Discuss Scratch

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thrillerance >:)

I'm on mantises then

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl who has a lot of books and too little bookshelf space must be in want of… more books.
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

sounds good! also on to page two hehe.

so i’ve come up with some storyline ideas after a bit of thinking ahaha

classes! we could each teach a different class to our groups and have some sort of lesson once a week where we would take the campers out exploring, etc, and teach them how to use their complexes. we could also have one big, entire cabin lesson, where we do like practice battles or something :0 i was thinking this could be done on some sort of roleplay thread (writing activity part!).

i also thought we could use facts about the bugs to influence the complexes, when we come up with those. for example, the western pygmy blue butterfly is one of the smallest butterflies in the world, and because of its brown coat, it is very hard to spot. the people who choose this could have a complex that allows them to camouflage themselves (kind of like invisibility). speaking of complexes, i was thinking that we could have four of each type of bug (so four mantises, four butterflies, and four dragonflies), and they could each have two different complexes? also do you guys each want to come up with different bugs for your specific group and their complexes? i think that would work best

another idea! some sort of lab where campers can get special equipment that help enhance their complexes. for example, in the webtoon, the main character (suchan), gets special goggles that enhance his vision. as a dragonfly, he flies extremely fast, but this can hurt his eyes and make him dizzy, so he gets goggles to prevent that. this could be something unlocked midway through camp :0

then, for the enemy group of insect humans, we could try to involve different leaders, and perhaps give different clues to the campers to help them track them to their “hideouts” aka profiles. like a scavenger hunt ahaha

atmosphere- here is a draft atmosphere i wrote up!

spread your wings this session and join thriller! a cabin focused on building lasting friendships through numerous fun, interactive activities. enjoy friendly competition and grow as a writer! (193 characters)


also, fairy tales has claimed the symbol i suggested earlier :0 but I just found this one ʚїɞ which i think would suit us well! thoughts?

i'm working on the adding schedule and adding project right now!

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

I think this is a great idea! It work really well with our writing activities while putting in bonding. Great idea CJ!!

I like the idea of the insect facts influencing the complexes!!
Also, I'm not sure if this is just me being very tired and slow-thinking right now, but what do you mean for ‘types of bugs’? If I'm understanding correctly, then I don't know how it would work for us to have four types, considering we don't really know how many campers we'd have per bug group and it may not divide equally. Again, this may just be me being tired and insane :3

I love this!! I can start thinking up ideas for the mantises


Couldn't have worded it better myself!
And as for the symbol, it's absolutely perfect <3

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl who has a lot of books and too little bookshelf space must be in want of… more books.
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

types - for example, different types of dragonflies, like western meadowlark, green darner, etc. ahh yeah so because we dont know how many campers we will have, we can either come up with many different types and different complexes (to make sure we have enough different ones) or we can do a smaller number, and just have duplicates (two campers being the same bug). which do you guys prefer?

also i came up with some sort of adding schedule :0 so after each turn, we would swap studio ownership to the next person

1st - 7th - Rockie
8th - 14th - CJ
15th - 21st - Rockie
22nd - 28th - Poppy
29th - 31st - CJ

i tried to work around the two weeks that poppy is on vacation does this work for you guys?

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

O ooh okay that all sounds great! I’ll start working on some butterfly complexes/types/lab stuff

The atmosphere and symbol look great

For the types, it might just be best to come up with a lot of different options to start, and then narrow them down when we get our camper list

The adding schedule works for me! D

500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

I agree with Rockie that we should come up with options and cut off a few once we get the list
And adding schedule works for me!!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl who has a lot of books and too little bookshelf space must be in want of… more books.
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

great, i'll send the atmosphere over to moonlit now! :0 will send more storyline stuff later too !!

Last edited by cb2jkl (Jan. 24, 2024 20:38:30)

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

yayyy forums are back

activities sounds great! maybe we could do like two per the week/class. i think keeping them small would be better as we dont know how camper activity will be like. and storyline related would be cool!

currency! i like the idea of wings (thoughts on this symbol i found? ༊) and currency rewards for doing daily/weeklies, writing activities, and participating in classes sounds great! ill try to come up with a list of currency amounts and how much you can get for doing xyz later this week! also another thing i have been thinking about is what if we all just taught one big class, because it could be hard to do all of these activities and keep the classes moving with a potentially low amount of campers in each group. thoughts? im open to doing either one ahaha just something i was thinking about

lab project - sounds good! i also have a few things going on this weekend so i will be a bit less active.

thumbnail - looks amazing! i just left a few comments on it with some of my thoughts also those fonts look great!

oh also rockie what do you think of having the classes/roleplay be six days long with one day for prep? im not sure if you responded to that sdfs profile communication being weird and all

updated to-do list:

cabin guide - all
come up with complexes, and lab equipment - all
plan out classes - all
figure out writing activities - all
scavenger hunt - all
lab project - poppy
roleplay project - rockie
word adding project - cj
studio thumbnail - rockie
studio intro - cj
word adding thumbnail - cj
word adding intro - poppy
matching pfps - cj
currency amounts - cj

anything im missing :0 ?

this weekend or on monday ill try to summarize everything we've decided so far just so that we can visualize it better

Last edited by cb2jkl (Feb. 2, 2024 04:37:00)

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

ah i almost forgot could each of you write up a small intro about yourself that i can put in cabin description? try to keep it on the shorter side so that i can fit everything ahah (character limits)

ex: mine from last session - Hello there, my name is CJ (or ceejay hehe). And, while this may be a surprise, I do things in my free time! This includes drawing, writing (ofc), going down internet rabbit holes, and browsing pinterest. I love boba, and my go to order is mango black tea with lychee jelly/tapioca hehe. I can't wait for this session, and am looking forward to meeting each and every one of you

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

currency list i came up with rq

Participating in a class – 3 wings

Participating in writing activity – 4 wings

Doing a daily – 4 wings

Doing a weekly – 9 wings

Meeting your word goal – 5 wings

Lab equipment – 12 wings

Entering the writing competition - 10 wings

anything else you think we should reward wings for, or if we should adjust the amounts?

Last edited by cb2jkl (Jan. 28, 2024 05:05:00)

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

also dystopian has confirmed siblingship with us we are now a trio

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)


Like CJ, I'm open to either one big class OR the smaller classes. I'll have to think it over for a bit, but I may have an opinion on that soon


Love the symbol! And I think the set amounts for completed activities and such is great. Maybe we could add a wing value for participating in the writing comp?

To-Do List-

Starting on the word count desc. and lab project now


Hey! I'm Poppy (she/her), and one of your co-leaders this session <3 I love writing (of course), reading, playing music, and spending unnecessary amounts of time reading random Wikipedia pages. I'm absolutely thrilled to be apart of this session and be with you all <33

(Also, I already asked Rockie, but if you end up seeing my name on the canva due to a glitch, please just keep it private- I know you both already know that, though <3 I'm working to keep myself signed out but it keeps automatically signing me in :\)

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl who has a lot of books and too little bookshelf space must be in want of… more books.
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

currency - ooo that's a good idea ill add that

intro - awesome! and yeah ofc <33 technology can be so wonky sometimes.

oh wait i see what you did there AHHA “thrilled” to be apart of this session

Last edited by cb2jkl (Jan. 27, 2024 18:27:24)

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

cb2jkl wrote:

oh wait i see what you did there AHHA “thrilled” to be apart of this session

Oh my gosh that wasn't even intentional XD I'm an accidental genius!!

Also, I talked to my parents, and they've decided to let me get an entirely new email that doesn't use my real name! I'll probably set that up in the next little bit, so no more worrying about real name being leaked XD

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl who has a lot of books and too little bookshelf space must be in want of… more books.
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

ahhaha indeed and that's great!

right now im trying to write in the place where there will be links in our cabin desc like

Explore the Academy…

Main Cabin (link)
Training Complex (WC studio) (link)
The Laboratory (link)
The Classrooms (link)
Cabin Guide (link)
Matching Pfps (link)

and usually i come up with alternative names for things like the main cabin and the cabin guide (like last session for example alia and i called the cabin guide “the ruins”) do yall have any ideas for those? also any ideas for the classes because all i could think of was just “the classrooms” ahhaha

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

activities: that sounds great!

currency: ooh I love that symbol! and I agree with poppy about adding something for entering the writing comp, but otherwise the list looks fabulous <3

and I love the idea of six-day classes lol

here’s my intro:

hi there! i’m rockie, your resident bibliophile! i go by she/her pronouns, and i’m one of your amazing co-leaders this session! i love reading, writing (obviously xD), cooking, listening to music (especially taylor swift, olivia rodrigo and renee rapp hehe), and hanging out with friends! so excited to meet you all <33

names: maybe the cabin guide could be the “academy handbook”?

the word count thumb looks great! I transferred the other thumb on there if you didn’t see already xD

1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

draft desc! thoughts? anything im missing?

Thriller Insect Academy ʚїɞ

└─── ・□ ʚїɞ □ ・───┘


└─── ・□ ʚїɞ □ ・───┘

⤞ Announcements

∘ Camper signups are out in February! Make sure to put Thriller down in your preferences

└─── ・□ ʚїɞ □ ・───┘

Meet your professors!

⤞ CJ | he/they | @cb2jkl

Hello there, my name is CJ, and I’ll be your leader this session! In my free time, I enjoy writing (mind-blowing I know), falling down random internet rabbit holes, drawing, talking to friends, and listening to music. Let me know your favorite music artist in the comments! This session is going to be absolutely amazing, and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone!

⤞ Poppy | she/her | @PoppyWriter

Hey! I'm Poppy, and one of your co-leaders this session <3 I love writing (of course), reading, playing music, and spending unnecessary amounts of time reading random Wikipedia pages. I'm absolutely thrilled to be apart of this session and be with you all <33

⤞ Rockie | she/her | @rocksalmon800

Hi there! I’m Rockie, your resident bibliophile! I go by she/her pronouns, and I’m one of your amazing co-leaders this session! I love reading, writing (obviously xD), cooking, listening to music (especially Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo and Renee Rapp hehe), and hanging out with friends! So excited to meet you all <33

└─── ・□ ʚїɞ □ ・───┘

⤞ Explore the Academy…

∘ Library (Main Cabin) (link)

∘ Training Complex (WC studio) (link)

∘ Laboratory (link)

∘ Classrooms (link)

∘ Academy Handbook (Cabin Guide) (link)

∘ Matching Pfps (link)

└─── ・□ ʚїɞ □ ・───┘

⤞ If you need to post writing in the forums, you may either use the megathread or make one personal writing thread in the ‘Things I’m Making and Creating’ forum!

⤞ Megathread Link:
(coming soon)

⤞ Suggestion Forum:


└─── ・□ ʚїɞ □ ・───┘

⤞ Cabin Relations


⤞ Siblings:

∘ Script

∘ Dystopian


⤞ Allies:

∘ Fairy Tales

∘ Tragedy

∘ Fan-Fi (pending)


⤞ Neutrals:

∘ Fantasy (friendly)

∘ Poetry (hostile)

∘ Utopian (TCTWNW)


⤞ Enemies:

∘ Sci-fi

∘ Myth

∘ Hi-Fi

∘ Epistolary

└─── ・□ ʚїɞ □ ・───┘

⤞ Credits:

∘ @cb2jkl for the intro

∘ @rocksalmon800 for the thumbnail

∘ Thank you to everyone, past and present, who has helped make SWC possible. Detailed credits here!

Last edited by cb2jkl (Jan. 28, 2024 05:04:14)

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host
500+ posts

thrillerance >:)

ooh that looks perfect!

1000+ posts

thrillerance >:)

alright so i made a pros and cons list for one vs multiple classes that mayy help us decide?

easier for us to manage
more camper activity
able to do activities involving more people
possible increased cabin bonding

we might not be able to give in-depth info on individual bugs/complexes
harder to coordinate?


Last edited by cb2jkl (Jan. 28, 2024 05:16:31)

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host

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