Discuss Scratch

80 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 11, 2023
130 words 200 points (right?)

  • The characters meet in a park one Friday evening.
    They meet again the next Friday, this time talking to each other.
    They somehow get each other mad, causing them to use hidden powers.
    They don’t like each other really…
    But they meet again the next Friday.
    As you can see this isn’t very exiting
    But on that Friday they’re attacked. They each use their hidden power to escape but… let’s just say I’ll publish the story here on scratch it’s complicated.
    They wake up (uhh I’ll explain later) in the same area but in different spots
    “HELLLLP” they each try to use their power to get out but they can’t
    One epic battle later… they find themselves back at the park, but fleeing for however many more years it takes

Last edited by Sophie-Foster-Fan (Jan. 12, 2023 01:54:30)

Heya! It’s Lana, your friendly girl who is working on many many, stories! My goal is to write the best story and I now have 2 stories competing for that title
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #12 1/12/23
word count: 518
points: 500

Amaya and her family, mom, dad, and sister, Akira, prepare for their annual trip to their grandmother’s countryside cottage. Amaya and Akira love going there because they believe there is ‘magic’. While playing by a small pond by their grandmother’s home a large shadow towers over them, it’s the shape of a human shaped figure. Akira is snatched by the shadow monster Amaya tries running after Akira but as fast as the creature had appeared it disappeared as well. Amaya searches for Akira, as she is ready to tell her parents what happened, afraid that they are going to doubt her. Shadow creature comes back for her, taking her to this place, filled with darkness. In the middle is a small figure crouched in a cage made of shadows sobbing, Akira. Amaya runs towards her, reaching out to grasp her sister, but she grasps onto nothing. The shadow demon tricked her and she is put into a shadow cage of her own. A small light creature comes and visits her, it’s the only light in the darkness. It promises to help Akira get home safely and escape the shadow realm only if Amaya agrees to do it a favor after Akira is gotten to safety. The light creature is able to locate Akira over the course of what seems an eternity for Amaya since you can’t tell the time of day in the shadow realm. Meanwhile back at their grandmother’s countryside home, the girls are marked as missing, their mom, dad, and grandmother are very worried. The police have been involved and are scrambling to find the girls but they are really confused because the footsteps of the girls end at the edge of the pond and no footsteps can be located anywhere else. Meanwhile back in the shadow realm the light creature needs Amaya to create a distraction to distract the shadow month, aka the shadow king who’s watching over Amaya. Amaya decides to start screaming and shrieking, the shadow king does come running over and the light creature is able to grab onto Akira and teleport her back home. Amaya is the only one left in the shadow realm right now with the shadow king, the light creature still hasn’t come back and the shadow king is getting very close to her, sooner or later the shadow king will see through her faking. The light creature comes back at the latest possible moment. It says that it will free Amaya and take her away from this place, not take her home, if she strikes another deal. With the shadow king only six feet away Amaya agrees. The light creature strikes the deal that Amaya has to serve it and the light creatures’ queen for the next 50 years in exchange for helping her escape the shadow realm. Amaya is taken to the light realm where she will reside for the next 50 years while her family members back home will continue to look for her, no one believes Akira about the shadow realm. The believe the girls were taken but only Akira was able to escape.

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
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JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Weekly 2:

Name: Athena McClenin

Age: 14 (?)

Characteristics: Athena started as a sweet girl, a little shy, though not much. Athena always went big, and loved to hang out with friends. Books were always Athena’s favorite, and she would always burry her face in one. Athena had a pretty uniform life, and when change came, it came smashing into her, wrecking everything she had built up already. Athena’s hated when change came, although it came many times. Athena was never one to share about her life too much. As the changes came, she changed, many of the changes unknown to her original peers at hogwarts. Returning to hogwarts she would seem a new person. Levelheaded in all situations, never showing many emotions all at once, and especially not to random people. Quiet and reserved, always with a book in hand and excuses ready to help her get away from any situation she didn’t want to be in. She had begun to seem sad, always finding reminders of her life before change swept through. Without Cara there at school with her, she didn’t know many people, instead preferring to keep to herself. Her name was not quite recognizable, more something that would tickle the back of your mind, but didn’t have a distinct feel to it.

Flaws: Athena is very quiet and reserved, and is hard to be around sometimes. She also cannot stand to be in many situations and always is trying to get away. She has a habit of pushing away those trying to help, always feeling like she was over sharing.

Strengths: Athena is levelheaded, and isn’t quick to panic or to scare. She’d more quickly admit she’s at fault than argue with you. Once you get past her shyness, she can be funny and helpful to have around. She also has a sort of sixth sense, always ahead of the game. Sixth Sense Ability.

Looks: Athena is blond with curly/wavy hair, and she usually wears the school uniform, rather shying away from glance then wearing something bold and bright. She always looks forgettable, although maybe she is remembered by how standard she looks among other bright colors.

Backstory: Athena came to Hogwarts with her friend Cara, and they both survived through first year together as hufflepuffs, meeting new people and making ties to the school. During the summer they attended a muggle summer camp, along with Rita Su, another hufflepuff from their year. Near the end of the summer Athena got word that their family would be adopting another girl, whose parents had been friends with her parents. Athena also learned that her mum was pregnant with another boy. Athena took the changes poorly, breaking down at camp and growing away from her parents, who began giving most attention to the new arrivals in the McClenin household. Athena returned to school with Cara, ready to be rebellious and break a few rules. Instead, not even mid-way through the year, Athena gets news that the family is moving to a bigger house. Not a nearby house, a house in another country. Athena and Cara’s family move away, and Athena leaved a heartbreaking goodbye to Colin. At the other school, Athena is educated appropriately, though Athena is sometimes judged for her accent. Throughout the year, Ava’s personality changes and becomes what you would see now. After a lot of begging and even some bribing, Athena convinces her parents to move back. Athena is so excited she forgets to check with her friend Cara, and see if she can come back too. But soon it’s too late, and Athena’s house is sold, leaving Athena to return to Hogwarts without her best friend…

Last edited by reallybigwords (Jan. 12, 2023 21:42:14)

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

daily #12

super rushed.

exposition: laura smuggles bread from the market, the bread baker catches her, and she is forced to work with him. turns out, he is a spy, spying on the evil prince that is about to become the king. at first, laura doesn't do any work. she just sends information to and from different places. during this, she meets a friendly boy named zayne (zay) and they both work together. then, a very important and serious job comes up. both zay and laura have to work in it, their first mission.

rising action: laura and zayne are in their first mission and a test to see if they can stay in the spy unit. laura has to kill her first human; she's done it in training with dummies, and succeeds, as well as zayne. suddenly, a drone comes up shooting bombs. this was not part of the plan. zayne and laura quickly exit the scene even though they haven't finished. the boss was going to be furious, and they were definitely gone from the spy unit. suddenly, the drone catches up to zay.

climax: the drone captures zay, ties him up, leaving laura in shock. zay tells laura to leave immediately for her safety, and doubtfully, she does, not wanting to leave zayne behind. it turns out, the drone was the prince's guards, and he heard about their spy mission. laura goes back to the spy unit, scared she has no place to go, as she's an orphan, and unfortunately is denied as she thought she would be. she breaks down in tears, missing zayne dearly. having no place to go, she must hide, and she goes in an underground bunker that she built.

falling action: the bread maker comes back to her, saying he needs her help as she is very quiet. she denies, but after a while, she agrees, only to the condition of saving zayne. the bread maker agrees, and finally introduces himself as james. they both sneak in the kings castle, and threaten the king to kill his poor son, as he, is close to death. he agrees.

resolution: they finally get zayne back, and he took a bunch of riches from the royalty. laura is no longer poor, and has a “brother”, zayne. laura finally is living her high life.

-ˋˏ aloe there ˎˊ-

azlin ~ she/her ~ wip

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

free writing!! (daily too?? cabin wars?) i got inspired by my rushed summary of the story, above! i changed a few things, though

part 1, 1,007 words
(i may add more, depending on my motivation.)

Laura struggled to carry the bread while running. Laura never learned from this, did she? She always smuggled, her only source of food, but this time, she got caught. Laura ran as fast as she could, although the bread baker was on horseback. Oh brother, Laura thought. Usually she got away with smuggling pretty easily, but this man was giving her a challenge she was willing to take, for her empty stomach. She ran through the forest, hoping to confuse the horse and lose the man, but the bread maker was still right behind her, extremely persistent. It was only a piece of bread! He made one hundred every day, was he trying to punish her for her actions? Laura knew she needed this bread, or she would starve. This man had all the bread in the world, why was he pushing so much for one? The questions were storming in her head, she knew she had to stop. But she couldn't, and her pace was slowing down each moment. Suddenly, the horse's mane brushed on her neck, which caused her to sprint as fast as she could, but that only lasted a bit, before Laura was barely running. The man screamed orders in a foreign language Laura didn't understand, and the horse clenched his teeth on the back of her shirt, but her energy was all drained out from the sprint. Why did she do that? Laura started to curse at herself, which wouldn't do her any good, but the situation was extremely negative. Suddenly the man grabbed the bridle and pulled her towards him like a lasso. She was going to get a beating, and she knew it. The man spoke a language she didn't recognize and shook her head. He tried multiple languages before reaching hers. Was the man friendly? She apologized softly, barely a whisper, as the man chuckled softly, before saying, “Keep a steady pace when you run.” his tone sharpened abruptly. Laura opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. She shivered a bit, not ready for what was coming. The man ignored and continued on, “I need your help. Come with me, I'll show you.” Laura had nothing to lose, except for the bread, which she asked, “Can.. can I keep the bread, sir?” the man chuckled again while his tone softened slowly, and said, “Yes, but follow me.” Laura thought it was a fair deal, and agreed. She was an orphan, with no other family in contact with her, and even if this man was going to kill her, nobody would care, plus it would stop her from having to fight for a measly bowl of soup or an apple a day. Which didn't seem too bad to Laura. The man led Laura to the attic of a small house. This was where he was going to hide her body, Laura predicted. “If you're going to kill me, please do it with a gun. I'm sure time will go by quickly and I will be dead in an instant.” She said. The man stared at her questioningly before laughing loudly. “No, my dear, I'm not going to kill you. I just need your help, like I said.” which he then adds, “I need you to be a spy. There are many kids your age that are working for me.” What was she, an animal? “No, sir, I do not want to be treated like an indentured servant, or even a slave, as you will! I do not obey orders like a dog.” Laura says. “My lady, I will feed you like my own daughter. We are a family, all connected, and working for a good cause. Let me introduce you to the others. Trust me, they are very nice.” He replies. “What is your name, you yourself have not introduced to me yet.” Laura says, slightly calmer. “Ah, yes, apologies. You haven't either, madam. I am Xavier. How about you?” Laura debated on answering her real name, as she had to go as a spy, right? Oh, she was silly, wasn't she. Listening to too many radio broadcasts. “I'm Laura, nice to meet you, Sir Xavier.” Laura replies, keeping her politeness. “Address me as Xavier. This isn't a dinner party, Laura! Calm yourself down, you're okay.” Xavier jokes. “And hungry, too.” Laura adds quietly to herself. “Hm, what's that? We can eat together at the table, with the others.” Laura was curious who the others were, so she followed Xavier to the table. Xavier introduced Laura to the others, who were Zayne, Penny, Iza, Collin, and Nadine. Laura warmed up to Zayne immediately. They both talked throughout the welcoming feast; Laura lost her appetite. A hard thing to do, considering she was starving every day. But she had gotten used to it. Zayne was also an orphan, which is why Laura liked him so much. She could share a connection, just as Xavier said. She was starting to think this wasn't so bad after all. Laura had smiled for the first time in years. It surprised her a whole lot. Zayne had long black hair, which he didn't want Xavier to cut from past experience. Laura laughed at this, looking into his lovely dark blue eyes. A sight to see! Unique and lovely, unlike Laura's short, curly dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Iza was the mother of the household, who charmed men with lovestruck hearts working for the enemy lines. Collin was best at fighting, for when things got a little too physical. Nadine was sneaky and small, so nobody noticed her much. Penny was the one that hid resources in bags smartly, sewing them in and creating fake IDs and birth certificates. Laura was mesmerized by all their hard work, but their current target was the king. Laura doubted they could succeed, it was a hard job, who was this foolish to go against royalty itself. But they were dead serious. Laura was in charge of sending information, a simple job, because she was new.

-ˋˏ aloe there ˎˊ-

azlin ~ she/her ~ wip

17 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023


i'm a mushroom child
mushrooms follow me everywhere i go
mushrooms in my tangled hair
a trail of mushrooms behind me
mushrooms grow as the fungus spreads under the dirt
mushrooms pop out in the forest around me
a web of mushrooms hidden under the surface
mushrooms waiting for me

mushroom spores blowing in the wind
through the forest of mushrooms

mushrooms cover the world now
the world is made of mushrooms
tiny brown mushrooms hidden under leaves
shelf mushrooms growing out of the sides of trees
the trees that are also mushrooms
houses inside of mushrooms
our world is made of mushrooms
and everywhere the lanterns glow

Rain/Dark ✡ he/xe/it/they/fae/all neos

17 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

I don’t remember when I learned the word antisemitism. It seems like I’ve always known it, the same way I’ve always known that there are people who hate me for who I am. The same way I’ve always known what that hate caused them to do in the past, the not-so-distant past, and may cause them to do in the future. In the present. In my life. I’d be terrified to get a Jewish tattoo, as I’ve seen others do. A mark that would forever mark me as a target. I will always have to be careful when I say who I am.

Rain/Dark ✡ he/xe/it/they/fae/all neos

17 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

I remember my first real experience with antisemitism. Not just being told I’d go to hell, not just things in the news, not just Christian-normativity, and not just complete ignorance of who I am. Although I’d seen those too, so, so many times. But this was different.

Rain/Dark ✡ he/xe/it/they/fae/all neos

17 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

I remember being innocent.
I remember not understanding but pretending I did.
I remember hiding who I was
for so, so many reasons.
A Jewish kid in a Christian country.
An Autistic child, an Adhd child.
In a place where neurotypicals are, well, neurotypical.
I remember being different.
I called myself weird, and I was proud of that.
I am proud of that.

Last edited by cedar-forest (Jan. 13, 2023 02:05:52)

Rain/Dark ✡ he/xe/it/they/fae/all neos

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #13 1/12/22
word count: 833

In the forest high up in the mountains of China, there is a recognizable creature that captures the attention and awws of people worldwide. It has a black and white coat of fur and chews comps on mainly bamboo. Can you guess what this animal is? If you said panda you are indeed correct. Panda or, Ailuropoda Melanoleuca, is a rare species of bear. As of now there are only 1,864 still living in the wild, many live in zoos right now. Their extinction status is vulnerable. Pandas live mainly in the high mountains of southwest China where their diet consists mainly of bamboo. They need to eat 26-84 pounds (or around 12-38 kg) of bamboo in a day. Pandas use their ‘thumbs’, similar to one on a human's hands to eat the bamboo. The paws of a Giant Panda have a special bone in their wrists called the sesamoid bone. This is kind of like their ‘sixth’ toe. It helps them grasp onto the bamboo to chew on it. Quite cool isn’t it! Now, the most recognizable thing about a panda is its distinctive black and white fur. Why is its fur black and white you might ask? Well according to livescience.com, there is use behind their black and white furry coats. Their black fur is for blending, or camouflaging against a shady background, which is quite useful as they do live in forests with shady trees. And their white fur is to match against the snow during the winter. The eyes could either be for recognition between the pandas with each other or aggressive signaling. Moving on, what is the life cycle of a panda? Well usually 5.5 to 6.5 year old pandas will start breeding. Their mating season is during the spring, from March to April. Usually only one panda is born at a time. When they are born a newborn panda cub weighs only 90-130g, and about as small as a stick of butter, as a full grown adult they can weigh from 220-330 pounds (or around 100-150 kg) . Try imagining that! When they are born, they are furless, their black and white fur hasn't grown in yet, instead they look like small pink creatures. It’s only 1/900th the size of its mother when it’s born! That’s very small, the mother must seem like a giant to that cub. Pandas are quite dependent on the first few months as a cub. When their mother becomes pregnant again, around 18 months after the cub’s birth the cub will move on and leave. A panda living in the wild's average lifespan is 14-20 years while in captivity they can live up to 30 years. That’s almost twice or a third greater than living in the wild. Continuing on, I’m sure we would all like to know how Pandas communicate to each other. Well here’s the answer. Pandas are usually solitary animals but they have a variety of sounds they may use to communicate with each other. They may squeak, bark, growl, or even huff to communicate. I don’t know about you but a baby panda making squeaking noises is absolutely adorable. Before mating season, encounters between pandas are rare. They still communicate often though through scent marking and vocalization, aka the animal way of communicating. Every panda has a distinctive home range, while they aren’t territorial female pandas don’t exactly tolerate other females in their home range. Interesting thing about pandas is that unlike their other bear cousins, they do not hibernate. Instead they travel down the mountain to find a warmer habitat to stay during the winter and during the summer they move back up higher to the cooler parts of the forests to cool off, they will always travel to somewhere with bamboo. There is also another reason that they don’t hibernate, they are not able to stop eating. Bamboo is low in nutrition which makes it hard for pandas to build up enough fat for the winter. Last but not least, we should address the cultural significance of pandas. Pandas have become a symbol of China. They are a representation of peace and friendship. They are also viewed as warriors, as they are able to find their own food and withstand the bitter cold temperatures of the mountains. Pandas have captured worldwide attention from their cuteness and to the fact that they are vulnerable to extinction. It’s taken decades now but the Giant Panda is no longer extinct. As climate change is changing the world we’ve known all our lives, the panda population is also threatened as well. Their habitats in the high mountains of southeast China will be threatened as well as their food supply. Without food it is nearly impossible for them to survive. You can help stop this by donating money to a wildlife reserve and maybe just taking small steps to help slow the stop to climate change that is threatening the lives of both humans and animals today.

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
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100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Cabin Wars 1/12/23
word count: 430

Ever seen brightly colored animals, like lime green frogs deeply saturated blue butterflies. These animals are often poisonous and have foul tastes, smells, and are aggressive as well. This is called aposematism. This means an animal ‘advertises’ itself to its predators saying that it is not worth attacking or eating. This advertising may come in many forms, like colors, sounds and odors. Let us take the poison dart frog for example. If you search up poison dart frogs online you will immediately see brightly colored frogs, frogs like you’ve never seen before. They range from red, to orange, to blue, to green, etc., you get the point. These frogs are literally one of the world’s most toxic and poisonous species. Really! Only around an inch small they frogs sure are powerful. Their bright colors purposely tell predators that their toxic, ‘don’t eat me!’. You might ask how one small amphibian can be that poisonous. Well, scientists assume that these frogs get their poison from the food they eat. They feast on all types of small insects, ranging from ants, to termites, crickets, and tiny beetles as well. A golden poison dart frog has enough poison alone to kill around 20,000 mice! How crazy is that? These frogs reside in the rainforests of Central and South America. Another example of animals that use aposematism to ward off their enemies are flamboyant cuttlefish, or metasepia pfefferi (a mouthful to say). The definition of flamboyant, according to Britannica is, “Having a very noticeable quality that attracts a lot of attention.” For this cuttlefish, it’s its color. When approached by a predator, surprisingly the flamboyant cuttlefish doesn’t run away (flamboyant can also mean behaving in a confident way), instead it stays put, flashing hypnotic colors and pulsing its fins. This kind of reminds me of mesmerising. This is a warning to the predator of how dangerous it is. The flamboyant cuttlefish is one of the currently known poisonous (not venomous) cephalopod species. The flamboyant cuttlefish don’t release its poison through a bite or sting, instead you would be poisoned by being eaten. Imagine that in your stomach. In conclusion, animals have creative if not unique ways of warding off their enemies, maybe the most common is color. Normally a prey would want to stay hidden but animals such as poison dart frogs and the flamboyant cuttlefish (plus way more animals) don’t. They stand out, with bright colors as a warning sign to their enemy not to come near them or eat them. This unique way is effective and quite special to learn about!

Last edited by Pinkmouse773 (Jan. 14, 2023 00:59:26)

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
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JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Ava listened to him with her hands crossed across her chest. “Lady, you’re the one that called me a jerk in the first place! But I suppose you’re right. I mean, only a jerk imitates a mentally disabled person just for the fun of it.” Ava glared at him and opened her mouth to speak. How was she supposed to know this? She wasn’t a genius. This guy might as well have been, because he seemed more like a ravenclaw than a hufflepuff. Or really anything other than hufflepuff. He seemed more like a stereotypical slytherin than a hufflepuff. He sure acted like one at least. Was he really a hufflepuff, or was he disguised. Her thoughts were interrupted when he decided to mock her. “But I’m not a…” That was probably something along the lines of what I would say. He was going to finish the thought with ‘mentally disabled person’ but he interrupted himself, or her, or whatever. “Oh, you’re not a mentally disabled person?” I raised my eyebrows, wondering where he was going with this one. “Well of the many people that have walked into me here at Hogwarts, you’re the first one to to ask why I walked into you—” WHAT? He’d walked into other people, and always made them accept the guilt of having done something they probably didn’t even do. This was getting more and more messed by the second. What a literal jerk he was. Ava was about done with this conversation. “—so you either have some sort of mental disability that messes with your perception of reality, or you’re the jerk.” With that he picked up his suitcase and turned to leave. Ava just shook her head. Let him leave. She was done with this conversation, just like he seemed to be. She watched him leave, then turned on her heels to add his name to her list of people to prank.

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Charlie finally stepped up to the podium. I rested my instrument in a ready position and listened to Charlie explain that we were going to play deck the halls. I noticed how nervous she looked and looked through my music, noting what key were in, what the notes were, where accidentals were and the dynamics. She said it was just a sight reading, but I was not going to be the one to mess this up. She turned on the metronome and we began playing. Even from my music wrapped focus, I could tell that we sounded trashy. I could tell Charlie felt the same when I took a moment to glance at her. When we wrapped up, she was quick to point out the mistakes we had made. I was surprised, because some of them even I didn’t catch, but they made sense when I thought about what we had played.

It was time for the second song, I’ll be home for Christmas. We played trough it, and Charlie was on drums this time. We played it, and it was better than the last time, but still not what it should’ve sounded like. I could tell Charlie looked about ready to rake a hand across her face and take a nap. I gave her a weak smile as she told us to try again.

We went through it a few times, until Charlie told us to take a break. I set my clarinet down and walked over to her. “You good? I can take over if you want.” Charlie looked like she needed a break. It was probably so stressful being the leader of a club, especially since everyone was counting on her, including the older years. I wondered how she had even been able to become the leader of the club.

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #14 1/13/23
word count: 202
points: 300

Wow, this one was fun! Just envisioning myself as my character. For these quizzes I chose to ‘become’ one of my many characters, Virendra Madden. A brief overview of her, she’s part of the illegal business of hunting in the enchanted woods for magical animals. She is specifically the leader of one well known gang in the enchanted woods, the Vivere. The reason that all these people are part of this business is because they need extra money to support their families under the rule of the greedy Avarus Royal Family. Virendra is a fierce and confident person, but she has a soft spot for the ‘weaker’ as she says. I think the results are pretty accurate for my character. In the elements quiz she got water, which is strategic, clever, rarely makes mistakes because of intelligence, humor, and on time. For the MBTI quiz she got, ENFJ, responsible, empathetic, finds potential in everyone and helps them fulfill their potential, loyal, strong in leadership. Finally for the emoji quiz she got the party emoji, fun and exciting to be around, sometimes random, lots of friends, and humorous. This all reflects my character spot on and helps me find more traits to add.

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
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100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Weekly #2 Pt. 3 1/13/23
word count: 409
points: 200

I think this arc plays an important part in my writing planning process. I’m more of a ‘pantser’ writing, aka I almost NEVER plan out my stories unless it’s for a school assignment. With the character arc it helps me, one, envision what’s going to happen in the story, the plot, the climax, and two, help me plan how my character is going to change over the course of the story with all the events that happen. The specific meaning of my story here is that, “Every action comes with consequences.” My character, Amaya, is careless at times. She doesn’t pay attention to safety and can be described as reckless. She went against her parents and grandmother’s warnings of staying away from the pond that day. Additionally she dragged her sister, Akira along putting the both of them in danger. Talk about karma. When her sister is taken by the shadow creature, this changes her. She starts to realize the full extent of her recklessness on other people’s lives and her own and the shadow monster does come back to take her to the shadow realm. When the opportunity arose that Akira could be freed with the help of a light creature, Amaya agreed. In doing so, she gave up her freedom without knowing. She was sentenced to eighty years in the debt of the light creatures, and their queen, in their realm, the light realm. It’s there that she will come to the conclusion that if she had listened to her mother, father, and grandmother that day this wouldn’t have all happened, she would be stuck indebted to a silly light creature. I think that this change in my character is important because this is a lesson we should all keep in our hearts all throughout our lives. Sometimes under pressure or stress, or just in rebellion, we make rash decisions not even thinking about the consequences that can follow. This often, more than half the time will get us into a bit of a sticky place, I should say. Character changes can help readers sometimes as well change a bit as writing is very powerful in moving people.This character arc has played a big part in my story with helping me plan it all out before I start so I have somewhat of an idea, a blueprint that I can abide by as I start to type up my story and bring changes to my character.

Last edited by Pinkmouse773 (Jan. 14, 2023 03:46:50)

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
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33 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

say [Astoria's Hangout]

Hallo! This is the forum post (starting from 1-14-23 to the end of Jan) that I will use for my dailies!

✎ Nickname: Astro
✎ Pronouns: She/her
✎ Cabin: Knight
✎ Word Count: 500/2023

(Date - Title - Words - Points)

1-14 - My Character's Personality Quiz

So, I took the Personality Quizzes with my character, Collie Collera. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of it! It was really fun to think about something in someone else's perspective and answer it, because Collie is still in the drafts . Her personality is that she is an insect loving girl who is beautiful, popular, and very intelligent, but has a huge obsession with the life of bugs and loves studying about them. She has tons of friends, but she prefers to be alone. But she still likes everyone, and is very kind. Her only fault is that when she's studying insects, she goes into another world and hates to be interrupted, or if anyone says that her obsession is dumb. So, I got water, as I kind of expected, in the element quiz. In the MBTI quiz, I got ENFJ (i didn't expect anything in this one, because I don't really know about MBTI). And last but not least, in the emoji one, I got a party emoji!


Astoria woke up early that morning. She did the basic things - taking a bath, brushing her teeth, drinking some milk, and rushed upstairs.She sat at her computer, thinking what to do. She then opened Scratch. She went to the JWC main cabin, looked at the daily, weekly, and monthly, and thought of what she could do. She then did either a daily or a part of a weekly and then went to do yoga. Afterwards, at about 2:30 in the afternoon, she took her computer again and started thinking of her story, slowly typing the words. She usually did this on her table in her wonderful, open room with beautiful curtains and nature all around the windows with her cousin sitting on her bed, but sometimes she would do it on the floor. Afterwards, at about 7:30 in the night, she would take her computer, stare at the screen, and brainstorm her ideas. She always thought more in the night. That was her routine. She looked at her writing camp at the morning, wrote the ideas she had brainstormed the day before in the afternoon, and brainstorm ideas for tomorrow in the evening.

'Hello' by Adele
I looked out the window. It was a windy California day. I felt like the whole world had gone black and white, because it was the only colors I could see. I was sad, mad, confused, scared. I just wanted things to be like how they were. Why was the world so cruel?
But he wasn't the only one to blame. I was the one who made him leave, I was the one who broke his heart, but I was the only one who wanted to join again. He must have moved on, but I think I could never move on from him.
I decided to try calling him. At least I could express my sadness and apologize to him. He wouldn't come back to me, of course, but I'd know he knew how I felt.
I breathed in. The world was stopping me from dialing those numbers on the phone, but I would. I mustered all my strength, dialed his phone number and waited. No reply. I waited more. He cut the call.
I called again. He cut the call.
I did this about five times, until he just shut down his phone.
I felt heartbroken. I just wanted to say sorry, apologize to him,, but I couldn't.
Then my phone rang again. I suddenly took it. It was him.
“Hello?” I said.

Last edited by 81AstroBear (Jan. 23, 2023 01:18:55)

✿☆ - astro - girl - sweet - nerd - better than you - ✿☆ /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Hi, there! Please keep in mind that stealing any of my ideas is plagiarism. I work really hard on my writing, so it wouldn't be fair for you to pass one of my ideas off as our own. Thanks!
Jan 14th Daily: Take these personality quizzes, BUT as if you were your character. Journal about the results you got, and if you think they were accurate. Write at least 100 words for 200 points! An extra 100 points if you share your work!

Elements: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/24222661/

MBTI type: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/686789338/

Emoji: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/338957151
Word Count: 274 words

I chose to do this daily around my character Astria. I hadn't quite figured out her personality yet, so my results might vary a little. I sort-of saw her as a strong-willed, grey character. She is stubborn and at the start of the story, she only cares about herself. She loves astronomy, and at the start of the story, was sort-of a black-market dealer in her world. The results I got for the elements personality quiz was lightning. It feels decently accurate. She is risk taker, and she usually has luck on her side when she takes on challenges. But I am not sure how creative she is. For the mbti type personality, the results I got for her was ENTJ. It was hard for me to figure out if she was an introvert or extrovert, but I do think that the quiz was right to say that she was an extrovert. She is frank, decisive, and a takes charge kind of person, but I am not sure if she is a planner. Well, as I think about that…she might be. I mean, she worked black market deals for a while, so she had to plan the deals and her escape. Not sure about organizational skills… And then for the emoji personality quiz, the results I got for her was the cool emoji. I am sort-of on the fence about this one. She is an extrovert and I think that she likes attention, but I am not sure if she is really someone who makes/has friends. And at the start, she isn't really the type of person who makes a positive impact, lol.


75 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily #14: Personality Quizzes

Words: 187
Points: 300

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For this daily, I decided to do the quizzes from the perspective of my character Dellarie (who was from a recent daily).

For the elements quiz, I got water. The description of this element talks about being a person who’s very strategic, clever, timely, and enjoys humor. I definitely think this is accurate to Dellarie’s personality; she’s definitely smart and quick, and though I hadn’t thought much about her idea of humor before now, I do believe that she has a great sense of humor.
For the MBTI quiz, I got INFP: Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving. I definitely agree with this - Dellarie is a bit on the introverted side, and she follows her heart.
For the emoji quiz, I got the happy emoji: Dellarie is definitely a pretty happy person in general, although while she deals with strange and unpredictable situations I don’t think she would be that “unrealistically happy and endlessly optimistic” character stereotype.

I really enjoyed doing this daily, and I feel like I got some ideas and inspiration from it, and got to develop my character in ways I hadn’t thought about before.

Last edited by gamerny (Jan. 14, 2023 22:33:01)

she/her • cat lover • music lover • theatre kid • artist of sorts • crocheter
✎…✌ ♥
1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #14
after a long silence I am back D 443 words

I have so many characters I can't decide -
Anyway, I considered taking it as my main OC, Skylar, but she's basically just an exaggerated version of myself with tweaks to flaws and stuff. I decided that maybe that wasn't the best idea as it would end up with a result to close to me and it woudn't be fun. Instead, I decided to go with one of my new characters, Zhang Xiao Hu who I am using in a medical fiction story I'm writing.

Elements: I realised a few gaps on some of Zhang's personal likes and dislikes, but I think it's okay as they're not final so the result may not be accurate… anyway, the result I got for her was Earth! It was definetly accurate in the fact that she is calm, but I wouldn't say that she's relaxed. Zhang is quite fidgety if she's not in a chaotic environment *cough* the hospital emergency department *cough* Other than that I think it was not the best, but I haven't fully fleshed her out yet so I think that was expected.

MBTI: I found several questions whic forced me to develop Zhang's character more, such as the question about mess. Since she's quite fidgety and thoughts get in if she's still I decided that she'd be a tody person as it's the only way for her to keep the thoughts at bay. It showed that she was an INFP, which I don't think reflected her well at all. I think the flexibility and adaptablilty of the personaly is something I'd consider adding to her personality. As for things which I don't think reflected her well, I'd personally consider Zhang on the ambiverted side. She's quite withdrawn unless you start the conversation to her, at which point she is quite open and talkative.

Emoji: I figured some stuff out about Zhang this time- anyway, I feel like the options in this quiz did make the result inaccurate. It showed that she was a party emoji, and that she was fun and exciting. I have no idea if she really is fun, as she is more withdrawn and that side of her personality I haven't addressed yet. She also being ver random at times which I don't think reflects her well - unless it is organising stuff. I think the kindness aspect reflects her very well, as she's a doctor (or training to be one) She's not exactly the most optimistic person, nor does she tell many jokes. I feel like the “dark humour” as a coping mechanism from working in the emergency department would probably shape her as she goes onwards in the story.

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
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out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


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*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #14

258 words

My character, Norah, is very competitive. This causes her to also be very stubborn. She gets jealous when others around her succeed. She wants to be better than others, and she is a bit sociopathic, but she also never gives up and is super determined. Once she has made up her mind, you can't change it.

Element ; For the element, she got fire, which definitely suits her. It makes up for her whole personality, in fact. I think this suits her a lot because she is super feisty and loves to compete against others, as mentioned in the project and above. She is short-tempered and gets mad pretty easily, especially when she loses in any way, whether it's in a taekwondo competition or even if it's beating Lucas folding the laundry.

MBTI type ; Norah got ESTJ. I do think she is an extrovert, as she craves attention and wants a great reputation, but she isn't very logical. She will try to win any way she can and, to be honest, she isn't so organized. The only thing she organizes is her medals, because they are the only thing she cares about. Overall, I don't think this matches perfectly.

Emoji ; She got the cool emoji, which I do think makes a good match, because she does love attention and she is popular, although wants a better reputation, she can't get enough. She doesn't always set a good example, as she is a bit vain sometimes, but she does, depending on her mood. I think this matches Norah almost fully.

-ˋˏ aloe there ˎˊ-

azlin ~ she/her ~ wip

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