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thrillerance >:)

Edited Rough Complexes :melting-face-emoji:

European Mantis (praying mantis):
-Swift Detatchment: Pull limbs and other parts off of their prey.
-Shield Flight: Able to fly quickly for short distances as either a defense or hunting maneuver.

Orchid Mantis:
- Shifting Concealment: Ability to camoflague and shift colors to make a surprise attack
- Whirlwind Grasp: Able to grab prey with their arms at stunning speeds and hold them tightly as they attack with other limbs

Devil's Flower Mantis:
-Crashing In: they are extremely large and can pack quite a punch by flying directly into an attacker
- Winged Distraction/Destruction: They have large, colorful wings- can be used as a distraction to attack, or can even be used as an attack themselves, as they are very sharp

Chinese Mantis
- Frontward Crushing: Comes directly at prey, defeating them almost instantly by grabbing them and crushing them
- Blinding Crush: Will attack so quickly they can't be seen and weaking an opponent's powers

- Double Down: Can have two attackers at once while still fighting
- Sharp Pounce: Uses large mandibles to attack and rip parts off of attackers

- Above Ambush: Can fly at an attacker from above and catch them off guard and weaken their defenses
- Soaring Smack: Uses its large wings to beat attackers

- Destructive Charge: *Extremely* large and can cause serious damage with only one attack (though it will wear them out) but seriously you should look these up… they're *insane*
- Gargantuan Grab: Can grab attackers incredibly fast and crush them

Harabiro Mantis:
- Ridged Strike:Uses sharp ridges on its legs to swipe at and attack opponents
- Ground Thrust: Uses its back legs to kick up dirt and pushes opponents back

Empusidae Mantis:
- Sharp Strike: Uses its sharp mandibles to attack other predators from behind (element of surprise adds damage??)
- Sound Defense: (cyclopean ear) ability to have incredible hearing, so it can hear an attacker coming and can attack their enemy before they themselves are attacked

(I'll probably edit this a bit later :>)

Last edited by PoppyWriter (Feb. 11, 2024 03:38:43)

oh, darling
take me to the english fields
that my knees may brush the poppy petals
take me to the english woods
that my feet may dance on dark green nettles
take me to the english cities
that my ears may hear those midday bells
take me to the my english home
that my ailing soul might be made well
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

I’ll get mine in tonight after soccer practice <3

500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

I edited the word count studio intro, so it should be done now, unless one of you sees anything missing

oh, darling
take me to the english fields
that my knees may brush the poppy petals
take me to the english woods
that my feet may dance on dark green nettles
take me to the english cities
that my ears may hear those midday bells
take me to the my english home
that my ailing soul might be made well
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

great! ill get the word count studio desc in tonight tomorrow we can start discussing classes more!

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

my edited complexes butterflies don’t have a lot of aggressive abilities so I tried to focus on defense and camouflage lol

Peacock Butterfly
Complex 1- Hunting Hiss: this butterfly makes a hissing noise by rubbing and flapping its wings, which scares predators and enables safe escape.
Complex 2- Ominous Eyes: this butterfly uses eye-like, colorful spots on its wings to scare away predators, tricking them into believing the butterfly is larger than it really is.

Paper Kite Butterfly
Complex 1- Poison Power: This butterfly uses its bright coloring to alert predators to its poisonous properties.
Complex 2- Gliding Escape: This butterfly has a slow, leisurely flight pattern, which causes it to resemble a paper kite drifting on the wind.

Dead Leaf Butterfly
Complex 1- Color Shift: This butterfly can change color throughout the season to maintain its “dead leaf”camouflage: it resembles wet leaves during the wet season and dried leaves during the dry season.
Complex 2- Mud Meal: The dead leaf butterfly can suck nutrients and salts from the mud.

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing
Complex 1- Gigantic Size: With a wingspan of almost a foot, this butterfly is largely regarded as the largest on earth.
Complex 2- Amazing Attack: Alexandra birdwings are so big that they’re able to chase away birds. They’re quite defensive of their position, and have been known to attack animals of a similar size who get too close.

Western Pygmy Blue
Complex 1- Teeny Tiny: This butterfly is one of the smallest in the world and the tiniest in North America, allowing it to skillfully avoid predators.
Complex 2- Wingbeats: This butterflies’ small but powerful wings allow it to travel incredibly long distances.

Schaus' Swallowtail
Complex 1- Flight Power: This butterflies’ strong wings allow it to travel more than 3 miles in a singular day.
Complex 2- Defending Dance: These butterflies are very territorial and are able to protect their habitat from invading butterflies.

Zebra Longwing
Complex 1- Long Lifespan: Unlike other butterflies, the zebra longwing is able to ingest pollen, which contains nutrients and protein that contributes to its long lifespan.
Complex 2- Strength In Numbers: This butterfly roosts overnight in groups of 60 or more, deterring predators from attacking the group.

Complex 1- Translucent Travel: This butterfly has translucent wings that allow it to blend in almost completely with its surroundings.
Complex 2- Buff Body: This butterfly can carry up to 40 times its own body weight.

Last edited by rocksalmon800 (Feb. 11, 2024 18:48:40)

1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

woahhh those are so cool :0

- should we organize all the complexes in a project or something? thoughts?

- i think that a good date to have complete complexes (with finished names and everything polished up) would be the 10th :0 does that work for yall? if you guys want inspo for interesting complex names, pokemon moves can give you some good ideas ehe

- tonight ended up being busier than i thought so i will have the word count description and also the adding project out tomorrow!

- i can also make the sorting ceremony project

Last edited by cb2jkl (Feb. 8, 2024 06:49:03)

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

Yeah, I think it might be nice to put it in a project, or at the very least, a forum post.
I… think the 10th works for me? It might be a day late since I've got a lot of choir stuff going on right now, but it'll hopefully be done in the next week. :>

oh, darling
take me to the english fields
that my knees may brush the poppy petals
take me to the english woods
that my feet may dance on dark green nettles
take me to the english cities
that my ears may hear those midday bells
take me to the my english home
that my ailing soul might be made well
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

sounds good! i think a project might be preferable to a forum post, because forums may go down :0 also wc desc is done!

Last edited by cb2jkl (Feb. 9, 2024 02:59:00)

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

adding project! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/963636960/

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

alright so one thing im thinking about with classes is the different places they will take place :00 like we could start out the classes in the classrooms, but then lead people to outside training areas, etc. for example, some sort of flying obstacle course, to showcase the butterfly and dragonfly complexes. any other ideas?

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

is anyone interested in making the complexes project? also reminder to have finished complexes done soon!

Last edited by cb2jkl (Feb. 10, 2024 21:29:54)

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

I think for the classes, you're definitely right about starting in a classroom. Maybe in order to showcase all three insects, there could be sort of a jungle/tree-ish obstacle course? It could work for flying insects (tree branches to fly over and around, etc.) and mantises (since mantises have limited flight, but they are known for abilities to climb on trees and camoflague and all that jazz)

oh, darling
take me to the english fields
that my knees may brush the poppy petals
take me to the english woods
that my feet may dance on dark green nettles
take me to the english cities
that my ears may hear those midday bells
take me to the my english home
that my ailing soul might be made well
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

ooo i like that idea :00 so we could start out in the classroom for the first class then welcome people to the academy and explain its intentions :0 after that we could bring people outside to talk about complexes. how many bits do we want to write out for that? we could each write one !

maybe we could bring them out to the course and let them get use to their complexes and feel them out a bit by playing some sort of hide and seek game, where we would be the seekers and then have a group lesson and split off into smaller groups for writing activities ?

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

Ooh, I think the hide-and-seek idea sounds so fun!! I'm actually smiling just thinking about it XD
I finished editing my complexes (top of forum page). I might change them a little here and there as we get closer to the start of the session, but most of them will likely stay the same

oh, darling
take me to the english fields
that my knees may brush the poppy petals
take me to the english woods
that my feet may dance on dark green nettles
take me to the english cities
that my ears may hear those midday bells
take me to the my english home
that my ailing soul might be made well
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

ooh all of that sounds spectacular! <3 today has been really busy but I’ll get my complexes in by tomorrow morning

500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

Just a quick advance warning- I'll be entirely inactive this Friday and Saturday due to a choir thing that came up unexpectedly (like, really, really unexpectedly -_-). I'll try and work ahead on anything that needs to get done so we're well on schedule

oh, darling
take me to the english fields
that my knees may brush the poppy petals
take me to the english woods
that my feet may dance on dark green nettles
take me to the english cities
that my ears may hear those midday bells
take me to the my english home
that my ailing soul might be made well
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

oooo ok ! ill try to start compiling complexes into a project now and great, thanks for letting us know poppy!

i'm going to go ahead and write my first part for our first class and send it here, and then you guys can build off of that? i think we should try to mostly just go off what campers write and have a basic outline, but we could have specific bits for the intro, talking about the hide and seek stuff, etc (bascially for transitioning from one thing to the next ahaha).

after the hide and seek game, do guys want to try to do one big writing activity before we split up? one idea i had was having people write about one place or feature that they would like to add to the academy. like a honey pool with a slide from the roof or a giant swing. thoughts? anddddd one other thing is do we want to have a word minimum for it (and the activities in general)

Last edited by cb2jkl (Feb. 12, 2024 03:15:18)

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

after the hide and seek game, do guys want to try to do one big writing activity before we split up? one idea i had was having people write about one place or feature that they would like to add to the academy. like a honey pool with a slide from the roof, or a giant swing. thoughts? anddddd one other thing is do we want to have a word minimum for it (and the activities in general)
Ahh, I love that idea! I think that would definitely help build some cabin pride <33 I think we might want to set a lower word min. (maybe 100-200 words?) for it, since I'm assuming we still want our campers to have time/motivation to work on dailies and weeklies while also taking care of themselves <3

oh, darling
take me to the english fields
that my knees may brush the poppy petals
take me to the english woods
that my feet may dance on dark green nettles
take me to the english cities
that my ears may hear those midday bells
take me to the my english home
that my ailing soul might be made well
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

yeah thats what i was thinking as well maybe lets meet that in the middle and do 150 words?

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

150 sounds great would all activities be 150 words then?

Last edited by rocksalmon800 (Feb. 12, 2024 18:27:58)

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