Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

Use this topic to test out the [scratchblocks] tag on the forums!

when green flag clicked
say [Test out Scratchblocks!!!]

You can also use the preview button (green check button) to test out Scratchblocks as you create your post.

Please do not repeatedly spam this thread or try to make ongoing stories, though. Once you are familiar with the plugin, please stop posting here. Also, please don't make massive scripts that kill the browser - be considerate of your fellow Scratchers

If you want to convert a script in a project, please use apple502j's Scratch 3.0 converter or blob8108's Scratch 2.0 converter.

Also, check out blob8108's Scratchblocks test page.

For more information on the Scratchblocks formatting syntax, see the topic in the Wiki

or, this nice tutorial topic by @theonlygusti

Credit to @jvvg for the original topic on these forums.
Credit to @78ch3 (with help from others) for hosting a version of the topic here
Link to the last version of the topic

Last edited by Harakou (Feb. 13, 2022 23:55:43)

1000+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

edit: I didn't want to say this, but please do not advertise here, spam massive scripts or make storys (unless you want to make very short ones, then go ahead) as that will make paddle haroku (or another scratch team employee, depending on who made the topic) close the topic and delete the storys in said topic if they are long enough. (not sure about the other 2)

edit 2: i think someone said this before but SNIP BIG POSTS WHEN QUOTING THEM!
edit 3: just like what paddle said on page 179 (#3566), don't try and lag the pages, or your account will have consequences.

Last edited by Scratchbeginner5669 (April 22, 2022 22:05:42)

(blinkie and stamp by max dimo)
highlight the siggy then ctrl + shift + down to see the rest (or just shift + down, if your not a chrome user. if your on mobile, highlight the siggy and go down.)
hi i like dave and bambi
certifed recurser fan(atic) since 2023 (specifically march-april)
i also play xanje!

full user, abbreviated, potassium/kalium/kal and rand(u) are my preferred nicknames. full user and abbreviated refer to my actual user. they aren't separate.

if i quote a post and a part of said post is in bold, that's the part i'm mainly replying too.

as you can tell, i forum more than do projects (mainly because i like to convo with other people about topics).
if your seeing this and expecting a project from me immediately after checking my mains project count, expect some project uploads on my 1st alt usually. rarely will i ever upload one on my main.

rip carl and karl, they died.
just found out that the 2 could be still alive somewhere.
better start looking for them eventually. they might not be dead.
they looked like these, btw:
(-_-::#90EE90) // carl
(o_0::#3521EE) // karl

the pfp is staying for april fools, dont get confused with who is what
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

Scratchbeginner5669 wrote:

Testing topic 5!

when I receive [mahak2706, where is the rest of your siggy v]
say [Press CTRL+shift+down to read the rest of my siggy, stats etc.] for (2) secs
(☁ secret spy scratch) //My siggy hero
(1)::motion //helpers of my siggy
(crewmate) //Bruh evil kumquat
//More coming up
(☁ SAS)
//Siggy stats (in scratchblocks and other topics)
Post count: starts 29-11-2021 (10+posts :: operators) (25+posts::operators) (50+posts::operators) (75+posts::operators) (100+posts::operators) (500+posts::obsolete)(1000+posts::obsolete) ::motion hat
followers count (till 200 followers) (100 ::operators) ::looks hat
grand duke n king count (316(king)::operators) (375(grand duke)::variables) (420 (king)::operators) (12 (grand duke) ::variables) ::sound hat
//Suggester guy, military guy, director and etc……
//Note in king: green in grand duke: orange
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

say [Now I can post in without crashing my browser!] for (2) secs
say [We can be pro minecraft and among us and roblox legends] for (2) secs

when I receive [mahak2706, where is the rest of your siggy v]
say [Press CTRL+shift+down to read the rest of my siggy, stats etc.] for (2) secs
(☁ secret spy scratch) //My siggy hero
(1)::motion //helpers of my siggy
(crewmate) //Bruh evil kumquat
//More coming up
(☁ SAS)
//Siggy stats (in scratchblocks and other topics)
Post count: starts 29-11-2021 (10+posts :: operators) (25+posts::operators) (50+posts::operators) (75+posts::operators) (100+posts::operators) (500+posts::obsolete)(1000+posts::obsolete) ::motion hat
followers count (till 200 followers) (100 ::operators) ::looks hat
grand duke n king count (316(king)::operators) (375(grand duke)::variables) (420 (king)::operators) (12 (grand duke) ::variables) ::sound hat
//Suggester guy, military guy, director and etc……
//Note in king: green in grand duke: orange
500+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

when I receive [test topic 5 open v]
post :: variables
different colors :: sound
rings? :: ring
5th post!1! yay :: #291ACD // 1/4th king of the page

hi its me from 3 months later im on the first page xd :: #12915D // i added random color and it looks like pen

Last edited by yavuz61035 (April 26, 2022 17:15:15)

i am yavuz61035!

i like birds (especially budgies) | my studio is here! | a project i was working on, mine game! | pronouns: he/him/they/blabla ok just use anything please stop reading this part | my 100th post! | be moist wet | musicROCKS013 predicts the future

fun fact: my pfp has pride month forever
a link

little social experiment corner:
increase gen thingy:
gen: 14
gen: 14
gen: 11
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

yavuz61035 wrote:

when I receive [test topic 5 open v]
post :: variables
different colors :: sound
rings? :: ring
5th post!1! yay :: #291ACD // 1/4th king of the page
(shake ur groove thing, shake ur groove thing come on ::#291ACD ring)
show'em how u do it ::sound

when I receive [mahak2706, where is the rest of your siggy v]
say [Press CTRL+shift+down to read the rest of my siggy, stats etc.] for (2) secs
(☁ secret spy scratch) //My siggy hero
(1)::motion //helpers of my siggy
(crewmate) //Bruh evil kumquat
//More coming up
(☁ SAS)
//Siggy stats (in scratchblocks and other topics)
Post count: starts 29-11-2021 (10+posts :: operators) (25+posts::operators) (50+posts::operators) (75+posts::operators) (100+posts::operators) (500+posts::obsolete)(1000+posts::obsolete) ::motion hat
followers count (till 200 followers) (100 ::operators) ::looks hat
grand duke n king count (316(king)::operators) (375(grand duke)::variables) (420 (king)::operators) (12 (grand duke) ::variables) ::sound hat
//Suggester guy, military guy, director and etc……
//Note in king: green in grand duke: orange
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

<is infinity a real number? :: operators>
<<() false :: red> :: operators>

standard model of particle physics
(u :: #8800ff) (c :: #8800ff) (t :: #8800ff) (g :: #ff0000) (H :: #fd0) :: stack #ffffff
(d :: #8800ff) (s :: #8800ff) (b :: #8800ff) (γ :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(e :: #77ff00) (μ :: #77ff00) (τ :: #77ff00) (W :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(νe :: #77ff00) (νμ :: #77ff00) (ντ :: #77ff00) (Z :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
1000+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

Yayy new topic
Now my browser won't crash due to the amount of pages and big scripts

(This is a signature, not part of my post and will always be there. Go to here, scroll down and click Change your signature.)
I sometimes go on topics without any replies or a answer.
I also like playing RPGs mostly of puzzles such as OneShot, Undertale/Deltarune.
I also x2 like playing Ragnarok Online, also a RPG.
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

If scratch was 4d
go to x: (0) y: (0) z: (0) w: (100) :: motion

standard model of particle physics
(u :: #8800ff) (c :: #8800ff) (t :: #8800ff) (g :: #ff0000) (H :: #fd0) :: stack #ffffff
(d :: #8800ff) (s :: #8800ff) (b :: #8800ff) (γ :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(e :: #77ff00) (μ :: #77ff00) (τ :: #77ff00) (W :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(νe :: #77ff00) (νμ :: #77ff00) (ντ :: #77ff00) (Z :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
1000+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

ScratchCatDoBem wrote:

Yayy new topic
Now my browser won't crash due to the amount of pages and big scripts
Anyway do a F with scratchblocks to pay respects to the old topic
. . . . . .  .  . .    .      .
. . . . . .

(This is a signature, not part of my post and will always be there. Go to here, scroll down and click Change your signature.)
I sometimes go on topics without any replies or a answer.
I also like playing RPGs mostly of puzzles such as OneShot, Undertale/Deltarune.
I also x2 like playing Ragnarok Online, also a RPG.
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

ScratchCatDoBem wrote:

Yayy new topic
Now my browser won't crash due to the amount of pages and big scripts
you messed that one up bro
when ( :: #FF0000) clicked :: events hat
<[green flag v] pressed? :: sensing
if <[green flag v] pressed? :: sensing> then
this is an indigo block :: #2f0f7e hat
<[ v] contains [thing] ?> :: hat :: list
pork :: #f8e0e7
tord from eddsworld. more like towards edds bbq :: #000000
((volume) mod (100)) * (17)
this is an indigo block :: #2f0f7e hat
end :: cap
sam hogan
play drum (10000 v) for (0.25) beats

standard model of particle physics
(u :: #8800ff) (c :: #8800ff) (t :: #8800ff) (g :: #ff0000) (H :: #fd0) :: stack #ffffff
(d :: #8800ff) (s :: #8800ff) (b :: #8800ff) (γ :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(e :: #77ff00) (μ :: #77ff00) (τ :: #77ff00) (W :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(νe :: #77ff00) (νμ :: #77ff00) (ντ :: #77ff00) (Z :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

me when i put in an image:
Sorry, you need to host your images with a service like imageshack.com. :: events hat

pen up :: events
a new clone of [myself v] :: control reporter
pen [hue v] :: pen reporter

Last edited by skidhi (Jan. 23, 2022 13:33:00)

standard model of particle physics
(u :: #8800ff) (c :: #8800ff) (t :: #8800ff) (g :: #ff0000) (H :: #fd0) :: stack #ffffff
(d :: #8800ff) (s :: #8800ff) (b :: #8800ff) (γ :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(e :: #77ff00) (μ :: #77ff00) (τ :: #77ff00) (W :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(νe :: #77ff00) (νμ :: #77ff00) (ντ :: #77ff00) (Z :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

<pen down?>
write [Hello!] size (12) :: pen
pen trails :: pen reporter
() ^ () :: operators reporter
<<<true () :: #26eb30> :: operators> :: operators>
<<<() false :: red> :: operators> :: operators>

standard model of particle physics
(u :: #8800ff) (c :: #8800ff) (t :: #8800ff) (g :: #ff0000) (H :: #fd0) :: stack #ffffff
(d :: #8800ff) (s :: #8800ff) (b :: #8800ff) (γ :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(e :: #77ff00) (μ :: #77ff00) (τ :: #77ff00) (W :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(νe :: #77ff00) (νμ :: #77ff00) (ντ :: #77ff00) (Z :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
1000+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

//[scratchblocks] Testing Topic evolution
Scracthbolk test 1::#e00
Scrathblok test forums 2::#d71
the trilogy of scrthblk testing::#fa0 // I the spam topic
The QUADRILOGY of the scratch 4::#3cb371
Official scratchblocks Testing Topic 5::#0aa
The sixth topic of the scratchblocks BBcode plugin tag created by scratch (very useful for testing, nothing else.::#aaa)::#0000CD
The aftermath of the tragedy of the sixth one?::#82f
scratchblock 8::#d0d
The testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing topic of the scratchblocks::#dd8ab9
The final block of scratch testers::#4a412a
[/scratchblocks]::#fff //scratchblocks bug!? omg I need to create a topic in BaG

Last edited by Vaibhs11 (Jan. 23, 2022 14:57:33)

100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

script variables ((a) :: #aaaaac) :: #aaaaac

standard model of particle physics
(u :: #8800ff) (c :: #8800ff) (t :: #8800ff) (g :: #ff0000) (H :: #fd0) :: stack #ffffff
(d :: #8800ff) (s :: #8800ff) (b :: #8800ff) (γ :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(e :: #77ff00) (μ :: #77ff00) (τ :: #77ff00) (W :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(νe :: #77ff00) (νμ :: #77ff00) (ντ :: #77ff00) (Z :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5


standard model of particle physics
(u :: #8800ff) (c :: #8800ff) (t :: #8800ff) (g :: #ff0000) (H :: #fd0) :: stack #ffffff
(d :: #8800ff) (s :: #8800ff) (b :: #8800ff) (γ :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(e :: #77ff00) (μ :: #77ff00) (τ :: #77ff00) (W :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(νe :: #77ff00) (νμ :: #77ff00) (ντ :: #77ff00) (Z :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
1000+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

when green flag clicked
say [first new topic with nono word 3.0 evolution] for (2) secs

The2000 wrote:

All suggestions are unnecessary. If a suggestion is necessary then it's a bug report.

dertermenter wrote:

April Fools Day on the forums has been a repeated privilege, not an expectation
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

report [] :: control cap

standard model of particle physics
(u :: #8800ff) (c :: #8800ff) (t :: #8800ff) (g :: #ff0000) (H :: #fd0) :: stack #ffffff
(d :: #8800ff) (s :: #8800ff) (b :: #8800ff) (γ :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(e :: #77ff00) (μ :: #77ff00) (τ :: #77ff00) (W :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(νe :: #77ff00) (νμ :: #77ff00) (ντ :: #77ff00) (Z :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

(list :: list)(list :: list)
(list :: list)
(list :: list)(list :: list)
(list :: list)
(list :: list)

standard model of particle physics
(u :: #8800ff) (c :: #8800ff) (t :: #8800ff) (g :: #ff0000) (H :: #fd0) :: stack #ffffff
(d :: #8800ff) (s :: #8800ff) (b :: #8800ff) (γ :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(e :: #77ff00) (μ :: #77ff00) (τ :: #77ff00) (W :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(νe :: #77ff00) (νμ :: #77ff00) (ντ :: #77ff00) (Z :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 5

<i am clicked? :: sensing>
<i recive [message1 v]? :: events>
message :: events reporter
allow <> to be able to have () inside [true v] :: control

allow <> to be able to have [] inside [true v] :: control
<turbo mode [on v]? :: sensing>
tell [sprite2 v] to [] :: control
<shown? :: looks>
convert colors from () () to () in [sprite v]:: #1e2f97
when color () to () was seen in [sprite v] :: hat #1e2f97
() cubed :: #00ffff reporter
convert colors from (1) (10) to (76) in [stage v]:: #1e2f97
<colors () to () seen on [sprite v] :: #1e2f97>
when this sprite clicked
if <colors (1) to (10) seen on [sprite v] :: #1e2f97> then
say [there is the color red inside of this sprite]

standard model of particle physics
(u :: #8800ff) (c :: #8800ff) (t :: #8800ff) (g :: #ff0000) (H :: #fd0) :: stack #ffffff
(d :: #8800ff) (s :: #8800ff) (b :: #8800ff) (γ :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(e :: #77ff00) (μ :: #77ff00) (τ :: #77ff00) (W :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff
(νe :: #77ff00) (νμ :: #77ff00) (ντ :: #77ff00) (Z :: #ff0000) :: stack #ffffff

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