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- 78ch3
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
Hey! This topic is now closed and is replaced with this new topic

Hello fellow Scratchers. Please use this topic to test out the [scratchblocks] tag on the forums! This is a new topic by new people, @78ch3, @Bigpuppy, @MakeTheBrainHappy, @jromagnoli and @customhacker. Same rules apply.
You can also use the preview button (green check button) to test out Scratchblocks as you create your post.

Never spam or make ongoing stories. Please don't make nonsense scripts. Do not post script troubles here. They either go in a new topic or an existent topic. If you spam, you will be reported.
If you want to convert a script in a project, please use blob8108's converter.
Also, check out blob8108's Scratchblocks test page.
For more information on the Scratchblocks formatting syntax, see the topic in the Wiki
or, this nice tutorial topic by @theonlygusti
If you would like to learn more about this forum, check out this guide here.
Credit to jvvg for the original topic on these forums.
Also credit to Paddle2see for the previous topic on the forums. Can be found at https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/219704/
Some credit to MakeTheBrainHappy, but he kinda “stole” my idea of making a new topic since Paddle2see's topic is over 130 pages.

Hello fellow Scratchers. Please use this topic to test out the [scratchblocks] tag on the forums! This is a new topic by new people, @78ch3, @Bigpuppy, @MakeTheBrainHappy, @jromagnoli and @customhacker. Same rules apply.
when green flag clicked
say [Test out Scratchblocks!!!]
You can also use the preview button (green check button) to test out Scratchblocks as you create your post.

Never spam or make ongoing stories. Please don't make nonsense scripts. Do not post script troubles here. They either go in a new topic or an existent topic. If you spam, you will be reported.
If you want to convert a script in a project, please use blob8108's converter.
Also, check out blob8108's Scratchblocks test page.
For more information on the Scratchblocks formatting syntax, see the topic in the Wiki
or, this nice tutorial topic by @theonlygusti
If you would like to learn more about this forum, check out this guide here.
Credit to jvvg for the original topic on these forums.
Also credit to Paddle2see for the previous topic on the forums. Can be found at https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/219704/
Some credit to MakeTheBrainHappy, but he kinda “stole” my idea of making a new topic since Paddle2see's topic is over 130 pages.
Last edited by 78ch3 (Aug. 12, 2017 21:37:53)
- 78ch3
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
Remember, this is a testing topic, so please don't just make a story out of scratchblocks.
when gf clickedShort scripts like this are ok.
test out scratchblocks :: motion stack
stop [spamming v] :: control stack
Last edited by 78ch3 (June 12, 2017 21:26:43)
- makethebrainhappy
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic

“but he kinda “stole” my idea of making a new topic since Paddle2see's topic is over 130 pages”
I'll work on formatting soon

I will also close my topic as soon as possible, but I need to wait 24 hrs until I can close it.

Last edited by makethebrainhappy (June 13, 2017 00:42:22)
- dt1000
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
Beyblades :: looks hat
<((R :: #F1444A):: variables) :: variables> vs. <((V :: #5FBED7):: motion) :: motion> :: list blocks
(((V :: #5FBED7):: motion):: motion) used Ultra Flash Rush Launch :: #30D6A4
<()(R :: #F1444A)() :: variables>
(():: #DACED2)
(V :: #000000)
Burst Finish!
- asivi
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
(¡Viva España!::#ffffff)
Last edited by asivi (June 23, 2017 19:23:56)
- bigpuppy
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
You can add this to the front page instead of normal text -

- LuisAle25
41 posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
This is from the previous topic, but here are the NEW block colors from Scratch 3.0! (for you to use
Oh, BTW the text color can be used for extension blocks

motion :: #4C97FF //#4C97FF
looks :: #9966FF //#9966FF
sound :: #CF63CF //#CF63CF
control :: #FFAB19 //#FFAB19
events :: #FFBF00 //#FFBF00
sensing :: #5CB1D6 //#5CB1D6
pen :: #0FBD8C //#0FBD8C
operators :: #59C059 //#59C059
data :: #FF8C1A //#FF8C1A
more blocks :: #FF6680 //#FF6680
text :: #575E75 //#575E75
Oh, BTW the text color can be used for extension blocks
- 78ch3
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
Hello everyone. I am glad to hear that people are interested in trying out the scratchblocks tag. However, Please don't make large scripts that kill the browser. Thanks!
- 78ch3
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
Helpful script:
define jump
repeat (10) // makes Sprite go up
change y by (4)
repeat until <touching color [#000000] ?> // colour of ground
change y by (-4) // makes Sprite go down
when gf clicked
repeat until <touching [sprite2 v]
Last edited by 78ch3 (June 13, 2017 21:14:33)
- 78ch3
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
Thank you for that. This is from the previous topic, but here are the NEW block colors from Scratch 3.0! (for you to use)
motion :: #4C97FF //#4C97FF
looks :: #9966FF //#9966FF
sound :: #CF63CF //#CF63CF
control :: #FFAB19 //#FFAB19
events :: #FFBF00 //#FFBF00
sensing :: #5CB1D6 //#5CB1D6
pen :: #0FBD8C //#0FBD8C
operators :: #59C059 //#59C059
data :: #FF8C1A //#FF8C1A
more blocks :: #FF6680 //#FF6680
text :: #575E75 //#575E75
Oh, BTW the text color can be used for extension blocks
- monstermash3
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
Too bad some of the old tricks (like the bright red dropdowns) don't work any more.
Anyway, this effect is cool. If this takes up too much space, I can edit it. Sorry if it does.
Anyway, this effect is cool. If this takes up too much space, I can edit it. Sorry if it does.
- CloudPixel
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
when green flag clicked
Colored Scratch Blocks work! :D :: #0088ff
And let me try gradients. :: #0088ff
:: #0289ff
:: #0c8dff
:: #2398ff
:: #309eff
:: #55aefc
:: #66b7ff
:: #70bbff
:: #84c4ff
:: #9bcfff
:: #afd9ff
:: #c4e3ff
:: #d8ecff
:: #eaf5ff
:: #f4faff
:: #ffffff
- 78ch3
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
Hmmm, hey, is anyone interested in doing Codearia? It's Terraria played with scratchblocks!when green flag clicked
Colored Scratch Blocks work! :D :: #0088ff
And let me try gradients. :: #0088ff
:: #0289ff
:: #0c8dff
:: #2398ff
:: #309eff
:: #55aefc
:: #66b7ff
:: #70bbff
:: #84c4ff
:: #9bcfff
:: #afd9ff
:: #c4e3ff
:: #d8ecff
:: #eaf5ff
:: #f4faff
:: #ffffff
- ultimateboy144
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
when green flag clicked
thank [78ch3] for creating this topic::looks
thank [Paddle2See]* for moving the official topic over here::looks
- titanscratch
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
when I am born :: events hat
Go to [www.scratch.mit.edu] :: motion stack
Imagine :: #ee0000 stack
Program :: #ee9a00 stack
Share :: #008b00 stack
- titanscratch
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
(excessive nested blocks removed by moderator - please don't spam)
Last edited by Paddle2See (June 14, 2017 22:58:28)
- pokemonsam2008
58 posts
Official [scratchblocks] testing topic
when green flag clicked
if <I am happy> then
say [:)]
say [:(]
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» Official [scratchblocks] testing topic