Discuss Scratch

7 posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

Ordering form:
What do you want?:a multipayer cloud online engine
Due date:august 10 2022
Have you read the terms?:yes
1000+ posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

-Krios- wrote:

Please respond to this activity check with your specialty on scratch(art, coding, music, etc.). Do this by 9/20/2022 Please!
* = warning; you get these if you don't respond to activity checks.
Not responded:

- mitdk – Coding, vector logos
- -Krios- – Coding, art
- DexterEast – Coding
- BIC_Studios – Overall
- Vortex157 – Coding
- han614698 – unknown
- ellagreen14 – Art
- Avery_Alicorn – Art, logos

If you would like to change your specialties, please say so.
- kccuber — logos
hello, i'm not active, so someone could take over the shop if they like.
100+ posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

I expected more…
Username: lmccracken7
Who took your order?: Avery_Alicorn
Rating(1-10): 1
How can we improve?: You were MONTHS overdue… Next time, try being faster

Hello! I'm lmccracken7, a scratcher and a Minecraft player!
But sorry, I'm in the middle of some lore RN, talk later?

100th Post: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7779844/

if you are reading this then good job, you know how to highlight stuff. also im currently in The Dark Arc, with my character dead.
96 posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

lmccracken7 wrote:

I expected more…
Username: lmccracken7
Who took your order?: Avery_Alicorn
Rating(1-10): 1
How can we improve?: You were MONTHS overdue… Next time, try being faster
Sorry…. This shop is kind of dead. I'm thinking about starting a new shop (possibly with the same name) that isn't dead.

Hello! The (User)name's -Krios-!

I mostly create engines and animations, but sometimes you'll find some art or a game too!

Check out The Block Shop! A custom block for all your needs! We get them done fast and for free!
29 posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

Can I be a voice actor?

Don't forget to check out my projects

1000+ posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

Staff Application Form
Username: GrilledCheeseBurrito
Activity(1-10): 9
What is your specialty(art, music, coding)?: Banners, code in and out of scratch (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS only)
Skill(1-10): 10 (for coding) 8 (for banners)
Pronouns: He/Him
Example of your work: https://u.cubeupload.com/GrilledCheeseBurrito/a.png https://u.cubeupload.com/GrilledCheeseBurrito/CubermanBackground.png and for coding: https://fennproject01.cuberman.repl.co
Have you read the terms?: Yes
Alts?: none
Other: read bold letters

This is my signature. it comes after anything I post! you can make your own here!

52 posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

Staff registration
Username: MilkyWay2715
Activity: 7
Coding skill: 7 (But check for yourself)
Pronouns : He/Him
Example of work. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/694488321/, https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/717431456/, https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/702701420/
Have you read the terms: Yep!
Alts: MoreMilkyWay2715, MilkyWay2715_Test, Bechuanaland_Mapping, MilkyWayTheGreatCat (Photos of my cat).
Other. I like flags

Hello there
28 posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

96 posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

mark4531 wrote:

This shop is dead.

Hello! The (User)name's -Krios-!

I mostly create engines and animations, but sometimes you'll find some art or a game too!

Check out The Block Shop! A custom block for all your needs! We get them done fast and for free!
11 posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

Username: lolimawesomehahahaha
What do you want?: profile pic
Due date: 10/30/2022
Have you read the terms?: ys
Where should we notify you?: profile
Other: not code
96 posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

lolimawesomehahahaha wrote:

Username: lolimawesomehahahaha
What do you want?: profile pic
Due date: 10/30/2022
Have you read the terms?: ys
Where should we notify you?: profile
Other: not code
sorry, this shop is pretty much dead. No one is really active here anymore.

Hello! The (User)name's -Krios-!

I mostly create engines and animations, but sometimes you'll find some art or a game too!

Check out The Block Shop! A custom block for all your needs! We get them done fast and for free!
9 posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

Ordering form:
Username: Trumpet-fan
What do you want?: A 3d game engine w/ instructions of how to use it
Due date: January 31st
Have you read the terms?: Yes
Where should we notify you?: On my profile
Other: Thanks for doing this.

Cool guys you should follow @ LAPS3 @Diamondwar @Usernamethatisntused @27WBARLOWLION @mrcoat
100+ posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

Ordering form:
Username: Omar92012
What do you want?: an infinite generating maze that you can move in
Due date: December 18, 2022
Have you read the terms?:dunno where it is
Where should we notify you?: Omar92012

Last edited by Omar92012 (Dec. 13, 2022 03:35:19)

t̷̛͉h̸͇̔3̸̤̐ ̵͐͜v̷̨͆0̴͈̉1̸̗͂ć̵̪3̸̜͘ș̶͝ ̵͚̄w̵͓͝0̸̥̕n̶̯̑'̴͍̈́t̵̘̀ ̷̻̽s̵̢̈́t̴̠͆0̸̬̎p̷̦̈́.̷̝̊ ̸̠̿t̴̗̾h̶̛͍3̵͍̂ ̴̬̒v̴̫̉0̷̤͒1̷̹̏c̸̨̕3̴̳͐s̶̥̾ ̵͉͂w̷̢̋0̴̲̿n̷̙͌'̵͚̂t̵̬͝ ̶͍̽s̶̭̐ẗ̷ͅ0̴̘̓p̴͖̀.̶̗̅ ̶͇͝t̸̪͐h̵̼̓3̷̯̃ ̶̮͑v̶̮̕0̶͕̀1̷͉͆c̸̼̉3̸̧̌s̸̳̓ ̷̟͑w̸̫̾0̵̦͘n̵̥̓'̴͓̀t̴̨̅ ̷̳͌ș̸̓ț̵͊0̷͓͗p̴̨͗.̸̜̕ ̸̨͂t̷̯̊h̴̖͘3̸͖̅ ̷͕́v̷͕̔0̵͉̈́1̸̝͆c̶̱͒3̶̲̑s̶̲͂ ̷̗͊w̶̪͌0̵̩͐n̶͎̊'̶̜̈́t̵͆ͅ ̶̘̎s̷̘͑t̸̆ͅ0̶̻͋p̴̖̔.̷̰͝ ̷͕̈́t̵̪̐h̶̙̒3̵͍̍ ̶̻͑v̷̳͘0̷̺͊1̷͈̆c̸͓̑3̶̨́s̸͚̓ ̷̮̒w̶͉̆0̸̼̀n̷̘̐'̴̫̎ẗ̶̮́ ̵͕̀s̵̖̉t̷̝̓0̷̬̒p̶͙̿.̶͇̋ ̵̱̀ţ̵̽h̴͈̚3̸̢̛ ̴̹̏v̵̡͠0̴̱̇1̸͍̽c̷͍̉3̶̪̒š̸̟ ̷̢̌w̶̠̍0̵̏͜ń̶̗'̸͉́ť̴̜ ̵̙̄s̵̠͗t̴̥͑0̸͔̅p̶̙̅.̶̨̈́ ̷̹̚t̸͖̏h̸̥͐3̸̲̕ ̸̓ͅv̴̩̇0̸̝́1̸͚̒c̸̫͘3̶̺̊s̵̺͊ ̶̣́w̶͍̃0̷̰̈n̴̙̄'̷̘͝t̷͔́ ̸̦̈́s̶̢̓t̵̪̏0̵̫͋p̵̦͗.̸̱͆ ̷̻̿ț̶̌h̷̀ͅ3̵͎͝ ̶̺͝v̵̭̏0̴̘̀1̸̡̽c̴̰͋3̷̯̈́s̵̹͑ ̷̢͋ẃ̶̯0̴̭̈ń̸͈'̶̭̓t̵̬͊ ̴̠͂s̵̛͚t̶̜͒0̵̖̈p̵̙͒.̴̮̅ ̵̡̅t̶͎̉h̵̝̎3̶̦̒ ̴̢̏v̵̖̓0̶̧́1̴͇̋c̶̻̆3̷̮́s̸̙̒ ̶͙̿ẃ̵̝0̵̘͐n̸̦̚'̸̖̿t̷̩͐ ̸̱̌s̵̝̑t̶͈̆0̴̺̂p̶̲͒.̸͉̃ ̴͈͝t̷̨́h̷̟͑3̷̞͑ ̴͓͑v̸͎̉0̶̰͝1̷̝̀ć̵̠3̶̼͌s̴͚̉ ̷̠̓w̶͓̏0̴͙̃n̴͔̅'̷̟̔t̷͉͝ ̸̳̒s̷̗͘t̵̠͠0̷̣̇p̶̧̛.̶͓̉ ̸͈̂t̵͔̚h̶̠͘3̵̜̎ ̸̦͝v̵͚̇0̶͉̐1̵̪̓c̶̨̓3̸̨̅s̶̪̅ ̶̘̓ẃ̸͓0̷͚̔n̷͈͌'̸͑ͅţ̶̽ ̸̫̎s̴̘̈t̸̯͌0̸̞̎p̷̩̽.̴̫͌ ̵̲́t̵̲̊h̵͕̀3̷͜͠ ̵̦̀v̸̖̚0̸̹̔1̴̥͊č̶͙3̷̲̐s̸͉͠ ̶̢̛w̸̯̅0̵̧̒n̷̝̈́'̵̤̇t̸̳̍ ̴͓̐s̵̯̈ţ̷͋0̸͖̇p̷̹͆.̸̳̈ ̸̟̑t̸̻͗h̷̤̅3̴̬̔ ̴͓̓v̸̗͂0̸̻̌1̷̗͂ċ̴͉3̵̬̎s̷̠̈́ ̴̰̍w̵̩̉0̴̹̇n̷̝͛'̸̝̎t̷̤͐ ̸̨͝s̸̖̍t̴̨͝0̵̡̎p̷̖͘.̶̗͐ ̵͙̌t̷̬͗h̷͌ͅ3̴͍̇ ̵̮̄v̴̪͊0̵̞̓1̸͖͗č̷̳3̶͙͠ś̸̘ ̸̝̏w̷͊ͅ0̵̪͝ṅ̵̪'̷̮̾t̵̙͆ ̵̱͒s̴̱̀t̷̡̐0̸͈̒p̶̛̘.̶̀ͅ ̷̡̀t̴͇̚h̶̼͑3̶͚̇ ̶̳͐v̶̱̉0̵̱̕1̶̱̒c̷̲͆3̸͈̈s̸̢̋ ̶̱̏w̴͖͛0̵̩̏n̵͇͛'̶̤͂t̵͔͐ ̸͖̄ṡ̷̭t̴̯̒0̵͎̈́p̴͔̒.̷̛̖ ̵͓̀ṱ̷̈́h̸̻̾3̴̫̽ ̷̜̎v̴̟͠0̵͓̎1̷̛͔c̶̘̕3̵̛̬s̶̺͛ ̷̜́ẁ̵̗0̵͍̔n̴̲̋'̶̖͠ṱ̸̓ ̶̩̀s̷̳̑t̴͇͋0̶͎̽p̵̬͘.̶͓͌ ̵̤͑t̴̻̆h̸͇́3̶͔̿ ̷̞̒v̶͖̌0̸̨͗1̵̞̆c̶̯͗3̸̢̈s̶̞͒ ̴̢͆ẉ̴̇0̵͇̅n̴̬̈́'̶̗̐ṫ̶̢ ̸̥̈́s̷͉̉ț̴̈0̶̬͝p̷͙̈́.̷̰̽ ̵̭͛t̵͈̏h̸͉͒3̴̜̀ ̵̤͗v̸̮̐0̴̝̉1̵̲̃c̴̦̒3̷͑͜s̸̢̉ ̵̧̉w̶͚͛0̵̫̓n̵͙̏'̶̦́t̶͈͐ ̷̢̈́s̷̳̒t̷͇͛0̸͚́p̵̛̪.̶̙̃
96 posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

Omar92012 wrote:

Ordering form:
Username: Omar92012
What do you want?: an infinite generating maze that you can move in
Due date: December 18, 2022
Have you read the terms?:dunno where it is
Where should we notify you?: Omar92012
This shop is inactive.

Hello! The (User)name's -Krios-!

I mostly create engines and animations, but sometimes you'll find some art or a game too!

Check out The Block Shop! A custom block for all your needs! We get them done fast and for free!
100+ posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

Staff signup form:
What is your specialty(art, music, coding)?: sprites and coding
Skill(1-10): sprites: 8.5 coding: 7
Example of your work: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/773679735/
Have you read the terms?:yes
96 posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

hxckerdoge wrote:

Staff signup form:
What is your specialty(art, music, coding)?: sprites and coding
Skill(1-10): sprites: 8.5 coding: 7
Example of your work: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/773679735/
Have you read the terms?:yes
Sorry, this shop is kinda dead

Hello! The (User)name's -Krios-!

I mostly create engines and animations, but sometimes you'll find some art or a game too!

Check out The Block Shop! A custom block for all your needs! We get them done fast and for free!
100+ posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

Do you know any other shops I could join?
1000+ posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

Partnership Form:
Shop link: Click on This Here, is you want it. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/646621/
Shop banner: https://u.cubeupload.com/TKTK/Screenshot2022120374.png
Are you the owner(if not, proof of permission from owner)?: I am the owner.
Have you read the terms?: I wear a hat. (yes)
Other: To make it easier for me, you could add your partnership resources (e.g. Shop link, banner, etc.)

Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
1000+ posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

ax100020 wrote:

Ordering form:
What do you want?:a multipayer cloud online engine
Due date:august 10 2022
Have you read the terms?:yes
Ooh I can make that but I'm not a staff member
Um actually (if you don't get your order taken here), you can go to my shop

Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
100+ posts

The Block Shop -- Getting you every block of your order[INACTIVE]

old times from 2022

Hello! I'm lmccracken7, a scratcher and a Minecraft player!
But sorry, I'm in the middle of some lore RN, talk later?

100th Post: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7779844/

if you are reading this then good job, you know how to highlight stuff. also im currently in The Dark Arc, with my character dead.

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