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Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

ST cant implement this much stuff tbh expecially the GIF stuff u mentioned

Does anyone have Garlic? Because I need to ward those pesky Kumquats away.
Be high contrast
Luckiest Person On Scratch™
Forumer/ Former Griffpatcher
Griffpatch wrote:
Hello Fellow Scratchers! Im Griffpatch!


you wasted your time looking at my signature.

I really dislike the word ‘pog’ I don't know why…


I got like 100 posts a day when I started foruming

You have reached the end of my signature now I promise you their is no more…



@RickAstley (Never Gonna give you up)
Ask to be on the above list on my profile comments
100+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

ImmortalJelly13 wrote:

ST cant implement this much stuff tbh expecially the GIF stuff u mentioned

Why not? If it's about cost or resources, I'll mention @Za-Chary 's response to an earlier, similar question:

Za-Chary wrote:

The Scratch Team was able to make a high contrast mode, prevent unshared projects from being viewed via third-party applications, and update the entire editor to Scratch 3.0, all while being nonprofit and running on donations. I don't doubt that they could make the proposed suggestion work.

If there's a different reason why you think it wouldn't work, could you please explain?

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Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

Gamer_Logan819 wrote:

Just ignore the gif. Scratch shouldn't make an entirely new feature for a small group of people who refuse to not look at gifs. I understand the sensory issues, but even then with sensory issues I'm sure a gif isn't like a hypnotizing animation that forces you to look at it until you close the page.
what if the gif has inappropriate content that quickly flashes on the gif??

highlight and down arrow to see all of it
this is joe: joe is protecc and this is frank (A-156 or RD-156): frank likes signatures for breakfast, HE EATS oh noes! your signature was eaten by frank! img]https://cdn2.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/881644940_100x80.png[/img copy this (add back the ['s) to have frank eat your signature!

(:>::#bb88f6) //jerry says hi

set [ v] to (:>::#bb88f6)//jerry block

:>::#bb88f6 hat
:> [#aa77e5]::#bb88f6
:> (:>::#bb88f6 boolean){
:> ( :> v) (:>::#bb88a1 stack) @addInput ::#bb88f6
:> ::#bb88f6 cap
} :> (:>::#bb88f6) ::#bb88f6
:> [:> v] ::#bb88f6 cap
::#bb88f6 boolean

1000+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

mcsquaggle wrote:

Gamer_Logan819 wrote:

Just ignore the gif. Scratch shouldn't make an entirely new feature for a small group of people who refuse to not look at gifs. I understand the sensory issues, but even then with sensory issues I'm sure a gif isn't like a hypnotizing animation that forces you to look at it until you close the page.
what if the gif has inappropriate content that quickly flashes on the gif??
Report it. People with gifs off aren't the only ones looking at gifs, you know.

Over the years, I've outgrown this website, so this is a mostly inactive account. I might come back from time to time to mess around, but don't count on it. Bye.
500+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

mcsquaggle wrote:

Gamer_Logan819 wrote:

Just ignore the gif. Scratch shouldn't make an entirely new feature for a small group of people who refuse to not look at gifs. I understand the sensory issues, but even then with sensory issues I'm sure a gif isn't like a hypnotizing animation that forces you to look at it until you close the page.
what if the gif has inappropriate content that quickly flashes on the gif??
than report it gifs are fine usually

Does anyone have Garlic? Because I need to ward those pesky Kumquats away.
Be high contrast
Luckiest Person On Scratch™
Forumer/ Former Griffpatcher
Griffpatch wrote:
Hello Fellow Scratchers! Im Griffpatch!


you wasted your time looking at my signature.

I really dislike the word ‘pog’ I don't know why…


I got like 100 posts a day when I started foruming

You have reached the end of my signature now I promise you their is no more…



@RickAstley (Never Gonna give you up)
Ask to be on the above list on my profile comments
100+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

mcsquaggle wrote:

what if the gif has inappropriate content that quickly flashes on the gif??

That's not really the point of this suggestion, but as @sowut123 said if there are GIFs with inappropriate content they should be reported just like any other static image.

ImmortalJelly13 wrote:

than report it gifs are fine usually

In my opinion, no. If what you mean is that GIFs don't usually contain inappropriate content, you are correct. However, the point of this suggestion is not about the content of moving images, but rather that the existence of any un-pauseable animated images is an accessibility problem for many users, and therefore not “fine usually”, because the animated-ness itself is the issue.

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Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

when this forum topic needs more discussion:: events hat
if <<no posts in 24 hours:: operators> and <not on front page:: operators>> then
bump:: motion

Hi everyone! I'm not very active on the forums, but head to my profile if you'd like to chat.

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Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails


Hi everyone! I'm not very active on the forums, but head to my profile if you'd like to chat.

Add your thoughts to this suggestion if you'd like to see the Scratch website become more accessible!
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

Tris_das_Einhorn wrote:

I'd love to hear what you think of this idea! Since the purple-ification of the site was entirely to help mitigate some accessibility issues, I really want to bring the GIF problem to the Scratch Team's attention too.

What are your thoughts, everyone?
Thoughts of mine:
1) The only websites I can think of on the top of my head that has options to not animate GIFs are the cannot-name-them-due-to-Community-Guidelines social media/networking sites that implement video-like controls on them. It's not an unreasonable request to ask to have GIFs to not animate except on request, but that might be a lot to ask (especially with the recent layoffs; a good chunk of the Engineering staff is gone ). The same can be said for asking the same of other websites that might not have enough engineering staff power. I think a smarter approach to this particular accessibility issue to push your browser makers to add an easily-accessible setting to easily disable animated GIFs/PNGs/SVGs. Vivaldi already has settings for that. Microsoft Internet Explorer used to have it, but for some reason, it's not included in its successor, Microsoft Edge. Clearly the browser technology already exists and it makes more sense to push browser makers to add it in.

2) How open would users be to not allow GIFs uploads entirely anymore? It's the cheaper/easier option instead of coding to disable the animation.

Sadly, my forum signature was eaten by an evil kumquat.
1000+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

cheddargirl wrote:

2) How open would users be to not allow GIFs uploads entirely anymore? It's the cheaper/easier option instead of coding to disable the animation.
Man the lay off occuring must've been a pain :(
EDIT2: I misread this and thought it was optional, either way I think that is also a good solution although it might annoy alot of people, maybe that could also be temporal until theres funds? Also, apologies for misreading this part — Either way I think it can be a good solution, backlash might be gigantic but it could also just be temporary if the funds can be met (or atleast believed to be achievable) anytime. Then again I still think it can be a good solution (even if I can no longer use a few GIFs for a PFP I never really minded it)

Honestly I think disabling might be better but there should probably be something to signify “hey tis a gif but you disabled” — Maybe some text above the user's profile image incase the user wants to see it (without requiring to enable it back on)? I'll try making a mock up, hold on.

EDIT: Alrighty, so I went inspect element but remembered I have no idea what I'm doing lol
so uh I got MS paint for the arial font

i cant fit it without the text quality going 77p and forgot arial isnt even the font lol
i tried atleast, but it could be below or next to the profile image (I probably wont make a mockup for the forums since I honestly don't know if DjangoBB even lets that be editable by itself without other stuff)

Last edited by Zydrolic (Aug. 25, 2023 08:25:42)

Matthew 7;12, Psalm 37:13 & Genesis 3:19
(old signature is below)

SDS Helper reqs should be upped - Show/hide via context menu - Revise “ask the community” - Browser not supported - Empty comment contrast
a bit of trolling (i asked before putting it here) - tamaNOTchi - I'm back to this account, I guess - notebook - bo burnham is awesome
- Internetometer

stop posting about kumquats, im tired of seeing it, my friend comments saying “oh hey your post was eaten by a kumquat” STOP a kumquat is freaking fruit just eat it utp ojtishglkmkjhgaoeimrlV,5KU9MOIL3K5GP,Ő AHTAHGTARET SOTP positing ABJTOUT IT (parody & sarcasm)

bad joke:

Most of this is now going to become a meme storage.

thank you ajskateboarder

* But nobody came.
100+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

Ooh a Scratch Team member response, thank you!

cheddargirl wrote:

1) The only websites I can think of on the top of my head that has options to not animate GIFs are the cannot-name-them-due-to-Community-Guidelines social media/networking sites that implement video-like controls on them. It's not an unreasonable request to ask to have GIFs to not animate except on request, but that might be a lot to ask (especially with the recent layoffs; a good chunk of the Engineering staff is gone ). The same can be said for asking the same of other websites that might not have enough engineering staff power. I think a smarter approach to this particular accessibility issue to push your browser makers to add an easily-accessible setting to easily disable animated GIFs/PNGs/SVGs.

I'm not on any social media, but the thing that inspired this suggestion was a browser-based game I play with a number of animated images. There's an option in account settings to disable animations on the entire site, and if you hover over an image that should be animated you get a little pop-up notification that says something to the effect of “you have turned off animations on your account - to reactivate them please go to account settings”.

However, I can appreciate that such a feature might not at all be feasible - especially with the layoffs you mentioned

I hear your point about pushing browser makers for better accessibility features, but the sad reality is that many of them don't currently support it and change is a very slow process. The same goes for mobile users, I think (I'll admit to being a little tech-illiterate in that area, though).

I like @Zydrolic ‘s mockup but honestly I think it wouldn’t even need to be that sophisticated, the bare minimum for a toggle would suit me (and hopefully others) just fine. Or-

cheddargirl wrote:

2) How open would users be to not allow GIFs uploads entirely anymore? It's the cheaper/easier option instead of coding to disable the animation.

Well, I'd really like that, because I don't think that .GIFs are in any way necessary to the functionality of the site, but I imagine quite a few users would be annoyed. (But then wouldn't it be a similar scenario to the purple update - everyone is upset when the change is first made but then after a few weeks we're all used to it?)

According to others' responses to this suggestion .webp files can also be animated, so they would probably need to be disallowed as well.

Oops, my response got really long I'm super interested though to hear any other opinions on how this could work, especially on a low budget from the development end.

Hi everyone! I'm not very active on the forums, but head to my profile if you'd like to chat.

Add your thoughts to this suggestion if you'd like to see the Scratch website become more accessible!
100+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

Zydrolic wrote:

cheddargirl wrote:

2) How open would users be to not allow GIFs uploads entirely anymore? It's the cheaper/easier option instead of coding to disable the animation.
EDIT2: I misread this and thought it was optional, either way I think that is also a good solution although it might annoy alot of people, maybe that could also be temporal until theres funds? Also, apologies for misreading this part — Either way I think it can be a good solution, backlash might be gigantic but it could also just be temporary if the funds can be met (or atleast believed to be achievable) anytime.

Just saw your edit and yeah honestly I think this could be a workable solution, to remove GIFs entirely for now but to reassure the community that it would be temporary until the ST get the resources to make a toggle.

Hi everyone! I'm not very active on the forums, but head to my profile if you'd like to chat.

Add your thoughts to this suggestion if you'd like to see the Scratch website become more accessible!
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Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

Tris_das_Einhorn wrote:

Just saw your edit and yeah honestly I think this could be a workable solution, to remove GIFs entirely for now but to reassure the community that it would be temporary until the ST get the resources to make a toggle.
EDIT: Tl;dr : Let's leave it to ST to decide if its temporal tbh, they know their limit better than we do. Apologies if im negative here but it really should just be their decision now that I think about it.

I honestly never thought of GiFs as neccesary much, plus it really just depends if its even affordable without it costing too much.

Suffice to say I was really subjective, but we can just let ST to decide considering they know their limits alot better than we do.

Temporary or not it should be their decision.

Yeah my point of view changed but this is only since I'd been thinking over it for an entire bus ride — I think we should save them the budget to just cut GIF support.

They could make it temporal until funds are met but ST knows their budget and limit better, as much as I am in support of temporal removal — It really just depends on if their budget will ever even get to that point, so I think it should just be considered as a possibility.

Apologies if I am being negative here, it's just that I'd been thinking about this and my view on it is half-half now.
Also im on a bus currently so apologies for my grammar and wording here

Last edited by Zydrolic (Aug. 27, 2023 11:35:33)

Matthew 7;12, Psalm 37:13 & Genesis 3:19
(old signature is below)

SDS Helper reqs should be upped - Show/hide via context menu - Revise “ask the community” - Browser not supported - Empty comment contrast
a bit of trolling (i asked before putting it here) - tamaNOTchi - I'm back to this account, I guess - notebook - bo burnham is awesome
- Internetometer

stop posting about kumquats, im tired of seeing it, my friend comments saying “oh hey your post was eaten by a kumquat” STOP a kumquat is freaking fruit just eat it utp ojtishglkmkjhgaoeimrlV,5KU9MOIL3K5GP,Ő AHTAHGTARET SOTP positing ABJTOUT IT (parody & sarcasm)

bad joke:

Most of this is now going to become a meme storage.

thank you ajskateboarder

* But nobody came.
500+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

MASSIVE support, this would really help quite a few people!

My Stuff

Old Account: @Popjam12
100+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

Zydrolic wrote:


Temporary or not it should be their decision.

Yeah my point of view changed but this is only since I'd been thinking over it for an entire bus ride — I think we should save them the budget to just cut GIF support.

So just to clarify, you're in support of removing the GIF functionality altogether? As in the ST would just announce it like they're removing it permanently - and then if it were to come back in future it would be completely up to them? Honestly I think that would be great but I wasn't sure if that's what you meant.

Thanks for giving my suggestion brain-space for an entire bus ride lol, also no need to apologise, any constructive discussion is good

Hi everyone! I'm not very active on the forums, but head to my profile if you'd like to chat.

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Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

Tris_das_Einhorn wrote:

I'm trying to say that I personally have support for all three (permanent removal/temp removal/option), but I think removing GIFs altogether might just be a better idea to help out their budget (temporarily or permanently — Whichever the ST finds fit).

Although permanent removal might be controversial since alot of PFP trends people follow are mostly GIFs (edit: atleast the trends cited in the Scratch Wiki), it might be a better idea to just make it temporal (until budget is met if possible) because of it, although it really depends on how hefty the price is to make it optional and whatnot considering it could be removed easier (i dont like assuming) temporarily or permanently.

Last edited by Zydrolic (Aug. 28, 2023 07:22:22)

Matthew 7;12, Psalm 37:13 & Genesis 3:19
(old signature is below)

SDS Helper reqs should be upped - Show/hide via context menu - Revise “ask the community” - Browser not supported - Empty comment contrast
a bit of trolling (i asked before putting it here) - tamaNOTchi - I'm back to this account, I guess - notebook - bo burnham is awesome
- Internetometer

stop posting about kumquats, im tired of seeing it, my friend comments saying “oh hey your post was eaten by a kumquat” STOP a kumquat is freaking fruit just eat it utp ojtishglkmkjhgaoeimrlV,5KU9MOIL3K5GP,Ő AHTAHGTARET SOTP positing ABJTOUT IT (parody & sarcasm)

bad joke:

Most of this is now going to become a meme storage.

thank you ajskateboarder

* But nobody came.
100+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

Zydrolic wrote:

I'm trying to say that I personally have support for all three (permanent removal/temp removal/option), but I think removing GIFs altogether might just be a better idea to help out their budget (temporarily or permanently — Whichever the ST finds fit).

Ah ok, thanks for clarifying!

I think any of those three solutions (mostly depending on ST budget and community upset) would be better than the way it is now. Maybe I should edit the header post to clarify/include those as options?

Hi everyone! I'm not very active on the forums, but head to my profile if you'd like to chat.

Add your thoughts to this suggestion if you'd like to see the Scratch website become more accessible!
1000+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

Tris_das_Einhorn wrote:

Maybe I should edit the header post to clarify/include those as options?
I don't know honestly

Matthew 7;12, Psalm 37:13 & Genesis 3:19
(old signature is below)

SDS Helper reqs should be upped - Show/hide via context menu - Revise “ask the community” - Browser not supported - Empty comment contrast
a bit of trolling (i asked before putting it here) - tamaNOTchi - I'm back to this account, I guess - notebook - bo burnham is awesome
- Internetometer

stop posting about kumquats, im tired of seeing it, my friend comments saying “oh hey your post was eaten by a kumquat” STOP a kumquat is freaking fruit just eat it utp ojtishglkmkjhgaoeimrlV,5KU9MOIL3K5GP,Ő AHTAHGTARET SOTP positing ABJTOUT IT (parody & sarcasm)

bad joke:

Most of this is now going to become a meme storage.

thank you ajskateboarder

* But nobody came.
100+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails

Zydrolic wrote:

Tris_das_Einhorn wrote:

Maybe I should edit the header post to clarify/include those as options?
I don't know honestly

I did change it as I think it might be useful for some people to consider that there are options.

Hi everyone! I'm not very active on the forums, but head to my profile if you'd like to chat.

Add your thoughts to this suggestion if you'd like to see the Scratch website become more accessible!
100+ posts

Accessibility Option for PFPs and Thumbnails


Hi everyone! I'm not very active on the forums, but head to my profile if you'd like to chat.

Add your thoughts to this suggestion if you'd like to see the Scratch website become more accessible!

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