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8 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

╔═════ ∘◦ ⛧ミ ◦∘ ══════╗

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ velvet n. columbine presents…
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ “a modernization of
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ tragedy”

╚═════ ∘◦ ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═════╝

i don't like flowers,, i hate
to see pretty things wilt

flowers wilted:: 2050


⇌ table of contents ⇌
ㅤㅤi. poppies (dailies)
ㅤㅤii. belladonas (weeklies)
ㅤㅤiii. foxgloves (cabin wars)
ㅤㅤiii. wilted orchids (other)



✿ day one - link - 570 words
✿ day two - link - 359 words
✿ day three - link - n/a
✿ day four - did not complete
✿ day five - link - 549 words
✿ day six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen - did not compete (vacation)
✿ day fifteen - link - word count



✿ week one:: silent comic strips - link to my work
✿ week two::
✿ week three::



✿ cabin war one::


wilted orchids::

✿ research on modernizing tragedies:: 572 words

Last edited by hyacinthe_ (July 15, 2023 16:25:17)

certified silly
17 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Aaaaand we're back! Hey guys, Minecrafter here, new SWC megathread post!


1: {Describe yourself as an ice cream sundae} I think I would be a raspberry sorbet with gummy worm toppings, plus a dark chocolate drizzle, for two reasons (or three we'll see). One, the taste is an even balance of sweet, sour and bitter, depending on where you get the ice cream from and the level of sour of the gummies, chocolate, so on, and that's kinda my personality XD I can switch moods real quick. Second, I'm allergic to dairy, so I can only have sorbet (I believe fruit-based) ice cream and dark chocolate.

87 Words

QotD: {Introduce yourself to the cabin!} Ahem anyways, hey everyone! I'm Minecrafter, but you can call me Mines. This'll be my third time in SWC and I'm really excited to meet you all (maybe even again)! I love to write, obviously, read, draw and animate, role-play, play video games, and lots more. I hope I can grow lots more, not only in my writing but in many other areas. Again, I'm really excited to meet you all, until then, Minecrafter signing out!

76 Words

2: {Use 5 random words from another camper as a prompt}

From @–pxppy-asthetics– : Spy, heir, masks, cloaks, king

The Bloodstained Crown

The spy raced through the shadows of the alleyway, trying to make it to the meeting place. His boots hit the cobbled street and he nearly ran into a passing horse. He looked around, tugging his hood over his messy brown hair and continuing on down the path. He weaved past merchants and townspeople, past storefronts and stalls. Up on the hill overlooking the city, he saw the keep. The keep where the ruler cowered behind guards and stone walls. The thought of it made him scowl. He eventually found a brick wall. He looked around, checking for anyone who might see him, then, pressed three specific bricks. A secret passageway opened and he ducked in, the door closing behind him. The passageway suddenly was alight with the flames of the torches upon the walls. He sped through, eventually finding a barred door. He knocked a beat on the door and a panel opened above him.
“Who goes there?” A voice, deep and gravely, spoke.
“The man of the shadows, from the mist of the abyss, one who wishes the white horse’s rider to strike the keep,” he spoke, saying the code phrase to identify himself.
The door swung open and he entered, pulling off his hood. There were eleven others seated around a table carved from logs. He sat in the empty chair, carved into the back was the name: “Kháos,” a name taken from Roman and Greek mythology. Each of the seats had some code name engraved into them, and the man who had spoken to him at the door sat in the one labeled, “Princeps.” The man, with a rough beard and cold gaze, pushed a scroll into the middle of the table.
“Do any of you know what this is?” He asked. They all shook their heads.
“It’s an invitation, sent out to the nobility of the kingdom.”
One of the braver agents, a man who’s label was, “Iago,” took the scroll and read.
“What does it say?” One of the younger members, the one named “Mercury,” asked.
“High King Endaras is inviting the nobles to a masquerade in the palace. IN the palace!” Iago shouted in delight. “This is our chance to finally put Princ in control!”
Princeps smiled and said, “Good, you caught on quickly.”
He leaned in towards the table so no one had an excuse to have not heard him.
“We leave tonight. You should all get proper attire in the meantime. Masks, cloaks, the like. Janus, forge the invitation for each person here.”
Janus, a lanky fellow with hollow eyes and a pale complexion, nodded and began studying the scroll’s writing.
“Everyone will be in groups and we’ll arrive at the palace separately so we don’t draw suspicions.”
“How’ll we get that bloody coward of a king off of the throne?” A younger member, labeled “Theseus,” commented, leaning his chair back.
“You’ll see. By sunrise, the king shall be dead and I, the true heir, shall be upon the throne!”
The table cheered as Princeps’ scarred lips curled into a malicious smile.

522 Words

QotD: {IWhat's your favorite word and why?} I've never thought about a favorite word, but I think I really like the word sorcerer. The definition is a practitioner of magic, and I like it because it sounds a bit more interesting than the common term: Wizard. I also like it because one of my favorite Marvel characters is Doctor Strange, the SORCERER Supreme, and I really like the style of magic they use. Another reason, D&D.
One of my first characters that I made for roleplaying and for the game was a dark sorcerer who i've really grown attached to. The way I can describe his uses of magic (and my frequent translation of english words into latin using google translate XD) and it not being bound by just using a staff or wand or book helps me a lot with just improvisation or coming up with descriptions. besides, who doesn't enjoy the word “Sorcerer”, it just sounds so epic

153 Words



2:{Weekly 2: The Critiquely}

Part 1: Writing a Workshop

Workshop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7374367/
976 Words

Part 2: Learning and Applying

Workshop I read: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7373993/
Plot twists by @Delta_doodles
Credit to my friend (i think his username is @the_realalien) for the original plot of the story I'm about to show you


The five stood in the tent. Aleco stood, hovering over a map as the others discussed around him. He looked down at his right hand, staring down at where his pinky finger should have been. That first battle, where so many of his comrades had been lost, all the death, the suffering, the pain, it had led to this. The final siege. The siege of Yearngrev Citadel. He came out of his trance when he felt the tapping on his shoulder. He turned, seeing Akira’s face. She’d been so worn now she almost looked unrecognizable. But Aleco could still recognize her voice anywhere.
“Are you ok, Aleco?” Her eyebrows lowered in concern, looking him over.
“It would be lying to say I’m fine,” he gave a half-hearted laugh and looked up. They were all looking at him now, they had come to a decision. All except Elias, who was averting his eyes and looking out the tent.
“So, what’s the plan, General?” Santiago asked. Aleco gave a small smile, he’d caught the joke of using his formal title.
“We infiltrate through the back entrance,” he indicated a wall on the plans of the keep. “The wall’s practically been destroyed and they evacuated the city days ago, so it’ll be easy to slip in.”
“Yeah, and then we’ll take King Salen and end the war, easy!” Charlotte beamed, hopeful.
“No, not that easy,” Elias finally joined in the conversation, his face grim.
“There are still guards—here,” he pointed to one part of the keep,” here, here, and here.” He gestured to three more spots, one at the entrance to the royal court, one near the back entrance, and a general area by the dungeons.
“How do you know that?” Aleco raised an eyebrow, looking over Elias. He noticed Elias tense up and saw his brown eyes shifting, trying not to meet his gaze.
“I have my ways, remember you promised not to ask questions?” He reminded Aleco.
Aleco nodded, but inwardly he was mulling over what Elias was up to. How he’d been so distant ever since they’d entered Imperitan territory.
“Alright… I trust you,” Aleco turned back to the maps and plans.
“Then, Santiago and I will stay up front and Elias can fire arrows from behind, the ladies will stay behind us and watch our backs.”
They all nodded. Aleco looked up into the stormy battlefield, flashes from canons and fiery rocks being flung into the city, dust swirling. Aleco steeled himself, and the words slowly came out of him.
“Let’s end the war.”
(Sort of finished, this is like a very small plot twist, but unfinished because I planned for a bigger plot twist!)



Word Wars (writing on separate site):

1. Date: | Words: | Time: | Opponent: | Win or Loss: |

Extra Works (or Cabin Wars) for points (if proof is needed):

1. Prologue

The room shook as another explosion rang from outside. There were two boys and one girl, the younger boy held on to the other as there were more shouts from outside. The kid looked up at the woman preparing a bag. She ran over, handing the bags she’d made to the older boy and the girl.
“Alex, remember, get them to safety,” she said to the older one. He nodded.
“Watch over the boys, alright Tyler?” She said to the girl. Tyler nodded as well.
“B-but what about you, Mommy?” The younger one said, his eyes wide and glassy from the tears beginning to well into them.
“Don’t worry about me, Jude,” she knelt down and hugged Jude. “I’ll be safe, now go.”
Alex took Jude’s hand, his other holding the package of bags as they ran through the door. Tyler followed close behind. Jude took one last look at his mother, putting on armor and grabbing a bow from the wall before the door shut and they were off. The town was burning, black smoke obscuring their vision. Their footsteps crunched on the gravel as they ran. Suddenly there was a burst of flames from the house next to them and they were flung. Jude’s ears began to ring and he shut his eyes, trying to breathe. Through his blurry vision he saw burning debris scattered around him. He coughed out smoke and looked around, seeing Alex helping Tyler up. She was gripping her hand, which was burned. Alex grabbed Jude as they made a break for it. The fires roared in their ears as the armored zombies raiding the village clashed with the guards. A few Villagers ran past them, carrying emeralds and different items. Jude’s grip began to slip as he looked back, searching for his parents’ faces in the midst of the chaos.
“We have to go!” Alex yelled as he pulled him along.
“I’m sorry, but we have to go!” Alex’s voice broke and they ran through the gravel streets. Alex made it to a house, where they found three other kids. More of their friends. Tyler hugged one of them, and the boy in turn hugged her.
“I’m so glad you’re safe, Luke,” Tyler said as she pulled away. The boy opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by Alex quickly handing them the bags he’d been carrying as Jude looked back into the fire. As he was distracted, a zombie ran up and lunged. Alex quickly drew a dagger and threw the monster down the stairs, but it was enough to instill fear into the rest of them. Jude trembled and held on to Alex tighter. Alex motioned from them to follow and they ran for the village borders, but Jude was still trailing. He was only seven, after all. He didn’t know how to go on without his parents. He looked back once more, and only saw flames, and the smoke billowing into the night sky. Nothing more. He felt someone grab him, but the feeling was numbed by the overwhelming sense of fear and sadness washing over him. There would be nothing left. He’d lost his parents, he’d lost everything. Tears streaked down his face and he felt like he was going limp.
“Jude come on!” Jude finally came to his senses at Alex’s call. He wiped his face and kept going. He’d lost his parents, he couldn’t lose his only friends too. But as he was coming to that conclusion, a creeper appeared and began hissing, lighting up. Alex tackled him down and it exploded. Again, he felt he’d lost his ability to breathe air as he was swiftly pulled up.
“Titus? Josh!” Luke called. The two other boys came stumbling out of the smoke, covered in dirt after hitting the ground. Alex gathered them together and led them through the burning city. The walls of the city began to become taller as they reached the foot. They made it through a smoking hole in the village wall and made for the grassy hills. A lone oak tree with a statue stood on the crest of the hill. The oak tree where they had hung out in seasons past, now would be their refuge. As they passed the large roofed forest, Jude saw something in the midst of the shadowed trees. A pair of glowing white eyes. Before he could react, they disappeared, and they carried on. They made it to the oak tree and they all collapsed, some of them crying. Jude lay in the grass and felt himself slipping away. He felt the release of unconsciousness beginning to wash over him.
“Jude!” The call was distant, but he could hear it faintly. But he wanted so much to leave the horror that he’d witnessed.
“Jude!!” The call was coming closer, but he felt himself getting farther and farther from the scene of his hometown burning.

823 Words



Kaz muttered under his breath, rubbing the spot where the training orb had shot him.
“If I’d just moved…”
“But you didn’t, there’s the problem!” His master shouted out to him, the field beginning to reset. He was angry at himself, why hadn’t he moved the easily avoidable blaster fire? He was irritated by the fact that his perfect strategy, his foolproof strategy he’d worked out to ace the training in one go had utterly failed him. He’d worked out what might happen and even asked fellow padawans what they had experienced in the training, written it down, planned it down to the slightest move. Yet he’d failed? It was stupid!
“Hey, don’t beat yourself over it Kaz, you can go again!” Master Drystan smiled as he patted him on his shoulder. His neat robes creased from the gesture. Kaz shouldered his master’s hand off.
“I was supposed to ace it though! I could’ve gotten through in one try!” He complained.
“Winning’s not the point Kaz, it’s learning,” Drystan consoled him. This did the opposite effect and inflamed his temper even more.
“Oh yeah sure, it’s tootally that,” Kaz shot back sarcastically, “I learned soo much from that.”
“Did you?” Drystan asked. This gave Kaz pause. He had learned. A lot. But he refused to give Master Drystan the satisfaction of having undermined his plans.
“Not. A. Thing,” he spat, punctuating every word with a step closer. Drystan smirked.
“I can tell you’re lying,” he said. Kaz’s narrow eyes widened.
“Wh- but-”
“I’m a Jedi Master, Kaz, do you think I couldn’t sense it?”
Kaz let out a huff of exasperation. He wasn’t very well attuned to the emotional feeling side of the force, he didn’t think it was useful anyways.
“Fine, you’ve won, happy?” He glared at his master.
“I’ve won? No no no,” he chuckled, “this isn’t a battle, I’m just trying to make you see reason here.”
Kaz’s shoulders lowered, his hands dropping to his sides. He brushed the handle of his lightsaber. Just then, the blast door opened and they turned.
“Master Skywalker, Master Kenobi!” Kaz fixed his posture and stood next to his master.
“Nice to see you, Kaz,” Anakin shot him a half-smile.
“I don’t suppose you’ve gotten the message yet, Drystan?” Obi-Wan said, taking out his communication device.
“No, what’s going on?” His smile was fading, most unlike him. The device beeped and a hologram showed up. Blaster fire was going past a clone trooper in the gear of the 501st.
“This is a distress call to the Republic, we’ve been ambushed on Outpost Xulcara. We’re holding them back as long as we can, but there’s something wrong. They have a… new kind of weapon. If anyone reads this, send help and br- AHHHh-” The hologram showed the trooper being shot in the shoulder, then his helmet, dropping their comlink. The image flickered out.
“That doesn’t sound good,” Drystan remarked in a worried tone.
“It isn’t. Xulcara is a key outpost, and if the Separatists get their hands on it, we could lose control over vital systems in a matter of days,” Obi-Wan explained.
“Our forces are scattered at the moment, so you and your padawan have been tasked with leading the rescue team.”
Drystan glanced at Kaz, who met his gaze and nodded confidently.
“We’re ready for whatever is to come,” Drystan said, turning back to them.
“Good, your men are ready, stay safe,” Obi-Wan and Anakin took their leave and Drystan turned back to Kaz.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this? This is your first serious mission.”
“I’ve been ready, Master.”
Drystan smiled.
“Good, let’s go.”

606 Words


There we go, hoping to finish my goals this session! Minecrafter, signing out!

LAST EDITED (note this may not be updated every time I actually edit): (7/11/23)

Last edited by Minecrafter13529 (July 13, 2023 16:23:45)

Now where was that diamond vein…
Oh hi! I'm Minecrafter, but you can call me Miney!
Oh, you wanna have a chat? Well, currently busy right now but…
Well if you want to know stuff about me, check my profile, anyways got to go- erm-
*sounds of moaning and the clanking of bones and armor*
500+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Iri's Writing Journal ◎ SWC July ‘23 ◎ Dystopianftw!!!

◎ Word Count 70,773/70k ◎
Updated :: July 31st

◎ Dailies ◎

July 01 :: Title of Story :: If I Were an Ice-cream Sundae…

Okay, so I would be Cookie's N' Cream ice cream and I would only be one scoop. I am pretty basic and I am an introvert, and I am a little bit shorter than average. Even though I don't like it, I would have whipped cream and a cherry on top because I am a perfectionist and I love to be organized and tidy, so I would also be in a glass bowl. (Words :: 73)

July 02 :: Title of Story :: Five Random Words
My words claimed :: space, pluto, unreachable, lost, wander.

Title of Story :: Space Charms; A Cereal

Mel styled her wavy strawberry blond hair into a high ponytail, which faded into a pretty shade of light teal on the tips and twirled into basically one single ringlet with the occasional curl up of one strand of hair. She tightened a green plaid scrunchie around her hair, and tied her pink converse chucks before she walked out of the door. She walked into the living room and sat on a chair seated in front of an island. She grabbed a box of cereal that was sitting on the marble counter, and poured it into a glass bowl. The cereal box was covered in stars and seemed to replicate space. It had Pluto on the cover and several lost asteroids drifting away from the planet. Mel set the cereal box back onto the counter in front of her, and began to pick out the tiny marshmallows with her fingers because she felt too lazy to get some milk out of the fridge. It was just too unreachable for her, considering how far away it was.

A little girl came running toward her and snatched the cereal box off of the marbled counter. “Hi, Mel!” She exclaimed.

Mel smiled lightly. “Hey, Tiffany.” She said. Tiffany was Mel's little sister. She was nearing her twelfth birthday, and Mel just had her sixteenth birthday a few days ago. “Are you going to hangout with your friends?” Mel asked.

Tiffany nodded with a happy smile as she poured milk into her cereal. “Yup. Hannah and I are even going to have a slumber party tomorrow night.” She said, obviously excited, and Mel was happy that her sister had made a friend.

“Oh, that's so cool, Tiff! Give Hannah a hug for me, will you?” Mel asked with a smile.

Tiffany smiled again. “Yeah! I definitely will. And wait-what will you be doing?” She asked her sister.

Mel smirked. “I'm going to wander the Shimmering Forest near grandma's cottage.” (Words :: 325)

July 03 : Truth or Dare! :: I chatted with @YorkiesAreAmazing123 And here is the thread link for proof ::

My Truth or Dare Chat
(Words :: W.I.P.)

July 05 : Title of Story :: Burt's Bees Tropical Pineapple Smoothie

Have you ever heard of a Burt's Bees Tropical Pineapple smoothie? Probably not, right? That's because I made it up completely with my own imagination. The first sip of this smoothie is incredibly sweet, in an overwhelming sort of way. But when you take the final sip, you realize that it tastes exactly like pineapple, and you just keep on wanting more of it. And the good thing about this smoothie is that you can drink as much of it as you want with little side effects.

This smoothie is also made with beeswax, so you should probably check for allergies in case you can't have anything related to bees. Inside this moisturizing lip balm flavored smoothie, you will find comfort and happiness throughout your entire day. One sip of this smoothie, and you're trapped inside a spinning pale yellow vortex again and again and again until you fall asleep. And you go back wanting more of it the next day.

Luckily, the only side effect is that you keep coming back for it. And other than that, the rest is up to you, which can be both a good thing, or a bad thing, depending on what kind of person you are. (Words :: 203)

July 06 : Can't do (vacation!)

July 13 ::
Flowers used :: Carnation - fascination, Rhododendron - danger. Sunflower - adoration
Note: This is a continuation from daily #2. Read daily #2, then this. If not, then you will be completely lost.

Title of Story :: Rhododendron flowers aren't real!

Mel waited for Tiffany to say something, but her little sister just stared at her with wide eyes. She couldn't tell if they were of admiration, for being so brave to go into a forest that everyone seems to love avoiding, or if she was completely terrified of the thought and couldn't say anything at all from the shock. “Hey, Tiff, you okay? You kind of spaced out there.” Mel pointed out.

Tiffany snapped out of the trance and shook her head at Mel. “Mel you can't go into the Shimmering Forest. It's dangerous you know that!!!” She yelled.

Mel rolled her eyes playfully. “Oh come on, Tiff. Those rumors are just there to scare away little children like you.” She said.

“But then why would they make them up if it weren't real?!” Tiffany asked.

“Because-because-” Mel paused, as she was trying to figure out a reasonable explanation. “Well, are Fairies, Unicorns and Dragons real?” She countered.

Tiffany paused. “Don't try to pretend that the Shimming Forest isn't dangerous. You've heard about what the Rhododendron flowers can do to you.”

“Oh, please. They aren't real, Tiff. The only types of flowers that could put the simplest ‘spell’ on you-if you even want to call it that-are the Carnations and Sunflowers.”

“Okay, sure the Carnations are fascinating, and the Sunflowers are completely worthy of our admiration, the Rhododendron flowers are dangerous!”

“Wait-do you seriously believe that dumb story grandma told us about when we were tiny little toddlers? I can't believe you're actually falling for that!” Mel said.

“Whatever-just…just go explore that forest and see if I'm wrong. But if I'm right, however, then you will definitely scream for help as soon as your eyes meet those Rhododendron flowers. Got it, Mel?” Tiffany warned.

Mel watched Tiffany closely. Part of her wanted to explore the forest just to make her sister mad. *But what if she was right? Was that forest really dangerous? Can I really become trapped inside that forest and be begging for help? No way. There's no way one flower can do that to someone. Especially me.* “You know what, Tiff? I'm gonna explore that forest whether you like it or not. I'm not going to be crying for help because I'm not a little scaredy cat unlike yourself.” She snapped.

Tiffany scoffed. “Fine, then. Go. Do whatever you want. I'm not Mama and I can't tell you what you should and shouldn't do with your life.” (Words :: 410)

July 14 :: Original Lyrics :: Holding to the thought of another time. (Zero, Imagine Dragons)
Prompt :: But that's an idea for another time I waited impatiently

Note: This is a continuation from Weekly #1, and my first word war. Read part 2 of the 1st weekly, then the word war, then this. If not, then you will be completely lost.

Title of story :: Just…don't talk to me

Hunter could still feel his father's eyes staring at him as he ate, but he still looked down, because if he looked back up, he would definitely be forced to say /something./ Anything, but he didn't feel like speaking to anyone, so he kept quiet and ate his pizza in peace…at least only for a few seconds, because Alexander started talking nonstop about some random boring science test that he had to take tomorrow. Hunter rolled his eyes, but didn't notice it, which made Alexander glance over at him.

“I saw that, Hunter! And you cannot roll your eyes at me! It's a very hard test. Mr. Featherstone said it'll be one of our hardest tests yet, and he also said that if you didn't have anxiety butterflies in your stomach, then you were most likely going to fail. You heard that?! Fail!”

Hunter rolled his eyes again, this time on purpose. “It's /that/ hard?” He said disapprovingly.

Alexander nodded his head rapidly. “Yes! Did you not just hear me?! Father-you heard me, right?” He asked.

Their father nodded slowly. “Yes, Alex. I did. But that's an idea for another time, all right?”

Alexander huffed and slumped his chair. “But-”

“No buts, Alex. Finish your pizza, then get ready for bed, all right? It's been a long day. Your mother is running late, so you won't be able to see her until tomorrow morning, but she's trusting me to make sure you guys are in bed on time.” Their father demanded.

Hunter chuckled sarcastically, then quickly covered his mouth with one of his hands as his father glared at him. Alexander gave him the side-eye, but stayed silent.

“Was there something funny about that, Hunter?” Their father asked.

Hunter shook his head. “No…” He lied.

“If there was something funny about what I said, then I missed it and would love if you'd explain it to me, son.” His father demanded.

“We're not babies.” Hunter finally said.

“Yes. I know that. What's your point?” His father asked, started to get rather annoyed.

“There's no bedtime. Hunter responded.

”Hunter, please speak in complete sentences. Speaking with three words is absolutely ridiculous. No one can go their whole life speaking in incomplete sentences like that.“

Hunter smirked. ”I can.“ He said.

Alexander suppressed a giggle.

Their father let out a heavy sigh. ”Just get ready for bed. /Without another word./"

Hunter rolled his eyes and stood up, then walked off into his bedroom. (Words :: 411)

July 17 :: Emoji used :: Green plant with clouds and skull faces from the Scratch project.
Note: This is a continuation from daily #2 and daily #13. Read daily #2, daily #13, then this. If not, then you will be completely lost.

Title of Story :: Skull-Faced Delusions

Mel shook her head as she snatched a Granny Smith Apple from a delicate woven basket on the marbled counter. “Fine. I'm going. And you can't stop me.” She said, as she grabbed her bag and threw it over her shoulder and walked to the door.

“Hey, be careful with that basket, Mel.” Tiffany warned.

“Whatever. The basket's not yours.” Mel snapped, before she stormed outside the door without saying another word to her sister. She ate her apple in complete peace, knowing that her sister wouldn't rush after her to try to convince her to come back home. “What was so dangerous about that forest that Tiffany's so scared of? Everything ever mentioned about that forest is a myth.” She quietly muttered to herself. She sighed heavily as she made her way to her grandmother's cottage; which surprisingly wasn't too far away from Mel and Tiffany's house. It was only a two minute walk, which made the forest behind their grandmother's cottage only a 10 minute walk from their house. Mel stopped calculating how long it would take for her to get to the forest when she spotted a strange looking plant that seemed to appear right in front of her feet.

The peculiar plant was green like an ordinary plant, but the strange thing about it was that instead of flowers, there were tiny little fluffy white clouds growing off of it. That wasn't even the strangest thing about this plant. What made Mel's curiosity drawn to this plant was that there were tiny gray skull faces resting in the small clouds. “What a strange plant.” Mel said to herself. She unzipped her bag and pulled out a mini camera to take a picture of the distorted plant. She couldn't even begin to try to name the flower because there were so many options to choose from. “Skullclouds, Whiteskullls, Skullfluffs. Fluffyskulls…” She began to name them outloud, but ended up laughing at herself during the naming process. “This is ridiculous, Mel. You're just being delusional. Those aren't actual skull faces. Just. Look. Away…” She tried to distract herself from the plant, but her eyes kept on gazing back toward the plant. She kept on wanting to find a name for them. Then a name finally came to her that satisfied her. “Skull-Faced.” Mel said, with a proud tone in her voice. “They're called Skull-Faced Delusions. Yes. That's perfect!” Mel smiled down at the plant that she couldn't seem to keep her eyes off of. (Words :: 416)

◎ Weeklies ◎

Weekly 01 ::

Part 1 ~ The image I decided to choose was the Enoki mushroom reading a book against a tree. So, basically, what's happening is that the two tiny mushrooms sitting on a root are watching the bigger mushroom read. And perhaps, the bigger mushroom is reading to the smaller ones, but we just cannot see that because in this picture, the bigger mushroom is smiling down at the smaller ones. I assume that if this was a fantasy world, and we were just given a picture showing us what the mushrooms did in their lives, I would guess that they have done this before, and several times, in fact. This is because from what I can see, the book in the bigger mushroom's hands is opened to the middle of the book, so one could assume that the mushroom has been reading this book for a quite a while now. It looks like that the book the bigger mushroom is reading is called the Enoki Tales. Enoki is a mushroom commonly known in Japan, so they would probably be reading about the facts of the mushrooms in their same species.

I believe that inside the background around them, is the Enoki's world in which they all live in together. Right now, we are just shown what the Enoki's are doing right now at this exact moment, being the fact that the bigger mushroom is reading to the other smaller mushrooms. i think that all of the mushrooms know each other, and maybe-as silly as it sounds-they are even family, and they have regular daily reading days by the tree or something like that. You can't really tell what all is happening around the world in a picture because you are just given a few things to imagine an entire world around. But this one was pretty easy because I actually didn't think about any of this before I had to write about it, and when I did, I was like-wow-this is interesting.
(Words :: 329)

Part 2 ~

Title of story :: A Rainy Windowsill

Hunter was sitting on the couch in the small wooden-floored living room with a sketchbook in his hands. He brushed his straight purple dyed bangs out of his stunning blue eyes as he sketched in his book. He sketched a drawing of a realistic-looking rainy windowsill. And for being in his early teens, he was actually not half bad at drawing. His room was covered in drawings and sketches for years and years ago all the way to this exact day. One could barely even see the cloud-blueish gray walls because of all the pictures either tapped, or pinned to his walls. But right now, he was enjoying his time bundled up in a black hoodie, drawing in his sketchbook, and sipping a cup of delicious tasting tea. He gave a mean glance at his brother who jumped onto the couch next to him.

“Whatcha drawing, Hunter?” His brother asked.

“Nothing.” Hunter replied. Hunter wasn't the one that was too fond of words. He would say three words at a time, and that's the most one could get out of him for the entire day. It wasn't the fact that he wasn't a people person, rather, he wasn't a word person. If he had another way to communicate with people, then he would. That's why he liked to draw. Drawing was a way for him to express his current mood without actually having to talk about it to someone.

His brother shook his head. “A rainy windowsill doesn't seem like nothing, Hunter.”

“Go away, Alexander.” Hunter said.

Alexander shook his head again. “Fine. I'll leave you and your grumpy little sketchbook alone. But you better not be grumpy at dinner. Dad's making his famous Italian style pizza.” He jumped off of the couch and walked into a room in a hallway behind the couch.

Hunter shook his head at his brother. /Why does he have to be so annoying all the time?/ He thought to himself.

“Hunter! Alexander! It's time for dinner.” Their father called out from the kitchen, which was right in front of the couch.

Hunter rolled his eyes as he closed his notebook. He grabbed his tea from the table beside the couch, and stood up to walk into the dining room. “Why'd you yell?” He asked his father.

“Because yelling gets everyone's attention.” His father said, which was true, because at that exact moment, Alexander ran to the dining room table and took a seat.

Hunter shrugged and sat down next to Alexander.

Their father placed a giant pan in the center of the table, and inside, was a homemade Italian style pizza. “Enjoy, kids.” (Words :: 439)

Part 3 ~

Prompt - She began to walk forward, crunch-crunch over the snow and through the wood towards the other light. In about ten minutes she reached it and found it was a lamp-post. As she stood looking at it, wondering why there was a lamp-post in the middle of a wood and wondering what to do next, she heard a pitter patter of feet coming towards her.

She quickly turned around when she heard the footsteps and was quite amazed at what she saw. A strange creature stood in front of her. It had a pair of hooves instead of feet, but his body was fully human. She tilted her head at it, curiously, wondering why a strange creature like him could ever be shirtless in this kind of cold weather. “My, my. Who might you be?” She asked.

The strange creature smiled at her warmly. “I'm a faun, dear child.” He said to her, in a kind voice.

She nodded and smiled lightly. “Nice to meet you, faun. Do you have a name I can call you? Calling you faun would simply be just too confusing for the other fauns in the woods.”

The faun smiled again. “You can call me Mr. Tumnus.” He replied.

She nodded again. “Okay. Thank you, Mr. Tumnus. Now, what might you be doing here, all alone in the woods?” She asked.

The faun slowly shook his head. “Do you see that lamp-post, child?” He asked, ignoring her question.

She sighed, and shook her head when he had completely ignored her question. “Yes, I do.” She said, after deciding that arguing with this faun probably wasn't a good idea, especially since she just met him a few moments ago.

“And do you know what's beyond that lamp-post?” Mr. Tumnus asked.

She shook her head. She was actually just wondering that herself, before she was interrupted by the peculiar faun.

He sighed. “Come with me, child.” He started walking in the direction where he had come from, simply just leaving her all alone again in the cold woods.

She let her curiosity chase after him. “Where are we going, Mr. Tumnus?” She asked.

He ignored her, and continued walking ahead of her. A few minutes later, a house with pretty lanterns appeared in sight.

“It's so pretty.” She said, in awe when the house came into view. “Is this where you live?” She asked him.

He nodded. “Indeed it is.” He said. He opened up the front door and held it open for her to walk inside.

“Why thank you.” She said.

He nodded once again and walked inside after her. “That lamp-post is . . .is basically the border between this world and Narnia.” He walked over to a little kitchenette. “Would you like some tea?”

“What's Narnia? And yes, please. Thank you.” She said.

“What's Narnia?” He repeated. “I think you should ask who's in Narnia.” (Words :: 414)

Part 4 ~ (Edited part 1 ^) So, what's happening is that the two tiny mushrooms sitting on a root are watching the bigger mushroom read. And perhaps, the bigger mushroom is reading to the smaller ones, but we just cannot see that because in this picture, the bigger mushroom is smiling down at the smaller ones. I assume that if this was a fantasy world, and we were just given a picture showing us what the mushrooms did in their lives, I would guess that they have done this before, and several times, in fact. This is because from what I can see, the book in the bigger mushroom's hands is opened to the middle of the book, so one could assume that the mushroom has been reading this book for a quite a while now. Having the bigger mushroom cast a shadow over the smaller ones represents how the bigger mushroom is older and more wise, therefore, it knows what to do, and is basically teaching the smaller ones the roots of living. And speaking of roots of living, the smaller mushrooms are indeed sitting on a small root while looking up to the bigger mushroom, much like little children would do to their parents. It looks like that the book the bigger mushroom is reading is called the Enoki Tales. Enoki is a mushroom commonly known in Japan, so they would probably be reading about the facts of the mushrooms in their same species.

I believe that inside the background around them, is the Enoki's world in which they all live in together. The symbolism of having two other smaller mushrooms in front of the bigger mushroom, is to show the meaning of how mushrooms symbolize death and rebirth. The bigger mushroom is reading the Enoki Tales to the smaller ones to most likely tell them the facts of what to do and what not to do in their world. i think that all of the mushrooms know each other, and maybe-as silly as it sounds-they are even family, and they have regular daily reading days by the tree or something like that. You can't really tell what all is happening around the world in a picture because you are just given a few things to imagine an entire world around. But this one was pretty easy because I actually didn't think about any of this before I had to write about it, and when I did, I was like-wow-this is interesting. (Words :: 408)

◎ Word Wars : ◎

Date :: 7/13/23 ( ) Competitor :: @violent-measures ( ) Minutes :: 5 ( ) (Words :: 210) ( ) Results :: Lost ( )

Note: This is a continuation from the 1st weekly. Read the 1st weekly, then this. If not, then you will be completely lost.

Title of story :: Smile All You Want

Hunter took a slice of the pizza and started to eat it quietly. He glanced around at the table when he realized that his brother and father were both being strangely quiet. He didn't know that either of them could be quiet for so long, but he actually appreciated it because that meant that no one was annoying. He smiled happily to himself as he ate his Italian-style pizza.

“Why are you so smiley, Hunter?” Alexander asked.

*Of course he had to ruin the silence. Why can't we go one meal without having a conversation?* He thought to himself, but then looked over at Alexander and grinned as wide as he could. “Because I can.” Hunter said.

Alexander rolled his eyes at Hunter. “Whatever. Smile all you want. I just get to tease you about it at school tomorrow.” He teased.

Hunter looked back at Alexander with a terrified expression on his face. “No. You can't.” He begged.

Their father started laughing hysterically. “Hunter, he doesn't even go to your school. remember? Why are you acting so traumatized over nothing?” He asked Hunter.

Alexander started laughing at that, which instantly made Hunter embarrassed. “Oh…right…” He said, quitely. He looked down and ate his pizza without another word or facial expression.

Date :: ?/??/??( ) Competitor :: ? ( ) Minutes :: ? ( ) (Words :: ???) ( ) Results :: Won/lost ? ( ) Title of story :: ?

◎ Writing Competition Entry(ies) ◎

The Good Old Days (Words :: 1,557)

◎ Extra Writing ◎

Title of Story :: 1k Word Intro!

So…where do I start? Introduction. Hi. I'm Iri. Just your basic introverted teenage girl with a pretty boring life, if you ask me. My life basically revolves around writing, reading, Taekwondo, work, and the occasional volunteering at my public library, then back to writing and it just goes around in a circle from there. Uhm-so what next? I am a complete grammar nocte, and I always make sure my grammar is correct while I'm writing, and I also criticize my little brother whenever he says something incorrectly. I'm currently reading 1, 2, 3…okay 6 books at a time right now, but I am only actively reading 2 which include Keeper of the Lost Cities book #5 (Lodestar), and The Land of Stories book #6 (Worlds Collide). Uhm-okay now I'm running out of ideas…hold on actually, I have an idea. So, in Taekwondo, I am now a Blue/Red belt as of June 15th, so I'm still at a fresh new belt. I've been doing Taekwondo for just around a month and a half over a year to be exact. I think I started at the end of May in 2021. I wanna say around May 24th? Anywho, I'm basically a total bookworm and an avid writer. The only times I ever get in trouble is because I am writing or reading when I'm supposed to have had my chores done, but my excuse has always been, “but I'm writing!”, or “I only have twenty minutes left until the next weekly comes out, and I'm not even done yet!” My bookshelf consists of one shelf being the home to the entire KOTLC series set, and another shelf homing the entire Wings of Fire set. Uhm…what else? Should I just rant about how I literally can't think of anything else to say when I'm only at 305 words? I should talk about how book obsessed I am right? That seems about write-oops. I mean wri-right. Haha. Sorry. Couldn't help myself. Anywho, back to my book-obsessed-self. So anytime I go on a trip, and I have to pack my bag, I literally bring 4 books /PLUS/ my kindle, so that's 4 books plus…well, infinity, I guess because I can find a lot of books on my kindle. But my kindle can d!3, and my books-fortunately-can't. And honestly, I'd rather have an actual book in my hands while I read because A), it doesn't hurt my eyes, and B), I just prefer to flip the pages. Tapping is /BORING/. Okay, so what now? I feel like I'm boring myself. And honestly, who's actually going to read this? I feel like I'm just writing down words to get to 1 thousand. So…sometimes I like to draw when I'm not doing any of the things I previously mentioned above. I have 3 entirely different sketchbooks for each of my different art styles. Can you believe it? 3 different art styles? Yup. It's true. And I even have a notebook specifically designated for my SWC dailies/weeklies in case I just can't write online at the time. *Checks word count*… 515?! I'm halfway through my intro, and I'm pretty sure I just explained my whole life in under 1 thousand words with the occasional ramble. Let's see-I can also talk about the fact that most nights I only get at least 7-8 hours of sleep instead of the recomended 9 hours because I watch a movie /while/ roleplaying. Yeah. I can multitask like that. Hehehe. What else? Oh, movies. I'll talk about those! My favorite movie/book/audiobook by far has to be Coraline by Neil Gaiman! I love the little creepy twists he added into the story to make The Otherworld so bizarre. Don't worry I won't give away any spoilers just in case someone might decide to read this whole thing and waste like-*checks reading time*-2 whole minutes. *Clears throat.* My other favorite movies in order after Coraline are Kubo and the Two Strings, The Little Prince, and the Spiderman Trilogy set (the original 2004 Tobey Maguire movies). Oh, and I also really lov3 the new Across The Superverse movies they just released! Uhm…my favorite color is Siege Green, and my favorite animal is an Otter. What else can I say about myself in 300 something words? Oh! I can talk about how this is my 1st, 2nd, 3rd…okay, 5th session of SWC on this account! My first account that I started doing SWC on is @Lady_Noir01. I ended up deleting the account because the username got a bit too boring for me, and I wanted to start fresh on a new account, so I started @Peachy_Rain, which sadly ended up getting bann3d. I was /also/ @Calypso_Camps for like-1 or 2 months, but deleted that account as well. Yeah. So, I've had like around 7 accounts including this one, my roleplay account, @Its_The_Future, the ones I previously mentioned, and other ones I don't even remember the names of. I could literally go on and on about how many previous Scratch accounts I've had, but then Scratch would probably get mad at me. So what else do I do in my free time except for writing or reading? I sit on my bed and pet my cat while he's sleeping because he doesn't mind it, and I lov3 cats! Also, at night, I like to watch shows on Netflix because I can't just lay in bed with nothing to do to because I literally just can't fall asleep without something to watch beforehand. So, basically to sum me up, I am a book-obsessed teenage girl, who writes 24/7, roleplays all day everyday, occasionally likes to draw in her free time while she's not petting her cat in a daydreamed world. Yes, I daydream a lot and I stare off into space when I do so, which concerns my parents. I think my life is pretty boring and basic, but I know that if I re-read this to myself, I would probably go back and think, ‘hey, my life actually isn’t as boring as I thought it was.' (Words :: 1,013)

◎ Overall Records ◎

Dailies completed :: 7

Weeklies completed :: 2

Writing Comp entry(ies) :: 1

Word wars won :: 0

Word wars lost :: 1

Total words written :: 70,773/70k!!!

Last edited by Iris_Galaxy (Aug. 1, 2023 14:45:16)

100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23


♡ hii, this is my (sophia's) thread for swc's july session! #folkloreftw ♡

total word count: 94/10k



○ july 1st ○

describe yourself as an ice cream sundae: Describing myself as ice cream would include the first flavor being neapolitan with tons of toppings including cherries and rainbow sprinkles. The second flavor would be a singular chocolate or vanilla. The neapolitan layer of ice cream represents the bubbly, creative, and artsy side of me. Meanwhile, the regular chocolate or vanilla (or both) layer would represent a more simple part of me, when I just want to relax and not think too much about things. As a finishing result, The ice cream would be topped off with caramel fudge because I like caramel.

july 2nd

○ july 3rd ○
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⎯⎯ ୨ week one ୧ ⎯⎯
⎯⎯ ୨ week two ୧ ⎯⎯
⎯⎯ ୨ week three ୧ ⎯⎯
⎯⎯ ୨ week four ୧ ⎯⎯


word wars


other writing

Last edited by SophIIsa (July 2, 2023 20:24:12)

“The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid.” - Atticus

hii! <3
. ⇢ sophia/sofi/sofa ˎˊ˗
╰┈➤ she/her ꕥ 12 y/o ꕥ art + writing ꕥ infp-t - - - - - - - - - - - - > ❝ have a great day! ❞
100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Alba's Thread

Day 1

As I’ve said, I’ve never done the 1k challenge… but here we are! We’ll see how this goes.

Hi. I’m Alba, and I’ve been a part of SWC in some shape or another since November 2019. In fact, this session officially marks my return to hosting after a year away :O I’m eighteen years old (aka basically bone dust at the bottom of a crypt) and I live in sunny sunny Scotland. I have a job™ part-time online, and yet still managed to spend more time trying to organise Daily Team this last month than actually working at work. My pronouns are she/her, my favourite animals are giraffes, and Technoblade never dies. And that’s about it, really ^^’ How am I going to stretch this out for one thousand words, again?

Well, let’s get introspective. My forum signature designates me a ‘singer, writer and artist’ – now, how much of that is still true? I still sing at least, and you’ll hear me occasionally on my covers. I got a new ukulele recently, and you’re yet to hear it ;D Meanwhile, my writing has indisputably suffered over the last year or so. With some university deadline always around the corner, I’ve felt like I can’t afford to dedicate time to my own creativities anymore; hopefully, this summer, that can change. The possibilities are endless, after all. I want to have fun again! There’s still IRON, which I ‘finished’ a few years ago – its characters never got the hint, however, and are still scurrying round in my brain, reshaping their stories and presenting new concepts to me. I’ve really got to share the IRON world with you at some point, because I’m so tired of being the only one who loves it when I’ve literally grown up along with Alesha and Detria and Lance and all the others. I just hope one rewrite along the line, I’ll get to do that experience justice – and give the girls their happy ending, because after all these years they surely deserve it.

But I wouldn’t be a writer if there wasn’t some other WIP distracting me from the main project – and in the meantime, I’ve also got a new idea. Seeing the dragons overhead as I played through Tears of the Kingdom has made me realise what a pity it is our world doesn’t have such megafauna. So I’m picturing a lost woods somewhere, wreathed with fog, where if you listen closely you hear the low scrape of antlers against the ground… and if you peer out the window, balancing on tiptoe, head under the curtains so your eyes can peek just over the sill, you might see something peering back down at you. Like I said. Endless possibilities.

And art I’ve all but given up. Oops ^^’ At least I can be an artist in other ways.

But if I’m not singing or writing, what else am I up to? Well, right now, I’m writing this. I’m also telling Jazzy not to chew my headphone cables. Earlier, I made bread from Claire Saffitz’s book – have I mentioned I love baking? I’ve also been reading the Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin, and I’m listening to Spring Day by BTS. It’s actually sunny right now, despite my jesting earlier, and all the washing I hung out on the line has blown off in the wind for what has to be the fifth time. I’ll get it later.

But that’s all a little… factual. I suppose you’re more interested in my personality, or rather what I think of myself – but it’s really awkward trying to describe your inner machinations without being hideously cringe™, hehe. Still, if you wish to categorise me, then I’m an INFJ according to the myers-briggs system, a type 3w4… and very easily distracted, as demonstrated by the fact I just went to double-check my enneagram wing and somehow ended up watching ukulele reviews. (Does this look awesome or what?! https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/youtube/54MJ0p0gPcw/ ) What else… I’m a self-confessed daydreamer, and when I’m not thinking about book characters, I’m off in some alternate universe. I like sweet *and* salty popcorn the best, though both flavours on their own also have their merits, and I’m a cat person. From the outside, I think I seem fairly responsible and trustworthy – a lot of people choose to confide in me, at any rate! But I become less reserved, obviously, as you get to know me more. My humour can even be ‘vicious’, apparently – but who would ever believe that ;3

Grr, I’m getting there – perhaps I should talk about my goals for this session, just to fill out the rest of the words ^^ I think the most important thing for me this month will be trying to retrain my brain to consider writing Fun again. It no longer feels like downtime, sadly – I’ve spent so much time in Essay mode that I’ve forgotten how it feels not to be writing to be judged. So this time around, I want to let that go, and just write for me. And since I don’t even have point values to incentivise me this time round… I think this is genuinely the first time in a couple of years I’ve been able to do this. That’s a warning for you, kids – don’t get overessayed and end up like Alb!! Take care of yourself better than I do (and that’s an order).

And now I’ve finally almost just-about made it, I suppose I should follow my own team’s rules and complete the describe-yourself-as-a-sundae task! So here’s the Albdae. We’ll start off with a scoop of salted caramel – sweet is always better with a little salt, after all, and I’m definitely capable of a little bitterness as well. Maybe they burnt the sugar. Then add some Cadbury golden barrels in there, because yes, and another scoop of salted caramel - now top the whole thing off with that chocolate sauce that sets hard, and pile the whole thing high with whipped cream! That’s the best part, if you ask me.

I hope this not-so-little introduction has enlightened you a bit on the World of Alb. Well done on your first 1k, me – and to the rest of you, I hope I see you around ;3

~ alba - singer, writer and artist ~
New to Scratch
7 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

daily - To start off our ice cream sundae, there would be a scoop of vanilla ice cream because I am a little plain but I can be fun at times so there would be a scoop of bubblegum ice cream as well. For toppings there would be gummies, nerds, rainbow sprinkles, and my all-time favorite: sour patch kids. These toppings represent my colorful side and my hyperness that is usually the cause of overconsumption of sugar - but we don't have to talk about that. There would also be strawberries and bananas to go along with the sundae because we can't have a sugar rush but also because there is a chill part to my personality believe it or not For the cherry on top (hehe get it?) there'll be a cherry because what's a sundae without a cherry? Also cherries are very sweet, so underneath the exterior and all the other details, inside there is just a person who's trying to be the best they can <3
100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23


daily 1

My ice cream starts out with a vanilla base because I am very pale but also because many would view it as plain and boring and it symbolizes my struggles with fitting in and seeming fun, but if you look deeper you will see spicy swirls of cinnamon for my unconventional humor and creativity the sort of flair and sarcasm I like to have and a whole lot of dad jokes. You will also find little bits of caramel with some sea salt to represent not only my kindness, helpfulness, and yes my saltiness and the grudges that I hold against myself and others, but also a deep fascination with the sea and the things that live there. And if you search especially hard you will find little bites of rich chocolate fudge and in that fudge are my hidden bits of wisdom often wrapped up in a sarcastic little joke. There’s a lot going on in this ice cream but that’s perfect because there’s a lot going on with me and it rarely makes much sense.

daily 2

words from @Reyskywalker13 silver, lost, flames, song, final

I kneel before my king and though my eyes are cast down I know that he is watching me seeing as I tremble. I am a boy thrown into battle before I’ve even grown my first hair on my chin. But my king is old and his beard is full and silver. Silver is the color of the wisdom imparted upon us by the stars. Once we thought they offered us protection but now I think we cannot be so certain of that.
“I know the news you bring me,” he says to me in a weary voice and gestures that I should rise but I fear my feet would not support me and so I stay kneeling. “Flames consume our kingdom.”
“The dragons have returned, my lord,” I manage to say.
The king stands and pulls me to my feet, nearly causing me to fall. “I know the dragons are back.” He sneers it, which surprises me greatly, the king has always been a kind man.
“My lord, he’s just a boy,” an advisor says.
“Yes, yes. I know that. I’m not going to kill him for speaking a truth. The dragons will kill most of us soon enough.”
“The dragons have already killed many of us!” I shouted. “My own little sisters to name just a few! We have to fight them.”
“If we fight them, then we lose a thousand more lives,” the king said to me. “The dragons are sent as punishment from the stars themselves. One cannot fight the stars.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but a priest nodded gravely. “The will of the stars is final, this kingdom will burn.”
“So you’re all just giving up?! What about your oath? You swore to protect us. You will let the kingdom be lost?” I cried.
“It is the stars we use to find our way, boy,” the king said gently. “I was there the last time the dragons came. And I nearly lost my life. I have grown much in wisdom since then. The dragons will kill many of us, yes. But I will gather up a band, rescue as many as I can, and we will journey far from our kingdom of sins.”
“But how will leaving the kingdom help us? The dragons will just chase us. And we’ll have no home.”
“We’ll have each other. And we’ll have the stars. We must all learn to open our ears and hear the song that those stars sing.”
Then the priest speaks. “The song of the stars will save us from our sins.”

(fantasy story though a tiny bit sodom and gomorrah inspired. Not really lol but still)

daily july 3

A great way to start your day is by eating a banana. Bananas are full of natural sugars, fiber, potassium and magnesium. Bananas also have a very unique flavor that I have yet to see in any other fruits and while artificial banana flavor is delicious, it is nothing like the flavor of a real banana. Bananas are a cheerful yellow color which makes you think of other cheerful yellow things and eating them can make you happier because of this and give you an optimistic outlook on how this day is going to turn out. Eating bananas can also give you a sense of superiority as you peel and eat them the correct way and that is indeed very satisfying. But perhaps you don’t want to eat a plain banana. That’s absolutely no problem. There are many amazing things to dip your banana into such as chocolate, or peanut butter and sprinkles; just be careful not to have too much sugar or processed food especially for breakfast. If you find that your bananas have gone from a cheerful yellow to brown, then make banana bread. It’s delicious. If your bananas are still green, very carefully so you don’t cut all the way through the peel, and with clean fingernails or just the tip of a knife, carve ominous messages to appear when they ripen.

daily july 4

story/piece of media chosen the music video for king and lionheart by of monsters and men

Bi-fi twists: every location is on a little speck, Horton Hears A Who style, and everyone knows this except the main character (who until now has been convinced that the world is normal)
beets are actually fruits and fruits are actually meteors from a 4d celestial battle eons ago that destroyed a dimension

The sky was black with smoke over our crumbling, burning kingdom the day they killed me. I can’t believe how normally that day started. The sky was beautiful and blue, the sun shone brightly, and the birds were singing. We were eating a breakfast of beets which my entire family agreed was the best of all fruits (not to be confused with the mysterious fruit meteors that had been at the edge of the Wastelands for longer than human memory). My little brother Elyan was the first to notice the smell of burning rubber and the whirs of machinery. And by then it was too late. Our warriors fought valiantly with the creatures of light and magic alongside them, but our invaders had giant machines unlike anything we’d ever seen. The day began with a perfect morning. By the time the sun had set my entire kingdom had been wiped out besides me and my brother. I’d failed everyone else in my kingdom, I hadn’t done my duty as Lionheart, but if I could just protect Elyan. My new king, I thought, a wave of pain washing over me. They kept us alive and I didn’t know why, but they separated us. I screamed and kicked, thrashing against the rope the giant men tied around me to drag me away. Elyan screamed my name, tears running down his face. I was the Lionheart, how could I let my kingdom fall like this? I barely recognized anything anymore. How could it have changed so quickly. They threw me down into a pit and I tried to climb out of it, but it was completely impossible. I heard the conversations of my guards and what I heard made me sick and terrified. These brutish men from somewhere beyond the Wastelands and the Sea of Broken Glass, from a land I didn’t even know existed, planned to sacrifice my brother and I to their machine gods and were waiting until the moon was full. So I was going to be stuck in this pit for at least another week and who knew what they were doing to my brother. I leaned against the wall of the pit, sobbing and not caring that the invaders could hear me. But suddenly I heard a sound I thought I’d never hear again. A beautiful melodic humming mixed with eerie whistling. My eyes widened and I saw one of the creatures of light and magic making its way gracefully down the pit. I thought the machine gods had killed all of them, but here was one live and in the flesh, though they didn’t exactly have flesh. It walked in the air, wrapping its aura around my face, greeting me and filling me with hope. It spoke in my mind. “Lionheart, I am so sorry for what happened to this kingdom. But I can help you escape. Already my friend is getting your brother.”
“He’s alive?” I asked, choking back a sob. I’d nearly given up hope on him. I sighed. “Where will we even go? Nothing lies beyond here but the wastelands and the sea of broken glass and no one can survive there.”
The musical sound of the creature of light and magic sounded almost…confused. “You know, another world?” It seemed to think this should be obvious, but it just confused me more.
“There are no other worlds.”
“Of course there are! Where do you think the invaders are from? Where do you think those fruit meteors came from?”
I realized I shouldn’t be arguing even if it made no sense. “Alright help me escape.” The creature turned into a rope and pulled me out. We crept past the guards and we had gotten pretty far before the guards realized I had escaped and began running after me. You are the lionheart, I told myself fiercely when my fear told me to just stop and pray for a quick death. I ran as fast as I could. I came to a broken bridge but the creature told me to keep running. “I will keep you safe.” There didn’t seem to be any better option so I kept running after the creature and then I was walking in the air, supported by the glowing light of the creature. I would have stopped and marveled at this, but all I could think about was saving Elyan. I didn’t realize one of their machines was following us until just after I was back on solid land. I lost sight of my guide and heard mechanical jaws snapping shut. I risked a tiny glance back and saw one of the machine gods eating the creature of light and magic. I wanted to sob, but I had to honor this sacrifice, I had to get to my brother. I saw my brother then, running after another creature of light and magic. He was running toward one of the machines. “Hurry!!” He screamed in desperation. “Hurry this machine will take us to another world!” I sprinted with everything I had but the men and their machines were right on my heels. Hope lit up inside of me as I saw my brother and the creature get into the escape pod. Then the hope died immediately as something grabbed me by the collar of my dress. I watched my brother, crying and banging on the window of the escape pod as it took him high into the sky.

daily july 5
(water smoothie)
Why hello there! You’re lucky customer number ten and that means you have the chance to be the first one ever to drink our new super smoothie. See how clear it is in the glass, and how you can see the world through it? It symbolizes the clarity that drinking this smoothie will give you and it promises never to lie to you. Why in all my years, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a smoothie as clear as this dihydrogen monoxide smoothie. Take a sip and I assure you, you’ll be quite refreshed. Your body craves the ingredients in this, you know, though of course I can’t tell you what they are. Otherwise what would the point of a secret recipe be? Now, this smoothie is only meant for the most special, smartest of people. Some will try and tell you that this tastes like nothing, but I see that you look very smart. I bet you can taste the creamy, fruity goodness. Why this smoothie is practically bursting with flavors and for just fifty dollars it can all be yours. Oh come now, fifty dollars is hardly expensive. The dihydrogen monoxide smoothie is exceptionally hard to make. I assure you, you will get your money’s worth. Why, I have reason to believe humans will call it the most important drink ever. Did I tell you that drinking it could even be life-saving? And not to mention this smoothie will make your skin practically flawless. It’s a hot day and you seem like a very special, very smart person, so buy a dihydrogen monoxide smoothie today. Water you waiting for?

weekly 1!

part 1 435 words
(comic chosen highest depths)

It was a rather gray morning that most would have found to be quite dreary, but Ezekial knew that days like these were the best for catching fish. He walked far out into the grassy fields dragging along the net that his father had used, and his grandfather, and his great-grandfather and even his great-great-grandfather. Once he saw bits of color in the sky indicating a school of fish was swimming by, he cast his net. His net broke through the clouds that had been obscuring them and revealed a glittering rainbow of fish. Once his net was full he carefully brought it back to land and inspected the fish. A few were thrown back in the sky but most of them he put in his bucket to take home. He picked up his gear as well as the bucket full of fish and headed home. There he had hundreds of fish bowls everywhere, full of all his catches whom he dutifully took care of until someone came along to buy them. Thankfully customers were quite common seeing how popular bird-watching was. Since Ezekial lived all alone, the fish felt like family to him so he was glad they could make people so happy. Most customers simply wanted a small trip in the sea to see the birds,and for that they needed a fish, but that afternoon came a man who wanted a more permanent change. Ezekiel was sitting at his stand with several fish bowls on the beach, calmly smoking his pipe. Ezekial supposed he was a little surprised to see a headless body walking toward them since he hadn’t seen one in over ten years, but Ezekial was old, he wasn’t rather fond of being surprised, and so he just said to himself, “well, I suppose today’s the day.” The body could not speak, but there was no need. Ezekiel already knew. Life on land did get very miserable for some people sometimes and it often seemed bleak and full of endless troubles. So this customer he had just gotten had decided to trade his head away to a head merchant (though Ezekial had no idea what head merchants used them for) and then he had come to Ezekial for a fish bowl to replace his head so he could live in the sea with the birds. Ezekiel couldn’t lie and say he’d never thought about it. After all he had taken the non-permanent option once, just to see some birds and they were utterly magnificent, but then who would catch the fish and let all the other people experience this wonder?

part 2 474 words food an irish dish called coddle

The delicious smells of Ma’s cooking wafted from the kitchen to the bedroom where Nellie was trying to brush the snarls out of her little sister Lizzie’s hair. “Your dress is going to have to get sewn up too. Why’d you have to go and fall out of that tree?”
“I didn’t plan on falling out of the tree, and at least I’m not hurt. Well except my skinned knee which you already fixed.”
“Well you shouldn’t have climbed it. Now I have to clean up your mess.”
“Shouldn’t have climbed it? But why would I waste that opportunity?”
“Don’t bother with her. She’s been completely grumpy since Da went to fight the rebels,” said their brother Owen.
Nellie narrowed her eyes as her hands deftly plaited Lizzie’s black hair. “Yeah I have been upset since Da had to go off to war. What if he doesn’t make it?”
Her words had their intended effect. They made her little brother and sister fall silent and in the little mirror she saw expressions of sadness crossing over their faces. A small pang in her suddenly regretted it, but a bigger part of her was just worried about her Da. Her classmate Hildegarde Schneider had recently gotten a letter that both her father and her older brother had been killed in battle. Nellie never wanted that to happen to her father, but the news of the war that made it back to their little town did not exactly make her hopeful.
Ma called them down for supper and they took their seats at the table along with the rest of their siblings: Patrick, Eileen, Bridget, Colin, Jenny, and little Shannon.
Nellie was still worried about her father, but she felt hope swell up in her stomach at the thought of this supper. She pictured a delicious, hearty meal but instead Ma placed a bowl that looked to be full of slop in it. Chunks of potato, sausage, bread, old onions, and spices arranged all in an unappetizing mess. Five-year-old Colin was the first to voice their opinions. “Ew! Yucky! I don’t wanna eat it.”
The others nodded in agreement, wrinkling their noses at the weird meal in front of them.
“Ma, this looks like you just took all our suppers from the past week and puked them back up,” Nellie grumbled.
Ma chuckled. “Well this is leftovers, but it’s not puke. It’s called coddle. Just try some.” She took a big bite. “Mmm.”
“It’s gross,” Nellie said.
“Children, I promise, it’s not so different from a stew.”
“Are we poor? Is that why we’re eating old food?” Eileen asked.
“No, we’re not poor. We’re very lucky and blessed in what we have. But we mustn’t let it go to waste. Do you remember the stories Da and I told you? About the potato famine in Ireland?”
(Ok weird stopping point but I got the word count I needed so moving on)

part 3 529 words

The lion the witch and the wardrobe, excerpt 1 (I loveeeeee this book but obviously I’ll be changing stuff up. And yes I made it a different character)

Lydia let out a startled gasp, eyes widening as she quickly turned to see what creature was following her. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw it. It was like a creature out of fairy tale books. Twice as tall as her standing on two legs with shaggy brown fur, antlers, and gray eyes. Most curious of all though was the fact that when she risked a look downward, she saw that instead of feet it had many twisting roots and vines, with worms crawling all over them. The creature came closer to her and Lydia felt her body freezing in terror. “Don’t eat me, don’t eat me,” she whimpered, shielding her face and praying she would wake up from this nightmare. The creature grunted softly and held a worm out to her. Lydia was startled. Was this…creature not trying to kill her then? Was this a gift? She gulped and gingerly took the worm.
“We have not seen humans in many years.” The creature spoke in a deep rumbling voice, but it sounded kind. In fact it reminded Lydia of her Uncle Jonathan.
“P-please sir, wh-where am I?”
The creature made a horrible sound like rocks grinding together and Lydia shook with fear until she realized it was laughter. “Sir is a term used for the male creatures, is it not, little human? I’m a female.”
Lydia’s face reddened. “Oh! My apologies!” she squeaked.
The creature tilted her head at Lydia. “As for where you are, you will have to find that out yourself. But the light has led you here so it seems you must be here.”
“There must be some mistake. I’m supposed to be at my Grandfather’s house.”
“Well I don’t know where your Grandfather’s house is, but while you are in this land wouldn’t you like to learn what you can find out, and find out what you can learn?”
Lydia rubbed her arm nervously. “Please Ma’am, I just want to go home.”
The earthen creature made a sort of clucking noise that Lydia took to be sympathetic. “The earth makes a home for anyone who knows how to find one, but I do not know how to get you to yours. I will take you to the Keeper of the Lamp Post. Perhaps he can help you.” It was dark in this wood, except for the Lamp Post and Lydia was frightened. This creature was strange, yes, but she seemed very kind and there was a warm sort of motherly feeling about her. She gave Lydia hope, or perhaps it was this lamp.
“You really know someone who can help me?”
“The Keeper of the Lamp Post knows a great many things. Some say the Lamp Post tells him.” She smiled at Lydia. “Get on my back and I will take you to him. It’s a long journey.”
As kind as this creature was, Lydia was a little hesitant to get on this creature’s back. “If he’s Keeper of the Lamp Post, then why does he live so far from it?”
“Why so that he may learn things on the journey and see the light from far away and then close up.”

part 4 414 words

The wind was harsh and Ezekial walked with his head bowed against it, letting its wordless taunts batter against him, but paying them no mind. It was his net he was more worried about. This wind might tear it apart. Ezekiel had been dragging it behind him as he always did, but now he held it a little closer. This net was one of his most important possessions. He couldn’t just let the wind take it. He wanted to go back home and lock the net away somewhere safe, but he needed the net for fishing; he had to take the risk. After all, this was the net his father had used and several generations before him. Oh sure, the net had been repaired several times, but Ezekial was carrying the same net that had helped his great-great-grandfather through hard times, and their fishing business was an extremely important one. He said a silent prayer that the winds would not tear his net apart and he cast it into the sky. It was a risk, yes, but oh it paid off very well. Soon his net was practically bursting with colorful fish from the sky. Even in this raging wind, his net did not fail him. Ezekiel wanted to take every single fish with him, but although his net had once again proved to him that he didn’t need to worry so much, he knew some of these fish just wouldn’t sell as well as the others so he had to sigh and fling them back into the sky. After all, this storm-battered sky needed the fish just as much as the people he sold them too. Not everyone was lucky to have a net like him in this world of turmoil and hardship. At home he put the new fish in their bowls and he fed them and all the rest of his fish. When he was younger, he’d thought about using the fish the same way his customers used them, but then who would wield his net? Who would cast it into the sky and pull out more of these dreams which were often so hard to find in this old and dreary sky. His customers came, having given away their sorrow-filled heads and they let the fishbowls replace them. And then his customers dove deep, deep into a sea full of birds, to a world made possible by the dreams Ezekial caught in a strong yet fragile net known as Hope.

bonus weird little brainstormy thing: When the world is gray and dreary, patience and diligence must walk. He must bow his head against the wind and all the troubles that batter against him. And patience will take out a net which is named Hope. And flinging it high into the sky, as if it is a prayer to The Almighty Himself, Hope will break those dark clouds. And if hope is handled by patience and diligence it may catch dreams.

Last edited by xXFierroOrFalafelXx (July 7, 2023 04:39:03)

4 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Mercy (Tragedy) she/they 7/1/2023

Intro (272 words) idk how points work

As you see my name is Mercy, but my legal name is Mercy-Grace. I was named Isabelle on my chart but I knew it wasn't my name. Isabelle doesn't represent how I want to be defined. As a demigirl and pansexual, it has taken time for me to really BE ME in our world. I haven't come out to my family because they are homophobic so my only way to get my feelings out is by writing stories. I've been writing for years and I feel it is a way of finding myself and finding the light in the dark. I love to play on scratch, swim, write etc. I live in CST time and I may or might be OBSESSED with Bluey, Kids Baking Championship, Shark Tank, etc. I do run a business and I am the treasurer of a club. I used to play volleyball and tennis but I play golf more. I don't focus on the quantity of words but the quality of my words is very important to me. I like to think, could this inspire someone to write? Do I sound too serious rn? Lol, I'm trying not to fall asleep while writing this because it's raining here BTW I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) est. 2020 and I also have PTSD to a lot of stuff so I might not write to a few topics. I'm very excited to make new friends and write more. To leave you with a final note: no matter your shade, color, race, ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, if you support LBGTQIA+, or believe in mental illnesses ETC…


Ice Cream (104 words) still don't know points

If I were an ice cream flavor, I would be the customers choice. I say this because people have different perspectives of who I am. You are probably a villain in someone elses story. I hope I'm the vanilla and caramel (CARE-A-MEL NOT cAr-MoLe *eye roll*) that I want to be to people, but I might be a DASCOSTING (yes I know I spelled disgusting wrong, thats the point) ROCKY ROAD to some EVIL being idk maybe because I didn't give them a test answer or something. ANYWAY- I hope I can be your friend, Reader! Thank yoou for reading, BYE!!
100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

july 1 daily / 1k introduction challenge - 1001 words
“First day of SWC today” was all I muttered to myself after finishing a breakfast of croissiants and milk. I flung the door of Illu-fi's corridor, rushed into the never ending annoying thing and sprinted for about a minute, before nearly slamming into the cabin door. I walked, puffed out of breath, across Illu-fi floorboard by the creaky wooden doors, eyeing them as if someone would jump scare me. Opening the second one slowly, I got to my small, cozy, bookshelf surrounded bed. I clumsily set up out the steady pull out table, nearly breaking it as I twisted it in the wrong direction. I reached up to my small storage cupboard, got out my notebook, and started to write.

'Hello there! My name is Kitty. I'm an aquarian and omnivert, who goes by the pronouns she/her, though they/them would be fine with me as well. I'm attempting the 1k introduction challenge, which I failed (not really, but I ranted on and on about encanto) a few sessions ago, mostly because I was ranting on and on about random things and that my hands hurt. Hopefully that won't happen today.

Firstly, I'm a cat person through and through. You can probably tell that from my nickname. I love cats because they're so fluffy and cute and don't need much care, unlike dogs. They don't need walks, baths, going outside to do business, etc. I own, well technically my family owns, two overweight cats. One is a ragdoll and the other, a bengal cross. They meow at me for treats often and keep me company during boring days, I'll miss them while being on this camp.

I also enjoy reading anything from books, like KOTLC to the back of of a cereal box or even the tag on my shirt. I have an unhealthy obsession to HOO (Heroes of Olympus) and Percybeth (ship name for Percy and Annabeth). Most of the books I have read consist of a series and are mystery, adventure, classic, and mostly, fantasy. I suck at writing fantasy though. The only exception to my read anything habit is non-fiction books. Facts are not always interesting. They just bore me out for some reason.'

I paused for a second, wondering why I had decided to write this on paper instead of a computer, even though my words per minute on a computer is slow. My hand was already aching. “Stupid me…” I chided myself, whispering under my breath before continuing.

'One other hobby I have is painting. Specifically with acrylics, since they go one paper so easily and dry quickly. I don't paint very often, since I'm always running out of proper paper and paint, but it is something I do for friends and family for their birthdays. I believe that a hand made gift speaks louder and is valued more than a bought one. I paint mostly animals, which is fun but takes a lot of time, mostly because of fur. Apart from painting, I also draw, but mostly doodles. I don't like using coloured pencils, watercolour or plain pencil.

SWC has become quite a big part of my life. I joined at the age of nine and have been participating ever since. This has been my eighth session in a row (I think? Not really sure lol). I first joined in March 2021, when I was in Fairy-tales, a cabin (I believe?) has been since removed. I've also been in Non Fiction, Dystopian, Mythology (also removed), Thriller, Non-fi (again), Script, and now, Illustrated Fiction. I unfortunately wasn't able to stay over for the full session during the last two sessions because of school, in real life stuff, and others.'

Halfway there! My brain told me. I smiled, but it wavered, since I didn't know what to write about next. I decided to write more about SWC.

'I joined SWC for the writing, but stayed for the fun and friends. I've also applied for leader and co a few times but never got in. Honestly, without SWC during the term 2 break, I wouldn't know what to do and would be bored out of my mind. I think, personally, my writing isn't all that great, but that's what SWC is for, right? Improving your writing while sharing it with 300 other people!

On a different topic, I'm quite a messy person. Mark my words, my sleeping area or bed won't even look sleepable soon! All the books from the library I've read will be stacked on the floor and my clothes will be spread over the bed and my notebooks will be spread out over the desk which I'll constantly forget to close… yeah. You probably get my point.'

Welp, I thought. I'm not exactly done, but surely seven hundred words is close, right? It's too much to write, I don't know how most SWCers do this every session.
Before I was about to submit my work, I remembered.
“The daily! Ice cream flavours, oh I do have something else to write about!”

'I think I would be a fruit sorbet-ice cream, probably a watermelon and mango mix (I've never had one, but the combo sounds good xD also my favourite flavours are mango and watermelon). It would represent my omniverted soul since I act different in different situations in front of different people. My ice-cream would be one and a bit scoops to represent my *tiny bit above average* height. For the cone, I've always been a sucker for waffle cones, so I'll probably use that for myself, and for toppings probably just sprinkles and a small cherry because I like to keep things simple when working with other people.'

“… other people…” I scribbled, my handwriting finally giving out and turning into chicken scratch.
“I think I'm done!” I exclaimed to myself. I pulled out my computer, submitted my work online, which is a new system for this session, so others could read my work.
“That took over an hour. Not worth my time again.”

Last edited by _kittykay_ (July 2, 2023 07:24:55)

kitty ✦ she/her ✦ cats~ ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ ✦ swc
4 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

schoolPractice_6th wrote:

Mercy (Tragedy) she/they 7/1/2023 | = the next day that I wrote on it because I don't feel like writing in another space on my thread

Intro (272 words) idk how points work

As you see my name is Mercy, but my legal name is Mercy-Grace. I was named Isabelle on my chart but I knew it wasn't my name. Isabelle doesn't represent how I want to be defined. As a demi girl and pansexual, it has taken time for me to BE ME in our world. I haven't come out to my family because they are homophobic so my only way to get my feelings out is by writing stories. I've been writing for years and I feel it is a way of finding myself and finding the light in the dark. I love to play on scratch, swim, write, etc. I live in CST time and I may or might be OBSESSED with Bluey, Kids Baking Championship, Shark Tank, etc. I do run a business and I am the treasurer of a club. I used to play volleyball and tennis but I play golf more. I don't focus on the quantity of words but on the quality of my words. I like to think “Could this inspire someone to write?” Do I sound too serious rn? Lol, I'm trying not to fall asleep while writing this because it's raining here BTW I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) est. 2020 and I also have PTSD to a lot of stuff, so I might not write about a few topics. I'm very excited to make new friends and write more. To leave you with a final note: no matter your shade, color, race, ethnicity, religion, or political beliefs, if you support LBGTQIA+, or believe in mental illnesses ETC…


Ice Cream (104 words) still don't know points

If I were an ice cream flavor, I would be the customer's choice. I say this because people have different perspectives of who I am. You are probably a villain in someone else's story. I hope I'm the vanilla and caramel (CARE-A-MEL NOT cAr-MoLe *eye roll*) that I want to be to people, but I might be a DASCOSTING (yes I know I spelled disgusting wrong, that's the point) ROCKY ROAD to some EVIL being idk maybe because I didn't give them a test answer or something. ANYWAY- I hope I can be your friend, Reader! Thank you for reading, BYE!!

Mercy ~ 7/1/2023
A part story I'm starting ~ 92 words

The town of (somewhere in Iowa/Wisconsin) was known for its quaint charm and peaceful way of life. The community was close-knit, with everyone looking out for each other. However, one dark and stormy night, tragedy struck the town, leaving its inhabitants reeling. It all started when a bolt of lightning struck the old oak tree in the town square. The tree had been a fixture in the community for as long as anyone could remember, and its sudden demise was a shock to everyone but that.. *little laugh/scoff* was just the beginning. | As the storm raged on, a fire broke out in the local grocery store. The flames quickly spread to nearby buildings, including the town hall and the library. The firefighters did their best to contain the blaze, but by the time it was finally extinguished, the damage had been done. The town was left in ruins, its once beautiful buildings reduced to rubble. The people who had called Millfield home were left with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The loss and heartbreak were too much for many of them to bear. In the days that followed, the community came together to mourn their losses and begin the long process of rebuilding. The town hall became a makeshift shelter for those who had lost their homes, and volunteers from neighboring communities came to help clean up the debris.

Mercy ~ 7/2/2023 ~ 496 words
Daily (TW: trauma + !VERY DARK! THIS IS MADE UP
(context) This is from a 15 y/o girl who lived with her 19 y/o brother, Matteo. He was offed by (read the story to find out) and when she found out, she wrote this. This story is her diary entry.

(piano, magic, ocean, mangoes, and book from @Iris_Galaxy)
Dear diary, this is a tough one.
As I sat along the sandy shore that day, warmed by the setting sun, I never would have guessed what would happen. I remember me and Matteo getting to the beach, laughing, and eating the mangoes we brought in our beach bag along the way. Matteo was always the good older brother, bringing sunscreen and napkins. I was in the chair while he was in the ocean on his surfboard. I had “The Songs To You,” a novel he wrote himself.

I was reading until I heard his scream, only to be too late. The shark ripped his legs off in an instant. I was yelling for the lifeguard, pleading for them to help him. His eyes were closed and he was very pale. As I cried for help, he said, “Don't worry, sis. I will be a-okay.” He always loved to say “a-okay,” but this time, it didn't sit right with me, like it wasn't true. One of the lasting memories I have from the incident was when I tore up the book in hopes of covering his bloody wounds. His flesh and bones sat in his body like they were backward, wanting to be flipped. “PLEASE, CALL 911!” I kept shouting to whoever was listening. As he was taken by helicopter to the hospital, I mumbled, “You'll be a-okay,” with tears streaming down my face. Our neighbors came over to me and tried to calm me down. “We might be able to see him later,” Mrs. Blank whispered with a hurt voice, like me and Matteo were her children, and one was injured.

Dr. Blank, a surgeon at Blank Blank Hospital, was used to shark attacks, I mean, he would get up to 9 a year, but never this severe. This was the worst thing he had ever seen since the boy who was found in a piano. “Will he live?” I asked the puzzled nurse. "We don't know yet, but it would be magic if he doesn't. I need to ask you a few questions,“ she replied. I filled out a paper and gave it back, my bloodshot eyes were noticeable.
The next morning I woke up in Mr. and Mrs. Blank's house. When I walked into their kitchen, they were both sobbing, talking about how he didn't deserve ”it“. ”What's wrong?“ I asked quietly. Mr. Blank spoke in a trembling voice, ”D-Dr. Blank c-calle-d-d… M-Matteo p-pas-s-sed aw-“ ”N-no. NO, HE DID NOT. NO NO NO NO NO NO," I screamed. I'm now back in the guest room, and I don't know why I'm still here. My brother just died, meaning he is not here with me. I'm ending it. I. AM. DONE.

and that's all she wrote.

Sylia was found later that day, dead in the bedroom with a rope around her neck. Maybe now she is with her brother.

Mercy ~ 7/5/2023

I remember the day I decided to experiment with my old phone. I had upgraded to a newer model and the thought of just throwing my old one away seemed wasteful. So, I decided to see what would happen if I put it in the blender. As soon as I turned on the blender, I knew it was a mistake. The sound of the blades grinding against the metal phone was deafening. I watched as the phone was slowly but surely torn apart into tiny, unrecognizable pieces. When I finally turned off the blender, I opened the lid to find a powdery substance that used to be my phone. I was disappointed, but not surprised. I had expected this outcome. However, as I was cleaning up the mess, I noticed that some of the powder had settled on my hands. Suddenly, my hands began to tingle and I felt a strange energy coursing through my veins…

Before I knew it, my phone had transformed me into a superhuman. I was faster, stronger, and smarter than I had ever been before. I could run at lightning speed and lift objects that I had never dreamed of lifting before. My experiment turned out to be a success, but it also changed my life forever. I was no longer just an average person, but a superhero with incredible powers!

Mercy ~ 7/6/23
bi-daily 524 words

my song
Verse 1:
The world is spinning and I feel so small
But with each note, I know I can stand tall
I'll let the music guide me through
And I'll sing my heart out just for you

Take me to a place where the melody flows
Where the rhythm moves me and my soul knows
Take me to a place where I can be free
And I'll sing my song for all to see

Verse 2:
I've been searching for my voice
For a way to make a choice
I've been lost but now I'm found
And I won't stop until the music's sound

Take me to a place where the melody flows
Where the rhythm moves me and my soul knows
Take me to a place where I can be free
And I'll sing my song for all to see

I'll let the notes take me higher
I'll let the lyrics light my fire
I'll keep on singing until I find
The place where my heart and soul align

Take me to a place where the melody flows
Where the rhythm moves me and my soul knows
Take me to a place where I can be free
And I'll sing my song for all to see

I'm ready to take the stage
And share my heart with the world, no fear or rage
I'm ready to let the music play
And I know you'll be there to hear what I say.
Verse 1:
I woke up this morning with a smile on my face
Ready to take on the day and embrace
All the beauty that life has to offer me
And I know that music will set me free

So let's sing a song that's long and true
And we'll share it with the world, me and you
Let's let the melody take us away
And we'll dance and sing until the break of day

Verse 2:
There's something about music that speaks to our soul
It has the power to make us feel whole
And when we come together in harmony
We create a symphony that's pure ecstasy

So let's sing a song that's long and true
And we'll share it with the world, me and you
Let's let the melody take us away
And we'll dance and sing until the break of day

Let's forget about the worries of the world
And let the music be our guide
We'll let our hearts unfurl
And let our souls collide

So let's sing a song that's long and true
And we'll share it with the world, me and you
Let's let the melody take us away
And we'll dance and sing until the break of day

So let's keep on singing, let's keep on playing
Let's keep on dancing, let's keep on swaying
To the rhythm of the beat, to the beat of our hearts
And we'll never be apart

For music is the language of the soul
And it will always make us whole
So let's sing a song that's long and true
And we'll share it with the world, me and you

The girl I'm babysitting's song

I love cats
We will go have fun at the park
Im really having fun playing at the park everyday
Lets have fun at the park
I like sleeping at home
Lets have fun every single day
I love unicorns
Lets have fun one times
I love watching bluey
Lets have fun every single day
Lets keep my room clean

Mercy ~ 7/9/23
Daily 8-ish hours of sleep
As a person who values productivity (most of the time), I have always been interested in the sleep habits of successful people. It's no secret that getting enough sleep is crucial for our physical and mental health, but it's also important for our overall success in life. One character that comes to mind when thinking about sleep habits is John, a successful businessman who always seems to be on the go. John is the type of person who never seems to sleep. He is often up late working on his laptop, answering emails, and making calls. His work is his life, and he is always striving to be the best. However, his lack of sleep is starting to catch up with him. He has noticed that he is more irritable, forgetful, and less productive during the day. Despite the negative effects of his lack of sleep, John continues to push himself to the limit. He believes that sleep is for the weak, and he doesn't want to be seen as weak. However, his colleagues have started to notice that he is not performing as well as he used to, and some have even expressed concern for his health. John's sleep habits have also started to affect his personal life. He has difficulty falling asleep at night and often wakes up feeling tired and groggy in the morning. This has caused him to become distant from his family and friends, who have noticed that he is not as present as he used to be. Despite the negative effects of his lack of sleep, John is still reluctant to change his habits. He believes that he can push through the exhaustion and continue to be successful. However, this attitude is not sustainable, and he may eventually experience burnout. In order to improve his sleep habits, John needs to prioritize sleep and make it a part of his daily routine. This means setting a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, and creating a relaxing sleep environment. He may also want to consider incorporating relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga, into his daily routine. By prioritizing sleep, John can improve his overall health and well-being, as well as his performance at work and in his personal life. It's important to remember that sleep is not a sign of weakness, but rather a necessity for a healthy and successful life.

Mercy ~ 7/5/2023 to 7/9/2023
I FINISHED THE WEEKLY (Im dying inside bc it was so hard)

My interpretation of “The Weight Of Words”

After reading “The Weight of Words“ comic, I think it is a poignant reminder that our words carry weight and power. The comic depicts a person walking through their day, and as the comic goes on, the man gets on the ground or he stands up completely with a tired face. The weight of the words gets heavier and lighter as he goes on. However, the message is clear - our words have an impact on those around us, and we should be mindful of how we use them. The comic emphasizes the importance of being considerate and kind in our interactions with others. When the man burns the book, he is getting rid of all the negative words said to him. It's easy to get caught up in our emotions and let our words fly without thinking of the consequences. But the comic reminds us that the impact of our words can be significant, and we should strive to use them positively. Furthermore, the comic highlights the importance of empathy and understanding. When we speak to others, we should try to put ourselves in their shoes and consider how our words might affect them. The comic shows the person carrying the weight of the words, but it also shows the other person's reaction. We see their facial expression change, their shoulders droop, and their body language become more closed off. It's a powerful visual representation of how our words can impact someone's emotional well-being. In conclusion, ”The Weight of Words“ comic is a timely reminder of the power of our words. We should strive to be kind and considerate in our interactions with others and choose our words carefully. We never know what someone else might be going through, and our words can either lift them or bring them down. Let's choose to use our words positively and create a supportive and uplifting environment for those around us.

Part 2
As I watched the friends, Graham and Saven, standing before me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of appreciation for their friendship. It was clear that they had been through a lot together, and that their bond was unbreakable. And so, when Graham reached into his pocket and pulled out a small package, I knew that something special was about to happen. The package was wrapped in a traditional Scottish tartan, and as Graham handed it over to Saven, he explained that it was a gift of haggis. He described the symbolic meaning behind the gesture: that the haggis represented the strength and resilience of their friendship, and that it was a reminder always to support one another, no matter what life threw at them. As Saven unwrapped the package, a smile spread across his face. He knew how much this meant, not just as a sign of their friendship, but also as a nod to their shared heritage. Haggis was a staple food in Scotland, and it was often served on special occasions, such as Burns Night. To receive such a gift was a true honor. The two sat down together, and Graham began to explain the different ingredients that went into the haggis. He talked about the sheep's heart, liver, and lungs, and how they were mixed with onions, oatmeal, and spices to create a savory and hearty meal. He even recited a few lines from Robert Burns' famous poem, ”Address to a Haggis,“ in honor of the occasion. As they ate the haggis together, the two talked about their hopes and dreams for the future. They discussed the challenges they had faced in the past, and how they had overcome them by leaning on each other, and they made a promise to always be there for one another, no matter what the future held. As I watched them, I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness. This was what true friendship looked like: a bond that could withstand the test of time, and a willingness to support each other through thick and thin. And as the evening wore on, I knew that this gift of haggis would serve as a lasting reminder of the strength and resilience of their friendship.

Part 3
Motif: red
Scene: ??Jane opening a window??
Jane froze as she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. She knew she shouldn't have opened the creaky, rusted window, but the temptation was just too great. She turned to face the door, her red heart racing with fear. In a moment, the door burst open, and in walked Mrs. Reed, her aunt, and guardian. ”And what do you think you're doing, you imbecile?“ Mrs. Reed demanded, her voice sharp with anger. Jane opened her mouth to speak, but nothing, nothing came out. Jane couldn't even form a coherent sentence, she just stuttered. The young girl felt trapped, like a mouse caught in a trap. She knew she would be harshly punished for her disobedience, but she couldn't help feeling a sense of resentment towards her fuming aunt. Mrs. Reed had always been cold and distant towards her, and Jane couldn't understand why. ”I'm waiting for an explanation, young lady,“ Mrs. Reed continued, her red-brown eyes narrowing. ”I…I just wanted some fresh air,“ Jane stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. ”Well, you won't be getting any fresh air for the next week,“ Mrs. Reed said, her red face contorted with anger. ”You'll be confined to your room as punishment for your disobedience.“ Jane felt a wave of despair wash over her. She knew she would be miserable for the next week, cooped up in her small, dark room. She looked out the window one last time, wishing she could be out there, free and alive. But she knew that was impossible. She was trapped, in more ways than one. As Mrs. Reed left the room, Jane sank onto her bed, tears streaming down her face. She felt so alone, so trapped, so unloved. But at that moment, she made a decision. She wouldn't let her aunt's cruelty define her. She would find a way to escape, to be free, to live the life she deserved. And so, as she sat there, alone and miserable, Jane made a vow to herself. A vow to never give up, to never stop fighting, to never let anyone else control her life. She would be strong, she would be brave, she would be free. And in that moment, she knew that she would always be true to herself no matter what happened. Jane had a plan, a mischievous plan to escape. One night after her aunt gave her scraps as a meal, she waited till 12:00 am, listening for her aunt's horrible snore. She opened the window and… TBC

Part 4

After going over ”The Weight of Words“ comic, considering symbolism, It's amazing how a few simple words can have such a profound and negative impact on someone's daily life. sometimes we forget the power that our words hold and we take them for granted. We must keep in mind that our words have the power to either lift someone or bring them down. The burning of the book in the comic shows a powerful metaphor for the resilience that we need to have in the face of adversity. We shouldn't let others' negative words affect us and hold us back from being the true selves we want to show to everyone. I now think that the comic's message has evolved to emphasize the importance of being considerate and kind in our interactions with others in our life. It's important to choose words that encourage and motivate others instead of bringing them down. At times, we may be overwhelmed by our emotions and speak without thinking about the effects of our words. However, the comic serves as a reminder that what we say can make a big difference, so it's essential to try to use our words positively. Another important theme in the comic is empathy and understanding. It's easy to say things without considering how they might impact someone else, but it's important to put ourselves in their shoes and think about how our words might affect them. The comic does an excellent job of showing how our words can change someone's well-being, as we see the other character's facial expression change and their body language become more closed off. In conclusion, ”The Weight of Words“ is a poignant reminder of the impact of our choice of words and the responsibility we have to use them carefully and considerately. It's a reminder that we should always strive to use words that uplift and inspire others, rather than tear them down and make them feel bad about themselves. We must remember that our terms have the power to change lives, and we should use that advantage for good, so now I have a challenge for you, reader. Go on Scratch and find a rant, read the rant and in the comments, consult them, tell them they are doing good, and maybe even follow them and become friends! If you don't want to do that, compliment someone! Thank you!

- Mercy from Tragedy ^^

Mercy ~ 7/11/23
part 1 of weekly (584 words) ”workshop on portraying emotion that is readable; relatable, yet unique; un-cliche; and distinct in voice" - @silvxywaves

Writing is one of the most powerful mediums for expressing emotions. Whether it's joy, sadness, anger, or even love, emotions can be conveyed in a way that resonates with readers and brings them deeply into the story. However, conveying deep emotions in writing can be a challenge for many writers. It requires a level of vulnerability and honesty that can be difficult to achieve. In this workshop, we will explore some techniques for conveying deep emotions in writing, so that you can create stories that are powerful, moving, and memorable.

1. Start with a strong emotional foundation

The best way to convey deep emotions in writing is to start with a strong emotional foundation. This means taking the time to understand your characters and their emotions. What motivates them? What are their fears, hopes, and dreams? By understanding your characters on a deep emotional level, you can create stories that are rich with emotion.

2. Use sensory details

Sensory details are a powerful tool for conveying emotions in writing. By describing the way things look, smell, taste, feel, and sound, you can bring your readers into the scene and help them experience the emotions of your characters. For example, if you want to convey sadness, you might describe the way the rain falls heavily on the roof, the way the wind whistles mournfully through the trees or the way the protagonist's tears taste salty on their lips.

3. Show, don't tell

One of the most important rules of writing is to show, not tell. This is especially true when it comes to conveying deep emotions. Rather than telling your readers how your characters feel, show them through their actions, expressions, and thoughts. For example, instead of saying “Samantha was sad,” you might describe the way she slumped her shoulders, the way her eyes filled with tears, or the way she struggled to find the right words to say.

4. Use dialogue

Dialogue is another powerful tool for conveying emotions in writing. By using dialogue, you can show your readers how your characters interact with each other, and how they express their emotions through their words. For example, if you want to convey anger, you might have two characters engage in a heated argument, with each character shouting and interrupting each other.

5. Use metaphors and symbolism

Metaphors and symbolism are powerful tools for conveying deep emotions in writing. By using metaphors and symbols, you can create a deeper emotional resonance with your readers. For example, if you want to convey the feeling of being lost and alone, you might describe a character wandering aimlessly through a dark forest, with no clear path in sight.

6. Be honest and vulnerable

Finally, the most important technique for conveying deep emotions in writing is to be honest and vulnerable. This means not shying away from the difficult emotions, but embracing them and allowing your readers to experience them with you. It means being willing to share your own emotions and experiences with your readers, even if it's uncomfortable or painful. By being honest and vulnerable, you can create stories that are truly powerful and deeply moving.

In conclusion, conveying deep emotions in writing is a challenge that requires a combination of strong emotional foundations, sensory details, showing rather than telling, dialogue, metaphors and symbolism, and honesty and vulnerability. By using these techniques, you can create stories that are memorable, moving, and true to life. So go forth and write with emotion, and see where it takes you!


Lila had always been fascinated by the English language. Ever since she was a little girl, she had loved learning new words and figuring out how to use them in sentences. But as she grew older, she began to realize that language was more than just a collection of words, even in different countries. It was also a powerful tool for communication, and the way we use it can have a big impact on how others perceive us.

One day, Lila was at a party with some friends. They were all chatting and having a good time when a new person arrived. His name was Alex, and he seemed nice enough, but Lila couldn't help but notice something odd about the way he spoke. He kept using the word “they” instead of “he” or “she” when referring to himself.

At first, Lila didn't know what to make of it. She had never met anyone who used “they” as a pronoun before. But as they talked more, she began to understand that Alex was non-binary, meaning that they didn't identify as strictly male or female. Instead, they preferred to use gender-neutral language.

Lila was fascinated by this. She had always thought of pronouns as something that was set in stone - you were either a “he” or a “she.” But now she realized that it was more complicated than that. And as she listened to Alex talk about their experiences, she began to see the importance of using pronouns correctly.

Over the next few weeks, Lila started paying more attention to how she used pronouns. She realized that she had been guilty of assuming everyone was either male or female, and that this could be hurtful to people who don't fit neatly into those categories. She started asking people what pronouns they preferred, and made sure to use them correctly.

One day, Lila was at a coffee shop when she overheard a conversation between two people she didn't know. One of them was using the wrong pronouns for the other, and Lila could tell that it was making the other person uncomfortable. So she took a deep breath and approached them.

“Excuse me,” she said. “I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I just wanted to let you know that the pronouns you're using for your friend aren't correct. They prefer to be called ‘they’ instead of ‘she.’”

The person looked surprised, but then they smiled gratefully. “Thank you so much,” they said. “I had no idea. I'll make sure to use the right pronouns from now on.”

Lila felt a surge of pride. She had helped someone feel seen and respected, just by using the right pronouns. It was a small thing, but it mattered.

As she walked home, Lila thought about how powerful language could be. Something as simple as a pronoun could make all the difference in how someone felt about themselves. And she vowed to keep using language in a way that was helpful, fair, and safe for everyone.

Mercy ~ 7/11/23
Daily (lwymmd T-swift) I listened to music today, lwymmd, poker face, die for you, everybody wants to rule the world
This is from the perspective of , a cabin removed and the cabin leader/co-leader(s) are seeking revenge on the camp

I don't like your little games
Don't like your tilted stage
The role you made me play of the fool
No, I don't like you
I don't like your perfect crime
How you laugh when you rhyme
You said the cabin was mine
Isn't cool, no, I don't like you (oh!)
But I got smarter, I wrote longer in the nick of time
Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time
I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined
I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!
Ooh, look what you made me spell
Look what you made me spell
Look what you just made me spell
Look what you just made me…
Ooh, look what you made me spell
Look what you made me spell
Look what you just made me spell
Look what you just made me spell
I (I) don't (don't) like your cabin keys (keys)
They (they) once belonged to me (me)
You (you) asked me for a place to s
Locked me out and threw a feast (what?)
The camp moves on, another day another drama, drama
But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma
And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure
Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours
But I got smarter, I wrote longer in the nick of time (nick of time)
Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time (I do it all the time)
I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined
I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!
Ooh, look what you made me spell
Look what you made me spell
Look what you just made me spell
Look what you just made me…
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the leader starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the leader starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the leader starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the leader starring in your bad dreams
I'm sorry
But the old Alba can't come to the phone right now
Why? Oh, ‘cause she’s dxad (oh)
Ooh, look what you made me spell
Look what you made me spell
Look what you just made me spell
Look what you just made me…
Ooh, look what you made me spell
Look what you made me spell
Look what you just made me spell
Look what you just made me spell
Ooh, look what you made me spell
Look what you made me spell
Look what you just made me spell
Look what you just made me…
Ooh, look what you made me spell
Look what you made me spell
Look what you just made me spell
Look what you just made me spell

Last edited by schoolPractice_6th (July 11, 2023 16:09:41)

100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Time to speed through my 1k word intro- here we go!
First off, basic stuff: my name is ash, my pronouns are he/him, and I’m in the pst time zone. I’ve been in many, many swc sessions - two of those as a co/leader. I’ve met some of my favorite people here.
This session I’m in the wonderful, magnificent horror! Very exciting. I’ve never actually written a horror story, but I’m thinking of trying it out this session. I personally believe that any story can be made into horror if you know how to write it. I’ve always found it so cool how it’s a lot less plot-based than other genres (in my opinion), which’ll be an interesting challenge for me because most of my stories are very, very plot-driven.
I’ve been writing since I was pretty young - I really got into it when I was 8-9. I was 11 when I started writing the story I’m rewriting now. It has been many years since I started that. First draft was 200+ pages, first draft of the second book was 70+, and I’m currently 71 pages into my second draft. And no, don’t worry, that’s not the only story I’ve ever written, haha. I’ve had a few other unfinished drafts that I might get around to writing at some point. Who knows? Definitely not me.
I don’t even remember how I discovered swc, but I do remember that it got me through the pandemic. I’m guessing I found it through a studio called “girls who don’t fit in”. Obviously I’m not a girl anymore, but it was a fun studio when I was active.
I’ve definitely made a whole lot of progress with my writing since I first joined. For example: I don’t just wing my stories anymore. For the one I’m rewriting now, I wrote out over a page on each character and an entire timeline of every major event in the story. I haven’t been following the timing exactly, but it’s just a rough outline anyway and very helpful as is. 10/10 would recommend as a pre-writing method if you’re committed to a story. And if you aren’t committed to a story, then just go for it until you are. Then you can do the whole pre-writing thing if you want. That’s my recommendation.
Some random things to know about me and in list form because it’s easiest:
- I have a dog. I love dogs. I always make a point to smile at any dog I see on a walk.
- I’m in high school. I don’t really want to specify what year but I am an old man now! That’s all you need to know about that.
- I’ve been on scratch for five years now :00
- I’ve been teaching myself guitar for 2ish years, and I switched from acoustic to electric a little over a year ago. I mostly play ‘90s-‘00s rock (Green Day, mostly, with a whole lot of Muse mixed in there. They have some super fun songs). It’s my #1 hobby. Of the few things I’m proud of myself for in life (/hj), my guitar progress is definitely up there with my personal favorite accomplishments. I’m especially proud of learning the bass part of Hysteria by Muse (yes, on guitar) and the entirety of the American Idiot album by Green Day (minus the bonus tracks from the deluxe version). All incredibly fun things to play.
- Speaking of: I’m currently trying to convince my friends to play stuff with me since we all have the same music taste, and I am the only one who’s still pushing it :’))
- I walk dogs for a “living”, and organize libraries for community service (fitting for someone in a writing camp, yeah?)
- I’m already running out of steam half way through this. How do people know so much about themselves??
- one of my favorite books of all time is still Legend by Marie Lu. If you haven’t read it, read it. I absolutely love the characters — Day will always be my favorite person. I love the world building. There are many classic dystopian tropes in those books, and she uses them very well.
You know what I hate about those books, though? The way the third one ends. I won’t spoil, but I could not and cannot handle it.
- into the spiderverse and across the spiderverse are the best marvel movies. Change my mind. You won’t. Black panther is up there too.
- I just need to announce something for a second: on the topic of movies, has anyone else noticed just how absolutely GORGEOUS Moana is?? The sunsets, the islands, the ocean, literally everything — it’s all animated beautifully. It’s incredible. Whether or not you like cheesy movies about demigods with living tattoos and teenagers who sail all the way across the ocean, you have to admit that it’s a beautiful movie. (This is genuinely a very important thing to know about me: I will always, ALWAYS take time to appreciate pretty sunsets. Especially in Moana.)
- I’m part Filipino, which I think is cool. Also Polish.
- I’ve been wanting to direct a movie. I studied the use of cinematic techniques in movies and since then, I’ve very much wanted to try to put those to use. This may be a writing camp, and I love prose, but it’s cool to remember just how many different forms of storytelling exist. I’m excited to try out some new ones sometime in the future.
- I got to walk in my city’s pride parade this year! It was very cool. I enjoyed yelling (kindly) to every asexual person I passed, and pointing out all the lesbians to my lesbian friend for them to yell to. They were all very uninterested lmao but it was great to see ourselves represented in such huge crowds.
- I am trans and aroace. Bet you never guessed I was a trans guy from my name or anything ahaha
And yes you have permission to make fun of me for naming myself after the Pokémon guy. I do it all the time. Look at my pfp for example

And that’s basically all you need to know about me I’m very excited for this session, and I’m really hoping that I’ll be able to start coming back for swc. I missed y’all while I was gone <3

Hooray I did it and that comes out toooo 1,074 words

Last edited by TandiaTES (July 2, 2023 00:09:21)

1000+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

“What’s wrong with our daughter?” I shout, tears hot in my eyes. My daughter sits with a quirky smile in her chair with a plate of bacon, desperately trying to braid them together. This is what I gave birth to, I think with a scoff. Our doctor gives a side eye to our daughter, his eyebrows raising.
“What is wrong with her? What is wrong with her?” I ask again, my voice raising every time.
“Nothing is exactly wrong with her, per se.” The doctor fiddles with his pen, his eyebrows scrunching. “It’s just that she shows a strong tendency towards certain foods. For example, bacon.”
“That’s it? What else is wrong with her? None of my other children sat braiding their bacon. That’s just her. What is wrong with her?”
“Well, not exactly. It appears that she has some rare variant of Adasentenitis. It’s basically.. Picky eating, but not picking eating. Generally her version of Ada involves very picky eating - we aren’t sure why. It could be sensory, or it could be taste, or whatever. There isn’t enough science to back it up yet. However, your daughter has the symptoms to the maximum. She only eats one food.”
Bacon?”I ask, my voice quivering. “My daughter can’t live on just bacon. She needs protein, or something!”
“Bacon is protein,” the doctor murmurs, and I assume he didn’t mean for me to hear that. “But yeah, there are a few different solutions to the problem. The first and easiest is a feeding tube. Really no matter what, she needs more than bacon. The second one is called Projection Therapy.”
“Projection therapy?” I ask, the hairs on my neck standing straight up. “Feeding tube? My daughter is healthy.” Elizabeth giggles in her chair and we both swivel our heads to see that she did in fact get more of her bacon braided. She still had not taken a bite of it yet, but we both knew that she was going to finish braiding it before she ate it.
“Yeah, so Projectioin Therapy - I assume you’ll need more information. Basically, we show her foods projected onto the wall. We continue to do this as we gently offer her more food. We connect wires to her head and this is, in theory, supposed to help decrease symptoms.”
I nod, swallowing my tears. My daughter needs help, bad. I didn’t think a singular few rollercoasters while pregnant were going to make so much of a difference, but now I have a daughter who only eats bacon, but not only does she only eat bacon, but she has to braid her bacon before she eats it. “And what are the risks to this? Is she going to develop Ana or anything?”
“I mean, her chances of developing other eating disorders is certainly not decreased because of this, but she’s not at an additional risk. Truthfully, she’ll be fine. As long as you proceed to give her treatment as soon as possible. I just need you to sign here.”
“For projection therapy?”
“Okay,” I say. “Let’s start tomorrow.”

+517 for the daily

eevee for the thing B)

28 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

1k word intro, let's go B)
1093 words <3

Hi everyone! Guess who finally decided to try the one-thousand-word intro? That’s right, me! I go by Asta online, but if you wish you can also call me Ducky, which is a nickname closer to my actual name. I was gifted this name by my younger brother, who is just as (in)sane as I am. Speaking of nicknames, I love to make up names for all my friends offline. Blueberry, Jaws, Moo, you think it, I’ve most likely nicknamed someone it! I live in Australia, where I constantly get harassed by abnormally large spiders, and snakes as thick as a grown man’s torso. My time zone is AEST, and I’m excited for my birthday, which is the 10th of July.
Some of my hobbies include writing, reading, drawing, getting mad at Geometry Dash, and much more. The first actual story that I can recall writing (and illustrating!) was a small piece called ‘Rachel’s Circus’ that I wrote when I was about seven or eight, for school. The story follows a young girl named Rachel who performs in a circus, and how she copes when a large storm destroys their big-top. I can vividly remember all the hours I spent writing and drawing to get the story just right, and this little tale will forever be close to my heart. Ever since then, I’ve written other pieces, both long and short, as I discovered my writing style that I still use today. I adore writing things about death, or heavier topics, and I’ve said this before, but I truly envy anyone who is able to successfully create sweet and wholesome stories. Whenever I try, I find that my ending scene feels too cheesy, or that the dialogue I had just written makes me want to crawl into a hole and never resurface. However, I know that with enough practice, I’ll be able to get there one day.
When it comes to art, I’m almost certain that I get my love of drawing from my mother. She is both a graphic designer and a digital illustrator, and has also done many impressive traditional pieces as well. One of my favourites is a large oil pastel drawing of a tiger that she did in high school. As for me, I enjoy drawing dragons and little Chibi-style doodles digitally, and I prefer to draw humans on paper. I love to experiment with new techniques to find out better ways to ‘art’, as I like to say. Whenever I’m bored, I enjoy logging into Roblox and joining Spray Paint to draw people’s avatars for them, which often ends with griefers scribbling all over my drawings. I guess some people have nothing better to do with their time than to ruin others’ hard work with meaningless lines. Oh well!
I love, and I mean LOVE, Geometry Dash. Walk into my bedroom, and nine times out of ten you’ll find me yelling at a small square on a screen. Am I addicted? Yes, I will admit so. In the short month or two that I’ve been furious at this game, I’ve managed to complete fourteen RobTop levels, and forty online levels. With over twelve thousand attempts, and one hundred and sixty thousand jumps, it’s safe to say that I am, in fact, addicted. Do I mind? I think the fact that I literally have the game open on another device within arms reach says it all. My favourite RobTop level so far is probably either Fingerdash, or Electroman Adventures. The songs are absolutely incredible, and I am so glad that I accidentally discovered this app after one of my school friends started playing it during our lunch breaks. (Even though it makes me utterly enraged xD)
And now, for the moment we’ve all been waiting for, my obsession with books! Where do I even begin? For starters, I could mention some of my favourite genres, such as fantasy, or mystery. Or I could list my favourite authors, like Tui T Sutherland. However, I think I’m going to start with my current read. Right now, I’m rereading one of the most underrated series on the planet: Nevermoor. Written by Jessica Townsend, it follows the tale of a young girl named Morrigan Crow who is cursed to die at Eventide night. All the mishaps or misfortune are blamed on her, as her name is listed on the Cursed Children’s Register. However, she is mysteriously saved by a mysterious man named Jupiter North, who wants her to join a mysterious society. Very mysterious, hey? Along with this legendary series, I also love Wings of Fire, Hunger Games, and Keeper of the Lost Cities, to name a few. Reading is a passion of mine, and I love obsessing over characters, or lecturing my friends and family about a book’s plotline, who ‘willingly’ listen to me, under their ‘free will’.
Another part of reading that I adore is fanfiction. Want an alternate plotline to Darkness of Dragons, all focused on Qinter? Believe me, there’ll be a fanfiction about it. Want to obsess over Sokeefe? There are countless retellings of the legendary chapter 42. One of my favourite things about fanfiction is the variety of writing other people can do. It’s so diverse, and I swear that there’s something for everyone.
For the longest time, I’ve been playing the flute, and the viola. For those of you who don’t know, a viola is a part of the strings family. It is slightly bigger than a violin, and plays lower strings. The cello has the same strings, but plays an octave lower. I enjoy playing music because it’s an opportunity for me to release my chaos in a way that is acceptable in society, and I can make things sound genuinely nice while I’m at it. My musical goals are to learn how to vibrato, on both instruments. I am always amazed whenever my teachers casually achieve the perfect vibrato, and I’m looking forward to the day where that would be me.
In the future, I hope to be an author, or musician. Maybe even both! I’ve been told that I’d make a great lawyer, too, due to my ability to memorise things easily, so I have multiple career paths that I could wander along. I’m a perfectionist, and I prefer it when things are just right. And also, I strongly dislike Dumbledore.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read through my rambling. I hope you have a wonderful day, and I’m excited to be able to get to know everyone better. Happy SWC!

return home here

Last edited by AsteriaTheNightWing (July 2, 2023 09:42:54)

『 - ducky xx ⌇
 ╰▹hi-fi ftw! ✿ your local writer, reader, and inbetweener
          ◡̈ remember to have an awesome day ◡̈ 』
43 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23


Intro - 128

If I was an ice cream sunday, I would be mint flavoured with blackberries and carmel syrup on top. Yes, I know it sounds weird but wouldn't that just taste amazing? Anyway, this fits me because mint flavouring reminds me a lot of change, and finding new things, which is what I've been doing my whole life! The carmel syrup is because a) love love love caramel and b) I love to hold onto things that I'm close to, like my books, old memories, friends, ect, and caramel is very sticky. Blackberries are sweet and tart, a bit like me! If you pick a blackberry on the wrong day it isn't going to be pleasant, but if you know what you're doing it will be *chef's kiss* delicious!

Daily 1 - 825
Spruce Trail Camera Shaky Lamp

Inhale. Exhale. I took a step towards the front door and my car. Ten steps. Nine steps. All too soon the front door loomed in front of me. Yanking it open I took a step out of my apartment and into the chill New York winter. The car's handle was freezing as I tumbled into the car and looked down at the instructions that had been appearing on my phone since this dreadful morning began:
[ 6:15 Good morning Amantha, it has come to my attention that you are very much in debt to me, so you'll be following the instructions I send exactly as I say. The consequences if you don't oblige will not be pleasant, and you know them well enough. ]
[ 6:30 Your first instruction is to get into your car. Bring a coat. ]
[ now Glad to see you're cooperating! You'll be driving to the Spruce Grove, 45 minutes from your home. You'll learn more when you get there! ]
I winced as I turned the key. There was no real reason to follow the mysterious instructions. I wasn't in debt to anyone, and nobody had punished me in any way more significant them being grounded, but I drove to the location anyway.
45 minutes passed in a blur of Taylor Swift and trees. By the time I made it to the location I was beyond stressed and so tempted to turn my car around and drive home to spend the rest of my Saturday in peace, but instead I found myself parking into the small lot outside a forest area. I checked my phone as a new message came in:
[ now Amazing! Now if you look around you should see a few different paths. Pick the trail with the red sign that say “firewood” and follow it. ]
I frowned but followed it anyway, I loved hiking! The trail weaved in and out of a combination of redwood and spruce trees, hence the names. This day was all starting to feel like some over dramatic escape room. The trees began to disperse and I came to a stop in a beautiful clearing full of bloodred flowers with purple veined leaves exploding from beneath them. Ding.
[ now Take three steps to the left, avoid all the plants, they're very painful. ]
I froze. What had I gotten myself into? Was this person serious? I slowly, carefully took three steps left, and felt my feet come in contact with something on the ground. I looked over and saw a camera with a note tied to it.
Here's your first present, happy birthday bestie! just keep follown' the hints ;)
“Oh my freaking gosh,” I muttered glaring at the camera in my hands. “I hate you Neena! This is awful!”
I huffed as I pulled out my phone and called the number.
“Hello this is your car's insurance company,” Neena answered. “How may I help you?”
“NEENA!” I shouted. “Why?!?”
I could hear her grin. “Because! I'm amazing! Do you want your next hint?”
“Yes,” I grumbled. “Give me those gifts already.”
“Ok here it is: just kidding, the plants are fine, walk straight through them and follow the path on the other wide.” There was a brief pause. “Oh sorry it's side not wide. Anyway, I'll send you the next clue, good luck!”
I followed the clue with an eyeroll and continued across the clearing to the path and followed it to a shaky red wooden sign that said Private property in bold letters.
[ now Just keep going the sign isn't important, stop at the cottage. ]
It appeared Neena had finished being cryptic, but I was infinitely curious about the cottage. I emerged into yet another clearing, this one filled with a small cottage with homely looking windows and a beautiful wrap-around porch. I walked up to the front door and found a note tied to the handle that read: Just head on in and look for the light! Inside the walls were covered in strawberry wallpaper and the entry room glowed a soft pink. I searched around for a light. The color shown from the pink sheet thrown of a old lamp. I tugged off the sheet and found a small drawer in the cabinet below the lamp, in which hid yet another note. It said: Congrats and happy birthday! I hope you enjoy your week-long vacation here! Love Neena P.s it's stocked with chocolate
I stared in shock at the note, it was for me? A whole week? I flipped it over, looking for the catch and found another slip of paper.
I won't pick up my phone, so don't bother thanking me!
I grinned and rolled my eyes at my friend's antics, but was quickly distracted by a loud slam.
I whipped around just in time to see the front door slam shut and a voice echo through the house. No way out.

Last edited by AbbieB1266 (July 2, 2023 03:41:04)

1000+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

lowkey don't know what i'm doing anymore there are so many things i want to write but the words are simply not flowing

“i’ll be with you for a thousand years, and then a thousand years more,” you whisper, dangling upside down on a set of monkey bars. “i will never leave you.”
you made that promise four weeks ago, when i was your hyperfixation. but now you’ve moved on and i’m left here in the dust. there is nothing i want more than those nights with your one sided conversations - but that’s not quite true. i tried to talk, but words didn’t come out. instead i would giggle.
you had saved me in more ways than i can count, and for that i’m truly grateful. it’s just the aftermath of everything that’s happened, and everything that you have ripped away from me. you were there for me when i was screaming in the hospital, and you were a shoulder that let me cry uncontrollably to you.
maybe that’s how everything went wrong. maybe i used you too much, or didn’t offer anything in return. maybe it’s my fault that everything fell down the way they fell down. i’m not sure. i may never know that, but i do know that i won’t go sit with you at lunch.

+ 196 words

eevee for the thing B)

52 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Hello everyone! Hopefully I'm doing this right- if I am, here's my writing post!
(it may be slightly a mess so if you have suggestions to help with that feel free to tell me them)
Main Cabin Daily(s)
(missed #1)
#2: 505 words.
#3: 449 words.
#4: 556 words.
#5: 246 words.
#6/7 (bidaily)
If you prefer forum posts instead of projects: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7378504/
#8 was cabin wars!
#9: 560 words.
#12: the flower languages prompt!! Total was 1870 words.
Main Cabin Weekly(s)
#1- total of 1764 words!
Part 1: write 300 words on your literal interpretation of a silent comic/image. (ended up having 325 words.)
Image chosen: https://www.onceuponapicture.co.uk/portfolio_page/above-the-sky/
A woman holds a briefcase in one hand and a small umbrella in the other. She appears to be wearing a dress and simple shoes- she may even be barefoot. Either way, this suggests that she is generally a (metaphorically) down to earth person, as opposed to someone who might wear fancy clothing and high heels. She has a confident posture, not clinging fearfully to the umbrella carrying her but holding it faithfully with one hand. Perhaps she has been to this place before? The umbrella was taken up by the wind and is carrying her into the sky, past a layer of starry clouds to a realm where stars, small planets, and other space things all exist together. The umbrella’s small size may mean that the wind lifting it is remarkably strong, or there is some magic involved. Perhaps in this world there is no solar system, and instead a sort of dome around the earth containing the stars and planets, like ancient astronomers believed. The woman is silhouetted by a vast number of stars in the background, stretching across the sky for miles. There are also stars on/around/in the clouds, showing that instead of giant balls of fire millions of miles away, these stars are in fact just tiny specks of light. There is a ring of light around the nearest planet, resembling Saturn, and this light is different from the stars. It appears to be similar to the light from the shooting stars or comets, both having a wispy, airbrushed appearance and being much larger than the stars. This miniature Saturn appears to be only a few times taller than the woman, perhaps smaller than that adjusting to perspective. In the distance, there is another planet without rings. It is probably a much larger one than the Saturn-like planet, considering its size along with how large it appears to be (there are stars in front of it, but not the Saturn-like planet.)
Part 2: Read the symbolism workshop and write a 400 word scene where one character gives a culturally significant dish to another. (ended up with 582 words)
Dish chosen: chili (specifically chili bricks that cowboys could bring with them through any weather). Note- this is a Double Life fanfic. Team Rancher deserved better <3
It was freezing cold inside the house.
Most days were, in the depths of winter like it was now- Team Rancher hadn’t exactly prepared for the survival challenge to last so long, and the small two-room shack they’d thrown together wasn’t well insulated. Or insulated at all, for that matter.
Today, Jimmy decided to take one for the team and check on all the animals himself- it went faster when it was only one of them, but nether ever wanted to go. As a thank you, Tango was going to make his friend and teammate a good meal for when he got back. Hopefully it would help them both stay warm, too.
Tango carefully started a fire in their sad excuse for a stove (a small hollowed out rock that barely fit any dishes to cook things in) before bracing himself and running out into the cold with a metal pot. He went straight to a patch of untouched snow, scooped it into the pot, and ran back inside, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw that the fire was still burning. He shoved the pot into the oven, letting it sit crooked enough for the fire to keep burning, and waited.
He’d only been doing it to show off at the time, but Tango was immensely thankful now that he’d made the leftover meat and vegetables into chili bricks instead of just feeding them to the chickens.
Once the water was boiling, which took FOREVER, he dropped in one of the bricks. It immediately started to melt, the meat, pepper, and seasonings mixing into the water. Tango spontaneously threw in some half-frozen beans they’d had lying around for a while, then waited.
And waited.
The sky started to darken outside, which was slightly worrying, but finally the door opened and Jimmy came inside, shaking off snow.
“There was a broken fence out back,” he explained before Tango could ask, shivering as he threw off his coat and wrapped a blanket around himself instead. “Man, it’s chilly out there- smells good though, did you make something?”
“I did!” Tango announced, grinning proudly. “Come look, I wanna know if you recognize it.”
Jimmy crouched down beside the stove, holding his hands near the heat. “Some kind of soup?”
“Pfft- this is not simple soup, my friend. This is what we like to call chili con carne.”
“…Chili, because it’s chilly outside?” Jimmy asked slowly, holding back laughter.
The chili was dished out into two lopsided clay bowls, and Team Rancher settled down close to the fire. “Are you sure this isn’t soup?” Jimmy asked at some point.
“Obviously not. That’s blasphemy,” Tango said. “Just don’t tell anyone I put beans it it, okay? Sometimes people don’t take that too well.”
Jimmy gave a huff of laughter, then leaned over his bowl to smell the chili before scooping up a bite. “Tango, this is amazing, what?”
“Yes!” Tango exclaimed in agreement. “It’s like, my favorite thing ever. Like… it’s usually not the best bits of food, but when you mix it all together, when it’s keeping you warm and your family, too? That’s the best.”
“Aww, are you saying I’m part of your family now?” Jimmy asked, half-teasing.
“I mean, you get stuck on a plot of land alone with someone for so long and it feels like it,” Tango shrugged. “Can’t I call a bestie part of my family?”
Jimmy took another bite of chili, and smiled. “Sounds good to me.”

Part 3: Write a 400 word scene continuing from the motif snippets. (431 words, not counting the snippet)
Snippet chosen: “Rather a pleasant year on the whole!” said Meg, smiling at the fire, and congratulating herself on having treated Mr. Brooke with dignity.
“I think it’s been a pretty hard one,” observed Amy, watching the light shine on her ring, with thoughtful eyes.
Change was always hard, and it seemed that was no different for chance happening inside of someone. Looking back, Amy cringed at the thought of how she was at the beginning of the year- selfish and silly, throwing fits if she didn’t get the prettiest dress or the best jewelry- and then everything changed.
If she had to pinpoint a place where it all started, she knew it was near the time she’d received the ring, though the change was so gradual it must have started before that. After all, she’d decided that same day what she wanted the ring to remind her of, and she knew if she’d received it just a few weeks earlier she wouldn’t have the slightest idea of that.
Amy couldn’t remember the last time she’d cared about clothes or makeup- or at least, the last time she’d cared as much as she did at the beginning of the year. It saved time when she was getting up in the morning, and it let her start chores sooner to make things easier for the others. When one of her sisters wanted the others to help put together an outfit, she was the first to offer her help- but when it was Amy herself, she just felt like there were more important things to do than worry about her appearance.
The firelight flickered on the blue stones in the ring, and she was pulled out of her thoughts, mesmerized for a second by it. With a sigh, she remembered the main question she had, which was something else she never would’ve thought twice about at the beginning of the year.
Was she doing everything right?
Was she helping enough, was she supposed to do things the way she did?
What if she’d really gotten no better over the year, and was still the same vain, selfish little kid she was before? All this change, all this reminding herself to act different, and what if it hadn’t even worked?
“Meg, am I the same as how I was at the beginning of the year?” Amy asked, getting straight to the point.
Meg gave her a surprised look. “You? No, I suppose not. You’ve gotten less annoying.”
Amy gave a small huff of laughter at that. “What about the important things, though? Am I a better person?”
“…Do you think you’re a better person?”
Amy traced her finger around the ring, considering how she’d handled certain situations and how she would’ve reacted the year before. “I hope I am” she decided. “I think I’m at least a little better.”

Part 4: Rewrite part 1, considering symbolism, at least 400 words. (ended up having 426 words)
A woman holds a briefcase in one hand and an umbrella in the other. A briefcase might represent business- maybe she is dedicated to her job, or maybe said job is the reason she’s up here among the stars to begin with. From what we can see in the silhouette, her clothing and shoes are simple, suggesting that she is a metaphorically down to earth person and not someone frivolous and fancy. The umbrella may represent protection, as they protect people from the rain. In many cultures throughout the world, umbrellas can also represent wealth, power, and status. Another thing many cultures traditionally believe is that the stars and planets represent gods, or at least are important enough to name them after gods. The clouds block out the earth below, perhaps so ordinary humans can’t see these gods clearly. This woman, though, rising above the clouds, can. The clouds, therefore, may represent a separation between Earth and the heavens- perhaps distractions, like flawed assumptions the people may make about the gods. The clouds may also be part of a storm, which may have been sent by the gods out of anger. This would mean the woman is escaping that anger. The umbrella may be her ticket to this escape- as it represents protection and is strong enough to lift her above the storm. The two planets visible in the image are different, possibly representing two different gods. One, which looks like Saturn and has a hazy ring about it, is much lighter. It also appears to be much closer than the woman, though she isn’t looking at it, so she likely has something else in mind. The other planet, in the background and much larger adjusting to perspective, is dark. Light and dark often represent good and evil. In this case, the dark planet- perhaps an evil god? seems to be bigger, and is looming in the distance. Along with the stars and planets are a few comets, streaks of light traveling through the sky. A comet’s arrival can be symbolism of death or destruction (usually not literally), or a time of upheaval and rebirth. This could potentially tie in with the clouds, if there is a storm. It could also mean that the woman’s life will be forever changed by her journey into the stars. Perhaps this upheaval is what brought her there in the first place- maybe she died on Earth and is now being taken to the realm of the gods, with an umbrella of protection to bring her safely through the storms.

Weekly #2
Part 1: Do some research on a writing-related topic, then write a workshop of at least 500 words and post it in the sharing forum
Total was 1087 words. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7376356/
Part 2: Write a 500 word story based on other people's workshops.
Total was 618 words: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/874129384/
Part 3: Write 200 words of feedback for another camper in the Critiquaire.
This is the one that was done on July 13th for @-WildClan-. Total was 440 words: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/694457/?page=16#post-7373006
Note: I'm currently switching most of these over to individual posts under a seperate topic so it's easier to go through! In case I accidentally deleted something in one place or the other, here's a link to said topic: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/697732/

Last edited by tapdancer707 (July 13, 2023 20:20:50)

10 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

‎ ‎ there I was again tonight
forcing laughter, faking smiles
same old tired, lonely place
walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy


⋅ total words :: 0/8,000 ⋅

» time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it «


৻৻ dailies ৲৲
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ » I'd like to be my old self again…but I’m still trying to find it.

↝ 6/1 - n/a - 0
↝ 6/2 - n/a - 305, did NOT submit in time :eyes: scratch kinda broke for me-
↝ 6/3 - n/a - truth or dare
↝ 6/4 - link - word count
↝ 6/5 - link - word count
↝ 6/6 - link - word count
↝ 6/7 - link - word count
↝ 6/8 - link - word count
↝ 6/9 - link - word count
↝ 6/10 - link - word count
↝ 6/11 - link - word count
↝ 6/12 - link - word count
↝ 6/13 - link - word count
↝ 6/14 - link - word count
↝ 6/15 - link - word count

(i’ll add the rest later)


৻৻ weeklies ৲৲
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ » you call me up again just to break me like a promise…

↝ weekly no. 1 - link - word count
↝ weekly no. 2 - link - word count
↝ weekly no. 3 - link - word count
↝ weekly no. 4 - link - word count


৻৻ word wars ৲৲
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ » cherry lips, crystal skies, I could show you incredible things…

↝ link - opponent - word count - won/lost


৻৻ writing competition, cabin wars, and other miscellaneous pieces of writing ৲৲
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ » there was one prize I'd cheat to win…

↝ daily #2, I didn’t submit (the forums were being wonky for me) - “Wait for me!” Pip called out. Cameron laughed as they slowed down to match her brother’s pace.
“You’re so slow! Can’t keep up with me?” She playfully shoved him, grinning.
“Hey! It’s not my fault I keep losing these races!” He stumbled, almost falling over. As soon as he got his balance back, he accused his sibling, “You rig them!” They both kept on going, not knowing that their games had attracted the attention of a monster, something nobody had ever come back from. Once you met it, you were unable to escape. It sniffed the ground, cocking its head as their silhouettes stretched out farther and getting closer to the exit of the cave. They came here often, having their fun, but they’d never disturbed it. Cameron reached the opening of the cave first.
“Over here!” She pointed at it, since Pip didn’t have a very good sense of direction, this had to be their routine for exiting. “Take my hand,” She said, reaching out for her brother. No answer, none of the warmth of Pip’s hand in hers. “Did you get lost again..?” After a second of silence, she shook her head. He must’ve been playing games with her, or so she thought…
There was no escape. Pip looked up at the beast who had him in its grasp. Let me go, he silently begged, even though he knew there was no chance. He was going to die. D-i-e. It didn’t sound right in his head, but he knew it was true. Life felt emptier than ever before. As the monster opened its jaws, he began drowning- in his own thoughts. The one person who cared- about him, his family, his very existence was alone. The last emotion that ran through Pip’s head was misery. His life was going, going, and now gone. - 305
↝ writing - link - words


৻৻ about me ৲৲

hi there! my name is juniper / juni! i use they/he {basically he/they, but I prefer they/them over he/him }
i appreciate and use tonetags, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.
feel free to strike up a conversation with me, i dont bite (probably- /j)!
(what are you talking about-I’m not a swiftie- no way /j /j /j)

Last edited by Dawnflower29 (July 3, 2023 00:05:27)

┆ aster ┆ they/them ┆ intp-t ┆ chaotic lil writer + artist ┆omori + ddlc obsessed <33 ┆epistolary ftw! ┆
100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

july 2nd - daily - Somewhere in the deep recesses of your mind, regurgitate five random words into the comment section. Gobble down somebody else's five random words and write 300 words using those delicious words as a prompt.

prompt: amnesia, dysfunctional, regret, fortune, selfishness by @smalltoe

As I walked out of the burning forest, I turned back to see the fire reaching the tips of the trees.
Everyone told me that I had amnesia and that I had some type of dysfunctional brain, but I always refused to believe it. Sometimes people just say nasty things. It was never a problem for me to ignore them. The worst problem was this strange couple, a women with graying hair and an uniquely tall man, telling me that they were my parents. But I never was able to remember having parents at all. And it's not because of amnesia, or whatever people kept telling me.
I stepped back once I started realizing the ground was starting to catch on fire as well. The fire isn't supposed to reach this far, I thought. This was when I started to run. It's spreading fast.
Soon I realized that the fire was going to spread all the way down to the hill and-
To the village.
I started running down the hill, and it wasn't that hard because of how steep it was. However, I had to make sure I didn't trip or I would be falling down from extremely high.
There were two paths a distance away from me. The left one led to the woods, which was separate from the burning forest, and where I could find a modern city and start a new life. The right led to the village. I was so close. Heaving, I ran to the divergent paths to make my decision.
Suddenly, my body made a jerking motion and after a moment, I realized I was walking into the woods. Looking back, I thought with a heavy hart, You should have warned the people in the village.
With numb disappointment at myself but selfish determination, I just kept going into the woods. The feeling of regret still stayed, but I just kept repeating to myself, They all hated you anyways. They called you a stubborn and useless good-for-nothing girl. Especially after the accident they always talked about, which I had no idea about.
Still, all the voices in my mind were yelling at me about my selfishness, how I only cared about the fortune waiting on the other side.
I should turn back. But when I looked behind me, I could see the vibrant and ferocious flames of the fire already reaching the village. I already heard screams of the villagers and they were probably panicking in chaos. But I couldn't do anything now.
Being the horrible person I was back then, I left the village behind me and found my way to the other side of the woods, trying to wipe my tears away and sinking into desolation.

455 words
back to sophia's main thread

Last edited by SophIIsa (July 2, 2023 02:44:21)

“The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid.” - Atticus

hii! <3
. ⇢ sophia/sofi/sofa ˎˊ˗
╰┈➤ she/her ꕥ 12 y/o ꕥ art + writing ꕥ infp-t - - - - - - - - - - - - > ❝ have a great day! ❞
22 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

July 2nd Daily - 384 words (@BubblegumPinkDagger: twilight, yellow, umbrella, cat, hallucination):

As I see the final moments of the sunset, I feel a drip of water fall on top of my head. Another. I look up and see dark clouds swirling like shadows above me. Out of the blue, a light sprinkle turns into a full-fledged downpour, and I am completely wet and soaked. Trying to find shelter, I spin around and see a bright yellow umbrella lying on the floor next to me. It wasn’t there a second ago, but I don’t have time for that – I am literally freezing from the cold rain soaking my light, summer clothes.
Frantically, I run around to take cover inside a supermarket. I run and run, but the market seems to be going further and further away. The green grass that seemingly ran forever turned into jagged, hard cobblestone pavement. Not only the supermarket – everything is moving away. Even just standing right here, everything is being repelled from me. I try to catch all the buildings one more time, but a large rock suddenly appears out of nowhere, making me trip. I attempt to stand back up, however, a sharp pain suddenly comes from my swollen left ankle. I guess I sprained it when I tripped. With nothing else to do, I just sit down, clutch my legs, and put the umbrella on my head to stay warm and dry. I look around, and I close my eyes.
When they reopened, I found myself on the grass, facing the sky. I look around. No signs of anything – nothing. No swollen ankle, no umbrella, no cobblestone pavement, no rain, and all the buildings are staying where they are. I try to connect the dots in my head. It didn’t make sense – I was just freezing in the downpouring rain – how am I here? I make sure nothing happened one more time, just to be completely sure. I stand up; no pain. I feel my clothes; completely dry. Maybe it was a dream. But no, I wasn’t tired. Though maybe, just maybe, I hallucinated for the first time in my life. Did my first one have to be so negative? Why couldn’t I just be hopping on clouds as my first? I laugh a second, and then pack up and leave for home. However, this time, no buildings move.


{she/her} {enfp-t} {semi-nerd, artist, writer}

swc july 2023 sci-fi ftw!

59 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Daily - 02/07/23
416 words

“amnesia, dysfunctional, regret, fortune, selfishness”
The sun’s golden light spills into my room, slowly recessing into the shadowed forests below me. Yanking the curtain across the arched window, I groan. All the fortune in the world couldn’t help me now. All the fame, all the money, all the glory I used to dream of couldn’t drag me out of my pit. I used to dream of gold that outshines the sun. Now I have nightmares reliving my regret and shame, nightmares of a life jealous of what I used to be. Sometimes I wish I had amnesia, if only for a day. What a relief it would be to forget my worthless life.
Leaning against the cold stone wall, I sigh. I will never escape this horror. The door’s locked. The window is made of reinforced glass, only giving me jealousy of the world outside. I get one piece of bread and one glass of water a day, crippling me of the strength I once had. If there was a way out, I would gladly take it. Pushing myself off the wall, I pace across the room. Even that starts to tire me. Do I only have my own selfishness to blame? No. The government makes people power-hungry. It makes people want more of something they can never get. The system is to blame, and all the while, the people hope for someone that fits the system. They think the person is dysfunctional. They think any president is hopeless and horrible. No. It’s the system. It’s the twists and the lies, the manipulation and the scandals. I’m just a puppet of the system.
“Food and water for Cell 28!” someone shouts from somewhere close by.
My stomach rumbles as I glance at my own cell number, engraved roughly into the door: 76. I can almost smell the stale bread. Envy stirs in me as I wait for my own food. And they have to drag the food all the way across the hallway just to rouse everyone else’s stomachs. They’re all people who committed murder, treason, arson. I was a puppet. I did nothing.
“Food and water for Cell 29!”
In a perfect world, this would never have happened. Now more than ever, I wish so badly that this was a perfect world. I wish this was a world without a corrupt system, without outcasts, without horrible people. I sigh.
“Food and water for Cell 30!”
This isn’t a perfect world. This will never be a perfect world.

Last edited by 1lMaM (July 2, 2023 03:28:56)

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