Scratcher Joined 15 years, 6 months ago United States
About me
I'm awesome.
Apparently I'm one of the old-folks here now (been here for 15 years).
What I'm working on
Game Dev.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- Diamond Donut Spin by DarkFusion
- Gradient Noise by DarkFusion
- Jewel Spin 2.0 by DarkFusion
- Vortex SCRATCHED by DarkFusion
- B O U N C E by DarkFusion
- Flame Painter Scratched v1.0 by DarkFusion
- Sci-fi Rings by DarkFusion
- 3D Clock by DarkFusion
- Radial Pong by DarkFusion
- Loading Spinner 1 by DarkFusion
- Glow Ring Visualizer by DarkFusion
- Procrastination by DarkFusion
- Laser Cannon by DarkFusion
- Tunnel by DarkFusion
- Snowglobe by DarkFusion
- Snow by DarkFusion
- Particle Visualizer (v1.1) by DarkFusion
- Particle System by DarkFusion
- Trapped (platform) [Faster] by DarkFusion
- Particle Visualizer by DarkFusion
Favorite Projects
View all- SSCAPE - Shaders by the_coder7480
- raycasted 3D voxel world using perlin noise by levitm
- Stretch sprite - Custom Width and Height - improved by ChromeCat_test
- BSP 3D engine v0.9 perfect depth sorting by GonSanVi
- Massive Multiplayer Platformer v1.3 by griffpatch
- Real-world Terrain Renderer by piano_miles
- Pen Font Engine++ by -Rex-
- Crystal Seeker 3D platformer v1.8.3 by ggenije
- 2D Perlin Noise by iaobardar
- Pathtracer! (with DOF, reflections, soft shadows and more) by Howtomakeausername
- SDOOM Engine Rewritten by EzriGamer26
- another line intersection physics by eRKSToCK
- Hybrid Font 2.1 by happyface4
- Raycaster by -Rex-
- 3D - Space Partitioning by ajzat25
- SNAA 2 - A 3D Engine/Framework In Scratch (v11_R1) by TiberiumFusion
- Rendering Texture Partials to Triangles (UV coords) by TiberiumFusion
- Textured Maze (Full Game) by RokCoder
- Linear Interpolation! by Caudex
- Ludicrous Loops (Puzzle Concept) by PullJosh
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