Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Free Write 1/2/23
word count: 758

The sun shimmered and glinted gold, lighting up everywhere its rays danced upon. The rays danced of every possible thing in my sight from the sickening sweet crimson flowers to each individual blade of grass, they taunted me. Long before this dreaded day, I knew what would happen, the consequences, yet I persevered attempting to escape my destiny. The sky knew it and I knew it there would be no escaping your destiny. So there I stood silent in the field, the tips of the grass digging into my bare feet and ankles, I tried to absorb as much as I could, remembering the feeling of being myself. I closed my eyes, obscuring the taunting smirk of Mother Nature. Slumping to the ground, I fell into my memories that I’ve fought to keep but they would all be taken today. My favorite memories were of my mother, the days before they took her. She could easily pass for a goddess, with her pearly white smile, glossy brown coils, and rich olive skin, her warm chestnut eyes, so comforting, she was my mother. Her clothes were flowy dresses that made her look ethereal. She moved with the gracefulness of a giselle and the confidence of a tiger. On a good day, mom would sit me down at her old upright piano, right in her lap and together we would sing, and she would play. Oh, the melodies that she produced were so magnificent. Her voice outshined me always, her voice was like an angel’s, even the birds would stop to listen. Yet, although I wasn’t a good singer my mother told me that I was her little mockingbird, able to accurately copy her actions and singing most of all, after just showing me it once. After singing a chorus of several songs my mom would always pull me close, in a warm and tight embrace that told me that I would always be safe in her arms. I’ve never sang again since she was taken nor ever felt safe. I spend my days after she was taken to now always running, never stopping, abiding by my mother’s last words to me, in a strangled scream as she was dragged away, Run Sara, run!
I’m sorry Mom, I’m tired of running, we both know it, you knew it and I did, they were going to catch up to me one day, I can’t outrun my destiny. Today, I’ve given up, decided to stop running and to just accept it. Although my mother wanted the best for me, to stay safe, I was done listening to her last words. Her words have deprived me of being capable of ever enjoying life again, maybe taking the identity of some human wouldn’t be as bad as I would think. I would be able to forget my troubles and live worry free as… a human. I feel the shadows creep upon me now, latching onto my skin and freezing me down to my bones. A fog of emptiness sneaks its way into my brain. The happy golden memories of my mother, every hug, every smile, every song drain away like someone pulled the plug on my memories, I try to remember every detail, I try to take back my memories, when that fails, I resolute to just remember who I am, or who I was in a matter of minutes. My brain started getting tired, everything was draining away quicker and quicker I was left with no choice but to accept it, this was going to be my life now. It was time to say goodbye to Sara Nurongie, this was what they wanted, to strip me of my identity, they dare to recalibrate me as some sick human being. My mom and I were perfectly harmless to the humans, just different, but we abided by the law and refrained from using our ‘dangerous extraterrestrial powers’ as instructed by the government of Earth. Yet, even though we caused no harm, the government wanted to strip us of our happiness, they had to take that all away from me. I choked out what seemed to be a mix between a dry laugh and a cry, the memories each shattering and leaving my mind till it slowly formed into a dark void ready to be filled, recalibrated, with new memories of a human I would take the place of. My mind dimmed around the edges and I accepted my destiny…Goodbye Sara Nurongie, goodbye… then they dragged me away, my body limp in their ice cold grasp.

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
 ꕀ ⊹ ᴇɴɢ/中文/ᴇꜱᴘ ⊹ ꕀ
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily 3 - 545 words

It was another normal day of work. Nolani had just finished her shift and was driving back home. It was pretty much like this all the time, there was a whole line of cars that were stuck in traffic while trying to make their way back home just like Nolani, and people were walking on the sidewalk perhaps shopping with their friends and family or maybe just taking on a nightly stroll. Over the long and noisy traffic, Nolani calmed herself down while playing a radio that talked about the news. This was just another miserable day of work, and it would start all over again the next day. Little did Nolani know that today wasn't going to be any ordinary day…

Nolani had finally gotten off the freeway when the radio started talking about a “weird creature” on the loose, apparently, the creature had the wings of an owl except those wings were 10 times bigger than a normal owl's wings and also had the body of a human. ‘Interesting…’ Nolani thought to herself, coincidentally today was April 1st and there was no way Nolani was going to fall for a trick as silly as that. She scoffed and changed the radio to one that played classical music. ‘Classical music is better than a ridiculous prank.’ Nolani thought as she parked at a parking lot near her apartment. She went inside the apartment and made herself feel at home, today felt strange to Nolani and she decided to cook some spaghetti to make herself feel better. Suddenly there was a loud bang on the balcony which made Nolani freeze, she took a deep breath and went over to the balcony to check it out.

Nolani screamed as she saw a girl with huge owl wings bigger than Nolani herself and the girl screamed at the sight of Nolani. “I'm so sorry! I didn't know somebody was here!” The girl said in a rather frightened tone, “So this isn't a prank…” Nolani muttered to herself, not letting the girl hear her. The girl looked like she was 9 and was wearing a white dress shirt with a black skirt topped with a black and white bow. “So what is going on and why are you on my balcony?” Nolani asked calmly, “I-I'm getting ch-chased! I don't… k-know what happened at all and h-how I got the-these w-wings!” The girl said, stuttering.

“Why are you getting chased?” Nolani asked, now feeling a bit concerned

“I don't know!” The girl responded

“What's your name?”


“Alright Sydney, do you know who's chasing you?”

“The police.”

“The police? Alright this is going to be hard… Sydney listen to me closely. If your family isn't chasing you, I want you to fly back to your house if you know where the address is. I'll be watching you the whole way, I can even drive my car and follow you if you want.”

“Alright thank you kind lady! My house is not really far from here so you don't need to drive your car.”

Nolani nodded in reply, and Sydney then flew off the balcony. 'What a long day…" Nolani said to herself and went back to cooking her spaghetti which she realized was burnt. At least something interesting happened

Hi, I'm Luna!
It's pretty rare to see me around forums unless it's camp related.
My current camps:
SWC March 2023 - Mystery
SMC April 2023 - Choral
Camp Ethereal April 2023 - Music/vocal
SVAC May 2023 - Emotion
500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Jan 3rd Daily: Today, write a 300-word minimum story about where humans have (a) unique body part(s). What about eagle wings? Or vines instead of hair? Or even a monkey tail? The possibilities are endless! You earn 400 points for this daily. An extra 100 points if you share proof!
Word Count: 439 Words

Charmaine was sitting in her classroom, completely bored out of her mind. She flicked her tail back and forth, trying to give herself something to do; though she was fighting the urge to flap her wings as well, as she knew that would be a LOT more noticeable. Her history teacher was droning on and on about the past species of humans, humans who didn’t have any wings, horns, tails, scales or anything else. Looking at the pictures in her textbook, it almost felt wrong that they had nothing extra added to them; though of course she was sure that if any of them could see her and her friends now they would think they looked just as insane.

Just as she felt she was about to die of boredom the bell rang and without waiting for much more dismissal, she shoved her book into her bags and ran out of the classroom and started flying through the halls, glad to finally be done with her last class of the day. Waving to a couple of her friends as she flew out the front doors, heading towards the woods to unwind for a little bit before she went home and started on her homework, which included even more research on the past species of humans which she wasn’t really looking forward to. It wasn’t that she hated the past humans or anything, it was honestly just kind of weird to see people without all the extras they had now, and she didn’t look forward to having to look at many… many… many pictures of the past humans.

She flew through the forest until she came to a nice clearing. She landed on the ground and sat down with her back leaning against a tree, pulling out her journal and beginning to work on a new page. Charmaine loved sitting in the forest and listening to the birds, the leaves rustling, or a stream bubbling nearby. It was a great way for her to unwind after a long day at school. Suddenly, she heard a twig snap nearby and she looked up, snapped out of her peaceful trance. She looked around but saw nothing so she flew up a couple of feet to get a better look. She saw someone running and what she saw shocked her. The person looked just like the people that she had been studying in class… But that was impossible… Those people were meant to be extinct. After a few seconds of hesitation, Charmaine decided to follow the human, hoping that she might just discover something that would earn her an A in her class.

Piper ➸ She/Her ➸ Avid Reader/Writer ➸ Theatre Kid ➸ Ravenclaw

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

School HW 1/2/23
word count: 448

從前在一個遙遠小城市,住了四個盲人。有一天,他們四個坐在外面, 在享受好天氣,忽然聽見聽見它們的鄰居在大叫:『大象來了讓開路!』其中一個盲人說,『你們知道大象長什麼樣嗎?』另外三個盲人搖了頭說:『不知道。』第一個盲人就回答:『我們去摸一摸吧就知道大象長什麼樣了!』他們問項的主人能不能摸象, 大象的主人同意但是他說:『你們摸完以後要跟我說大象長什麼樣子。』 四個盲人點了頭,他們各自走到大象的身邊開始摸。很多人很好奇就都圍過來看。過了一會兒,第一個盲人就有了答案。 他一邊摸著大象的牙齒一邊說:『大象長的又大又粗, 就像一根紅蘿蔔。』 另外一個盲人,摸著大象的耳朵說: 『不對不對, 大象長的像一個大扇子!』 第三個盲人摸著大象的腿說: 『你們都不對, 大象像個大柱子。』最後一個盲人摸了大象的尾巴,他說:『你們說的都不對, 大象怎麼會那麼大,大象一定長得像一根繩子』四個盲人就吵了起來。大象的主人聽到他們四個人吵就說: 『你們四個只有摸到大象的一部分, 要到大象長什麼樣, 要全身都摸一摸。』 四個盲人聽了大象主人的話, 把大象全身都摸一摸。摸完以後,四個盲人就知道大象長什麼樣子了。這個故事要跟我們說的是,做事或看東西,不要太快跳道結論,把全部理解以侯在給答案。

(might have written some characters wrong…)

Last edited by Pinkmouse773 (Jan. 3, 2023 04:46:40)

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
 ꕀ ⊹ ᴇɴɢ/中文/ᴇꜱᴘ ⊹ ꕀ
1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Monthly Challenges
0/?? words

- RP with someone from your cabin

- Write a JWC fanfiction

- Enter the writing competition

- Enter the MB Cover contest

Last edited by Eeveedonut (Jan. 23, 2023 06:04:13)

81 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily 3 JWC

355 words

“So you’re saying you’re supernatural since you have eagle wings and hair made of clouds?” asked Joanne. To her this was crazy , unbelievable and bizarre especially since her room mate was half animal. “Yeah. Nobody hasn’t really bothered about it. The whole school knows . Even the teachers and the principal” , said Charlotte , casually twisting her hair locks. “Hang on , so you can fly?”
“Correctomundo!” . “Can we try it now?”, asked Joanne keenly. “Yep. It's lunch break anyway.” Answered Charlotte.

The girls were outside in the green meadow with the sun shining its sun beams on them. “Ready to fly?” Asked Charlotte readily. “You bet me a sausage dog , I am!” Said Joanne happily. “Hold my hand , else you’ll break your bones.” Warned Charlotte as Joanne held Charlotte’s hand tightly . Charlotte’s eagle wings emerged, her hair turning from brunette to a white cloud. With a leap , the two girls soared into the sky gracefully. At first , Joanne had shut her eyes tightly as she had a bit of vertigo. But it was only a matter of time that made her feel more comfortable in the air.

“Where are we flying to Char*?” Asked Joanne. “To my hometown , Cloudsdale.” Replied Charlotte.
The girls landed on the fluffy white cotton candy surface. A cloud puppy had appeared , running towards Charlotte. “Indy!!” She said in delight as she scooped the fluffy white pooch into her arms.
“Adorable doggie.” Said Joanne as she stroked Indy’s fur . “Indy is. I’ve known her since I joined Hampshire Hillcrest Boarding School.” Said Charlotte. Indy jumped out , running away to chase a butterfly. “Golly time goes by too fast. It’s already 7 mins till classes start again.” Joanne uttered as she glanced at her watch..

“We’d better get going Jo. You know how irritable Professor Thatcher is.” Said Charlotte as her wings burst open. “Well I gotta say Char , this was the best experience in my life!” Said Joanne gladly as she reached out to hold Char’s hand. “Glad you think so. We can do this every weekend.” Said Charlotte happily as both girls leaped into the air , heading straight down , back to school.

*Note that ‘Char’ is pronounced as “Shaar” i.e just like for Charlotte

Last edited by sit_candy (Jan. 3, 2023 15:21:25)

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

✄ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

About Me

Nickname ◦ Kenzie
Pronouns ◦ she/her
Cabin ◦ Sleuth (camper)

Weekly Info

Part One – Character Roles

What are character roles? In a story, there's usually a protagonist, an antagonist, deuteragonists, and tertiary characters.

The protagonist is the main character of the story.

The antagonist is the “bad guy”. They're the one who opposes the protagonist.

Deuteragonists are the supporting characters. They're secondary characters who help the story flow. They're second in importance to the protagonist.

Tertiary Characters
Tertiary characters are pretty much only there to fill the world of the story. They don't contribute to the storyline.

Now that you know about character roles, you'll be writing a story blurb that includes each of the character roles. Your writing should be a minimum of 600 words. Here is an excellent example of what you'll be doing. (Made by Sarah)

Points ➣700

✄ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

Protagonist ::
Antagonist ::
Deuteragonists ::
Tertiary ::
✄ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

Weekly Info

We're going to be focusing on six main character types in this part of the weekly.

Flat characters are characters who are fairly simple and don’t change at all throughout the story. They are usually minor characters and help move the plot forward.
Example: An example of a flat character would be Crush, the sea turtle from Finding Nemo. He’s a simple, stereotypical “surfer dude” who doesn’t appear a lot in the movie.

Static characters are characters who stay mostly the same throughout the story. Their environment might change but their outlook and personality remain the same. These characters are often times secondary characters.
Example: Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Her personality remains the same but her environment changes.

Round characters are characters who are complex and have many layers. They’re usually extremely well-developed and feel like real people with strengths and weaknesses, hopes and dreams, successes and failures. They usually change as the story progresses.
Example: An example of a round character would be Belle, from Beauty and the Beast. She has many layers and we get to see multiple sides of her personality. We can see that she’s gentle with her father, while she’s stubborn with Gaston.

Dynamic characters are characters who change inwardly somehow throughout the course of the story. Many main characters are dynamic characters. Dynamic characters are the opposite of static characters as they usually go through a major inward change.
Example: Ebenezer Scrooge is a prime example of a dynamic character. At the beginning of A Christmas Carol, he’s a grumpy old man who cares only about his money. But by the end of the story, he’s had a change of heart and helps the poor, giving money freely.

A plausible character is a character that who’s personality matches their backstory. They should resemble a real person, readers should feel like they can relate to them. Many main characters are plausible characters as it makes the story more believable and draws the reader/viewer(s) in.
Example: Maribel from Encanto is a good example. She has fears and weaknesses, she feels like she doesn’t fit in with her family and that she’s looked down on, a feeling many people can relate to. With all her insecurities and flaws she seems like a real person.

A stock character is someone who plays a recognizable role in the story. They’re usually a well-known stereotype.
Examples: The evil stepmother, the ditzy blonde, the dumb muscleman.

For this part, you'll be coming up with character bios for three of these character types. There's no word minimum for this part as flat characters aren't usually well-developed. Here's an example made by Sarah.

Points ➣ 1,000

✄ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

Part 3

January Potter stretched her arms and rubbed her eyes. It was a brand new day. She suddenly realized what the date was. It was the day her new daycare was opening! She hurriedly got dressed in her play clothes which was a colorful dress and some black leggings. January hurried over to the bathroom to get her makeup on.
20 minutes later January was in the care on the way to the daycare. The time was currently 6:30 am. Once she arrived at the daycare, she rushed inside and stared at the amazing place which she prepared just the night before. January turned on the lights, wiped down the table, and made sure everything looked perfect. She would turn the closed sign to open at 8:30 am. An hour passed and finally the time came to open the place up. January flipped the sign so it now read “OPEN”. She waited about 20 minutes until finally somebody showed up. A woman with a little girl that looked about 4 years old hid behind her mother’s legs. “Hello! I’m Penny and I'm here to drop off my daughter Iris. She is 4 years old. Iris say hi.” Penny responded. “I don’t want to go to daycare! I’m not going! I want to stay with you mommy! Can I please have Dawn?” Iris argued. Penny sighed and was silent for a moment. “Iris honey. Mommy has to work today. How about I'll give you your stuffie Dawn if you go into the daycare okay?” Iris gave her mom and January a big smile. “Oh! I wanna go do that now! Eee I see a princess dress me up! Can I go? Wait, first give me Dawn.” Iris bubbled. January sighed and opened the door. Immediately Iris ran to the toys and started mumbling to herself. “Well, I’m glad that worked out! So sign this paper here with your daughters name, your name, and contact info! Please pick your daughter up by 3 o’clock!” January added. Iris’s mom did all those things and then left. January walked over to Iris. “Hello Iris! I’m Mrs. January! I’m going to be your teacher! Who’s this cute little unicorn?” January wondered. Iris gave January a very bright smile. “Oh this is an Alicorn! Her name is Dawn the alicorn! I got her for a present on my birthday.” Iris corrected. “Ohh! That’s so cool!” January exclaimed. Then unexpectedly the bell rang and another mom came in with a little girl. “Hello! I’ve come to drop off my daughter Piper!” The lady said. “Hiii! I’m Piper! I’m 5 years old!” Piper said energetically. Suddenly, Piper saw Iris and she called out, “Hi! What’s your name? I’m Piper! I’m five years old!” Iris turned her head and ran over and exclaimed, “I’m Iris! It’s nice to meet you, Piper! Do you want to play with me? I’m playing with dolls! Ooo! I should show you my Dawn! Do you have a stuffie?” Piper nodded and said, “Yes! I have a stuffie! Her name is Jean! She’s a dolphin! I wanna play dolls with you!” Piper ran over to the door and stared at January with a look that seemed to say ‘Will you open the door for me?’. January reached down to the handle and swung it open. Piper immediately ran over to Iris and they started playing dolls together. An hour passed and 7 other kids had came in. January sighed. She was exhausted from opening the door for all of the other kids. When all of a sudden she heard yelling. She turned around and found Sarah holding Iris’s alicorn and screaming, “NOO. I WON’T GIVE IT TO YOU. I HAD IT FIRST. IT’S NOT YOURS IT’S TEACHER’S. I CAN PLAY WITH IT TOOOO.” Iris opened her mouth and screached back, “I BROUGHT IT GIVE IT BAAAACCCKKKKKK GIVEEE MEEE MYYYY DAWWWNNNNN.”
“NOPE I’M JUST KIDDING. I WILL NEEEEVVERRRR GIVE IT BACK SAY BYE-BYE TO DAWNY FOREVAR ‘' January ran over to Sarah and Iris and told them, “Guys. Let’s calm down and count to five. Okay? I’m going to hold Dawn right now and after you guys are calm I will talk to you about it. Okay?” Sarah and Iris both nodded their heads. Then Iris started counting, “1 . . . um what’s after 1? Oh yeah . . . 100 . . . 37 . . . 5! There I did it!” Iris did her little happy dance and shouted, “Can I have Dawn back now? She’s MINE not SARAH’S. Pulease tell sArAh that. She’s a. Um. chicken.” January sighed and replied, “Iris, I know Dawn is yours but I’m going to have to take her and I will give her back to you later. Ok?”
“Ughh Fine. I’ll WAIT.” Iris grumbled. January took the Alicorn stuffie and put it up high so that the girls could not reach it. When all of a sudden Tilly started yelling. January turned around to see what was going on and Tilly was riding on a train and being pushed by Reese. “FASTERRRR FASTTTERRRR I NEEEED TO GOOOO FASTTTERRR!!” She yelled. January sighed and ran over and asked, “Tilly, what are you doing?”
“Well, Can you please quiet down? You are disturbing the other kids.”
“Fine. I’ll quiet down.”
“Ok. Thank you Tilly.”
January walked over to the tables and found JC with an apple saying, “I WONT GIVE YOU THE APPLE KAR NOPE NOPEITY NOPE.”
January sighed and said, “Guys, please stop fighting otherwise I will have to unleash the paper tearer to tear all of your writing papers. Okay? Do I need to unleash the paper tearer?”
“No Mrs. Teacher.” Kar and JC both replied together.
January let out a sigh of relief and then she heard more talking. She ran over and found Kat talking and saying. “Well, I’m an adult. My mommy said I’m the biggest big girl.” Piper was with Kat and opened her mouth and said, “Really? No way!.” Finally 3 o’clock came. All the kids got picked up. “That was the longest day ever for me.” January said.

I'm too lazy to make it look nice right now LOL

Last edited by -KenzieCamps- (Jan. 5, 2023 18:31:48)


Kenzie ✿ she/her
writer ♡ bookworm ♡ Christian

75 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily #3 - Unique body parts

Words: 626
Points: 500

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Brie woke up with a start, breathing heavily. She’d just had the strangest dream, something about a horse with human feet… or was it a human with horse hooves?
Well, it was only a dream of course. No point worrying about that now! Brie rolled out of bed, landing her feet into her fuzzy pink slippers and grabbing her favorite gray sweater at the same time.
“Ouch!” She fell back down against the bed, caught off guard by a sudden pain in her feet.
Confused, she bent down to take off her slippers, and saw something she had not anticipated in the slightest: her “feet” were now feathery claws, looking like those of a chicken or a griffin and nothing like human feet.
Brie took a deep breath.
And screamed.

Her older sister Evie stormed into the room with an equally panicked expression on her face.
“Brie! Let me look at your fingers!” she demanded, hurrying over to where Brie was still sitting in shock.
“My fingers?! Look at my FEET!” exclaimed Brie.
“Your feet?! Look at my FINGERS!” shouted Evie.
She held up her hands: all ten of her fingers appeared to have turned into tiny, wriggling snakes.
Brie gaped at her Evie, and Evie gaped at Brie as she noticed her claws.
“How could this be happening?”
“Are we magical?”
“Who did this to us?”
The two could come up with no explanation of what had happened to them. Dumbfounded, they both sat down on Brie’s floor, determined to come up with a solution. Brie was struggling to sit with her talons and Evie was attempting to keep the snakes from getting tangled in each other.
“Shouldn’t tell someone?” asked Brie nervously.
“What for? They wouldn’t be able to help or anything, we’re stuck like this!” cried Evie. “We need to figure this out on our own… maybe this is all just a bad dream.”
Brie looked thoughtful. “Speaking of dreams, I had the weirdest dream right before I woke up - I didn’t have talons or anything, but there was some kind of human-animal hybrid in it.”
Evie looked at her sister in surprise. “Actually…” she began slowly, “I also had an unusual dream. I dreamed that my pottery pieces all grew little feet and started running around the room. It looked like something from ‘Beauty And The Beast,’” she giggled. “Could there possibly be some connection between th-”
Her sentence was caught off when their youngest sibling, six-year-old Penny, flew into the room, followed by their two cats.
Quite literally flew: Penny had grown huge white wings and was hovering above the floor.
Brie just stared, her mouth open in shock. Evie sighed and covered her eyes with her hand, but then squealed and pulled her hand back as the snakes began licking her face.
“Look!” exclaimed Penny delightedly, a huge smile on their face. “I can FLY!”
The two cats ran around the room in circles at an astonishing speed, due to the fact that they had apparently grown an extra two legs each, and were enjoying their newfound abilities immensely.
The room was full of voices all speaking and yelling over each other, feathers flying, and just all-around chaos.

Brie woke up with a start, breathing heavily. Her eyes darted around the room rapidly. Could that really have all been a dream? She lifted up her blanket, peering down at her feet: they were no longer talons. She breathed a sigh of relief, and rolled out of bed and into slippers. Smiling, she stood up and started walking over to the door, but then something caught her eye.
There were a few marks in the carpet that almost looked like they could have been made by a chicken, or a griffin…

Last edited by gamerny (Jan. 3, 2023 23:55:41)

she/her • cat lover • music lover • theatre kid • artist of sorts • crocheter
✎…✌ ♥
1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #3
549 words

A little context…
The story is about human-mythical-creature hybrids (mostly Fairy and Dragon, with wings) who are hunted by the minority pure human authorities for fear of having powers. There’s a place of safety though, Sanctuary, where hybrids roam free and the Authorities do not know. It's basically a kind of repressed society where the human minority has total control, but anyone who has wings and can fly, or do magic, is forced out of the civilisation they co-built together. It's kind of like 1930s Germany.

I am scared. The world around me seems to be nothing but me and someone else, cowering in someone’s basements. If the Authorities find us, we’d be… well… I don’t want to think about that. In other news, It’s been twenty two days since we started hiding in this basement, and the days are just as long as they’ve been before.
I shiver as I feel my wings twitch. I don’t want to think about my strange ancestry, or my past for that matter. I remember my mother was a Fairy-Elf hybrid, and she fell in love with my father, who is a human. They brought me up together until one day, my mother just… vanished. We assume the Authorities have gotten her. My wings and elven look run dominant above the human genes. I still can’t believe that only a few weeks ago, I was in school until the Authorities arrested my father and I was ordered to run here.
Sighing, I look across to the person next to me. She looks like she’s a Human-Dragon hybrid, based on her scaly tail. I haven’t spoken once to her since arriving here, except for a brief talk before we were told to hush. I know we need to get out soon, quickly, as the longer we stay here, the more likely the Authorities will find us.
I shift slowly into a sleeping position. I just had dinner an hour ago. I’m tired, and I don’t want to think about what I’d do if the knock and the warning on the door come on.
“Wake up!” The hushed call comes, the call me and the other person are scared of. A creaking of the door.
I instantly open my eyes, alert and fearing the worst. I must look panicked as the elf who told us to wake up answers my unspoken question. “Yes, the authorities are here. Use your wings, and fly to Sanctuary.” The order was quick and urgent.
“But how are we going to get out?” the other person asks. In the dim light, I can finally make out that she is indeed a dragon hybrid, her wings larger than mine.
“Come quickly. Do your best to hide your wings. Then fly south.” The elf looks scared as well, as if he might also be taken away for sheltering us.
I nod, and quickly follow the elf to our escape. The dragon hybrid is with me, and we fly over the backyard, and into the sky.
“I wouldn’t say we’re safe yet,” the other hybrid says.
I nod. But I knew we had to find the Sanctuary. “Let’s fly south, to Sanctuary.”
The other hybrid nods in agreement, and we fly away, down south.
The place before me looks lush, perfect, like heaven. I look behind me and see that the Authorities have not found us yet. I land, and soon discover the place littered with springtime warmth and flowers. I’m safe. When I land, I notice all these other winged-hybrid animals flying with us, and I gasp. Is this where I belong?
As I stand here, stunned, I find another fairy-human hybrid welcoming me to the place. I didn’t notice her until just now.
“Follow me, I have a home for you.”
I simply smile in return

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 3rd

Lucian had a bit of snark on him. He glared at me when I came in, and it seemed my apology was quite pointless and he still hated me, and that was fine with me, because I hated him. Called me a half-blood, as if that weren’t enough of an insult and I didn’t even have any wizard blood. When I announced my arrival he sneered at me. “It’s fine, nobody noticed,”
“Well you clearly did,” I glared right back at him. Two could play his game. When I asked whether I was interrupting something he said yes and I practically burst out laughing. That little—
“Yes actually, muu– Winchect! You know where the door is,” I balled my hands into fists at my side. He was going to call me a mudblood, which was one of the worst things you could call someone. I had already been called one once, and I was interested in being called one again. I didn’t care that I was attracting stares, or that this could land me a detention. Maybe, I wasn’t sure since my list of rules in my room weren’t really completely accurate.
“Better watch your sharp tongue, Lucian, or you’ll land yourself a detention. Besides, you call me a mudblood right next to your half-blood friend. What does that say to her?” I gave a long look at Irina as if to prove my point. “You can call me a mudblood, but your the only one here with mud in their blood. Absolute scum, you werewolves or whatever.”
Colin came in with an english accent, pretending to be a prefect. Speak of the hairy devil. I glared at him as if he had been the one saying the things Lucian had said. If that little werewolf thought he could get away with the things he’d said, he was greatly mistaken. I felt like lunging at him. At his throat, to be specific. I glanced around the room and especially at Elira, who had never seen this side of me. “Better for her to get used to it,” I grumbled under my breath, but I decided not to go at Colin.

Last edited by reallybigwords (Jan. 3, 2023 22:31:14)

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

⊱ ──────────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──────────── ⊰
Skylar/Carina's Weekly #1 (WIP)
⊱ ──────────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──────────── ⊰
↳ Part 1 ⟶ Character Roles ⟶ words ↴
⊱ ──────────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──────────── ⊰
↳ Part 2 ⟶ Character Types ⟶ words ↴
⊱ ──────────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──────────── ⊰
↳ Part 3 ⟶ Putting it Together ⟶ words ↴
⊱ ──────────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──────────── ⊰

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
1 post

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #3

1058 words ._.

Just a warning so nobody gets mad because I don’t want to get in trouble there’s violence and conflict but no gore so it should be fine I guess idk its not that bad I just don’t want to get in trouble you know?

I woke to the sound of yelling. The sky was full of people. I jumped out of bed and threw on yesterday’s clothes. As I opened the curtains, loud shouts met my ears. Outside, tiny figures ran about on the ground, each leaving a trail of destruction behind them.

There was no time to grab anything. Hurriedly, I pushed open the large windows and stepped out. It might have been dangerous… were I like the invaders. I spread my wings out and the magic activated, making the wings work like they were much bigger. I knew I had to get higher up, away from the invaders, so I flapped upwards and hovered there.


I turned round and my brown eyes met icy blue. I was overwhelmed with relief.

“Whisper! Are you okay?” I asked.

She looked ‘okay’. Her clothes and glasses were in decent condition and I couldn’t see any wounds.

“I’m fine,” She said, taking my hand. “Are you?”

“Yeah,” I said.

“We’re safe from the wingless up here now, anyway,” Whisper said. “Have you seen your mother?”

“Oh, shoot, no,” I said, panicking. “I should go find her. Meet you back here?”

I let go of her hand and flew backwards, about to leave.

“I’ll come with you. It’s dangerous out there - who knows what you’ll do alone. I don’t want to lose you.”

I nodded and we headed out toward my mother’s house. Despite being on the other side of town, it wasn’t far — it was a small town — although the amount of people in the sky hindered us. As we flew, we dodged past many horns and even more wings.

It took a few more minutes than normal to reach the other side of town, but we made it eventually. Upon our arrival, we were hit by the not-so-distant smell of smoke and a similarly unpleasant sight soon met our eyes: many houses were alight, some even on the ground; citizens attempting to fight back were batted aside by their much better prepared attackers.

I spotted my mother’s house instantly, it being one of the few left standing. Unlike many other houses, which were built onto trees, it was built on precarious wooden stilts that barely held the thing up. Somehow, it was untouched. I flew closer, searching for my mother. Whisper stayed as close as she could, silent. Until, suddenly, she grabbed me and pointed. A few of the invaders were setting fire to the stilts. I went to dive down and stop them, but Whisper held me back and instead flew into my mother’s house.

“We’ve got to do this quickly,” she said when I came in (the door was almost always unlocked, because that was how my mother did things).

“Do what?” I said, realising moments after saying that.

“Find your mother,” She said. “You go that way, I go this way. Quickly.”

We split up and I went into the main room. My mother wasn’t there.
“She’s in here!” I heard Whisper yell out. I ran to my mother’s bedroom. She woke up as I came in and jumped out of bed. She smelt the smoke immediately.

“Storm? Whisper? What’s going on? Get out!” She yelled.

We sprinted toward the door but somehow the fire was spreading much too fast. Debris dropped the ceiling and blocked our way.

“The window!” my mother shouted.

It was a small window but it was all we had. My mother pushed it open—

Something dropped from the ceiling and hit my mother on the head and she was knocked out. At least it wasn’t on fire.

“What do we do?” I said, panicking.

“You go out first, and then I’ll give her to you.”

I nodded and crawled through the window. The building shook and dropped and I fell, barely catching myself.

Whisper screamed. “Storm!”

“I’m here,” I said, appearing from below. “You okay? Pass her through.”

Whisper lifted my mother up, with great difficulty, and fed her head-first through the window. I took her and pulled her away, barely able to keep myself up in the air.

My mother was moaning, slowly regaining consciousness.

The house fell further and Whisper screamed again.

“Whisper!” I called. “It’s okay, come through.”

Whisper pushed herself through the window, panicking profusely. She flew out towards me. The house collapsed behind her seconds later.

“I’ll help you carry her.” She said, barely audible.

We carried my mother higher up into the sky and further away from the fire. She began to open her eyes, but was still unable to move much.

“What do we do now?” I asked, my brain still barely functioning from all the stress.

“Let’s go to the cliffs. We won’t have to carry Ms Jacobs -I mean your mother- then,” said Whisper.

We went to the cliffs, where many people were standing already. We set my mother down and sat close by. I put my arm around Whisper’s shoulder and pulled her close.

“It’s just so horrible…” said Whisper.

“I know…”

We sat in silence for a few moments, glancing over at my mother, who was slowly regaining consciousness, frequently. Until it was broken by a loud droning noise. I stood up suddenly. A huge wooden creature with static wings flew towards us.

People yelled and ran. We thought we were safe up here. I grabbed my immensely confused mother and took off.

“Storm, no!” Whisper yelled.

The wooden creature veered upward and it hit me hard. I dropped my mother, which luckily wasn’t too far, and collapsed onto the front of the creature. I scrambled up and met eyes with one of the wingless, who sat behind a sheet of glass. Another wingless emerged from behind the first, holding a long metal stick. He stood and pointed it at me. There was a bang and I fell from the front of the wooden creature. I tried to use my wings but they didn’t work. One of them hurt. And so I was just falling through the air, helpless. It all ended quickly, though. I felt an impact and everything disappeared.


I opened my eyes. I was lying in a bush. Where was I? It looked like the ruins of a village or town. Which town? Mine? Surely not? Everything ached. I looked around. Nobody was here. And then, suddenly, I remembered everything.

Last edited by RitoWolfZero (Jan. 3, 2023 20:56:32)

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
-Albert Einstein
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #3:

Serena reached into the box feeling around the box for any sign that would indicate what the object was. Except, her hand literally went through the wooden box- with the lock still on.

After having their genes altered, humans now have the ability to reach through things they wanted to with their left hand. Everything they touch with their left hand passes right through.

In the year 2301 surgeries took place and many people’s genetic code was altered to fit this modification. Children born from those who had the gene, were automatically blessed with this power.

Now in the year 2714 everybody had it.

Though some people hated it. People spoke about how it was unnatural to have the ability- it defied the definition of humans. But the number of people who believed this was very little.

Personally, Serena loved having it. She would use the ability as many times as she could.

Currently she was with her best friend, Venera, playing a game they invented called, guess the item. The name wasn’t creative but it fit the game perfectly well.

The object of the game was to guess the object that the other person put into the chest. Venera had put a random object she had found in Serena’s grandma's large attic. The attic was home to all sorts of items that after thirteen years of living with her grandma, Serena still didn’t know what everything was that was crowded into boxes.

The object Serena was feeling was heavy whenever she tried to lift up the cloth. It felt like a long rectangular piece of fabric. She could feel threaded designs in the fabric whenever she ran her hands around it.

This was a hard one though, eventually she gave up.

She pulled her left hand out and turned to Venera, “I have no idea what this is.”

Venera smiled maliciously, “HAH! I finally broke your streak! Let me show you.”

Serena watched as her friend produced a key from her pocket and unlocked the lock. Inside was a green curtain. Flowers were threaded in an orderly pattern. It must have been Gran’s old curtains.

“It was so heavy! That’s what threw me off.”

Venera grinned, “MY TURN!”

Final word count: 369

I have no idea where I was going with this-

〚“Murderer, Martyr, Monarch, Mad.”〛

ayid ⌒ she.her
avid reader↴ & writer
100% reccomend:
heartless ● scythe ● defy the night

〚“Off with his head”〛
⁻ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗˡᵉˢˢ ᵇʸ ᴹᵃʳᶦˢˢᵃ ᴹᵉʸᵉʳ
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily 3

It’s the year of 5005. Ever since the year of 3000, humans have been splitting up and going their separate ways. In the end 4 clans came out as empires. The first, dubbed the arms. The Arms have an extra set of arms, giving them 4 arms in total. The Arms are said to be great warriors, but even better chefs. The next clan, The Wings. The Wings have wings attached to their backs, although there are different types of wings, and they determine your social class. The Wings are known to have brilliant battle tactics. The third, the eyes. The Eyes have eyes in the back of their heads. Literally. The Eyes are the masters of disguise, making it impossible to know if your neighbor is really on your side. The Eyes were the least trusted clan of all and they were the most targeted clan of all. They were the reason for all the mistrust, really. Sometimes you couldn’t even know if your kid was your own, because it might have really just been one of The Eyes in disguise. Fear circles around the clans along with skeptism, and most of all, betrayal. The last clan, the—”
“Rina! Time for dinner!” Dad called from downstairs. I raced down the stairs and sat at the table. When dad appeared with steaming plates of food and I spotted the antennas coming from out of his hair, I frowned.
“Dad, why didn’t you transmit to me?”
The last clan, the secret. The Secret is the most withdrawn clan. Insiders reveal that The Secret’s have antennas that allow them to share their thoughts with another of their kind. Not much else is known about them.
“Er, I just wanted to talk?” Not convincing.
“What did I just transmit to you?” I said at I transmitted one word to him. Foot.
“Purple?” He guessed.

Last edited by reallybigwords (Jan. 3, 2023 22:44:14)

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 3
316/300 words

Today, write a 300-word minimum story about where humans have (a) unique body part(s). What about eagle wings? Or vines instead of hair? Or even a monkey tail? The possibilities are endless! You earn 400 points for this daily. An extra 100 points if you share proof!
Continuing it from here.
Snake tongue :00
Trigger Warning: mention of drugg!ng, k!dnapp!ng

Iris groaned, slowly waking up. Opening her eyes, she saw that she was in an odd burlap sack, a potato sack, it seemed, by the potatoes around her. If that wasn't bad enough already, her heart started beating faster when she saw the ties around her hands and feet, along with a piece of tape over her mouth, stopping her from screaming. So instead, she cried, and attempted to scream, but to no result. Where was she? Just… in a bag somewhere? The floor was quite hard and uncomfortable, several rocks were on it along with a few clumps of grass, maybe? That's what it felt like. No light was shining into the bag from the outside world, so she must be somewhere dark, right? Iris squirmed, trying to get out, trying to find an opening, trying to escape. Her breath quickened along with her heart as she heard strange footsteps along with a weird hissing noise.

“Ssstay quiet, Irisss,” the voice whispered. “Don't move.”

The owner of the voice started to drag the bag, Iris still inside of it. She started squirming more, only to hit a rock and squeal in pain. Ow ow ow!

“That'sss your own fault,” the voice hissed.

She started crying. Who was this, and why were they doing this? The voice sounded familiar… yet not. The whole ‘s’ thing threw her off. Her brain searched for anyone this could be…


It was Dawn. It had to be! Iris choked on her sob at the realization. Dawn had seemed so nice! But… what was this?

“Dawn?” Iris whispered through the tape covering her mouth. Although it was barely audible, the person dragging her bag stopped.

“Yessss. It'sss me. Dawn. Now be quiet ssso I can get back to thisss,” the voice- Dawn- hissed.

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. This wasn't good.

Last edited by Eeveedonut (Jan. 3, 2023 23:40:36)

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #3

431 words

I fall to the ground. Hard. And my hood falls. I quickly put it on to hide my antlers, and put down my skirt to hide my tail. A male human stares at me with rich dark brown eyes looks at me condescendingly. I freeze. He opens his mouth slightly and asks, “Can I check your bag, miss?” Did he suspect me? I hoped he wouldn't do no harm, but he wasn't armed, so I exhaled the breath I was holding. “Of course!” I say, innocently. I have 3 small grenades under a bunch of clothing, in case the human finds out about my antlers. He rummages through the bag, meanwhile, I hum a tune to not act suspicious, but as soon as I hear him hit something hard, I shiver. Did he get the grenades? I think of excuses that are believable, but he didn't feel the grenades.
He felt something way worse.
Ancient artifacts from my parcel, that was long gone. I was the only one in the bloodline. Although there were more parcels, all the other parcels were down to a few people, which sent the humans looking for us. I breathe heavily, thinking it's all over. “Lovely artifact you've got there. It belongs to the parcels long long ago, doesn't it?” The human says, his tone very sickening. I act like I don't know what he's talking about. “A fellow trader sold it to me.” I lie, as my stomach churns. “Don't worry, I'm hiding a few, come in with me.” He says, and points to the cabin a few acres away. Why hadn't I seen it? I slowly say “Why not?”. We soon reach the cabin, which has deer antlers covering the walls, he locks the door behind him. I sense the impending doom. “Now now, I've seen the antlers, when you fell down. It's all over now, sweet pea” I throw the grenade. Entirely a reflex. I know I could get severely injured as well, but it's worth the risk. I'm a spy, for the last group of deer. It isn't a parcel, because we aren't “related”. The man falls backward, and I throw another grenade and run. Heart pounding. My head booming. Get out. Get out. Get out. I'm out. Not for long. The man didn't get injured at all in the fight. He's on horseback, chasing me. But I outrun him. I know I still have to run. But if he catches me, I'll die on my feet, not my knees. Because I, Azalea Loucks, am not going down without a fight.

Last edited by aIoe-there (Jan. 3, 2023 23:52:33)

-ˋˏ aloe there ˎˊ-

azlin ~ she/her ~ wip

60 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily for 1-3-23: 318 words
Katie stands high above the city streets, up on the very top of the skyscraper. She’s not supposed to be here, no one is, but her wings give her a huge advantage over the common citizens walking the streets below.
Only a few decades ago, there was no such thing as humans with wings, claws, or other parts. And of course, when they started showing up, people began to be put into various classes, to keep peace, mostly. At first there was segregation and killings, or children being separated from their parents if they showed signs, but eventually, the government realized that this wasn’t good for their reputation, and let things go on much like they were before.
Katie doesn’t particularly like the way that humans are classified nowadays. There’s commons, the ‘normal’ people like you’d see in old movies. Not that people watch much from the 2010’s anymore, but that’s the only place you’d really see commons anymore- ‘sub-human features’ first made an appearance in the mid 2020’s. Then there’s the specials, that’s what Katie is. Without her wings, she could easily be mistaken for a common. The last class, the uniques, which is an awful word for it, honestly, are the people whose entire body is affected by their… differences. They don’t even look human at this point, only act like it, and they’re the ones who still get strange looks on the street.
Katie’s best friend- and secret crush- Melonie, is a unique. She doesn’t have it the worst: Her natural hair and eye color is purple, and she’s unnaturally thin and angular. Her bones seem to be jutting out of her skin at all times, and it’s alarming at first, but not that horrific after a while. Melonie has always been very proud of her identity, and wears tank tops at all times, so that the glowing mark on her shoulder is always visible.

Kat - she/they
SWC November 2022 - Hi-Fi ftw!!!!!
1 post

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

DAILY~Jan 4~283 words~Knight Cabin

“Truth or dare?” her voice whispered in my ear, reminding me of orange blossoms as it bubbled with energetic excitement
Smiling, I boop her on the nose, “Your mom told us to go to sleep.”
“Aw, c’mon el…,” she says huffily, placing her head on my shoulder.
“It’s hard to take you seriously when you look so cute…”
“Just choose.”
“Hmmm…. Truth.”
“Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“Sorry, I forgot it downstairs. With your dares, I'll be doing a banister slide at 11:00 pm. Your mom would not like that.”
“Aw, how did you know what I was gonna pick?”
“No comment.”
“I’m no good at coming up with truths…Okay, if you had to pick one writing cliche, what would it be?”
“You're right. That’s a terrible truth,” I laugh.
She shrugs, “I wanna know everything about you.”
“Well, if I had to pick one cliche, it would be that lightning bolt one.”
“With the villains?”
“Yeah, how they cackle evilly and the lightning bolt strikes behind them.”
“That’s so… cliche,” She laughs.
“I know. But I disguise it!”
“You disguise that?”
“Oh yeah!”
“How?” She says in a way that suggests she clearly doesn’t believe me.
“I always write it like this: The sky lit up with not only the raging storm outside, but his hungry desire for revenge. Edgar’s menacing cackle was hollow, yet reflected every ounce of life he had in him. Yes, it’s cliche, but it had to be done.”
“That is not disguising it!” She smiled despite her efforts at scolding me.
“Fine,” I Laughed, “But what would yours be?”
“Girls! Bed! Now!” Her mom shouted upstairs, clearly having heard us.
“Told ya,” I smile smugly.

Last edited by The_Not_Author (Jan. 4, 2023 13:48:33)

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #4 1/3/23
word count: 418
points: 400

I actually didn’t quite understand what cliche was… but after doing a mini research session, basically searching on Google, I understood. According to the Oxford Languages, a cliche is a, “a phrase or an opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought.” One of my favorite cliches is, ‘You win some, you lose some.’ The best way to explain this cliche is that, everyone wins once in a while and everyone loses once in a while. You won’t be able to win every event you enter without at least losing once. I bet you’ve at least heard this once in your life. I love this because it applies so much to my life. I have this tendency to set high expectations for myself. For example, winning a medal in a piano competition. By constantly reminding myself of this cliche, it is quite overused, but it is still helpful in reminding me that winning all the time isn’t possible, you will need to fall down in order to succeed and improve yourself. I think this cliche would work quite well in any hero vs villain stories. I could apply this to, for example, some of my free writes. I could apply it by showing several scenes of a character winning then suddenly losing. This will help the character develop a growth mindset that one cannot always win. I think I kind of applied this concept to my free write, ‘Destiny’, from a few days ago. It isn’t that defined in the story so I could definitely make it more defined and expand the story so that the character learns that it is okay to lose as long as you’ve tried your best. Overall my point is, I love this cliche cause this is a cliche that can definitely be applied to (mostly) everyone’s life. I think everyone in general sets high expectations for themselves, sometimes very high up, even if they know they can’t reach it. They want to reach those expectations and succeed so they will ‘win’, but the thing is that it is not possible to win all the time. Like I stated above, you need to fall down to succeed. Winners, for sports and other activities you see in real life or on TV did not reach the point they are at right now without ever losing, their losses helped them become better as time went on. Haha- hope this was ‘inspirational’ in some way, otherwise I hoped you enjoyed the short writing.

Last edited by Pinkmouse773 (Jan. 5, 2023 04:53:21)

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
 ꕀ ⊹ ᴇɴɢ/中文/ᴇꜱᴘ ⊹ ꕀ
1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 4

What is a cliche you love? Write 250 words about why you love that cliche and how you could use it in one of your stories. This daily earns 300 points! An extra 100 points if you share your work!
All is fair in love and war
Trigger Warnings: talk of war and b0mbings

My favorite cliche would be “All is fair in love and war” because it inspires me, even though I don't completely know what it means, and it also reminds me of myself, in a way. Last year I was, well, crazy, to say the least. I had a crush on at least seven guys all at once, and lets just say that it went down in flames. I only dated two of them, and those relationships lasted not even thirty seconds, for reasons I won't explain. But let's just say that love is like war. People fighting over each other instead of fighting over money, land, etc. And if all is fair in war, then all is fair in love. So no matter what happens in a war, whether that be an attack, a bombing, etc, it'll be fair, because the victim will fight back. Or maybe the victim started it, making it payback. It is fair. Do I think war should exist? Heck no. But this is my example. So say two boys are fighting over a girl. One might try to spread nasty rumors about the other, it all just depends. But it's all fine, because in the end, the girl might not even choose one of those two boys. And if they're young, then they most likely won't get married, so in the end, it doesn't matter all that much, making it fair. Is it nice to spread nasty rumors? No, no it's not.

I can use this in my stories by there being two people fighting over a third person's heart and explaining how it was as if a war was going on and how in the end the third person would give their heart to neither of the first two people, giving their heart to a fourth person. In that way, they back stabbed both the first and second people, making it fair.

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