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3 posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

Davaros i dead i think. he died in the burning cusibule after being saved from the nightmare child by darlek carn of the cult of skaro .He fought the doctor (10th) in stolen earth and journeys end the series fanatical of the 4th series.He lost and the doctor offed to save him but him reclained naming the doctor the destroyer of worlds before the crusibale collapsed.(i know a lot).I like to think he is total ticked off somewhere out there in some small little pod.

Last edited by squashypeas (July 6, 2014 08:32:33)

3 posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

“Gravity, schmavity. My people practically invented the black hole. Well, in fact, they did.” - The Doctor (“The Satan Pit”)

“That's what I am: just a traveler. Imagine it: no tax, no bills, no boss. Just the open sky.” - The Doctor (“Voyage of the *”)

“It's taken me all these years to realize the laws of time are mine, and they will obey me!” - The Doctor (“The Waters of Mars”)

“doctor if we die here don't die with us”Admin brook
“oh no i don't die here i was told he will knock 4 times i know what that means but it does not mean right here right now”doctor
knock knock knock (flood)
“oh no no no 3 knocks is all your getting”doctor (Waters on mars)

“i could do so much more!! So much more!!”Doctor to wilfred mott (end of time part 2)

“You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up ‘genocide.’ You'll see a little picture of me there, and the caption will read, ‘over my dead body!’” - The Doctor (“The Doctor's Daughter”)

“Never say trapped, just… inconveniently circumstanced.” - The Doctor (“Voyage of the *)

”Let's hope that from now on, this country can find its heroes in smaller places. In the most ordinary of deeds.“ - The Doctor (”Human Nature“)

”People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.“ - The Doctor (”Blink“)

”I just want you to know there are worlds out there safe in the sky because of her. That there are people living in the light and singing songs of Donna Noble a thousand million light years away.“ - The Doctor (”Journey's End“)

”Oh, how to explain the mechanics of the infinite temporal flux? I know: Back to the Future. It's like Back to the Future.“ - The Doctor (”The Shakespeare Code“)

”That's how I see the universe. Every waking second I can see what is, what was, what could be, what must not. It's the burden of a Time Lord, Donna, and I'm the only one left.“ - The Doctor (”The Fires of Pompeii“)

”I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demigods and would-be gods. Out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if I believe in one thing - just one thing - I believe in her.“ - The Doctor (”The Satan Pit")
100+ posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

squashypeas wrote:

Davaros i dead i think. he died in the burning cusibule after being saved from the nightmare child by darlek carn of the cult of skaro .He fought the doctor (10th) in stolen earth and journeys end the series fanatical of the 4th series.He lost and the doctor offed to save him but him reclained naming the doctor the destroyer of worlds before the crusibale collapsed.(i know a lot).I like to think he is total ticked off somewhere out there in some small little pod.
Yeah, if that wasn't Davros's voice, then I'm not a Whovian. XD Maybe since the daleks were grown from patches of his skin, he could be genetically remade… :O

33 posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

OmnipotentPotato wrote:

Munscrat wrote:

@Omnipotentpotato you have a really weird name.

@pizza4breakfast , I never watched it. I only just heard about it through a Doctor Who quiz. It said that Torchwood started out as a project to stop people from pirating Doctor Who and that's why it's an anagram of Doctor Who.

Torchwood then turned out to be a spin-off of Doctor Who starring John Barrowman as Captain Jack.
btw should all doctor who spin-offs (e.g Torchwood, K9, The Sarah-Jane Adventures) be in this thread or in seperates?
500+ posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

Network360Will wrote:

btw should all doctor who spin-offs (e.g Torchwood, K9, The Sarah-Jane Adventures) be in this thread or in seperates?
IMO, they should start here and if they grow to take up the topic, we make a new one then.

like tears in chocolate rain
(2012 - 2022 - 20XX)
100+ posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

What in the world are those doctor who spinoffs, and where can I watch them?

500+ posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

LegoWarrior10 wrote:

What in the world are those doctor who spinoffs, and where can I watch them?
There is the Sarah Jane Adventures, which is more aimed at younger children, and you can probably pick up the box sets where you can get Doctor Who.
Torchwood is rather mature and adult in content.
K9 is Australian, and is harder to get, I find.
K9 & Company is a failed 70's spinoff with K9 and Sarah Jane, and is bundled with the classic episode The Invisible Enemy in some places.

like tears in chocolate rain
(2012 - 2022 - 20XX)
89 posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

I honestly didn't care for Torchwood all that much. It was— meh. I do have to say that I am somewhat glad Capaldi is the new doctor because Matt Smith frustrated me. The doctor really hit rock-bottom with him IMO. Sure 9 was depressed and so was Hurt, but 11 just kind of grew immune to the needs of others. River, Amy, and Rory all had to baby the Doctor and not show weakness, while 9 and even 10 would have seen them hurting and would have put them first.

See ya, kid! Remember, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYEEEEEE!
1000+ posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

NEW TV TRAILER FOR S8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TivqZTq5u6Y

Starting to get really excited about Peter Capaldi as the Doctor.

trans rights are human rights
New to Scratch
3 posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

Squawkers13 wrote:

jukyter wrote:

Waffle27 wrote:

libitina wrote:

well, uh, i've been watching on and off for the past three years because i've just felt it's been awful since moffat took over, so the christmas special /really/ didn't feel like a christmas special… it's the arc-based stuff, i guess-it just doesn't make any sense to have it in there as this is traditionally an episodic show, and i feel moffat's handling of female and minority characters is awful… in the uk, we've had gay marriage legalised, but moffat's had one lesbian couple, and claims river song is bi and increases bi representation (by doing absolutely nothing to show bi identity on the show, i guess?).

I really don't want to start an argument that really is not my intention but Captain Jack Harkness is gay and has a crush on the doctor and I like to think of the Doctor as ace/aro but yeah bye I'm sorry I am probably just going to start up unnesscary riots
i was talking about moffat era in particular
Stop it already! We don't need people like you to do things like this! (Talking to the people who posted these…)
doctor who is amazing. i cannot wait for peter capaldi
500+ posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

11 more days for Capaldi's first episode to air.
47 posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

ImagineIt wrote:

sonicboom1236 wrote:

tomicool wrote:

I was about 8 when I started watching Doctor Who (started with the 2006 series) and I loved the show so I went back to watch the series previous.

This episode is nightmare fuel to this day and I've no idea how I didn't end up locking myself in a cupboard for a few weeks when I first saw it at the age of 8.

it's also one of the great stories Steven Moffat penned before he went off the rails halfway through Series 6
YOU KNOW WHATS EVEN WORSE Your text to link here…
I love both of those episodes. I must be a freak.
Oh you're not a freak, they're both excellent episodes and some of my favourites. The Empty Child scared (removed by moderator - please keep it polite) me when I was little though.

Last edited by Paddle2See (Aug. 12, 2014 20:59:05)

i've no idea what i'm doing here lol
47 posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

To be honest I like Capaldi already and I can easily see him becoming my favourite Doctor. So what if he's old? He's an amazing and hilarious actor and evaluating what we've seen so far I think he's going to be excellent. He's sassy and there's none of this soap-y relationship rubbish either meaning that the characters can actually develop in new ways for once.

Series 8 is reminding me a lot of Series 1 come to think about it.

i've no idea what i'm doing here lol
New to Scratch
86 posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

Yeah I'm surprised anybody is against it to begin with - Doctor Who changes guys.

Although anything will be better than the tail end (and the middle bit, and a part of the first bit..) of the Smith run and Moffat can't be kicked out as head fast enough at this point. What I'd really like is Neil Gaiman to become head, but with actually being a novelist and stuff he might be a bit busy. I guess Douglas Adams did it back when?

An old Doctor is really needed. That's what the classic series had.. Also I think he specifically told Moffat that this Doctor won't be a flirt so that's good.
64 posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

I wish Russel T. Davies would come back ;(

hello my name is ceazar. thank
100+ posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

Ceazar wrote:

I wish Russel T. Davies would come back ;(
You think Steven Moffat isn't good enough?
1000+ posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

1 week until the new season!

trans rights are human rights
New to Scratch
86 posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

Squawkers13 wrote:

Ceazar wrote:

I wish Russel T. Davies would come back ;(
You think Steven Moffat isn't good enough?
Overly convoluted, full of himself. A lot of his stuff just feels like he must have been repeatedly high-fiving himself for his hip references and callbacks that are just ham-fisted and very awkwardly placed. And not every character needs to be a plot point. What if Clara had an interesting personality and motivations instead of her whole “impossible girl” thing just being a MacGuffin plot point for the Doctor to follow for a season?! And not every season needs the most complex and intertwined plot that can currently be conceived. What if every episode was good as a standalone, instead of some just feeling like awkward filler until it's Christmas or a season finale and they give him the runtime he so craves to do anything worth watching with?! What if each season didn't have to outdo the ones before it in terms of plot convolution and could take some time to just be a comfortable, entertaining show without the need to shock and awe with plot twists?!

Last edited by SemolinaPilchard (Aug. 17, 2014 00:29:50)

47 posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

Squawkers13 wrote:

Ceazar wrote:

I wish Russel T. Davies would come back ;(
You think Steven Moffat isn't good enough?
He isn't. Moffat's writing is obnoxious and pretentious which leads to most of his companions and characters being dull and harbouring the same ol' ‘I’m a strong independent person!' trope. The villains under his era of Doctor Who are hardly intimidating or psychologically terrifying, and even when he himself writes a decent villain, it's usually gimmicky and overused to the point that the gimmick becomes stale very quickly and thus the villain itself becomes dull.

And his story arcs end up going nowhere. He had woven a very convoluted and large story arc that spanned across 3 series and it ended up going nowhere.

He's not an awful writer but he writes with no heart, no passion, no logic and no creativity. At least less so than Russell T. Davies, whose stories were far more grounded and interesting.


Last edited by tomicool (Aug. 17, 2014 13:05:42)

i've no idea what i'm doing here lol
New to Scratch
86 posts

Doctor Who Official Topic [SPOILERS]

I like Peter Capaldi. I was half hoping Clara would follow through with leaving but she's not awful I guess. The plot wasn't the most special thing in the world. Moffat was borrowing heavily from himself, from probably his most famous work on the show, which isn't good. A scary thing that stops attacking so long as you are doing something (not blinking, not breathing), and an episode named after that thing?

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