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Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Scratch 2 custom languages are something like this:

How to make them?

  • Create a “.po” file.
  • Put the following into it:
    msgid "%b and %b"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "%b or %b"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "%m.attribute of %m.spriteOrStage"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "%m.list contains %s?"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "%m.mathOp of %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "%m.sensor sensor value"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "%n mod %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Control"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Data"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Events"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Looks"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "More Blocks"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Motion"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Operators"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Pen"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Sensing"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Sound"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "add %s to %m.list"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "answer"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "ask %s and wait"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "backdrop #"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "backdrop name"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "broadcast %m.broadcast"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "broadcast %m.broadcast and wait"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "change %m.effect effect by %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "change %m.var by %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "change pen color by %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "change pen shade by %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "change pen size by %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "change size by %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "change tempo by %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "change volume by %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "change x by %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "change y by %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "clear"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "clear graphic effects"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "color %c is touching %c?"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "costume #"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "create clone of %m.spriteOnly"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "current %m.timeAndDate"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "days since 2000"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "define"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "delete %d.listDeleteItem of %m.list"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "delete this clone"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "direction"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "distance"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "distance to %m.spriteOrMouse"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "else"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "forever"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "glide %n secs to x:%n y:%n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "go back %n layers"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "go to %m.location"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "go to front"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "go to x:%n y:%n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "hide"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "hide list %m.list"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "hide variable %m.var"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "if %b then"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "if on edge, bounce"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "insert %s at %d.listItem of %m.list"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "item %d.listItem of %m.list"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "join %s %s"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "key %m.key pressed?"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "length of %m.list"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "length of %s"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "letter %n of %s"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "loudness"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "mouse down?"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "mouse x"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "mouse y"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "move %n steps"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "next backdrop"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "next costume"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "not %b"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "pen down"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "pen up"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "pick random %n to %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "play drum %d.drum for %n beats"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "play note %d.note for %n beats"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "play sound %m.sound"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "play sound %m.sound until done"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "point in direction %d.direction"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "point towards %m.spriteOrMouse"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "repeat %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "repeat until %b"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "replace item %d.listItem of %m.list with %s"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "reset timer"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "rest for %n beats"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "round %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "say %s"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "say %s for %n secs"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "sensor %m.booleanSensor?"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set %m.effect effect to %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set %m.motor power to %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set %m.motor2 direction to %m.motorDirection"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set %m.var to %s"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set instrument to %d.instrument"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set pen color to %c"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set pen color to %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set pen shade to %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set pen size to %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set rotation style %m.rotationStyle"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set size to %n%"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set tempo to %n bpm"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set video transparency to %n%"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set volume to %n%"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set x to %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set y to %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "show"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "show list %m.list"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "show variable %m.var"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "size"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "stamp"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "stop %m.stop"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "stop all sounds"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop and wait"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "switch costume to %m.costume"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "tempo"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "think %s"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "think %s for %n secs"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "tilt"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "timer"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "touching %m.touching?"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "touching color %c?"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "turn %m.motor off"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "turn %m.motor on"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "turn %m.motor on for %n secs"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "turn @turnLeft %n degrees"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "turn @turnRight %n degrees"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "turn video %m.videoState"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "username"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "video %m.videoMotionType on %m.stageOrThis"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "volume"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "wait %n secs"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "wait until %b"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when %m.booleanSensor"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when %m.key key pressed"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when %m.sensor %m.lessMore %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when %m.triggerSensor > %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when @greenFlag clicked"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when I receive %m.broadcast"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when I start as a clone"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when Stage clicked"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when backdrop switches to %m.backdrop"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when distance %m.lessMore %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when this sprite clicked"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when tilt %m.eNe %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "x position"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "y position"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Language-Name"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "go to %m.spriteOrMouse"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set motor direction %m.motorDirection"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set motor power %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "turn motor off"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "turn motor on"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "turn motor on for %n secs"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when distance < %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "when tilt = %n"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "10 ^"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "A connected"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "A newer version of Scratch is available"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "About"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Account settings"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Add"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Add an Extension"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Add boolean input:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Add label text:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Add number input:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Add string input:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "All"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "All Tips"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Animal"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Animals"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "B connected"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Back a layer"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Backdrop"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Backdrop Library"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Backdrops"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Backpack"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Bass"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Bass Drum"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Bassoon"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Bitmap"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Bitmap Mode"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Block help"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Bongo"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Bring to front"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Broadcast"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Brush"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "C connected"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Cabasa"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Camera"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Cancel"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Cannot Delete"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Can’t find network connection or reach server."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Castle"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Category"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Cello"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Check for updates"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Choir"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Choose backdrop from library"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Choose costume from library"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Choose sound from library"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Choose sprite from library"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Circle"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "City"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Clarinet"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Claves"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Clear"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Click "Save now" to try again or "Download" to save"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Close"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Closed Hi-Hat"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Cloud data"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Cloud list (stored on server)"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Cloud variable (stored on server)"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Color a shape"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Conga"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Connecting to Cloud data server..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Convert to bitmap"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Convert to vector"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Converting mp3..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Copying..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Costume"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Costume Library"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Costumes"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Costumes > 1"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Could not retrieve new application from server."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Could not retrieve update location from server."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Could not retrieve version information from server."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Could not write file:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Cowbell"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Crash Cymbal"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Creating..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Currently, only numbers can be stored in Cloud variables."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "D connected"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Dance"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Delete"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Don't save"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Download"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Download to your computer"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Downloading new version..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Dress-Up"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Duplicate"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Edit"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Edit Block"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Effects"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Electric Guitar"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Electric Piano"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Electronic"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Ellipse"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Erase"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Eraser width"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Error saving project"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Error!"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Fantasy"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Features"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "File"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Fill with color"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Flip left-right"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Flip up-down"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Flute"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Flying"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Font:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "For all sprites"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "For this sprite only"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Force help file update"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Forward a layer"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Go to My Stuff"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Group"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Grow"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Guiro"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Guitar"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Hand Clap"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Hardware"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "High C"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Holiday"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Human"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Import"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Import experimental HTTP extension"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Importing sound..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Indoors"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Installing..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Instruments"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Letters"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Library"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Line"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Line width"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "List name"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Loading help files..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Loading project..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Low C"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Make a Block"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Make a List"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Make a Variable"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Manual Update Available"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Marimba"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Max"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Message Name"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Microphone volume:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Middle C"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Min"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Multiple"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Music"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Music Box"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Music Loops"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Music and Dance"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Musical Notes"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "My Class"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "My Classes"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "My Stuff"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Nature"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New Block"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New List"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New Message"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New Variable"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New backdrop from camera"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New backdrop:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New costume from camera"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New costume:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New name"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New sound:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New sprite from camera"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "New sprite:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "No motion blocks"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "No, Thanks"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Not saved; network or server problem."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Not saved; project did not load."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "OK"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Offline Editor"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Open"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Open Cuica"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Open Hi-Hat"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Open Project"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Options"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Organ"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Other"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Outdoors"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Paint new backdrop"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Paint new costume"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Paint new sprite"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Password"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Password is required"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Pencil"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "People"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Percussion"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Piano"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Pick up color"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Pizzicato"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Please visit the download page to install it."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Profile"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Project did not load."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Project name"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Project name is required"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Project not saved!"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Quit"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Record"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Record & Export Video"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Record Project Video"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Record new sound"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Rectangle"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Redo"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Remix"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Remixing..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Remove Background"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Rename"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Replace existing project?"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Reshape"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Revert"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Reverting..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Run without screen refresh"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Running pre-release"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Save"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Save Project"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Save a copy of this project and add your own ideas."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Save as"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Save as a copy"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Save now"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Save project?"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Saved"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Saving changes..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Saving..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Saxophone"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Scratch Updater"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Script"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Scripts"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "See project page"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Select"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Select and duplicate"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Send to back"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Server error:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Set Costume Center"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Set costume center"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Share"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Share to Scratch Website"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Share to website"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Shift:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Shrink"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Side Stick"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Sign in"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Sign in to save"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Sign out"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Slider Range"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Small stage layout"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Smooth"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Snare Drum"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Sound Library"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Sounds"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Space"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Sports"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Sprite"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Sprite Library"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Sprite1"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Sprites"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Square"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Stage"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Stage selected:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Steel Drum"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Success"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Synth Lead"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Synth Pad"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Tambourine"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Text"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Theme"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Things"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "This is the current version."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "This version is newer than the current release version."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Throw away all changes since opening this project?"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Tips"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "To delete a block definition, first remove all uses of the block."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Transportation"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Triangle"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Trombone"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Turbo Mode"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Turbo mode"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Type"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Undelete"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Underwater"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Undo"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Undo Revert"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Ungroup"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Update check failed"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Update failed"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Update not needed"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Update now"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Upload backdrop from file"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Upload costume from file"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Upload failed"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Upload from your computer"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Upload sound from file"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Upload sprite from file"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Uploading image..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Uploading sound..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Uploading sprite..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Variable name"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Vector"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Vector Mode"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Vibraphone"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Vibraslap"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Video on:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Visit download page"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Vocals"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Walking"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Want to save? Click remix"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Which column do you want to import"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Wood Block"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Wooden Flute"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Yes, I'd Like To Help Improve Scratch"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Your Scratch name"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Your Scratch name is required"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Your project has been uploaded to scratch.mit.edu"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "a copy of the project file on your computer."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "abs"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "acos"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "add comment"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "all"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "all around"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "any"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "asin"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "assets loaded"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "atan"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "backdrop"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "backdrop1"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "backdrops"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "brightness"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "button pressed"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "by"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "bytes loaded"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "can drag in player:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "ceiling"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "clean up"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "clear senders/receivers"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "color"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "copy"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "cos"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "costume1"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "costume2"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "cut"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "date"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "day of week"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "delete"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "delete variable"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "direction:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "don't rotate"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "down"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "down arrow"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "duplicate"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "e ^"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "edge"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "edit"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "export"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "fade in"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "fade out"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "fisheye"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "floor"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "ghost"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "help"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "hour"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "import"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "large readout"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "last"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "left"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "left arrow"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "left-right"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "length"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "light"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "limit reached"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "list"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "ln"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "log"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "louder"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "meow"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "message1"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "minute"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "month"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "mosaic"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "motion"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "mouse-pointer"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "myself"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "new message..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "normal readout"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "of"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "off"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "on"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "on-flipped"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "other scripts in sprite"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "other scripts in stage"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "paste"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "photo1"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "pixelate"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "pop"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "previous backdrop"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "random"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "random position"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "record..."
    msgstr ""

    msgid "recording1"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "redo"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "rename variable"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "requires sign in"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "resistance-A"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "resistance-B"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "resistance-C"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "resistance-D"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "reverse"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "right"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "right arrow"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "rotation style:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "save to local file"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "second"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "select all"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "set slider min and max"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "shared"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "show:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "silence"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "sin"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "slider"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "softer"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "sound"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "space"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "sqrt"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "tan"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "text"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "that way"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "this script"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "this sprite"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "this way"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "undo"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "unshared"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "up"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "up arrow"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "variable"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "video direction"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "video motion"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "whirl"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "year"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Click to try again or to save"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Cloud"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "costume name"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Costumes:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Eraser width:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Line width:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "Scripts:"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "show receivers"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "show senders"
    msgstr ""

    msgid "stored on server"
    msgstr ""
  • Modify the respective “msgstr” values until you've translated everything!

How to use them in Scratch 2?
  • If you haven't already, download Scratch 2.
  • Open Scratch 2.
  • Hold Shift and click on the globe icon.
  • Click “import translation file”.
  • Select your “.po” file!

Feel free to share your .po files here!

Last edited by mybearworld (Nov. 19, 2023 14:29:10)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

The Languages
Create languages and share their .POs, and I'll put them here!

Pig Latin by mybearworld
English Pig Latin in Scratch!
Random Strings by mybearworld
Randomize the strings using a python program!
Google Translate by CST1229
Same old Scratch 2.0, but ruined with Google Translate!
LOLCATZ by _bz
The blocks are translated into the LOLCATZ language!
Reversed by mybearworld
All text is reversed!
Amogus by Marc92020
Shifted Grammar by k0d3rrr
English Scratch 2.0, but slightly different!

Last edited by mybearworld (April 7, 2022 14:18:29)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

The pig latin PO:
msgid "%b and %b"
msgstr "%b andyay %b"
msgid "%b or %b"
msgstr "%b oryay %b"
msgid "%m.attribute of %m.spriteOrStage"
msgstr "%m.attribute ofyay %m.spriteOrStage"
msgid "%m.list contains %s?"
msgstr "%m.list ontainscay %s?"
msgid "%m.mathOp of %n"
msgstr "%m.mathOp ofyay %n"
msgid "%m.sensor sensor value"
msgstr "%m.sensor ensorsay aluevay"
msgid "%n mod %n"
msgstr "%n odmay %n"
msgid "Control"
msgstr "Ontrolcay"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Ataday"
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Eventsyay"
msgid "Looks"
msgstr "Ookslay"
msgid "More Blocks"
msgstr "Oremay Locksbay"
msgid "Motion"
msgstr "Otionmay"
msgid "Operators"
msgstr "Operatorsyay"
msgid "Pen"
msgstr "Enpay"
msgid "Sensing"
msgstr "Ensingsay"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Oundsay"
msgid "add %s to %m.list"
msgstr "addyay %s otay %m.list"
msgid "answer"
msgstr "answeryay"
msgid "ask %s and wait"
msgstr "askyay %s andyay aitway"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "backdrop #"
msgstr "ackdropbay #"
# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "backdrop name"
msgstr "ackdropbay amenay"
msgid "broadcast %m.broadcast"
msgstr "roadcastay %m.broadcast"
msgid "broadcast %m.broadcast and wait"
msgstr "roadcastbay %m.broadcast andyay aitway"
msgid "change %m.effect effect by %n"
msgstr "hangecay %m.effect effectyay ybay %n"
msgid "change %m.var by %n"
msgstr "hangecay %m.var ybay %n"
msgid "change pen color by %n"
msgstr "hangecay enpay olorcay ybay %n"
msgid "change pen shade by %n"
msgstr "hangecay enpay hadesay ybay %n"
msgid "change pen size by %n"
msgstr "hangecay enpay izesay ybay %n"
msgid "change size by %n"
msgstr "hangecay izesay ybay %n"
msgid "change tempo by %n"
msgstr "hangecay empotay ybay %n"
msgid "change volume by %n"
msgstr "hangecay olumevay ybay %n"
msgid "change x by %n"
msgstr "hangecay xay ybay %n"
msgid "change y by %n"
msgstr "hangecay yay ybay %n"
msgid "clear"
msgstr "learcay"
msgid "clear graphic effects"
msgstr "learcay raphicgay effectsyay"
msgid "color %c is touching %c?"
msgstr "olorcay %c siay ouchingtay %c?"
msgid "costume #"
msgstr "ostumecay #"
msgid "create clone of %m.spriteOnly"
msgstr "reatec lonec ofyay %m.spriteOnly"
msgid "current %m.timeAndDate"
msgstr "urrentcay %m.timeAndDate"
msgid "days since 2000"
msgstr "aysday incesay 2000"
msgid "define"
msgstr "efineday"
msgid "delete %d.listDeleteItem of %m.list"
msgstr "eleteday %d.listDeleteItem ofay %m.list"
msgid "delete this clone"
msgstr "eleteday histay lonecay"
msgid "direction"
msgstr "irectionday"
msgid "distance"
msgstr "istanceday"
msgid "distance to %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "istanceday otay %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgid "else"
msgstr "elseyay"
msgid "forever"
msgstr "oreverfay"
msgid "glide %n secs to x:%n y:%n"
msgstr "lidegay %n ecssay otay xay:%n yay:%n"
msgid "go back %n layers"
msgstr "ogay ackbay %n ayerslay"
msgid "go to %m.location"
msgstr "ogay otay %m.location"
msgid "go to front"
msgstr "ogay otay rontfay"
msgid "go to x:%n y:%n"
msgstr "ogay otay xay:%n yay:%n"
msgid "hide"
msgstr "idehay"
msgid "hide list %m.list"
msgstr "idehay istlay %m.list"
msgid "hide variable %m.var"
msgstr "idehay ariablevay %m.var"
msgid "if %b then"
msgstr "ifyay %b hentay"
msgid "if on edge, bounce"
msgstr "ifyay onyay edgeyay, ouncebay"
msgid "insert %s at %d.listItem of %m.list"
msgstr "insertyay %s atyay %d.listItem ofyay %m.list"
msgid "item %d.listItem of %m.list"
msgstr "itemyay %d.listItem ofyay %m.list"
msgid "join %s %s"
msgstr "oinjay %s %s"
msgid "key %m.key pressed?"
msgstr "eykay %m.key ressedpay?"
msgid "length of %m.list"
msgstr "engthlay ofyay %m.list"
msgid "length of %s"
msgstr "engthlay ofyay %s"
msgid "letter %n of %s"
msgstr "etterlay %n ofyay %s"
msgid "loudness"
msgstr "oudnesslay"
msgid "mouse down?"
msgstr "ousemay ownday?"
msgid "mouse x"
msgstr "ousemay xay"
msgid "mouse y"
msgstr "ousemay yay"
msgid "move %n steps"
msgstr "ovemay %n tepssay"
msgid "next backdrop"
msgstr "extnay ackdropbay"
msgid "next costume"
msgstr "extnay ostumecay"
msgid "not %b"
msgstr "otnay %b"
msgid "pen down"
msgstr "enpay ownday"
msgid "pen up"
msgstr "enpay upyay"
msgid "pick random %n to %n"
msgstr "ickpay andomray %n otay %n"
msgid "play drum %d.drum for %n beats"
msgstr "laypay rumday %d.drum orfay %n eatsbay"
msgid "play note %d.note for %n beats"
msgstr "laypay otenay %d.note orfay %n eatsbay"
msgid "play sound %m.sound"
msgstr "laypay oundsay %m.sound"
msgid "play sound %m.sound until done"
msgstr "laypay oundsay %m.sound untilyay oneday"
msgid "point in direction %d.direction"
msgstr "ointpay inyay irectionday %d.direction"
msgid "point towards %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "ointpay owardstay %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgid "repeat %n"
msgstr "epeatray %n"
msgid "repeat until %b"
msgstr "epeatray untilyay %b"
msgid "replace item %d.listItem of %m.list with %s"
msgstr "eplaceray itemyay %d.listItem ofyay %m.list ithway %s"
msgid "reset timer"
msgstr "esetray imertay"
msgid "rest for %n beats"
msgstr "estray orfay %n eatsbay"
msgid "round %n"
msgstr "oundray %n"
msgid "say %s"
msgstr "aysay %s"
msgid "say %s for %n secs"
msgstr "aysay %s orfay %n ecssay"
msgid "sensor %m.booleanSensor?"
msgstr "ensorsay %m.booleanSensor?"
msgid "set %m.effect effect to %n"
msgstr "etsay %m.effect effectyay otay %n"
msgid "set %m.motor power to %n"
msgstr "etsay %m.motor owerpay otay %n"
msgid "set %m.motor2 direction to %m.motorDirection"
msgstr "etsay %m.motor2 irectionday otay %m.motorDirection"
msgid "set %m.var to %s"
msgstr "etsay %m.var otay %s"
msgid "set instrument to %d.instrument"
msgstr "etsay instrumentyay otay %d.instrument"
msgid "set pen color to %c"
msgstr "etsay enpay olorcay otay %c"
msgid "set pen color to %n"
msgstr "etsay enpay olorcay otay %n"
msgid "set pen shade to %n"
msgstr "etsay enpay hadesay otay %n"
msgid "set pen size to %n"
msgstr "etsay enpay izesay otay %n"
msgid "set rotation style %m.rotationStyle"
msgstr "etsay otationray tylesay %m.rotationStyle"
msgid "set size to %n%"
msgstr "etsay izesay otay %n%"
msgid "set tempo to %n bpm"
msgstr "etsay empotay otay %n pmbay"
msgid "set video transparency to %n%"
msgstr "etsay ideovay ransparencytay otay %n%"
msgid "set volume to %n%"
msgstr "etsay olumevay otay %n%"
msgid "set x to %n"
msgstr "etsay xay otay %n"
msgid "set y to %n"
msgstr "etsay yay otay %n"
msgid "show"
msgstr "howsay"
msgid "show list %m.list"
msgstr "howsay istlay %m.list"
msgid "show variable %m.var"
msgstr "howsay ariablevay %m.var"
msgid "size"
msgstr "izesay"
msgid "stamp"
msgstr "tampsay"
msgid "stop %m.stop"
msgstr "topsay %m.stop"
msgid "stop all sounds"
msgstr "topsay allay oundssay"
msgid "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop"
msgstr "witchsay ackdropbay otay %m.backdrop"
msgid "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop and wait"
msgstr "witchsay ackdropbay otay %m.backdrop andyay aitway"
msgid "switch costume to %m.costume"
msgstr "witchsay ostumecay otay %m.costume"
msgid "tempo"
msgstr "empotay"
msgid "think %s"
msgstr "hinktay %s"
msgid "think %s for %n secs"
msgstr "hinktay %s orfay %n ecssay"
msgid "tilt"
msgstr "ilttay"
msgid "timer"
msgstr "imertay"
msgid "touching %m.touching?"
msgstr "ouchingtay %m.touching?"
msgid "touching color %c?"
msgstr "ouchingtay olorcay %c?"
msgid "turn %m.motor off"
msgstr "urntay %m.motor offyay"
msgid "turn %m.motor on"
msgstr "urntay %m.motor onyay"
msgid "turn %m.motor on for %n secs"
msgstr "urntay %m.motor onyay orfay %n ecssay"
msgid "turn @turnLeft %n degrees"
msgstr "urntay dich @turnLeft %n egreesday"
msgid "turn @turnRight %n degrees"
msgstr "urntay @turnRight %n egreedsay"
msgid "turn video %m.videoState"
msgstr "urntay ideovay %m.videoState"
msgid "username"
msgstr "usernameyay
msgid "video %m.videoMotionType on %m.stageOrThis"
msgstr "ideovay %m.videoMotionType onyay %m.stageOrThis"
msgid "volume"
msgstr "olumevay"
msgid "wait %n secs"
msgstr "aitway %n secs."
msgid "wait until %b"
msgstr "aitway untilyay %b"
msgid "when %m.booleanSensor"
msgstr "henway %m.booleanSensor"
msgid "when %m.key key pressed"
msgstr "henway Taste %m.key gedrückt"
msgid "when %m.sensor %m.lessMore %n"
msgstr "henway %m.sensor %m.lessMore %n"
msgid "when %m.triggerSensor > %n"
msgstr "henway %m.triggerSensor > %n"
msgid "when @greenFlag clicked"
msgstr "henway @greenFlag lickedcay"
msgid "when I receive %m.broadcast"
msgstr "henway Iyay eceiveray %m.broadcast"
msgid "when I start as a clone"
msgstr "henway Iyay tartsay asyay ayay lonecay"
msgid "when Stage clicked"
msgstr "henway tagesay lickedcay"
msgid "when backdrop switches to %m.backdrop"
msgstr "henway ackdropbay witchessay otay %m.backdrop"
msgid "when distance %m.lessMore %n"
msgstr "henway istanceday %m.lessMore %n"
msgid "when this sprite clicked"
msgstr "henway histay pritesay lickedcay"
msgid "when tilt %m.eNe %n"
msgstr "henway ilttay %m.eNe %n"
msgid "x position"
msgstr "xay-ositionpay"
msgid "y position"
msgstr "yay-ositionpay"
msgid "Language-Name"
msgstr "Igpay Atinlay (@mybearworld)"
msgid "%m.list contains %s"
msgstr "%m.list ontainscay %s"
msgid "go to %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "ogay otay %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgid "set motor direction %m.motorDirection"
msgstr "etsay otormay irectionday %m.motorDirection"
msgid "set motor power %n"
msgstr "etsay otormay owerpay %n"
msgid "turn motor off"
msgstr "urntay otormay offyay"
msgid "turn motor on"
msgstr "urntay otormay onyay"
msgid "turn motor on for %n secs"
msgstr "urntay otormay onyay orfay %n ecssay"
msgid "when distance < %n"
msgstr "henway istanceday < %n"
msgid "when tilt = %n"
msgstr "henway ilttay = %n"
msgid "10 ^"
msgstr ""
msgid "A connected"
msgstr "Ayay onnectedcay"
msgid "A newer version of Scratch is available"
msgstr "Ayay ewernay ersionvay ofyay Cratchsay isyay vailableay"
msgid "About"
msgstr "Aboutyay"
msgid "Account settings"
msgstr "Accountyay ettingssay"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Addyay"
msgid "Add an Extension"
msgstr "Addyay anyay Extensionyay"
msgid "Add boolean input:"
msgstr "Addyay ooleanbay inputyay"
msgid "Add label text:"
msgstr "Addyay abellay exttay"
msgid "Add number input:"
msgstr "Addyay umbernay inputyay"
msgid "Add string input:"
msgstr "Addyay tringsay inputyay"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Allyay"
msgid "All Tips"
msgstr "Allyay Ipstay"
msgid "Animal"
msgstr "Animalyay"
msgid "Animals"
msgstr "Animalsyay"
msgid "B connected"
msgstr "Bay onnectedcay"
msgid "Back a layer"
msgstr "Ackbay ayay ayerlay"
msgid "Backdrop"
msgstr "Ackdropbay"
msgid "Backdrop Library"
msgstr "Ackdropbay Ibrarylay"
msgid "Backdrops"
msgstr "Ackdropsbay"
msgid "Backpack"
msgstr "Ackpackbay"
msgid "Bass"
msgstr "Assbay"
msgid "Bass Drum"
msgstr "Assbay Rumday"
msgid "Bassoon"
msgstr "Assoonbay"
msgid "Bitmap"
msgstr "Itmapbay"
msgid "Bitmap Mode"
msgstr "Itmapbay Odemay"
msgid "Block help"
msgstr "Lockbay elphay"
msgid "Bongo"
msgstr "Ongobay"
msgid "Bring to front"
msgstr "Ringbay otay rontfay"
msgid "Broadcast"
msgstr "Roadcastbay"
msgid "Brush"
msgstr "Rushbay"
msgid "C connected"
msgstr "Cay onnectedcay"
msgid "Cabasa"
msgstr "Abasacay"
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Ameracay"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Ancelcay"
msgid "Cannot Delete"
msgstr "Annotcay Eleteday"
msgid "Can’t find network connection or reach server."
msgstr "An'tcay indfay etworknay onnectioncay oryay earchray erversay."
msgid "Castle"
msgstr "Astlecay"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Ategorycay"
msgid "Cello"
msgstr "Ellocay"
msgid "Check for updates"
msgstr "Heckcay orfay updatesyay"
msgid "Choir"
msgstr "Hoircay"
msgid "Choose backdrop from library"
msgstr "Hoosecay ackdropbay romfay ibrarylay"
msgid "Choose costume from library"
msgstr "Hoosecay osrumecay romfay ibrarylay"
msgid "Choose sound from library"
msgstr "Hoosecay oundsay romfay ibrarylay"
msgid "Choose sprite from library"
msgstr "Hoosecay pritesay romfay ibrarylay"
msgid "Circle"
msgstr "Irclecay"
msgid "City"
msgstr "Itycay"
msgid "Clarinet"
msgstr "Larinetcay"
msgid "Claves"
msgstr "Lavescay"
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Learcay"
msgid "Click "Save now" to try again or "Download" to save"
msgstr "Lickcay "Avesay ownay" otay rytay againyay oryay "Ownloadday" otay avesay"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Losecay"
msgid "Closed Hi-Hat"
msgstr "Losedcay Ihay-Athay"
msgid "Cloud data"
msgstr "Loudcay ataday"
msgid "Cloud list (stored on server)"
msgstr "Loudcay istlay (toredsay onyay erversay)"
msgid "Cloud variable (stored on server)"
msgstr "Loudcay ariablevay (toredsay onyay erversay)"
msgid "Color a shape"
msgstr "Olorcay ayay hapesay"
msgid "Conga"
msgstr "Ongacay"
msgid "Connecting to Cloud data server..."
msgstr "Onnectingcay otay Loudcay ataday erversay..."
msgid "Convert to bitmap"
msgstr "Onvertcay otay itmapbay"
msgid "Convert to vector"
msgstr "Onvertcay otay ectorvay"
msgid "Converting mp3..."
msgstr "Onvertingcay p3may..."
msgid "Copying..."
msgstr "Opyingcay..."
msgid "Costume"
msgstr "Ostumecay"
msgid "Costume Library"
msgstr "Ostumecay Ibrarylay"
msgid "Costumes"
msgstr "Ostumescay"
msgid "Costumes > 1"
msgstr "Ostumescay > 1"
msgid "Could not retrieve new application from server."
msgstr "Ouldcay otnay etrieveray ewnay applicationyay romfay erversay."
msgid "Could not retrieve update location from server."
msgstr "Ouldcay otnay etrieveray updateyay ocationlay romfay erversay."
msgid "Could not retrieve version information from server."
msgstr "Ouldcay otnay etrieveray ersionvay informationyay romfay erversay."
msgid "Could not write file:"
msgstr "Ouldcay otnay riteway ilefay:"
msgid "Cowbell"
msgstr "Owbellcay"
msgid "Crash Cymbal"
msgstr "Rashcay Ymbalcay"
msgid "Creating..."
msgstr "Reatingcay..."
msgid "Currently, only numbers can be stored in Cloud variables."
msgstr "Urrentlycay, onlyyay umbersnay ancay ebay toredsay inyay Loudcay ariablesvay."
msgid "D connected"
msgstr "Day onnectedcay"
msgid "Dance"
msgstr "Anceday"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Eleteday"
msgid "Don't save"
msgstr "On'tday avesay"
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Ownloadday"
msgid "Download to your computer"
msgstr "Ownloadday otay ouryay omputercay"
msgid "Downloading new version..."
msgstr "Ownloadingday ewnay ersionvay..."
msgid "Dress-Up"
msgstr "Ressday-Upyay"
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Uplicateday"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edityay"
msgid "Edit Block"
msgstr "Edityay Lockbay"
msgid "Effects"
msgstr "Effectsyay"
msgid "Electric Guitar"
msgstr "Electricyay Uitargay"
msgid "Electric Piano"
msgstr "Electricyay Ianopay"
msgid "Electronic"
msgstr "Electronicyay"
msgid "Ellipse"
msgstr "Ellipseyay"
msgid "Erase"
msgstr "Eraseyay"
msgid "Eraser width"
msgstr "Eraseryay idthway"
msgid "Error saving project"
msgstr "Erroryay avingsay rojectpay"
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Erroryay!"
msgid "Fantasy"
msgstr "Antasyfay"
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Eaturesfay"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Ilefay"
msgid "Fill with color"
msgstr "Illfay ithway olorcay"
msgid "Flip left-right"
msgstr "Lipsay eftlay-ightray"
msgid "Flip up-down"
msgstr "Lipfay upyay-ownday"
msgid "Flute"
msgstr "Lutefay"
msgid "Flying"
msgstr "Lyingfay"
msgid "Font:"
msgstr "Ontfay:"
msgid "For all sprites"
msgstr "Orfay allyay pritessay"
msgid "For this sprite only"
msgstr "Orsay histay pritesay onlyyay"
msgid "Force help file update"
msgstr "Orcefay elphay ilefay updateyay"
msgid "Forward a layer"
msgstr "Orwardfay ayay ayerlay"
msgid "Go to My Stuff"
msgstr "Ogay otay Ymay Tuffsay"
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Roupgay"
msgid "Grow"
msgstr "Rowgay"
msgid "Guiro"
msgstr "Uirogay"
msgid "Guitar"
msgstr "Uitargay"
msgid "Hand Clap"
msgstr "Andhay Lapcay"
msgid "Hardware"
msgstr "Ardwarehay"
msgid "High C"
msgstr "Ighhay Cay"
msgid "Holiday"
msgstr "Olidayhay"
msgid "Human"
msgstr "Umanhay"
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importyay"
msgid "Import experimental HTTP extension"
msgstr "Importyay experimentalyay TTPHAY extensionyay"
msgid "Importing sound..."
msgstr "Importingyay oundsay"
msgid "Indoors"
msgstr "Indoorsyay"
msgid "Installing..."
msgstr "Installingyay..."
msgid "Instruments"
msgstr "Instrumentsyay"
msgid "Letters"
msgstr "Etterslay"
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Ibrarylay"
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Inelay"
msgid "Line width"
msgstr "Inelay idthway"
msgid "List name"
msgstr "Istlay amenay"
msgid "Loading help files..."
msgstr "Oadinglay elphay ilesfay"
msgid "Loading project..."
msgstr "Oadinglay rojectpay..."
msgid "Low C"
msgstr "Owlay Cay"
msgid "Make a Block"
msgstr "Akemay ayay Lockbay"
msgid "Make a List"
msgstr "Akemay ayay Istlay"
msgid "Make a Variable"
msgstr "Akemay ayay Ariablevay"
msgid "Manual Update Available"
msgstr "Anualmay Updateyay"
msgid "Marimba"
msgstr "Arimbamay"
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Axmay"
msgid "Message Name"
msgstr "Essagemay Amenay"
msgid "Microphone volume:"
msgstr "Icrophonemay olumevay"
msgid "Middle C"
msgstr "Iddlemay Cay"
msgid "Min"
msgstr "Inmay"
msgid "Multiple"
msgstr "Ultiplemay"
msgid "Music"
msgstr "Usicmay"
msgid "Music Box"
msgstr "Usicmay Oxbay"
msgid "Music Loops"
msgstr "Usicmay Oopslay"
msgid "Music and Dance"
msgstr "Usicmay andyay Anceday"
msgid "Musical Notes"
msgstr "Usicalmay Otesnay"
msgid "My Class"
msgstr "Ymay Lasscay"
msgid "My Classes"
msgstr "Ymay Lassescay"
msgid "My Stuff"
msgstr "Ymay Tuffsay"
msgid "Nature"
msgstr "Aturenay"
msgid "New"
msgstr "Ewnay"
msgid "New Block"
msgstr "Ewnay Lockbay"
msgid "New List"
msgstr "Ewnay Istlay"
msgid "New Message"
msgstr "Ewnay Essagemay"
msgid "New Variable"
msgstr "Ewnay Ariablevay"
msgid "New backdrop from camera"
msgstr "Ewnay ackdropbay romfay ameracay"
msgid "New backdrop:"
msgstr "Ewnay ackdropbay"
msgid "New costume from camera"
msgstr "Ewnay ostumecay romfay ameracay"
msgid "New costume:"
msgstr "Ewnay ostumecay:"
msgid "New name"
msgstr "Ewnay amenay"
msgid "New sound:"
msgstr "Ewnay oundsay"
msgid "New sprite from camera"
msgstr "Ewnay pritesay romfay ameracay"
msgid "New sprite:"
msgstr "Ewnay pritesay:"
msgid "No motion blocks"
msgstr "Onay otionmay locksbay"
msgid "No, Thanks"
msgstr "On, Hankstay"
msgid "Not saved; network or server problem."
msgstr "Otnay avedsay; etworknay oryay erversay roblempay"
msgid "Not saved; project did not load."
msgstr "Otnay avedsay; rojectpay idday otnay oadlay"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "KOAY"
msgid "Offline Editor"
msgstr "Offlineyay Editoryay"
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Openyay"
msgid "Open Cuica"
msgstr "Openyay Uicacay"
msgid "Open Hi-Hat"
msgstr "Openyay Ihay-Athay"
msgid "Open Project"
msgstr "Openyay Rojectpay"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Optionsyay"
msgid "Organ"
msgstr "Organyay"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Otheryay"
msgid "Outdoors"
msgstr "Outdoorsyay"
msgid "Paint new backdrop"
msgstr "Aintpay ewnay ackdropbay"
msgid "Paint new costume"
msgstr "Aintpay ewnay ostumecay"
msgid "Paint new sprite"
msgstr "Aintpay ewnay pritesay"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Asswordpay"
msgid "Password is required"
msgstr "Asswordpay isyay equiredyay"
msgid "Pencil"
msgstr "Encilpay"
msgid "People"
msgstr "Eoplepay"
msgid "Percussion"
msgstr "Ercussionpay"
msgid "Piano"
msgstr "Ianopay"
msgid "Pick up color"
msgstr "Ickpay upyay olorcay"
msgid "Pizzicato"
msgstr "Izzicatopay"
msgid "Please visit the download page to install it."
msgstr "Leasepay isitvay hetay ownloadday agepay otay installyay ityay."
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Rofilepay"
msgid "Project did not load."
msgstr "Rojectpay idday otnay oadlay"
msgid "Project name"
msgstr "Rojectpay amenay"
msgid "Project name is required"
msgstr "Rojectpay amenay isyay equiredray"
msgid "Project not saved!"
msgstr "Rojectpay otnay avedsay"
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Uitqay"
msgid "Record"
msgstr "Ecordray"
msgid "Record & Export Video"
msgstr "Ecordray & Exportyay Ideovay"
msgid "Record Project Video"
msgstr "Ecordray Rojectpay Ideovay"
msgid "Record new sound"
msgstr "Ecordray ewnay oundsay"
msgid "Rectangle"
msgstr "Ectangleray"
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Edoray"
msgid "Remix"
msgstr "Emixray"
msgid "Remixing..."
msgstr "Emixingray..."
msgid "Remove Background"
msgstr "Emoveray Ackgroundbay"
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Enameray"
msgid "Replace existing project?"
msgstr "Eplaceray existingyay rojectpay?"
msgid "Reshape"
msgstr "Eshaperay"
msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Evertray"
msgid "Reverting..."
msgstr "Evertingray..."
msgid "Run without screen refresh"
msgstr "Runray ithoutway creensay efreshray"
msgid "Running pre-release"
msgstr "Unningray repay-eleaseray"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Avesay"
msgid "Save Project"
msgstr "Avesay Rojectpay"
msgid "Save a copy of this project and add your own ideas."
msgstr "Avesay ayay opycay ofyay histay rojectpay andyay addyay ouryay ownyay ideasyay."
msgid "Save as"
msgstr "Avesay asyay"
msgid "Save as a copy"
msgstr "Avesay asyay ayay opycay"
msgid "Save now"
msgstr "Avesay ownay"
msgid "Save project?"
msgstr "Avesay rojectpay?"
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Avedsay"
msgid "Saving changes..."
msgstr "Avingsay hangescay..."
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Avingsay..."
msgid "Saxophone"
msgstr "Axophone..."
msgid "Scratch Updater"
msgstr "Cratchsay Updateryay"
msgid "Script"
msgstr "Criptsay"
msgid "Scripts"
msgstr "Criptssay"
msgid "See project page"
msgstr "Eesay rojectpay agepay"
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Electsay"
msgid "Select and duplicate"
msgstr "Electsay andyay uplicateday"
msgid "Send to back"
msgstr "Endsay otyay ackbay"
msgid "Server error:"
msgstr "Erversay erroryay:"
msgid "Set Costume Center"
msgstr "Etsay Ostumecay Entercay"
msgid "Set costume center"
msgstr "Etsay ostumecay entercay"
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Haresay"
msgid "Share to Scratch Website"
msgstr "Haresay otay Cratchsay Ebsiteway"
msgid "Share to website"
msgstr "Haresay otay ebsiteway"
msgid "Shift:"
msgstr "Hiftsay:"
msgid "Shrink"
msgstr "Hrinksay"
msgid "Side Stick"
msgstr "Idesay Ticksay"
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Igns inyay"
msgid "Sign in to save"
msgstr "Ignsay inyay otay avesay"
msgid "Sign out"
msgstr "Ignsay outyay"
msgid "Slider Range"
msgstr "Lidersay Angeray"
msgid "Small stage layout"
msgstr "Mallsay tagesay ayoutlay"
msgid "Smooth"
msgstr "Moothsay"
msgid "Snare Drum"
msgstr "Naresay Rumday"
msgid "Sound Library"
msgstr "Oundsay Ibrarylay"
msgid "Sounds"
msgstr "Oundssay"
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Pacesay"
msgid "Sports"
msgstr "Portssay"
msgid "Sprite"
msgstr "Pritesay"
msgid "Sprite Library"
msgstr "Pritessay Ibrarylay"
msgid "Sprite1"
msgstr "Pritesay1"
msgid "Sprites"
msgstr "Pritessay"
msgid "Square"
msgstr "Quaresay"
msgid "Stage"
msgstr "Tagesay"
msgid "Stage selected:"
msgstr "Tagesay electedsay:"
msgid "Steel Drum"
msgstr "Teelsay Rumday"
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Uccesssay"
msgid "Synth Lead"
msgstr "Ynthsay Eadlay"
msgid "Synth Pad"
msgstr "Ynths Adpay"
msgid "Tambourine"
msgstr "Ambourinetay"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Exttay"
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Hemetay"
msgid "Things"
msgstr "Hingstay"
msgid "This is the current version."
msgstr "Histay isyay hetay urrentcay ersionvay."
msgid "This version is newer than the current release version."
msgstr "Histay ersionvay isyay ewernay hantay hetay urrentcay eleaseray ersionvay."
msgid "Throw away all changes since opening this project?"
msgstr "Hrowtay awayyay allyay hangescay incesay openingyay histay rojectpay?"
msgid "Tips"
msgstr "Ipstay"
msgid "To delete a block definition, first remove all uses of the block."
msgstr "Otay eleteday ayay lockbay efinitionday, irstfay emoveray allyay usesyay ofyay hetay lockbay."
msgid "Transportation"
msgstr "Ransportationtay"
msgid "Triangle"
msgstr "Riangletay"
msgid "Trombone"
msgstr "Rombonetay"
msgid "Turbo Mode"
msgstr "Urbotay Odemay"
msgid "Turbo mode"
msgstr "Urbotay odemay"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Ypetay"
msgid "Undelete"
msgstr "Undeleteyay"
msgid "Underwater"
msgstr "Underwateryay"
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Undoyay"
msgid "Undo Revert"
msgstr "Undoyay Evertray"
msgid "Ungroup"
msgstr "Ungroupyay"
msgid "Update check failed"
msgstr "Updateyay heckcay ailedfay"
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Updateyay ailedfay"
msgid "Update not needed"
msgstr "Updateyay otnay eedednay"
msgid "Update now"
msgstr "Updateyay ownay"
msgid "Upload backdrop from file"
msgstr "Uploadyay ackdropbay romfay ilefay"
msgid "Upload costume from file"
msgstr "Uploadyay ostumecay romfay ilefay"
msgid "Upload failed"
msgstr "Uploadyay ailedfay"
msgid "Upload from your computer"
msgstr "Uploadyay romfay ouryay omputeryay
msgid "Upload sound from file"
msgstr "Uploadyay oundsay romfay ilefay" 
msgid "Upload sprite from file"
msgstr "Uploadyay pritesay romfay ilefay
msgid "Uploading image..."
msgstr "Uploadingyay imageyay..."
msgid "Uploading sound..."
msgstr "Uploadingyay oundsay..."
msgid "Uploading sprite..."
msgstr "Uploadyay pritesay..."
msgid "Variable name"
msgstr "Ariablevay amenay"
msgid "Vector"
msgstr "Ectorvay"
msgid "Vector Mode"
msgstr "Ectorvay Odemay"
msgid "Vibraphone"
msgstr "Ibraphonevay"
msgid "Vibraslap"
msgstr "Ibraslapvay"
msgid "Video on:"
msgstr "Ideovay onyay:"
msgid "Visit download page"
msgstr "Isitvay ownload agepay"
msgid "Vocals"
msgstr "Ocalsvay"
msgid "Walking"
msgstr "Alkingway"
msgid "Want to save? Click remix"
msgstr "Antway otay avesay? Lickcay emixray"
msgid "Which column do you want to import"
msgstr "Hichway olumncay oday ouyay antway otay importyay"
msgid "Wood Block"
msgstr "Oodway Lockbay"
msgid "Wooden Flute"
msgstr "Oodenway Lutefay"
msgid "Yes, I'd Like To Help Improve Scratch"
msgstr "Esyay, I'dyay Ikelay Otay Elphay Improveyay Cratchsay"
msgid "Your Scratch name"
msgstr "Ouryay Cratchsay amenay"
msgid "Your Scratch name is required"
msgstr "Ouryay Cratchsay amenay isyay equiredyay"
msgid "Your project has been uploaded to scratch.mit.edu"
msgstr "Ouryay rojectpay ashay eenbay uploadedyay otay cratchsay.itmay.eduyay"
msgid "a copy of the project file on your computer."
msgstr "ayay opycay ofyay hetay rojectpay ilefay onyay ouryay omputercay."
msgid "abs"
msgstr "absyay"
msgid "acos"
msgstr "acosyay"
msgid "add comment"
msgstr "addyay ommentcay"
msgid "all"
msgstr "allyay"
msgid "all around"
msgstr "allyay aroundyay"
msgid "any"
msgstr "anyyay"
msgid "asin"
msgstr "asinyay"
msgid "assets loaded"
msgstr "assetsyay oadedlay"
msgid "atan"
msgstr "atanyay"
msgid "backdrop"
msgstr "ackdropbay"
msgid "backdrop1"
msgstr "ackdropbay1"
msgid "backdrops"
msgstr "ackdropsbay1"
msgid "brightness"
msgstr "rightnessbay"
msgid "button pressed"
msgstr "uttonbay ressedpay"
msgid "by"
msgstr "ybay"
msgid "bytes loaded"
msgstr "ytesbay oadedlay"
msgid "can drag in player:"
msgstr "ancay ragday inyay layerpay"
msgid "ceiling"
msgstr "eilingcay"
msgid "clean up"
msgstr "leancay upyay"
msgid "clear senders/receivers"
msgstr "learcay endersay/eceiversray"
msgid "color"
msgstr "olorcay"
msgid "copy"
msgstr "opycay"
msgid "cos"
msgstr "oscay"
msgid "costume1"
msgstr "ostumecay1"
msgid "costume2"
msgstr "ostumecay2"
msgid "cut"
msgstr "utcay"
msgid "date"
msgstr "ateday"
msgid "day of week"
msgstr "ayday ofyay eekway"
msgid "delete"
msgstr "eleteday"
msgid "delete variable"
msgstr "eleteday ariablevay"
msgid "direction:"
msgstr "irectionday:"
msgid "don't rotate"
msgstr "on'tday otateray"
msgid "down"
msgstr "ownday"
msgid "down arrow"
msgstr "ownday arrowyay"
msgid "duplicate"
msgstr "uplicateday"
msgid "e ^"
msgstr "eyay ^"
msgid "edge"
msgstr "edgeyay"
msgid "edit"
msgstr "edityay"
msgid "export"
msgstr "exportyay"
msgid "fade in"
msgstr "adefay inyay"
msgid "fade out"
msgstr "adefay outyay"
msgid "fisheye"
msgstr "isheyefay"
msgid "floor"
msgstr "loorfay"
msgid "ghost"
msgstr "hostgay"
msgid "help"
msgstr "elphay"
msgid "hour"
msgstr "ourhay"
msgid "import"
msgstr "importyay"
msgid "large readout"
msgstr "argelay eadoutray"
msgid "last"
msgstr "astlay"
msgid "left"
msgstr "eftlay"
msgid "left arrow"
msgstr "eftlay arrowyay"
msgid "left-right"
msgstr "eftlay-ightray"
msgid "length"
msgstr "engthlay"
msgid "light"
msgstr "ightlay"
msgid "limit reached"
msgstr "imitlay eachedray"
msgid "list"
msgstr "istlay"
msgid "ln"
msgstr "nlay"
msgid "log"
msgstr "oglay"
msgid "louder"
msgstr "ouderlay"
msgid "meow"
msgstr "eowmay"
msgid "message1"
msgstr "essagemay1"
msgid "minute"
msgstr "inutemay"
msgid "month"
msgstr "onthmay"
msgid "mosaic"
msgstr "osaicmay"
msgid "motion"
msgstr "otionmay"
msgid "mouse-pointer"
msgstr "ousemay-ointerpay"
msgid "myself"
msgstr "yselfmay"
msgid "new message..."
msgstr "ewnay essagemay..."
msgid "normal readout"
msgstr "ormalay eadoutray"
msgid "of"
msgstr "ofyay"
msgid "off"
msgstr "offyay"
msgid "on"
msgstr "onyay"
msgid "on-flipped"
msgstr "onyay-lippedfay"
msgid "other scripts in sprite"
msgstr "otheryay criptssay inyay pritesay"
msgid "other scripts in stage"
msgstr "otheryay criptssay inyay tagesay"
msgid "paste"
msgstr "astepay"
msgid "photo1"
msgstr "hotopay1"
msgid "pixelate"
msgstr "ixelatepay"
msgid "pop"
msgstr "oppay"
msgid "previous backdrop"
msgstr "reviouspay ackdropay"
msgid "random"
msgstr "andomray"
msgid "random position"
msgstr "andomray ositionpay"
msgid "record..."
msgstr "ecordray..."
msgid "recording1"
msgstr "ecordingray1..."
msgid "redo"
msgstr "edoray"
msgid "rename variable"
msgstr "enameray ariableva"
msgid "requires sign in"
msgstr "equires ignsay inyay"
msgid "resistance-A"
msgstr "esistanceray-Ayay"
msgid "resistance-B"
msgstr "esistanceray-Bay"
msgid "resistance-C"
msgstr "esistanceray-Cay"
msgid "resistance-D"
msgstr "esistanceray-Day"
msgid "reverse"
msgstr "everseray"
msgid "right"
msgstr "ightray"
msgid "right arrow"
msgstr "ightray rroway"
msgid "rotation style:"
msgstr "otationray tylesay:"
msgid "save to local file"
msgstr "avesay otay ocallay ilefay"
msgid "second"
msgstr "econdsay"
msgid "select all"
msgstr "electsay allyay"
msgid "set slider min and max"
msgstr "etsay lidersay inmay nday axmay"
msgid "shared"
msgstr "haredsay"
msgid "show:"
msgstr "howsay:"
msgid "silence"
msgstr "ilencesay"
msgid "sin"
msgstr "insay"
msgid "slider"
msgstr "lidersay"
msgid "softer"
msgstr "oftersay"
msgid "sound"
msgstr "oundsay"
msgid "space"
msgstr "pacesay"
msgid "sqrt"
msgstr "qrtsay"
msgid "tan"
msgstr "antay"
msgid "text"
msgstr "exttay"
msgid "that way"
msgstr "hattay ayway"
msgid "this script"
msgstr "histay criptsay"
msgid "this sprite"
msgstr "histay pritesay"
msgid "this way"
msgstr "histay ayway"
msgid "undo"
msgstr "undoyay"
msgid "unshared"
msgstr "unsharedyay"
msgid "up"
msgstr "upyay"
msgid "up arrow"
msgstr "upyay arrowyay"
msgid "variable"
msgstr "ariablevay"
msgid "video direction"
msgstr "ideovay irectionday"
msgid "video motion"
msgstr "ideovay otionmay"
msgid "whirl"
msgstr "hirlway"
msgid "year"
msgstr "earyay"
msgid "Click  to try again or  to save"
msgstr "Lickcay  otay rytay againyay oryay  otay avesay"
msgid "Cloud"
msgstr "Loudcay"
msgid "costume name"
msgstr "ostumecay amenay"
msgid "Costumes:"
msgstr "Ostumescay:"
msgid "Eraser width:"
msgstr "Rasereyay idthw:"
msgid "Line width:"
msgstr "Inelay idthway:"
msgid "Scripts:"
msgstr "Criptsay:"
msgid "show receivers"
msgstr "howsay eceivers"
msgid "show senders"
msgstr "howsay enderssay"
msgid "stored on server"
msgstr "toredsay onyay erversay"

Last edited by mybearworld (Oct. 3, 2022 13:32:35)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

I'll put this in my signature (also bump)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

I wish I could do a pirate language or a lolcat on scratch

Last edited by Xolay (Oct. 8, 2021 18:44:46)

I'm a 8 year old boy
[0.0](ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ::stack)('_'::stack variables)(o,o::stack control)(d_b::stack operators)(²-²::stack motion)(1_1::stack looks)(°-°::stack sound)::stack #000000//these are my kumquat protectors

if <(username) = [add signature] > then
set [big brain v]to [True]
<<true(::grey) ::#00FF00>::operators>
<<(::grey) false::#ff0000>::operators>
I love courtney from total dramarama
My goal:
5000 posts (::control) (::control) (::#000000) (::#000000) (::#000000) ::#00008B

Credits: Google

move (1) step::motion

hello, light mode user
hello, dark mode user

this hat is looking at u
() () ::custom hat

POV: you are a ST member about to report
See the POV of being a Scratch Team member.

atchscray isyay ayay igh-levelhay ock-basedblay isualvay ogrammingpray anguagelay andyay ebsiteway argetedtay imarilypray atyay ildrenchay 8–16 asyay anyay educationalyay ooltay orfay ogrammingpray.

PLZ buy me a Wedo 2.0



you are not being valid offtopic there

hahaha superhero block go brrrr::#FFFFFF cap

made with uploads.scratch.mit.edu
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Xolay wrote:

I wish I could do a pirate language or a lolcat on scratch
Why not do it?

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

mybearworld wrote:

Xolay wrote:

I wish I could do a pirate language or a lolcat on scratch
Why not do it?
cuz I have mobile and I'm not sure if my parents can download s2

I'm a 8 year old boy
[0.0](ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ::stack)('_'::stack variables)(o,o::stack control)(d_b::stack operators)(²-²::stack motion)(1_1::stack looks)(°-°::stack sound)::stack #000000//these are my kumquat protectors

if <(username) = [add signature] > then
set [big brain v]to [True]
<<true(::grey) ::#00FF00>::operators>
<<(::grey) false::#ff0000>::operators>
I love courtney from total dramarama
My goal:
5000 posts (::control) (::control) (::#000000) (::#000000) (::#000000) ::#00008B

Credits: Google

move (1) step::motion

hello, light mode user
hello, dark mode user

this hat is looking at u
() () ::custom hat

POV: you are a ST member about to report
See the POV of being a Scratch Team member.

atchscray isyay ayay igh-levelhay ock-basedblay isualvay ogrammingpray anguagelay andyay ebsiteway argetedtay imarilypray atyay ildrenchay 8–16 asyay anyay educationalyay ooltay orfay ogrammingpray.

PLZ buy me a Wedo 2.0



you are not being valid offtopic there

hahaha superhero block go brrrr::#FFFFFF cap

made with uploads.scratch.mit.edu
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Im giving this to @-gge

Moved to reidling–
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

roketH77 wrote:

Im giving this to @-gge
Scratch 2: Mineral Fish Edition

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages


Last edited by mybearworld (Oct. 3, 2022 10:22:10)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

im working on amogus 2.0: the epic language where everything is sus!

i do stuff

image updates whenever i check
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

It would be cool to have a Google Translate language but the ST doesn't seem to like GT text ruiners sooo….

This is a signature. It's a piece of text that appears below every post I write. Click here to learn more, including how to make your own.
RIP assets image hosting. 2013?-2023

1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Marc92020 wrote:

im working on amogus 2.0: the epic language where everything is sus!

CST1229 wrote:

It would be cool to have a Google Translate language but the ST doesn't seem to like GT text ruiners sooo….
Would be difficult, seeing as “move %n steps” and similar things exist, and the “%n”s are neccessary.

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

mybearworld wrote:

CST1229 wrote:

It would be cool to have a Google Translate language but the ST doesn't seem to like GT text ruiners sooo….
Would be difficult, seeing as “move %n steps” and similar things exist, and the “%n”s are neccessary.
The %n could be replaced with the default value (10 in this case), translated (I got “This should be done in step 10”), then changed back to valid message (“This should be done in step %n”).

This is Maximouse's signature. Learn more about signatures.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

I've made a python program with bad code that randomizes all the text

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

if anyone wants screenshots of sus language, i will show them

i do stuff

image updates whenever i check
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Marc92020 wrote:

if anyone wants screenshots of sus language, i will show them
I do

don't forget

by the way MagicCoder330 is hosting a social experiment, I'm curious to see where it goes, please comment on it I want to see what the next phase is

uh… I just reported a project for including a swear word but in typing the report I accidentally reported it as the wrong swear word… well excrement
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Marc92020 wrote:

if anyone wants screenshots of sus language, i will show them
Please do!

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

lapisi wrote:

Marc92020 wrote:

if anyone wants screenshots of sus language, i will show them
I do

mybearworld wrote:

Marc92020 wrote:

if anyone wants screenshots of sus language, i will show them
Please do!
ok i will post them soon. i need to make the screenshots

i do stuff

image updates whenever i check
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages


i do stuff

image updates whenever i check

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