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➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

-THE_WAVE wrote:

This is the Things I'm Making and Creating Directory 4.0, a list of topics in this forum! You can request your/someone else's topic to be added by posting here!

FemaleRavenclawAvid reader and writerMaths enthusiastForumer
SuggestionerQaS-erHarry Potter fanMonopoly fan

❝ I'm not superstitious but I am a little stitious
- Michael Scott
3 posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

46 posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

look BADLAND 5

^^^^ Is not round do failed

Last edited by BADLAND222 (May 18, 2022 10:37:41)

3 posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

I need some one who speak Spanish to sing this anthem

¡Eleva el estándar! ¡Levántalo con valentía!

Al servicio de su país,

¡No escatimar nada dandolo todo!

Marcha sobre oh Mudigo,

En la multitud alegre,

Defiende lo correcto y lo correcto lo incorrecto

Donde solo pertenecen la paz y el amor.

Dios mantiene nuestra tierra libre y gloriosa!

En la abundancia y en el tiempo de necesidad

Cuando esta hermosa tierra era joven,

Nuestros valientes antepasados ​​sembraron la semilla

de donde nació nuestro orgullo.

De tus viejas y duras cadenas

Tú forjaste, con mano de ira,

El arado que fertiliza la tierra

Y la espada que salva el honor.

Un orgullo que no hace alarde desenfrenado

De lo que ha resistido

Que une nuestros corazones de costa a costa

El orgullo de la nacionalidad.
1 post

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

500+ posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

Even the translate pop-up can appear!

Check it out:

Also, check out the Mineral Fish Topic (not by me) and the Numberblocks Fish Topic.
Press Shift+Down to see the rest.

You found me!
100+ posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

Should there be a Rubik's cube topic?

*Only if you don't have chrome.
This is my signature! I can put whatever I want on it! This does not have any thing to do with my posts.

(^:: list) [        Dino Hat     ](foo :: pen) :: hat :: operators//This is a hat wearing dino that eats all the evil kumquats!
( :: #067a3a)‎ ‎{‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⸧ :: cap ‎ } :: :: cap :: #a4523a

Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between posts.

Fact time! I have eaten a kumquat before! It was not good :P
Generation 6: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Shhh, you did not hear this from me but Comment:"coconut" on my profile for a free follow!
1000+ posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

Jack2888 wrote:

Should there be a Rubik's cube topic?
Go ahead and create one here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/29/topic/add/
Then, you can suggest it to be added here.

FemaleRavenclawAvid reader and writerMaths enthusiastForumer
SuggestionerQaS-erHarry Potter fanMonopoly fan

❝ I'm not superstitious but I am a little stitious
- Michael Scott
1000+ posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

Suky_boy wrote:

I need some one who speak Spanish to sing this anthem

¡Eleva el estándar! ¡Levántalo con valentía!

Al servicio de su país,

¡No escatimar nada dandolo todo!

Marcha sobre oh Mudigo,

En la multitud alegre,

Defiende lo correcto y lo correcto lo incorrecto

Donde solo pertenecen la paz y el amor.

Dios mantiene nuestra tierra libre y gloriosa!

En la abundancia y en el tiempo de necesidad

Cuando esta hermosa tierra era joven,

Nuestros valientes antepasados ​​sembraron la semilla

de donde nació nuestro orgullo.

De tus viejas y duras cadenas

Tú forjaste, con mano de ira,

El arado que fertiliza la tierra

Y la espada que salva el honor.

Un orgullo que no hace alarde desenfrenado

De lo que ha resistido

Que une nuestros corazones de costa a costa

El orgullo de la nacionalidad.
Ask this in the Requests forum

FemaleRavenclawAvid reader and writerMaths enthusiastForumer
SuggestionerQaS-erHarry Potter fanMonopoly fan

❝ I'm not superstitious but I am a little stitious
- Michael Scott
100+ posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

Ham19-01-2011 wrote:

Jack2888 wrote:

Should there be a Rubik's cube topic?
Go ahead and create one here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/29/topic/add/
Then, you can suggest it to be added here.
Is this good?

*Only if you don't have chrome.
This is my signature! I can put whatever I want on it! This does not have any thing to do with my posts.

(^:: list) [        Dino Hat     ](foo :: pen) :: hat :: operators//This is a hat wearing dino that eats all the evil kumquats!
( :: #067a3a)‎ ‎{‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⸧ :: cap ‎ } :: :: cap :: #a4523a

Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between posts.

Fact time! I have eaten a kumquat before! It was not good :P
Generation 6: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Shhh, you did not hear this from me but Comment:"coconut" on my profile for a free follow!
100+ posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

How would you post a duplicate in the things im making and creating section?
Are you allowed to talk about something that other people talk about?

Hello! If you are confused, this is my signature! This is not part of the comment.
NOTE: This is a Shift+Down-arrow signature. If you are on mobile, you cant read the rest :(
Hey, its
With some more signature nonsense!
Quote of the day: "Tutorials, tutorials, tutorials. Everywhere you look, there's a tutorial telling you how to do this, how to do that. But what are they really teaching us? Nothing but the bare minimum, just enough to get by. They're a crutch, a crutch that's holding us back from true knowledge and understanding. Why do we need tutorials? Because we've become a society of instant gratification, where we want everything handed to us on a silver platter. We want to be spoon-fed information, instead of taking the time to learn and discover for ourselves. But that's not how true knowledge and understanding is gained.
True knowledge and understanding comes from hard work and perseverance. It comes from trial and error, from making mistakes and learning from them. It comes from diving deep into a subject and uncovering its secrets. But tutorials don't teach us any of that. They teach us just enough to complete a task, but not enough to truly understand it.
Tutorials are the enemy of true knowledge and understanding. They're a trap, a trap that keeps us from reaching our full potential. They make us dependent on them, instead of teaching us how to find knowledge and understanding on our own.
" - @SteelLurker
100+ posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️


Seriously are you allowed to make a cool drawing because someone else made a cool drawing?

Hello! If you are confused, this is my signature! This is not part of the comment.
NOTE: This is a Shift+Down-arrow signature. If you are on mobile, you cant read the rest :(
Hey, its
With some more signature nonsense!
Quote of the day: "Tutorials, tutorials, tutorials. Everywhere you look, there's a tutorial telling you how to do this, how to do that. But what are they really teaching us? Nothing but the bare minimum, just enough to get by. They're a crutch, a crutch that's holding us back from true knowledge and understanding. Why do we need tutorials? Because we've become a society of instant gratification, where we want everything handed to us on a silver platter. We want to be spoon-fed information, instead of taking the time to learn and discover for ourselves. But that's not how true knowledge and understanding is gained.
True knowledge and understanding comes from hard work and perseverance. It comes from trial and error, from making mistakes and learning from them. It comes from diving deep into a subject and uncovering its secrets. But tutorials don't teach us any of that. They teach us just enough to complete a task, but not enough to truly understand it.
Tutorials are the enemy of true knowledge and understanding. They're a trap, a trap that keeps us from reaching our full potential. They make us dependent on them, instead of teaching us how to find knowledge and understanding on our own.
" - @SteelLurker
100+ posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

AXEstudios wrote:


Seriously are you allowed to make a cool drawing because someone else made a cool drawing?
wait, nvm

Hello! If you are confused, this is my signature! This is not part of the comment.
NOTE: This is a Shift+Down-arrow signature. If you are on mobile, you cant read the rest :(
Hey, its
With some more signature nonsense!
Quote of the day: "Tutorials, tutorials, tutorials. Everywhere you look, there's a tutorial telling you how to do this, how to do that. But what are they really teaching us? Nothing but the bare minimum, just enough to get by. They're a crutch, a crutch that's holding us back from true knowledge and understanding. Why do we need tutorials? Because we've become a society of instant gratification, where we want everything handed to us on a silver platter. We want to be spoon-fed information, instead of taking the time to learn and discover for ourselves. But that's not how true knowledge and understanding is gained.
True knowledge and understanding comes from hard work and perseverance. It comes from trial and error, from making mistakes and learning from them. It comes from diving deep into a subject and uncovering its secrets. But tutorials don't teach us any of that. They teach us just enough to complete a task, but not enough to truly understand it.
Tutorials are the enemy of true knowledge and understanding. They're a trap, a trap that keeps us from reaching our full potential. They make us dependent on them, instead of teaching us how to find knowledge and understanding on our own.
" - @SteelLurker
2 posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

what it's this?
500+ posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

500+ posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

AXEstudios wrote:

How would you post a duplicate in the things im making and creating section?
Are you allowed to talk about something that other people talk about?
What they mean by this is that if there’s already a topic for, Minecraft, for example, you shouldn’t make another Minecraft topic, but instead post on the existing one.

29 posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

last time i code this
when green flag clicked[scratchblocks]
move (10) steps
1000+ posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

pkhead wrote:

Is there not a Lua topic? No one ever made one?
Technically, there is…

AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
1000+ posts

➿️ Things I'm Making And Creating Directory 4.0 - so you won't post a duplicate! ➿️

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