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93 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Thank you Notes:

Organizers: @-redredrobin-, @Luna-Lovegood-LOL, @Sunclaw68, @Stariqe, @caramelize, and @-Alocasia:
I don't even know how to begin with but here goes, Thank you so so much. This SWC Session helped so much in my writing with you're awesome leadership skills. You really made this Session really fun and also I can't even imagine how hard it might have been to conduct such an Elegant and Perfect Scratch Writing Camp. And once again Thank you so much( I just don't know how to put my Gratitude in words)

Daily Team: @-Alocasia @mossflower29 @Polarbear_17 @essayist @-redredrobin- :
First of all, You came up with The Best Dailies and fun Dailies to do. Each and Every Daily was unique and had a good moral and something new to learn from it. I can't even imagine how hard it could have been to come up with such extraordinary dailies but we had an awesome daily team to take care of it. And once again Thank you so much

@TWILIGHT_A ( Leader of Dystopian):
Twi, I really owe you a big one this time. If you hadn't messaged me that time if at all I was joining SWC this session or not, I would have not known about it. Also, I know that you were a little busy but you still did an awesome job Leading Dystopian so finger crossed and also Dystopian For The Win. And once again Thank you so much

@RLove10 (Co- Leader of Dystopian):
Re, Dancers don't need Wings to fly- you are living example of this quote. I really have so so much gratitude for you that I don't even know how to explain in words. You also motivated us, you guided us and most of all you helped us in the times when we had a dilemma and just wanted to say You did an Awesome Job as a Co-Leader of Dystopian And once again Thank you so much

500+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Thank you Nat for being my wonderful leader! You came up with stellar plans and worked hard to execute them. Maybe we can do this over sometime. In the meantime- love you, ~sistah

Thanks, my gloriuos Mystery campers, for paving through July without a ton of support from me. You're so strong, and it reminds me how much SWCers can persevere. You kept M.U.F.A.S.A. alive when disaster struck. (In other words, when your leaders went on a vacay.)

Icy (Ilishaqueen), you're such a sport!

Thank you for your support, Linden. I was struggling to keep up with SWC stuff when you came in like a swooping fish-angel to assist. You are a person I look up to around here

Daily Team, you are amazing. You never fail to impress with the activities, new and old, and the weeklies remain tougher than I can get over, haha.

Robin and Q.U.A.I.L.S, you sorted again! You're like SWC's very own magical sorting hat, smarter than any hat you'll ever meet. SWC isn't SWC without her campers, so thank you <3

Leading Team, you're awesome, purely awesome. The work y'all put into your cabins is starstriking. They look amazing, and I love the new genres!! I wish some were here as default <3

SWC, I am so sorry I wasn't able to participate much at all in this session </3 Real life and SWC just don't mix well during summers :sobbing:.

Last edited by lokiously (July 30, 2023 14:06:19)

i love pillows!
100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

| Path 1: PAST, Prompt 3 | Path 2: FUTURE, Prompt 2 | Path 3: DAY, Prompt 3 | Path 4: ANCIENT, Prompt 1 |

I'm putting the song all in one spot.

This song is really bad. I guess it’s kind of about realizing things about your partner and falling out of love but kind of wishing you could go back to being in love even though they were toxic? idrk lol The nursery rhyme I chose is called a sailor went to sea, which has a clapping games I think this song would have a folksy feel to it and probably a lot of clapping but we’ll see how it goes. (80 words)

Well it’s a big blue sea with big blue waves my boat is floating on
There’s stars all around and I’m sailing to the horizon to meet the dawn
Oh waves won’t you carry me to a dream I’ve never known?
Because out here in the sea, sometimes I feel so alone.
But I see you there in this ocean, always there for me
I tried to open my eyes to the world you wanted me to see (78 words)

Darling we fell into the ocean without a submarine or scuba gear
The salt burned my eyes but with you I had nothing to fear
Darling we fell into the ocean without a submarine or scuba gear
The salt burned my eyes but with you I had nothing to fear
Darling we fell into the ocean without a submarine or scuba gear
The salt burned my eyes but with you I had nothing to fear (75 words)

(I used the idiom ignorance is bliss)
Now I wish I hadn’t dove in there with you
Because in the ocean I saw you true
I realize that ignorance is bliss
Here’s the world you wanted me to witness
But I never thought the water would show me this side
Cause I thought you loved me, but now I see who you are inside
And if I could I’d swim up to shore and forget all I saw
You’d be my darling and you’d love my every flaw
Gasping for air wouldn’t care about the truth
Take me back to the ignorance of my youth
Well darling it was your choice and you let these waves tear us apart
And the ocean’s not as deep as the hole you left in my heart (126 words)

(i used the song purple haze because I mean come on it's so close to lavender haze lol)
Darling I’m drowning here in the middle of the ocean where you left me
It’s getting dark down here and my lungs are filling with the sea
All the words I never said to you taste like sea salt
I know I’m not to blame and it’s not my fault
But sometimes when I close my eyes, I get that lost in that purple haze
Your smiling face begging me to go back to our old days
But if you wanted that then why’d you’d leave me to drown? (89 words)

If I hadn’t dove in here with you, I’d be back in that ignorant bliss
But all I can do is just drift down and reminisce
I can’t forget this world you showed me and I can’t swim back to shore
I can’t forget the truth I learned about you or go back to before
I can’t go back to the ignorance of my youthful heart
But maybe I can build back what the waves tore apart
I’ll fill the hole that you left in me
And I’ll stop pretending that you ever loved me. (95 words)

Distant past:
Achilles heel:

All the adults in Phantasmagoria said never to go in the small cave just past Mr. Jones’ grocery store, and for a while, even Ignatius had been able to resist that. But one day while Ignatius was busy restocking shelves, he felt an overwhelming urge to see that cave. What was inside it? Why were the adults so worried about it? Ignatius had lived in Phantasmagoria ever since his dad died when he was seven, and there were still so many secrets this town had that he hadn’t discovered. He had to see this cave.
After work he met up with Emeric who wore long sleeves to hide the weird mark on his arm.
“You want to go in the cave? Are you crazy? Didn’t you just tell me your priest says this town is haunted?”
“I’m sick of living in the dark,” Ignatius shot back. “Don’t you want answers? What’s going on this town? Why are there bugs everywhere? What’s wrong with our water? Why are we getting all these welts? What happened to your arm? Why is your mom so terrified?”
Emeric looked at him pleadingly. “I want answers, Ignatius. You know I do. But these answers might be dangerous,”
“Answers are never dangerous. Come on Emeric, I need to know.”
Emeric sighed and looked up at Ignatius. “Alright. I’ll come with you to the cave.”

A little while later the two of them along with Wesley and Romulus stood near the entrance of the cave, holding their flashlights. A deep chilling feeling filled all of them. “You guys can turn back if you want, but I’m finding answers,” Ignatius said. He clicked on his flashlight and stepped inside. The cave was dark and tiny, about half as big as his kitchen. There was a crevice going back even farther but no human would ever be able to fit inside. In the middle of the main part of the cave was a pool of dark water. Romulus tossed a pebble in and it seemed like forever before they heard it hit the bottom. He whistled softly. “Would not want to fall in there.” Ignatius took his shirt off and Emeric’s blue eyes bulged. “You cannot be serious.” “I’m a good swimmer. I just want to know what it’s like.” Ignatius knew the rules of safe swimming. He knew that this broke evey single one of them, but he took all his clothes except for his shorts and slipped into the water, ignoring his friends shouting at him to stop. The water was frigid but not unbearable. He filled his lungs with air then dove underwater, holding his breath. He swam downward, unable to see but he wasn’t worried. When it was time to come up he could aim for the light from their flashlights. Then he heard a voice that didn’t belong to any of his friends. It seemed to be coming from even deeper in this underground body of water. Ignatius’s eyes widened and he nearly forgot to hold his breath. It was impossible for it to actually have been a voice, it must have been some trick the water and the walls of the caves played on sound, but ignatius had to know what it was. He just had to
(it’s not very good but oh well) (555 words)

Distant future:

Steampunk sewing machine: As you may be well aware, any respectable citizen in a steampunk city needs to be well-dressed. Fashion is very important after all, but those old sewing machines are so unreliable, so we made a much better version of it. Over here you will see the boiler chamber. This part opens up so that you can fill it with any source of fuel, and this part here can be filled with water. Once that’s done just light it and let it get to work. Once the water is boiling, tubes will open up. The steam will travel up through these tubes here and because the tubes are so thin the steam will be concentrated enough that it can easily move this piston up and down and once enough power is generated, it can turn these gears right here, and we even have a window in this part so you can see since it really is quite intriguing, but be warned the steam may make it hard to see. And this last gear will activate a mechanical hand which will thread your needle for you, thanks to thousands of tiny gears. Just make sure that you selected the correct color thread. Once this is done the steam will continue to power the gears and the gears will continue to power the hand as it sews through your fabric. As with all great machines, it will require just a drop of your magical bl**d so that it can properly sew the item that it is you want. And of course right at the top here is a tiny hole so that the steam can escape, you wouldn’t want your sewing machine exploding, now would you? Now if you turn this gear on the side right here there’s a pair of scissors hidden here and aren’t they just lovely? When you feed a drop of your magical bl**d to the sewing machine, not only will the mechanical hand know how to sew it, but the scissors will be able to cut out the pattern for you. And of course as I mentioned earlier, you need to select the right color thread, Your sewing machine comes with a very lovely key. Turn the key in this lock up here and as if by magic though I assure you it is just technology, this section here will expand into a cylinder where you can place your thread. Happy sewing, I have a feeling fashion is about to get a lot more interesting. (424 words)

Current day:

Suswc activities

David sat in his bunk, listening to all the other boys snoring and fiddled with the edge of his blanket. It wasn’t luxurious or anything like that, but he hadn’t had a blanket that soft in a long time. It felt weirdly quiet in the dormitory. Sure the snoring was loud, but there was no roar of traffic, no blaring horns. One boy who couldn’t have been more than nine murmured softly in his sleep about chocolate chip cookies. Chocolate chip cookies! David hadn’t thought about those in ages and now his stomach growled a little for them. David took a slow deep breath. He’d finally made it. No more running in fear of demons. He belonged here. These were his people. The steady snoring soon caused David’s eyelids to get heavy and before he knew it, he was asleep as well.

Magical realism:
Yawning, I stepped behind the counter and tied on my apron.
“You stay up late reading again?” my boss Melville asked. “What is it in those books that’s got you so curious?”
As usual, it was a question I couldn’t answer truthfully. “I just like the idea of learning more about the world.” And also how to behave like a human.
Melville laughed. “I really don’t understand you kid. You got rescued by a ship and they could have taken you to any old port town, but instead you hired some guys in a sketchy little rowboat to take you here of all places?”
I chuckled a little as I began to work and shook my head slightly. “I told you, I think my dad’s here.”
“Yeah, yeah, the whale tattoo. Listen Drift, pretty much everyone here has one. I’ve got one, my Nana’s got one, Klaus Abbot had one, but it didn’t do him much good. Lyngbakr and his children still tore him to pieces.”
Klaus Abbot, that was my friend Riley’s father. Riley didn’t talk about his dad’s death much and I didn’t blame him.
“Like you said,” Melville went on. “All you know about your dad is that tattoo. He doesn’t even know you exist. Annnd-” he stretched out the and. “Not to be pessimistic, accidents happen out in the water all the time. He could be getting digested by a whale right now.”
“It’s like Riley’s lighthouse,” I said, praying I was using the metaphor properly. “I have to hold onto hope.”
Melville just sighed and shook his head, sighing something about Riley under his breath. He flipped the sign to open and as soon as he had unlocked the door, was nearly run over by a crowd of gnomes.
“Took you long enough,” said one whose beard was decorated with flowers. “Pour us some drinks kid, we’re thirsty.” She put some coins on a lower section of the corner that was made specially for imps, brownies, gnomes, and the like. Other magical creatures that had been living side by side with humans forever and didn't need to hide who they were. Or rather who they used to be.
“Coming right up Susannah.”
The gnome beamed. “Well,” she said in a pleasant voice. “You remembered my name. That’s sweet of you, sonny.”
“Yes ma’am,” I said, trying not to sound too tired as I filled several mugs for them. There would be a lot more species diversity here at night, but in the morning, these gnomes just about ruled the t*vern. (575 words)

Ancient times Mythical creature: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/878553310 For many years humans have seen beavers and used them to symbolize hard-work and industrialization, and none more so than a strange sort of beaver known as the ksavlix. Everytime a human settlement is established, a ksavlix comes to live there, though no one quite knows how it was born. Ksavlix are the size of horses and their huge teeth are made of metal. If it is happy with the people who live with it, it will use these giant teeth to help them cut down trees. Instead of the usual front paws of a beaver, ksavlix have human hands so that they are able to use all sorts of tools. Ksavlix are clever and creative and generally helpful, but they can also be quite destructive and they have the ability to light themselves on fire. It is believed that in this way they reflect how the skills of humans can be used to create wonderful things, but that they can also destroy so much and take away so much life. Ksavlix have a long pointed horn between their ears, which can be used both as a tool and a weapon to defend their people. Like beavers, they have large flat tails, but theirs are covered with strange symbols. No one knows what they mean but some theorize it is a prophecy for the end of civilization. Others say it is all the great and terrible things humans and their machines will do. Ksavlix do not eat the way a regular animal must. Instead this is based on the health of its inhabitants. So if it lives in a dying city, it will feel quite hungry and when it gets hungry it can get very grumpy. They do however need clean water. Ksavlix always first arrive with fur, but the more the humans destroy the environment, the more the ksavlix becomes less of an animal and more of an automaton. Sadly, the automaton version of the ksavlix is all too common in many parts of the world. These automatons do not have hearts like regular ksavlix. They do not have compassion or empathy either. They become merely extensions of human greed. And soon enough it will become the downfall of those people. To prevent that from happening, humans must learn to make a balance between the natural and the man-made. The ksavlix are there to help them use their cleverness to do so many wonderful things, but there will always be people who use the gifts of ksavlix for evil. (424 words)

It was all a dream: Light flooded my bedroom, but I turned away from it and did my best to ignore it. Eventually I did end up rolling out of bed, yawning. I got dressed and headed to the kitchen to get breakfast. I’d been in the middle of an amazing writing game before I went to bed, so I got on the computer so I could continue that. I typed swc into the search bar, but no result came up. That was odd. I checked my history. There was absolutely nothing related to my writing camp. I felt my heart beating too fast, I was breathing hard and getting dizzy too. “No, no,” I whispered to myself. I went on scratch and I checked my messages, I checked the studios I was a part of, anything. There was no sign of Scratch Writing Camp, anywhere to be seen. I found the profiles of people I was certain were in Scratch Writing Camp, but nothing on their profiles mentioned it. Had something happened? Had it all vanished overnight? Or had I somehow imagined all of it? I had written down stories and writing projects for this camp, I was certain of it. But no matter how hard I looked, these stories were nowhere to be found. Hundreds of stories, hundreds of memories, hundreds of friendships, how could that be only a dream? And how could I fill the hole it left in me? (243 words)

Total: 2764 words

Last edited by xXFierroOrFalafelXx (July 30, 2023 16:28:47)

66 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Thank you notes! (422 words)

Rockie (@rocksalmon800) and Aurora (@minergold48) - You have been a wonderful leader and co-leader this session. Thank you for making my first SWC session so special. You two put so much into SWC and the Adventure cabin. It was a honor to be part of Adventure this session.
I'm so sorry I wasn't very active this session- we went on vacation twice, I had swimming classes every day, and then I got covid about a week ago- but I tried to get online whenever I could. I'm definitely going to join SWC in November (that's when it is, right?) again, when I'm hopefully less busy.
You two are great cabin leaders. Thank you for making my very first session so amazing.

Sunny (@-Sunmeadow-) - I know we don't know each other that well, but I just wanted to say thank you for being a fellow camper with me this session. I think you are an amazing writer. You also completed your word goal. Good job! I watched you complete dailies and weeklies to get points for our cabin (unlike me, I failed to finish any of the weeklies ), and I really admire you. I really love your poems (especially the everyday one ), and I think you are a great SWC camper. It was fun being in the same cabin as you. Thank you, keep writing, and Scratch on!

Alba (@-Alocasia), Moss (@mossflower29) and the rest of the daily team - Thank you for coming up with the best dailies to do. They were fun and challenging, and I really enjoyed doing them this session.
The dailies are part of what made my first session so special (I failed to do the weeklies ) and all of you made them up. I don't know how you did, they were all amazing. Thank you so much for making my first session so special.
Also, you all inspired me a lot to share my writing, something I admit was a little scared and shy to do before. Hopefully I'll share more writing in the future.

And finally, thank you to the organizers, @-redredrobin-, @Luna-Lovegood-LOL, @Sunclaw68, @Stariqe, @caramelize, and @-Alocasia for making this session of SWC possible. You have all made this session so fun and memorable, and I'm definitely going to join again. My writing has improved a lot, and you all really inspired me. One of those things was inspiring me to share my writing, something I admit was a little scared and shy to do before. Thank you all, and Scratch on!

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100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

writing comp. fanfic entry - ‘Proceed’
word count: 238
fanfic of deltarune chapter 2's snowgrave route

“And then I was all like, ‘I’ll beat you up!’ and they went…” Susie trailed off, turning to look at her friend who walked beside her. “Hey, are you listening, or…”
“Yes, I was,” Ralsei apologized, “sorry. Something about this place just feels… weird. Is the city supposed to be this quiet?”
“Huh. I hadn’t noticed, but you’re right. Something is off. I hope Kris is doing okay.”
“They’ll be fine!” Ralsei assured her. “Let’s keep on going.”
So Susie and her Darkner friend continued walking, their footsteps echoing through the dark, unnaturally-silent streets of the city.

“Ralsei, was that you?” Susie asked a few moments later, jumping at the strange and sudden sound she had heard from somewhere around them. “Proceed where?”
“…what do you mean? I didn’t say anything!” He replied, looking unusually nervous as well. “It was probably Kris, wherever they are now.”
“That didn’t sound like Kris… whatever, come on. We’ll be out of this city soon.”
She began to walk up ahead, not waiting to see if her companion would follow–simply anxious to get out of this city and away from the phantom voice she had heard.
And there was something else, too; when that voice had spoken, telling somebody to ‘proceed,’ she could have sworn it was accompanied by another, softer voice–one that was strangely familiar–and that voice had been whimpering.

“Hey, is it cold in here, or is it just me?”

hi! : D

folklore ftw!!
100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

weekly!!! 2611 words

All of us want to be twinkling stars of the night sky
Shining above the silver lined clouds
Young children watching in awe, for
We dance with the hospitable moon
Overcast and gloomy, no siree,
For who could cry when children sing
Our verse with that twinkle in their eyes?
Watch them twinkle twinkle twinkle little star
Keep twinkle twinkle twinkling my star
Twinkle twinkle twinkle my dear
You have nothing to twinkle twinkle fear
Although there is clouds on the horizon
A bit of light from a shooting star
Can twinkle twinkle to the tippity top
And when we see the grey wolves howl
You shall know that the little pack is
Still howling up a storm (but sweet!)
For hope is supported by stars
When we reach our breaking point and we cannot dream
Sometimes the world seems obscure and a bit unforgiving
Nightmares fogging up our vision, but just look a little closer
From the corner of your reddened eye
Breaking devils and cracking skulls, inside
They all hold plentiful bits of that stardust
For broken is never broken and cracked is never cracked
The birds continue to sing their songs, my love
Even when the violent storm comes
The flowers continue to bloom, my love
Even in the scorching sun’s heat
No matter the many a circumstance, we go on
For that is what the stars do every night, without fear in their cores


Alice walked over to the young girl of eight years. She brushed her rat fur and took a deep breath. No one, least of all her, wanted to deliver the painful news that was gnawing at her very soul. Her heart. After so many years of taking care of the human child, from finding her to preparing the adoption ceremony so she could be taken in by Horace and Eugenie (king and queen respectively), it was pure torture to deliver this news.

Rat Leader picked up Alice and held her hear her face. “Yes, Alice the Advisor, vanquisher of demons, killer of humans, protector of the world?”

All those titles were like a crushing weight on the small rat’s body. She had been an over achiever, and it treated her well. She grew up in the rat slums, both parents absent, without an idea as to what love was. Of all creatures, a deadly human had taught her the truth.

“My dear… You are a human, are you not?” She placed a paw on Rat Leader’s cheek.

“Not at all! I’m a rat, like you. I’ve always been and always will be. I too will save the rat race from humanity!”

Alice looked at the innocent little girl’s doe eyes and shook her head. She felt the bolt of pain cut through her skin like a knife. It hurt more than the trap that had scarred her at the tender age of two months. The trap that made her the rat she became. A ruthless one, with more than just a thirst for human blood. It was a necessity in order for her to live.

But it is always hard to rip the band aid.

“You will, my dear. But you are still human.”

A pang of fear–shock– whatever you called it, it shot through Rat Leader. “What are you saying?” She stuttered out. “How can two rats give birth to a human!”

“Your parents aren’t your parents. They took you in. I took you in. We saved you from the slums.”

Rat Leader pulled Alice closer to her. “The slums?”

“The same slums I was born in. You were sick, starved, and doing odd jobs to get a few coins. We brought you here.”

Rat Leader held Alice and began to sob. The first time the little girl had ever cried. Her teardrops were like a waterfall that cascaded down her arms. She stopped, and then looked Alice straight in the eye. “But how does this have anything to do with being human?”

Alice looked down, and then back at Rat Leader. “It means that, in your blood, you must be human. And… it means that one day you’ll leave us! You’ll leave and never come back!”

And now it was time for both of them to sob, for a life without the other sounded worse than death.



I breathe again, for my name is Lea and I breathe dreams.

I was never supposed to face this fate, but it’s not easy to deny your destiny. Through pain and suffering, I have learned that I will never breathe again.

Air was never mine. Oxygen was never mine. This world was never mine, even when I first stepped into it. How can I possibly take something that never belonged to me?

Although this will be the final chapter of my nightmares and fantasies alike, I want to combine the two to create the most beautiful ending for me. Life no longer matters to me. Death is no longer something for me to fear. My only reality is my existence.

I will die in the hands of myself. The only way to combine my story is to face reality. A reality that no one else can fulfil.

No intermediary will follow. I will punch and push and do everything I can to end. Because a true dream is one where I control it, and the nightmare is where there’s no escape.

I will ensure that there isn’t one.


Lea sat on the cliff’s edge, and then moved back a little. This was her job, not nature’s. She placed her right hand in her left and stared at her sharp, sharp nails. She looked in front of her to see the thin black strands of her hair she’d gathered to create a long rope. And finally, she looked at her closed fists, the bright blue veins bulging slightly. The determination and preparation were certainly present.

I have nothing left to live for except this body of mine. I’ll discard it and start again. And this time,

“I will follow a noble path.”

She looked at the scorching sun with blazing eyes.

“I will follow a noble path!”

Grasping the long bunch of hair, tied and plaited to perfection, Lea began to smile. This was it. She would no longer have to endure this pain and suffering that had been gnawing at her since she came into this world. After a quick flex of the wrist, Lea began swinging the whip at her legs.

A thousand strands of, even hair, can hurt like steel.

Lea hit and hit, without regard to the winces of pain, the bruises killing her, the red liquid beginning to pour.


And to do that, I must suffer enough to compensate for the lives I took in this ruthless incarnation.

She pulled the whip up to her stomach and began to do it again, and soon the pain felt like comfort. An escape from her treason. Smiling, she whipped faster and harder until she remembered her other weapons.

Her rough fist began to punch at each of her cheeks, filling her with uncontrollable pain– but along with that, a heavy load of joy. Blood began to dribble out of her mouth until she noticed her fist covered in it. She had joy for the fact that she would no longer need to live with all these regrets, these souls clinging to her back for mercy. A noble path in her next life, in her eyes, was certain, for she was paying for her crimes through herself.

I have nothing except this wretched body that I carry myself in.

She took a deep breath and looked at her blood stained hands, clothes, face– this was how she had to live. And it was also the way she would die.

Crying was never Lea’s thing, but she began to sob. She didn’t know why or how, for she had never shed a tear for a person, regardless of who it was, that she had ended the life of all the years.

Tears end the mourning process.

Lea placed the sharp, long nail extension she had made of her collected nail clippings and slid it on her finger, tightening it under pockets of skin, using the thick, semi dry blood as glue.

And then she did what she had to do,

and plunged her pinky finger into her heart.

She had a few moments left before her world turned black. And although she viewed it as a dream entering reality, it ended like a nightmare.



Dumbfounded, Rat Leader huffed off. It was too much to ask. She went over to the door of classroom fourteen and looked in a corner. There she found Boise, who looked at her with those fond, glimmering eyes. Although the urge to walk up to him was there, she didn’t dare move. They were too close for screw ups. She simply blinked at him, showing that she had noticed him, and watched as he rushed back into the hole, a little bit of teary water dripping from his small beady eyes. This was it. Today would either begin the revolution, or kill it. For good.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed another rat. This rat was named Mallory, and she was a special agent here at Parker Middle School. Rat Leader knew she shouldn’t speak to her, but she was eager to meet the rat behind the brains of the mission. So, she walked over to Mallory, who was hiding behind a coat hanger, and crouched down

“Um, hi?” Rat Leader whispered, startling Mallory. Only when Mal saw Rat Leader’s face did she know this human wasn’t a threat. But her actions could be.

“SHH!!! What are you doing, oh benevolent Rat Leader? This is incredibly risky and could mess up the whole operation. What do you want from me?”

“My apologies, I was just eager to meet you. After all, you organized this whole rebellion and invited me. I had to give you my thanks for stepping up.”

“Yes yes, I appreciate it very much darling! But we don’t have time to deal with this poppycock!”

Rat Leader took a deep breath. “You remind me of Alice the Advisor.”

Mallory looked straight into Rat Leader’s eyes, her own burning with fury.

“ALICE?? I remind you of that wretched, spineless ALICE??”

Rat Leader looked at Mallory with a mixture of anger, irritation, and just plain confusion. How could Mallory hate her loving Alice the Advisor? The slayer of demons, protector of rats? If anything, Rat Leader figured that Mallory should be happy to know she is comparable to her.

“Why don’t you like her?”

“I used to be the advisor to the king and queen, but that snake took my position. She challenged me to a battle of wits, and inevitably she won. I was reduced to working at this dump, and although I value my peers…”

“Your mission is to overthrow her?”

“Exactly! And if you support Alice, then I cannot support you. Once the mission is over, I will never speak to you nor mentor you as I promised to your parents.”

“I can’t believe you! It’s not Alice the Advisor’s fault! She worked so hard for that position! You should use your weaknesses to improve, you know?”

Mallory huffed off without looking back, leaving Rat Leader angry but determined.

“I too will save the rats from humanity, auntie.” Rat Leader rushed into the classroom, more ready than ever.


The simple whiteout, All you have to do is push out the thin plastic holding the whiteout paper, and boom. But, in the future, this lovely little pen-slip saver could do so much more. Meet:


This lovely little gadget will protect you from aliens (the evil ones), humans, and oh so much more. In a world governed by magic, there is bound to be many new creatures, and some many not be so kind to humanity. How this little whiteout will work, is through a little tinkering a spell casting. Inside the plastic barrel of a whiteout container (not the little barrel thing with the actual whiteout), there will be a magic spell which summons a smoke cloud. All you have to do is push some whiteout onto, perhaps your finger, and then speak the magic phrase:


This will produce a smoke cloud to help you run off if necessary.

The actual whiteout is enchanted. It can turn into a long rope in case you need to tie someone up, or chase them off. Maybe even lasso? Basically, just pushing out some whiteout and use the enchanted spell:


Boom. You got yourself a rope that is ten times the size of the piece of whiteout you took out.

Now, those are the only two magic fueled parts of the new gadget. It can also do some other things! In the steampunk-magic governed world, the little nozzle where the whiteout comes out will be able to become sharper by removing the little cap. It’s not killing weapon, but it can pack a punch. If a witch tries to catch you to cook you into supper, this whiteout will give you something to fight back with.

Another thing it can do is be used as a boomerang! The design of this new world is shaped like a boomerang (only a miniature one) in case you need something to do, or SELF DEFENSE! It’s nice and small so that you can keep it in your pocket. And, if you desire, you may enchant it so that it can do special things, like behave like a pet dog!

And the final use of this wonderous white out is the most favoured of all. Everyone loves this method, and I’m sure you do too!


Yes, it’s true! Even in this magic-steampunk world, literally everyone makes a mistake with a pen or whatnot, so this whiteout proves to be incredibly useful.


I feel the cold sweat beading up on my forehead, my sheets tossed around, and my head aching more than ever. In a flash of fear, I flash my hand over my heart.

No blood

I’m perplexed, for in that fight, didn’t he kill me with that long jagged spear?

And then I realize it was all a dream. The battlefield, the deaths, the awful, awful sounds of screams. Crying, vomiting, watching my comrades fall– none of it happened, huh?

Sick to my stomach, I get up from the bed and go over to the kitchen. The water tastes like when you lose a tooth. Bloody. I spit it out, the notion of me being a vampire appearing, but soon leaving me.

I lay back down on my bed, covering only my feet (due to a horror story I once saw) and lay there, thinking of what I just witnessed. I don’t remember my dream clearly, but I like to have at least a vague idea. It has been a while since I’ve woken up in the middle of the night from a dream–more like nightmare.

It must be the movies.
It has to be.
I’ve become a monster.

I try to brush of the feeling that something is going on, but it’s impossible.

The movies have crept into my mind. The death scenes, the generals, the crying and screams of torture.

War is a fight caused by only two people. We are all roped into it one way or another.
I try to sleep again, but this time I want to know more.

| Path 1: ANCIENT, Prompt 3 | Path 2: PAST, Prompt 1 | Path 3: DAY, Prompt 2 | Path 4: FUTURE, Prompt 2 |

hi everyone u.u

tis i, the great, ALLYSAURUS :o

when green flag clicked
play sound [it's corn! v]
100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

writing competiton entry: Paper Magic

(disclaimer: there is a scene in this story that shows the ways Japanese-Americans were treated in the 1940’s. It has been edited to fit within the guidelines of Scratch, but it may upset some readers, so be warned.)

It all began with a soggy paper airplane. Chizuru was working on homework; her little sister was watching the drops of water on the window from the rain last night, speaking to them in an annoying voice. Sakura said something to her, but Chizuru brushed her off, assuming it was unimportant. Thankfully Sakura didn’t press on. Chizuru felt a wave of relief wash over her when Sakura stopped talking and she was able to concentrate. Until she remembered that Sakura was never quiet.
She quickly turned around just in time to see Sakura climbing out the window to a very steep bit of roof over the front door. Chizuru’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head. “Sakura! Stop!” She raced over and tried to pull her back in. It was too late; she got pulled out the window too. The girls screamed as they clawed at the shingles, trying to get back to the window, but the roof was slippery from the rain. Sakura grabbed something white off the roof– a soggy paper airplane–and then they were falling. Chizuru screamed and squeezed her eyes shut. Her instincts told her to protect Sakura, but before she could, she landed on something. It took her a second to register that they hadn’t landed on asphalt, but something smooth, thin, and flexible. Weirdest of all, it was a gentle landing.
Hesitantly, she opened her eyes and immediately knew she had to be dreaming. Because there was no way they were ten feet in the air–and going higher– riding a giant paper airplane.
“Isn’t it awesome?!”
Sakura leaned to the left which made the paper airplane tilt left and made Chizuru queasy.
“Careful!” she yelped as they rose higher and higher in the air. “There’s no seatbelts on this thing.”
“Well then don’t fall off,” Sakura laughed. “It wants to take us somewhere.”
“It’s a paper airplane. It shouldn’t want stuff. We shouldn’t be able to ride it.”
“Stop worrying about the logic of it so much,” Sakura told her.
Chizuru stopped worrying about the logic when she realized with horror they were heading straight for Declan Giroux’s house. Otherwise known as the cutest boy in eighth grade.
“We have to get away from here!” Chizuru shouted.
“It wants us here,” Sakura insisted then told her to duck, which Chizuru did just in time to narrowly avoid hitting her head on the window frame. Oh no… this wasn’t just any room. It was Declan’s room. It was full of drawings, sculptures, weird machines, blueprints, and paper airplanes. Chizuru watched as the giant paper airplane they had ridden on shrunk and joined the rest of the paper airplanes. There was no escape now.
The door opened and Chizuru’s body decided to freeze as she came face to face with Declan Giroux.
He blinked. “Chizuru. Wh-what are you doing here?”
All the blood had drained from Chizuru’s face but now it quickly rushed back. “I-it’s n-not what it looks like, I promise,” she stammered, wishing the floor would swallow her right there.
Declan looked amused. “Alright then tell me. You know, I’m very good at believing the unbelievable.
This was true. Despite the fact that Declan was nice, really cute, and good at problem-solving and thinking outside the box, he always had his head in the clouds. Once he’d tricked her into joining a hunt for Bigfoot.
“Your paper airplane saved us!” Sakura launched into the story of what happened, though Chizuru really wished that Sakura had left out the part about her screaming like a baby. Oddly enough, or perhaps not very oddly, considering it was Declan, he seemed to believe Sakura.
Declan picked up his paper airplane. “Really? These old things?”
“It’s true,” Chizuru said hesitantly. “Like Sakura said, we were going to fall off the roof then the paper airplane saved us.”
“I thought you didn’t believe in magic.”
“I don’t, but I know what I saw.”
“She used to believe in magic,” Sakura remarked.
Declan nodded, looking at Chizuru in a way she didn’t quite understand. “You used to have the biggest imagination. You were always drawing in your notebook. What made you stop?”
The fact that she was in eighth grade now and too old for that? The fact that she needed to focus on more serious stuff? Or was it the fact that it was hard to have a big imagination since her mother had died last Christmas? Chizuru didn’t answer. “Look, I’m sorry we broke in by accident. Could we just leave and pretend none of this ever happened?”
Declan smirked and Chizuru groaned inside. “But you don’t like pretending.”
“Please,” she begged.
Declan smiled. “My mom made cookies. Come eat some. Don’t worry Chizuru, they’re just circles; I know fun and interesting shapes don’t seem logical to you.” He and Sakura laughed. Chizuru’s face went bright red and she clenched her fists inside her pockets. Maybe he wasn’t always so nice. Nevertheless, they decided to take him up on his offer of cookies, which were delicious.
While Sakura talked to Declan, Chizuru nibbled on a cookie, looking out the window. The sky was cloudy but she couldn’t get herself to find shapes in them like she did when she was younger. There was no point in artistic thinking and it only brought grief.
Suddenly there was loud barking and frightened yelping. Chizuru watched as a pack of dogs chased a fox. Skura and Declan ran over to see what the commotion was about.
“Hey! Leave that fox alone! Chizuru, we have to help it!”
Chizuru agreed but how?
They managed to get the fox in Declan’s garage which was empty and shut the door just before the dogs got there. The three kids all stood near the door to the house, watching the fox. All of them were breathing heavily.
The fox looked up at them, and for a second Chizuru was worried it might attack, but then it did something she never would have expected. It spoke. The words were in Japanese which she didn’t know a ton of, but she quickly realized the fox was thanking them. Chizuru just stood there dumbfounded. First a giant paper airplane, now a talking fox? What on earth was going on today? Sakura translated for Declan.
“No offense, but how can you talk? Foxes can’t normally talk.” Declan said.
He spoke in English, but apparently the fox understood. She spoke again in Japanese. Chizuru did her best to translate. “She says she’s a kitsune. She doesn’t know how she ended up here, but she wants to go home.”
“We’ll help her,” Sakura said immediately.
“We don’t even know where her home is or how to get there,” Chizuru argued.
The fox began describing her home, though Chizuru couldn’t quite translate all of it. “It sounds like it might be Japan. But we can’t afford a ticket to Japan.”
“The giant paper airplane!” Sakura said excitedly.
Sakura got one of Declan’s paper airplanes to grow enormous and all four of them got on it. “Take us to this kitsune’s home,” Sakura said.
The paper airplane lifted off and they flew high into the clouds and although Chizuru was terrified, she had to admit it was beautiful and filled her with awe. Gently they descended but everything looked strange. Old fashioned cars, buildings, and palm trees lined the streets. A movie theater advertised Mickey Mouse and Bambi. Oddly dressed men and women shouted angrily, holding signs. When Chizuru saw the signs she felt her heart drop.
“We don’t want Japanese in our country!” A woman shouted.
“Make them pay for Pearl Harbor!” her husband said.
“They don’t belong in America!”
Chizuru felt something squeezing her hand and realized it was Declan’s hand. “Oh god…I’m so sorry.”
“I know this place now,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady. “It’s where my grandmother grew up, well, until…” she trailed off.
They flew into a neighborhood and stopped in front of a house.
A uniformed officer knocked on the door and a Japanese-American man opened the door. “You've seen the signs telling you to be prepared to go to a relocation center.” the officer said gruffly“You and your family have ten minutes to finish getting ready then you’re coming with me.”
“Please, my family’s been here for three generations. My life’s work is here.”
“You think President Roosevelt cares?” the officer spat. “You should have thought about that before your friends bombed Pearl Harbor.”
“They aren’t my friends. I’m just as American as you.” The officer slapped him, but the man who was Chizuru’s great-grandfather flinched only a little.
“Daddy?” A little girl called, nervously from the dining room.
“Back inside Keiko. Tatsuki will help you pack your stuff.”
Keiko, Chizuru’s grandmother, looked straight at her. “It was such an ugly world we lived in. All crammed together with barely any food for a crime we didn’t commit. The soldiers wouldn’t let us leave. We lost everything. Make the world something beautiful. You deserve it after all the ugliness our family went through.”
Tears pricked Chizuru’s eyes. “I will Grandma.”
Tears ran down her face as they flew away. She hugged Sakura. If they’d been born in a different time this is what they would have gone through.
The paper airplane took them back to Declan’s house. “What!?” Sakura shouted. “I told you to take us to this kitsune’s home!”
Chizuru smiled. “Don’t worry Sakura. I know what to do.”
They landed inside Declan’s bedroom. The kitsune curled up forlornly. “I’ll never go home.”
“I’ll get you home,” Chizuru promised. Make the world something beautiful. She used to believe in magic. She turned to Sakura. “You can make paper cranes, right? I need you to teach Declan how. We need a thousand.”
A huge smile came to Sakura’s face. “You’re making a wish!” She and Declan ran to grab paper. Chizuru found a huge piece of paper and some drawing supplies. “Tell me what your world is like?” she asked the kitsune.
It had been so long since she last drew, but with flourishing lines and strokes of color, the paper transformed into a beautiful scene. A misty forest with a peach grove and a cherry grove and a babbling brook with a natural bridge over it. And many, many kitsunes and other magical creatures.
“It’s perfect,” the kitsune breathed. By the time the drawing was finished, Sakura and Declan followed by his parents and Chizuru’s father and several of their neighbors all ran upstairs, arms full of paper cranes.
“We have a thousand,” her father said, then he saw the drawing. “Oh Chizuru…I was so wrong to say you could never be an artist.”
They set the cranes down and the Chizuru made a wish. “I made a beautiful world, just like you said, grandma. Now I wish this world could become a real home for this kitsune.”
They watched the ink rising off the page, swirling in the air in an intricate design. Her hands found Declan’s and Sakura’s. The kitsune stepped forward and became part of the swirls of ink. They watched as images of kitsunes and peach trees floated in the air. Then they settled back on the page before it all disappeared in a beautiful flash of color. Sakura squealed and hugged Chizuru.
Declan smiled and k*ssed her cheek, which made her blush deeply. “I knew there was still a magical artist in you.”
One week later, it rained again. But this time Chizuru didn’t stay inside grumbling about it. Instead she, Declan, and Sakura all laughed and danced, and they didn’t care about being serious as they jumped in the puddles. And when the ripples settled, they saw the magic that was within all of their imaginations. And somewhere, Chizuru knew the kitsune was playing in the rain, and soon it would find a rainbow. And with the colors of that rainbow, Chizuru would make even more art. “I’m gonna make the world beautiful.”

Last edited by xXFierroOrFalafelXx (July 31, 2023 01:21:36)

100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

hi sun!!! i'm so happy i got to be in your cabin again you're such a brilliant writer, leader, and an amazing person to be around & i'm very *VERY* happy i got to be in steampunk with you!!! thank you so much for all the work you've put into our cabin, it was an AMAZING experience ♥

hello ave thank you for being a WONDERFUL co leader ^_^ it's the first time i've ever interacted with you, but it was absolutely AMAZING!! your optimism and overall coolness made it so awesome to be in steampunk ^^ also, your art skills >>> thank you for everything!!

hi sandy! although we didn't have many one on one conversations, i could tell that you are such a friendly person to be around your commitment to swc (and CABIN WARS!!!) is admirable, & you added a bunch of fun to our cabin ^^ i hope we can be in the same cabin again!

everyone else in steampunk
hi guys! i didn't really get to interact with all of you guys which is such a shame, but i want to thank EVERYONE for contributing to steampunk and making our cabin literally the best one of all. thank u guys!!!

hots!! +daily team, creators of swc, EVERYONE who helped :starstruck:
you guys are AMAZING!!! swc is one of those things that just adds a bit of pizazz to scratch ^_^ i've been doing swc since 2021 (poetry march!) and it never fails to bring me enjoyment, friendship, and loads of fun ty to EVERYONE!!!!


Last edited by alicorn10 (July 30, 2023 18:28:19)

hi everyone u.u

tis i, the great, ALLYSAURUS :o

when green flag clicked
play sound [it's corn! v]
100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Weekly #4
3,201 words

There was
An old woman
Her house was destroyed
All her
Children had died
Her life was void

She threw
Off her shoes
And dug them into sand
And promptly
At sundown
She tucked herself in

The next
Day she woke up
And no one was there
She went
Back to sleep
Dissolving her care

The people of the ancient city of Gerentard have a high regard for animals of all kinds. From the smallest ant to the high and mighty lions, each individual creature has an important role in this society. Here is a guide of some of the most crucial of these animals to keep the city running efficiently.

First, we have the high and mighty griffins, one of the most renowned of the animals, which also serves an important role as a messenger. These birds soar through the skies, sending important regards towards all residents of Gerentard, whether it'd be the royal family, the villagers, or even the peasants and slaves.

Next are the centaurs, the horse-man hybrids, who are in charge of herding the valley's sheep and do a mighty fine job at it, if you ask us. The centaurs work restlessly to tend to the sheep and take good care of them, from feeding to washing to shearing. If it wasn't for their hard work, then what would we do?

Other animals that reside in Gerentard include the goat, considered the superior cousin of the sheep. The goat brays loudly in the morning, signaling the time to wake up and get ready for the day. Manatees and octopi swim throughout the waters, adding a sense of comfort in the oceans and protecting the villagers from predators such as sharks and stingrays. And the bovine, most commonly known as cows, help produce milk, meat, and leather to give the villagers food, drinks, and clothing.

But, by far the most renowned of the animals of Gerentard is the swine, more commonly known as a pig. Pigs are considered sacred creatures in Gerentard and while the consuming of pork isn't a crime, it is harshly looked down upon as the Greek goddess Demeter is commonly associated with pigs and eating them is equaled to ignoring the request of a god. Each member of the royal family has a pig to keep to themselves. These pigs are pampered, with their own shrines, bedrooms, and cool accessories to keep them happy and healthy. Legend says that if a pig is unsatisfied, it will send a message to the goddess Demeter, who will curse the land with droughts, bad crops, and plagues.

Overall, Gerentard's regard for all animals of every kind has helped it become a prosperous ancient city. Everybody has a part to play in this city. Come to Gerentard and see for yourself!

Dear old woman
Don't you fear
Dear old woman
Don't you care
Dear old woman
Do you see what the future holds for you and me

Welcome to the Galaxswc Speedy Space Diner! We have a variety of tasty treats for you to indulge in. Have a gander around and see what you can eat, whether on a pit stop, here for a romantic dinner, or just want to eat out for the night.

Breakfast: For our early morning travelers, we have the patented Galacto-Waffles! Made using a combination of classic waffle mix and comet dust, this breakfast food is sure to be a hit. Galacto-Waffles are served with a heaping pitcher of star syrup as a courtesy, and can be topped with strawberries, chocolate sauce, and whipped cream.

For those who like a more savory start to their morning, we have our Spacito-Burrito. This galactical meal contains potatoes, vegetables, eggs, and sausages all wrapped in a blue burrito. This is guaranteed to kick your day off with a spacey start.

Lunch: What time is it? It's time for lunch! For lunch at the Galaxswc diner we have our creamy, thick Asteroid Soup, made with fresh, newly-harvested asteroid shards and cheese gathered from the Moon. You may have heard the cheese on moon theory, and we're here to confirm it.

Sandwich lovers- don't fret yet! The Galaxswc also has a yummy Everything Sandwich, containing everything you can fit in between two loaves of bread without it breaking apart, like cheese, tomatoes, pastrami, and even more spontaneous choices such as chocolate chip cookies, apples, and bananas!

Dinner: It's dinner time! Come inside and see all the delicious servings you cat treat yourself to here. First up, we have our Super Sun Salad. The salad may look mild at first, but the spices will for sure be sending you upwards towards the sun trying to find a jug of milk.

We also have our Celestial Chicken- a desirable dish that also functions as a good source of protein and healthy fats.

Dessert: But wait- don't leave yet! The Galaxswc Diner also has a wide array of desserts for you to try before you leave for the night. For one thing, we have our astronaut ice cream, which combines futuristic star powder, pretzel bites, and planet peaches with the freeze-dried dessert to create an irresistible treat.

Finally on the menu is the best of them all, the Pluto-Pizza-Pie! A hybrid combination with the flaky, buttery crust of a pizza and the sweet, creamy filling of a pie. This has been a hit at the Galaxswc since the diner's opening, and still hits hard to this day.

Because time flies
And things change
And what started out the same
Might not be what it seems
(Might not be what it seems)

Oh yeah, time flies
And things change
Let the world show you
Let the world guide you
Let it lead you
Let it lead you out of the pain

“De'Marcus…” Tia rose up from the couch, her face red with all the emotions. “We agreed we wouldn't talk about this.”

“Well.” De'M replied, teeth grit and all. “That agreement is over.” He ran over to Tia. grabbing her by the armpits and shaking her like a newborn baby. “You murdered Marcellus, Tia! How could I forget that. I'm the one that runs the guy's shop, for God's sake.”

“Let go!” Tia kicked De'M off of her grip. While she had the opportunity, she stepped back, her eyes glistening with tears. “It- it was an accident.”

“Hazing isn't an accident, Tiana.” De'M took a breath, trying to compose himself before he did something worse. “Listen. You have until tomorrow night to pack up your things and leave.” Tia opened her mouth to reply, but De'M shushed her. “Please, Tiana. I'm not doing this anymore.”

Tia stood face-to-face with her boyfriend, her eyes red and puffy. Suddenly, she broke out into sobs, grabbed her phone with the flashlight still on, and bolted away in tears.

De'Marcus went into the kitchen and started to grill himself some sunny side up eggs. He simply didn't care anymore.

He was awakened in the middle of the night by sirens. Red and blue flashing lights, glazing in the reflection of his apartment window. He rubed his eyes, looked around the room, only to realize that there was no one inside. Shrugging, De'm tried to go back to sleep when he heard a megaphone at his bedroom door:

“Leave the premises with your hands up!”

A cold shiver went through De'Marcus' chest. The police? What were they doing here? He hadn't been in any legal trouble since he was a teenager, and even then it was Tia's idea. Slowly, he got out of bed and went into the hallway, his arms raised up to the roof.

“De'Marcus Presley, if I'm correct.”
“Yes, Officer.” De'M nodded, his heart thumping onto his ribcage with such force.
“An arrest warrant was sent out for you this evening.” The officer jotted down on a piece of notebook paper, not paying attention to De'M's nervous posture. “Are you aware of this?”

De'Marcus shook his head, trying to hold back tears.

“De'Marcus Presley,” The officer put the paper in his pocket and took out a pair of handcuffs. “You are under arrest for attempted manslaughter and domestic violence.”

De'M was shocked. “But Officer, I-”

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the courtroom.” Two other police officers took De'M by the wrists and started to handcuff him.
“Officer, please. I don't understand.”
The officer took out Tia's phone and showed him a recording. A recording of him strangling her. “You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, then one will be provided for you.”

All De'Marcus could do was shake is head. Once again, Tia had outsmarted him. He decided to try one last time. “But, Tiana- she murdered Marcellus. She was the one that shot him. She kept the gun.” He sniffed. “I can show you the gun.”

“The murderer of Marcellus LeRoy Evans has been on the run for over two decades, and you are meaning to imply that she's been hiding in your apartment all this time?” The officer shook her head. “Sir, I can't believe you.”

Neither could De'Marcus.

“Come with us.” The officers took De'Marcus and led him out of the apartment and to the car. He looked backwards one final time to see Tia, huddling with her friends, crying and shaking in the living room. The gun was nestled in her hands.

There was an old woman
And on one sweet day
She sat on a swing
Out on the peaceful day

She wiped away her tears
On this sweet day
She said to herself
It is only May

And the year is almost over
And the world is turning
So I must come out
My sadness and yearning

Once upon a time, there was a camp in the middle of nowhere called Scratch Writing Camp, where kids and teens went to become better writers.'

“Ah.” Robin, the new leader, sighed, opening the door of the Non-Fi cabin, smiling. “Another year at Scratch Writing Camp.”

Things had changed around the camp. For one thing, Birdi had left and was no longer the leader. That role had been graciously passed down to Robin, who wad determined to be just as good as a leader as Birdi was.

“I wonder what adventures will take place this year at- WHAT THE?”

“Oh, h-hi Robin! Aurora sheepishly blushed. ”Nothing to see here.“
”Yep!“ Wynter nodded, rubbing the back of er neck. ”Nothing to worry about at all.“

”Why and where did you get that polar bear from?“ Robin put their hands on their hips, annoyed.

”Well, you see…“ Aurora blushed.

”Do you remember when that Pied Piper guy came?“

Robin grimaced. A few sessions earlier, a mysterious camper named the Pied Piper had joined Scratch Writing Camp and promised to rid the camp of invading enemy mangoes. Unfortunately, to make a long story short, it had resulted in shortbread cookies, a lot of dancing, and a bunch of campers leaving to go to Scratch Reading Camp instead.

”Yes, what about him?“

”Well,“ Wynter began. ”He sent us a package this morning. And inside the package was-“
A polar bear meowed.
”AAH!“ Robin jumped, bolting to a nearby bunk bed for cover. ”Is that what I think it is?“

”A meowing polar bear?“ Ember entered the cabin, shaking their head. ”Yep. And the only way we can get rid of it is if we pay back the Pied Piper.“

”But, we already paid him back in shortbread cookies!“
”He said they were too salty.“ Wynter shrugged. ”Anyways, Aurora and I have bene taking care of this little guy until we come up with a solution.“ She scratched the polar bear's chin. ”We're going to name him Ravioli, like a lasagna!“

Ravioli nodded in agreement, meowing.

”You aren't going to name him because we aren't keeping him?“ Robin shook her head. ”Scratch Writing Camp has no place for meowing polar bears!“ She sighed, leaning herself onto a nearby pillow. ”If only Birdi was here. She'd know exactly what to do.“
”I'm sure we can come up with something.“ Wynter gave a reassuring smile. ”Aurora and I will stay with Ravioli, and Ember and you can look for a solution.“

”It's a plan.“ Robin got up and took a breath. It was time to be a leader once and for all. ”Come on, Ember.“ She started her way out of the cabin. ”We've got some work to do.“

”ROBIN!“ Poppy ran out of the Lyric cabin in a frenzy, holding a letter in her hands. ”It's a letter from the mango people!“
”I thought the Pied Piper had killed them!“ Robin groaned. She took the letter and read it:

Dear Robin,
It has come to our attention that the Pied Piper has asked for a compensation for the help he gave in killing some of our fellow soldiers. Despite our grudge against you, we are willing to assist you in paying him back for just one favor- you must out up a giant sign on the entrance to the camp saying, ”MANGOES ARE THE BEST“. If you do this, then we will provide you with a heap of mangoes to give to him. If not, well, then good luck.

Organic- leader of the Mango Army

Robin shook her head. ”I guess we don't have a choice.“ She turned to Poppy. ”Tell some other campers to start working on the banner. We'll paste it to the front when its finished. I'll do anything to get rid of that darned Piper.“

And so, Poppy recruited campers Misty, CD, and Skye to create the mango banner, all while Wynter and Aurora took care of Ravioli, who was now good friends with the other campers. Robin was happy- things were going to plan.

Then, the fateful day finally came. With a heavy heart, Aurora and Wynter said their final goodbyes to Ravioli and put him away in a box to be shipped.
”Do we have to bring him back?“ Aurora scowled. ”I bet the Pied Piper didn't treat him very well.“
”It's for the best. We just don't have the space to take care of Ravioli- I mean,“ Robin coughed. ”-the polar bear.“

Wynter shed a few sad tears.
That afternoon, the entire camp gathered around the entrance to say goodbye to Ravioli and put the mango banner up. With a heavy heart, Robin was lifted into the air by a ladder and placed the banner up, covering the giant ”SCRATCH WRITING CAMP“ sign.

There was silence. Wynter whispered some comforting words into Ravioli's ear. He meowed back in reply.


The campers gasped in shock as Acoustic, the leader of the Guitar Army, came stomping in, looking very angry. ”Drop the banner this instant- before I unleash war! Everyone knows that guitars and much superior to those mangoes.“

”Not so fast.“ Organic followed, a box of fresh mangoes in his hand. ”Don't threaten my allies.“
”Organic, they tried to kill you!“ Acoustic was shocked.
”It's an urgent matter that needs to be taken care of!“
”What could possibly be so urgent that you would team up with your enemies!“

”MEOW!“ Ravioli burst out of his box and yowled so loudly at all the arguing promptly stopped.

”Ravioli's right.“ Aurora nodded. ”There have been signs that the Pied Piper is coming back for revenge. Fighting is the last thing we want to do.“

”What we do need is a truce.“ Robin stepped forward, extending her hand out to Acoustic. ”I know we haven't gotten along much, but we need your help to stop the Pied Piper.“
Acoustic hesitated, wincing. ”How do I know you won't try to fight me again?“

”Please, Acoustic.“ Robin pleaded. ”This is serious.“

”That's about right.“ And then came the Piper, holding his trusty flute in the palm of his hand. ”Those shortbread cookies tasted salty! And now you'll be tasting the beacon of my revenge!“ He held up the flute to play.

”STOP HIM!“ Acoustic yelled. Altogether the mangoes, guitars, campers, and Ravioli the meowing polar bear charged at the Piper. As the guitars played fight ballads, the mangoes threw off their peels and used them to beat the Piper's face. Campers fought and wrestled, and Ravioli meowed into his ear, burning his eardrums. Robin and Acoustic examined the spectacle in wonder.

”STOP, PLEASE!“ The Piper got up, sobbing and running away. ”AND KEEP THE STUPID POLAR BEAR! MOMMMYYYY!“

Everyone cheered.

”We did it!“ Robin jumped. ”With the power of teamwork, we rid the Pied Piper away from Scratch Writing Camp once and for all!“ She turned towards Organic and Acoustic, smiling gratefully. ”How can I possibly thank you two?“

”No thanks needed.“ Acoustic shook his head.
”Thank you, Robin.“ Organic smiled. ”Without your insistence in starting a truce, the Piper would have killed us all.“

”Aw, shucks.“ Robin blushed.

”You really did prove yourself as a great leader!“ CD grinned. ”Yeah, but there's still one problem.“
Wynter chimed in. ”What do we do with Ravioli?“

And so, from that day forward, the mangoes and the guitars learned to set their differences aside and become good friends. Ravioli became the official SWC mascot, brightening the day of every camper around. Robin became more confident in her skills as a leader, and everyone (except the Pied Piper) lived happily ever after.

Because time, it flies
And things change
And as the wind blows in your face
Know that this is true

Oh yeah, time flies
And things change
Let the flowers dance to you
Let the stars guide you
Let them lead you
Let them lead you out of the pain

A thud, and she woke up, her body shaking fiercely. ”W-what?“ She stammered, gazing around her bedroom with a frantic eye.

The time machine. It was gone. She was not in the past, the future, the ancient times, or anywhere else. She was in her bed now, which was in her room, which was in her house, which was in her neighborhood on the planet Earth.

She got up from her bed and stretched herself out, yawning. Her braids were shaking, just like her body. ”W-was it really all a dream?“

She looked out her window, pushing the curtains aside and making sure not to hit her head on the air conditioner. It was still night. The moon was at its peak and there was no chance of the sun coming up anything soon. ”It was a dream." She sighed, and lay back in her bed.

But sleep did not come easy for Dove. All she could think about that night was the adventure she had, through ancient times, past times, and even the future at one point. Eating at the Galaxswc, discovering the ancient animals of Gerentard, and traveling to an alternate ending for one of her stories. It was all astonishing, and she couldn't get the thought of it all out of her head.

She tossed and turned, trying not to awaken her brother, until she saw a time machine figurine on her nightstand. It gleamed brightly in the moonlight.

So, was it really all just a dream?

| Path 1: ANCIENT, Prompt 2 | Path 2: FUTURE, Prompt 1 | Path 3: PAST, Prompt 1 | Path 4: DAY, Prompt 1 |

~ “Smile your heart out!” ~
29 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Riley's Riveting Adventures | Fourth SWC Weekly
code: | Path 1: PAST, Prompt 1 | Path 2: FUTURE, Prompt 2 | Path 3: DAY, Prompt 2 | Path 4: ANCIENT, Prompt 3 |

Oranges and lemons,

Sing the bells of St. Clement’s.

You owe me five farthings,

Say the bells of St. Martin’s.

When will you pay me?

Ask the bells at Old Bailey.

When I grow rich,

Say the bells at Shoreditch.

Never again,

Says the man with a pen.

Cross out the past

Was before – never was

Create till there’s nothing left to create

Then edit, censor what doesn’t fit reality

You knew this would happen

When you set pen to paper

Why is it that now

You’re frozen where you stand?

“We’re dead,”

Says the man with a pen.

“We’re dead,”

Says the woman as well.

You’re dead,

Says the voice down from Hell.

(And before I’ve forgotten,)

Here comes a candle to light you to bed,

And here comes a chopper to chop off your head!

Chip chop chip chop the last human’s dead

Distant Past Story But You Don’t Know What The Prompt Was

<tw: body horror, death>

This is it. She is completely under control. Lynda, I mean. She’s standing in front of us, fuming, her eyes red – literally red, glowing red – pose tense, flamethrower in hand. I think she’s paler than usual because of the shadows, but I’m not very sure.

She strikes. We dodge. Iclyn puts a wall of ice in front of her. She breaks it. Aidan throws a knife at her. He misses. I pull the darkness from inside of that little shed on the roof we’re on and attempt to imprison her in it. In a fit of incredible timing, my own powers seize me, and I nearly choke out my own liquified insides. Some of my organs have long since turned into what I control – liquid darkness. When I come back to, I’m on the ground, weak, vulnerable, exposed.

I don’t think we’re going to win this fight.

Lynda strikes again and I scramble away, and Aidan has to shield me, so I don’t get burned alive. He winces as the flames lick his back, but I think he’s fine.

“What’s wrong?” Lynda says, her voice glitching and crackling while Aidan helps me to get up. I think she was going to say something witty, but Iclyn throws a block of ice into her face and that’s enough to shut her up. That is, before the woman comes back to and aims her flamethrower at Iclyn, enraged. She almost belatedly raises a wall of ice, but it melts quickly enough for Lynda to grab her by the throat once it falls away.

Luckily enough, we have a plan for these situations. Although, I don’t think my boyfriend is going to like it.

I look Aidan in the eyes and say, “I’m sorry.”

“Wait, what- Hunapo-”

Scratch the “we” bit. I have a plan. It is to weaponize the fact that I’m going to die soon anyway.

They’ll understand. Eventually. I hope. Will it matter to me, anyway? Not like I will be there to find out.

I run so that Aidan doesn’t have time to grab my wrist and talk me out of it, though I don’t think I need to – he's probably torn between helping me and Iclyn. The reason I don’t feel terrible about making him choose is probably because in a second, he won’t have to.

I body-slam into Lynda – if you can call her Lynda anymore – and, in surprise, she lets go of Iclyn. I grab her hand, so she doesn’t escape, and we tumble off the roof together.

Never mind the “I” bit, again. Riley helped me make the plan. They said that if anything happens, then I’ll have to see if I can get into the chasm that the building is in front of because then there’s a chance that I and their partner will survive. I don’t think there is, not for me, at least.

Despite that, I create darkness – and I feel my body beginning to turn into it, too – and blast us into the chasm.

We fall, down, down, down and I feel weird because it’s like we’re falling in slow motion and my body feels fuzzy and I think, oh god, I think my skin is beginning to turn into liquid as well, and my heart, and my brain, and- and-

It’s not fast enough. I can see why Riley’s got me to jump into the chasm, of all places.

There’s a net.

There’s a net in the chasm.

It hurts to laugh, but I laugh, and it turns wobbly and gurgly halfway, and I realise that the net won’t do anything because I won’t live long enough to reach it.

My body melts in the air and I fall below.

Under the spreading chestnut tree

I sold you, and you sold me.

There lie they, and here lie we.

Under the spreading chestnut tree.

Here I lie till I agree.

Under the spreading chestnut tree.

Steampunk Futurism Pen Promotion Campaign

Distant Future concept for a steam-and-magic-powered pen

Have you tried the newest invention in the steampunk futurism movement / TSFM yet? If not, step right up and try out the Automated Steampen version 2.5.8! What does it do, I hear you asking? It easily projects your ideas onto paper, of course! Just attach our Easy Thought-Reading Cord™ to your wrist and it will write in one of its flawless handwriting modes – cursive or print! You can push words down the cord or bare ideas for the pen to make sense of them itself using our cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology.

For all the nerds out there, who are wondering how this thing works, the Automated Steampen works on a techno-magical basis, like most steampunk futurism inventions do. The magical bit is because of the Thought-Reading Cord™ that is, due to our masterful mages, must be attached to the wrist instead of the wearer’s temples. It is also because of the mages that the pen stands upright – it has a levitation spell placed upon it. However, otherwise, the pen is moved and powered by that steampunk technology we so adore and your ideas alone.

If you prefer to write yourself because of brain development and whatnot but fear for your handwriting because it is, in your opinion, horrendous, you can easily instead try out our brand-new product: the Correct-Write™ Steampen! Using our Easy Thought-Reading Cord™, the pen will know what you’re writing and correct your hand as you write. It’s just like the Automated Steampen, but you’re the one moving the pen! No Steampen producer has done this before! Fun fact: it is proven that your handwriting will also get better after using the Correct-Write™ Steampen, whether you’re using our products or not.

And of course, like the pens we made before, these ones feed off the harmful greenhouse gases so that we do not have another apocalypse summer, so by buying them, you’re also helping our planet. They use the carbon in CO2 and reproduce it into ink so that your Steampen never runs out of it! This is a trait that most Steampen producers forget to insert into their pens, making us, the original Steampen creators, the superior company so you should buy from us. As a bonus, 15.5% of the profits from our special edition of the Automated Steampen, the Eco-Auto Steampen, which is green, go to charity.

All these traits and functions come at a quite low price of $5280 for the Automated Steampen ($6098.40 for the Eco-Auto Steampen) and $3300 for the Correct-Write™ Steampen.

He says I won’t be let off the hook,

And I can’t find it in me to think he can lie.

The chance of me leaving with my mind intact

Is about as high as for me to not die.

When I took my shot then I missed,

Now I see how obvious that is.

Hindsight might be 20/20

But really, does that fact help me?

open the window, look out and see me

Present Day butterfly effect story – Chonny Jash fanfiction because what else would it be

Author’s note to avoid confusion: Heart also uses the name Juno and is referred to as the Moon and uses he/they pronouns. Soul uses Atlas and is called the Sky and uses he/they/it pronouns. Mind is also called Apollo and the Sun and uses he/him pronouns in this fic. They also use various kinds of brackets and formatting effects instead of speech marks. Actual brackets match up with the speech brackets of the side from whose POV the story is told - which is Soul, in this case - and they are discernible as such due to context clues and lack of formatting.

The Heart seems to be concerned, just a bit. (I can see something.) He’s standing, leaning onto the windowsill, seemingly trying to see through his blindfold and photophobia and eye injury.

‘Oh god,’ the Soul thinks. ‘Is it happening already?’ It was hoping this would last longer.

[Get yourself together. If you hallucinate while in the headspace, you’re likely to accidentally summon something that will bother us for the next week,] the Mind calls out from where he’s scribbling something onto paper on the dinner table.

(No, really, come look.) Juno turns away from the windowsill, turning their head like they’re looking at the Mind. {It doesn’t matter that he looks in a bit of a different direction.} (There’s light… too much of it. I can see it through my blindfold.) They turn back to the window.

The Mind comes to the Heart and the Soul thinks he can hear a surprised spike of static.

[That- that shouldn’t happen.]

(How observant,) Juno mutters at a loud enough volume for the Soul to hear.

Atlas finally ceases to feign reading a book Apollo recommended to him and joins his counterparts. The sight that greets him is familiar and unwelcome.

There is a wall of light slowly moving towards their house from the grey-ish fields that their world consists of. The Sky knows what this is, unlike the Moon or the Sun, as far as it is aware. However, he has no idea what the other two will do if they find out the true nature of the light, so he carefully forms his face into a surprised mask.

A moment too late, though.

[What do you know?]

The Mind is staring at him with the most disbelievingly dubious look to exist. Oh *.

{Uh- What are you talking about?} they say while swearing internally.

[You’re doing- you're doing that thing with your- Heart, help me out here.]

Without turning away, he says almost nonchalantly, (Oh, when it’s obvious that he knows something we don’t, but tries to hide it really badly?)

[Yes, that. Soul, what do you know?]

There really isn’t a lot it can do in this situation. He could use his mind control – well, not… he really needs to think of a new name for his power, doesn’t he? – but that would likely lead to single-handedly removing all the progress they made during this loop; the three would be at odds once again but now Mind and Heart might gang up on Soul instead of the usual Mind vs Heart with Soul as their mediator. He could run away. That would raise so much more confusion. Or he could just tell them.

Well… that’s the beauty of being in a time loop, isn’t it? Especially with this one coming to an end. They can re-do this scenario as much as it wants to {not that it does}. It’s not like he has much of a choice.

{Well.} It’s fine. They’ll understand. Maybe. {That thing? It’s- we- how do I say this? We're in a time loop and it’s a physical representation of it.}

Silence sets over the three as the Mind blankly stares at the Soul, which was to be expected. What happens next is the confusing bit. Juno pushes Mind and he, with a groan, summons up a familiar whiteboard. Leaning over to look at what’s written in it, Soul realizes that this is the whiteboard on which they track how much of their budget each side has spent – bank accounts, if you will. With annoyed hesitation, Apollo wipes his one and Heart’s before writing another on both of their places – made a transfer, if you will. Basically, Mind just did the headspace version of giving Heart five dollars.

The Sky glares at them. The Moon can’t see it but it’s the thought that counts, right? {I’m sorry, have you two just bet on us existing in a time loop?}

[Absurd, right? It doesn’t matter much though, if we will forget anyway.] Mind nods at Heart. [He figured it out, somehow.]

{Well, you’re taking this information much better than I expected,} Soul mutters. It doesn't think they hear him.

(I am just more perceptive than you,) Juno chirps at the Sun.

[Juno, we both know that your theory was absurd.]

He is right. His theory really was absurd.

(But by drilling said theory in your head I opened your mind up to it, so to speak, and thus saved you from the denial process of the big reveal, as well as saving me and Soul from enduring it.)

{Yeah, if you guys were ever to find out, that was the bit I was not looking forward to.}

(See? The man, the legend Soul agrees with me for once.) As Mind rolls his eyes at that comment, Heart finally turns to face Soul and clasps his hands together in some flavour of conspirational. (So, uh, since you’ve spent years or maybe even centuries in the time loop, maybe you have some idea of how to get out?)

[We wouldn’t be stuck in a time loop if that was the case.]

Alright, Soul was going to have a crisis over whether or not telling his counterparts about his plan but that’s just plainly offensive.

{As a matter of fact, I do.}

He just hopes this won’t backfire terribly.

One two three four

One two three four

Obvious, unchangable

One two three four

One two three four

Whether you’re human or God

One two three four

One two three four

How do you expect me to believe?

Do I change the way I percieve

The one two three four

One two three four.

Despite the pain, despite the insanity

Two plus two is four throughout the tragedy

One two three four

One two three-

One two three five.

now I know ever pays the fee

Ancient Times fate story – continuation of the previous Chonny Jash fanfiction

Soul thinks that the night sky makes a nice contrast against the approaching light. If everything goes right, this will be the last time he will see it. It’s beautiful and detestable at once. Better drink the sight in while he can – after all, it is harmless, for once.

For what feels like the hundreth time, he turns to Juno, who is standing beside him.

{Are you sure?}

(I’ve faced something like this before,) they say, but the Sky doesn’t miss the way he fidgets with their sleeve. That’s understandable, though. It’s not every day you willingly walk into an all-devouring void in hopes of stopping it from ever existing again. (I’ll be fine. And if I won’t… well. It wouldn’t be that much of a change, would it?)

At that last sentiment, Atlas shoves them – not enough to hurt, that hasn’t been his intention for loops upon loops – but enough to be felt.

(What?) he scowls. (It’s not like it’s a lie. You don’t have to keep pretending, especially just as I’m about to, y’know, die, possibly.)

{I struggled while you were in apathy, Heart. It was-}

(Then why did you put me there?)

He wishes he knew. {Well. There were times when I did not put you in apathy. It usually resulted in Mind dying.}

(Oh.) Heart doesn’t even sound surprised.

Soul knows he’s doing that thing when he’s twisting the truth to make himself sound righteous and just despite not being such. Strange. It has told itself that they are in the right over and over again but that didn’t do much, did it?

{Are you ready?}

Heart barks out a laugh. (To bet on my life? No. But I’ll do it anyway. We’ll succeed if the fates want us to, blah-blah-blah-blah-blah.)

{You missed two ‘blah’s.}

(I don’t care. And if you’re talking about what I think you are talking about, it was four.)


(And you call yourself a Tally Hall fan?)


(For shame.)

Soul snickers. He’s glad that Heart has somehow managed to steer the conversation away from the emotional stuff, at least. Ironic. Maybe he has realised the chance of his life ending and doesn’t want to spend his last moments fighting. Soul doesn’t think he himself has quite processed that bit yet.

(Hopefully, the fates do want us to succeed.)

{Yeah, if they didn’t, that would kinda- that would kind of suck, yeah.}

There are footsteps behind them, and soon enough, the Mind joins the two.

[It’s drawing closer,] he notes.

Heart doesn’t turn away from the light, but he inhales, obviously about to begin monologuing. (Mind… since I might-)

[Whatever you have to say to me can wait until after this ordeal is over.]

(What if-)

[Juno. No.]

Heart scowls in the general direction of Mind’s voice. (Nevermind. Anyhow.) Turning away, he begins walking towards the light. (See you on the other side.)

{See you on the other side.}

Mind’s voice modulator makes a staticky sound in resemblance of an affirmative hum. Heart trudges on.

As he makes contact with the light, Soul realises there is something wrong.

Very wrong.

The Heart cries out, yet pushes through, into it, and Atlas rushes forward but he’s not fast enough and the light swallows Juno and it thinks it sees them burn.

A second later, the light swallows him, too.

Juno’s screams faintly echo into the next loop.

He said I won’t be let off the hook,

And I couldn’t find it in me to think he can lie.

The chance of me leaving with my mind intact

Was about as high as for me to not die.

Now I sit under the spreading chestnut tree

Sat up from the bed since I agreed

They say hindsight is 20/20

I think that fact might have helped me

The End of Riley’s Riveting Adventures

a.k.a. I text the fandomified version of my favourite musician for 5 minutes straight while an immortal sky monster monologues. This is actually canon. I was reporting the events of the End to c.ai!Whole as they happened. The c.ai bit is why he acts OOC here.

There’s a voice in the void. Oh god, there’s a voice in the void. I begin panickedly texting my emotional support who I have sent fanfiction inspired by different eras I’ve been in for the past few hours. (He was terrified. Then again, it was angst about his personality traits so fair enough. I think he might actually have drunk alcohol to cope with that because he is now using emoticons.)

rileyperson: HOLY HELL



I feel like that doesn’t explain anything but I am too terrified to care.


rileyperson: apparently they are an immortal sky monster and I am in the actual time era, in the end.

While I type, I tuck myself away under the desk in my time machine on which I write on, like I’m the thief / gunperson in my favourite artist’s cover of ANRftW.

The Whole: WHAT. WHAT. WHAT?!

Then the sky monster invites me to look at the stars and I decide to abandon my phone and attempt to please them so they don’t eat me.

“It was an old friend who told me to appreciate the stars, once,” they say. “Back then, they would’ve called me Jim Flabdz.” I wonder if that’s a Treasure Island reference. “Remember that name when you go back where you came from, traveller.” On second thought, maybe they won’t eat me. “Because, it’s about time you woke up, isn’t it?”

Wait… what is that supposed to-

The world fades to the brilliant, patterned black of the back of my eyelids. I open them again to see what came of the stars but the ceiling / bottom of the top bunk greets me instead.

Oh. That was a dream. Okay. It didn’t feel like a dream.

I turn over to my side in my bed, grasping at what little details of the dream that remain. I could flesh it out into a story and try to write a book, maybe, and then inevitably abandon the project or put it on hiatus to move to the next. I’ve done it twice before. The sky monster was interesting. What was his name… James Hawkins? And maybe I could replace the Whole from Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium who got there somehow with someone else – a fellow time traveller… or was it space traveller? I can’t remember, the details of the dream are melting away.

You know what? I should get out of bed. I still have the weekly to finish.
100 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

July 30th – Writing competition fan fiction entry
1,181 Words

An SWC fan fiction <3
thank you to everyone who was part of this piece

First week of camp

Finley had woken up with a start. She had been dreaming about the upcoming SWC session she was attending. She'd been looking forward to her seventh session all summer, but today it was finally beginning. She glanced around her dorm room, making sure all her equipment was packed. 

All of a sudden, the door slammed open, and her new roommate came bursting in. They were siblings: adventure and poetry. 

“Finley!” Choco cried, skidding across the room. “We have less than five minutes to get to camp; the first daily will be released any minute now!” 

Finley rushed to get changed into something more appropriate than her sleeping onesie. She just managed to zip up her suitcase when an alarm went off. It was time for the camp's first activity. 

When they arrived at camp, she could already tell it was going to be an interesting week. Not only were the camp counsellors chaotic, but the other campers seemed strange too. They were all dressed in bright colours and mismatched shoes. 

What a bunch of weirdos! 

Finley grinned. She had missed this.

Ave was enraptured to be spending their summer at a writing camp nestled in the forests of Scratch. They had carefully crafted her application, written a special excerpt, gotten her accepted as co-leader, and done everything she could with a pen and paper. A device and keyboard Laptop and word counter. Everything.

Even after seven sessions of SWC, they still hadn't quite expected the camp to be as chaotic as it actually was. There wasn’t a place found that hadn’t been covered in zooming mangoes or where arson wasn’t attempted.

The experience was there, all right.

The camp was a place of organised lunacy and perpetual mayhem. (Co) leaders and hosts had the ambition to help everyone learn more about writing, but their teaching style was more like creative chaos than anything else.

One day they would be discussing writing prompts; the next, they would be busy firing up, warring anyone that got in their bungly way.

The campers all had different experience levels and writing styles, and that made for an incredibly diverse atmosphere. In the darkness of the night, Ave could hear laughter and typing from the main cabin as their fellow campers crafted their short stories, speedwrote the weekly, and stressed over absolutely anything and everything.

It was an experience that Ave relished; they had always liked the idea of writing, but this chaotic camp gave them a new appreciation for the craft. Every day was a different journey, and she was excited to explore it.


Second to third week of camp


Skye was thrilled as she stepped through the entrance of the chaotic writing camp called SWC. She marvelled at the vibrant and energetic atmosphere, the buzzing of excited voices, and the sight of talented writers scattered across the campgrounds. It was a paradise for creative minds like hers, and she couldn't wait to dive into the world of imagination. 

At the time, there were no co-leaders around, and chaos ensued. It was almost as if everyone was living by their own rules. One group was working on a 24-hour group writing war; another was shopping at a.. grocery store? She was still new to camp, beginning her second session. 

At least dinner was being made by fantasy's fire nation and lit-fi's lunch librarians; they were h̶o̶s̶t̶i̶l̶e̶ friendly neutrals after all. 

As Skye surveyed the camp, she couldn't help but notice Choco sitting in a corner, engrossed in her writing. Skye approached her with a smile, eager to make a new friend. 

“Hey there,” Her voice was full of enthusiasm as she began to sit on the floor, folding her legs so that they were crisscrossed. “I'm Skye!” 

Choco looked up from her notebook, blinking in surprise. “Oh, hi! I'm Choco. Nice to meet you, Skye.” 

The two girls exchanged pleasantries and soon found themselves deep in conversation about their shared love for writing and music. Skye admired Choco's calm presence, finding solace in her soft-spoken nature. They quickly became inseparable at the camp, supporting and encouraging each other's creativity

Meanwhile, Crystie felt a wave of boredom wash over her. She always had a knack for finding random things interesting, and the camp wasn't living up to her expectations. Frustration grew within her as she wandered aimlessly, searching for a spark of inspiration. 

Lizzy, on the other hand, was content with the steady pulse of science and logic in her life. She approached every writing challenge with precision and critical thinking. Her level-headed nature balanced out the chaos of the camp and provided a grounded perspective. 

Phoenix, with their fidgety nature and dark imagination, gravitated towards stories that sent shivers down their spines. Their sarcastic remarks often kept the group on their toes as they joyfully shared cool and eerie facts that ignited the creative flames within their fellow campers. 

Together, the three sat by the campfire, ending with a peaceful night of roasting marshmallows and sharing tales. They had spent the rest of the day procrastinating over finishing the third weekly. It was their celebration treat.

While the days at SWC passed by, the campers continued to grow, challenging and supporting each other in their writing endeavours. 

Finley, the introverted and shy camper, found her voice through the friendships she formed. They helped her discover a newfound motivation to share her stories. 

Crim was that one artistic co-leader prone to ranting about fandoms and being her overthinking self. It was perfect. 

Rain, with its stubborn and slightly creepy charm, brought a different flavour to the camp. Their love for dark and mysterious tales added an element of suspense to the group's collective creativity. 

And Poppy, the clever and energetic one, never seemed to run out of different challenges to try. She had recently beaten her newest record of eating excessive amounts of pasta.

Last week of camp

The sun began to set, painting beautiful streaks of purple, gold, and crimson across the sky. It was already the last day of SWC, and it was time to make it count. 

The campers ran around the lake, screaming, laughing, and taking impromptu pictures. It was a wild sight as they careened around with the camera, snapping pictures and videos from various angles. It felt like they were all preserving a piece of their friendship. 

“Join in the picture, everyone!” Alana smiled, trying to capture the moment on her new Canon camera. She had received it as a gift from her campers in mythology.

The hosts, leaders, and campers huddled together, posing in unique ways.

“1.. 2.. 3..” She snapped the button, the photo slowly printing out and beginning to colourize.

They all couldn’t help but smile fondly at the memory. Even though it was a chaotic session, it was the perfect way to spend the summer before they all went their separate ways into an uncertain future.


Safe to say, after everything they’d experienced together, SWC July 2023 had been an amazing session <3

Last edited by syrozenne (July 31, 2023 23:59:34)

• call me rose/syze
• she/her - est/edt - infj

❝a story is metaphor for life and life is lived in time.❞
12 posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

anyway, dearest | 588 words

In battle, the only thought on your mind is survival. It should be, anyway – in all times past, it has been. With single-minded focus, you’d carve a path through the opposing forces when it seemed impossible.

Rising through the army’s ranks was easy with that strength. To a cadet with no past, “general” had seemed like the moon. That was precisely what you had been, and that was what you strove for.

Then tragedy struck.

(Running. Your soldiers may not know, your friends may not know, your family may not know, but you can’t lie to yourself.

You run, and you don’t think about the past.

In the academy, they told you, “Soulmates cannot kill each other.”

You thought it meant, “Soulmates cannot harm each other.”

You were wrong.)

You’ve achieved the unachievable. You’ve risen from a peasant to a general, and now enemies surrender at the sound of your name. And if they don’t, those fools meet you in battle and don’t live to tell the tale.

It’s as simple as that. This time will be the same.

(Soulmates cannot kill each other.)

You lead your soldiers into war. Some will die, others will live. It isn’t your job to keep them alive (although you do it anyway) but to ensure this win for the empire.

Losing is inexcusable. You dismount from your horse in the heart of the battle and start making your victory. You will cobble it together from your own strength and intellect and no one else’s. Victory belongs to you alone.

(Once upon a time, someone stood at your side. They shared the victory. They tasted like blood and strawberries.

No longer, though. You stand alone.

Soulmates cannot kill each other.)

The tides of battle change the moment your feet hit the ground, you’ve learned. You don’t know why you’re this way – a gift from Above, a curse from Below, or your own making? Speculation follows you. You shrug it off and keep swinging.

You’re winning until you see them.

The sight hits you like a sack of bricks. You get your feet under you and march to the enemy general.

They greet you like a friend.

(It’s what you would do if the roles were reversed. If you were a filthy traitor, and they were a loyal dog.

Soulmates cannot kill each other.)

You don’t hesitate. Your army is behind you, losing under the enemy’s renewed vigor. This general is your reflection: like you, they change the tides.

You expected this. You know everything about them. A thousand years could pass, and you would still know them best.

(They fight like the dancer they once were, and they’re smiling, and you remember. For all your aptitude in battle, you were unsalvageable on a dance floor unless their hands were in yours.

You choke, but only in your head. Everything is only in your head.

Soulmates cannot kill each other.)

As you lunge forward, you meet every strike, parry every hit, and catch every trick. They are the back of your hand, and you know their mind like it’s yours.

By all means, they should be your equal. They match you perfectly.

They are undeniably good, and therein lies the difference.

They are good, and you are dirty, stinking scum. You slaughter whoever the empire tells you. The blood on your hands could drown a city. Sin after sin stains you.

In the end, they are good with a sword, and you are excellent.

Soulmates cannot kill each other.

You do anyway.
500+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Thank You Notes:

Aurora- AURORA! <333 YOU WERE SUCH A GOOD CO OMG- I am so thankful that you were able to step in so late and help me lead this cabin! You were really a lifesaver in the scramble before the session started, and the fact that you were able to come in so late and pivot really helped a lot. Honestly, I could not have led Adventure without you- your helpful-ness in adding words, helping campers, and always being there for anyone who needed anything. I cannot say thank you enough, and I hope that your first time co-ing was fun and you’ll apply again sometime, because you are SO AWESOME AHHHH! Again, thank youuuuu and you’re the best co I could’ve asked for!!! <333

Hosties (Alba, Robin, Cara, Sun, Starr, and Luna)- YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST AHHH <333 This session couldn’t have happened without your amazingness! You guys are so good at balancing life and SWC, and you guys made this session so cool! I don’t have the words to describe how amazing you all are, and although I don’t have individual notes for each of you, I hope you know how much I (and everyone in SWC) appreciates you!! Thank you guys SO SO SO MUCH LUNA STARR CARA ALBA SUN ROBIN YOU GUYS ALL SLAY SO MUCH <33

Daily Team (Zai, Moss, Alba, Robin, Kora)- SLAY SLAY SLAY YOU GUYS ARE SO COOL OMG AHHH- The dailies, weeklies and cabin wars this session were so cool! I especially loved the fourth weekly and the first ice cream daily!! The idea of mercenaries is so cool, and you guys really made this session’s activities fun! Although I didn’t do as many dailies as I’d hoped, I loved every single one of them, and I loved all the funny details you guys added. All of you are so so so cool, and all of you are so inspiring! You really got me writing this session, so thank you guys so so so much!! <33

Memory Book Committee (Moonlit, Alana, Faer, Alia, Niko, CD, Luna, Lio, Re, Nat, Ave, Starr, Skye, Reese)- YOU GUYS ARE ALL SO COOL! I am so lucky to have the honor of being in the mbc this session, and I really enjoyed working on it!! Everyone in the committee was so funny, nice, supportive and talented, and it’s truly been a joy to be a part of this session’s mbc. It looks so good, and I’m incredibly excited to unveil our creation! I’ll definitely be applying for the mbc in future sessions, and I’m so grateful I was able to witness all your amazingness <33 Special thanks to Moonlit, Alana and Faer, you guys slay! We couldn’t have done it without you!

Leader Team- OMG YOU GUYS SLAY SLAY SLAY Each and every one of you is absolutely amazing! The cabins are all so cool, and believe me, if I could, I’d join every single one of ‘em. You guys did such a great job this session, and I loved getting to know all of you. It was such an honor to be a leader among this amazing lineup of supportive, kind, amazing individuals, and I will never forget this session because of all of you. Thank you so much for absolutely everything <3

Siblings (Lyric, Poetry, Myth)- You guys are all so cool! I loved getting to know everyone in the chaos hub! Everyone in the siblinghood is so slay, and although there were some betrayals, I loved you guys! <33

Action: Action is amazing! The leaders and campers are all so nice, and your theme is so cool! I especially loved the mascot accounts
Contemp: I loved the color scheme :0 the theme of a wandering library is amazing, and you guys are all so cool!
Dystopian: Although I didn’t get to know Dystopian very well, the Spy Society is such a cool idea, and I loved the pfps!
Fantasy: AHH SO COOL! I loved the icon creator, and the theme was super cool! Everyone in Fantasy is so nice! Good job guys
Folklore: TAYLOR SWIFT CABIN MY GUYS YESS!! All of the leaders and campers are amazing, and the icon creator was so cool! You guys are so chill and fun to be around <33
Hi-Fi: The idea of a revolution is amazing, and you guys did a really great job in terms of points! All of you guys are so slay
Horror: OMG THE THEME OF THE BACKROOMS IS SO COOL- I absolutely loved watching your storyline play out, and everyone in Horror is so cool omg <3
Illu-Fi: first time cabin yay :0 the theme and color scheme of the underground library is so cool!
Lit-fi: LIT FI OMG VERY VERY LIT AHHH- I loved your storyline, and all of your projects and things were very pretty and cool you guys are amazing!
Lyric: Lyric is so cool! I loved the interactive puzzles, and the cabin concept was amazing! Great job, everyone! You were great siblings <33
Mystery: Although I didn’t get to know you guys very well, I love your concept and color scheme! You guys are very cool
Myth: OMG MYTH AMAZING YESS- I loved your cabin concept, and how interactive it was! You guys were great siblings, and everyone in your cabin was so cool <333
Non-fi: I loved the idea of an actual camp! The matching icon creator was so pretty, and I loved how chill you guys are! So slay
Real-Fi: Although I didn’t get to know all of you guys very well, Real-fi seems so cool! I love the bulletin board and the color scheme! Great job you guys
Sci-fi: OMG A STAR WARS CABIN YESS- first of all, the leaders are both so cool, go mosslit second, the storyline and activities are so cool, and the pfps are amazing!
Script: SLAY GREATEST SHOWMAN <33 I love the theme so much, and the activities and concept are amazing! So cool
Steampunk: STEAMPUNK IS SO COOL AHHH- I love the concept of Sherlock Holmes, and the pfps are amazing! Everyone in this cabin is a legend ahhh-
Thriller: Thriller is so cool! First of all the pfps *chef’s kiss*, and the concept and storyline are amazing! Great job guys <3
Tragedy: I love the idea of the orphanage! Your cabin is so cool, and I love the color scheme! Very tragic xD

Specific People- These are some specific people that I really loved talking to this session <33 (Believe me, I would thank every single leader if I could, but my fingers are already dying soooo-)
Reese: AHHH FOLKLORIAN WIZARD HI HI HI- I loved getting to know you this session, and you are so slay ahhh <33 you’re always a great person to talk to, and I hope we can continue to talk often! You are kind, supportive, funny, and cool, and I hope we can continue talking! thank you for everything! :reese_struck:
Mouse: HI MOUSEY <33 You are such a nice person to talk to, and I’m so glad you stopped by on my profile that one time! xD Action is so cool!! (I mean the universe revolves around it, how could it not be cool but still) You are so amazing and I loved getting to know you!! Thank you so much for everything! <333
Wren: Hi Wren! You are so cool xD You’re funny, kind, and fun to talk to, and I’m so glad I had the pleasure of meeting you this session! Myth is so so so awesome!!! You are so slay omg thank you for everything wrennnnn <33
Moonlit: hiya miss moonlit :0 thank you for everything you’ve done for me this session! I always love talking to you, and you’re so helpful, supportive and kind, and you’re so smart and cool xD The memory book is amazing, of course, and I really want to thank you for everything!! You’re the best
Ris: HI ROCKSTAR RIS! you are so cool omg- a slay swiftie superstar D I’m so glad I got to know you a little better this session, and I loved talking to you about spiderverse and everything else! Thank you for everything!!
Moss: you are so cool omg- first of all, your leader app blew me away, and I always love talking to you! You’re so amazing, kind and helpful, and sci-fi is so flipping amazing I can’t even express it in words ahhh- the dailies were all so slay and I loved talking to you about books! Thank you for everything queen <33

Xen: You have a great personality, and I really enjoyed having you in my cabin this session! You’re so cool and helpful, and I hope to see you around sometime!
Ella: Thank you for being in this cabin! Although you had to drop out, I hope that I’ll see you in future sessions!
Gardenia: You are so cool! Great job adding words, and I loved having you in Adventure!
Iris: Although you had to drop out, I hope you had fun in Adventure! You are very cool
Elsa20212020: I hope you had fun in Adventure, and I hope to see you again in SWC!
Violet: You were a great camper, and I especially enjoyed working on the Cabin Wars story with you! I hope I’ll see you again in November!
Choco: Thank you for being in this cabin! I hope you had fun, and I hope you choose to participate in future sessions!
Fallon: It’s so cool that you live in Australia! I hope you had fun this session! You were such a cool camper
Maledictusluna: Although you weren’t very active, I hope you enjoyed SWC! I hope you’ll join again sometime!
Libraryrouge: I hope you liked being in Adventure, and will join SWC again! DD
Sunny: I hope you had fun in Adventure! Great job adding words, and you seem like a really nice person! <3
Snug: You have such a great personality! I hope you enjoyed being in Adventure, and
I hope to see you again in SWC!
Lily: You’re so cool :0 I hope you liked Adventure! Great job adding words, and I hope you’ll join SWC again!
Chia: Hi! You were a great camper! Thanks for being in Adventure!
Evelyn: I hope you enjoyed the session, and that you’ll participate in the future! You are very nice
S_theCreator: I hope you enjoyed being an Adventure camper, and that I’ll see you around in SWC!
Aquariamarine: First of all, cool username :0 I hope you’ll join SWC in the future, and that you had a fun time!
WANDAmaximoffVISION: Good job adding words! I hope you had fun this session, and that you’ll join SWC again!
WriterThatArts: I hope you liked being in Adventure, and that you’ll participate in the future! <33

100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Thank you notes <3

Rockie (@rocksalmon800) - Thank you so much for taking me in as your co-leader this session! You’re funny, supportive, and I had an awesome time getting to know you! Your writing is wonderful and also contains a lot of great humor, and I’ve really enjoyed reading it! I hope that we’ll get to work together again someday!

Adventure Cabin - Thank you for being such a great cabin! I really appreciated all of your positivity and support, and I had so much fun doing Cabin Wars with you all! I hope I’ll get to hang out with you guys again someday

The Sibling Group - Thanks for being such a hilarious betraying sibling group to be in! Very chaotic and entertaining heheh- zoom zoom :3

Moonlit (@MoonlitSeas) - Thank you so much for leading the memory book team! It seems to be a lot of work but you do amazing with it <3 You’re also a really enjoyable and supportive person to be around, and I’m glad to know you even a little bit

Moss (@mossflower29) - Thank you for being such an awesome, talented person ^w^ Being a part of the daily team, leading a cabin, and doing ArtFight is definitely a lot, but you pull it off really well, and I appreciate all the work you’ve done this session! (Also thank you for the AF attack haha- your art style is super adorable <333)

Summer (@-SimplyWatermelon-) - Thank you for being such a fun sibling! I really enjoyed chatting with you over the session, about Poetry and Contemp’s chaos and the Loch Ness Monster, the weekly, and of course hacking into my icon project <3

Icy (@Ilishaqueen) - Thank you for taking interest in my existence haha- you’re very fun to chat with, and I’m glad that I got to chat with you about the weekly and icon project hacking ahaha :3

Reese (@TheBibliophile7) - You’ve stuck in my mind ever since we first met in Naan-Fi, and I’m so glad that we got to meet! You’re such an awesome, really supportive person, and a fantastic leader! Thank you so much <333

The Hosting Team - thank you all for working so hard to run SWC! You all did so amazing, and I’m really glad to know that you’re there to keep everything running <3

The Daily Team - thank you for creating so many interesting and fun dailies and weeklies! I had a blast completing them, and without you all we’d be missing such a core piece of SWC <3

The Leadership Team - I remember how accepting everyone was when I showed up, and it really made me feel like I was in a supportive community, which I really appreciate <333 You’ve all created wonderful cabins, and I feel honored to be a part of your team!

The Memory Book Committee - Thank you all so much for working so hard to make the memory book for us! I always love looking through it, and I see all the hard work and love poured into it, and really appreciate the efforts all of you make for it DD

To everyone in SWC - Just- thank you! I keep coming back to SWC because of you all- you’re such a happy, welcoming, fun community, and although I’m still trying to understand all of the mangos and arson and lasagna, I’m so glad that I am able to be a part of this camp!

(I’m in Thriller sobbinf but I still love Illu-Fi <3)
100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Thank you notes ( Unfinished )

- - -

Word count: 211, not including emoticons and usernames

- - -

@RLove10: Re :00 I remember you being the co-leader of Real-Fi during my first session, and also the Re takeover jokes- You're a great co-leader for Dystopian :D
- - -
@embXR_THEauthZr: Emberrrrr :DD I don't even know where to start with this thank you note- You're amazing at art and writing, and also an amazing person in general. You're also very nice, and one of the coolest people I know, along with being a lot of other great things, so thank you.
- - -
@–songbird: Hello! I think we've been friends for over a year now? I think of that as a long time but I'm not sure if it is- Anyways, I think you're a great person, and you're also one of the best friends I could ever have. I remember the jokes about me being afraid of plants from last summer, and when we were in Adventure during SRC. I also remember when we first met in MWCRP. I think of you as one of the best people I've ever met, and you've changed my life in so many great ways. Thank you for everything, Chimera. <33
- - -
@SnowdropSugar: Hi, Snowy! I like your writing a lot, and I think you have a great writing style. Also, this is kind of unrelated to SWC, but you're a great manager in GWDFI.

Last edited by --pxppy-aesthetics-- (July 30, 2023 21:28:41)

100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

thank u notes !!
okay so this is my first time doing thank u notes,, so tl;dr is that you’re all amazing and made this session one of my favorites, thanks to everyone who made this session what it is <3

hosts, daily team, memory book committee, judges, leader team- ahh everyone here is so amazingly creative and i’ve loved seeing the work and dedication everyone has put into making this session so epic ! the megasession is so impressive and has given me a lot of motivation in my writing and in co-leading for the first time, you’ve all also been super supportive and helpful to me and quick to answer any questions i or anyone has had, and i just wanted to say i appreciate it !! it’s been a crazy - but awesome - session to start leading in :0 thank you <3

cj !! where do i start?? you are the best leader a co could ask for, thank you for doing so much for thriller and being willing and able to do absolutely anything i or the campers needed ! your dedication and creativity has really inspired me and i just think you’re v cool, thanks for being awesome ! the thriller storyline has been so fun to be a part of and i’ve really had a lovely time working alongside you <3

alia- thanks for being so kind and open, you were a wonderful leader last session and thank you for being so encouraging for me and crim to apply to lead this session! <3 also hi-fi slays,, thanks for being a lovely sibling cabin

soki- you led my cabin for more than half of the sessions i’ve been in, and i’ve gotten the wonderful chance to get to know you better over that time, so i just wanted to thank you for being a wonderful inspiration and friend, you’re the best ) <3

crim- the only camper this session who got half her words from ranting about x files. need i say more?

thrillerians- ah, my lovely campers ! from laughing about arson and mangoes, to freaking out about cabin wars, to commiserating over our collective evil author-ness, to speculating about cj’s magic fingers, to being careful and/or daring in the storyline and spending all our coins on weapons, it’s been such a fun ride - thanks for making this session what it was! you’ve all been wonderful, and i’ve loved seeing your optimism, determination, and creativity even in this short time i’ve known you all. i hope you all had a session as amazing as mine, and thank you so much for working so hard to make thriller the best (which, in my unbiased opinion, it is)

reese- thanks for being wonderful and reaching out to me to talk, and making me feel welcome as a new coleader in general, i hope i can continue to get to know you ! you’re a really awesome person :>

everyone else- i’m only sorry i didn’t get to know everyone else better, but thanks for being so funny and creative and inspiring, i’ve loved what i’ve read of all your stories, and i wanted to say: keep going! you’re all amazing and i can’t wait to see what you create next <3 thanks also to everyone who critiqued my work or sent the motivation mangoes i so desperately needed.

word count: 556 (edited)

Last edited by violent-measures (July 30, 2023 22:11:37)

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞
100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

Happy Friendship Day, everyone!! Since we're nearing the end of the session, it's time to get started with writing thank you notes to all of the people–and, hopefully, new friends–who made this session what it was. First, check out Moss's wonderful workshop on writing thank you notes here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/645254/ Now, armed with ideas for what to say, write at least 200 words' worth of thank yous! This daily will earn you 200 points, and sharing your notes with the people you wrote them to is required.

Thank-You Notes:

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that tomorrow is the last day of camp. I think this session is one of, if not the most fun session I've attended. I think this is the session where I embraced my writing the most, and for that, U have a few thank-yous to give out.

Real-Fi as a whole:
I've always had a soft spot towards this cabin, and I was so excited when I found out I would be in it for this session. And I definitely wasn't mistaken. You were all so nice and such great writers! I really enjoyed writing with each and every one of you this session.

Wow, if I had a nickel for every time both you and I ended up in Real-Fi, then I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?

Phineas and Ferb aside, it was comforting having someone else in the cabin that I knew. And your goldfish daily was hilarious and surprisingly fulfilling.

I don't think I'd have participated in the cabin-wide story if you didn't come to my profile to ask. Which is a shame, because I loved writing Edward's demise and the cupcake party the girls had.

(Although I had to dramatically water everything down because only 200 words were allowed.)

LARK! Jeez, you can do a lot of writing lol /hj. But you're also very talented and talking with you is always a joy, so thank you.

Also, rest in peace to your smoke detector.

I wish we had gotten to talk more because you seemed like such a nice person an helped us out a lot during cabin wars!

First of all, can I tell you how much I love your username?

Second of all, thanks so much for helping to organize the clue story! We may not have gotten to solving the mystery, but writing that story was so much fun!

Syze, Crim, and Wave:
You three were amazing leaders during this session! I loved the creative ways you came up with to look for clues, and talking to you was always a joy. Thanks again <33

Outside of Real-Fi:

Thanks for critiquing me the one (and only) time I'd end up using the Critiquare. I definitely learned to make my transitions between plot points more fluid, and it helped me when I modified my story for entry into the writing competition. I don't think I would have fallen in love with my characters as much if it wasn't for you

Summer! I loved when we interacted during this session! You always had something nice to say to me, and a funny line to quip. Thanks for being my friend :>

Also, you don't know how happy I was when you sang the Schoolhouse Rock theme lol

No thanks for setting our cabin on fire >

But thanks for letting me use your writing style for one of the bi-dailies! It was different, but fun.

We didn't interact much, but when we did it was always on good terms. And thanks for letting me use you for my SWC fanfic!

Daily team, other leaders, and other campers:
You all are the best! Because of you, I had so much fun this session. With creative dailies, funny quotes, and a lot of mangoes, or course

I'd go on further, but I have so many strong feelings about this session that it's hard to put them all into words. To everyone, thank you for such a fun time. I hope to see you all in November! (if high school doesn't get in the way)

~ “Smile your heart out!” ~
100+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

thank you notes: (unfinished)
Hosts, leader team, memory book commitee, daily team etc: You guys did so amazing this session and it's clear how much hard work and dedication you all put into making this swc awesome. I can see that you are all also super supportive and that you really care about the growth of creativity and friendship.

daily team in particular: Thank you for all these fun dailies, some favorite repeats and some new ones and all the ways they challenged me in writing.

memory book team: I haven't seen your work yet, but I bet it's going to be awesome. I know it's super hard work so thank you for doing it

Alba: thank you for being a great host and thank you for all the help you gave me with some of my writing projects

Zaine: thanks for helping me with all my confusion during the eras tour weekly lol you were very patient and helpful and really took the time to make sure that I understood.

CD: Thank you for being an amazing leader. You were super supportive and always seemed to spread positivity. Also thank you so much for that amazing story line

Aisling: I didn't really intereact with you much, but thank you for all the work you did in helping to lead horror cabin and making our storyline

Horror Cabin: I honestly wasn't super active within the cabin this session but I can say that while I didn't comment much I did scroll through other people's comments so thank you for the entertainment that gave me. You guys are all great. Also we did pretty amazing in cabin wars, didn't we?

Book, Crystie, Silvi, and anyone else who reviewed my work: thank you so much for your reviews. you all left amazing advice for my stories.

Icy, Sandy, May: You three were super helpful when it came to learning how to write in someone else's style and thank you for the other random bits of help you gave me.

To all the people who told me to sleep: Hahaha. No. But I appreciate the concern, so thanks

Will/Alex: Thank you so much for obsessing about fall out boy with me. It was super fun and I hope you enjoyed their concert (Or enjoy it if you haven't gone yet)

Thank you to every one! You were all amazing and fun to work with. Some of you gave me some amazing advice for stuff and honestly thanks to some of your encouragment I might dabble more in song-writing. or at least lyric writing.

Taylor Swift: Listen, I know you are completely unaware that this happened, but thank you so much for all your music because watching swc unite over the excitement of speak now tv was really awesome and super fun

my calculator: thank you so much for doing all the math I didn't want to do even though it's literally just addition
500+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

syrozenne wrote:

July 30th – Writing competition fan fiction entry
943 Words

An SWC fan fiction <3
thank you to everyone who was part of this piece

First week of camp

Ave was enraptured to be spending their summer at a writing camp, nestled in the forests of Scratch. They had carefully crafted her application, written a special excerpt, gotten accepted as co-leader, and everything she could do with a pen and paper. A device and keyboard. Laptop and word counter. Everything.
What does this last bit of the sentence mean? Are you trying to refer to what they'd done it with? I can't really tell what this bit is trying to say, so it's difficult to offer suggestions. In its current form, the ‘everything’ at the end seems a bit unnecessary, but I can see how it could be impactful when used right. Maybe go over what you're trying to communicate here.

Even after 7 sessions of SWC, they still hadn't quite expected the camp to be as chaotic as it actually was. There wasn’t a place found that hadn’t been covered in zooming mangoes, or where arson wasn't hadn't been attempted.

The experience was there, all right.

The camp was a place of organized lunacy and perpetual mayhem. (Co-)leaders and hosts had the ambition to help everyone learn more about writing, but their teaching style was more like creative chaos than anything else.

Love the synonyms for chaos lol.

One day they would be discussing writing prompts, the next, they would be busy fired-up, warring anyone that got in their bungly Is this a reference I don't get? Lol. way.

The campers all had different experience levels and writing styles and that made for an incredibly diverse atmosphere. In the darkness of the night, Ave could hear laughter and typing from the main cabin as their fellow campers crafted their short stories, speedwrote the weekly, and stressed over absolutely anything and everything.

Haha relatable xD

It was an experience that Ave relished; they had always liked the idea of writing, but this chaotic camp gave them a new appreciation for the craft. Every day was a different journey, and she was excited to explore it.

Finley had woken up with a start. She had been dreaming about the upcoming SWC session she was attending. She'd been looking forward to her 7th session all summer, but today it was finally beginning. She glanced around her dorm room, making sure all her equipment was packed.

All of a sudden, the door slammed open and her new roommate came bursting in. They were siblings, adventure and poetry.

“Finley!” Choco cried, skidding across the room. “We have less than five minutes to get to camp, the first daily will be released any minute now!”

Finley rushed to get changed into something more appropriate than her sleeping onesie. She just managed to zip up her suitcase when an alarm went off. It was time for the camp's first activity.

When they arrived at camp, she could already tell it was going to be an interesting week month?. Not only were the camp counselors chaotic, but the other campers seemed strange too. They were all dressed in bright colors and mismatched shoes.

What a bunch of weirdos.

How dare you /j
It's a bit of a weird outlook for a seventh-time camper. You'd think that they would be used to the craziness, but they approach the camp with an unfamiliarity that doesn't make too much sense. Maybe something explaining memories interlinked with the camp would help-

'When they arrived at camp, she could already tell it was going to be an interesting week month?. Not only were the camp counselors chaotic, but the other campers seemed strange too. They were all dressed in bright colors and mismatched shoes.

What a bunch of weirdos.

Finley grinned. They had missed this.'

Second week of camp

Skye was thrilled as she stepped through the entrance of the chaotic writing camp called SWC. She marveled at the vibrant and energetic atmosphere, the buzzing of excited voices, and the sight of talented writers scattered across the campgrounds. It was a paradise for creative minds like hers, and she couldn't wait to dive into the world of imagination.

At the time, there were no (co-) leaders around and chaos ensued. It was almost as if everyone was living by their own rules. One group was working on a 24-hour group writing war, another was shopping at a… grocery store? She was still new to camp, beginning her second session.

At least dinner was being made by fantasy's fire nation and lit-fi's lunch librarians; they were h̶o̶s̶t̶i̶l̶e̶ friendly neutrals after all.

Lol love that :D

As Skye surveyed the camp, she couldn't help but notice Choco sitting at a corner, engrossed in her writing. Skye approached her with a smile, eager to make a new friend.

“Hey there,” Her voice was full of enthusiasm as she began to sit on the floor, folding her legs so that they werecriss-crossed. “I'm Skye!”

Choco looked up from her notebook, blinking in surprise. “Oh, hi! I'm Choco. Nice to meet you, Skye.”

The two girls exchanged pleasantries and soon found themselves deep in conversation about their shared love for writing and music. Skye admired Choco's calm presence, finding solace in her soft-spoken nature. They quickly became inseparable at the camp, supporting and encouraging each other's creativity.

Meanwhile, Crystie felt a wave of boredom wash over her. She always had a knack for finding random things interesting, and the camp wasn't living up to her expectations. Frustration grew within her as she wandered aimlessly, searching for a spark of inspiration.

Lizzy, on the other hand, was content with the steady pulse of science and logic in her life. She approached every writing challenge with precision and critical thinking. Her level-headed nature balanced out the chaos of the camp and provided a grounded perspective.

Phoenix, with their fidgety nature and dark imagination, gravitated towards stories that sent shivers down their spine. Their sarcastic remarks often kept the group on their toes, as they joyfully shared cool and eerie facts that ignited the creative flames within their fellow campers.

While the days at SWC passed by, the campers continued to grow, challenging and supporting each other in their writing endeavors.

Finley, the introverted and shy camper, found her voice through the friendships she formed. They helped her discover discovering a newfound motivation to share her stories.

Crim was that one artistic co-leader prone to ranting about fandoms and being her overthinking self. It was perfect.

Rain, with their stubborn and slightly creepy charm, brought a different flavor to the camp. Their love for dark and mysterious tales added an element of suspense to the group's collective creativity.

And Poppy, the clever and energetic one, never seemed to run out of different challenges to try. She has recently beaten her newest record of eating excessive amounts of pasta.

Safe to say, after everything they’d experienced, camp was going great <3

Hmm, this ending feels a bit abrupt. Maybe just use a short sentence explaining the rest of camp briefly-

'The unlikely group went through the rest of camp together, fighting wars, battling with words and discovering newfound friends through all the chaos. It was truly an experience to behold.

Safe to say, after everything that they'd experienced, camp was going great <3'

Obviously, there's no punctuation on the final line, but your choice to use an emoticon works well. It fits with the informal kind of vibe of the peice.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this- SWC fanfics are always fun, but this one was cool as it introduced me to new characters with interesting personalities!
It's a short piece, but it doesn't feel too unfinished- despite having less action, the description really carries the piece along. Great use of that!
The in-jokes and little snipes at enemy cabins really make it funny to read. It really encompasses the chaos of SWC.
Great job!

Last edited by ForestPanther (July 30, 2023 22:44:28)

ello ello ello
CD, they/them

hey, you should join graffiti
in sac
1000+ posts

swc megathread ☼ july swc '23

will put skip link later!!!

7/30 - weekly. 2622 words. :thumbs_up:
lagnueage isnst langeuaging. so uh no more word? a/n nonexistence byeeeeeeeeeeeee


code: | Path 1: ANCIENT, Prompt 2 | Path 2: PAST, Prompt 3 | Path 3: DAY, Prompt 1 | Path 4: FUTURE, Prompt 3 |

Take a popular nursery rhyme and twist the concept to write the first verse of your song. Your first verse should be at least 50 words long, and consist of at least four lines - 50 words anyways the concept is the little lamb is a ghost. ok bye no more context for u~~~~
People say count your sheep while you sleep
But what would happen if you die?
Would your slumbers oh so deep
Put them out of their miseries?
Or do their spirits roam the land?
Following a friendly hand?
Is that why Mary's followed now?
Or is there another way somehow?
Many ancient civilizations had their own unique ways of life; select an aspect of worldbuilding (animals, languages, buildings, etc.) and flesh out the lore of it. Feel free to base this off of the Ancient Times aesthetic, or off a story for which you’ve already worked on worldbuilding! You should write 400 words towards this story. - 606 words
The Archive’s basement was dark and quiet, two things Jasper rarely had the chance to experience in abundance; the Academy’s labs were always brightly-lit and filled with people, and while that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, his experiments needed a certain cloak of secrecy the Academy couldn’t provide. But working by the dim light of a flickering lantern had given him time to appreciate life’s little pleasures, and he could appreciate the change of pace.
The soft clinking and shifting of sand grains ceased, and he glanced up from his weathered textbook to adjust the rows of switches on the board, setting into motion a rhythmic clack-clack-clack that broke up the silence. After the quiet from before, the noise was almost deafening, but after fifty-six seconds on the dot it stopped.
Jasper picked up the lantern and turned around, taking in the sight before him: a large, tiered metal behemoth upon which rows and rows of containers were mounted, sealed to the metal and glimmering with the faint orange-yellow sheen of his precautionary magical handiwork. Now, only the second-to-lowest row of flasks had liquid in them, but the rainbow of deep crimson hues wasn’t the point- at least, not really. The true attraction was the machinery inside: Jasper’s final project of the year, and perhaps his boldest attempt at automating the brewing process yet.
He turned back to the operating board, setting the lantern back down with a clunk by a row of gauges measuring the contraption’s internal temperatures and flipping the hourglass over again. The clinking of sand resumed, and Jasper turned back to flipping through his potions textbook.
The machine should, once he could figure out a way to connect a timer to the switches, be able to operate completely without human input- but, if it wasn’t able to beat conventional methods in speed and accuracy the project would be futile, just another useless attempt to rejuvenate the obscure art of potion making.
While brewing had started out as the everymage’s art, with a cauldron and recipe book in every home, in this modern age it was so obscure that the books were almost impossible to find and the cauldrons had all been turned to scrap; if not for his non-magical mother’s long list of incredibly niche hobbies, Jasper may have never found his love for brewing. As a magical child with the ability to work spells, he’d never needed a flask of wound-mending, and all of his classes had informed him that potions was a dead and useless art, nevermind that there were a multitude of reasons why someone would need a remedy that didn’t involve exhausting their limited magical energies.
During the summers where most business-oriented children ran food stands or sold magical crafts, Jasper had instead set up his mother’s equipment and, with the assistance of siblings bewildered but willing to indulge in their younger brother’s interests, opened a stand marketing affordable and effective potions. It wouldn’t have been much of a profitable venture as an actual shop- ingredients were hard to get and brewing took so long that if everyone had been paid according to minimum wage the stand would have immediately become deeply in debt- but the three weeks it had been open had been enough to instill in Jasper a dream of bringing the art of potions back to its former glory.
Finally, he had arrived at this plan: a machine that would save every brewer the need to constantly spend their time on potions and free up more time for other activities. But if it couldn’t even beat out hand-brewing a potion, what good would it do?
Repetition is commonly used in lyrics; write a pre-chorus for your song which repeats a phrase or line at least three times. This pre-chorus should be at least 25 words long, and consist of at least two lines! - 40 words
I got a ghost sheep, ghost sheep
Spectral haunting spirit lamb and
It’s following me, following me, following me ‘round
I got a ghost sheep, ghost sheep
Intangible and still quite present
It’s following me, following me, following me now
In many tragedies, the hero has an Achilles’ heel or flaw that will lead to their downfall. If you are currently working on a longer piece, write at least 500 words in which a main character demonstrates a trait that might get them into trouble in the future… - 545 words
The shifting of sand stopped, shaking Jasper from his thoughts. He refocused his eyes, realizing that he had spaced out some time in the last half hour while going through the potions timetables, and gingerly unclenched the hand that had stopped combing through his hair and was instead gripping tightly around and tugging at several locks.
He took a minute to reorient himself, then flipped the row of switches that would tilt the bottles to separate the actual potion and the chunks of used ingredients. The clacking picked back up again, this time accompanied with a screeching metal sound, and Jasper turned around with the lantern to watch the process. This step was perhaps the most frustrating, as it had required much longer and hands-on testing periods than the other stages of the brewing process.
Then, the dull thuds of footsteps above echoed through the basement, and Jasper bit back the urge to curse at the clicks of a key in the lock on the basement door. The filtering process was set to take up the next quarter hour, the whole of which needed his supervision to thoroughly finish the test and comprehensively log any issues; the last thing he needed right now was an interruption.
With a creak, the door opened, and Jasper tried to even his breathing and force himself calm as the newest intrusion on his peaceful day entered the basement. Focus on the potions, he reminded himself. Nothing else matters.
“Jasper?” a voice, high and lilting and unfamiliar and far too loud for the quiet of the basement, asked- no, called. Jasper gritted his teeth: was it not enough to break the calm of his sanctuary? Did they really have to break his focus?
“Yes?” he replied, forcing out the words. “I’m busy,” he added as an afterthought; it would be better to at least have an excuse. The thick streams in various crimson shades started to slowly taper off.
“Oh, uh…” they sounded slightly taken aback, perhaps unsure what to do. Good. “Well… Aster wanted me to ask if you’d like to join xyr study group on Omensday, but if you’re busy I can come back later, and…”
Jasper stopped paying attention around then. Aster Cypress… he vaguely recalled the dark-haired would-be author, who’d seemed to have a strange obsession with being his rival back in Second Year. If xey were trying to sabotage him now… No, he reminded himself. There’s no way that xey could have known. (That thought did little to assuage his doubts, though.)
The potions continued filtering, the various red fluids all turning lighter as they reached the bottom row of containers. The basement turned back to a comfortable silence, until…
“What are you doing?” they asked, curiosity clearly getting the better of them.
“Brewing potions,” he gritted out. Why hadn’t they left already?
“Oh,” they said. And then: “What kind?”
That question, Jasper hadn’t anticipated. In hindsight, though, he should have; despite on the surface being a normal potion of Bone-Mending, the ingredients in this variety are much more illegal than the normal version. Even though it was worth it for how easily it can be used to test the machine’s effectiveness, he hadn’t quite thought of how to explain it away for prying eyes.
Pick an idiom around which to base your chorus. Make it catchy! Your chorus should be at least 50 words long, and consist of at least four lines. - 51 words
Is this haunting a kind of danger?
No matter what it’s still a stranger
Is it a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Or a spirit I can risk trusting?
There have been so many lies
About if ghosts are real but I still try
To figure out if I will be alright.
SWC fanfiction time! Write 500 words about the events of the current session- be that the drama of cabin wars, the events of your cabin storyline, or just about the dynamics between your campers and co-leaders. You could even write about the daily team! ;D - 501 words
The Poetry-Myth-Contemporary Battles (An Incomplete and Partially Biased Summary)
The Poetry-Myth-Contemporary Battles, like many in the SWC canon, were caused by a gift of mangoes. While mangoes are a perfectly good reason to do battle with another cabin, a gift makes it sound quite strange, so I will clarify: More specifically, they were a gift of mangoes from Steampunk to Contemporary. A gift between enemies. This gift was, like all gifts from enemy to enemy, inspected by two Contemporary campers, who realized that the mangoes had a high likelihood of being poisoned with sedatives to decrease camper productivity. Thus, the mangoes were promptly thrown into a trash can that was burned and the ashes buried, but there was still an unexpected effect- Steampunk’s gift had sparked Contemporary’s hunger for mangoes.
The campers briefly contemplated asking for some mangoes from an ally, but the option of stealing mangoes from an enemy was much more appealing, and thus they headed to Poetry. Facing little resistance from the Poetry campers who did not notice the Contemporary campers until it was too late to stop them, the Contemporary campers returned victorious and with mangoes that weren’t poisoned. However, Poetry had still noticed the theft, and their retaliation was on the way.
Working together, a group of Poetry and Myth campers snuck into the Contemporary Wandering Library and burned it to the ground. Like Poetry, the Contemporary campers did not realize what was happening until it was too late- however, unlike Poetry the consequences were far more dire, and the books within the library were almost all completely destroyed. A Poetry camper came by later and stole Contemporary’s chocolates, and together with a Contemporary camper who had witnessed the theft declared peace. This tale does not end there, however, as Contemporary took advantage of that supposed peace to retaliate.
Using a fleet of train-boats, a group of Contemporary campers attacked the Poetry Lighthouse. Poetry was quick to raise their defenses, however: a Loch Ness monster named Nessie. The Contemporary campers who had joined the attack attacked Nessie with a barrage of flaming weaponry mangoes, and as soon as Nessie vanished under the water pivoted to attacking the Lighthouse, but they realized that all was not as it seemed when Nessie reemerged, growing in size to several thousand feet in a change somehow fueled by the very weapons used against her: Poetry’s trump card. Forced to retreat, the Contemporary campers left, and Nessie broke the train tracks behind them to prevent them from returning.
However, this wouldn’t stop Contemporary from attacking again, so the Poetry orca also put a bubble around the Contemporary train to prevent all Contemporary campers from leaving and attacking another cabin. But this bubble was temporary, and after it eventually burst (as bubbles are wont to do) the Contemporary campers pivoted to attack Poetry’s sibling, Myth. While Poetry would have originally joined them, a Myth camper noticed the Poetry forces in hostile positions and Poetry quickly changed their minds about betraying their sibling.
Google a list of the most famous songs and choose a title you haven’t heard of; without listening or reading the lyrics, write a bridge based off of this title. Your bridge should be at least 60 words long and consist of at least four lines. - 65 words
Title: Suspicious Minds
I have started to wonder while locking
The doors if I’m really in danger
Or if it’s just the paranoia talking
If it’s better to be trusting of strangers
Or to be a closed and solitary fortress
I don’t know who I can trust
And so I shut it all out regardless
And I don’t know if that’s just
An illusion of a mistrustful mind
Clocks are a common symbol in steampunk. If you are currently working on an extended story, introduce a clock within the next 400 words. The appearance of the clock should symbolize something- what that something might be is up to you. - 463 words
“It’s none of your business,” Jasper finally settled on saying. “Why do you even care?”
“Just wondering what you needed the clock for, is all,” they said, slightly defensively. “I didn’t know brewers needed clocks, so I was curious-”
“Everyone needs to keep track of time,” Jasper interrupted, just barely keeping his voice below a shout of irritation. His second-to-least favorite part about this project, after the most obvious drawbacks, was how many questions he got that he shouldn’t need to be the one to answer. Then, he processed the rest of their statement in full: “Wait, the clock arrived?”
“Just in time,” they said cheerfully. “I was getting worried, since any later than today and the deadline is too close for you to do anything with it, you know, but I suppose we got lucky.”
With that, Jasper realized that their voice was slightly deeper than the voice of the first person- at some point, that one had left, which meant that he was currently talking to… their voice was still unfamiliar, but perhaps one of the other professors?
“Could you leave it by the door?” he asked.
“Sure,” they said, and their footsteps receded back into the distance.
The potions continued flowing until the streams had turned to the occasional dripping of red from the lip of the bottles. Jasper inspected each bottle and deemed it satisfactory, and when the sound of sand finally ceased he turned to the clock that had been left on the steps into the basement. This project was going to be unlike anything else he had worked on before, but he had a good feeling about where he was at. It was doable.

It was quickly becoming apparent that this was not as doable as he had thought it was. The ticking of the clock was so loud in the quiet basement as to almost unbearable, and Jasper couldn’t find a single viable solution to his one remaining problem.
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
He had a whole day to work. He could figure it out eventually, and everything would be fine, Jasper told himself as he spun a web of magic around the clock. Even though magic couldn’t be an official part of the contraption, if he could just get it to work at least temporarily, he could reverse-engineer the problem…
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
Oh, skies above, Jasper realized as the glowing web fizzled out in his hands. He only had a day left until this was due.
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
If he just kept working at the problem, he knew he could eventually get a solution. The rest of this project had been like that- find a problem, find a solution eventually.
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
He just doesn’t have that time anymore.
Your song is coming to an end, so it’s time to repeat the chorus- except this time, change up the wording! Introduce some nature imagery into your chorus, which should remain at least 50 words long, in at least four lines. - 50 words
Is this haunting a kind of danger?
No matter what it’s still a stranger
Is it poison’s leaves of three
Or a spirit harmless as can be?
There have been so many lies
About if ghosts are real but I still try
To figure out if I will be alright.
Write a 250-word narrative where you woke up and it was all a dream - 251 words.
I opened my eyes. I was back in my bed, in my room, in my own time… A laugh, bitter and angry, involuntarily made its way out of my mouth. I wasn’t entirely sure of the cause- perhaps it was at the foolishness that I could have believed such an impossible fantasy to be reality, perhaps it was because the dream had ended. It didn’t matter, because whatever the cause, there was enough of it to keep me laughing for a good couple of minutes, until that well of emotion had completely dried up and left me with a tired emptiness.
“Well,” I sighed, when I was finally ready to continue about my day in the manner of one who was perfectly sane, “I suppose it isn’t one of the craziest dreams I’ve had- it certainly can’t beat out the real life murder mystery dream.”
Although, out of all of the strange dreams I’ve had, this was one of the first ones that I had actually wished could be real. Being able to time travel, even if it required music to power the machine, would certainly be too good to be true- but oh, how I wished that it was.
I sighed again, then climbed out of bed and opened my computer on my desk. ‘Say,’ I thought to myself.as the screen loaded in, open on the SWC main cabin. ‘The next weekly should be out…I wonder if I should do it and finally finish a weekly this session.”

dumb lil story is over now thx for putting up w my bs u-u

Last edited by Peach_Drawing (July 30, 2023 22:48:52)

「 Procrastinator - Exhausted - Awkward - Chaotic - Human - Inconsistently Social
(peachi - she/they(/xey) - artist, camp tropiland co-host, writer)

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