss created a fuzzy, tangled carpet for me to walk on. I took deep breaths to calm myself, and caught the scent of flowers, cool and spicy. I took another large breath, and could almost taste the sweet dew in my mouth. Considering the fact that I was currently staying with my aunt’s family for a month, I’d never been this deep in the forest before, so I was taking in as much of the scenic view as I could in the dark. The trees were tall and strong, with deep green velvety leaves, some of which were scattered across the ground and kept sticking to my muddy feet.
Ferns, hedges, and crinkly-leafed bushes framed my path, and a few clumps of dark purple flowers were scattered here and there. I was starting to feel calmer, and began to enjoy just mindlessly walking, taking in nature.
Hoo! Hoo!
I jumped in fright. My hair was standing up on end, on my arms and legs. I gave myself a little shake, determined not to keep making myself startled again. “Calm down, it’s just an owl,” I whispered to myself. “You’re not scared of a little bird, are you?”
I began to hum a little tune softly to myself, but was a little creeped out by how eerie the sound was as it echoed around the tall trees. The echo lasted a strangely long time…. It had been over half a minute, and I could still hear the sweet hum of a song, hardly any quieter than it was before. Suddenly I realized I wasn’t hearing my melody anymore; mine had faded away after echoing briefly. There was another person humming. I shivered with fright- someone else was here. Near me. I frantically looked to the right of me, then to the left, and even above me. I couldn’t tell what direction the song was coming from- it was all around me, encompassing me, and I couldn’t pinpoint it.
Suddenly it stopped.
“Oh sorry, did I scare you?” A sweet voice, cutting through the silence, came from behind me.
I whirled around, and shrieked as I became nose-to-nose with the girl who had spoken. I took a step back, taking a good look at the person that stood before me.
I knew at once that it was her.
The girl was paler than anyone I’d seen in my whole life- not pale as in Caucasian looking, I couldn’t tell her ethnicity at all- but just pale, in a way I’d never seen before. Her smile was so bright that the moonlight radiated off her, and a gentle light flowed from her hands, illuminating the space around the two of us.
I gaped at her in astonishment. Every time I’d dreamed about her, my view had been a little blurry. But now I could see her as clearly as anything. Right in front of my face, staring at me intensely with her piercing green eyes. I noticed how curly and spiraled her hair was….she looked a little like me, actually. Or how at least I wished I looked.
“I’ve been waiting for you!” She grinned. “It gets a little boring around here by myself- Harry doesn’t talk very much, and the toadstools aren’t much company. Too busy gossiping,” She tutted, shaking her head.
“Harry?” I said, bewildered.
The girl jerked her thumb upwards. “The owl.”
A beat of silence.
“Um… what’s your name?” I tried to get a somewhat normal conversation going.
“Elani.” She said, still grinning.
I began to introduce myself in return. “I’m-”
“Ainsley. I know.” Elani said simply.
I stared at her in surprise. “How did you know my name?”
But Elani was already walking ahead of me, her long curls swinging side to side. I scrambled to catch up.
“Have you ever explored the forest before?” She asked me as we walked.
“N-no, this is my first time,” I said.
“Really?” She bounced excitedly. “Oh, I have so much to show you! You don’t need to go back to your aunt’s anytime soon, do you?”
“Well- I must be back by morning, at the latest,” I replied. “You know, for breakfast.”
“Breakfast? Breakfast….. oh, I remember now! Nearly forgot.” Elani chuckled.
I chose not to question what she was talking about. We walked side by side for a few strides in silence, then Elani began to hum again.
“Where exactly are you leading me?” I asked hesitantly.
“To my favorite place in the world!” She exclaimed. “Don’t worry, we’re nearly there.”
We came to a crossroad on the pathway. Elani confidently chose the left path, so I followed, and entered the slender lane of trees.
“Ah, here we are!” Elani ran the last couple of yards. She was an incredibly fast runner, and I was out of breath by the time we reached her destination; a small, beautiful pond, surrounded by toadstools. There was a small log nearby, which Elani immediately plopped down on, but I just stood there, in awe of what I was seeing.
All around us were fireflies, like strings of fairy lights fluttering around the air as they blinked and twinkled. The pond was a small, heart-shaped puddle of water, and nearby, jumping in the water and sitting near the edge, were the smallest frogs I’d ever seen. Each one was about the size of a raspberry. The mushrooms all varied in size, color, and shape- there were small, round blue ones, humongous, spiky, yellow ones, as tall as me, and medium-sized pink ones that danced and swayed in time with Elani’s humming. I felt like I had entered a magical fairyland.
Elani and I played with the frogs, explored all of the mushrooms, even giving them creative names like “Petal Bounce” and “Banana Fairy”, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

After we had done all we could think to do and were sitting there on the log for a few minutes, I began to shiver. I had been so distracted for the past few hours or so that I’d forgotten about the cold, but now I was brought back into the reality of how chilly the nighttime air really was.
I sighed and turned to Elani.
“I should really be going back,” I said apologetically. “I need to sleep for at least some of the night.”
Elani pouted.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
Still smiling apologetically, I nodded.
Elani sat there, deliberating. “Well then- I guess I’ll walk you back,” she said, standing up.

We walked back through the woods together, chatting like old friends and waving hello to Harry the owl.
Having made it back to the entrance of the woods, I turned to say goodbye and to thank her.
We stood face to face, just as we had when we met. She started into my eyes with her piercing green ones. “I’m so glad you came,” Elani said, still smiling her familiar grin. “I’ve asked a lot of people, but you were the first one who accepted the invite. I’ve been trying for years! Everyone else probably couldn’t see me, unfortunately,” She added, as a side note.
I stared at her in puzzlement. “Wait, do you mean that I’m the only person who can see you-?”
“Unimportant details!” Elani waved my question aside briskly. “What’s important is that you came, and we met, and now we’re friends.”
I smiled. I didn’t understand this girl, but what she said was true; we were friends.
“I’m glad I came.” I said.
We stared at each other for another moment. Then Elani turned head away and put her hand to her face, and when she turned back I saw a smeared crystal tear glistening on her pale skin. Was she- crying?
“Are you alright, Elani?” I asked gently.
She sniffed. “Of course I’m alright! It’s just- well, nature is very moving isn’t it? Mushrooms are very emotional beings.”
And with that, she turned and walked away, back into the forest.

Last edited by gamerny (Jan. 29, 2023 19:19:45)

she/her • cat lover • music lover • theatre kid • artist of sorts • crocheter
✎…✌ ♥

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