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Replacing the <days to 2000> block

Zatan16 wrote:

NolanAwesome wrote:

Braeden5454 wrote:

No support. This is easily worked around and may confuse beginners which format to put the date in.
((days since 2000) - ((365.25) * (14))) //Would give the amount of days since 2014
That would confuse them even more. Not even I know what the
(() * ())
block does. AND I'VE BEEN ON FOR ALMOST 7 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!
This is very popular and common, it is just the multiply block like firstvalue mutitipied by the secondvalue.
Multiplication is commutative, meaning it could be multiplied either way

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Replacing the <days to 2000> block

Lemme guess… I'm necroposting? But I'll try to recreate this. The link will be here once I'm done.

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1000+ posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block

Minus infinity support. People have made projects with the days since 2000 block that are very amazing (For example. time zone detectors).
If another block was added to replace this block, (which I doubt it will), it might look like this:
days since [October v] [31 v] [2021 v]:: sensing reporter // This corresponds to Halloween 2021.
Anyway, without the
(days since 2000)
block, it makes the projects using the block downright useless. The only workaround for the block idea is this:
days since [January v] [01 v] [2000 v]:: sensing reporter // Kind of the same as days since 2000, but less important... 
My conclusion is as stated at the start of this very post: I think there's no point in replacing the days since 2000 block.
Edit: The reason why I'm using the month/day/year format is because that's how I think the replacement would look like.
But I highly disagree that there should ever be a replacement or removal of the days since 2000 block.

Last edited by k0d3rrr (Feb. 6, 2022 09:35:40)

AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

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define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
1000+ posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block

No support. I entirely disagree with the idea that block is currently useless, and I don't think it needs to be expanded upon since the workarounds are so easy (and in my opinion, fun to make)

Last edited by jackson49 (Feb. 8, 2022 13:48:41)

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1000+ posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block

Idk why I haven't said this yet, but no support. It's on Scratch for a reason. It might be used for more advanced projects that are pretty rare, but it doesn't mean that it's not been used. I don't think it's pointless. Sure, it involves a bit of math, but Scratch is about learning and experimenting. I've even seen a sorting visualizer that uses this block, even though it's not a countdown. I think that if you experimented a bit more, you would find some usefulness, as this could be essential to some projects. So that removes your “is pointless” argument. But replacing it, I don't think it would be good, because as I previously said, Scratch is about learning and experimenting, especially with pretty complex math concepts (though this is not too complex) which would benefit young Scratchers and motivate them to do better at Math class. So, no support.

Last edited by I_LOVE_TO_MAKE_STUFF (Feb. 5, 2022 01:47:42)

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Replacing the <days to 2000> block

No support. You could just use a custom block to make things easier. Like this:
days since ()/()/() :: custom
the code wouldn't be too hard.

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Replacing the <days to 2000> block

k0d3rrr wrote:

days since [10 v] [31 v] [2021 v]:: sensing reporter // This corresponds to Halloween 2021.
Whoa there, MM-DD-YY?

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
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Replacing the <days to 2000> block

mybearworld wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

days since [10 v] [31 v] [2021 v]:: sensing reporter // This corresponds to Halloween 2021.
Whoa there, MM-DD-YY?
Indeed. That's the format that Scratch uses for days. 10/31/2021 would be October 31st 2021 would be Halloween 2021.
Also it's just a guess that that's what the replacement block would look like if it actually replaced the days since 2000 block (but I doubt days since 2000 will ever be replaced/removed).
Actually, I don't know if it would change the day format depending on the country chosen. (E.g. DD-MM-YY or MM-DD-YY)

Last edited by k0d3rrr (Feb. 5, 2022 08:30:16)

AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

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every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
1000+ posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block


AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
1000+ posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block

Bring Back The Topic.

AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
1000+ posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block

Instead of replacing - it's better to add the new blocks. What is the need to remove the days since 2000 block?

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<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

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1000+ posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block

k0d3rrr wrote:

Indeed. That's the format that Scratch uses for days. 10/31/2021 would be October 31st 2021 would be Halloween 2021.
Huh. But then, it should probably change to the same format that is used for project creation dates, being
(days since [October v] [31 v], (2021)::sensing)

Chiroyce wrote:

Instead of replacing - it's better to add the new blocks. What is the need to remove the days since 2000 block?
Well, you could just do
(days since [January v] [1 v], (2000)::sensing)
Maybe the block could be removed the same way the “while” and “for” blocks are?

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block

mybearworld wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

Indeed. That's the format that Scratch uses for days. 10/31/2021 would be October 31st 2021 would be Halloween 2021.
Huh. But then, it should probably change to the same format that is used for project creation dates, being
(days since [October v] [31 v], (2021)::sensing)

Chiroyce wrote:

Instead of replacing - it's better to add the new blocks. What is the need to remove the days since 2000 block?
Well, you could just do
(days since [January v] [1 v], (2000)::sensing)
Maybe the block could be removed the same way the “while” and “for” blocks are?
Actually, having it say October 31st 2021 (or 31st October, or Halloween 2021) is a whole lot more better than 10/31/2021 (or 31/10/2021, or Halloween 2021, and so on…). I'll make sure to edit my post!
But I still don't support this idea.

Last edited by k0d3rrr (Feb. 6, 2022 09:33:48)

AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
1000+ posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block


Anyway, semi-support. While it would be a nice feature, there's several relativley simple workarounds.

- SomeoneOnThelnternet

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Replacing the <days to 2000> block

No support.

natalie wrote:

The main intended purpose for the “days since 2000” or “Scratch days” block is to have an arbitrary date as a timestamp (so that you can record and compare how recently someone has interacted with a project).

Being able to choose the day, month, and year makes it sound more like a block for calculating time rather than remembering time.

Last edited by qloakonscratch (Feb. 7, 2022 17:33:57)

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21 posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block

randomlightbulb wrote:

I think that the
(days since 2000)
block is pointless.
I have literaly only ever seen it once in a project and that was a chat bot that told you how many days since 2000 when you asked.

I think it should be replaced by a block like this
(days since [ day][ month][ year])
so you could choose the day month and the year. I think this would be great as it would allow scratchers to make project such as : 1000 days on scratch! or 3000 thousand days since scratch was founded

(days since [ 18][ 1][ 14])
(I joined scratch )
No support. What if you want to repeat something for a specific amount of time? Days since 2000 is the only way this is possible, and the normal repeat block only repeats a certain amount of times, not until a certain time.

Also, 1 second in “days since 2000” is 0.000012 (remove or add a 0 if I'm wrong.)

this isn't a signature I swear
1000+ posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block

support , im sure ST could replace all the days since 2000 to days since 01/01/20

guide to make good projects <3

Think! Is saying if you support a suggestion necessary? No! People can just tell by your constructive post after it. You have more freedom on your tone!
Forumers, especially new, may also get upset if you say “no support!!!” at them! They may take the whole post in a negative tone, and that makes them upset!
Instead, you can kindly say why their suggestion has cons. They will take it as “constructive criticism” and be happy. - dertermenter

35 posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block

randomlightbulb wrote:

I think that the
(days since 2000)
block is pointless.
I have literaly only ever seen it once in a project and that was a chat bot that told you how many days since 2000 when you asked.

I think it should be replaced by a block like this
(days since [ day][ month][ year])
so you could choose the day month and the year. I think this would be great as it would allow scratchers to make project such as : 1000 days on scratch! or 3000 thousand days since scratch was founded

(days since [ 18][ 1][ 14])
(I joined scratch )
(current [year])

100+ posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block

Support, since it would be more useful than the original and also because it won't break the projects that use the original block

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100+ posts

Replacing the <days to 2000> block

trolizlow wrote:

randomlightbulb wrote:

I think that the
(days since 2000)
block is pointless.
I have literaly only ever seen it once in a project and that was a chat bot that told you how many days since 2000 when you asked.

I think it should be replaced by a block like this
(days since [ day][ month][ year])
so you could choose the day month and the year. I think this would be great as it would allow scratchers to make project such as : 1000 days on scratch! or 3000 thousand days since scratch was founded

(days since [ 18][ 1][ 14])
(I joined scratch )
No support. What if you want to repeat something for a specific amount of time? Days since 2000 is the only way this is possible, and the normal repeat block only repeats a certain amount of times, not until a certain time.

Also, 1 second in “days since 2000” is 0.000012 (remove or add a 0 if I'm wrong.)

Actually you can still use it exactly the same if you set the date to Jan 1 2000

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