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  • » [Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡ [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

soptsign555 wrote:

Username: soptsign555
Pronouns: use they/them.
Type: pixel art
Prompt: a sonic fan character (agis the dog) wearing a red cap backwards, a pair of white gloves and red trainers.
Color Pallete: lime fur, red cap, red trainers, white gloves, blue eyes and tan arms/stomach.
Canvas Size: as big as you need it to be so it looks like the BF pixel art from the vs sonic.exe 2.0/3.0/4.0 mod for fnf.
Details: 5 idle frames, 2 left/down/up/right frames.
Have you read the guidelines: Yes, I have read the guidelines.
Other info: using this for an fnf mod I'm making on scratch.

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
94 posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

this is what I would like it to look like (but more pixely, obvs. and no background): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/916502904/editor/

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/790514746/ is my pride and joy.
my only project that has saving and loading: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/884929895/
make sure to select some of this text and then press alt + down to see more of my signature.

this was brought to you by:

I have no friends that are still on scratch. what would cheer me up is if you went and commented on my profile!

ah well, it was worth a shot.
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

Rating*: 10 (11 if possible) / 10
Order Link*: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7640227/
Description: really nice pixel art! And tbh i i didn’t expect it to be this good! Now i know a great place to recommend pixel art
Have you read the guidelines*: yes, i read the guidelines
Other info: :thumbsup:

Remember kids, don’t eat batteries dipped in paint thinner and anti-freeze

hey, you can call me kyoo
I am a minor on the internet, who’s also apparently an artist and a coder
April 13th - Non-binary - Aroace - Any pronouns

I know Scratch and HTML, and I’ve been doing art for as long as I can remember.

enjoy this picture of Five from Glitch Techs :’)

1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

Username*: ilovestories
Pronouns: he/him
Type*: (pixel art or vector designs, read the entire homepage for more info) pixel art
Prompt*: (Describe what you want) I want a pixel art of a waterfall flowing into a stream
Color Pallete: (What color should your pixel art use? Leave blank if any colors works)
Canvas Size: (Only up to 256x256 pixels, 32x32/48x48 recommended if you want simple sprites): 48x48
Have you read the guidelines*: Yes, I read the guidelines
Other info:

In my opinion, AI is the most disputed topic on Scratch. I'm not kidding. This topic about adding AI to Scratch got 5 pages of posts in 2 hours, all of it full of AI arguments. People even got to insulting each other. It's crazy.
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

ilovestories wrote:

Username*: ilovestories
Pronouns: he/him
Type*: (pixel art or vector designs, read the entire homepage for more info) pixel art
Prompt*: (Describe what you want) I want a pixel art of a waterfall flowing into a stream
Color Pallete: (What color should your pixel art use? Leave blank if any colors works)
Canvas Size: (Only up to 256x256 pixels, 32x32/48x48 recommended if you want simple sprites): 48x48
Have you read the guidelines*: Yes, I read the guidelines
Other info:

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

Username*: ilovestories
Pronouns: he/him
Type*: (pixel art or vector designs, read the entire homepage for more info) Vector Profile Icon
Prompt*: (Describe what you want) A stream flowing through tall reeds
Color Pallete: (What color should your pixel art use? Leave blank if any colors works)
Canvas Size: (Only up to 256x256 pixels, 32x32/48x48 recommended if you want simple sprites) This isn't pixel art.
Have you read the guidelines*: Yes, I read the guidelines
Other info: This is the second of my review orders. They will be used to complete the review from The Gemstone Federation.

In my opinion, AI is the most disputed topic on Scratch. I'm not kidding. This topic about adding AI to Scratch got 5 pages of posts in 2 hours, all of it full of AI arguments. People even got to insulting each other. It's crazy.
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

ilovestories wrote:

Username*: ilovestories
Pronouns: he/him
Type*: (pixel art or vector designs, read the entire homepage for more info) Vector Profile Icon
Prompt*: (Describe what you want) A stream flowing through tall reeds
Color Pallete: (What color should your pixel art use? Leave blank if any colors works)
Canvas Size: (Only up to 256x256 pixels, 32x32/48x48 recommended if you want simple sprites) This isn't pixel art.
Have you read the guidelines*: Yes, I read the guidelines
Other info: This is the second of my review orders. They will be used to complete the review from The Gemstone Federation.

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

Last edited by Eason_9 (Nov. 16, 2023 09:38:26)

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
16 posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

Try it out :https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/858802893
And maybe follow me pls
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

mrkai_8 wrote:

Oops accidentally used my brother's account to bump lol

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

Hey there! I'm 78ch3, manager of the Shopping Emporium. As a member shop, I was wondering if you were interested in the Shop of The Month program, where a shop is chosen based on their ratings to receive a few benefits such as being pinned on the main post, advertising, advice and a few other perks. The Shop of The Month will be decided upon in December and announced on shops that opted in for SOTM. You just have to say yes or no, and no other action is required on your part. Have a nice day, and Scratch on!

(This is info post 7)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

78ch3 wrote:

Hey there! I'm 78ch3, manager of the Shopping Emporium. As a member shop, I was wondering if you were interested in the Shop of The Month program, where a shop is chosen based on their ratings to receive a few benefits such as being pinned on the main post, advertising, advice and a few other perks. The Shop of The Month will be decided upon in December and announced on shops that opted in for SOTM. You just have to say yes or no, and no other action is required on your part. Have a nice day, and Scratch on!

(This is info post 7)
sure I'll join!

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

Very Late Review from The Gemstone Federation
Rating 1-20: 13
Suggestions: I can't look at much right now, but I'm guessing the pixel art's good as ever. The vector art you made isn't, though. I would recommend just sticking to pixel art - or finding a staff member who specializes in vector. I also recommend showing some examples of your pixel art, so that people know what they’re getting. The Gemstone Federation may not be able to get on track for a while, so this may be your last review within the year (which, at least, is coming to a close). Sorry.
I'm sorry this is so late. We've been seriously wrecked by a number of things, the forums' record downtime chief among them.

In my opinion, AI is the most disputed topic on Scratch. I'm not kidding. This topic about adding AI to Scratch got 5 pages of posts in 2 hours, all of it full of AI arguments. People even got to insulting each other. It's crazy.
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
1000+ posts

[Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡

*This is my signature, more info on it here! Scroll down by highlighting anywhere and press shift and the down arrow key.

Get your images up to the forums with my shop: Imagif Hosters (for free!)
If you have some time to spare, perhaps go read my Scratch Wiki essays!
And since I'm here I should probably advertise my projects but I can't find a good project I made.
11 (almost 12) - He/Him
  • Discussion Forums
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  • » [Permanently Closed]>⭐✅ Eason's Pixel Art Shop ✅⭐ < | ✌Get high quality pixel art for your games! ✌| ⚡INSANELY FAST SERVICE!⚡ [RSS Feed]

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