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47 posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

S U P P O R T. It's annoying when you can't save your project just because it is too big. A glowing example of this would be when you import a big WAV file, try to save and Scratch 3.0 shows you the finger thingy and says “oops you imported big audio good luck trying to save now lol”.

henlo welcome to my epic sigi check out my profile here.
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hey there buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy chum chum pal i dont mean to be rude my friend pal home slice bread slice dawg but i gotta warn ya if u take one more diddly darn step right there im gonna have to diddly darn snap ur neck and wowza wouldn't that be a crummy juncture huh? do you want that? do you wish upon yourself to come into physical experience with a crummy juncture? because friend buddy chum friend chum pally pal chum friend if you keep this up then well gosh diddly darn i might just have to get not so friendly with u my friendly friend friend pal friend buddy chum pally friend chum buddy

S N A P told ya buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy chum chum pal
1000+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit


Add a SPOOKY SKELETON to your project!

The Scratch 3 Project Save Troubleshooter - find out why your project won't save

ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded

My Dumb Creations - THE BEST ANIMATION | The Windows 98 Experience (made on Windows 98) | nobody cares about Me… | the2000 Reveals His New Profile Picture | Not Dumb Creations - Ten Years
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Do evil kumquats keep eating your signature? Assert your dominance and eat the evil kumquats. Did you know that kumquats are only about the size of an olive?
1000+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

That's a good idea

Last edited by jackson49 (Feb. 14, 2021 00:40:37)

Denny Crane. Name on the door.


13 posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

b u m p
Also, you have my full support on this idea, I fully agree


I'm just another bored child that makes completely useless memes on scratch
I'm also pretty good at beepbox, so I'm in the beepbox.co forums a lot

Separate accounts:
(this one)
1000+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

HappyTiger666 wrote:

S U P P O R T. It's annoying when you can't save your project just because it is too big. A glowing example of this would be when you import a big WAV file, try to save and Scratch 3.0 shows you the finger thingy and says “oops you imported big audio good luck trying to save now lol”.

Yeah and maybe it could even suggest to change formats to mp3?

April Fools' topics:
New Buildings in Scratch's headquarters
Give every Scratcher an M1 MacBook Air
Scratch should let users edit other Scratchers' projects
Make a statue for Jeffalo
Scratch Tech Tips™
Make a Chiroyce statue emoji

<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

this is a test sentence
1000+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit


Add a SPOOKY SKELETON to your project!

The Scratch 3 Project Save Troubleshooter - find out why your project won't save

ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded

My Dumb Creations - THE BEST ANIMATION | The Windows 98 Experience (made on Windows 98) | nobody cares about Me… | the2000 Reveals His New Profile Picture | Not Dumb Creations - Ten Years
Ctrl+Shift+Down for more…
Do evil kumquats keep eating your signature? Assert your dominance and eat the evil kumquats. Did you know that kumquats are only about the size of an olive?
9 posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit


Hello I don't know what to put here
100+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

I support. This feature should have been here from the start.

Woman: Peter don't! They say if you watch that video, you die.
Peter: Ah, that's a lot of baloney.
The Video:
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh, oh-oh-oh
Story of Undertale
1000+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

Chiroyce wrote:

Yeah and maybe it could even suggest to change formats to mp3?
Or maybe even just bring back that 1.4-era iirc button that compresses music and/or images i think.

This is a signature. It's a piece of text that appears below every post I write. Click here to learn more, including how to make your own.

Jeffalo still being goated
RIP assets image hosting. 2013?-2023

500+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

Support. Maybe this could be like the SSBU stage size bar. Possibly a warning that your project may lag due to being close to the max file size and for when your project does exceed the file size.

Maybe it could be just a small warning.

Last edited by EatNYeet (Feb. 20, 2021 17:48:55)

Why is this a thing?
1000+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

Support. Sometimes people don't know they reached the max file size limit until they try to save the project. Some people will not know why it will not save. With this warning, they can know it can't save and why.

I moved to DualPikachu, meet me there!
1000+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit


this is a link
84 posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

The thing is, there WAS a warning in 2.0. But they removed it for some reason.

Also is it just me or does it seem like the file size limit has shrunk significantly?

oh boy i sure do love earthboudn
1000+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

TailsDoll506 wrote:

Also is it just me or does it seem like the file size limit has shrunk significantly?
Well, yes and no. In Scratch 2 your project could not be bigger than 50 MB. That was it. In Scratch 3 however, there are two limits, 10 MB per assets, meaning you can have way more costumes, sounds, backdrops, etc. as long as they were all under 10 MB each. Then there's the 5 MB project.json limit, which is much more limiting.

Hyped for MS-DOS 11.0
84 posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

EatNYeet wrote:

Support. Maybe this could be like the SSBU stage size bar. Possibly a warning that your project may lag due to being close to the max file size and for when your project does exceed the file size.

Maybe it could be just a small warning.
Also I agree with this guy. That's easy enough to understand for Scratch's target demographic while also feeling respectful to others who are above the age of 10 and still use this site.

oh boy i sure do love earthboudn
84 posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

fdreerf wrote:

TailsDoll506 wrote:

Also is it just me or does it seem like the file size limit has shrunk significantly?
Well, yes and no. In Scratch 2 your project could not be bigger than 50 MB. That was it. In Scratch 3 however, there are two limits, 10 MB per assets, meaning you can have way more costumes, sounds, backdrops, etc. as long as they were all under 10 MB each. Then there's the 5 MB project.json limit, which is much more limiting.
Ohhhhh…. So that's why it feels so inconsistent.

oh boy i sure do love earthboudn
1000+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit


I have moved to @BrowserExtension
1000+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

say [Support because we need this, and to solve "error loading backpack"] // not blockspam, but a cool way to speak/


Me! My friend! A smart guy! First project! Weekly Featured! My store! Highlight THIS to see more!

This is a kumquat storage chamber. I have them weakened!
(pick random ((O::pen) + (O::list)) to (undefined::)::variables) :: custom ring // This is my old guard. He's back!
wall (cement::grey) (cement::grey)::control hat
wall::control cap
when (kumquat) detected :: hat #ff00ff
blast energy out of (kumquat)::#ff00ff
kumquats here (kumquat :: grey) (kumquat :: grey) (kumquat :: grey) (kumquat :: grey) (kumquat :: grey) (kumquat :: grey) :: #ff00ff cap
(kumquat energy):: grey ring
1000+ posts

Warn users when they've exceeded an asset size/JSON file size limit

Ilikesonic100 wrote:

say [Support because we need this, and to solve "error loading backpack"] // not blockspam, but a cool way to speak/
Yes blockspam, not a cool way to speak ):<

Edit: Ayy, king of the page!

Last edited by the2000 (Feb. 27, 2021 00:09:28)

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