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26 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Day's stuff ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙* Dailies *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*

✩ November 1:
Hola! :> I'm Day and my pronons are he/they. This is my 5th session in SWC! My favorite author is probably Cornelia Funke. I just love her books so much. Especially Dragon Rider. I'm a huge fan if the high fantasy settings and all the unique characters introduced in her books. On the contrary, I also like Dan Brown's books. He definitely doesn't write fantasy but his books are so immersive and I like the straighforward prose. I literally finished The DaVinci Code and Digital Fortress in one day! I'd also like to mention some authors I also like (but haven't read multiple books from). Leigh Bardugo (Six of Crows, obviously), Jamie Thomas (Asperfell), Cinda Williams Chima (Stormcaster), P.M. Freestone (Shadowscent) and, Paul Stewart and Chris Ridell (The Edge Chronicles).
132 words

✩ November 2:
What do Writing, Sleep Deprivation, and Mangoes Have in Common?
Right now, you're probably thinking, “You know, what /do/ writing, sleep deprivation, and mangoes have in common?” and I'm here to answer that question. To give it to you straight, the thing that writing, sleep deprivation, and mangoes have in common is SWC culture. Yes, after a few years, this triannual camp seems to have developed its own little culture which I myself am proud to be a part of. Writing is an obvious part of that culture, as the community of the camp itself was built on writing. What does SWC stand for? Scratch /Writing/ Camp. We've been writing since the start, and seriously, if you don't like writing then why are you even here? Sleep deprivation is also no stranger to us. Before we proceed, I'd like to state that I'm not blaming anyone for this specific section of this article. Staying up until the very latest possible to finish my dailies is something I've done, it's also something I'm doing the very second I'm writing this. Why do we do this? I don't know about everyone else but personally, it's just the fact that I'm near-always sleep deprived anyways and I have limited time during the day. I guess some people could also be super competitive and just want to write extra words for points. If you're doing that, please stop and get some rest. Seriously. This is the reason every single SWC description says SWC < sleep and the reason almost every camper has reversed the alligator as a joke. At least, I hope it's a joke.
260 words

✩ November 3rd
Hey you!
Yeah, you! The one reading this paragraph for whatever mysterious reasons you may have!
You've most likely tried pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin pies or at least something with pumpkin in it. That pumpkin was most likely not a jack-o-lantern though, right? Have you ever wanted to try a jack-o-lantern?
No, not the seeds or the flesh of the pumpkin, literally a jack-o-lantern. With the candle inside and everything. I personally have always wanted to eat one of those. Sadly, they're pretty hard to take a bite out of due to their shape and texture. I have come up with a great and practical solution to this issue.
I present to you, the jack-o-lantern smoothie. Very safe for human consumption and totally a passion project of mine not made just for my own monetary gain with no regard to my customers' safety. It tastes amazing, like the pumpkin part of pumpkin spice lattes without the bitter, unhealthy, disgusting coffee. Like the pumpkin part of pumpkin pies but without the sugar and every other harmful element.
You're probably thinking, “But Day! There is no way that could possibly be true! It's impossible to make something that perfect with zero downsides!” and then I tell you, “Oh but there is and I have that way. You will instantly agree with me once you pay me $99.99 to try a cup of my jack-o-lantern smoothie.”
I know you want to try it, come on! It's absolutely delicious and absolutely healthy and I'm pretty sure it gives you as much energy as caffeine from the lit candles I added to the mix.
Like I said, come try this spooky new drink, guaranteed to be the next hit, especially during the fall season and during the winter months with people who have a personal vendetta on Christmas.
Delectable, simple, convenient. The jack-o-lantern smoothie.
307 words

✩ November 4th
Earlier today, my mother sent me to the bean forest to collect some more beans for us. I have no idea why we even needed beans. My brother and sister's bean jar was already full and we've been having bean soup for dinner for the last week. I think my mother just wanted me to get out of the city.
Now I'm at a crossroads on the trail and failing to recall where I'm supposed to go to find my mother's secret bean-gathering spot. I think it's left but at this point I'm not that sure.
I'll just make a decision and be done with it.
Well on the right, there was a bean termite infested tree… Probably not where an ideal bean picking spot would be, so I went left.
Further and further into the woods. Or rather, the beans.
Just as I'm thinking, “Is it really necessary to go to the /special/ bean spot, will my mother really notice if I just get the beans that grow by the trail?” I hear a rustle in the bushes. Is it just the wind?
The next moment I was sure it was definitely not the wind because then, I heard a whisper, “Caledon…”
How did it know my name?
Could it be… One of the forest spirits I've been told about? Everyone knows they thrive on beans but I had no idea they'd be found in this forest.
238 words

✩ November 5th
To whoever finds this

Dear Person,

I'm writing this letter to ask you for help.
You see, I've been stuck on this desolate island for months or even years on end. I've completely lost track of time and writing these letters is the only way I've sustained hope throughout all this time. I'm sure you would agree that no one deserves this fate, especially someone that has done nothing wrong (such as me). I've been accused of betrayal, lies and even killing one of my teammates. I assure you none of those things are true, I'm completely innocent and wrongfully accused but, as you can tell there's no way to state that, is there? There's no other way for me to communicate on this god-* island. No one even sails around this place.
So, please, if you're honestly willing to help me, go to the Karrizzan Society, ask to speak with Torrent and tell them that Kir is completely innocent and (I hope) still is alive.“
Just don't show them the letter.
If you've got enough good in your soul, please help me. Regretfully, assure you that this is the only way you can help me. It's not hard, is it? Please. Please. Please. I've almost given up on trying. You can change everything for me and their ”society" and I know if you can find this letter, you can do this for me.



I finished off the 4th letter and stuffed it into the last glass bottle. Now I'll have to wait for more bottle-like objects to wash up before I could send more. Hopefully it reached someone who could believe me, if it reached someone at all. If it reaches Torrent or one of the people loyal to them, I'll be dead before I have the chance to think about it.
305 words

✩ November 6th
“So, you want to know about that bracelet, huh?” said a small voice, coming from behind me.
I turned around, confused. I was even more surprised when there was no one there.
“Who said that?”
“Look down,” the voice replied.
I proceeded to look down. It was a cat!
“How can you talk?” I asked.
“That I can't tell you right now. But, do I have to ask you again? Are you at all interested in learning about what the key on your bracelet opens?”
“Actually, yes… I have been wondering. However; before I believe anything you say, I'd like to know a bit more about you. For all I know you could be dark magic or something…”
“I'm not allowed to say much but, my name is Periwinkle and I've been sent here by someone very important to show you exactly what that key does.”
“Who?” I asked, still doubtful.
“I can't tell you yet but there will come a time,” the cat sighed, “I promise, there will come a time.”
I was still doubtful. I couldn't bring myself to believe this cat. After all, in the books I've read, talking cats generally aren't the most trustworthy guides. I refrained from mentioning this to the cat.
As if it had just read my mind, the cat said, “I know you have your doubts. I completely understand why but I can promise I'll help you understand it all if you just come with me.”
“Ok, fine. I can leave whenever I want though, right? Also, my aunt will get very mad if I don't make it back in time for dinner so you better have excuses ready or make sure I'm back on time.”
“Yes, I know about your aunt's strictness. Don't worry though. I'll have you back on time.”
“Alright,” I said, unable to think of any more excuses that won't hurt this cat's feelings.
“Follow me, then,” said the cat, clearly pleased with itself.
The cat knew its way around my aunt's house surprisingly well, unlike me who still gets lost after I've lived here for over a month.
“So, are you like… My aunt's cat?” I asked.
“No, I'm no one's cat,” the cat replied, “But if you're asking if I live with your aunt of not, that's also a no.”
I continued following the cat through the house until we reached a room I never realized was there. In true Baines family fashion, there were a few pots with Asphodels growing in them. I never understood why my family loved them so much. I've never seen anyone else keep them.
The cat impatiently tapped at the door. Oh right, it couldn't open doors on its own.
“Sorry,” I muttered as I reached for the door handle.
The door was a back door, leading to the woods behind my aunt's house.
“Where are we going? My aunt doesn't allow me to go into the woods,” I said.
“Your aunt won't find out,” replied the cat.
So we continued towards the woods with me being prepared to learn whatever secrets the cat promised I'll learn.
517 words

✩ November 8th
“Why not go outside, Lucy?” said the woman in the living room.
I didn't object, some fresh air would help me think this over.
I opened the door and to the view of white picket fences and unnaturally green trimmed lawns.
It's very hot outside and I immediatly regret my decision of going outside but I can't go back inside either. The person planting flowers near the house next to the one I'm in smiles and waves at me. I put on a smile and wave back.
“How are you Lucy?” he asks.
“I'm great, thank you for asking…” I respond.
Suddenly I'm cut off by the lady from the house, “Lucy. Don't talk to him. William, stop trying to indoctrinate her.”
I don't even know who Lucy is. I've never met any of these people.
I'm standing in front of a pair of huge stone gates, reading, “Welcome to Hell”. So my death wasn't a dream. I though it seemed too vivid. I knew I was going to get this fate but I didn't think it would come so quickly.
The last 50 years of my life went by much faster than the first, I would say. Even with the guilt weighing me down.
I took my first step towards the gate and immediatly remembered that technically I should've been in a wheelchair and clearly wasn't. I looked down at my hands and feet and realized all the wrinkly skin was fresh again. I was young again! Even if hell doesn't sound too pleasant, being young again in death feels great.
Some guy rams right into me.
“Watch it!” he says.
He would act differently if he knew I killed someone.
I play a crazy guitar riff and the crowd goes wild. They love my ability to seemingly never get tired and how I always play the most random chords while still sounding amazing with the rest of the band. It's as simple as that for me. That's the life of The Cardinals' guitars. I'll even go as far as to call myself their main claim to fame.
I can't write my own songs though, they never sound “alive enough”. Whatever that means. Oh and under no circumstances must I talk to a fan. They could accidentally find out about my lack of a soul. Yes, I sold mine; but don't lecture me on it. I knew the dangers.
400 words

*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙* Weeklies *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*

✩ Weekly 1
Dear Fantasy,

I hope you're enjoying being a steampunk this session! I love everything with machines (it sure fits that I'm on a train this session), I wish that I could come see what the steampunk sanctuary is like. I always love whatever theme I'm in for SWC but I admit I'm a bit jealous of yours. Even though I can't see you right now, you have to tell me what it's like at some point! For me, as I already mentioned, I'm enjoying myself quite a bit on this train. I mean, what's a better combination than mystery and trains (yeah, Murder on the Orient Express got it right!). I can't wait to explore more and I can't wait to see what this session holds.

Best of luck,

Dear Dystopian,

I've always loved reading in your genre. I've also heard that you've got a realm now? That sounds like a cool concept. Except, you're Dystopian so I'd think twice before calling a concept of yours “nice”, your genre finds a way to make anything sound depressing. Yet, I still like reading your books because I have no idea where they'll take me next (I can appreciate a well-written plot twist, my genre is like, all about them). I wish your cabin best of luck, genuinely as your ally. Have a great day and a great session overall.

Your friend,

Dear Historical Fiction,

Hi, Hi-Fi! It's another new SWC session, exciting, right? I saw your cabin theme, it's so unique and I think it fits with your genre pretty nicely! You won't rob our train, though; right? Please don't. You can rob horror instead, although they're on an airplane… I think you'll figure something out. Well, I'm glad to have you being my sibling cabin this session. I wish you luck in robbing everyone but us (obviously). I myself am enjoying my theme, which as you might already know, is being on a pretty old train.

Best of luck,

Dear Poetry,

Good afternoon (or morning, or evening, or night, whatever time it's at the isle of fame.)! It's a brand new session! I'm ready to get writing and I hope you are too! I'm writing just to say “hi” to my awesome sibling cabin. I admit I'm not an avid reader of poetry but I do enjoy it from time to time. I have read Edgar Allan Poe before. I'd assume you feel the same about my genre as it's so different from yours! Well, either way, I hope you have a good session this November.

Your sibling,

Dear Folklore,

So, Folklore… How is your first session as a combined cabin going? I hope you're not salty about being combined from mythology and fairy tales. Look on the bright side though, now you have double the theme opportunities! As I've heard, your theme is a trail, like, in the forest! I love the themes every new session brings and nothing's different with this one. Especially with some of the cabins changed. As an ally of yours, I feel that I do need to wish you the best of luck this new, promising November session.

Your ally cabin,

Dear Thriller,

First of all, an ocean expedition?! That's such a good theme idea! So many storyline options… From giant squid attacks to discovering ancient sunken ships! Sorry, y'know, my genre is mystery and I have way too many ideas since literally everything can be turned into a mystery. Plus our genres are so closely related… Anyways, that's not what I was originally writing about. I was writing just to wish you a great session this November. I think we're both off to a pretty good start in 5th and 6th (as of the time I'm writing this.). Again, I wish you best of luck in this new session.

Your friend,

Dear Script,

I admit that I don't talk to you that much, I hope to change that this session. Trust me, I'm totally not just trying to get on your good side. Also, I love your theme, very fitting for your genre! I hope you're enjoying it as much as I'm currently enjoying mine. I'm sure that as Script, you would enjoy something with a script- like a musical, as I enjoy stuff with mysteries in it (like the fact that someone was murdered on my train) since I am Mystery. Well, it's been nice to talk to you for once. Bye for now!


Dear Naan Fiction,

No, I'm not enjoying the puns coming from your end of SWC. However; can I do anything to stop them? Sadly, no. All I can do is beg for you to change your mind about this pun thing, though I have this feeling that you won't. You /chose/ for this to be your theme. Bestie… (neutral, actually). I appreciate the creativity and despite it being such a joke, it's surprisingly well thought out. I don't know what to expect from you next, you better not start attacking /me/ with puns. I'm not giving you any more ideas other the one that despite our differences, we should stay friendly neutrals. I don't attack you, you don't attack me.


Dear Sci-fi,

Aren't you just a ripoff of Dystopian at this point? Stop thinking so highly of yourself and your book genre. Now, a part of your theme is Project SCP? This just proves you have no originality. You are a walking spinoff of anything you come across. As you might've guessed, I'm not writing to wish you luck this session. I'm writing to say your genre is worthless and your decision to make me your enemy was a bad one on your part. I honestly hope your plagiarized book genre and theme lead to your untimely demise this session.

Your enemy,

Dear Adventure,

I have found myself writing letters to everyone participating in SWC this session and I couldn't possibly forget you as another amazing friendly neutral of my cabin's. Your theme is as always lovely, only not exactly my type of thing. Too straightforward for mystery, you know? Though I may just be proven wrong once you further progress your storyline, who knows? I assume with your medieval-esque theme, you wouldn't know what a train is (remember that you need to stay in character, Addie). It's like a carriage but it's way bigger and it doesn't need horses. That's my theme this session. Anyways, I wish you luck and a lot of good writing this session.


Dear Fanfiction,

I'll have you know that the only way this letter was delivered to you on time was using your very own time travel agency. Assuming it was delivered to you on time. But I hope you wouldn't make your letters late on purpose, what kind of psychopath does that? Spoiler alert: that psychopath is the typical villain in my genre. Whatever people will do to remain undiscovered. I personally would never make my amazon package late, even if it connects me to a major robbery of mangoes which I totally didn't commit- Well I got a bit off track. What I meant to say was good luck this session. Genuinely.


Dear Realistic Fiction,

I haven't talked to you much either. Well, this session's the session for social interactions whether you like it or not. So, how's your third day of SWC going? Yes this is a mandatory question, and yes I expect more than just “good”. You are a writer. Well, as a neutral, I wish your cabin luck while offering you my not optional, totally friendly competition. I love your inn theme by the way! I could've used it to. Not that I'm planning to steal your theme like I stole those mangoes- Oops! Anyways, have a great session and say goodbye to your introvertedness.


Dear Bizarro Fiction,

Welcome to the SWC cabin gang! I hope you're enjoying the first days of your first session. It's great to finally see something like your genre on here, you make an amazing addition to our list of cabins. Also, don't mind Folklore. They're just mad that they got combined from Fairy Tales and Mythology for this session. They'll accept the fact eventually. They're secretly happy to have you here, trust me, I've known them. Your first theme looks great and truly bizarre (forgive me for my limited knowledge of your genre, I've just recently been introduced to it)


Dear Horror,

You have the most confusing theme ever this session. Stop trying to be edgy and spare your campers' braincells, this is coming from a genuinely concerned person, not just your enemy cabin. I think you may have accidentally pasted a completely unrelated random story instead of your cabin introduction because I refuse to believe that it is your actual cabin introduction. I'll be glad to take the campers who feel the same about your cabin's theme. I'm just so nice, aren't I? I'd say you still have a chance to redeem yourself but you really don't. My cabin will, with all due respect, crush you.

Your enemy,

1531 words

*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙* Writing Comp. Entry *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*

*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙* Other *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*

✩ Reading journal for school
I would say that I don't share many similarities with the characters in this book, mainly because they're quite one-dimensional (at least for most of this book). I think the character I am more similar to is June. For example, we're both quite good at schoolwork (although, I wouldn't say I'm the best and June literally is /the/ best so far). Also, she's observant and the only thing that distinguishes her voice in the book is the way she over-describes things. I tend to do that too, making note of everything from slight accents to differentiating physical features. One thing that makes us different is that she is quick to believe anything without really looking into it (Thomas tells her that Day killed her brother and she just believes him for no reason), I find it difficult to do that and my google search history can prove that. Also for a large chunk of the book, she messes with people for no reason. She literally climbs her school's wall for no reason other than to show that she can't be expelled because she's so smart and privileged. I'm not perfect either but you don't see me climbing walls during the school day, I just talk to my friends and/or play games on my chromebook if I get writer's block.
220 words

Last edited by b10_hAzard- (Nov. 8, 2022 02:48:56)

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

nov 2 daily
psst! want to read my writing? all my writing links are here

SWC is an online camp for writers (and really anyone who’s up for a writing challenge) to see how many words they can write in a month! The basics of how SWC works is, you set a word goal for how many words you want to write this month, then once the month begins, any word you write is a point. Dailies and weeklies are in the main cabin to help you get words and earn points for your cabin. It’s very fun and full of competition. Sometimes people take it just a bit too far. Though SWC is simply a fun camp to challenge yourself and grow as a writer, people take the competition too seriously sometimes and end up staying up super late to get words in or complete a daily/weekly, they skip homework to earn points, and they can overwork themselves just too much. Which is why in almost every studio/project related to SWC, leaders put “Life > SWC” and it’s true. A lot of people make jokes about how SWC > Life, and that’s okay, but don’t take those seriously. If SWC is stressing you out, then something is wrong because the point of this camp is to have fun. Don’t stress!

Last edited by ButterflyWings22 (Nov. 5, 2022 16:07:29)

1000+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

ack im late to make my post

「 Procrastinator - Exhausted - Awkward - Chaotic - Human - Inconsistently Social
(peachi - she/they(/xey) - artist, camp tropiland co-host, writer)
5 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Hey! Have you ever been to SWC? It's so amazing that I got 10 messages about mangoes and how they’re so good! Every year we have so much fun! It's related to writing but you’re doing so many things at the same time. Last year, I was in Poetry and I was always ready to do my daily. Even though, it wasn't fun forgetting and having to do it at the very last second. I of course enjoyed meeting new people! That was the absolute best. Later on they support you and remember you, hopefully. Every day you learn something new and you get someone to give you recommendations. You sometimes have to critique other peoples paragraphs or stories. Here's a good tip. Always read other peoples stories because you can help or learn about new ways to describe things. One important thing is to compliment people, they'll respect you and know that you’re an amazing person. Sometimes you might need a break because your stressed or on vacation. Don't rush at all. Just comment on somebody’s profile or your cabin to let them know that you'll be missing for a couple days. Never worry about anything! There is always someone to help your are talk about mangoes with.

About 202 words!
2 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily #2:

SWC camp is full of many fun activities for its campers to participate in, including the dailies. As the name suggests the ‘dailies’ are daily challenges, each different daily is unique and poses a different writing exercise .The daily changes everyday at 12:00 midnight UTC time, and the current daily can always be found in the main cabin’s description.

To participate in the daily all you need to do is complete the prompt, however most dailies come with an extra treat, points! To receive your points you must first have completed your daily, and then you can post a comment with the following required information: Your cabin name, total words written for the daily, and optionally, proof of your work. After doing this your points will be added to your cabin’s total score, keep in mind the points do not update immediately so don’t get disappointed if the numbers don’t change.

It is also important to note that not all of the dailies give your cabin points. Regardless, it is still an enjoyable experience to complete them because dailies aren't all about the points! They help you grow as a writer in improving many aspects such as vocabulary, punctuation, and dialogue.

And lastly the most important thing to know about dailies is you should always prioritize sleep, school work and your general well being over the completion of a daily. And that goes for all aspects of SWC.

This is just a general overview of what dailies are and how they work, if you are confused or have other questions feel free to ask other members of your cabin or the camp!

Word Count: 273

Daily #3:

We all have our own tastes and food preferences but I believe I have created one all superior food that will one day be popularized around the globe. My creation is a smoothie, not just any though, a keyboard smoothie!

At first glance the flavor may not sound appetizing to the average human, but for writers this drink provides the exact vitamins and ingredients to maximize productivity and minimize procrastination. These effects are a result of the blended letters from the keyboard entering the stomach and later being digested allowing the literary ideas to enter the cells.

The texture of the smoothie is unique yet still appetizing as our product testers reported. Many of them felt a repeated crunch that we have discovered to be the individual keyboard caps. Another commonly reported texture was the sensation of small strings floating in the mouth before digestion, these are the lovely wires that once connected parts of the keyboard together before the blending process.

As a drink marketed towards writers we understand that many of you may be low on money and for this reason we have made the decision to share our recipe publicly with you.

- Keyboard
- Blender
If you do not own a blender you may alternatively, use a food processor.
- Cup or liquid holder
- Saw (optional)

1) First we would like you to place your keyboard into your blender, if it does not fit you may use a saw to cut it into smaller pieces.

2) Then blend your keyboard until the consistency reaches a mostly smooth paste with the occasional keyboard cap.

3) Pour it into your cup ready to eat!

If you would rather purchase this revolutionary drink go to the back of your local Walmart. And as a limited time offer for our grand opening don’t miss our buy one get one free opportunity this week!

Word Count: 311

Daily #4: It feels like the city is falling and everyone is panicking.

My arms leaned against the scaffolding balcony as I took in the afternoon sky, it was a perfect day. I looked down to see the drop, I couldn’t even see the ground. It used to scare me coming all the way up here but it doesn’t anymore, it seems peaceful now almost

I left my thoughts as the floor underneath my feet jerked to the right. The sudden change sent me flying as I lost my balance and landed hard on the metal platform. My ear pressed against it, registering the low rumbling, coming from all around me.

The fall had begun.

The shrieking and panicking from other workers echoed through the metal. We all understood, it was time to get our friends, anything else we could grab and escape before it all collapsed. I pushed myself up with my hands, moved my feet closer to the rest of my body. But this was not the ideal position for balance. I tumbled onto my side and attempted to get up again, this time it threw me closer to the edge. It was no use standing. As quickly as I could I began to work my arms and legs to carry me, while still staying low to the floor.

Word Count: 208

Daily #5:

Dear Teddy,

We’ve gone through so much together, I remember when we were kids we used to play at the white sand beaches building sand castle after sand castle from dawn till dusk. Of course the castles never stayed longer than a day because of high tide but the memories stayed.

As we got older we took up surfing, that was your idea, I never approved. The water was always so cold, I couldn’t stay in longer than an hour before my teeth started to chatter so hard they might as well have cracked.

So after we took up sand sculpting, you weren't any good at it though neither did you like it, but you alway came down to the beach when I did it. That's when you got back into sand castles, mom and dad bought your new buckets, I miss them but not as much as I miss you, Teddy, you were my best friend. You are my best friend.

I will never forget these memories, they are from the brightest and happiest times of my life. I’ll never get to experience those things again. I know those times are long past me. But I can enjoy new things with the same companion who stayed with me throughout my childhood. We will do whatever you please.

I remember when we came to the beaches you would always stare longingly at the ocean as though it called to you. It made me understand,you want to explore the world, I understand, I want to too. But I can’t do it without you, so let me join you. We can explore the life of piracy and crime together. Please let me know that I will be waiting on the same beach we played at when we were kids.


Word Count: 300

Weekly #1:

Dear Adventure,

I admit finding the correct address to send this letter was. . . to say the least, challenging. For when one lives in the middle of the jungle the last thing they expect is a neatly folded letter. And yet I still remain unsure if this letter will even reach you. But if it has, I wish you good luck on your travels and adventures. I was never one for these kinds of daring activities but write back to me on what occurs, for I always find myself sitting on the edge of my seat when learning about what you have faced and concurred.

Sincerely your friend,

Dear Dystopian,

I hope this letter has successfully reached you in your crippling society. I haven't heard much from you lately and this worries me deeply. I write from the comfort of my theater but your location and resources are far different from mine I assume. With this letter I have sent what I hope can help you in your situation. Firstly I have packed some dried fruit, it keeps well for long periods of time and has many nutritious factors. I have also sent a pack of medical supplies for small injuries. But more importantly I send my prayers for a better future

Sincerely your friend,

Dear Fantasy,

The wonders of your world never fail to captivate me. Everything about you is so magical that I can’t say I never day dreamed of how I would live in your wondrous world. The sensation of being able to create water or fire out of thin air, who wouldn’t want such an experience. But my world is magical in its own very unique ways, and so is every other one out there. I remind myself of this when I begin to grow jealous of other worlds. Write to me soon about your enchanted world.

Sincerely your friend,

Dear Mystery,

I have always wondered, or should I say, it has always been a mystery to me how you manage to create the cleverest twists and turns in your world. One overlooked footprint becomes the key to solving mystery. What does it take to do that, how do you plan it ahead like that, I would love to know!

Perhaps in your next story you could include my letter as a clue, that would be lovely. Letters are my favorite things to see in literature. I So much can be done with them, but what you can do with them is beyond my imagination.

Sincerely your friend,

Dear Non-Fi,

I have taken a different approach when writing this letter for one because the format of the past four letters have been. . . erm insanely boring and because you, Non-Fi are also insanely boring I thought I had to some compensation. SO! LET US BEGIN SHALL WE~

You are full of information if I ever am in need of some quick knowledge. You are always my first choice even ahead of wikipedia(And trust me that says a lot.). So today I have come here with a few questions.

Is SWC the most popular scratch camp?

Which cabin has won the most, throughout the entire history of SWC?

Do you like spicy mango sauce?

Thank you for your answers,

Dear Thriller,

My friend. . . erm. . . enemie, I am sure you and Horror have many differences but, I fail to see any of them. Perhaps it is because I never pick up a book from either genre but we will discount that as a contributing factor. So because of my lack of knowledge about you I do have a clarifying question.

What are the differences between Horror and Thriller?

And as a member of script, writing this letter to you was not my choice. Aside from that I hope you are thrilled to receive my letter.

Sincerely your friend . . . erm. . . enemie,

Dear Fan-Fi,

You are the most unique out there because what you write, although being fan fiction, can also fall under the category of dystopian, horror or realistic fiction. And not only that your genre brings together fans of different series to analyze, talk and write together about a common interest. This begs the question: what series has the most fan fiction? And I also must appreciate the sheer creativity of the writers in that genre and so much more.

And though all of this sounds very interesting, I tend to steer clear of your genre for other reasons.

Sincerely your friend,

Dear Bizarro Fiction,

Of all the past letters I wrote none of them were addressed to the actual cabin, instead they were addressed to a world living in that genre. But I have become bored of writing like that so I have changed things up a bit to suit my liking.

Bizarro, you are my cabin ally which is why I have allowed myself to stay beyond the ideas of standard letter writing. Instead I have composed a poem for the fellow members of SPICY MANGO SAUCE QUARTET.

Mangos are delicious.
But what is more.
Spicy mangos, how scrumptious!
But evermore

Sincerely your friend,

P.S. can you tell I don’t write poetry

Dear Historical Fiction,

Your genre seems fascinating but also glum for those who live in it. I cannot imagine living in a world without modern appliances. For this reason I have chosen to send you a very special thing for you to enjoy.

Firstly though what I have sent you will need to be eaten as soon as it arrives (so advise you to try it after finishing this letter). It is, BOBA. And I don’t expect you to know what this is so, let me explain. . . well I actually don’t know that much about it. But I do know that it is delicious and I don’t want you to have to wait any longer so . . . drink up~

Sincerely your friend,

P.S. you poke the straw through the plastic sheet and then drink

Dear Science Fiction,

You will always hold a special place in my heart, simply because of star wars. I mean science fiction world building is just amazing, it doesn’t usually focus entirely on magic so we can imagine how an average human could live in that society. I mean have you ever thought about what your life would be like living in star wars (I do it too much)! Anyway, have you got any book recommendations for me, even though I love the genre so much I don’t read much from it, so it would be nice to have some.

Sincerely your friend,

Dear Horror,

You are the last letter that I am writing but not last in order because I am writing these letters in a very random order. Anyway I told this too thriller and I thought I would tell you too: I don’t the both of you have many, if any differences. I mean I mean no disrespect to any of you but it is just my opinion. But I don’t want to be wrong, so please write back to me and inform me if your differences.

Sincerely your friend who is so done writing letters and is making this part as long as possible to write less,

Dear Poetry,

I know almost nothing of your genre in real life and little knowledge I have about it fails to captivate me in any way. And for this reason my letter will be addressed to your cabin instead of a world built around the genre.

You may be our enemy cabin but all I can do right now is send you all the motivation I can, I hope that your entire cabin can write and move up in the rankings. Here is a poem about my wishes for you good fortune:

Motivation is needed for SWC
And what do I see
Is in need.

Sincerely your friend,

Dear Folklore,

It seems you have just pulled ahead of us by 100 points, but this is nothing to worry about. As this letter I am writing will help us reach 1000 more points which will surpass your standing. But who am I to brag about myself for the duration of this entire letter, that would be quite impolite of me now would it. So I must congratulate you for your temporary lead. Your cabin has clearly worked so hard, so I won’t spoil all the fun for you.

Sincerely your friend (who will be in the lead shortly),

Dear Realistic Fiction,

I don’t want to be writing this letter to you, at all. But I am forced too and since you are my enemy I have no problem doing in my most impolite and insincere manner possible.

Blah-bl okay I’m not allowed to add random repeating words, I understand how that is cheating. So let me add something of more substance. Realistic fiction is boring, I mean most of the time, there are times where it is nice though.

Oh goodie it looks like we have just about reached on hundred words, Bye—

Not sincerely, your enemy,

Word Count: 1528

Daily #6:
Forget-me-not: love in absence
Marigold: grief

I pulled my scarf up to shield my face from the wind whirling in my direction. The tips of my fingers unprotected by gloves had just begun to numb as I reached for the knob on the green house door. It opened with a piercing creak and I stepped inside, welcomed by the warmth. The familiar warmth. I had spent long hours in this green house for as long as I can remember, but coming here now doesn’t feel the same without my Grandma.

I stuck my hand deep into my coat pocket, not to warm it but retrieve two small seed bags each wrapped in brown paper. Each one held a different flower seed that meant something to me and her.

The first ones were the marigolds. As I took my shovel out of my pocket too and began to dig I was reminded of why I had chosen these flowers. Marigolds had always been her favorite flower to buy, even though she had so many already planted she could never resist buying another one at the farmers market:

“Don’t you already have like a bajillion of these in the green house?” I would say

“Yes, yes I do.” She would respond in her voice.

“Well then why do you need more?” I would question.

Her response was always the same: “Well, it can’t hurt to have more, can it? We can even get you some flowers!”

I would never hear that response again. My vision blurred as the thought crossed my mind.

The next flowers I planted were my forget-me-nots. I pulled them out of their pouch. The seeds were tiny and so many, I had trouble seeing them individually with the water pooling at the base of my eyes. I missed her so much. I had always known it would be hard to lose her but the pain feels unimaginable. I can’t do anything without the feeling that something is missing. A part of me seems to have died too. But it won’t stay like that forever, the flowers would grow soon forever, maybe it would bring back her feeling.

My back aced as I finished the planting and my eyes were puffy and red. I picked up my shovel and empty seed bags and returned them to my pockets. As I left the greenhouse and entered the cold I still felt the same on the inside.

Word Count: 400

Daily #8:

1 :
The beginning, middle, and unavoidable end.

2 :
The arrow flies, it misses. I shoot again, it misses. Again, not even close.
“You’ll never get it if you only focus on the target,” My coach instructs, “Focus on your actions.”
My grip tightens around my arrow, I pull back to my shoulder. I release, it hits the bullseye.

3 :
Without introverts, the internet would die.

Word Count: 62

Daily #10:

The night sky consists of many amazing constellations that have captivated astronomers since ancient times. Most notably ‘Ursa Major’, it is studied across many universities in the world and makes frequent pop culture appearances. Despite its popularity though, many do not know how the constellation came to be.
Most experts agree that it made its first appearance in the sky around 1000 B.C. This similarly is around the time the ancient Egyptians had first invented the modern day spoon. They believe that ‘Ursa Major’ depicting the shape of a spoon is what inspired the ancient Egyptians to create the tool we use today.

In one historical document excavated in the early nineteen hundreds from Egypt supports this idea. The document tells the story of and egyptian slave:

One clear night he was working on one of the many Egyptian tombs when he noticed the constellation, ‘Ursa Major’. As his eyes laid upon it an idea stuck him. He dropped his tools, abandoned work and ran all the way to the Egyptian Pharaoh to pitch his revolutionary idea. The Pharaoh was not pleased to see him barge in at such a late hour. But he listed to the slaves idea and became fascinated. The next day before sunrise the first spoon was constructed.

Controversially other astronomers believe that the constellation ‘Ursa Major’ has always had a presence in the night sky; only ancient civilizations had not settled into places in which it was visible. Which is why it was only first mentioned in 1000 B.C.

However most astronomers have connected these points to conclude that the ‘Ursa Major’ constellation was a sign, guiding our ancient ancestors to realize the possibilities of their world.
This begs the question when will we next see a constellation that inspires human innovation?

*Information in this article may be inaccurate or outdated.*

Word Count: 308

Daily #11:

Dear Future Self,

I was unsure of whether or not to capitalize ‘Future Self’ because it kind of holds as a placeholder for your real name. So I did and now I can start this letter, which I don’t really want to write. I am writing this letter to you because this month I am participating in SWC; remember that? I hope to participate in more SWC sessions to come, and you would know if that happened or not. But that would be enough about me now would it . . . actually it wouldn’t, it would be a pointless letter really if I started asking you questions. So I will tell you more about myself. (also keep in mind this letter may end abruptly because there is a word minimum for the daily and once I reach that I might just stop).

Anyway arghhhh. . . I hope you still enjoy drawing and that you have improved a great deal. You should probably look back at some of our old drawings and just remember. Also keep in mind I am posting this on scratch as proof (proof isn’t required) so I’m not including any personal info as you can see.

With love,
Your Past Self

Word Count: 201

Cabin Wars:

My ax swings hard, but only makes a small dent in the tree. At the rate I’m working I won’t have enough wood for winter. My parents always advised me that I would never be able to live on my own and I’m beginning to think they were right.

By mid-day I’m still chopping, my grip is tight and my brow is shined with sweat. I swing making the last cut on my third tree. It swings effortlessly (for once) through the remaining bark. It doesn’t even stop there, it swings around front and slides into the side of my torso. My hand can no longer grip the ax, I release it and it falls to the ground.

Blood is smeared along its sharp edge.


The legs are twisted under my torso and my arms are folded as comfortably as I can get them. I take in small breaths of dusty air, not daring to make a sound. My body is situated so that my ear is pressed against the closet wall.

I can hear them coming.

But they are not here for me, if I stay quiet and pretend as though I never existed I will be safe.

Bang! The sound comes from what I assume is the door being knocked down, followed by the sounds of the muffled voices and boots.

“We’ve checked the house, and found what we came for, we now have no right to be here any longer.”

Another gruff voice responds, “We never had any right to be here in the first place.”

It’s then that I realize that I was no longer listening in secret.


We’ve all seen a cloud that has reminded us of something, I’ve seen a cloud that has simply been something.

It was a dull cloudy October day, I was weighed down by the books stuffed into my backpack. I was in no particular rush to get home. So halfway to home I let my backpack fall on the sidewalk and I hopped up, to sit on the nearby brick wall. I gazed up at the sky in search of something to draw. Nothing caught my eye, scoffed, scooped up my backpack and continued the trudge along the path home. When suddenly I walked straight into a cloud of puffy white smoke I thought it was something like exhaust from a car, but when I stepped back what I saw made my jaw drop.

A cloud form of humpty dumpty stood with annoyance in front of me.

“Really!” He sputtered “I thought an idiot like you would fall off the wall . . . such shame.”

“Does that make you an idiot for falling off the wall?” I asked.

He seemed taken aback by the question “Me? An idiot! What do you people think nowadays? I remember when I was published on the cover of vogue, the 1965 summer issue. People talked about it for months, no people only talk to themselves with little white. . . things sticking out of their ears.”

I never got a chance to draw that encounter so I am writing about it instead.

Word Count: 515

Cabin Wars:

Our team has created a step by step guide on how to apply your own sharpie nails.

The materials necessary to follow this process are listed below:
• Twin tip sharpie
• Nails
• Q-Tip
• Rubbing alcohol

Step One:
To have your own manicured nails, you will paint your nails with a sharpie. The first pen we will begin using is the thicker side of the ‘Twin tip sharpie’. (You are advised to begin painting with your dominant hand, so that you may get used to the process before moving on with your non-dominant hand.) In the first step we are using the ‘center technique’ meaning you will paint the inside portion of your nails with the sharpie on all 5 fingers.

Step Two:
To properly complete this step you will be using the thinner side of your ‘Twin tip sharpie’ to outline the rim of your nails. Using a thinner sharpie tip will allow for more precise lines to be drawn and prevent the sharpie from making contact with your skin. Color using the technique on all 5 of your fingers.

Step Three:
Repeat steps one and two on the opposite hand.

Step Four:
This step although optional can rarely be skipped. So we advise that you continue to read our guide before assuming that you have completed your sharpie nail manicure. For the last step you will need to gather the last two materials on the list; Q-tips and rubbing alcohol to clean up the edges of your nail. Dip the tip of the Q-tip into your bottle of rubbing alcohol, and stir until sufficiently wet. Then use this Q-tip to rub off any sharpie that has gotten on your skin and you are finished!

Word Count: 288

Daily #14-15:

(ADVERTISER) SWC members are prone to burn out and procrastination (like how I procrastinated on this daily, and this week's weekly) which is why we have experimented to create the perfect meal to prevent these issues.

Advertiser walks into the kitchen.

(ADVERTISER) The meal combines renowned scratch writing camp flavors with modern nutrition. Here's what our head chef has to say about it.

Screen switches to head chef.

(HEAD CHEF) So. . . yeah this meal is really nice and cool.

Awkward silence for 3 seconds.

(PRODUCER) Does it have any specific benefits for our campers?

(HEAD CHEF) Yeah it does.

(PRODUCER) For example. . .

Overhead mic appears in camera frame for a second.

(HEAD CHEF) It like makes words. . . better

(PRODUCER) So to summarize it improves overall word choice and vocabulary, yes? And did it have these same effects on you?

(HEAD CHEF) Yeah it helped me.

(PRODUCER) Okay! Thank you for your time.

(ADVERTISER) And that is just one of the many positive reviews we have gotten on this product. Camper, @lalafala gave us an inside look on how her writing had improved after eating the meal continuously for one week straight with no variation in her diet, as advised by the SWC nutritionist.

(LALAFALA) So do I just read?

(PRODUCER) Yup whenever you are ready the cameras are rolling!

Silence for thirty seven seconds.

(PRODUCER) Are you ready or?

(LALAFALA) Oh! I am.

(PRODUCER) Would you like to start then?

(LALAFALA) Well I’ve just started the first part of the weekly that is due in twelve minutes! So because I am being so productive and efficient with time I unfortunately cannot! So sorry!

(PRODUCER) But you said that this meal had helped you prioritize the most important parts of-

(LALAFALA) Yes! And that is exactly what it did, I ate triple the amount of children today!


(LALAFALA) Do you know how long its been since I’ve been that productive

Screen buzzes and cuts to the advertiser.

(ADVERTISER) Is that not enough to convince you? Well! For a limited time offer you can purchase your fresh meal for the cheap and affordable price of $2,300.99 per pound at the back of the shady store on the corner of your street!

(PRODUCER) Alright, and. . . cut! That's a wrap for today, good job!

Silence for 7 seconds.

(CAMERAMAN) Finally! I can go back to eating children.

(MIC HOLDER) I know! They're all so much better than the new meal they're offering.

Word Count: 414

Daily #16:

The sky is sunless, covered with puffy gray clouds; this is how I like it. It’s balanced, nor the sun or the moon rules over the sky. When the world is in this state, so am I.

When the world is bright yellow with the sun shining its power I can not help but feel cowardly. Must this weather determine my mood, where has my self proclamation gone! It is like being a child who believes in what everybody says and never thinks for themself. And I always feel like this, there is no variety in weather!

And same as the sun, I see the darkness of the moon every night. It reins over the sky, as though it is the only being with meaning. The stars surrounding it, the plants are never given the same recognition. Yet they are far more fascinating and scientifically captivating.

When the sky is gray with clouds each one is given the same attention. In one we see the shape of a rabbit, in another we see the tip of a mountain. Clouds can be so much more than just what they are. It gives me hope that I can become more than what the world wants to see in me.

Word Count: 207

Daily #17:

Toast, or is it?
Toast must be toasted.
If not, it is just bread.

Bread can be bread.
But toast bread but be sliced.
It is sliced bread.

What kind of bread?
Whole wheat or white?
I chose white.

I remove the bread tag.
And open the bag
Pull out a piece and. . .

Stand it on it’s side.
The counter is black, somewhat shiney.
The wall is tiled white.

I wait.
You wait.
Four and half million people wait.

One second, nothing occurs.
We notice the crumbs.
What a messy house.

Two seconds, we notice a spotlight,
Behind our bread.
He is king!

Three seconds, red flags are hung.
To celebrate his arrival.
We are proud of how far he has come.

Four seconds, he stands there so obediently.
Better than my dog.
My dog would just eat him.

Five seconds, we skip four seconds of the video.

Nine seconds, something begins to stir.
He leans.
The crowd screams!

Something is wrong!
Our king!
Send help!

Ten seconds,
He tips more, edging a fall.
We pray for him.
And then register a small thud.

Eleven seconds, eyes dart up.
He has fallen.
Silence consumes the crowd for two seconds.

Twelve seconds

Thirteen Seconds

Our bread didn’t flinch when he fell;
He stayed strong until the end.

R.I.P 2021-2021

Word Count: 220

Last edited by Vatosp (Nov. 17, 2022 15:58:32)

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

kitty's writing folder

2 nov daily
3 nov daily


word wars

Last edited by _kittykay_ (Nov. 3, 2022 03:21:49)

kitty ✦ she/her ✦ cats~ ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ ✦ swc
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

CABIN WARS (2nd daily)

New cabin wars rules are out, and one of them being about cabin wars must be sent manually. This has led to many thoughts of past sessions. This rule indicates that the war must be typed out by the attacker’s hands (or, if you’re feeling spicy, your feet or nose). Reports show that cabin wars reduces campers’ sleep by a maximum of 6 hours. Sleep should be highly encouraged, and as experts say, you should hand the job over to someone in a different timezone. The cause of the loss of sleep is because of the energy in one’s body around a day before cabin wars. Adrenaline is a rush of energy, and it keeps you occupied and your heart beating. Adrenaline rushes cause hypertension and extreme amounts of activity. Much of this is because of the urge to gain points for your cabin. Even though cabin wars is full of cons, the pros outweigh the cons, so cabin wars should be enjoyed just as much as justified. A example is happiness and emotion that can occur when you win or lose a war, so don’t stress. Cabin wars is fun, and a gold remark of every session of SWC.

notes: this is supposed to be funny and it might not be true. also, i’m surprised i only used the word swc once.

Last edited by HydroHype (Nov. 2, 2022 03:49:17)

adventure July 21
adventure November 21
mystery March 22
thriller July 22
fantasy November 22
nonfi March 23
litfi November 23
52 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

November 2 daily (204 words):

Leaves turn red and the air cools while the excitement for the November SWC session grows more and more contagious. Fingers fly across keys and letters appear on screen, dark eyes lighting up with passion. Sweat glistens, tears fall, and blood spills, all for the sweet taste of victory. A fast-beating heart can almost be heard through the thin fabric of clothing. This is the marvelous magic of the triannual writing camp. As November arrives, campers begin to reveal their inner competitive spirit, staying up late to finish dailies and speeding to earn points for their cabin. One can experience the joy in improving their writing, increasing their words-per-minute speed, contributing to their amazing cabin, and more. In cabins, campers bond over their mutual hobby of putting words on a page. Leaders encourage their campers towards competition and growth using various creative tactics. During this exhilarating period of time, most strive for their cabin to win. Multiple unique storylines in each cabin give the entire camp a sense of imagination. The stories are also an effective method to motivate campers to write more for the sake of their beloved cabins. Full of laughter and fun, this camp is sure to give any camper delight.
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Claimed for weekly

(Actually, just ignore this since I forgot about this and I’ve already done the weekly :’))

Last edited by ButterflyWings22 (Nov. 4, 2022 22:40:05)

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

SWC Weekly #1

Hello there, dear Adventure.
I’m surprised I’m even writing to you, due to your lack of skill and speed. Your handwriting is hideous, not to mention. But I need to tell you, the new weekly’s quite fun. I hope you fail to meet the amount of words. Also, have you heard that naan-fi just hired new bakers for their bakery? They’re always so nudgy about getting the new stuff. I hate to see you tied with me on the so-called ‘leaderboard’. Anyway, hope you had a good halloween, and I hope to never see you again on my front lawn.
From your loving enemy, Fantasy
105 words

Hi Dystopian!
It’s been quite a while since we last met, can you come to my back garden tomorrow? I want to show you a few of the animals who moved into the sanctuary! I think we’re having a cabin meeting next weekend, can you go earlier so we can have a chat? Also, you realm is just the quite amazing. I’d love you to come over tomorrow, what do you think? Oh, plus, the weekly’s really cool, you should go do it! I heard it’s about writing letters, that’s why I’m writing to you! Also, do you have any information on the cabin wars update? There’s 2 new rules, I think.
Love from Fantasy
115 words

Hey, what’s your name?
I think it’s called Bizzaro-Fiction? Everyone’s been talking about you lately, and, you’re the new neighbour, right? The one that moved into Myth’s house? I’d love to know you, and so will everyone else! It will be amazing if you could come to our next meeting! I wrote the address below. We usually talk about campers’ behaviour and all that stuff with the wonderful Naan-Fi’s pet, Birdi. She’s also the boss of the tiny campers, I heard. Tell me about some of your favourite things, and I will, too! My favourite colour is gold, and my favourite animal is hard to choose, there’s so many amazing ones living in my back garden!
From your next-door neighbour, Fantasy. (also you’re our enemy…)

P.S. the address is 10 SWC Road, Scratch, Chrome.
130 words

Hi Folklore!
I’m surprised you haven’t wrote to me lately, but, how are you doing? I’ve been quite busy, grooming my unicorns and everything. I hope you get a good point score at the next meeting! You’re doing great! I’m busy in the next few days, because I have to ship one of my imps to Safari, and that’s another entire continent! He’ll need to get used to the warmer climate before I can do that, so I have to train him for a few days. Don’t blame me if I don’t come to next week’s meeting!
Love from Fantasy!
100 words

Omg hiiiiii Naan-fi!
How are you doing with your three new bakers? I heard from one of your camper that they’re doing great, and that you have over 1000 french sticks sold? Anyway, are you looking forward to cabin wars? Well if you are, please don’t betray us like your dad did! I’m sure it’ll be fun this term! I love your muffins, can you bring me 20 to trade for a new oven? Our steampunk sanctuary has lots of cool stuff in it! I have the best mechanics! Oops, sorry for braggin! Oh, plus, the next meeting is coming around the corner, your awesome baker, Birdi, is updating the points, don’t miss out!
From your ally, Fantasy frantically writing <3
120 words

Dear Horror,
We haven’t talked a lot before, but I’m thinking that we can get along quite well? We have to go to a summit next week, it’s for all the cabins to sort out relationships again, so what are you planning to be? With us, or against us? I don’t have a lot to say, but I’m forced to do this for the current weekly, if it were not for this, then I would’ve just walked up to your beautifully half disgusting front door instead. Soooo… you gonna do the weekly or not? I hope you’re not!
From Fantasy
100 words

Hello there, so-called ‘Historical-Fiction’.
Perhaps you should be a part of history. Maybe you just don’t belong here in SWC. Maybe you should be only a word. No more. No more than a word. But guess what? Here I am, writing to you only because of this stupid weekly. I’d rather show up at your house and punch you. And, if you were wondering, I’m rather glad you aren’t that high on the leaderboard right now. And not that you deserve it, do you? You don’t! So back away and don’t you dare write back to me.
Yours angrily, Fantasy
100 words

Oh my goodness, Poetry!
It really has been a while, hasn’t it! I’m so glad that we’re allies, I remember last session a lot of us started calling you Foetry! I’m so sorry! What’s up? I’m looking forward seeing you at the next meeting! I hope you guys get third (after me and Folklore, of course)! Have you done the weekly yet? Because I would love some advice on how you should treat Script, I’ve never interacted with him before. I’m doing this because of the weekly (and I’m rather stating it in every letter), and it would be so cool if you wrote back to me as part of your one, too!
From your dear ally, Fantasy.
118 words

Oh Science-Fiction, what a rip-off you are!
Stop copying my friend Dystopian for once, please! Can’t you make something original? Isn’t Sci-Fi and Dystopian the same thing? You are a completely and utterly useless BOT that no one wants to talk to, so be glad I’m even talking to you! So I hope Robin, our mailman, shoves this in your face when you receive it. Your points should be well below a hundred. Perhaps the negatives fit you. I’ll also add the fact that the rest of us all hate you. So shut up and be quiet next time at the meeting.
103 words

Hello Script!
I haven’t talked with you before, so this session I would love to fix that problem! I was on holiday for half the session that was when you joined, so I don’t really know you that well. I’ll be sure to know more about you at the next summit, and I heard you’re hosting it in your theatre, right? It would be really cool if we could make this play about SWC and word wars and stuff! That would be so fun! I have this idea about this guy called Ritch who is really rich. I hope you have a fun time planning the meeting out!
-From Fantasy
110 words

Oh hey there Thriller,
Let’s just start this off with: first of all, this is for the weekly, and if you’re smart, you would write a letter back for the weekly to, but if you’re dumb and skipped this, then too bad. Anyway, when the leaderboard updates, I’ll be sure to check where you are, and I hope you’re just a little above the middle. Speaking of the weekly, who else have you wrote to already? I’ve wrote to ten of them, and you’re my eleventh! I’m coming to your house tomorrow to get ready for the meeting, hope you have time!
Best of luck, Fantasy
106 words

Ahhhh, yes. Hello there, Realistic-Fiction.
Maybe you’re only realistic and not real. But you are, which is kinda sad. SWC is going on pretty good for me, what about you? For the weekly, I had and tumble of ideas for Bizarro-Fiction, but then for Poetry and some other ones, I kinda had a mind blank. Anyway, how are you going on? Our road’s sign is so cool this session! It’s got clouds and the words ‘Main Cabin SWC November 2022’ in cursive! Doesn’t it look awesome? Naan-Fi let me have a few baguettes, and I can give you a few if you want.
From Fantasy.
105 words

Dear Mystery,
Ever since you traded in your wonderful Monastery for an old, cranky train, I really haven’t thought that highly of you. I mean, it’s not my fault half the neighbourhood doesn’t like you. (and you do realise that we’re 4700 points ahead of you, right?) I’m doing this for the weekly, or I would’ve just turned up at the meeting last week with a boxing glove instead. But you’re not too bad. But the passengers on your train that you carry make me speechless in a bad way. Who murders on trains, robs luggage, and fails to do the weekly? The passengers on your train! Duh!
I hope you improve, Fantasy
113 words

Hello there, Fan-Fiction.
I have to admit, I haven’t talked to you that much before, so I’ll try my best to meet your approval of a ‘well written letter’. None of my letters are formal, and I hope you’re fine with that. I need to write more, because you are the last person I’m writing to for this weekly, and I hope only one fifth of your old campers complete the weekly, and that I stay in first. Let’s chat at the next summit to stay in touch! Script is organising the next meeting, so I hope it will be good, unlike our last one.
From Fantasy
107 words

Last edited by HydroHype (Nov. 4, 2022 03:17:07)

adventure July 21
adventure November 21
mystery March 22
thriller July 22
fantasy November 22
nonfi March 23
litfi November 23
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


November 2nd
Now, I know that we all joke about the “ life < swc ” and “ sleep < swc ” and although this is inevitable to be joked about and a bit of humor now and then is like, a-okay but in all seriousness this is not okay to actually do.
SWC is supposed to be a place where you can have fun and write in your spare time: not a place where you stay up all night or fake being sick to stay home to finish the weekly. And I know many campers do this, on several occasions.
There are so many risks if you put SWC in front of your life, including physical health issues, mental health issues and being burnt out. It is not okay to risk this just for a writing camp, despite how awesome it is.
Like it or not, SWC is a part of your life. But may it be a part of us all, it is not a big enough part of us to just dump everything in the trash for it.
You have family, friends and school outside of swc- a whole different life. You must love them more than some strangers who you have never seen in real life, despite how awesome they are.
Please don't give up on them for swc.
Never let “ life < swc ” or “ sleep < swc ” become true to you.

November 3rd
The inside of the smoothie mixer is a mess of colours, red splashing at the corners from the strawberries chunks, and white spots fading into the smoothie from the lightly mushed banana.
Just an average smoothie, boring to be exact. I grapple among the bench, looking for something that will make the flavour more unique. But there is just sugar and measuring cups and that's it. So you turn to the living room, junk flushed in every corner with books, and dad's smart clothes and the heater to keep us warm in winter. Wait, the heater! Sure sounds interesting enough! I can't wait to taste the smoothie at the end!
Without wasting another second you unplug the heater from the wall and carry it up, limping under the weight of its gigantic body. But you don't give up. Soon enough I have heaved it up onto the counter and is uprooting the wires to try to make smaller pieces.
I hear a creak and plunge the messy heater in, masses of smoothing splattering over my dressing-gown and harry potter pyjamas. But I don't care. No-one can see the heater like that. So I press the on button and just like that there is a loud crunching noise.
The smoothie has changed colour and now it has planin white chunks and holes of black, one small white chunk has the words “CDimplex” on it. The liquid colour is brown- murky and I feel squeamish. I don't actually feel like eating this smoothie anymore, with the unappetizing colour and the- smell! It smells like dog manure, with vomit- and, is that overheated software? Coughing, I sprinkle sugar on and it makes the smell much better.
Ah, you take a sip and you realise something- this smoothie is amazing! It tastes like mangoes and the colour doesn't matter anymore! Soon you have chugged most of the jug down and have just enough left for one more cup. As my brother yawns and comes in, you throw the last cup of smoothie at him and he drowns it down.
“Sister, you make the best smoothies!”

November fourth
Dear Anastasia,
it has been so long, and I have not benefited from the separation. After your name was chiseled of the marble archway, I quickly found myself leaning into poverty and quickly applied for many long-term jobs. But as my education had been cut short all those years ago, no-one answered. I ended up as a submarine cook, a long and tiring work for the littlest amount of pay possible! I ache to be able to pursue my dream of a train-driver but no luck so far. I saw you in the news. So exciting: you, married to Prince Freddy! Glad you are living a life of luxurious necklaces and posh dishes. Yum, yum yum!
But I am not here to talk about daisies and rainbows and puppies. This is serious, although it might seem a joke as it was sent in a glass bottle (sorry about that- can't afford postage.) Remember how you used to play that detective game, with you like Nancy Drew because you solved the problems lickedy-split.
Well, dear sister, I need you to solve my problems away- and fast. I'm going to have to move out (and soon!) The solicitor was talking to me last week and he made it very clear that there is not a way around it- I will have to move out of the flat, my (and your) childhood home.
But there are two options that could make me not possibly homeless in a week, and one of those is letting me move in to your giant palace. I could work as a maid, perhaps: live in the servants rooms. I heard you need a new cook! I'm very experienced with cooking professionally. Or you could pay my rent: its only 100 bucks- that's very cheap (well- for you.)
Your poor sick sister,

Weekly #1
Dear Folklore,
how are you doing? coping with the new haul of hikers stumbling by you? hopefully- i'm not sure we can help you out: between the celestial realm falling apart and all whatnot.
ugh, my stomach is rumbling while writing this. possibly any more of Lio's famous soup could be sent? we're very tired from all the collecting stars: what a better way to get more energy than trying out that thing I am personally missing out on.please?
anyway, I am pretty sure postage service has been cut off- but when it returns to normal i have plenty, tons of gifts to give to my faithful allies.
Your dear friend,
Dear Mystery,
you must be happy about this letter because it was so hard to actually find a decent postage company that wouldn't charge me, like, double to reach a freaking train. I am not happy about that- so hopefully the warm clothes and gumboots enclosed are good in case you end up working as their mechanic. Still, it was quite fun having an excuse to go on a load of shopping adventures. Yay! Heard that there is likely something going wrong: don't worry, it can't be much when you compare it to a dimension falling apart with you in it.
Oh yeah, got a few stars enclosed. Hopefully you can keep them as a sakekeeping, just in case I die along with the realm I am currently trapped in.
See yah,
Dear Fantasy,
is the gadget we gave you still working, perfectly in contact? just checking: must make sure that the magic we have made outside of our realm is not fading as well. if it was then the bridges of history would collapse before we know it!
sorry for such an alarming start, must have given you quite a scare.
on a more bright side, i see that the sanctuary is thriving! lucky you- must have such lovely volunteers that are not willing to learn from the best animal caretakers ever!
Your most loyal ally and caring- helpful friend,
Dear Sci-fi,
oof- sorry that your stuck in an alternate dimension, or whatever we should call it. but hopefully you will be able to get out soon: it can't take that long when you have, like, so many people who are helping reach the goal.
luckily we didn't give you any, like, magic item or anything- we believe that items outside the celestial realm that have been created using our magic is, well, fading along with us.
oh- its kind of funny. we both are trying to get out of the realm we are stuck in: but for totally different reasons, of course.
I'm going to keep it short: must go and get more stars to get out,
See you (if we ever get out),
Dear Thriller,
ah, haven't heard from you in a while, sibling! how is it going down in the ocean, any scary sharks chasing you yet? send us pictures!
enclosed in this package are some pictures of our recruits reactions to being stuck here! there all so open mouthed and foam bubbling in their jaw- and tearing hair and all that whatnot. if you exchange some it could be a kind of, club.
we kind of need a favour. you know, that magical crystal underwater fortune ball? well- break it. shove it in the dump, okay? our magic and everything that is ours is fading: and it might backfire, the precious gift.
Your weak sibling,
Dear Fan-fi,
haven't seen you in a while, sister- having a good time with all the travelling into time. or as mum would say, meddling with the bad stuff no-one needs to see. in my opinion, time traveling actually looks quite fun: but i wouldn't give controlling the celestial realm for it. even with the whole being stuck in the dystopian world, i still wouldn't stop.
apparently thriller is going pretty well- but i'm still waiting for a reply from the latest letter I wrote them.
oh- that reminds me of when we were long you used to pretend that you lived deep in the sea and I was far up in the clouds and we communicated using, well, letters.
Love you,
Dear Poetry,
oh look! now you come running to us, begging for help- apparently you “need help” and “the isle's is your life.” But we're not buying it- I'm not, at least. you know what you did and it is to big to start over again. when I asked you for help- with a more sentimental problem, and it wouldn't cost you you said no.
why should we help you now? we are over and we will never get back again.
why don't you cut the prize or something? i don't know and I don't care.
Bye, Poetry. Don't write back,
Dear Adventure,
i've heard all your excuses. the kingdom needed a good ally, and poetry was open- but you took their side. in that fight. i was your closest friend: and i was helping you but you took my resources and went.
and then- the big thing happened.
this letter is wet and right now the ink is running from my tears: because what happened next is so horrible- so nasty, so backstabbing. so stop pretending we were kids, it was foolish of you.
well it was, because you made a powerful enemy, adventure. although my place is fading i still will have my revenge: before i die along with the celestial realm.
bye- not for the last time,
Dear bi-fi,
it is much harder to write to you: since i can't drone on about how horribly you betrayed me since, well, before that day we weren't close: just allies in capture the flag. but i thought you were my friend, not a bff but a friend. but i guess since adventure had the hots for you you had to go on his and poetry's side. guess i can't be surprised, you horrible trash can.
i hated playing capture the flag with you anyway.
but you could have made up when you were adults. but i guess because you and adventure started dating you stayed on his side.
So yeah, that small arson attack was actually really fun.
Hopefully I'll see you never again,
Dear Horror,
oh you cheating, lying double-agent scum. i know you will have forgotten about everything, so i'll tell you- in extreme detail just to make you feel bad. you were my boyfriend, a hot one at that. when poetry branded me a liar after he revealed he was a complete bully i expected you to protect me and you did- at first.
but then i walked into you wjile you were talking to poetry about how I was such a naive idiot.
I left you then.
Hope you feel guilty now, it will make me feel very better.
Your ex who is much too good for you,
Dear Real-fi,
oh- now you're being so kind and sweet and caring to everyone. would love you to have done that when we were kids.
we always didn't see eye to eye. i believed that adults needed to see the real person inside of everyone, but you pulled a fake persona every time a grown up came into your life and thought it was fine.
so, i've decided to not arson the inn although i bet you will do that to the dystopian realm when you have the chance. i wish to stay out of your way: my life is much better that way.
Dear Non-fi,
ugh- why does everyone seem to have so much food! i'm hungry just thinking about the lovely bread you must be baking right now!
i know you didn't take a side back when we were kids, and i have to say thank you for that. although i did not win the argument, your piece-making made it that it came to a close without a big physical fight.
and now you don't have to cut contacts with anyone because they don't believe what you believe! you are so big brain! haven't got much to say to you, haven't talked in a while but- i guess thank you for not being against me?
Your neutral,
Dear Script,
hey, neutral! how are you doing on the stage, does it suit you: all the fame and popularity? if your current musical gets you into Hollywood then get me something, okay? like, a big peal necklace or pure gold earrings. something flashy i can show of to the celestial realm if i survive. i mean, maybe i am not an ally of yours but still *puppy eyes*
I don't remember you and me contacting much as kids. You were too into the big peices of paper with musical notes scrawled on. not that is a bad thing.
Hope you have a good performance,
Dear Hi-fi,
how is all the robbery going? planning a big heist or something flashy? found enough spades: i'm dis-enchanting some spades that I will be enclosing in this parcel. hope that gets you closer to the 200 spades you need. glad your robbing poetry: down with them! if you need any help finding their weakness, contact us: after fighting poetry since kids I know how you do it. anyway, just wondering if you want a fairwell gift from us? i'm going to be giving them to everyone who wants them, apart from enemies. i'm not going to give them wonderful chocolates with laced icing to anyone other than neutrals such as you and allies.
See you if we ever get out,

November 5th
the flower's I used were carnations, daisies, clover, euphorbia, ferns
It was a normal day, Mum trying to balance out her work with spending time with us, her kids by having a “special outing” to the garden centre. The locked area's carnations had withered and without the pretty pink flowers blooming around the place it just seemed like a boring dull padlock with weeds tangled up at the rusty old gate. Rosie was bounding up and down in absolute joy, looking at her patterned frock to see which plant matched the stitches embroidered on the white silky fabric. “Oh Mommy, look-” she pointed to the daisies in the neat pots “They match my pretty dress. Can I please have one?” Mum laughed, a hollow laugh as she checked her half-empty wallet. “Sure dear,” she grimaced and handed out a ten pound note. “Sure.”
Rosie quickly grabbed the closest flowering one and flopped it onto the trolley. Mum looked at me, and with that we were off, Mum taking notes because she's a price inspector. She usually has to check in garden centres because they were the highest pay she could find. She used to work for a big manifacturing company- and the uniform had a big clover sewn on the pocket. I had recently aquired a book on flowers: apparently clover meant industry. Even if that was a coincidence it still was a bit of an inside joke for me (and mum when I told her).
But now she was in bright yellow dungarees with a basic white t-shirt, a smiley sun stitched on the yellow fabric. She was wearing a straw hat and she hummed a tune under her breath: a energetic song. She pulled out her old, crackly phone and scrolled through her many texts about “lavender prices going up” and “blah blah blah daisy's ten pounds!” She mumbled- a hissing sound as she prodded a grey text. “Ugh, give her the euphorbia price: its 20 pounds per given the hot climax” she muttered, scribbling a scrawled note (it was the words “oh the vain self-centered bully”) She looked at me, tears filling her eyes: “oh please, find Rosie and stay with her.”
I nodded and rushed off, following the call of laughter (and the trail of soil from the daisy plant she possibly was uprooting right that second.)
Finally I caught up with her and she immediatly pushed me away. “Go away Lavender-” she snorted horribly, stroking the white petals of the daisy's. She shoved a fern at me- but as I remembered what ferns meant in ancient times and I grinned- pulling her into a sweet embrace.
Free writing
As soon as Oswald opened his mouth I knew there was trouble. The mountains had not been farming much gold lately: and gran said that it was because most of it had been found ages ago. Oswald was the person in charge of stuff such as rations, and the collection of any gold found. So he was also the messenger of bad news, since he had close contact of the king and was his messanger for the mountains: and the king only ever gave bad news.
Rations had been low for a while, and everyone was starving. The grain was bare and although we had harvested tons last month Oswald was hanging onto it and using most of its so we had to make do with a cup of grain every two weeks or so. The flour was worse as the kingdom was reluclant when sending it to the mountains, so having a few teaspoons made you extremely lucky.
Anyway, when Oswald opened his big fat mouth I heard many villagers creep away, because if you crossed his path when he gave bad news then he'd kick you where the sun don't shine.
But today he gave the expected news, the king was unhappy and would be giving us less and less food. One of the exiled kingdom kind
November 7nth
The kingdom was starving. For so long the gold found in the mines had been decreasing, and that meant less food. Less and less food. The boys and girls, in their matching green dungarees dug and dug at the mines, and so did the men- lavishing away to the core of the brittle mountains. Oswald was not impressed, and since he was in charge of the rations we got less and less and he got more and more.
One day, the king was visiting- checking no-one was “depriving” him from his precious gold, when Elias gave a squeak of horror. His house had plenty of gold inside, Oswald had been doing secret buisness with him for years now.
He gave another one as the king, stoked over to him, dressed in so much finery.
“What do we have here?”
The prison cells were full with conniving men, glamorous women and children with lollies stuffed in their moth eaten socks. They were all crammed into tiny cells: and around fifteen were rattling on the bars per cell. But there was one person, alone in a big cell: a dark hood basically glued onto their head, and chalk scribbled on the walls: a tally of how many days they have been their: and by the look of it it has been a few years since they had seen the light of day. Guards filled in daily, checking on everything: giving them a few slaps to keep them in check but they stayed still- even when the hits left marks they did not flinch. Noone knew who this was, they were just a random person who's sentence was kept a secret. No-one dared take of their hoodie, until one day. Suddenly their was a shot and a bang.
Water dripped from the small brook running through a crack in the ceiling of the cave. A puddle underneath it was clear and if you dared grapple with it then you could feel gems ripening the small leaks. Sounds echoe the cave, and rumors are that their are ghosts. And there are. One comes over, a perfect replica of Edmund Hillary apart from the transperent look about him. He squeals in pain, and his stomach is sucked in- his eyes looking in perfect terror. “no-” he yells as he dissapears quickly. And he whispers his secret to you: and then his life is taken away.

Daily "writing a letter for a future self
Dear Future Willow,
are you (or is it we?) still best friends with the gang? hope so- although Zara has been drifting of lately so maybe she decided to go off with Cade.
Are we (you? i don't get it at all.) still into Chris Colfer, the most amazing writer in, like, all of published history! Okay, that sounds cringey and i' m not meaning too: I just happen to be embarrasing for a living
Still partcipating in SWC, hopefully. I'll be quite disappointed if you aren't: apply for next session if you missed out for whatever reason: you were away or something else.
Have you yet gone to england?If you have, then good for you! Was Harry Potter World as good as you thought it was? If you haven't yet then remember that it will be an amazing treat when you do.
Who's your teacher currently? Hopefully Mrs Marshall (she is the best) but if you have already gone to that new school then i hope none are scary. But you know most of them because of Dad, so don't worry. You'll have a great time! Don'y lose any sleep over it.
I'm not sure i will be able to see your reply if you bother answering/ sending a letter back,
Present Willow

Weekly 2 <33
Song writing

I was just picking flowers from the mossy ledge,
I had dropped a daisy and a rose bright red.
You ignore the rose so loved, and pick up the broken daisy.
You hand it over, and maybe you think i'm crazy..but!

I've fallen for you, very well
How little i know about you, but still i blush
I've fallen deep, you sold me- i can tell (i can tell-ell-ell)
And you keep buying me with soppy mush.

And you keep giving me fresh flowers,
each a pretty daisy,
until one day they wither and my eyes go hazy.
You used me- it was nothing genuine
everything was fake.
you used me- it was nothing genuine,
oh for goodness sake.

Why didn't I see it before?
He concealed it, but i should have seen it.
All those remarks he hid- I should have seen it.
But I didn't, and that's not okay.
But I deserve it- to live with the guilt.

I've fallen for you , very well.
how little i know about you, but still i blush.
I've fallen deep, you sold me- I can tell(tell-ell)
And you keep buying me with soppy mush.

And you keep giving me fresh flowers,
each a pretty little daisy.
until one day they wither and my eyes go hazy.
you used me- it was nothing genuine
everything was fake.
you used me- it was nothing geniune,
oh for goodness sake.

Now clear all the gardens,
not a single daisy i will allow in my sight.
I want to prove him i'm not a tiny daisy,
or a little girl being bought by pretty flowers.
So clear all the gardens,
I wont be bought no more.
So dump all the daisies forever more.

No, I won;t be bought no more.
I'm not as inoccent as i seem ,
my daisies withered a long time ago,
'lucky for me (lucky for me)
So I can't be bought no more (no more, no more)
Cause theirs nothing to be bought with now.

So dump all these daisies, forevermore.
i'm not a pretty flower,
Part 1
Me: Hello Coco {smiles warmly} As a member of the mystery cabin, {pauses} i would like to know your insight and your view on this session. Is that okay with you? {breaks of}
Coco: Hi {smiles back} Yes, of course {pauses} This session has been amazing so far, especially as it is my first. I have had so much fun participating in it. {breaks off}
Me: Oh, so it was your first session? {eyebrows raise} Cool! {they lower again} How do you feel about your cabins ranking currently? Do you thing it will get higher, or lower?
Cocoystopian's been top of the leaderboard for a while, and I'm not really sure how that'll play out, {pauses} but I think that Mystery will overtake Horror again and get back into third place {laughs}.
Me:{grins} Not sure how to process that you are not sure that the marvelous cabin I belong in, Dystopian, is going to win but- {shrugs} Fine. Yeah, horror has been clinging on to third: hopefully they get bumped off soon. {grins}
Coco:{laughs} Well, we'll see what happens! And I can definitely agree with you on that one, Horror needs to go- {grins}
Me: {laughs back} But at least Horror isn't climbing up, they are just clinging on {mimes someone attempting to grab at a rock} Like that.
Coco:Hello Emma {smile}, as a member of the cabin with the highest points so far, how are you feeling?
Me: {grins happpily} very proud, but also a bit nervous because well, {shrugs} you can't boast about it as you might get bumped off any second
Coco: {laughs} yeah, I bet! How's your experience been this session in general? {smiles}
Me: Well, {pauses to think} at first I did every daily but then they just didn't click so, {guilty laugh} i've ended skipping a few of them

Part 2
When my parents suggested I started working as a babysitter, I was delighted! Kids had always been my strong suit, they always crawled up to me and got me to help them. It was rather sweet of them, actually, and I really did love them. So when they suggested that to me, I was over the moon in joy! It would be so fun, with all the little kiddies running at me- and maybe I would get a chance feeding a baby! I had never done that before! Or maybe I would get to be the brave knight when they play! I had immediately took my parents up on the offer, fantasizing about all the fun I might have. I put out an advertisment offering my babysitting services. Only a few days later I got a reply from a desperate single mum with four children, in need of someone to look after her kids whilst she was out of the house. I went to school that day, and all I could think about was all the angelic little ones that I would get to take care of after school. And then I finally met them… It was a disaster, I had expected them to be angelic sweet little things, with cute little sparkly eyes and blonde hair- but I was wrong, everything was so unexpected! First there was the Mom. I had prepared for a women who was in a hurry, but she was far from that. Instead she was an overbearing Mom, who kept adjusting the hair of the blonde good as gold girl who was getting into the modeling buisness. Ugh. And then the kids. As soon as their mum had left they went into a little devil mode. They seemed to be doing everything they could, going out of their way to make my life a misery. They got into the kitchen cupboards and started playing with the most extravagant looking glassware. I did my best to keep them away, but it was no use. As I was clearing away the broken glass, they snuck away with several bottles of paint to create some ‘pretty artworks,’ as they put it. How could one make such a big mess in such a short space of time? I tried to be as benevolent as possible, but I could see it in their eyes.They were enjoying this. I had spent hours scrubbing the paint of the house, but it still looked like a graffiti mess. Oh god, that single mum was going to kill me! What would my parents say? So I slipped into the kitchen and started boiling some pasta, while heating up a store-bought sauce. Then the kids arrived, grinning- their eyes sparkling in excitement. The pushed me forward, heaved and I collapsed, the boiling water sloshing down my front. Oh god! They laughed a cheeping laugh and then ran down to their gigantic room. And they were so fast!

Part 3
I want you to think very carefully about every object you have used: may it be stationary, or a tennis ball: or cricket gear. Maybe you might seem like it is just an inanimate object, that it wouldn't matter if it was to disappear. But would you actually like to live with no objects, none at all? With absolutely nothing to haul?
That wouldn't be nice: how would you do stuff in everyday life? You wouldn't even be able to cook: there would be no knife! And what if they went on strike? There would certainly be certain things to dislike.
And what would be one of the major reasons they dumped you, or are on strike, if they did is because you mistreated them. Didn't look after them, drop all of them on the ground or perhaps decide to dump them under your bed- this is like treading on a flowers stem. This breaks, them, ruins them maybe. Would you like to be tripped up or stepped on like that, as small as a baby?
Maybe you need some examples, since many of you might not even know what i am talking about.
A pencil, being dropped on the floor- their lead would snap and if they could talk they would SHOUT!
A water bottle, clattering to the concrete ground again and again- they would crack and leak and boy, would you blush!
A hairbrush, being kept on the shelf- they would be lost and boy would you be annoyed when you next needed to brush!
A computer, being used with food crumbs littering the keyboard- it would jam and make the keys all stiff and it would be hard to type!
Tissues, being crammed to the bottom and when you next had a snotty noise there is nothing to use to wipe!
Books, being splattered with food and drinks and when you want to read it the words are blacked out!
Measuring scales, being fiddled with so when you attempt to see how many grams of sugar you have put in it gives you a very incorrect number that is wrong without a doubt!
There are so many bad things that happen when you mistreat an object: these are negative consequences that affect other aspects of your day. Whenever it is, june july or may.
And they are expensive! So expensive and you keep ruining them (yes that is offensive.) How much did that cricket bat cost? What about that squash racket that really looks squashed? Or that antique typrewriter you got for your birthday? Or that china doll you like to clean on thursday? Oh, and of course we can't forget your new stuffed toy? What about that sandpapered twig boy?
To answer all your questions I would say, a lot! They all have different costs, but them must have cost a lot! And probably your poor parents had to buy them! Kiddo, be a gem. And don't break them!
So now you know why you should look after your precious belongings, because you need them- and if you mess around with them you will have to get a new one: and they usually cost quite a lot.
Tootles, I'll come around tommorrow to see you tudying the house!

November 16th
At first she was yellow.
She was my yellow buttercup, the one who told you you weren't alone.
She was my yellow Saturn, surrounding me: her sun.
She was my yellow duck: making me laugh as she waddled around.
She was my star: making everything brighter around her, showing that there is hope in the dark.
She was my honeycomb- sweet and sugar-coated.
She was my canary, singing a song to raise my spirits.
Then she was my grey.
She was my grey in the distance, the figure walking away as the mist hides them.
She was my grey, the elephant squashing me out from love and hope.
She was my grey, the sea churning out in the horizon: out of reach.
And then she was my pink- or so i thought.
I thought she was the pink flowers brushing my cheek in a loving way.
I thought she was that love heart presented on valentines day.
I thought she was the pink cherry blossoms daintily falling to the ground.
I thought she was the pink radish: good for you and making you feel better.
But she was red.
She was my red dripping spear, plunging into my side at any movement.
She was my inferno, raging at me and surrounding me while i choke and cough.
She was my red coral- sharp and dangerous.
And guess what her name was?
Daphne Red.

You take a bite,
it pleases you.
You were right,
it tastes delicious, like it was bought from the supermarket new!
You swipe a bit of the icing off,
and you stick it in your mouth with a muffled cough.
Yum, you think,
what a surprise!
You sip your ice cold drink,
and there is nothing about this moment you despise.
You love cake,
with a vanilla tinge.
And as the day breaks,
you realise that cake is a better treatment than anything in a syringe.

Weekly 3 <33
part 1
proof not given due to not being able to photograph the pictures, but has been done
part 2
Me: hi! it would be great if i could have some motivation to complete my writing competition entry-
Cynthialz: Hey Willow! I know it feels super duper stressful when the deadline starts creeping up on you, but I'm confident you can do it! Just think about how satisfying it will be when you finish and how many points it could win your cabin! Of course, points aren't the only good think that'll come out of finishing up your entry it'll also help you to improve as a writer! I already know your entry is going to be simply amazing and I wish you luck! <3
SussyLegWarmers-: Hey! I'm in need of the same thing. Right now, think of the wave of satisfaction that you'll feel once you finish. How proud you'll be. The deadline is creeping but remember, you can write. Think about how it'll help your cabin in the long run!
SussyLegWarmers_: I need some motivation to finish my entry for the writing competition.
Me: You've got this! All you need to do is identify what you want to write about it, and then you are away! Whatever you decide to go with, it will be amazing, I promise! Always remember to stop if you aren't having fun writing the entry <3
Whirlygig: hiii! It would be great if I could have some motivation to study for my math test and work on my comic <3
Me: I believe in you! I promise, acing that math test will be a breeze! If you are having a bit of a problem studying then I recommend listening to music (as stated below) and taking small breaks often, instead of long breaks not so often! And about that comic? If it is digital, then I recommend just sketching a story board on paper, and if it is on paper then just go with the flow, and if it looks stiff then maybe loosen your grip on the pencil? You have got it!
TheBibliophile7: Ah, can I have some motivation to work on my writing comp entry? I feel like everyone's needing motivation for this, lol, but I really need to work on it…
Me: You've got this! Maybe go over to the brainstorming group if you don't know what to write about, but if you do know what to write about then just go to the laptop (or typewriter, or refill pad- whatever you write on) and keep thinking about what you want to go into this piece. If you don't feel confident with your piece after you write it, go and do the critique activity! You have got this nailed!

part 3
checklist <33
- reading
- exercise
- water drinking
- reading
- spread affection
{Persuasive Piece}
Self care is an important part of our life if we wish to stay healthy- both physically and mentally. But how do we exactly use self care? Well, what you need to do is pretty much just do some tasks that help you!
But what tasks, you must be wondering. Well, here is a list of tasks that work for me: I hope these work for you too!
To start of us, I must say reading. I know, I know, many dislike reading but I promise- it is a very soothing activity to help clear your mind of whatever drama you are facing. Diving into a whole different universe really helps getting grips with yourself! It is actually scientifically proven!
Now, if you want to stay healthy then going for a jog is a good idea! Even if you only run a lap or two it still makes a difference! The reccomended time of excersise is an hour a day, and you don't have to do it at once! So just sprinting, or swimming, or playing a sport is really good for you- and on the good side it also gets you away from your devices for a while!
Being dehydrated is a really bad thing! It makes you feel really bad inside, and the amount of water you should at least drink is 6 cups ( a day.)
When you feel bad, what is a way to make you feel better and someone else as well? By spreading kindness, of course! Just by complementing someone you can feel a smile itching on your face- and you can watch someone grin as well!

Writing comp entry
The day I saw her was the day my life changed.
I had no idea what my past was, why I was made- those questions I sought. So I looked everywhere for those answers- and then I met you.
I think the music brought me to you. The silvery harmony just echoed across the halls, each note seemingly sung by an angle. It crept up behind me, the first time I entered the place it felt like it wanted me.
So I followed it. I followed it up the corridors, into nooks an cranny's- everywhere, and then I found the source of the high melody.
That was her.
She sat on a chipped wooden stall, winding the threadbare wool around the strings of copper wire. Each time she weaved a note the house shook with the sound.
I peaked at her, hiding behind the curtain to shield herself from the temptation of showing myself. After hours of watching, she got up- flicking her long braid and went, her shoes tapping the floor every time like a drum.
As soon as she left, a shadow morphed in front of me. She held out her hand for a sealed deal and started to tell me my past…

Weekly 4The wispy haired girl gave me a funny look as she spotted the rag that was much cleaner than her oily greasy one. “Oi,” she announced in a silly american accent that would surely make the snooty posh upper class stare. “This is my job, it jolly well ‘aint yours, mate.” I sighed and got down on my knees, coughing as the soot from the bottom of the train clouded up in the foggy air. “Daphne Red is my name, and I have got a role here.” I smiled, tucking a strand of my silky brown hair behind my ear. “Daphne red?” she screamed, snapping all of a sudden. “I have to share a room with you and some other twits?”
I wriggled again in my soft cotton bed sliding around slightly on the rocky ground. The sound of honking is repeating every ten minutes, and whenever I fall asleep it makes me jump. That cycle has been repeated hundreds of times already, and the circles under my eyes make me look like a panda on a train. Cling! The sound beeps up on me, scaring the wits of me and I scramble out of bed- willing myself to go and shovel some coal into the furnace as the train is slowly slowing down. But something strange is going on, it is like the coal is refilling itself. Huh. Must be the sleep deprivation side effects. So I get into bed and the cycle starts all over again.
The train screeches to a halt, and the staff crowding around the mist sprayed windows could see orange sparks flying into the air with a crackling noise. “Must be someone from the subway coming to join us” the girl in the dorm (well, it isn’t really a room but a separated area on the second floor) next to me comforts, but she has a nervous look on her face that matches all the other expressions crowded upstairs (the space made only for staff.) She stares into the distance and screams-“their is a train.” but as the words echoed through the tunnels, it screeched to a halt like our train had and dissapeared up the way it had came down. The train I was on started speeding in the opposite direction- we were not law abiding citizens so getting caught could lose our lives.
I woke up, my eyes fluttering open but instantly closing again due to the bright light shining in my eyes. Huh? Wasn't the train setting off before I closed my eyes? The wispy haired girl swept a lock her messy hair and flicked it back in a bullying fashion. “You've been out all day, clogs.” She snapped, for the first time not pictured with the same old holey oily rag. “But what about the other train- and the- the-” I whispered faintly, fingering my badge with the text “Daphne Red- Staff” printed on it. “Classic dream.” She hissed, trembling with rage that I ‘could be such an idiot.’ to say in her words. I got up- and plunked back down, putting pressure on my ribcage. “Oh yah you yab dooda doodle” she added “take a tiny bit of ‘ime to adjust from the ’ltitude.” And then she leaves me alone in the big spacey medical room that is bigger than the dorms (you know the drill.)
I'm still in bed. My ribs are healing from the wound i got from having a box full of coal pushed onto my head, but I still can't return to my job and everyone else is currently heaving coal and wiping the train- all those fun jobs that are better than feeling like you are on probitation even through bed time is completely different. A lonely tear dripped of my face as I curled in the matress less cosy to the one in the dorm. How I wished to be outside, it would mean the world to me! But I'm not. In a day i'm out, but every second seems a minute every minute seems an hour- reliving 24 hours here seems to be the same as 24 days! That is more than a week- two weeks, it is 3 weeks and a bit. My ears got clogged as the train went through a bumpy patch. I heard screaming through the blocking in my ears. Actually, for the moment maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.
As I lugged the coal into the raging fire, I grinned at the girl who was almost identical to the wispy haired girl (names harriet) apart from she was shorter and slimmer and smiled instead of frowned. Her name was Ella and she was my best friend. She was helped me up the stairs after my 24 hours was up, and she strayed away from cooking dinner for the passengers onboard to help me with the tons of coal I was forcefully shoveling with a spade into the fire. “Creamy savory suprise with tomato sauce for starters, buffet to japan today and muffins for tea” she echoed while sniffing in the smoky air. “Sound delish, but i don't enjoy cooking at all. Rather stay and shovel coal- but i'll join you for cooking duty tommorrow.” We held hands, smiling and grinning but then a booming voice snuck up on us. “What are you doing, Daphne, with my sister?”
I stuttered to explain, but it was plainfully obvious with the hand holding that I wasn't going to start sparring her. If that was what Harriet wanted (and that I had no clue on the topic). Struck for words, I scrambled for an excuse in my brain but failed miserably to find one. On no- what would she do? But luckily I had Ella to rely on. “She's my friend, f.r.i.e.n..d” she yelled in her sisters ear and picked up a slippy and wet piece of unusable coal and threw it in Harriets face. Grinning smugly at the blackened face attacking her, she grabbed my arm and rushed of into the kitchen. “Come on, Daphne- lets go cook!” As we raced around the bend, she stopped at a hault. “Sissie is so mad mad mad,” she sung in glee, leaving black fingerprints all over the wall. “Oops- but harry harry it will get the blame blame blame!” She added, and we sprinted to the kitchen to help prepare the rest of the meal.
The smell wafting through the kitchen smelled great. Smelled greater than great, actually. A creamy riccota was being served onto several posh white plates- enough for every client on board and staff member to have a helping. A bubbling tomato sauce was cooling in the pot, and some muffins were cooling on the cooling rack. But in the other corner the chicken was being coated in soy sauce- udon was dripping with a silky kind of dressing and their was tofu with tiny fish flakes sprinkled on top to add a bit of pop. Their was some cream needing a bit of a whisk- two bowls actually and so me and Ella both grabbed a whisk and whipped up some cream to plop on the chocolate brownies coming out of the oven and to complement the muffins. Yum, yum yum! After that is done the muffins are seemingly stuck to the racks! Sliding a knife under each muffin, we (and a few others who had not ditched like Ella) seperated the muffins from the rack, and after they cooled down for a few more minutes plopped them on a plate for serving to finish off the meals. Finally it was done, and we waddled down to dining hall to satify our hunger.
I had never set my eyes on the customers riding on the train. Us staff were supposed to keep to ourselfs, that was proper. So we never ever went near anyone who was not a staff member because we needed people on our train to help. Duh. But right now it was impossible to just walk past all of them, the men in suits with blazers jingling with the medals pinned on. The women had curled hair that was so big on top of their head it may have just been a wig. And the little girls and boys- so neat, neat as a pin and pale faces that made them look ill- and the most red lips that looked like lipstick had been chalked on. I felt so guilty with my sooty face that I rushed into the servants eating quarters and almost bumped into Harriet.
“So, like, I hit the monster on the head and-” Ella broke off in a smile as she saw I was looking open mouthed at her dramatic and almost certainly not real story. “And then i-” she continued, before being interupted by Harriet clasping a hand over her mouth. “Your such an egg, egg, sis” she screamed at her sister, growling slightly as the slightest bit of coal strand slip between her two eyes. “Just leave the train- you don't belong here at all.” She mimed pushing someone else, and then turned to me with a bit of glee in her eyes. “THat appys for you, too, Daphne. I'm too willing to give you a shove of the train.”
Later, the rocky train is slowly chugging across the subway tunnels, the sweet smell of cooking wafting through my nose. Wait- cooking? I immediatly open my eyes, quickly putting on my bronze star dressing gown and slipped down the crooked stairs that decided not to creak to loudly for once and I could hear chimes dinging quietly through the big train. Oh no, I had slept through the getting up alarm. Maybe I wouldn't get breakfast- i hadn't sat through or seen a punishment. I carefully joined the back of the queue, grabbing a plate and hoping for the best. No one noticed and I joined Ella at the bottom stair.
Wjen you think of waffles and pancakes, do you think of yum? Well, some pancakes and waddles are soggy and wet and not fluffy and have too much baking soda so they get too big. Well, this was not the case this time- the drizzling maple syrup dripped over the top just boosted the flabour of the vanilla waffles, and made breakfast an enjoyable time and not just milk like it was as a maid (maids are not top prioity) The hoops of bread with sprinkles ontop were dunked into the maple syrup bowls two shared, they tasted like cocopops but different. Well, I don't actually know what cocopops are but- still. The winding stairs leading up to the driving cabin were not creaky, and we were allowed to sit their although we had to make sure not to spill anything because important stuff were upstaairs- including the steering wheel and the drivers room for himself. Lucky beast! As I spotted Harriet fingering a lump of bread I couldn't help grin. We had taken the last serve of waffles- right before her!
Bump! The train hauled to a stop, and some very snooty looking women jumbled out onto the polished floor of the underground station with their noses up turned. One of the jolly staff pushed us out onto the streets, dishing out the oily rags that were already oily. Ew! A few of the more lively girls seperated me from Ella and I was forced to work on one of the more dirty floored spaces to reach the tire they wanted to clean because it had less dirt. But seriously, that was smart! My rag had turned a dark shade of black by the time the wheel was squeaky clean- but mine was the only one dirty out of all the girls. They just look at their nails while i rub away working myself into a fit, but finally it was over and I could meet up and find Ella.
Sweat beading on my forehead as I attempted to crack a bit of coal in half- “Come on, this is so hard! Why do we have to break up the coal? Can't we just put it in.” I slam my spade on the coal, breaking it in two uneven pieces. “Oh dang, that aint even.” I scream quietly, silently crying in my mind. Maybe it wasn't all fun, helping out was not all the easy life. “Ugh, ugh ugh” I attempt to savor a bit of the coal and cough it onto the smaller piece of coal. Nope- it doesn't work and just makes my hands incredibly black and sooty. “You better do this, Ella, your better at this.” I exclaimed, dropping the wooden spade onto the ground that is crowded with minerals and matches from when someone assumed it was better to light a fire than keep one going and add to that. Huh, thats funny. And a bit weird, of course. Wiping the hair of my tanned olive forheard, and collapse in a heap on the floor- my umiform yetting drenched and the patterns slowly dissapearing before my very eyes. But I don't care, getting dirty is fun! I tuck another strand that wiggled loose a few seconds ago and start collecting the even sized coal and stacking them in piles for the ones on duty for restocking the fire. Ah, thats much better! Since the coal has been cut down the spade is unnescasary and I can just put them into patterns- smily faces and flowers: of I could just do it properly. Actually, no, patterning it is much more fun and its boring just stacking them on either sides. But then, when we hear clanging I start heaving the tall heavy piles onto the dusty corners with spiderwebs (with the spiders dead, of course.) As the door opens, I gasp and quickly hide behind a barrek full of large coal we are yet to actually cut in half. Harriet appears, her face red with anger. “Come out ‘Aphne, if meh sister is here so is you.”
Something happend- a sinking sensation fills be and as I look at my feel I can only see my legs above the floorboard. Soemthing really bad is happening- but I don’t know what. I shake my head (and I daydreaming?) and look down again, now I am only appearing above my knee length stockings. Oh gosh, I do feel shorter as I look at Harriet standing in the doorway with a smug look and grin itching on her smirking face. I look down, and scream in shock. The floorboards have made way to a giant hole into the void! Or a hole into the universe, just thought the viod is more referencable due to the only music made by THE VIOD is popping money at the time. Sorry, i'll stop ranting on about that. I cling onto the rope tied to the roof in case of immergancy, but i fall down down down.
Ding! My clock rings again, and again and again. Usually its in union with the getting up bell, but this time its all alone like on bird who was late for the dawn chorus. Wait, late- I'm late! Slipping on my uniform (pale yellow t-shirt, bronze jacket and beige skirt) I quickly run down the stairs before they notice that i'm not in the crowd. Oh wait, they have spotted me. They are grimacing as their eagle eyes soar the crowd in search for me. They falter and start stepping lightly towards me- their expression either upset and dissapointed or happy. Its hard to tell with officials.
They grin at me- okay, so they are happy- and plop a lonely crusty piece of paper into my pocket. The official grins in an absurd way and claps me on the back- not a form of punishment although it hurt like one. “Read it” one of the less dressed up fancy smancy staff hisses while keeping the official from hitting my back again. I grin and gtake it out, uncrumpling it and reading up. Oh boy, a promotion! They grin and pick up the speed of getting out of the hall. I take the piece of paper out of my pocket again and run up the stairs to Ella, grinning wildly.

Last edited by LUR10934 (Nov. 26, 2022 19:01:08)

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


Tuesday, November 1
Dear Fantasy,

I’m writing to you as my first ever letter because you are our beloved siblings. I hope your Steampunk Sanctuary is going wonderfully, though I’m slightly intimidated by your spooky thumbnail. Folklore has a whole hope that you all are making tons of points, and that you come very close to the top of the leaderboard, though I do hope that you leave some room ~~above~~ you at the top of the leaderboard (it’s all right to have a bit of competition, hehe). Otherwise, I am sending loads of love and congrats (because as of right now, you’re in first place),

Your siblings,

(109 words)

Tuesday, November 1
Dear Bizarro Fiction,

I am now currently going in order down the list of our allies, and you appear to be second. As our fellow new cabin, I am wishing you the best of luck! Otherwise, your cinema looks absolutely awesome- and the popcorn you’re selling, absolutely delicious. It is quite dark right now as I’ve snuck into the cinema to watch the current movies, but I must stop writing, as my pen is quite loud and the movie is about to start. Either way, it’s about to start.

Someone is screaming, quite literally.
I must go,


(102 words)

Tuesday, November 1
Dear Dystopian,

Fellow allies, I see! But for some reason, I’ve managed to teleport outside of the Bizarro Fiction realm and land myself in yours. It is quite beautiful – your realm – especially the glowing stars and the illuminated sky. I can definitely see myself going here quite often, the beauty within this ‘dystopian’ realm is quite evident here. Well, as allies, I’m still writing you a letter to wish you the best of luck, as Scratch Writing Camp’s competitive aspect just started! It seems as if you’re in second place, good job! I hope you can stay up there. Good luck Dystopian, I know you’ll do great,

Your allies,

(113 words)

Tuesday, November 1
Dear Mystery,

The cabin I’ll probably always recognize as “The Cabin With the Most Awesome Incredible Phenomenal Beautiful” profile pictures, as they are absolutely amazing! I have not interacted much with the people in your realm, but I will take a quick peek in there for the sake of this letter task I must complete for my cabin. It will do me good, either way, to go in there and see what it’s all about. Oh, nevermind, I can’t quite catch your train, as it has already passed by. It is, though, quite… mysterious. The colors, the anticipation—either way, though I am allies with you, I will be leaving soon, as you are giving me goosebumps.


(122 words)

Tuesday, November 1
Hello Script (The Musical),

What a pleasure it is to be able to have a more joyous scenery, as the last few cabins I have passed by have been quite… mysterious, suspicious, or beautiful, but serene; quiet. Here there is music blasting in my ears, and I quite enjoy it, as I’ve only visited tranquil places before this. I believe I’ll be spending loads of time here during the month, once I find the time to. Unfortunately, I must go travel to another cabin soon, but as allies, I, Folklore, wishes you the best of luck, the wonderful Script (The Musical),

See you as soon as I can come,

(113 words)

Tuesday, November 1
Dear Non (Naan) Fiction,

As my enemy, I will not wish you luck, but I will not wish that you are unsuccessful, as I’m hoping to purchase some bread after ~~I win~~ Scratch Writing Camp is over, especially some of your naan, if you would be willing to give your enemies some UNPOISONED naan, which I would love and appreciate dearly. Either way, you might be above us on the leaderboard as of now, but I will climb above soon too, just you wait <3 I will leave your breadhouse soon, as I have to run and do some work for our folklore realm, but I will cross you soon, in cabin wars, I believe, as enemies always seem to find each other amidst a war, quite obviously.

Well bye,

(132 words)

Tuesday, November 1

Dear Adventure,

I had originally thought we would be allies – considering the relationship between,,, Vee and Luna, but it seems as if we have decided to be enemies, though perhaps there will be an enemies to lovers arc throughout Scratch Writing Camp, I suppose we’ll just wait and see. Either way, I’m not even going to attempt going into your kingdom, for I fear that bad things will happen to me, as your enemy. But it looks quite intimidating from afar, but quite beautiful. I will, also, not be wishing you luck this session, for we are enemies, but I will bid you farewell.

From your enemy,

(111 words)

Tuesday, November 1
Dear Poetry,

As we are neutrals, I don’t have much to say, besides – don’t war us (you probably won’t read this anyway). I will, though, visit your ‘realm’ to see everything that is going on, as I have nothing else to say to you. As I’ve been looking around your Isle of Fame, I’ve noticed that you’ve been doing cool challenges and competitions just like us. So even if we are not even close to allies, we do have a few things in common! Lastly, have a great session, we haven’t talked very much but I’m sure we’ll see each other around during cabin wars especially, but have a fun session!

Your neutrals,

(114 words)

Tuesday, November 1
Dear Thriller,

The cabin that is *unnecessarily* hated by others (/j), though it is absolutely incredible and,,, thrilling! The ocean aspect to your cabin is absolutely so cool, and I’ll definitely be looking around a bit more, as an expedition is absolutely intriguing. The aesthetic of your realm is also very appealing! I’m sure – despite the fact that we are neutrals with you – you will all have an amazing expedition or session, and hopefully I will be able to talk to you more often, Thriller, because your cabin has to be one of the coolest looking ones (the colors, the ‘expedition’ aspect, the design), everything lines up perfectly. I must go soon, as I am soon to visit Fan Fiction!


(125 words)

Tuesday, November 1
Dear Fan Fiction,

I’ve just recently visited the Thriller expedition, and now I am here. Unfortunately I’m only quickly visiting through each ‘realm’ to check out their ideas and learn a little about them, so I will only quickly pass by yours as well. All I can say is that I absolutely love your thumbnail, and your profile pictures are so so pretty– they’re also very aesthetic! I absolutely love them. The whole vibe of your realm is super cool and pleasing. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to explore your realm a little more once I have more time, but for now:


(107 words)

Tuesday, November 1
Dear Historical Fiction,

I always love seeing Historical Fiction’s cabin theme, as it always gives off super cool old (in a good way) vibes. I always find it fun to see a historical event integrated into a theme. Time to visit your cabin, for unfortunately, the first time, though I’m super excited to see how everything is going. I love (aah I am saying that word quite frequently, I apologize) your thumbnail and color scheme. All in all, it seems like such an incredible cabin. Unfortunately, we are just ‘neutrals’, but hopefully that will change over the course of cabin wars and Scratch Writing Camp.

Wishing you the best of luck,

(115 words)

Tuesday, November 1
Dear Realistic Fiction,

I’m finally almost done traveling through many many realms and cabins, and it’s time to visit yours! I’ve always thought of your genre as cool, because you can technically do almost anything with it- in other words, you can represent a lot of stuff under the genre of something ‘real’. Writing this letter made me think of the old cabin that no one knew the difference between that cabin and your current genre – Contemporary. I also know that I’ve said this a lot, but I absolutely adore the magenta/red-ish pink color scheme in your cabin. It is absolutely so cool, and it’s also very welcoming. Either way, I must move on to the next cabin,

Your neutral (?),

(125 words)

Tuesday, November 1
Dear Horror,

As I have only two cabins left to visit, I won’t even dare to enter yours; I’ll take a glance from afar, though! And from what I can see, the art in your thumbnail is absolutely gorgeous (the color scheme of green, black, and purple?? WOW) and the concept of ‘phases’ is so unique! I’m so excited to see the different phases that horror will be going through throughout the entire month of november! Wishing you all luck because your ‘realm’ looks super cool, and have an amazing, incredible, phenomenal, awesome, all these super cool adjectives, session!


(104 words)

Tuesday, November 1
Dear Science Fiction,

You are the last cabin I am visiting today. Writing letters towards every single cabin has made me realize how many there actually are, and how little I visit them all. So finally, I’m going to take a look at what’s going on in your cabin! From a first glance, the glitch effect on your thumbnail is awesome! It’s definitely giving Science Fiction, for sure. And the little symbols used throughout the entire description are also unique and very sci-fi-y. I’m going to quickly wrap up this letter because it’s almost midnight, but wishing all of you luck, as there is no harm in doing that (unless it is your enemies),


(119 words)

banner by vee and lio!
36 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

it's rose here!
- greek fwc!!
- pixel sac!!
- modern mystery, camp picturesque!!
- ur local writer, reader, and inbetweener
- obsessed with the arts
- stan mangoes! *nom* <3
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

2 November 2022, daily ~ 206 words (not including the wars that I copied and pasted below)
SWC and cabin wars

SWC. A classic, competitive, and fun writing camp that occurs in March, July and November. For this article, I'll be focusing on not the cabins, weeklies, or even mangoes, but on the one and only cabins wars.

Cabin wars are a traditional part of SWC. They occur twice during camp, usually on Saturdays. Cabins have relationships with other cabins, such as allies, siblings, nuetrals and enemies. They can war each other using writing prompts, or rather, ‘wars’ such as “Cabin Wars! Your cabin must write 3000 words in the next 6 hours, or else lose 1100 points. Extra challenge: At least 1000 words of the war must not use the words and/or/the to win 500 points” or “Cabin Wars! Four people have to write 1000 words each. This has to occur in the next 8 hours, or lose 950 points. Extra challenge: you must use two characters, no more, no less. Yes, animals count as a character. You will be rewarded with 50 extra points each for the extra challenge (totalling 200)". Every cabin has a shield of *at least* 3 hours after a war a posted, although a leader can choose to lower the shield early. Wars have to typed manually, not using bots.

This time of the session always gets very competitive, although no one is in the main cabin. Everyone's fingers are flying across the keyboard and their eyes are blurring from reading their work instead.

Cabin wars have proved to be the one daily that prevents campers and leaders from sleeping more than 5 hours, unless you're responsible. Despite that, cabin wars are very fun and allow cabins to gain points and lose them. It also encourages campers to write more and get closer to their word goal.

Cabin wars will always be here.

Last edited by _kittykay_ (Nov. 3, 2022 03:01:14)

kitty ✦ she/her ✦ cats~ ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ ✦ swc
80 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Our SWC magazine, The Postscript, will be open for submissions all through November! Today, start working on an article about any SWC-related topic; once you've written at least 200 words, you can claim 100 points for your cabin. We encourage you to finish off your article before the end of the month and submit it to Robyno's (@-redredrobin-) profile (they should have a project shared by the end of the month) for publication!
Author’s notes (not counted for word count) ::
• I basically just rewrote my unfinished weekly (I keep on accidentally typing weekendly because SAC just ended afjahfj /lh) from last session and added some new stuff lol
• I’m not sure if I’ll submit this to the actual Postscript, sorry a
• I recommend not using this as an actual guide to updates in SWC ajhdajg
• yeah um there’s probably a lot more changes I missed but shrug
• This is kinda rushed at the end sorry :,D

Hello everyone! A lot of changes have happened to Scratch Writing Camp (a.k.a. SWC) this July and November 2022. In this article, I will cover most of the changes that have been made.

Let’s begin with the changes made in July, starting off with The Postscript. The Postscript is a virtual community-created magazine put together by a group of leaders. It contains articles, parodies, artworks, and more. Anyone participating in SWC can submit to the magazine: leaders, co-leaders, and campers alike! The final project is released a bit after the end of the session. It’s a great way to collaborate with fellow SWC-ians!

Secondly, still in July, memory book camper contributions have been released. Previously, only the memory book comitmee could choose comments for the memory book, but now campers can suggest comments too! Although this change is rather small compared to the Postscript, it’s still something new.

Things haven’t only been added, but sadly removed too. The cabin Contemporary has been replaced with Script because of previous leaders having difficulty leading it. It’s very similar to the cabin Realistic Fiction, so it’s hard to come up with a unique storyline. It’s sad to see Contemporary go, but Script is a great cabin as well!

Now, fast forward to the current session, November 2022. More cabin changes happened this session! The cabins Mythology (Myth) and Fairy Tales merged into the cabin Folklore, and a new cabin called Bizzaro Fiction (Bi-fi) was introduced. Myth and Fairy Tales were both amazing cabins, but I’m sure Folklore will be just as amazing too! Bi-fi is based around absurdism, which will surely make it an interesting cabin to work with. There’s a lot of possibilities!

That’s all for this article. Thanks for reading, I hope the rest of this session will be enjoyable for everyone!

Word count :: 303

Last edited by PixelDucko (Nov. 2, 2022 09:31:09)

┌─── . . . ☾ CRYSTIE
⌗⌗ ☆ an introverted artist who enjoys writing

☆ Scratch Writing Camp
July 2022 ⌗ Hi-fi Faire w/ Sun, Goose and Star
November 2022 ⌗ Poetry Isle w/ Finch, Badowie and Viara
March 2023 ⌗ Poetry Coffeeshop w/ Stingray, Ivy and Hop
July 2023 ⌗ Folklore Woods w/ Skye, Reese and Hop
November 2023 ⌗ Fairy Tale Academy w/ Yume, Soph(ie) and Sarah
March 2024 ⌗ Epistolary Letter Terminal w/ Yume, Nat and Silky

☆ Scratch Art Camp
October 2022 ⌗ Botanical Birdhouse w/ Cloudii and Dawn
November 2022 ⌗ Traditional Towers w/ Finch and Alex
February 2024 ⌗ Gouache Gorge w/ Maia

⌗⌗ ☆ thanks for reading !!
└─── . . . ☾ GOODBYE
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

NickName - Ava
Content - November 2nd Daily
Word Count - 305/200
Topic - Article about any SWC related topic.
Cabin - Thriller


Hello, dear folks.
Today, I shall tell you the real meaning of SWC.
Not Scratch Writing Camp. Not Super Wizard Colony. Not Supper Was Cold.
Behold - Sour Watermelon Candy.
The greatest.
The supreme overlord.
Now, I bet you're thinking, Why would Sour Watermelon Candy be the greatest if I have a different favorite chocolate?
Well, my dear child, Sour Watermelon Candy just is the greatest. Whether you're from the north, south, east, or west, no matter your culture, Sour Watermelon Candy is superior.
Let me tell you why;
Sour- The beautiful lingering taste on your tongue as you devour the precious SWC.
Watermelon- No matter where you live, watermelons give hoy to you, mentally and physically, on a hot day. (unless, of course, you live in Antarctica. I don't know if there are watermelons in Antarctica, but I'm pretty sure there aren't. And I'm pretty sure there aren't any hot days in Antarctica either. Maybe there are hot watermelons in Antarctica.)
Candy- CANDY.
Even if you eat a gallon of the main dish, the food in your stomach will still move away, like crowds when a special guest walks through, to squeeze in even the littlest bit of the king of foods.
Candy comes in many different forms; chocolate, ice cream, gummies, and more. It depends on your perspective.
Now, imagine all three of these incredible things in one small gummy. You place it in your mouth. You chew it. You swallow it whole. Or you keep it in there for safekeeping from your cat and dog.
And if you haven't been convinced yet, search SWC. its fascinating color is another plus.
Still not convinced yet? Then, I am sad to say you might be a victim of a non-SWC disease.
Thank you for reading about the adventures of eating SWC.

Last edited by icebunny11 (Nov. 2, 2022 18:32:42)

I told you,
I don't want to
be part of another

Oh by the way,
what's the name
of the book?
*furious typing*

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


Word Wars- What are they?

Scratch Writing Camp has many activities and fun things to do, and one of them is Word Wars! These are fun and competitive, and help in growth of speed and accuracy.
However, before we get to that, let us know what Word Wars actually are and how you can do them! Around the middle of SWC, a project called Word Wars open up, where you can challenge any member (who is willing) to have a sprint with you! There will be a fixed time limit given, and, optionally, a prompt and proof. Anyone can drop a message stating their nickname, cabin and typing speed (WPMs), and you might (if you’re lucky) get an invite to war! Winning a word war gets you 100 points for your cabin!
Now, let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of word warring!
Word warring has one really wonderful advantage: Increase in typing speed! Even if you lose one time, it’s going to help you to get better and faster! It also helps improve your accuracy. The more you type, the more you’ll learn how to type the correct spellings fast!
But that being said, it cannot be interrupted. You cannot stop a word war you’ve already started, so you may not to be able to answer your Mom’s screams when she calls for you!
Anyhow, Word warring is a wonderful way of learning and improving typing!

you're on your own kid, you always have been.

swc camper, #scififtw
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

daily 2 - swc related article
246 words

Throughout SWC history, many cabins and campers have had various ‘mascots’ and other recurring jokes centered around something in camp-from George the Unicorn in Myth of July ‘22 to the sky theme of the co-hosts and even the continuously delicious nonsense about mangoes-the last of which has been a central part of our household for as long as anyone can remember. But this humble article here will talk nothing more of these bold, and grand facets of camp, these large, colorful, sweet delicacies, rather I here want to introduce something more subtle, a pastry not as large, or as sweet, but something that can be enjoyed just as much as any mango or unicorn or even more so. I would like to discuss and present to you all today the great, the glorious, Maryc Wu of the Poetry Island. In these paragraphs below I will make my humble claim on why she-not skies or goats or mangoes-is the greatest and most essential foundation of all SWC, presenting nothing more than simple arguments, straight facts, and common sense.

Firstly is something I have already touched on up above, and that is Maryc’s subtlety. While you’ll hear blabber of mangoes in every place you go, and see those great clouds right in front of you in the main cabin, with Maryc, one can only find her if they truly know her path, and all this ensures that only the worthy and the devoted can dwell under her roof.

hi! : D

folklore ftw!!
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

NickName - Ava
Content - Weekly 1st week (2nd-9th)
Word Count -
Adventure - 103/100
Dystopian - 107/100
Fantasy - 108/100
Mystery - 113/100
Non-Fi - 104/100
Fan-Fi - 109/100
Folklore - 133/100
Hi-Fi - 142/100
Real-Fi - 103/100
Horror - 111/100
Poetry - 100/100
Sci-Fi - 106/100
Bi-Fi - 107/100
Script - 156/100
Topic - Write a letter to other cabins in personified manner of your own.
Cabin - Thriller

Note - No offense to any cabins!!

Character Of Thriller -
Name- Leko
Qualities - Funny, Smart, Dark Academia, Extrovert, Competitive
Gender- Female

Letter to adventure-

Dear Penny,
I have a few words for you.
How could you not come to the theater with us? We had all raised money to go out together! Only ten of us showed up. The other five didn't come at all.
Oh well, more money for ourselves.
Why are you always out adventuring? Can't you spend some time with your friends too?
But let's forget about that. You better treat us when you get back from time-traveling. What were they called? Some Red-Bloods and Gold-Bloods.
One of your dear best friends who might murder you if you don't come back soon enough,

Letter to Dystopian-

Hi Howard.
Are you still trapped in that realm? Oh wait, you're not. You just won't get out of your room.
What's wrong? Did we do something wrong? Why won't you reply to any of our texts? I have been reduced to sending letters to my next-door neighbor.
But all jokes aside, have you been transported or something? You were looking pretty queasy last time in the theater.
If you haven't been hauled to some magical place, it's fine if you don't want to talk to us. Just reply once and tell us to stop, and we will. Take your time.
One of your best friends,

Letter to Fantasy-
First - STOP SPAMMING MY CHAT. Now I'll have to do a deep clean, so I can't do anything on WhatsApp
We all know you're in some Steampunk Sanctuary! You don't have to send a picture of the same spot every day.
But I miss you anyways because you're my best friend. We all do… when will you come back? After you and Penny and the other three come back, we can go to the theater to watch the same movie again!
Your spam-victim,

Letter to Mystery-

Dear Rick,
Stop sending me letters. You live across my street, boy. And no, I am not falling for the ‘practice for English letter writing trick. And DO NOT reply back to this letter. I am only wiriting this since you’ve suddenly left everyone on read in whatsApp.
You've gotten way more old-fashioned since the train. You know, you can just knock on my door instead of sending me long letters. What trauma did you go through on the train ride? You weren't like this before.
I'm not saying it's WRONG, but I'm getting tired of finding a letter not even put in correctly in my mailbox every day.
Your letter carrier,

Letter to Non-Fi-

Hi Bianca!
How's your job at the Naan-Fi Breadhouse going on? Ever since you started working, you haven't been replying lately, and I'm too lazy to cycle up to the Next block, so I'm writing a letter! Just don't tell Rick. He'll start spamming me with letters again. How does that work?
I love it~! Though every time I visit the Breadhouse, you aren't there. But they croissants! Have you ever tasted your work? It is delicious!
We shall blackmail you if you don't get stuff from your shop next time in a group meetup ^^
One of your customers and best friends,

Letter to Fan-Fi-

Joe, Joe, Joe.
I should have expected you to randomly poof to nowhere and go traveling just like Penny. Why am I even surprised anymore?
So which clan did you get selected for? Technology, Logistics, or… what was it? Mapping. I hope you get picked for Logistics. Maybe they'd train you to use your brain more often, and tell us when you suddenly vanish.
You left just before we went to watch the movie, too D: How could you, Joe?
I wonder if I can ask Penny to teleport to you and scold you for our behalves…
One of your very disappointed at lack of empathy best friends,

Letter to Folklore-

Penelope~ Penelope~
Answer me~

Dear Penelope~ Penelope~
Explain to me~

Why would you~ Penelope~
In the world turn~
from kind as can be~

To going to locking your mind~ Penelope~
Answer me~

Was that enough to convince you to start replying to us in school while reading a book? I can relate to that, but the teacher blames ME when you're reading instead of doing your work in class because I'm your partner. It's not my fault, is it?
You have to answer us when we're talking to you, especially now that you're in my, Bianca, and Rick's team for the group project. I will do something terrifying to you if we don't win. But not take away your book. That's too cruel.
Your Group Leader and best friend,

Letter to Hi-Fi-

You should become Shakespeare himself.
You just can't stop talking about World war two, can you? I can never make out whether you're doing this for the teacher's attention or whether you're doing it just for the sake of wasting class, but I'll go with the second one. That is the reason I'm sending you this.
The teacher just sent me a message saying I was in charge of some skit on the chapter we were doing. But guess what William? We couldn't complete it because of YOU. And I didn't carry my History book back, because I didn't have any homework left! How am I supposed to make a skit if tomorrow is a weekend and the next day is the skit? You better help me.
I will destroy you in your sleep Your helpless classmate,

Letter to Real-Fi-
Hi Beryl! How are you doing at the inn?
Honestly, I'm sad you went on vacation just before our movie plan, but that's ok! Penny, Joe, Piper, and another didn't come either, so we're planning to watch the movie again when you guys come back!!!
But away from the movie. What do you even do at the inn? If it's snowing, you can't play about it. But then again, you can, I suppose. You should take a picture and show us the view! I bet it's fascinating!
Your best friend (I'm tired of writing the exact two words again and again -_-),

Letter to Horror-

Dear Sam.
Are you still having those nightmares about a ghost haunting you? You seemed quite zonked out in class today. I'm really worried about you. You've gone pale, and your eyes don't have that spark of fun anymore. You don't joke around often. Come to think of it, you haven't been talking at all.
You have to stop avoiding us! We're just trying to help! If you won't accept help from anyone, how will you get cured of those nightmares?
Accepting help is not a sign of weakness, Sam. Stop trying to be all brave, and receive assistance for once. Please, for our sake.
You worried best friend,

Letter to Poetry-

Crystal!! How are you?
The last time I saw you was when you took off to that Reality TV show! Did you win, or is it still going on?
How's your life going? Honestly, I miss you more than anyone. We need someone with a sarcastic touch in the group, and now that you're gone, William has started chanting random facts about World War 2 in History class again. You need to come back soon.
We'll all watch the movie you missed again after you come back since Piper, Penny, Joe, and Beryl missed it too!!
Good luck winning,

Letter to Sci-Fi-

Hello Carl.
I have a piece of advice for you.
Get off that stupid Virtual Reality Head Set. It already crashed once, and your eyes hurt for a week. Yet you insist to continue playing that weird exploration simulator. You don't even DO anything in there, all you do is sit in a blue pod and travel around the world, and chat with people. You don't even have something to chitchat about. What is your goal? I hate games without goals. They're fun at first, but then they get boring.
Your eyes will hurt again! STOP IT.
Your secret eye stalker best interests in mind,

Letter to Bi-Fi-

Hi Fay! How've you been?
I haven't seen you since the movie because you've been sick! Are you ok now?
I heard you had a dream about some video game character stepping out of the arcade machine! That's so weird, but cool at the same time too! Imagine what would've happened if the guy who stepped out of the game took you back with him! Crazy, huh?
We were going to go watch the same movie again after Piper, Penny, Beryl, Crystal, and Joe come back since they missed it! You're the only one who hasn't agreed since you hadn't heard about it.
Awaiting your reply,

Letter to Script-

Gary, what are you doing? What do you do every day? What is your routine?
I need help.
I need help with my studies.
I need help with my role in the play.
And I need help understanding how you manage to finish all that work in one day. OO that rhymed~~
You're a machine.
And on top of that, you still took up the work of doing the school skit. I wonder if you have time to complete my Geography homework…
It's almost like you stop time, finish your work, go back in time, and then claim that you have finished it all already. Imagine if you turn back time a second back each time you use time travel, and the world goes backward. Maybe you're so good at studying because you already know what is going to be taught. At this rate, Gary, we'll end up in 1776.
Your worshiper and best friend,

Last edited by icebunny11 (Nov. 2, 2022 13:10:44)

I told you,
I don't want to
be part of another

Oh by the way,
what's the name
of the book?
*furious typing*

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Weekly for horror~
In no particular order

Dystopian (105 words )
To Dystopian
After visiting your realm I have to express how impressed I am, I was completely enchanted after visiting you until I remembered our relationship as enemies. You are all very enchanting, mystical and overall slay, I never made the mistake of underestimating you and your magical powers, and I hope you did not underestimate ours. No matter how much we light - heartedly want to destroy you and pull up to the lead, I will always respect and love you because you are amazing. You may be doing well now, but we shall dominate soon enough, and you will watch ur rise.

Bi - fi (114 words)
Hello dear Bi - fi, I hope this finds you well.
I personally love what you’ve planned, the theme and stuff is all so amazing and beautiful. It doesn’t match your weird and crazy personality, but I never know what you’ve got planned! I, Horror, have to say, kudos to the amazing cabin. Although I am still gonna dominate swc and get first place, I send you good luck, and hope to have a nice and friendly competition, a crazy competition with the bizzare bizzaro fiction! I send you delicious candy that is totally safe and definitely not evil, it is your choice to accept or return it, regards from me, Horror.

Fan fi : ( 120 words) )
So I see your time travelling business and i’m wondering if I can try it out? Seeing our relationship I doubt that my request to time travel with you guys will be accepted though, oh what a friendly competition can do. I bring candies for you that are totally safe, safe to say that you and your time - travelling business people will love these candies. I completely love your super original idea idea for a time travelling agency, how fitting. The color palette, theme and storyline are so wonderfully unique, and I can’t wait to see how you compete with ne, even though i’m gonna win and dominate. Good luck, even though you’re my enemy, I love you.

Adventure : ( 117 words )
I came to visit you, I daresay I had not showed up at the giant metal gates empty handed, I would never. Horror has amazing respect for all the cabins, and your kingdom too. The planning and idea are well thought out, and I hope your battle plan is too. I dare not speak too much, in hope to remain as hostile neutrals and to balance the neutralness between us. As time goes on, we might become enemies, who knows. But that doesn’t stop me frog bringing you some totally safe candies that are totally perfectly okay to eat! Hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed your whole idea for adventure, kudos to you.

Fantasy (109 words)
Dear Steampunk sanctuary,
I love how I am not at absolutely an terms with you except being neutral, not hostile neutrals, not friendly neutrals, just neutrals. I like that, more a chance to not judge you and innocently distribute some totally safe candy to you. I love the name for fantasy, ‘Steampunk Sanctuary’ and the beautiful touch of magic and magical creatures is just unreal. The raw brilliance of the while storyline and theme shines brighter than the stars. Regardless our neutralness towards each other, I thoroughly enjoy my visits to you, snooping around, having tea, petting magical creatures, some totally normal things to do while visiting a neutral.

Mystery ( 113 words )
Where do I even start? I have to say this theme is giving me mega orient express vibes and i’m loving it! Although we are enemies, I could not help but make myself a similar looking mark and board the express, seconds, minutes, hours and days passed on the mystery express, until the day I had to return. I’m surprised no one noticed an enemy lurking, stooping around and inserting candies in random areas, but I guess we’re all too busy with our own things. Loving the storyline it’s slaying hard and so are the leaders, love what you’ve done enemies or not I wish you good luck because I live for trains.

Non-fi (108 words)
As an ally, I got a warm welcome into the bread house. After sitting down and eating some bread, I have to say it was top quality naan and i’m rating it five stars! Not only the food, I felt like a king sitting down in the magnificent and humble bread house, although I suggest adding a section for horror’s candies, that are totally safe to eat. Hopefully there shall not be any betrayals in store for us, but we may get caught by surprise! While the alliance between our cabins lasts, I would like to express how much I love everything you’ve thought of and planned, kudos.

Thriller (109 words)
I saw your ocean expedition team and it is all so slay I have no words, you could say that horror is just as dangerous as all the organisms resting in the deep ocean. I hope you guys have fun receiving constant cabin wars from the horror candy snatching ring, that will also dominate swc this session. The thumbnail is perfection, and so are the matching pfps! I feel that the storyline is also perfect for the cabin, it will be so enjoyable being in constant battle with an ocean expedition team for a whole month, I can’t wait to see how far the expedition goes, love from Horror.

Folklore (108 words)
I tried to find my way through the trails, as my foot got stuck in some vines. I was caught, and pulled up by he ankle, dangling like the vines from a tall tree. The Sun set as I waited, until the vine finally gave away and I was able to continue on my journey to find the legendary folklore trails. Your region is far more beautiful than expected, the pure beauty of nature is something I do not see often in my damp railroad. It was wonderful to see a fresh cabin like this, with a beautiful layout. I hope to see more of folklore during swc.

Real - fi (108 words)
Ah, real fi, my beloved sibling. I can not express how glad I am to be the sibling of such a beautiful and unique cabin. You wouldn’t mind if I planned a visit at your inn, would you? I’m planning one right now! I’ll bring candy, a lot, of candy. I totally love the whole cabin, there is no specific part that I love, everything is five stars and beautiful like the everyone in the inn. I can not wait to see how we both dominate swc together. Also can I just mention the color palette, which is undoubtedly stupendous. Lots of candy, kudos, and love from horror.

Poetry (107 words)
Hm, poetry. The ‘isle of fame’, how good to see a friendly competition amongst cabin mates! This is a really well planned activity, I must say, proud to be neutrals with such a famous cabin hehe. I sincerely have to express my love for the thumbnail, which is, let’s just say award winning for now. Hope to see you getting medals in swc, too! I send some neutral luck, with candy. I do not have much to say, seeing that I do not have much knowledge about this beautiful looking and well thought of cabin, hope to see you around swc, and get to know you better!

Hi fi (111 words)
Hi fi, my friendly neutrals. I bring with me bags full of candy for you, and hope for you to… not get caught in the train robbery. Needless to say your leaders are giving off mega chaotic evil vibes and I love it, and so does the cabin! I love the animated thumbnail a lot, it’s so wonderfully executed. And may I just say the description layout and symbols are god level and I need to learn how to organise like that. The whole cabin is giving to me seems like an old timey bounty to hunt down the devious train robbers, and it’s wonderful. I’m in love with the cabin.

Sci Fi (102 words)
As a ghost, I am way too old to understand ‘simulations’ and the other stuff mentioned in ‘The Sci Fi Simulation. But on visuals, a 10 / 10 because it’s super amazing. I love the outfits for sci fi, bodysuits are so slay. You may want to watch out for computer pirates and bugs, there’s more than one thing in each… simulation. The animated thumbnail is 10000/10 and I can not tell you how much I love love love the cabin plan, and the color scheme is screaming perfection into my ears louder than a speaker. Kudos from Horror, to Sci Fi.

Script (109 words)
Dear neutrals, i’m not talking i’m singing because… script the musical! This is so original, and I love how it’s somewhat related to Hamilton. The storyline in the description is such an entertaining script, I love how it also involves time travel and phantoms, I love phantoms. As I read the description I felt like I was actually witnessing a magnificent musical, and reading a wonderful play script along with it. If that’s not enough, the matching profile pictures! They cross the limit of beauty. I love the curtains on the side and especially the art style, it’s so original and the cabin is so creative, I love it.

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