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1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

anyone remember my amogus language? well its still a thing

i do stuff

image updates whenever i check
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

mybearworld wrote:


i do stuff

image updates whenever i check
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

I made a custom language for Scratch 2!

Last edited by k0d3rrr (April 5, 2022 13:23:34)


3 forum tips for experienced forumers (in no particular order):
  1. If you are reporting a new forumer's topic to be closed, or moved to another forum, don't mention it, because then, the topic creator will think they will receive either an alert or a ban.

  2. New forumers won't immediately know the rules or terminology of the forums. I have seen this happen hundreds of times (exaggeratedly), especially when experienced forumers (I won't name any) tell new forumers that they are "necroposting", which is when someone posts on an old and resolved topic (especially in the Questions about Scratch forum), causing said topic to be moved to the front page of that forum.

  3. Using Scratchblocks as a writing style is not blockspam, unless it is irrelevant to the discussion. For example, this

    ExampleScratcher1 wrote:

    How do I make a smooth gliding animation?
    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(my question) = [answered]>
    ask [How do I make a smooth gliding animation?] and wait
    say [Thank you!]
    is not blockspam, but these

    ExampleScratcher2 (first post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    move (58) steps
    play sound [Stock Laughter Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    play sound [Stock Screaming Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    switch backdrop to [internet v]
    say [i broke the internet] for (2) secs
    turn cw (15) degrees
    go to [nearby restaurant v]
    next costume

    ExampleScratcher2 (second post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(out of dorito's) = [true]>
    broadcast [eat dorito chip v]
    say [IM OUT OF DORITO'S!!!!!!!!! :(]
    play sound [Scream2 v] until done
    turn cw (120) degrees
    play sound [Scream2 v]
    play sound [we have no dorito's sorry v]
    are blockspam, and must be reported.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

*If any new .po files are being added to the post*
Here's my one.
I call it “Shifted Grammar”.
msgid "%b and %b"
msgstr "%b with %b"

msgid "%b or %b"
msgstr "%b either %b"

msgid "%m.attribute of %m.spriteOrStage"
msgstr "%m.attribute from %m.spriteOrStage"

msgid "%m.list contains %s?"
msgstr "%m.list keeps %s?"

msgid "%m.mathOp of %n"
msgstr "%m.mathOp with %n"

msgid "%m.sensor sensor value"
msgstr "%m.sensor value"

msgid "%n mod %n"
msgstr "%n mod of %n"

msgid "Control"
msgstr "Conditional"

msgid "Data"
msgstr "Variable"

msgid "Events"
msgstr "Broadcasts"

msgid "Looks"
msgstr "Appearance"

msgid "More Blocks"
msgstr "Custom"

msgid "Motion"
msgstr "Movement"

msgid "Operators"
msgstr "Conditional"

msgid "Pen"
msgstr "Draw"

msgid "Sensing"
msgstr "Detection"

msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Sounds"

msgid "add %s to %m.list"
msgstr "place %s in %m.list"

msgid "answer"
msgstr "reply"

msgid "ask %s and wait"
msgstr "question %s until done"

msgid "What's your name?"
msgstr "How are you feeling?"

# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "backdrop #"
msgstr "backdrop number"

# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "backdrop name"
msgstr "name of backdrop"

msgid "broadcast %m.broadcast"
msgstr "send %m.broadcast"

msgid "broadcast %m.broadcast and wait"
msgstr "send %m.broadcast until done"

msgid "change %m.effect effect by %n"
msgstr "change %m.effect effect with %n"

msgid "change %m.var by %n"
msgstr "change %m.var with %n"

msgid "change pen color by %n"
msgstr "change draw colour with %n"

msgid "change pen shade by %n"
msgstr "change pen shade with %n"

msgid "change pen size by %n"
msgstr "change draw size with %n"

msgid "change size by %n"
msgstr "change size with %n"

msgid "change tempo by %n"
msgstr "change BPM with %n"

msgid "change volume by %n"
msgstr "change volume with %n"

msgid "change x by %n"
msgstr "change horizontal with %n"

msgid "change y by %n"
msgstr "change vertical with %n"

msgid "clear"
msgstr "remove"

msgid "clear graphic effects"
msgstr "remove graphics"

msgid "color %c is touching %c?"
msgstr "colour %c is colliding with %c?"

msgid "costume #"
msgstr "costume number"

msgid "create clone of %m.spriteOnly"
msgstr "make a clone of %m.spriteOnly"

msgid "current %m.timeAndDate"
msgstr "recent %m.timeAndDate"

msgid "days since 2000"
msgstr "days after 2000"

msgid "define"
msgstr "on receiving"

msgid "delete %d.listDeleteItem of %m.list"
msgstr "remove %d.listDeleteItem from %m.list"

msgid "delete this clone"
msgstr "remove this clone"

msgid "direction"
msgstr "facing"

msgid "distance"
msgstr "position difference"

msgid "distance to %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "position difference from %m.spriteOrMouse"

msgid "else"
msgstr "otherwise"

msgid "forever"
msgstr "infinitely"

msgid "glide %n secs to x:%n y:%n"
msgstr "slide %n seconds towards x: %n y: %n"

msgid "go back %n layers"
msgstr "backwards %n layers"

msgid "go to %m.location"
msgstr "teleport to %m.location"

msgid "go to front"
msgstr "go to the front"

msgid "go to x:%n y:%n"
msgstr "teleport to x:%n y:%n"

msgid "hide"
msgstr "disappear"

msgid "hide list %m.list"
msgstr "make list %m.list disappear"

msgid "hide variable %m.var"
msgstr "make variable %m.var disappear"

msgid "if %b then"
msgstr "when %b do"

msgid "if on edge, bounce"
msgstr "when colliding with edge, bounce"

msgid "insert %s at %d.listItem of %m.list"
msgstr "place %s in %d.listItem in %m.list"

msgid "item %d.listItem of %m.list"
msgstr "item %d.listItem in %m.list"

msgid "join %s %s"
msgstr "combine %s %s as one"

msgid "key %m.key pressed?"
msgstr "input %m.key?"

msgid "length of %m.list"
msgstr "%m.list's length"

msgid "length of %s"
msgstr "%s's length"

msgid "letter %n of %s"
msgstr "character %n in string %s"

msgid "loudness"
msgstr "volume"

msgid "mouse down?"
msgstr "click detected?"

msgid "mouse x"
msgstr "mouse horizontal"

msgid "mouse y"
msgstr "mouse vertical"

msgid "move %n steps"
msgstr "step forwards %n"

# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "next backdrop"
msgstr "succeeding backdrop"

msgid "next costume"
msgstr "succeeding costume"

msgid "not %b"
msgstr "opposite of %b"

msgid "pen down"
msgstr "toggle draw on"

msgid "pen up"
msgstr "toggle draw off"

msgid "pick random %n to %n"
msgstr "pick number between %n and %n"

msgid "play drum %d.drum for %n beats"
msgstr "drum note %d.drum with %n beats"

msgid "play note %d.note for %n beats"
msgstr "play note %d.note with %n beats"

msgid "play sound %m.sound"
msgstr "start sound %m.sound"

msgid "play sound %m.sound until done"
msgstr "start sound %m.sound until finished"

msgid "point in direction %d.direction"
msgstr "point facing %d.direction"

msgid "point towards %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "point facing %m.spriteOrMouse"

msgid "repeat %n"
msgstr "loop %n"

msgid "repeat until %b"
msgstr "stop loop when %b"

msgid "replace item %d.listItem of %m.list with %s"
msgstr "fill in %d.listItem of %m.list with %s"

msgid "reset timer"
msgstr "reset time"

msgid "rest for %n beats"
msgstr "stop with %n beats"

msgid "round %n"
msgstr "decimal of %n"

msgid "say %s"
msgstr "speak %s"

msgid "say %s for %n secs"
msgstr "speak %s with a duration of %n seconds"

msgid "sensor %m.booleanSensor?"
msgstr "sensor %m.booleanSensor selected?"

msgid "set %m.effect effect to %n"
msgstr "default %m.effect effect to %n"

msgid "set %m.motor power to %n"
msgstr "default %m.motor power to %n"

msgid "set %m.motor2 direction to %m.motorDirection"
msgstr "default %m.motor2 direction to %m.motorDirection"

msgid "set %m.var to %s"
msgstr "default %m.var to %s"

msgid "set instrument to %d.instrument"
msgstr "default instrument type to %d.instrument"

msgid "set pen color to %c"
msgstr "default draw colour to %c"

msgid "set pen color to %n"
msgstr "default draw colour to %n"

msgid "set pen shade to %n"
msgstr "default pen shade to %n"

msgid "set pen size to %n"
msgstr "default pen size to %n"

msgid "set rotation style %m.rotationStyle"
msgstr "default turning type to %m.rotationStyle"

msgid "set size to %n%"
msgstr "default size to %n%"

msgid "set tempo to %n bpm"
msgstr "default BPM to %n"

msgid "set video transparency to %n%"
msgstr "default transparency of video to %n%"

msgid "set volume to %n%"
msgstr "default volume to %n%"

msgid "set x to %n"
msgstr "default horizontal to %n"

msgid "set y to %n"
msgstr "default vertical to %n"

msgid "show"
msgstr "appear"

msgid "show list %m.list"
msgstr "make list %m.list appear"

msgid "show variable %m.var"
msgstr "make variable %m.var appear"

msgid "size"
msgstr "size"

msgid "stamp"
msgstr "print onto screen"

msgid "stop %m.stop"
msgstr "halt %m.stop"

msgid "stop all sounds"
msgstr "halt every sound"

# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop"
msgstr "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop"

# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop and wait"
msgstr "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop until done"

msgid "switch costume to %m.costume"
msgstr "switch costume to %m.costume"

msgid "tempo"
msgstr "BPM"

msgid "think %s"
msgstr "imagine %s"

msgid "think %s for %n secs"
msgstr "imagine %s with a duration of %n seconds"

msgid "tilt"
msgstr "askew"

msgid "timer"
msgstr "time"

msgid "touching %m.touching?"
msgstr "colliding with %m.touching?"

msgid "touching color %c?"
msgstr "colliding with colour %c?"

msgid "turn %m.motor off"
msgstr "stop %m.motor spinning"

msgid "turn %m.motor on"
msgstr "start %m.motor spinning"

msgid "turn %m.motor on for %n secs"
msgstr "start %m.motor spinning with a duration of %n segundos"

msgid "turn @turnLeft %n degrees"
msgstr "start @turnLeft spinning %n degrees"

msgid "turn @turnRight %n degrees"
msgstr "start @turnRight spinning %n degrees"

msgid "turn video %m.videoState"
msgstr "vídeo %m.videoState"

msgid "username"
msgstr "name of user"

msgid "video %m.videoMotionType on %m.stageOrThis"
msgstr "%m.videoMotionType sensed by %m.stageOrThis"

msgid "volume"
msgstr "volume"

msgid "wait %n secs"
msgstr "wait with a duration of %n seconds"

msgid "wait until %b"
msgstr "wait unless %b"

msgid "when %m.booleanSensor"
msgstr "at the time of %m.booleanSensor"

msgid "when %m.key key pressed"
msgstr "at the time of input %m.key"

msgid "when %m.sensor %m.lessMore %n"
msgstr "at the time of %m.sensor %m.lessMore %n"

msgid "when %m.triggerSensor > %n"
msgstr "at the time of %m.triggerSensor > %n"

msgid "when @greenFlag clicked"
msgstr "@greenFlag has been clicked?"

msgid "when I receive %m.broadcast"
msgstr "reply to %m.broadcast"

msgid "when I start as a clone"
msgstr "every clone does this"

msgid "when Stage clicked"
msgstr "Stage has been clicked?"

# "backdrop" in Scratch 2.0 is similar to "background" in Scratch 1.4
msgid "when backdrop switches to %m.backdrop"
msgstr "on backdrop switching to %m.backdrop"

msgid "when distance %m.lessMore %n"
msgstr "on position difference becoming %m.lessMore %n"

msgid "when this sprite clicked"
msgstr "when I have been clicked"

msgid "when tilt %m.eNe %n"
msgstr "when tilted %m.eNe %n"

msgid "x position"
msgstr "horizontal position"

msgid "y position"
msgstr "vertical position"

# The language name as it will appear in the language menu
msgid "Language-Name"
msgstr "Shifted Grammar"

msgid "%m.list contains %s"
msgstr "%m.list contains %s inside of it?"

msgid "go to %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "go towards %m.spriteOrMouse"

msgid "set motor direction %m.motorDirection"
msgstr "default motor facing %m.motorDirection"

msgid "set motor power %n"
msgstr "default motor power %n"

msgid "turn motor off"
msgstr "switch off motor"

msgid "turn motor on"
msgstr "switch on motor"

msgid "turn motor on for %n secs"
msgstr "switch on motor with a duration of %n seconds"

msgid "when distance < %n"
msgstr "on position difference < %n"

msgid "when tilt = %n"
msgstr "on tilt = %n"

msgid "10 ^"
msgstr "10 expo"

msgid "<b>Information about Cloud variables</b><br>&nbsp;<br>Currently, only "
"numbers are supported<br>Chat rooms are not allowed, and will be "
"removed<br>For more info, <a href=\"/help/faq/#clouddata\" "
"target=\"_blank\">see the cloud data FAQ!</a>"
msgstr "<b>Information Concerning Cloud Variables</b><br>&nbsp;<br>Currently, only "
"numbers are supported<br>Chat rooms are not allowed, if they are shared, will be "
"removed<br>For more information, <a href=\"/help/faq/#clouddata\" "
"target=\"_blank\">read the section about cloud data in the FAQ!</a>"

msgid "A connected"
msgstr "A has been connected"

msgid "A newer version of Scratch is available"
msgstr "A new update of Scratch has been detected"

msgid "About"
msgstr "All About"

msgid "Account settings"
msgstr "My Settings"

msgid "Add"
msgstr "Add"

msgid "Add an Extension"
msgstr "Add New Extension"

msgid "Add boolean input:"
msgstr "Add boolean support:"

msgid "Add label text:"
msgstr "Add label text support:"

msgid "Add number input:"
msgstr "Add integer support:"

msgid "Add string input:"
msgstr "Add string support:"

msgid "All"
msgstr "Everything"

msgid "All Tips"
msgstr "Everything Scratch"

msgid "An updated version of the Scratch offline editor is available on the Scratch"
" website."
msgstr ""

msgid "Animal"
msgstr "Creature"

msgid "Animals"
msgstr "Creatures"

msgid "B connected"
msgstr "B connected"

msgid "Back a layer"
msgstr "Go back one layer"

msgid "Backdrop"
msgstr "Backdrop"

msgid "Backdrop Library"
msgstr "Add Backdrop"

msgid "Backdrops"
msgstr "Backdrops"

msgid "Backpack"
msgstr "Backpack"

msgid "Bass"
msgstr "Bass"

msgid "Bass Drum"
msgstr "Drum Bass"

msgid "Bassoon"
msgstr "Flute-Like"

msgid "Because you have a new Scratch account, any changes to cloud data won't be "
"saved yet. Keep participating on the site you'll be able to use cloud data "
msgstr "Because you are a New Scratcher, any changes to cloud data will not be "
"saved. Keep trying your best and soon, you will be a Scratcher!"

msgid "Bitmap"
msgstr "Raster Graphics"

msgid "Bitmap Mode"
msgstr "Raster Graphics Mode"

msgid "Block help"
msgstr "Help with Blocks"

msgid "Bongo"
msgstr "Bongos"

msgid "Bring to front"
msgstr "Bring forth"

msgid "Broadcast"
msgstr "New Reply"

msgid "Brush"
msgstr "Pencil"

msgid "C connected"
msgstr "C connected"

msgid "Cabasa"
msgstr "Cabasa"

msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Viewing Lens"

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Stop"

msgid "Cannot Delete"
msgstr "Cannot Remove"

msgid "Can’t find network connection or reach server."
msgstr "Network connection not found."

msgid "Castle"
msgstr "Medieval"

msgid "Category"
msgstr "Category"

msgid "Cello"
msgstr "Cello"

msgid "Check for updates"
msgstr "Check Scratch for Updates"

msgid "Choir"
msgstr "Choir"

msgid "Choose backdrop from library"
msgstr "Select New Backdrop"

msgid "Choose costume from library"
msgstr "Select New Costume"

msgid "Choose sound from library"
msgstr "Select New Sound"

msgid "Choose sprite from library"
msgstr "Select New Sprite"

msgid "Circle"
msgstr "Circle"

msgid "City"
msgstr "Cityscape"

msgid "Clarinet"
msgstr "Clarinet"

msgid "Claves"
msgstr "Claves"

msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Delete All"

msgid "Click \"Save now\" to try again or \"Download\" to save"
msgstr "Either select \"Save now\" to try saving or \"Download\" to save this temporarily"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Close"

msgid "Closed Hi-Hat"
msgstr "Closed Hi-Hat"

msgid "Cloud data"
msgstr "Cloud Data"

msgid "Cloud list (stored on server)"
msgstr "Cloud List (Stored On Server)"

msgid "Cloud variable (stored on server)"
msgstr "Cloud Variable (Stored On Server)"

msgid "Color a shape"
msgstr "Select a shape to colour"

msgid "Conga"
msgstr "Conga"

msgid "Connecting to Cloud data server..."
msgstr "Connecting to a Cloud server..."

msgid "Convert to bitmap"
msgstr "Convert to raster"

msgid "Convert to vector"
msgstr "Convert to vector"

msgid "Converting mp3..."
msgstr "Converting MP3..."

msgid "Copying..."
msgstr "Copying..."

msgid "Costume"
msgstr "Costume"

msgid "Costume Library"
msgstr "Costume List"

msgid "Costumes"
msgstr "Costumes"

msgid "Costumes > 1"
msgstr "Costumes > 1"

msgid "Could not retrieve new application from server."
msgstr "Could not retrieve any new application/s from server."

msgid "Could not retrieve update location from server."
msgstr "Could not retrieve update location from server."

msgid "Could not retrieve version information from server."
msgstr "Could not retrieve version information from server."

msgid "Could not write file:"
msgstr "Could not write file:"

msgid "Cowbell"
msgstr "Cowbell"

msgid "Crash Cymbal"
msgstr "Crash Cymbal"

msgid "Creating..."
msgstr "Creating..."

msgid "Currently, only numbers can be stored in Cloud variables."
msgstr "Currently, only integers can be stored inside Cloud Variables..."

msgid "D connected"
msgstr "D connected"

msgid "Dance"
msgstr "Sound and Music"

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Remove"

msgid "Don't save"
msgstr "Do not save"

msgid "Download"
msgstr "Download"

msgid "Download to your computer"
msgstr "Export Project File As..."

msgid "Downloading new version..."
msgstr "Downloading new Scratch version..."

msgid "Dress-Up"
msgstr "Fashion"

msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicate"

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edit"

msgid "Edit Block"
msgstr "Edit block"

msgid "Effects"
msgstr "Sound Effects"

msgid "Electric Guitar"
msgstr "Electric Guitar"

msgid "Electric Piano"
msgstr "E-Piano"

msgid "Electronic"
msgstr "Electronic"

msgid "Ellipse"
msgstr "Ellipse"

msgid "Erase"
msgstr "Erase"

msgid "Eraser width"
msgstr "Eraser size"

msgid "Error saving project"
msgstr "Error while saving project"

msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Error!"

msgid "Fantasy"
msgstr "Magical"

msgid "Features"
msgstr "Features"

msgid "File"
msgstr "Files"

msgid "Fill with color"
msgstr "Fill with colour"

msgid "Flip left-right"
msgstr "Left-right"

msgid "Flip up-down"
msgstr "Up-down"

msgid "Flute"
msgstr "Flute"

msgid "Flying"
msgstr "In The Air"

msgid "Font:"
msgstr "Selected font:"

msgid "For all sprites"
msgstr "All sprites"

msgid "For this sprite only"
msgstr "This sprite only"

msgid "Force help file update"
msgstr "Force help file update"

msgid "Forward a layer"
msgstr "Forward a layer once"

msgid "Go to My Stuff"
msgstr "Go to 'My Stuff'"

msgid "Group"
msgstr "Group"

msgid "Grow"
msgstr "Grow"

msgid "Guiro"
msgstr "Guiro"

msgid "Guitar"
msgstr "Guitar"

msgid "Hand Clap"
msgstr "Hand Clap"

msgid "Hardware"
msgstr "Machinery"

msgid "High C"
msgstr "High C"

msgid "Holiday"
msgstr "Holiday Season"

msgid "Human"
msgstr "Human Being"

msgid "Import"
msgstr "Import"

msgid "Import experimental HTTP extension"
msgstr "Import experimental HTTP extension"

msgid "Importing sound..."
msgstr "Importing sound..."

msgid "Indoors"
msgstr "Interior"

msgid "Installing..."
msgstr "Installing software..."

msgid "Instruments"
msgstr "Instruments"

msgid "Letters"
msgstr "Text Letters"

msgid "Library"
msgstr "The List"

msgid "Line"
msgstr "Line"

msgid "Line width"
msgstr "Line Size"

msgid "List name"
msgstr "Name of list"

msgid "Loading help files..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Loading project..."
msgstr "Loading the project..."

msgid "Low C"
msgstr "Low C"

msgid "Make a Block"
msgstr "Make a Custom Block"

msgid "Make a List"
msgstr "Make a List"

msgid "Make a Variable"
msgstr "Make A variable"

msgid "Manual Update Available"
msgstr ""

msgid "Marimba"
msgstr "Marimba"

msgid "Max"
msgstr "Maximum"

msgid "Message Name"
msgstr "Message Name"

msgid "Microphone volume:"
msgstr "Microphone volume:"

msgid "Middle C"
msgstr "Middle C"

msgid "Min"
msgstr "Minimum"

msgid "Multiple"
msgstr "Multiple"

msgid "Music"
msgstr "Music"

msgid "Music Box"
msgstr "Music Box"

msgid "Music Loops"
msgstr "Loops"

msgid "Music and Dance"
msgstr "Dance"

msgid "Musical Notes"
msgstr ""

msgid "My Class"
msgstr ""

msgid "My Classes"
msgstr ""

msgid "My Stuff"
msgstr "Miñas Cousas"

msgid "Nature"
msgstr "Natural"

msgid "New"
msgstr "New"

msgid "New Block"
msgstr "New Custom Block"

msgid "New List"
msgstr "New List"

msgid "New Message"
msgstr "New Message"

msgid "New Variable"
msgstr "New Variable"

msgid "New backdrop from camera"
msgstr "New backdrop from camera"

msgid "New backdrop:"
msgstr "New backdrop:"

msgid "New costume from camera"
msgstr "New costume from camera"

msgid "New costume:"
msgstr "New costume:"

msgid "New name"
msgstr "New name"

msgid "New sound:"
msgstr "New sound:"

msgid "New sprite from camera"
msgstr "New sprite from camera"

msgid "New sprite:"
msgstr "New sprite:"

msgid "No motion blocks"
msgstr "Since this is the Stage, "
"there are no motion blocks."

msgid "No, Thanks"
msgstr "No thank you"

msgid "Not saved; network or server problem."
msgstr "Non se gardou; problema de rede ou servidor."

msgid "Not saved; project did not load."
msgstr "Non se gardou; o proxecto non se cargou."

msgid "OK"
msgstr "Okay"

msgid "Offline Editor"
msgstr "Editor Fora de Liña"

msgid "Open"
msgstr "Open"

msgid "Open Cuica"
msgstr "Open Cuica"

msgid "Open Hi-Hat"
msgstr "Open Hi-Hat"

msgid "Open Project"
msgstr "Open A Selected Project..."

msgid "Options"
msgstr "Options"

msgid "Organ"
msgstr "Organ"

msgid "Other"
msgstr "Other"

msgid "Outdoors"
msgstr "Exterior"

msgid "Paint new backdrop"
msgstr "Paint New Backdrop"

msgid "Paint new costume"
msgstr "Paint New Costume"

msgid "Paint new sprite"
msgstr "Paint New Sprite"

msgid "Password"
msgstr "Password"

msgid "Password is required"
msgstr "Password is required for your account"

msgid "Pencil"
msgstr "Pencil"

msgid "People"
msgstr "People"

msgid "Percussion"
msgstr "Percussion"

msgid "Piano"
msgstr "Piano"

msgid "Pick up color"
msgstr "Eyedropper"

msgid "Pizzicato"
msgstr "Pizzicato"

msgid "Please visit the download page to install it."
msgstr ""

msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profile"

msgid "Project did not load."
msgstr "Sorry, project did not load."

msgid "Project name"
msgstr "Project Name"

msgid "Project name is required"
msgstr "A project name is required"

msgid "Project not saved!"
msgstr "Project not saved!"

msgid "Quit"
msgstr "End"

msgid "Record"
msgstr "Record"

msgid "Record & Export Video"
msgstr ""

msgid "Record Project Video"
msgstr "Video Capture"

msgid "Record new sound"
msgstr "Record New Sound"

msgid "Rectangle"
msgstr "Rectangle"

msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Redo"

msgid "Remix"
msgstr "Remix"

msgid "Remixing..."
msgstr "Remixing..."

msgid "Remove Background"
msgstr ""

msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Rename"

msgid "Replace existing project?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Reshape"
msgstr "Reshape"

msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Revert"

msgid "Reverting..."
msgstr "Reverting..."

msgid "Run without screen refresh"
msgstr "Run without refreshing screen"

msgid "Running pre-release"
msgstr ""

msgid "Save"
msgstr "Save"

msgid "Save Project"
msgstr ""

msgid "Save a copy of this project and add your own ideas."
msgstr ""

msgid "Save as"
msgstr "Save File As"

msgid "Save as a copy"
msgstr "Save File As A Copy"

msgid "Save now"
msgstr "Save Now"

msgid "Save project?"
msgstr "Save project?"

msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Saved"

msgid "Saving changes..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Saving..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Saxophone"
msgstr "Saxophone"

msgid "Scratch Updater"
msgstr "The Scratch Updater"

msgid "Script"
msgstr "Script"

msgid "Scripts"
msgstr "Scripts"

msgid "See project page"
msgstr "See Project Page"

msgid "Select"
msgstr "Select"

msgid "Select and duplicate"
msgstr "Select + Duplicate"

msgid "Send to back"
msgstr "Send backwards"

msgid "Server error:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Set Costume Center"
msgstr "Set Costume Centre"

msgid "Set costume center"
msgstr "Set costume centre"

msgid "Share"
msgstr "Share"

msgid "Share to Scratch Website"
msgstr ""

msgid "Share to website"
msgstr "Share to website"

msgid "Shift:"
msgstr "Shift:"

msgid "Shrink"
msgstr "Shrink"

msgid "Side Stick"
msgstr "Side Stick"

msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Log in"

msgid "Sign in to save"
msgstr "Log in to save"

msgid "Sign out"
msgstr "Log Out"

msgid "Slider Range"
msgstr "Range of Slider"

msgid "Small stage layout"
msgstr ""

msgid "Smooth"
msgstr "Smoother"

msgid "Snare Drum"
msgstr "Snare"

msgid "Sound Library"
msgstr "Sound List"

msgid "Sounds"
msgstr "Sounds"

msgid "Space"
msgstr "Outer Space"

msgid "Sports"
msgstr "Sports"

msgid "Sprite"
msgstr "Sprite"

msgid "Sprite Library"
msgstr "Sprite List"

msgid "Sprite1"
msgstr "Sprite1"

msgid "Sprites"
msgstr "Sprites"

msgid "Square"
msgstr "Square"

msgid "Stage"
msgstr "Stage"

msgid "Stage selected:"
msgstr "The stage has been selected:"

msgid "Steel Drum"
msgstr "Steel Drums"

msgid "Success"
msgstr ""

msgid "Synth Lead"
msgstr "Synthesizer"

msgid "Synth Pad"
msgstr "Synthesizer Pad"

msgid "Tambourine"
msgstr "Tambourine"

msgid "Text"
msgstr "Type Text"

msgid "The Scratch Team is always looking to better understand how Scratch is used "
"around the world. To help support this effort, you can allow Scratch to "
"automatically send usage information to the Scratch Team."
msgstr ""

msgid "The information we collect includes language selection, blocks usage, and "
"some events like saving, loading, and uploading a project. We DO NOT collect"
" any personal information. Please see our <a "
"href='https://scratch.mit.edu/privacy_policy/'>Privacy Policy</a> for more "
msgstr ""

msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Theme"

msgid "Things"
msgstr "Things"

msgid "This is the current version."
msgstr "This is the current version."

msgid "This project can detect who is using it, through the “username” block. To "
"hide your identity, sign out before using the project."
msgstr "This project can detect who is using it, through the “username” block. To "
"hide your identity, sign out before using the project."

msgid "This project uses Cloud data ‒ a feature that is available only to signed in"
" users."
msgstr "This project uses Cloud data ‒ a feature that is available only to signed in"
" users."

msgid "This version is newer than the current release version."
msgstr ""

msgid "Throw away all changes since opening this project?"
msgstr "Discard previous changes?"

msgid "Tips"
msgstr "Project Suggestions"

msgid "To delete a block definition, first remove all uses of the block."
msgstr ""

msgid "Transportation"
msgstr "Transport"

msgid "Triangle"
msgstr "Triangle"

msgid "Trombone"
msgstr "Trombone"

msgid "Turbo Mode"
msgstr "Turbo Mode "

msgid "Turbo mode"
msgstr "Turbo mode"

msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"

msgid "Undelete"
msgstr "Undelete"

msgid "Underwater"
msgstr "Under The Water"

msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Undo"

msgid "Undo Revert"
msgstr "Revert Undo"

msgid "Ungroup"
msgstr "Ungroup"

msgid "Update check failed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Update failed"

msgid "Update not needed"
msgstr "An update is not necessary"

msgid "Update now"
msgstr "Update"

msgid "Upload backdrop from file"
msgstr "Import backdrop from file"

msgid "Upload costume from file"
msgstr "Import costume from file"

msgid "Upload failed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Upload from your computer"
msgstr "Import from computer"

msgid "Upload sound from file"
msgstr "Import sound from file"

msgid "Upload sprite from file"
msgstr "Import sprite from file"

msgid "Uploading image..."
msgstr "Importing image..."

msgid "Uploading sound..."
msgstr "Importing sound..."

msgid "Uploading sprite..."
msgstr "Importing sprite..."

msgid "Variable name"
msgstr "variable Name"

msgid "Vector"
msgstr "Vector"

msgid "Vector Mode"
msgstr "Vector Mode"

msgid "Vibraphone"
msgstr "Vibraphone"

msgid "Vibraslap"
msgstr "Vibraslap"

msgid "Video on:"
msgstr "Video on:"

msgid "Visit download page"
msgstr ""

msgid "Vocals"
msgstr "Vocals"

msgid "Walking"
msgstr "Walking"

msgid "Want to save? Click remix"
msgstr "Want to save? Click remix"

msgid "Which column do you want to import"
msgstr "Which column do you want to import"

msgid "Wood Block"
msgstr "Wood Block"

msgid "Wooden Flute"
msgstr "Wooden Flute"

msgid "Yes, I'd Like To Help Improve Scratch"
msgstr "Yes, I Would Like To Help Improve Scratch"

msgid "You cannot edit cloud data in someone else's project.<br>Any change that you"
" make in the editor will be temporary and not persistent."
msgstr "You cannot edit cloud data in someone else's project.<br>Any change that you"
" make in the editor will be temporary and not persistent."

msgid "Your Scratch name"
msgstr "Your Scratch name"

msgid "Your Scratch name is required"
msgstr "Your Scratch name is required"

msgid "Your project has been uploaded to scratch.mit.edu"
msgstr "Your project has been uploaded to scratch.mit.edu"

msgid "a copy of the project file on your computer."
msgstr "a copy of the project file on your computer."

msgid "abs"
msgstr "absolute value"

msgid "acos"
msgstr "acosine"

msgid "add comment"
msgstr "add new comment"

msgid "all"
msgstr "everything"

msgid "all around"
msgstr "everywhere"

msgid "any"
msgstr "any"

msgid "asin"
msgstr "asine"

msgid "assets loaded"
msgstr "loaded assets"

msgid "atan"
msgstr "atangine"

msgid "backdrop"
msgstr "backdrop"

msgid "backdrop1"
msgstr "backdrop1"

msgid "backdrops"
msgstr "backdrops"

msgid "brightness"
msgstr "luminoscity"

msgid "button pressed"
msgstr "input entered"

msgid "by"
msgstr "by"

msgid "bytes loaded"
msgstr "bytes loaded"

msgid "can drag in player:"
msgstr "can drag in player:"

msgid "ceiling"
msgstr "ceiling"

msgid "clean up"
msgstr "clean up"

msgid "clear senders/receivers"
msgstr "clear senders/receivers"

msgid "color"
msgstr "colour"

msgid "copy"
msgstr "copy"

msgid "cos"
msgstr "cosine"

msgid "costume1"
msgstr "costume1"

msgid "costume2"
msgstr "costume2"

msgid "cut"
msgstr "cut"

msgid "date"
msgstr "date"

msgid "day of week"
msgstr "day"

msgid "delete"
msgstr "remove"

msgid "delete variable"
msgstr "remove variable"

msgid "direction:"
msgstr "facing:"

msgid "don't rotate"
msgstr "do not face"

msgid "down"
msgstr "down"

msgid "down arrow"
msgstr "down arrow"

msgid "duplicate"
msgstr "duplicate"

msgid "e ^"
msgstr "e ^ a"

msgid "edge"
msgstr "edge"

msgid "edit"
msgstr "edit"

msgid "export"
msgstr "export"

msgid "fade in"
msgstr "fade in"

msgid "fade out"
msgstr "fade out"

msgid "fisheye"
msgstr "fisheye"

msgid "floor"
msgstr "floor"

msgid "ghost"
msgstr "opacity"

msgid "help"
msgstr "help"

msgid "hour"
msgstr "hour"

msgid "import"
msgstr "import"

msgid "large readout"
msgstr "large readout"

msgid "last"
msgstr "last"

msgid "left"
msgstr "left"

msgid "left arrow"
msgstr "left arrow"

msgid "left-right"
msgstr "symmetric"

msgid "length"
msgstr "length"

msgid "light"
msgstr "light"

msgid "limit reached"
msgstr "límit reached"

msgid "list"
msgstr "list"

msgid "ln"
msgstr "natural logarithm"

msgid "log"
msgstr "logarithm"

msgid "louder"
msgstr "louder"

msgid "meow"
msgstr "purr"

msgid "message1"
msgstr "my message"

msgid "minute"
msgstr "minute"

msgid "month"
msgstr "month"

msgid "mosaic"
msgstr "mosaic"

msgid "motion"
msgstr "motion"

msgid "mouse-pointer"
msgstr "mouse"

msgid "myself"
msgstr "me"

msgid "new message..."
msgstr "new message..."

msgid "normal readout"
msgstr "normal readout"

msgid "of"
msgstr "of"

msgid "off"
msgstr "off"

msgid "on"
msgstr "on"

msgid "on-flipped"
msgstr "on-flipped"

msgid "other scripts in sprite"
msgstr "other scripts in sprite"

msgid "other scripts in stage"
msgstr "other scripts in stage"

msgid "paste"
msgstr "paste"

msgid "photo1"
msgstr "photo1"

msgid "pixelate"
msgstr "retro"

msgid "pop"
msgstr "pop"

msgid "previous backdrop"
msgstr "preceding backdrop"

msgid "random"
msgstr "randomised"

msgid "random position"
msgstr "random position"

msgid "record..."
msgstr "record..."

msgid "recording1"
msgstr "recording1"

msgid "redo"
msgstr "redo"

msgid "rename variable"
msgstr "rename variable"

msgid "requires sign in"
msgstr "require log in"

msgid "resistance-A"
msgstr "resistance-A"

msgid "resistance-B"
msgstr "resistance-B"

msgid "resistance-C"
msgstr "resistance-C"

msgid "resistance-D"
msgstr "resistance-D"

msgid "reverse"
msgstr "esrever"

msgid "right"
msgstr "right"

msgid "right arrow"
msgstr "right arrow"

msgid "rotation style:"
msgstr "rotating with style:"

msgid "save to local file"
msgstr "save to local file"

msgid "second"
msgstr "second"

msgid "select all"
msgstr "select all"

msgid "set slider min and max"
msgstr "set slider min and max"

msgid "shared"
msgstr "shared"

msgid "show:"
msgstr "appear:"

msgid "silence"
msgstr "silence"

msgid "sin"
msgstr "sine"

msgid "slider"
msgstr "slider"

msgid "softer"
msgstr "softer"

msgid "sound"
msgstr "sound"

msgid "space"
msgstr "space"

msgid "sqrt"
msgstr "square root"

msgid "tan"
msgstr "tangine"

msgid "text"
msgstr "text"

msgid "that way"
msgstr "that way"

msgid "this script"
msgstr "this script"

msgid "this sprite"
msgstr "this sprite"

msgid "this way"
msgstr "this way"

msgid "undo"
msgstr "undo"

msgid "unshared"
msgstr "unshared"

msgid "up"
msgstr "up"

msgid "up arrow"
msgstr "up arrow"

msgid "variable"
msgstr "variable"

msgid "video direction"
msgstr "vídeo facing"

msgid "video motion"
msgstr "video movement"

msgid "whirl"
msgstr "distortion"

msgid "year"
msgstr "year"

msgid "<b>Information about Cloud variables</b><br>&nbsp;<br>Currently, only "
"numbers are supported<br>Chat rooms are not allowed, and will be "
"removed<br>For more info, <a href= target=>see the cloud data FAQ!</a>"
msgstr "<b>Information about Cloud variables</b><br>&nbsp;<br>Currently, only "
"numbers are supported<br>Chat rooms are not allowed, and will be "
"removed<br>For more info, <a href= target=>see the cloud data FAQ!</a>"

msgid "Click to try again or to save"
msgstr "Click to try again or to save"

msgid "Cloud"
msgstr "Cloud"

msgid "costume name"
msgstr "costume name"

msgid "Costumes:"
msgstr "Costumes:"

msgid "Eraser width:"
msgstr "Eraser width:"

msgid "Line width:"
msgstr "Line width:"

msgid "Scripts:"
msgstr "Scripts:"

msgid "show receivers"
msgstr "show receivers"

msgid "show senders"
msgstr "show senders"

msgid "stored on server"
msgstr "stored on server"
Note: If there's any text that's in a different language, that's probably because I based my .po file off another .po file.
Edit: I changed the language name in the code from “Coder English” to “Shifted Grammar” to further fit the name of the language.

Last edited by k0d3rrr (April 7, 2022 14:20:27)


3 forum tips for experienced forumers (in no particular order):
  1. If you are reporting a new forumer's topic to be closed, or moved to another forum, don't mention it, because then, the topic creator will think they will receive either an alert or a ban.

  2. New forumers won't immediately know the rules or terminology of the forums. I have seen this happen hundreds of times (exaggeratedly), especially when experienced forumers (I won't name any) tell new forumers that they are "necroposting", which is when someone posts on an old and resolved topic (especially in the Questions about Scratch forum), causing said topic to be moved to the front page of that forum.

  3. Using Scratchblocks as a writing style is not blockspam, unless it is irrelevant to the discussion. For example, this

    ExampleScratcher1 wrote:

    How do I make a smooth gliding animation?
    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(my question) = [answered]>
    ask [How do I make a smooth gliding animation?] and wait
    say [Thank you!]
    is not blockspam, but these

    ExampleScratcher2 (first post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    move (58) steps
    play sound [Stock Laughter Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    play sound [Stock Screaming Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    switch backdrop to [internet v]
    say [i broke the internet] for (2) secs
    turn cw (15) degrees
    go to [nearby restaurant v]
    next costume

    ExampleScratcher2 (second post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(out of dorito's) = [true]>
    broadcast [eat dorito chip v]
    say [IM OUT OF DORITO'S!!!!!!!!! :(]
    play sound [Scream2 v] until done
    turn cw (120) degrees
    play sound [Scream2 v]
    play sound [we have no dorito's sorry v]
    are blockspam, and must be reported.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Nice one, adding it!

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

mybearworld wrote:

Nice one, adding it!

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Whoops! How did this go to the second page without a response?
Wait, should I bump this topic?


3 forum tips for experienced forumers (in no particular order):
  1. If you are reporting a new forumer's topic to be closed, or moved to another forum, don't mention it, because then, the topic creator will think they will receive either an alert or a ban.

  2. New forumers won't immediately know the rules or terminology of the forums. I have seen this happen hundreds of times (exaggeratedly), especially when experienced forumers (I won't name any) tell new forumers that they are "necroposting", which is when someone posts on an old and resolved topic (especially in the Questions about Scratch forum), causing said topic to be moved to the front page of that forum.

  3. Using Scratchblocks as a writing style is not blockspam, unless it is irrelevant to the discussion. For example, this

    ExampleScratcher1 wrote:

    How do I make a smooth gliding animation?
    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(my question) = [answered]>
    ask [How do I make a smooth gliding animation?] and wait
    say [Thank you!]
    is not blockspam, but these

    ExampleScratcher2 (first post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    move (58) steps
    play sound [Stock Laughter Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    play sound [Stock Screaming Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    switch backdrop to [internet v]
    say [i broke the internet] for (2) secs
    turn cw (15) degrees
    go to [nearby restaurant v]
    next costume

    ExampleScratcher2 (second post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(out of dorito's) = [true]>
    broadcast [eat dorito chip v]
    say [IM OUT OF DORITO'S!!!!!!!!! :(]
    play sound [Scream2 v] until done
    turn cw (120) degrees
    play sound [Scream2 v]
    play sound [we have no dorito's sorry v]
    are blockspam, and must be reported.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Scratch 2.0 screenshot time! ♪


3 forum tips for experienced forumers (in no particular order):
  1. If you are reporting a new forumer's topic to be closed, or moved to another forum, don't mention it, because then, the topic creator will think they will receive either an alert or a ban.

  2. New forumers won't immediately know the rules or terminology of the forums. I have seen this happen hundreds of times (exaggeratedly), especially when experienced forumers (I won't name any) tell new forumers that they are "necroposting", which is when someone posts on an old and resolved topic (especially in the Questions about Scratch forum), causing said topic to be moved to the front page of that forum.

  3. Using Scratchblocks as a writing style is not blockspam, unless it is irrelevant to the discussion. For example, this

    ExampleScratcher1 wrote:

    How do I make a smooth gliding animation?
    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(my question) = [answered]>
    ask [How do I make a smooth gliding animation?] and wait
    say [Thank you!]
    is not blockspam, but these

    ExampleScratcher2 (first post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    move (58) steps
    play sound [Stock Laughter Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    play sound [Stock Screaming Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    switch backdrop to [internet v]
    say [i broke the internet] for (2) secs
    turn cw (15) degrees
    go to [nearby restaurant v]
    next costume

    ExampleScratcher2 (second post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(out of dorito's) = [true]>
    broadcast [eat dorito chip v]
    say [IM OUT OF DORITO'S!!!!!!!!! :(]
    play sound [Scream2 v] until done
    turn cw (120) degrees
    play sound [Scream2 v]
    play sound [we have no dorito's sorry v]
    are blockspam, and must be reported.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

24-hour bump!
I wonder what other custom languages people might come up with!


3 forum tips for experienced forumers (in no particular order):
  1. If you are reporting a new forumer's topic to be closed, or moved to another forum, don't mention it, because then, the topic creator will think they will receive either an alert or a ban.

  2. New forumers won't immediately know the rules or terminology of the forums. I have seen this happen hundreds of times (exaggeratedly), especially when experienced forumers (I won't name any) tell new forumers that they are "necroposting", which is when someone posts on an old and resolved topic (especially in the Questions about Scratch forum), causing said topic to be moved to the front page of that forum.

  3. Using Scratchblocks as a writing style is not blockspam, unless it is irrelevant to the discussion. For example, this

    ExampleScratcher1 wrote:

    How do I make a smooth gliding animation?
    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(my question) = [answered]>
    ask [How do I make a smooth gliding animation?] and wait
    say [Thank you!]
    is not blockspam, but these

    ExampleScratcher2 (first post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    move (58) steps
    play sound [Stock Laughter Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    play sound [Stock Screaming Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    switch backdrop to [internet v]
    say [i broke the internet] for (2) secs
    turn cw (15) degrees
    go to [nearby restaurant v]
    next costume

    ExampleScratcher2 (second post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(out of dorito's) = [true]>
    broadcast [eat dorito chip v]
    say [IM OUT OF DORITO'S!!!!!!!!! :(]
    play sound [Scream2 v] until done
    turn cw (120) degrees
    play sound [Scream2 v]
    play sound [we have no dorito's sorry v]
    are blockspam, and must be reported.
100+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

i should update the lolcat because some things are left as vacule.

I am doing social media and heavy distractions detox
My ArcheoScratchTube Channel
100+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Actually i just worked on LOLCAT and almost complete it but anyway i think this should be the last release for LOLCAT. I also increased the humor of some of the statements in it and also fixed some inconsistencies.
msgid "%b and %b"
msgstr "%b an %b"

msgid "%b or %b"
msgstr "%b or %b"

msgid "%m.attribute of %m.spriteOrStage"
msgstr "%m.attribute ov %m.spriteOrStage"

msgid "%m.list contains %s?"
msgstr "%m.list contains %s?"

msgid "%m.mathOp of %n"
msgstr "%m.mathOp ov %n"

msgid "%m.sensor sensor value"
msgstr "%m.sensor sensor value"

msgid "%n mod %n"
msgstr "%n mod %n"

msgid "Control"
msgstr "Control"

msgid "Data"
msgstr "Spawnr"

msgid "Events"
msgstr "Events"

msgid "Looks"
msgstr "Lookz"

msgid "More Blocks"
msgstr "Moar Blockz"

msgid "Motion"
msgstr "Moshun"

msgid "Operators"
msgstr "Mathz"

msgid "Pen"
msgstr "Pen"

msgid "Sensing"
msgstr "Sensin"

msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Sound"

msgid "add %s to %m.list"
msgstr "add %s 2 %m.list"

msgid "answer"
msgstr "anzwr"

msgid "ask %s and wait"
msgstr "ask %s an wait"

msgid "backdrop #"
msgstr "bakdrop #"

msgid "backdrop name"
msgstr "bakdrop name"

msgid "broadcast %m.broadcast"
msgstr "breadcast %m.broadcast"

msgid "broadcast %m.broadcast and wait"
msgstr "breadcast %m.broadcast an wait"

msgid "change %m.effect effect by %n"
msgstr "change %m.effect FX buy %n"

msgid "change %m.var by %n"
msgstr "change %m.var buy %n"

msgid "change pen color by %n"
msgstr "change pen color buy %n"

msgid "change pen shade by %n"
msgstr "change pen shade buy %n"

msgid "change pen size by %n"
msgstr "change pen tip buy %n"

msgid "change size by %n"
msgstr "change size buy %n"

msgid "change tempo by %n"
msgstr "change tempo buy %n"

msgid "change volume by %n"
msgstr "change volume buy %n"

msgid "change x by %n"
msgstr "change x buy %n"

msgid "change y by %n"
msgstr "change y buy %n"

msgid "clear"
msgstr "clear"

msgid "clear graphic effects"
msgstr "clear graphic FX's"

msgid "color %c is touching %c?"
msgstr "color %c iz touchin %c?"

msgid "costume #"
msgstr "coztume #"

msgid "create clone of %m.spriteOnly"
msgstr "create clone ov %m.spriteOnly"

msgid "current %m.timeAndDate"
msgstr "current %m.timeAndDate"

msgid "days since 2000"
msgstr "dais since 2000"

msgid "define"
msgstr "lol"

msgid "delete %d.listDeleteItem of %m.list"
msgstr "delete %d.listDeleteItem ov %m.list"

msgid "delete this clone"
msgstr "delete dis clone"

msgid "direction"
msgstr "direcshun"

msgid "distance"
msgstr "distans"

msgid "distance to %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "distans 2 %m.spriteOrMouse"

msgid "else"
msgstr "else"

msgid "forever"
msgstr "forevr"

msgid "glide %n secs to x:%n y:%n"
msgstr "glide %n secs 2 x:%n y:%n"

msgid "go back %n layers"
msgstr "go bak %n layers"

msgid "go to %m.location"
msgstr "go 2 %m.locashun"

msgid "go to front"
msgstr "go 2 frunt"

msgid "go to x:%n y:%n"
msgstr "go 2 x:%n y:%n"

msgid "hide"
msgstr "hide"

msgid "hide list %m.list"
msgstr "hide list %m.list"

msgid "hide variable %m.var"
msgstr "hide variable %m.var"

msgid "if %b then"
msgstr "if %b den"

msgid "if on edge, bounce"
msgstr "if on edge, boun"

msgid "insert %s at %d.listItem of %m.list"
msgstr "insert %s at %d.listItem ov %m.list"

msgid "item %d.listItem of %m.list"
msgstr "item %d.listItem ov %m.list"

msgid "join %s %s"
msgstr "join %s %s"

msgid "key %m.key pressed?"
msgstr "key %m.key presd?"

msgid "length of %m.list"
msgstr "length ov %m.list"

msgid "length of %s"
msgstr "length ov %s"

msgid "letter %n of %s"
msgstr "lettr %n ov %s"

msgid "loudness"
msgstr "loudnes"

msgid "mouse down?"
msgstr "mowse down?"

msgid "mouse x"
msgstr "mowse x"

msgid "mouse y"
msgstr "mowse y"

msgid "move %n steps"
msgstr "moov %n steps"

msgid "next backdrop"
msgstr "next bakdrop"

msgid "next costume"
msgstr "next coztume"

msgid "not %b"
msgstr "not %b"

msgid "pen down"
msgstr "pen down"

msgid "pen up"
msgstr "pen up"

msgid "pick random %n to %n"
msgstr "threw dice %n to %n"

msgid "play drum %d.drum for %n beats"
msgstr "pulay drum %d.drum 4 %n beats"

msgid "play note %d.note for %n beats"
msgstr "pulay nowt %d.note 4 %n beats"

msgid "play sound %m.sound"
msgstr "pulay sound %m.sound"

msgid "play sound %m.sound until done"
msgstr "pulay sound %m.sound til dun"

msgid "point in direction %d.direction"
msgstr "point in direcshun %d.direction"

msgid "point towards %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "point towardz %m.spriteOrMouse"

msgid "repeat %n"
msgstr "repet %n"

msgid "repeat until %b"
msgstr "repet til %b"

msgid "replace item %d.listItem of %m.list with %s"
msgstr "replace item %d.listItem ov %m.list wif %s"

msgid "reset timer"
msgstr "reset tiemr"

msgid "rest for %n beats"
msgstr "rest 4 %n beats"

msgid "round %n"
msgstr "circle %n"

msgid "say %s"
msgstr "saie %s"

msgid "say %s for %n secs"
msgstr "saie %s 4 %n secs"

msgid "sensor %m.booleanSensor?"
msgstr "sensor %m.booleanSensor?"

msgid "set %m.effect effect to %n"
msgstr "set %m.effect FX 2 %n"

msgid "set %m.motor power to %n"
msgstr "set %m.motor powr 2 %n"

msgid "set %m.motor2 direction to %m.motorDirection"
msgstr "set %m.motor2 direcshun 2 %m.motorDirection"

msgid "set %m.var to %s"
msgstr "set %m.var 2 %s"

msgid "set instrument to %d.instrument"
msgstr "set instrument 2 %d.instrument"

msgid "set pen color to %c"
msgstr "set pen color 2 %c"

msgid "set pen color to %n"
msgstr "set pen color 2 %n"

msgid "set pen shade to %n"
msgstr "set pen shade 2 %n"

msgid "set pen size to %n"
msgstr "set pen tip 2 %n"

msgid "set rotation style %m.rotationStyle"
msgstr "set rotashun style %m.rotationStyle"

msgid "set size to %n%"
msgstr "set size 2 %n%"

msgid "set tempo to %n bpm"
msgstr "set tempo 2 %n bpm"

msgid "set video transparency to %n%"
msgstr "set video tranzparency 2 %n%"

msgid "set volume to %n%"
msgstr "set volume 2 %n%"

msgid "set x to %n"
msgstr "set x 2 %n"

msgid "set y to %n"
msgstr "set y 2 %n"

msgid "show"
msgstr "show"

msgid "show list %m.list"
msgstr "show list %m.list"

msgid "show variable %m.var"
msgstr "show variable %m.var"

msgid "size"
msgstr "size"

msgid "stamp"
msgstr "stank"

msgid "stop %m.stop"
msgstr "stop %m.stop"

msgid "stop all sounds"
msgstr "stop all soundz"

msgid "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop"
msgstr "switch backdrop 2 %m.backdrop"

msgid "switch backdrop to %m.backdrop and wait"
msgstr "switch backdrop 2 %m.backdrop an wait"

msgid "switch costume to %m.costume"
msgstr "switch coztume to %m.costume"

msgid "tempo"
msgstr "tempo"

msgid "think %s"
msgstr "finkz %s"

msgid "think %s for %n secs"
msgstr "finkz %s 4 %n secs"

msgid "tilt"
msgstr "tilt"

msgid "timer"
msgstr "tiemr"

msgid "touching %m.touching?"
msgstr "touchin %m.touching?"

msgid "touching color %c?"
msgstr "touchin color %c?"

msgid "turn %m.motor off"
msgstr "turn %m.motor off"

msgid "turn %m.motor on"
msgstr "turn %m.motor on"

msgid "turn %m.motor on for %n secs"
msgstr "turn %m.motor on 4 %n secs"

msgid "turn @turnLeft %n degrees"
msgstr "turn @turnLeft %n degreez"

msgid "turn @turnRight %n degrees"
msgstr "turn @turnRight %n degreez"

msgid "turn video %m.videoState"
msgstr "turn video %m.videoState"

msgid "username"
msgstr "usr naym"

msgid "video %m.videoMotionType on %m.stageOrThis"
msgstr "video %m.videoMotionType on %m.stageOrThis"

msgid "volume"
msgstr "volume"

msgid "wait %n secs"
msgstr "sleep %n secs"

msgid "wait until %b"
msgstr "sleep til %b"

msgid "when %m.booleanSensor"
msgstr "when %m.booleanSensor"

msgid "when %m.key key pressed"
msgstr "wen %m.key key presd"

msgid "when %m.sensor %m.lessMore %n"
msgstr "wen %m.sensor %m.lessMore %n"

msgid "when %m.triggerSensor > %n"
msgstr "wen %m.triggerSensor > %n"

msgid "when @greenFlag clicked"
msgstr "wen @greenFlag clickd"

msgid "when I receive %m.broadcast"
msgstr "wen I reseave %m.broadcast"

msgid "when I start as a clone"
msgstr "wen I start as clone"

msgid "when Stage clicked"
msgstr "wen Stage clickd"

msgid "when backdrop switches to %m.backdrop"
msgstr "wen bakdrop switchez 2 %m.backdrop"

msgid "when distance %m.lessMore %n"
msgstr "wen distans %m.lessMore %n"

msgid "when this sprite clicked"
msgstr "wen dis object clickd"

msgid "when tilt %m.eNe %n"
msgstr "wen tilt %m.eNe %n"

msgid "x position"
msgstr "x posishun"

msgid "y position"
msgstr "y posishun"

msgid "Language-Name"
msgstr "Language-Naym"

msgid "%m.list contains %s"
msgstr "%m.list contains %s"

msgid "go to %m.spriteOrMouse"
msgstr "go 2 %m.spriteOrMouse"

msgid "set motor direction %m.motorDirection"
msgstr "set motor direcshun %m.motorDirection"

msgid "set motor power %n"
msgstr "set motor power %n"

msgid "turn motor off"
msgstr "turn motor off"

msgid "turn motor on"
msgstr "turn motor on"

msgid "turn motor on for %n secs"
msgstr "turn motor on 4 %n secs"

msgid "when distance < %n"
msgstr "when distans < %n"

msgid "when tilt = %n"
msgstr "when tilt = %n"

msgid "10 ^"
msgstr "10 ^"

msgid "A connected"
msgstr "A connectd"

msgid "A newer version of Scratch is available"
msgstr "Download Scratch 4.0"

msgid "About"
msgstr "Bout"

msgid "Account settings"
msgstr "Account settings"

msgid "Add"
msgstr "Add"

msgid "Add an Extension"
msgstr "Add an Extenshun"

msgid "Add boolean input:"
msgstr "Add boolean input:"

msgid "Add label text:"
msgstr "Add label text:"

msgid "Add number input:"
msgstr "Add numbr input:"

msgid "Add string input:"
msgstr "Add strin input:"

msgid "All"
msgstr "All"

msgid "All Tips"
msgstr "All Tipz"

msgid "Animal"
msgstr "Animel"

msgid "Animals"
msgstr "Animels"

msgid "B connected"
msgstr "B connectd"

msgid "Back a layer"
msgstr "Bak layr"

msgid "Backdrop"
msgstr "Bakdrop"

msgid "Backdrop Library"
msgstr "Bakdrop Liebrary"

msgid "Backdrops"
msgstr "Bakdrops"

msgid "Backpack"
msgstr "Buck Puck"

msgid "Bass"
msgstr "Bas"

msgid "Bass Drum"
msgstr "Bas Drum"

msgid "Bassoon"
msgstr "Fagot"

msgid "Bitmap"
msgstr "Peetmap"

msgid "Bitmap Mode"
msgstr "Peetmap Mode"

msgid "Block help"
msgstr "Block help"

msgid "Bongo"
msgstr "Bingo"

msgid "Bring to front"
msgstr "Brin 2 front"

msgid "Broadcast"
msgstr "Breadcast"

msgid "Brush"
msgstr "Horsetail"

msgid "C connected"
msgstr "Gamma connectd"

msgid "Cabasa"
msgstr "Steal cylindr"

msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Kamera"

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancer"

msgid "Cannot Delete"
msgstr "Cant Delete"

msgid "Can�t find network connection or reach server."
msgstr "Cant find network connecshun or reach servr."

msgid "Castle"
msgstr "Casel"

msgid "Category"
msgstr "Kategory"

msgid "Cello"
msgstr "Celo"

msgid "Check for updates"
msgstr "Checkmate 4 updatez"

msgid "Choir"
msgstr "Choiar"

msgid "Choose backdrop from library"
msgstr "Choose bakdrop frum liebrary"

msgid "Choose costume from library"
msgstr "Choose coztume frum liebrary"

msgid "Choose sound from library"
msgstr "Choose sound frum liebrary"

msgid "Choose sprite from library"
msgstr "Choose object frum liebrary"

msgid "Circle"
msgstr "Circle"

msgid "City"
msgstr "Citie"

msgid "Clarinet"
msgstr "Clari.net"

msgid "Claves"
msgstr "Clavz"

msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Clear"

msgid "Click "Save now" to try again or "Download" to save"
msgstr "Click "Save nao" 2 try again or "Download" 2 save"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Close"

msgid "Closed Hi-Hat"
msgstr "Closd Hi-Hat"

msgid "Cloud data"
msgstr "Galactic data"

msgid "Cloud list (stored on server)"
msgstr "Galactic list (stord on servr)"

msgid "Cloud variable (stored on server)"
msgstr "Galactic variable (stord on servr)"

msgid "Color a shape"
msgstr "Color shape"

msgid "Conga"
msgstr "Cuba"

msgid "Connecting to Cloud data server..."
msgstr "Connectin 2 Galactic data servr..."

msgid "Convert to bitmap"
msgstr "Convert 2 peetmap"

msgid "Convert to vector"
msgstr "Convert 2 vector"

msgid "Converting mp3..."
msgstr "Convertin mp3..."

msgid "Copying..."
msgstr "Copyin..."

msgid "Costume"
msgstr "Coztume"

msgid "Costume Library"
msgstr "Coztume Liebrary"

msgid "Costumes"
msgstr "Coztumez"

msgid "Costumes > 1"
msgstr "Coztumez > 1"

msgid "Could not retrieve new application from server."
msgstr "Cud not retrieve neo applicashun frum servr."

msgid "Could not retrieve update location from server."
msgstr "Cud not retrieve update locashun frum servr."

msgid "Could not retrieve version information from server."
msgstr "Cud not retrieve vershun informashun frum servr."

msgid "Could not write file:"
msgstr "Cud not rite filez:"

msgid "Cowbell"
msgstr "Cowbel"

msgid "Crash Cymbal"
msgstr "Crash Simbal"

msgid "Creating..."
msgstr "Purring..."

msgid "Currently, only numbers can be stored in Cloud variables."
msgstr "Currently, only numbers can be stord in Galactic variablez."

msgid "D connected"
msgstr "Delta connected"

msgid "Dance"
msgstr "Dans"

msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""

msgid "Don't save"
msgstr "Dont shave"

msgid "Download"
msgstr "Download"

msgid "Download to your computer"
msgstr "Download 2 ur computr"

msgid "Downloading new version..."
msgstr "Downloading neo version..."

msgid "Dress-Up"
msgstr "Dres-Up"

msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicate"

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Change Joke"

msgid "Edit Block"
msgstr "Change Joke Block"

msgid "Effects"
msgstr "FX's"

msgid "Electric Guitar"
msgstr "Ectric Gitar"

msgid "Electric Piano"
msgstr "Ectric Piano"

msgid "Electronic"
msgstr "Ectronic"

msgid "Ellipse"
msgstr "Elipse"

msgid "Erase"
msgstr "Erace"

msgid "Eraser width"
msgstr "Eracer width"

msgid "Error saving project"
msgstr "Eror savin project"

msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Virus infected your os!!"

msgid "Fantasy"
msgstr "Fantasea"

msgid "Features"
msgstr "Featurez"

msgid "File"
msgstr "Fail"

msgid "Fill with color"
msgstr "Fill wif color"

msgid "Flip left-right"
msgstr "Flip left-rite"

msgid "Flip up-down"
msgstr "Flip up-down"

msgid "Flute"
msgstr "Flut"

msgid "Flying"
msgstr "Flyin"

msgid "Font:"
msgstr "Font:"

msgid "For all sprites"
msgstr "4 all object"

msgid "For this sprite only"
msgstr "4 dis object only"

msgid "Force help file update"
msgstr "Fors halp file update"

msgid "Forward a layer"
msgstr "Fwd layr"

msgid "Go to My Stuff"
msgstr "Go 2 Mah stuff"

msgid "Group"
msgstr "Grop"

msgid "Grow"
msgstr "Grow"

msgid "Guiro"
msgstr "Goro"

msgid "Guitar"
msgstr "Gitar"

msgid "Hand Clap"
msgstr "Hand Clap"

msgid "Hardware"
msgstr "Hardwear"

msgid "High C"
msgstr "Hi C"

msgid "Holiday"
msgstr "Holidai"

msgid "Human"
msgstr "Hooman"

msgid "Import"
msgstr "Import"

msgid "Import experimental HTTP extension"
msgstr "Import expired mental HTTP extenshun"

msgid "Importing sound..."
msgstr "Importing sound..."

msgid "Indoors"
msgstr "Indors"

msgid "Installing..."
msgstr "Installin..."

msgid "Instruments"
msgstr "Instrumentz"

msgid "Letters"
msgstr "Letterz"

msgid "Library"
msgstr "Liebrary"

msgid "Line"
msgstr "Line"

msgid "Line width"
msgstr "Line width"

msgid "List name"
msgstr "List naym"

msgid "Loading help files..."
msgstr "Loading halp filez..."

msgid "Loading project..."
msgstr "Loading project..."

msgid "Low C"
msgstr "Lo C"

msgid "Make a Block"
msgstr "Spawn Block"

msgid "Make a List"
msgstr "Spawn List"

msgid "Make a Variable"
msgstr "Spawn Variable"

msgid "Manual Update Available"
msgstr "Manuel Update Availabel"

msgid "Marimba"
msgstr "Marimba"

msgid "Max"
msgstr "Max"

msgid "Message Name"
msgstr "Mesage Naym"

msgid "Microphone volume:"
msgstr "Microfone volume:"

msgid "Middle C"
msgstr "Mid C"

msgid "Min"
msgstr "Min"

msgid "Multiple"
msgstr "Multipill"

msgid "Music"
msgstr "Moosic"

msgid "Music Box"
msgstr "Moosic Box"

msgid "Music Loops"
msgstr "Moosic Loopz"

msgid "Music and Dance"
msgstr "Moosic an Dance"

msgid "Musical Notes"
msgstr "Moosical Notez"

msgid "My Class"
msgstr "Mah Clas"

msgid "My Classes"
msgstr "Mah Clasez"

msgid "My Stuff"
msgstr "Mah Stuff"

msgid "Nature"
msgstr "Nachur"

msgid "New"
msgstr "Neo"

msgid "New Block"
msgstr "NeoBlock"

msgid "New List"
msgstr "Neo List"

msgid "New Message"
msgstr "Neo Mesage"

msgid "New Variable"
msgstr "Neo Variable"

msgid "New backdrop from camera"
msgstr "Neo bakdrop frum kamera"

msgid "New backdrop:"
msgstr "Neo bakdrop"

msgid "New costume from camera"
msgstr "Neo coztume from kamera"

msgid "New costume:"
msgstr "Neo coztume"

msgid "New name"
msgstr "Neo naym"

msgid "New sound:"
msgstr "Neo sound"

msgid "New sprite from camera"
msgstr "Neo object from camera"

msgid "New sprite:"
msgstr "Neo object"

msgid "No motion blocks"
msgstr "No moshun blockz"

msgid "No, Thanks"
msgstr "No, Thx"

msgid "Not saved; network or server problem."
msgstr "Not saved; network or servr problem."

msgid "Not saved; project did not load."
msgstr "Not saved; project did not lod."

msgid "OK"
msgstr "K"

msgid "Offline Editor"
msgstr "Offline Editor"

msgid "Open"
msgstr "Open"

msgid "Open Cuica"
msgstr "Open Cuica"

msgid "Open Hi-Hat"
msgstr "Open Hi-Hat"

msgid "Open Project"
msgstr "Open Project"

msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opshunz"

msgid "Organ"
msgstr "Organ"

msgid "Other"
msgstr "Other"

msgid "Outdoors"
msgstr "Outdors"

msgid "Paint new backdrop"
msgstr "Paint neo bakdrop"

msgid "Paint new costume"
msgstr "Paint neo costume"

msgid "Paint new sprite"
msgstr "Paint neo object"

msgid "Password"
msgstr "Pasword"

msgid "Password is required"
msgstr "Pasword iz requird"

msgid "Pencil"
msgstr "Pensil"

msgid "People"
msgstr "Peeps"

msgid "Percussion"
msgstr "Percushun"

msgid "Piano"
msgstr "Piano"

msgid "Pick up color"
msgstr "Pick up color"

msgid "Pizzicato"
msgstr "Pizzan"

msgid "Please visit the download page to install it."
msgstr "plz visit teh download paeg 2 install it"

msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Noobfile"

msgid "Project did not load."
msgstr "Project didnt load"

msgid "Project name"
msgstr "Project naym"

msgid "Project name is required"
msgstr "Project naym iz required"

msgid "Project not saved!"
msgstr "Project not savd"

msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Quit"

msgid "Record"
msgstr "Recod"

msgid "Record & Export Video"
msgstr "Recod & Export Video"

msgid "Record Project Video"
msgstr "Recod Project Video"

msgid "Record new sound"
msgstr "Recod neo sound"

msgid "Rectangle"
msgstr "Ricktangle"

msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Redo"

msgid "Remix"
msgstr "Remix"

msgid "Remixing..."
msgstr "Remixin..."

msgid "Remove Background"
msgstr "Remoov Bakground"

msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Renaym"

msgid "Replace existing project?"
msgstr "Replace existin project?"

msgid "Reshape"
msgstr "Reshape"

msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Revert"

msgid "Reverting..."
msgstr "Revertin..."

msgid "Run without screen refresh"
msgstr "Run without screen refresh"

msgid "Running pre-release"
msgstr "Runnin pre-release"

msgid "Save"
msgstr "Shave"

msgid "Save Project"
msgstr "Shave Project"

msgid "Save a copy of this project and add your own ideas."
msgstr "Shave copy ov dis project an add ur own ideas"

msgid "Save as"
msgstr "Shave as"

msgid "Save as a copy"
msgstr "Shave as a copy"

msgid "Save now"
msgstr "Shave Nao"

msgid "Save project?"
msgstr "Shave project?"

msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Shaved"

msgid "Saving changes..."
msgstr "Shavin changes..."

msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Shaving..."

msgid "Saxophone"
msgstr "Saxofone"

msgid "Scratch Updater"
msgstr "Scratch Updatr"

msgid "Script"
msgstr "LOL"

msgid "Scripts"
msgstr "LOLz"

msgid "See project page"
msgstr "C project paeg"

msgid "Select"
msgstr "Select"

msgid "Select and duplicate"
msgstr "Select an duplikate"

msgid "Send to back"
msgstr "Send 2 back"

msgid "Server error:"
msgstr "Server eror"

msgid "Set Costume Center"
msgstr "Set Costume Sentr"

msgid "Set costume center"
msgstr "Set costume senter"

msgid "Share"
msgstr "Share"

msgid "Share to Scratch Website"
msgstr "Share 2 Scratch Websiet"

msgid "Share to website"
msgstr "Share 2 websiet"

msgid "Shift:"
msgstr "Shift:"

msgid "Shrink"
msgstr ""

msgid "Side Stick"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sign in"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sign in to save"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sign out"
msgstr ""

msgid "Slider Range"
msgstr ""

msgid "Small stage layout"
msgstr "Micro stage layout"

msgid "Smooth"
msgstr ""

msgid "Snare Drum"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sound Library"
msgstr "Sound Liebrary"

msgid "Sounds"
msgstr "Soundz"

msgid "Space"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sports"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sprite"
msgstr "Object"

msgid "Sprite Library"
msgstr "Object Liebrary"

msgid "Sprite1"
msgstr "Object1"

msgid "Sprites"
msgstr "Objects"

msgid "Square"
msgstr "Square"

msgid "Stage"
msgstr "Stage"

msgid "Stage selected:"
msgstr "Stage selectd:"

msgid "Steel Drum"
msgstr "Steal Drum"

msgid "Success"
msgstr "Succes"

msgid "Synth Lead"
msgstr ""

msgid "Synth Pad"
msgstr ""

msgid "Tambourine"
msgstr ""

msgid "Text"
msgstr "Text"

msgid "Theme"
msgstr ""

msgid "Things"
msgstr ""

msgid "This is the current version."
msgstr ""

msgid "This version is newer than the current release version."
msgstr ""

msgid "Throw away all changes since opening this project?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Tips"
msgstr "Tipz"

msgid "To delete a block definition, first remove all uses of the block."
msgstr ""

msgid "Transportation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Triangle"
msgstr ""

msgid "Trombone"
msgstr ""

msgid "Turbo Mode"
msgstr "Gobo Mode"

msgid "Turbo mode"
msgstr "Gobo mode"

msgid "Type"
msgstr ""

msgid "Undelete"
msgstr "Time Machine"

msgid "Underwater"
msgstr ""

msgid "Undo"
msgstr ""

msgid "Undo Revert"
msgstr ""

msgid "Ungroup"
msgstr ""

msgid "Update check failed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Update failed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Update not needed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Update now"
msgstr ""

msgid "Upload backdrop from file"
msgstr ""

msgid "Upload costume from file"
msgstr ""

msgid "Upload failed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Upload from your computer"
msgstr ""

msgid "Upload sound from file"
msgstr ""

msgid "Upload sprite from file"
msgstr ""

msgid "Uploading image..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Uploading sound..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Uploading sprite..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Variable name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Vector"
msgstr ""

msgid "Vector Mode"
msgstr ""

msgid "Vibraphone"
msgstr ""

msgid "Vibraslap"
msgstr ""

msgid "Video on:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Visit download page"
msgstr ""

msgid "Vocals"
msgstr ""

msgid "Walking"
msgstr ""

msgid "Want to save? Click remix"
msgstr ""

msgid "Which column do you want to import"
msgstr ""

msgid "Wood Block"
msgstr ""

msgid "Wooden Flute"
msgstr ""

msgid "Yes, I'd Like To Help Improve Scratch"
msgstr ""

msgid "Your Scratch name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Your Scratch name is required"
msgstr ""

msgid "Your project has been uploaded to scratch.mit.edu"
msgstr ""

msgid "a copy of the project file on your computer."
msgstr ""

msgid "abs"
msgstr ""

msgid "acos"
msgstr ""

msgid "add comment"
msgstr ""

msgid "all"
msgstr ""

msgid "all around"
msgstr ""

msgid "any"
msgstr ""

msgid "asin"
msgstr ""

msgid "assets loaded"
msgstr ""

msgid "atan"
msgstr ""

msgid "backdrop"
msgstr ""

msgid "backdrop1"
msgstr ""

msgid "backdrops"
msgstr ""

msgid "brightness"
msgstr ""

msgid "button pressed"
msgstr ""

msgid "by"
msgstr ""

msgid "bytes loaded"
msgstr ""

msgid "can drag in player:"
msgstr ""

msgid "ceiling"
msgstr ""

msgid "clean up"
msgstr ""

msgid "clear senders/receivers"
msgstr ""

msgid "color"
msgstr ""

msgid "copy"
msgstr ""

msgid "cos"
msgstr ""

msgid "costume1"
msgstr ""

msgid "costume2"
msgstr ""

msgid "cut"
msgstr ""

msgid "date"
msgstr ""

msgid "day of week"
msgstr ""

msgid "delete"
msgstr ""

msgid "delete variable"
msgstr ""

msgid "direction:"
msgstr ""

msgid "don't rotate"
msgstr ""

msgid "down"
msgstr ""

msgid "down arrow"
msgstr ""

msgid "duplicate"
msgstr ""

msgid "e ^"
msgstr ""

msgid "edge"
msgstr ""

msgid "edit"
msgstr ""

msgid "export"
msgstr ""

msgid "fade in"
msgstr ""

msgid "fade out"
msgstr ""

msgid "fisheye"
msgstr ""

msgid "floor"
msgstr ""

msgid "ghost"
msgstr ""

msgid "help"
msgstr ""

msgid "hour"
msgstr ""

msgid "import"
msgstr ""

msgid "large readout"
msgstr ""

msgid "last"
msgstr ""

msgid "left"
msgstr ""

msgid "left arrow"
msgstr ""

msgid "left-right"
msgstr ""

msgid "length"
msgstr ""

msgid "light"
msgstr ""

msgid "limit reached"
msgstr ""

msgid "list"
msgstr ""

msgid "ln"
msgstr ""

msgid "log"
msgstr ""

msgid "louder"
msgstr ""

msgid "meow"
msgstr ""

msgid "message1"
msgstr ""

msgid "minute"
msgstr ""

msgid "month"
msgstr ""

msgid "mosaic"
msgstr ""

msgid "motion"
msgstr ""

msgid "mouse-pointer"
msgstr ""

msgid "myself"
msgstr ""

msgid "new message..."
msgstr ""

msgid "normal readout"
msgstr ""

msgid "of"
msgstr "ov"

msgid "off"
msgstr "off"

msgid "on"
msgstr "on"

msgid "on-flipped"
msgstr "on-flipped"

msgid "other scripts in sprite"
msgstr ""

msgid "other scripts in stage"
msgstr ""

msgid "paste"
msgstr ""

msgid "photo1"
msgstr ""

msgid "pixelate"
msgstr ""

msgid "pop"
msgstr ""

msgid "previous backdrop"
msgstr ""

msgid "random"
msgstr ""

msgid "random position"
msgstr ""

msgid "record..."
msgstr ""

msgid "recording1"
msgstr ""

msgid "redo"
msgstr ""

msgid "rename variable"
msgstr ""

msgid "requires sign in"
msgstr "requirez sign in"

msgid "resistance-A"
msgstr "defends-A"

msgid "resistance-B"
msgstr "defends-B"

msgid "resistance-C"
msgstr "defends-C"

msgid "resistance-D"
msgstr "defends-D"

msgid "reverse"
msgstr ""

msgid "right"
msgstr ""

msgid "right arrow"
msgstr ""

msgid "rotation style:"
msgstr "rotashun style:"

msgid "save to local file"
msgstr "save 2 local file"

msgid "second"
msgstr "secaned"

msgid "select all"
msgstr "select all"

msgid "set slider min and max"
msgstr "set slidr min an max"

msgid "shared"
msgstr "shard"

msgid "show:"
msgstr "show:"

msgid "silence"
msgstr "silense"

msgid "sin"
msgstr "sine"

msgid "slider"
msgstr "slidr"

msgid "softer"
msgstr "softr"

msgid "sound"
msgstr "sound"

msgid "space"
msgstr "space"

msgid "sqrt"
msgstr "square root"

msgid "tan"
msgstr "tangent"

msgid "text"
msgstr "text"

msgid "that way"
msgstr "dat wai"

msgid "this script"
msgstr "dis script"

msgid "this sprite"
msgstr "dis object"

msgid "this way"
msgstr "dis wai"

msgid "undo"
msgstr "undo"

msgid "unshared"
msgstr "unshard"

msgid "up"
msgstr "up"

msgid "up arrow"
msgstr "up arow"

msgid "variable"
msgstr "variable"

msgid "video direction"
msgstr "video direcshun"

msgid "video motion"
msgstr "video moshun"

msgid "whirl"
msgstr "whirl"

msgid "year"
msgstr "yer"

msgid "Click to try again or to save"
msgstr "Click 2 try again or to save"

msgid "Cloud"
msgstr "Cloud"

msgid "costume name"
msgstr "costume naym"

msgid "Costumes:"
msgstr "Costumez"

msgid "Eraser width:"
msgstr "Eracer width:"

msgid "Line width:"
msgstr "Line width:"

msgid "Scripts:"
msgstr "LOLz:"

msgid "show receivers"
msgstr show reseaverz""

msgid "show senders"
msgstr "how senderz"

msgid "stored on server"
msgstr "stord on servr"
New code also check my new url (as i deleted my old account in github) https://github.com/BarthdryZ/Custom-Translation-for-Scratch-2.0/

Last edited by _bz (April 7, 2022 09:11:17)

I am doing social media and heavy distractions detox
My ArcheoScratchTube Channel
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

I'll add that when I'm back on my computer

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages


Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

This topic has been forgotten about for so long…


3 forum tips for experienced forumers (in no particular order):
  1. If you are reporting a new forumer's topic to be closed, or moved to another forum, don't mention it, because then, the topic creator will think they will receive either an alert or a ban.

  2. New forumers won't immediately know the rules or terminology of the forums. I have seen this happen hundreds of times (exaggeratedly), especially when experienced forumers (I won't name any) tell new forumers that they are "necroposting", which is when someone posts on an old and resolved topic (especially in the Questions about Scratch forum), causing said topic to be moved to the front page of that forum.

  3. Using Scratchblocks as a writing style is not blockspam, unless it is irrelevant to the discussion. For example, this

    ExampleScratcher1 wrote:

    How do I make a smooth gliding animation?
    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(my question) = [answered]>
    ask [How do I make a smooth gliding animation?] and wait
    say [Thank you!]
    is not blockspam, but these

    ExampleScratcher2 (first post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    move (58) steps
    play sound [Stock Laughter Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    play sound [Stock Screaming Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    switch backdrop to [internet v]
    say [i broke the internet] for (2) secs
    turn cw (15) degrees
    go to [nearby restaurant v]
    next costume

    ExampleScratcher2 (second post) wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(out of dorito's) = [true]>
    broadcast [eat dorito chip v]
    say [IM OUT OF DORITO'S!!!!!!!!! :(]
    play sound [Scream2 v] until done
    turn cw (120) degrees
    play sound [Scream2 v]
    play sound [we have no dorito's sorry v]
    are blockspam, and must be reported.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

Bump (sure has)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

I've just finished working on this:

It basically a nicer interface to create these .po files. It checks format too:

I put the link to download in the OP!

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages

@randomguyboi make one for Nukun Ma'im

Yes, i know that doesn't work to ping someone

const juniper = programmer && musician;
// my pronouns are she/her
// i am trans and bi :P
// you can call me june or juni for short but i prefer juniper
python version:
juniper = programmer and musician
# my pronouns are she/her
# i am trans and bi :P
# you can call me june or juni for short but i prefer juniper
1000+ posts

Scratch 2 Custom Languages


Last edited by mybearworld (Oct. 4, 2022 04:48:28)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.

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