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couldn't sign in

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Chrome 91.0.4472.114, No Flash versions detected

ok, this is the 2nd time this glitch has happened to me, i click the sign in button but this happens

i was at the sign in button for around 10-20 minutes before it finally signed me in

15 year old Scot, sometimes on the forums
24 posts

couldn't sign in

Go to chrome/version/
I'm using version 91.0.4472.124

and it has always been.
24 posts

couldn't sign in

bctorangejuice wrote:

Go to chrome/version/
I'm using version 91.0.4472.124
dum scratch

and it has always been.
24 posts

couldn't sign in

bctorangejuice wrote:

bctorangejuice wrote:

Go to chrome/version/
I'm using version 91.0.4472.124
dum scratch
c h r o m e : / / version /

and it has always been.
1000+ posts

couldn't sign in

bctorangejuice wrote:

bctorangejuice wrote:

bctorangejuice wrote:

Go to chrome/version/
I'm using version 91.0.4472.124
dum scratch
c h r o m e : / / version /

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1000+ posts

couldn't sign in

happened again, btw, when it happens, it's when the forums are down it looks like

15 year old Scot, sometimes on the forums
1000+ posts

couldn't sign in

The next time this happens, try opening the browser console and seeing if any errors show up when you click the button. If there are any errors, copy and paste them here.

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The Scratch 3 Project Save Troubleshooter - find out why your project won't save

ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded

My Dumb Creations - THE BEST ANIMATION | The Windows 98 Experience (made on Windows 98) | nobody cares about Me… | the2000 Reveals His New Profile Picture | Not Dumb Creations - Ten Years
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1000+ posts

couldn't sign in

Zelfen wrote:

happened again, btw, when it happens, it's when the forums are down it looks like
Mostly a network related issue then, I'd recommend doing what flowermanvista said. This has happened to me as well, and it was because the server was returning an error -
503 - Service Unavailable
Which means that the server is having some issues, it usually gets fixed in a few minutes. Search the console for any errors, and check if you see “503” or any other string of numbers.

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<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

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