Scratcher Joined 10 years, 10 months ago Australia
About me
I'm Christian
What I'm working on
Joining the fight against USBs, HDDs, SSDs
Only Floppy Disks
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (46)
View all- Our Great* Leader - Kim Jong-UNNNNNNNNN by Blaze349
- Fisher-Yates/Knuth Shuffle by Blaze349
- Pretty Cool Rainbow Inverse Function by Blaze349
- Realistic Clouds In Scratch - Perlin Noise 2D by Blaze349
- Perlin Noise 2D by Blaze349
- Rainbow Sierspinski's triangle - Chaos Game by Blaze349
- Towers of Hanoi - by Blaze349
- Modern Art (worth 16M loves and favourites) by Blaze349
- Movable Rainbow Bezier Curve by Blaze349
- nulls by Blaze349
- Strings by Blaze349
- Pen Tetris Engine (in construction) by Blaze349
- Radium (Extendable modular raycaster) by Blaze349
- Binary Search by Blaze349
- FizzBuzz by Blaze349
- Rainbow graph fun by Blaze349
- Kumbaya by Blaze349
- very broken Merge sort by Blaze349
- Rare Pepes and normal pepes with the Centipede song by Blaze349
- Scratch OS by Blaze349
Favorite Projects
View all- Trapezoid Pi by Paddle2See
- Raycaster (3D) Game by jokebookservice1
- Our Great* Leader - Kim Jong-UNNNNNNNNN by Blaze349
- [pen & note blocks] Pokemon by MartinBraendli
- Binary trees by Jonathan50
- City World Original - City Simulator by macio6
- Color Vortex by r2dav2
- Magnitude (3D) by PintOfMilk
- [Not 1 Line] Raytracer II - Rubik's Cube by Zro716
- mspaint.exe by Zro716
- - STEALTH - by Sigton
- penrose triangle tutorial! by scratchisthebest
- Meta NES Emulator by bobbybee
- _H2O_'s WIP Platformer (fixed) by griffpatch_tutor
- Multi-Layered tile engine-2 by Blaze349
- Slow-mo Platforming Concept by _nix
- Scratchroll - Rickroll in Scratch by comp09
- KChip-8 (Chip-8 Emu) by A-KouZ1
- Portal 3D: Test Chamber 13 (Scratch edition) by chooper100
- Unfinished Minecraft Clone by Znapi
Studios I'm Following
View all- #BirdServants
- Logo - turtle graphics in Scratch
- Rust Programmers
- Κoch curves
- Theology Central
- Christian believers
- Creation Science
- Christians Hangout
- Christians United
- Playing With Pen!
- Zro716's Math Projects
- Lindenmayer Systems!
- [OFFICIAL] Scratchers Programming with API Movement
- Studio of Random
- 100% Pen
- † Christian Scratchers' Month † (CSM)
- Christian HQ Prayer List and Requests
- July - The Greatest Month
Studios I Curate
View all- The tab studio
- Theology Central
- Christians Hangout
- Christians United
- Christian believers
- Support for Cystic Fibrosis
- 100% Pen
- Christian HQ Prayer List and Requests
- July - The Greatest Month
- History - Projects and Discussion
- oidutS gnitseretnI ehT
- Followers of Jromagnoli!
- † Believers of Christ †
- Christian Debaters
- Post a Prayer Requests
- ✞ Questions About Christianity (QAC) ✞
- For Love of Grey
- Court Of Security
- Christian Community!
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