Scyzan » Favorites (129)
We are Number One but it's Motion-Capture by LordOfMuffins
ボクシング / Boxing by pandakun
Garfeilf sees an meme remix by somegamer1987
Fat Cat Balloon by Scyzan
Best Of TakeASeatCat by HaiImBob
P A R A D O X ENTERTAINMENT ENTRY by agentnathan60
Relatable Issues by ArcanisHD
#15 Burger King Foot Lettuce by MagicMasterRod
Scratch Rap Completed MAP by Dhilly
VS by OmegaMLG
Nerf In A Nutshell by Shwip
portal jump - escape HD by thef33
What It's Like to Wear Glasses by cartooncreator
capen chez hate teh rokc by TakeASeatCatTest
JOHN CENA PRANK CALL(no bad words)! by lando_man
Google Logo Project (Color) remix by 238285
How Movie Trailers are Really Made by Dhilly
stickman tycoon 2 by billioninjoe
Magnifying Glass Simulator by njasia
Space is Key [Scratch Edition] {v1.0} by AwesominatorProd
Interactive Guns- MP5 (NEW! EXTENDABLE STOCK!) by clonerex123
Lil' thing by TheRedgineer
Little Animation by TheRedgineer
Super Agario Bros. by scratchU8_Test
Super Mario Run (Mr. Man Guy) by speedycreeper18
No variable platformer by jromagnoli
The Vector Textbook by WolfCat67
ASDF Short animations by vcsstudent111
[LTL MAP] Riptide AMV by Cenetical
Tumbling Santa by ceebee
Pixar Platformer by -Coralreef-
Pokemon Battle by Beeman_98
Let's Fight Together! MMORPG by epninja
Dab by Pika-Girl03
~Add yourself on Scratch Logo~ by TailsMilesPrower06
Paper Airplane by BoltBait
Winter is here. by Jconway1
Ragdoll by booma8
Minecraft Fighting 3 by Kreeperwide
Ssundee Quiz by cnhb
LyRiCs TaKeN lItErAlY by Spazbol
The Wand Q + A by D_i_a_v_l_o
Thievery of a Face by Hobson-TV
Trick or Treating by Hobson-TV
Star Scratch: Episode I by -Rocket-
۞ Web Hunt ۞ by applepiesleth
Bottle flipping simulator 2016 by superpeabody
It's Raining TACOS Animation by superpeabody
oh hai by ceebee
10 Squares (100% pen) -- 100th SDS! by PullJosh
Text Adventure Engine v0.3 by griffpatch_tutor
Gun Fight! -NEW MODE- by cb1502723
Daybreak Mornin' by ZubStudios
Song Lyrics in a Nutshell by CrazyGamer101
Cute Fruit Animations by -MusicalWriter-
This is how I draw Flowey by TheTrueMarioFan
Enderman the GAME by BIG-red-BUTTON
The Royal Advisor by DDS2