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Add a “stretch” effect

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Add a “stretch” effect

Support, this could be useful for fake 3d
also nobody knows why scratch team removed it (maybe it was buggy?)

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24 posts

Add a “stretch” effect

VeryFamus wrote:

NOTE: before going off and saying “oh this can be done in costumes so this is bad” know that the costume version is choppy and time-consuming and causes lag. And besides a lot of blocks can be done in costumes as well, like every effect, size, show, hide. I had to add this warning because people kept on saying “this can be done with costumes so no support”

And another NOTE: please don’t take into account that this used to exist. If it was removed, then it would be beneficial to have it back.

So, this stretch effect could have two variants: side-stretch and wide-stretch.

Squishes a sprite model inward. It moves the left and right inward and the top and bottom stretch outward giving the sprite a “stretch” effect

Squishes a model inward. It moves the top and bottom inward And the left and right outward giving the sprite a “stretch” effect

Wide stretch would be the positive value of the effect, as it does stretch outward, and side stretch would be the negative value, as it stretches inward. The outward/inward terms are based on the left/right sides of the sprite.

Revamped OP

So, this suggestion is to add a “stretch” effect into the effects palette. Stretch is when two sides are stretched outward and the sprite gets elongated in appearance and shape. When I mentioned “Side-stretch” and “Wide-stretch” I meant over and below 0 on the stretch. 0 Would be default stretch, and if it went above 0, the left and right sides would stretch outward, while the upper and lower sides would be squished to the center, while below 0 would be the opposite, the left-right sides stretching inward and the upper-lower sides stretching outward. Seems pretty straightforward, eh? This is not the historic stretch, though it has almost the same effect. Stretch was it’s own value with it’s own reporter, and wasn’t an effect, with 100 being default rather than 0.

Mock-up using costumes: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/636391279

Reply with add-ons to this that could be useful, or what you think of this suggestion! Please alert me if there is a duplicate!

What the blocks would look like:
change [stretch v] effect by (25)
set [stretch v] effect to (0)

Maybe this approach would be better:

stretch to xyz pixels width abc pixels height, but then can't you already do that in the scratch image editor. Unless you mean photoshop warp tool which can be added to the editor and not coded into a project.
500+ posts

Add a “stretch” effect

I have another example to share of how users might use the stretch effect. My project is written in Snap because Snap is pretty much like Scratch and has a stretch effect. You can find it here: https://snap.berkeley.edu/project?user=10goto10&project=More%20fun%20with%20Stretch

It has an option to run the animation with and without using the stretch effect.

I was hoping that the other people who supported this suggestion would give Snap a try to see what projects they could make that used the stretch effect. That would be a very good way to show the Scratch Team that people really would use this feature if it were added to Scratch. Snap is very similar to Scratch and can be found here: https://snap.berkeley.edu/

You could look at my project to see how it is done. There also is a way to transfer any Scratch program to Snap and from there you could experiment with adding the stretch effect to your projects.

Do you have an Animate a Name project that you'd like to have added to a studio? Please leave a comment in this studio.

1000+ posts

Add a “stretch” effect

10goto10 wrote:

I have another example to share of how users might use the stretch effect. My project is written in Snap because Snap is pretty much like Scratch and has a stretch effect. You can find it here: https://snap.berkeley.edu/project?user=10goto10&project=More%20fun%20with%20Stretch

It has an option to run the animation with and without using the stretch effect.

I was hoping that the other people who supported this suggestion would give Snap a try to see what projects they could make that used the stretch effect. That would be a very good way to show the Scratch Team that people really would use this feature if it were added to Scratch. Snap is very similar to Scratch and can be found here: https://snap.berkeley.edu/

You could look at my project to see how it is done. There also is a way to transfer any Scratch program to Snap and from there you could experiment with adding the stretch effect to your projects.
point towards [random direction v]
repeat (20)
move (10) steps


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Scratch Team, please add targeted links for the forums!

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100+ posts

Add a “stretch” effect

or maybe a blur option?

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1000+ posts

Add a “stretch” effect

T0RRENT_ wrote:

or maybe a blur option?
Please don't hijack threads. You could create your own topic for that. Thanks!

press ctrl+shift+down to see my full siggy!
1000th post
Scratch Team, please add targeted links for the forums!

I have a github account! I can make Websites!
People in the suggestions forums:

Check out The Forum Helpers!
#StandwithUkraine I am Ukrainian, and lots of my family lives there, please pray for Ukraine

Helpful emoji: ███
1000+ posts

Add a “stretch” effect

A wild “BUMP” came to fight you

some know me as the guy who only posted in suggestions
i have returned once more

Lamp oil, rope, bombs. You want it? It’s yours my friend. As long as you have enough rupies.
1000+ posts

Add a “stretch” effect


some know me as the guy who only posted in suggestions
i have returned once more

Lamp oil, rope, bombs. You want it? It’s yours my friend. As long as you have enough rupies.
1000+ posts

Add a “stretch” effect


some know me as the guy who only posted in suggestions
i have returned once more

Lamp oil, rope, bombs. You want it? It’s yours my friend. As long as you have enough rupies.
6 posts

Add a “stretch” effect

Ok, imagine if there are a organization that hear suggestion of scratch blocks called Scratch Community Edition, just imagine if that imaginary organization almost add the stretch effect to his block palette, because the organization have a custom block palette, like the scratch mods, it would be cool, not?

Bye, thanks for reading!
Chau, ¡Gracias por leer!
500+ posts

Add a “stretch” effect

RIMOPA wrote:

.. just imagine if that imaginary organization almost add the stretch effect to his block palette, because the organization have a custom block palette

Well, there is an organization with a custom block palette called snap! that actually has added a stretch effect. So, we could each go and try making projects with it.

RIMOPA wrote:

… it would be cool, not?

It is cool to be able to make projects with this feature. I’ve enjoyed making some projects with it, but, it’s not as cool as being able to share projects on the Scratch web site. It’s better when we can remix projects and add stretching, or add our stretch projects to stretch studios, or use the stretch effect in our projects for the the latest Scratch design studio.

Do you have an Animate a Name project that you'd like to have added to a studio? Please leave a comment in this studio.

1000+ posts

Add a “stretch” effect

ok you guys are going way to insane with the bumping

i do stuff

image updates whenever i check
100+ posts

Add a “stretch” effect

This is a duplicate. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/415802/?page=1
The linked suggestion suggests a transformations extension. This would be the equivalent of
set [horizontal v] scale to (someamount)% 
not to mention that their mockups are the most beautiful I have ever seen

Last edited by meunspeakable (March 13, 2022 18:08:11)

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⸢So many misfortunes exist in this world, so is there a reason to feel sorrow for every single one of them?⸥
- Sing-Shong

▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ More Quotes! ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

⸢Don’t think things will improve if you repeat them a few times⸥

⸢What made a person truly exhausted was not despair. No, it was ‘hope’ that was seemingly on the cusp of coming true but would never become reality.⸥

⸢The darkness in the universe was simply too wide and expansive. Its vastness couldn’t be crossed even with the speed of light. However, that light would eventually arrive at its destination. Unable to see it didn’t mean nothing existed there. There were some things that emitted light where no one was around.⸥

⸢One had to accept that sometimes, you’ll run into a sentence you can’t yet and flip the page over. Just so that, one day, you’d be able to read that sentence when you did return to the very same page later⸥

- Sing-Shong
1000+ posts

Add a “stretch” effect

meunspeakable wrote:

This is a duplicate. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/415802/?page=1
The linked suggestion suggests a transformations extension. This would be the equivalent of
set [horizontal v] scale to (someamount)% 
not to mention that their mockups are the most beautiful I have ever seen
That’s an entire extension with each scale having separate values, with several reporters and booleans along with it. Then my suggestion: a single block: stretch. In the effects category. No new blocks. There are a lot of differences, the only similarity being that it might be possible to pull off wanted effect accurately with that,

some know me as the guy who only posted in suggestions
i have returned once more

Lamp oil, rope, bombs. You want it? It’s yours my friend. As long as you have enough rupies.

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