Discuss Scratch

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Ask [] for () secs

ask [] for () secs :: sensing
Basically, it is like the normal ask block, but after () seconds, it will stop asking and set the answer to an empty string.
Example Use:
when green flag clicked
set [pts v] to []
set [question # v] to []
say [Welcome to the SCRATCH GAMESHOW!!]
play sound [intro and croud v] until done
ask [Question 1: What does the stop block do? You have 10 seconds] for (10) secs :: sensing
points check
ask [Question 2: What does the x/y position/direction/costume/backdrop number/name/size/volume/variable of the stage/a sprite sensing block do? You have 10 seconds] for (10) secs :: sensing
points check
ask [Question 3: What does the abs/sqrt/sin/cos/tan/asin/acos/atan/nl/log/e^/10^ of () operators block do? You have 10 seconds] for (10) secs :: sensing
points check
ask [Question 4: What does the set video transparency to () block do? You have 10 seconds] for (10) secs :: sensing
points check
ask [Question 5: Who is the founder of Scratch? You have 10 seconds] for (10) secs :: sensing
points check
ask [Question 6: How do you get a Scratch cat emoji onto the forums? You have 10 seconds] for (10) secs :: sensing
points check
say (join [End of gameshow. You got ] (join (pts) [ points. Wanna play again? Click the green flag.]))

define points check
if <(answer) = (item (question #) of [answers v] :: list)> then
start sound [right v] :: sound
say [CORRECT!] for (2) secs
change [pts v] by (1)
if <(answer) = []> then
say [too slow...] for (2) secs
start sound [wrong v] :: sound
say [Incorrect.] for (2) secs
change [question # v] by (1)

shift+select some of the signature+down/right arrow to read full signature
:Advertisment break:
Super epic game about dodging a crazy angry mouse
my most popular project
:End of advertisment break:

idk what to put
when I am born :: events :: hat
code absolutely awesome things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff

when I am coding absolutely awesome things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff :: events :: hat
finger down :: pen
wait (1) secs
finger up :: pen
(btw this is a signature, don't try copying this code in your best project only to see that 1 of the blocks isn't in scratch )
When I get this comment from 106809 [btw this is a signature, don't try copying this code in your best project only to see that 1 of the blocks isn't in scratch)" Oh really? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/943920940/ ] :: events :: hat
play sound [Dun Dun Dunn v] until done
say [:o]
why is scratch on mobile so bad ?

100th post…
1000+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

Support because it seems like something that could be useful. And even if there's a workaround we have the change variable by # block which has an easy workaround - it's still there though.

Generation IX (9): the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
I changed my signature

Found interesting, funny or plain good posts? Send them here!

Notebook | Ocular | me has a profile chatroom | The amazing triple ninja'd
1000+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

Support, but is this a good workaround?

when green flag clicked
set [answered? v] to [0]
broadcast [Question v]
set [answered? v] to [1]

when I receive [Question v]
wait (10) secs
if <(answered?) = [0]> then
DETONATE (999999) NUCLEAR BOMBS!!!! :: motion

Last edited by EDawg2011 (Dec. 23, 2023 14:13:10)

Please note that I may sometimes make a mistake and give wrong information.

Can you please put this at/near the top of your signature and tell people that tag spam isn't allowed and it manipulates the algorithm, to start a chain and spread the word? https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/747346/?page=1#post-7864829 - Thanks, @EDawg2011.

But then I had a very good idea. I used F5. See, using F5 gave me a whole new perspective and I was able to see a chest I couldn't have seen before.

(Highlight text + down arrow + shift to see the rest of my signature.)

Help find out who ate @cheddargirl's signature! l me when i accidentally spread misinformation l Platformer Skibidi

<0-0::sensing>//This is Charles; he protects my signature from evil kumquats.
when I'm spawned::events hat//This is the code Charles' brain runs on.
if <[100] > (distance to [an evil kumquat v])> then
delete the evil kumquat::control

Be moist.

1000+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

Honestly, good idea! Support.
This is the second-best suggestion I've seen.
Why is it the second-best suggestion I've seen? Well, view this topic to find out!

“MY daughter wants to see MEEEEEEEEEEEEE! TAKE THAT DEPREssion..!” - Lucifer 2024
1000+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

106809nes wrote:

This is the second-best suggestion I've seen.
Why is it the second-best suggestion I've seen? Well, view this topic to find out!
what in the capitalism, you really had to sneak in an ad lol

Sent from Samsung Fridge Model RRSGR-34563

they say im gifted but i can't even spell proboably or simoustaniously correctly

omg when you search up “Samsung Fridge Model RRSGR-34563” one of my forums posts are the top result!!111

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I'm Mexican/American
I speak Spanish and English (et un peu de francais)
I'm a roman catholic
I'm smart but have no street smarts
Straight Male
Be a better forumer
100+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

EDawg2011 wrote:

Support, but is this a good workaround?

when green flag clicked
set [answered? v] to [0]
broadcast [Question v]
set [answered? v] to [1]

when I receive [Question v]
wait (10) secs
if <(answered?) = [0]> then
DETONATE (999999) NUCLEAR BOMBS!!!! :: motion
What is
DETONATE (999999) NUCLEAR BOMBS!!!! :: motion

shift+select some of the signature+down/right arrow to read full signature
:Advertisment break:
Super epic game about dodging a crazy angry mouse
my most popular project
:End of advertisment break:

idk what to put
when I am born :: events :: hat
code absolutely awesome things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff

when I am coding absolutely awesome things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff :: events :: hat
finger down :: pen
wait (1) secs
finger up :: pen
(btw this is a signature, don't try copying this code in your best project only to see that 1 of the blocks isn't in scratch )
When I get this comment from 106809 [btw this is a signature, don't try copying this code in your best project only to see that 1 of the blocks isn't in scratch)" Oh really? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/943920940/ ] :: events :: hat
play sound [Dun Dun Dunn v] until done
say [:o]
why is scratch on mobile so bad ?

100th post…
1000+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

alebro6DW wrote:

EDawg2011 wrote:

Support, but is this a good workaround?

when green flag clicked
set [answered? v] to [0]
broadcast [Question v]
set [answered? v] to [1]

when I receive [Question v]
wait (10) secs
if <(answered?) = [0]> then
DETONATE (999999) NUCLEAR BOMBS!!!! :: motion
What is
DETONATE (999999) NUCLEAR BOMBS!!!! :: motion
just an example block
1000+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

alebro6DW wrote:

What is
DETONATE (999999) NUCLEAR BOMBS!!!! :: motion
I was feeling a bit funny.

Please note that I may sometimes make a mistake and give wrong information.

Can you please put this at/near the top of your signature and tell people that tag spam isn't allowed and it manipulates the algorithm, to start a chain and spread the word? https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/747346/?page=1#post-7864829 - Thanks, @EDawg2011.

But then I had a very good idea. I used F5. See, using F5 gave me a whole new perspective and I was able to see a chest I couldn't have seen before.

(Highlight text + down arrow + shift to see the rest of my signature.)

Help find out who ate @cheddargirl's signature! l me when i accidentally spread misinformation l Platformer Skibidi

<0-0::sensing>//This is Charles; he protects my signature from evil kumquats.
when I'm spawned::events hat//This is the code Charles' brain runs on.
if <[100] > (distance to [an evil kumquat v])> then
delete the evil kumquat::control

Be moist.

1000+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

Back on topic, please!

Generation IX (9): the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
I changed my signature

Found interesting, funny or plain good posts? Send them here!

Notebook | Ocular | me has a profile chatroom | The amazing triple ninja'd
1000+ posts

Ask [] for () secs


Please note that I may sometimes make a mistake and give wrong information.

Can you please put this at/near the top of your signature and tell people that tag spam isn't allowed and it manipulates the algorithm, to start a chain and spread the word? https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/747346/?page=1#post-7864829 - Thanks, @EDawg2011.

But then I had a very good idea. I used F5. See, using F5 gave me a whole new perspective and I was able to see a chest I couldn't have seen before.

(Highlight text + down arrow + shift to see the rest of my signature.)

Help find out who ate @cheddargirl's signature! l me when i accidentally spread misinformation l Platformer Skibidi

<0-0::sensing>//This is Charles; he protects my signature from evil kumquats.
when I'm spawned::events hat//This is the code Charles' brain runs on.
if <[100] > (distance to [an evil kumquat v])> then
delete the evil kumquat::control

Be moist.

1000+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

I'm remaining neutral on this suggestion, but here's a workaround for those who want it:

when green flag clicked
broadcast [ask question 1 v]
set [saved answer v] to (answer)

when I receive [ask question 1 v]
ask [What is 1 + 1? You have 5 seconds to answer...] and wait

when I receive [ask question 1 v]
wait (5) secs
stop [other scripts in sprite v]
broadcast [answer question 1 v]

when I receive [answer question 1 v]
if <not <(saved answer) = (answer)>> then
say (join [Got an answer: ] (answer)) for (2) secs
say [No answer provided!] for (2) secs

Last edited by ajskateboarder (Jan. 5, 2024 22:46:01)

100+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

Well… it could interfere with other things in the sprite if using the workaround.

shift+select some of the signature+down/right arrow to read full signature
:Advertisment break:
Super epic game about dodging a crazy angry mouse
my most popular project
:End of advertisment break:

idk what to put
when I am born :: events :: hat
code absolutely awesome things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff

when I am coding absolutely awesome things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff :: events :: hat
finger down :: pen
wait (1) secs
finger up :: pen
(btw this is a signature, don't try copying this code in your best project only to see that 1 of the blocks isn't in scratch )
When I get this comment from 106809 [btw this is a signature, don't try copying this code in your best project only to see that 1 of the blocks isn't in scratch)" Oh really? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/943920940/ ] :: events :: hat
play sound [Dun Dun Dunn v] until done
say [:o]
why is scratch on mobile so bad ?

100th post…
1000+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

alebro6DW wrote:

Well… it could interfere with other things in the sprite if using the workaround.
I know; it's not a comprehensive workaround, just a basic one
1000+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

Support, this would be very good for timed quizzes.

Alt: @usefun2
My profile
Sinistar (My best game)
See your exact post count here.
unfortunately this signature has been corrupted by an evil cat blockCAT BLOCKS WILL RULE
100+ posts

Ask [] for () secs


shift+select some of the signature+down/right arrow to read full signature
:Advertisment break:
Super epic game about dodging a crazy angry mouse
my most popular project
:End of advertisment break:

idk what to put
when I am born :: events :: hat
code absolutely awesome things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff

when I am coding absolutely awesome things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff :: events :: hat
finger down :: pen
wait (1) secs
finger up :: pen
(btw this is a signature, don't try copying this code in your best project only to see that 1 of the blocks isn't in scratch )
When I get this comment from 106809 [btw this is a signature, don't try copying this code in your best project only to see that 1 of the blocks isn't in scratch)" Oh really? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/943920940/ ] :: events :: hat
play sound [Dun Dun Dunn v] until done
say [:o]
why is scratch on mobile so bad ?

100th post…
100+ posts

Ask [] for () secs


13yo Scratcher who mainly goes on QaS, Suggestions, and occasionally Bugs and Glitches.

Useful links:
Ocular (search for dupes)
List Of Rejected Suggestions

100+ posts

Ask [] for () secs

123m83 wrote:

Odd, as it is not in the directory.

shift+select some of the signature+down/right arrow to read full signature
:Advertisment break:
Super epic game about dodging a crazy angry mouse
my most popular project
:End of advertisment break:

idk what to put
when I am born :: events :: hat
code absolutely awesome things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff

when I am coding absolutely awesome things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff and things and stuff :: events :: hat
finger down :: pen
wait (1) secs
finger up :: pen
(btw this is a signature, don't try copying this code in your best project only to see that 1 of the blocks isn't in scratch )
When I get this comment from 106809 [btw this is a signature, don't try copying this code in your best project only to see that 1 of the blocks isn't in scratch)" Oh really? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/943920940/ ] :: events :: hat
play sound [Dun Dun Dunn v] until done
say [:o]
why is scratch on mobile so bad ?

100th post…

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