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  • » [BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡ [RSS Feed]
100+ posts

[BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡

Jay4EverAndAlways wrote:

What you want to advertise: My shop
Link to it: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/752056/
Image(s) related to it: https://u.cubeupload.com/Jay4EverAndAlways/autodraw12320241.png https://u.cubeupload.com/Jay4EverAndAlways/canvas3.png
Are you the owner?: (skip if you're owner, else link for proof) Yupperdoodle! I sure am!
Anything else?: I just re-opened my shop… I have no employees and have done no orders yet… PLS SEND ME SOME EMPLOYEES!!! ty.
i'll be updating the advertisement form, so could you just add the title you want to be displayed by editing your post? also, I personally think you should get 1 banner since both services in the same topic
edit: also, i'm the only one running this shop, soooo…

Last edited by StarryDove (April 4, 2024 13:18:49)

made by @Just-Ideas (tysm!)

100+ posts

[BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡

bump! sorry for inactivity

made by @Just-Ideas (tysm!)

100+ posts

[BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡

bumpity bump

made by @Just-Ideas (tysm!)

41 posts

[BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡

hii! can i work here im currently active and i'd love to help around!
100+ posts

[BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡

ChocoChunkies wrote:

hii! can i work here im currently active and i'd love to help around!
sure thing i'm not hiring but i do need help with managing our memberships (although we have only one currently…) so you could help with that?

made by @Just-Ideas (tysm!)

100+ posts

[BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡


made by @Just-Ideas (tysm!)

41 posts

[BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡

StarryDove wrote:

ChocoChunkies wrote:

hii! can i work here im currently active and i'd love to help around!
sure thing i'm not hiring but i do need help with managing our memberships (although we have only one currently…) so you could help with that?
oh sure! sorry for late reply
100+ posts

[BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡

ChocoChunkies wrote:

StarryDove wrote:

ChocoChunkies wrote:

hii! can i work here im currently active and i'd love to help around!
sure thing i'm not hiring but i do need help with managing our memberships (although we have only one currently…) so you could help with that?
oh sure! sorry for late reply

made by @Just-Ideas (tysm!)

100+ posts

[BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡

membership/partnership form (eligibility: once your shop has been reviewed by us)
Username: Just-Ideas
Do you have permission from the owner to request this review?: (skip if you're the owner)
Shop's Name: Cloud Inc
Link to shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/749422/?page=1#post-7876680
Banner link: https://u.cubeupload.com/CloudIncImages/BannerMain.png
Slogan/Tagline: “The Sky's The Limit!”
Anything else?:
1000+ posts

[BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡

Hello! Your shop has been invited to join the Shop Connection Alliance, which is also known as the SCA.
By joining our federation, your shop will receive monthly reviews! If your shop was recently opened, you may request to have BBCode made for your shop.
All you will need to do is to go to our forum page located here and fill in the form!
See you there!

Yours sincerely,
cs4233117 from the SCA.

Taken from the IFSF.

~ Use highlight + ctrl + shift +down ~

Historic Stuff:
Potato Shop
& Lightning Studios 3.0
Also the SCA siggy button (design) was made by incompletesentenc-
1000+ posts

[BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡

review request form

Username: iiucandyfloss
Do you have permission from the owner to request this review?: Yes
Shop's link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/737466/?page=1
Where to share review: On the above topic ^^
Anything else?: Tysm! Is it okay if I request a review about once a month? The last review was on March 24, so I think it'll be great to see how much my shop has improved since then, and to see what flaws need to be fixed. I might request sooner than once a month if there have been large changes to the shop, such as moving to a 4.0 forum. And again, thank you so much!

credits to @happyha8 for image hosting my forum banner -

1000+ posts

[BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡

Username: Fluffygamer_
Do you have permission from the owner to request this review?: (skip if you're the owner)
Shop's link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/700795/
Where to share review: the shop's topic
Anything else?:

-An evil kumquat was a bit too hungry and ate this signature-
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  • » [BACK IN BUSINESS!] ♡ miss dove's café ♡ Grand Opening!!! ♡ offering transparent reviews! ♡ request today!! ♡ [RSS Feed]

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