scratchrainbow » Favorites (746)
Skratch Kat Gabber by Iditaroid
The Ideia - Game by lucasoanimador
Rainbow Cat remix by benthecrazedllama
Clash of Clans by _ClashofClans_
Personality Quiz by jrezneckbhds
The Raven and me! by _StarFire_
GIF by scratchrainbow
FOOL! Portal 2 by SkyleCrossi13
Detect New Scratcher [Scratch cloud currently down...] by DadOfMrLog
Super Pi Calc by DadOfMrLog
Scratch Reporting - The Game by bman7200
minecraft pixel art by simplybacon101
Vortex by Masquerola
Show Your Secrets! by Kinderlabor
Pokemon Rival Battle by greghead
Bouncy Bob by new_free_life
Totoro Bounce by aliceygirl
by griffpatch
Cool Hacked Blocks by -TheHacker-
Doodle Jump by hi123
Doodle Jump by blizzari
Doodle Jump! by TheSaint
Crazy Doodlejump 2 [v.0.4.0] by PeaBrainProgram
Flappy Bird (Pen) by Noroz
Mechanical Pencil Simulator by SpiffyKat
Never underestimate the power of snow and ice by Elsa_The_Conqueror
Titan Test by scratchrainbow
- Coin Tycoon! - [Whoopsydaisy...] by -Wix-
The Guinea Pig Way by carrotbaxter10
The Impossible Game by shadowspear1
Beast Boy is the man! by TMNTfan1
The Idiot Test by effector
The Platformer Before Christmas by JamesOuO
Computers... (Charlie) by PianoApprentice
A Day at the Tower of the titans! by _StarFire_
~WAVES~ by Danielrocks2000
The Personality Test by YoshiCreations
It's Raining Presents by tacky365
Fable Quest by tacky365
Escape by tacky365
Lrant Linux 2.0 by lhn555clone
Mac OS 9 by fab_programmer123
Pokemon Scratch by scratchmastermaaz
Pokémon Battle Simulator v.3.4 by skinick25
Working Rubik's cube by modrapetka
Fire Simulator by StickyPup
Mr Nose's Adventure by StickyPup
rossi build a band. by sfabigails
Cookie! Part.1 by Cool_Cat22
Decorate Cupcakes! by Cool_Cat22
The Personality Test of theTitans! by _StarFire_
The Candy Factory 2.0 by WoompaDoop
The Candy Factory by WoompaDoop
It's raining candy! by Y512014
Windows computer 5.7 by ayan1234567890
How to Add "Scratch Emoji" to Comments by The_Clarinetist
Make Hot Chocolate!! by karebear17
Rebuild the Universe by ladmeyer
Rotaty Stick by Greatguy123
3d Mario Kart v2.0 remix by 04fobrien