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10 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Warfire305 wrote:

EYSuperFan12 wrote:

Warfire305 wrote:

Are there going to be any new characters coming to the game anytime soon?
I sincerely doubt it, that game has been around a LONG time… but someone remixed it and added a character named Arfane, you can find it here:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/724211732/

You're welcome, there are other good remixes with extra characters, Arfane is just the best. Here are a few others:
Slime King:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/504524120
(APRIL FOOLS EDITION)Flint:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/297727172/
9 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Warfire305 wrote:

EYSuperFan12 wrote:

Warfire305 wrote:

Are there going to be any new characters coming to the game anytime soon?
I sincerely doubt it, that game has been around a LONG time… but someone remixed it and added a character named Arfane, you can find it here:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/724211732/

There's also the april fools version that adds Flint
31 posts

Official Monster World strategy and balance thread

Does anyone know if the full version will be released someday? Couldn’t find an easy answer on the project or the change log. I did notice inside the project that a town may be in the works. Dont think it’s operational rn because I’ve never encountered it.

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