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About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

I feel like necroposting is annoying. My idea is that if you want to post on a thread that has been inactive for at least 3 months then if you try to reply on it the reply will not be posted, instead a “box” will say: This thread is old. Do you really want to reply? I think this would help with the necroposting because sometimes someone might actually not see how old the topic is…

obviously this should not apply to forums like suggestions, where necroposting isn't really a thing

also I like how people still reply to this post I made 4 years ago lol

Last edited by Buffek (March 6, 2023 16:46:42)

when green flag clicked
say [I hate my username why did I name myself like this]
500+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

No support, necroposting can just be reported and it'd take a while to implement that.
500+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

Support, because this suggestion has the potential to stop necroposting while not taking away your ability to post (I'm not a fan of locked threads).


I see a pattern.
1000+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

This can easily serve as a slight warning, although people might still do it anyway. I imagine it would cut down on the amount of necroposting, though. Sometimes I don't even see how old the topic is (it's not particularly eye-catching) — I think a warning would help immensely.

I also don't think it would take a long time to implement this at all.
EDIT: C'mon, what was I thinking with that one???

Last edited by Za-Chary (June 11, 2022 04:08:49)

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

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1000+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

Za-Chary wrote:


This can easily serve as a slight warning, although people might still do it anyway. I imagine it would cut down on the amount of necroposting, though. Sometimes I don't even see how old the topic is (it's not particularly eye-catching) — I think a warning would help immensely.

I also don't think it would take a long time to implement this at all.
Support for this reason.
Maybe the warning could be somthing like “This topic is very old, so by posting, it may be considered a Necropost. Make sure you are construcive when posting.”

Got to be good looking cause he's so hard to see -The Beatles

(Thank you @just-there from The Profile Picture Shop for the banner ^^)

Nothing's down here, sorry to disappoint you.

JK. there may be something down there…

Maybe not, tho.

You're determined, aren't you?

Talar du Svenska? Om inte, det ar fin.

Just stop it, will ya?

Fine, you win.

Take a rice cake. *yeets you a rice cake*
Say “Thanks for that rice cake, Kewpie!” if you made it this far.
1000+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

I've seen people accidentally necropost with constructive feedback before, so this would be very good, maybe not a popup though, but rather a box above where you type your reply with a warning.

Game Over
You'll find me on @LastContinue from now on.
1000+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

bybb wrote:

I've seen people accidentally necropost with constructive feedback before, so this would be very good, maybe not a popup though, but rather a box above where you type your reply with a warning.
Yes, I really like your idea, bybb. Like the way it appears when you try to post an image with a New Scratcher account.

Last edited by sti_scratch (Oct. 6, 2018 02:49:24)

100+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

sti_scratch wrote:

bybb wrote:

I've seen people accidentally necropost with constructive feedback before, so this would be very good, maybe not a popup though, but rather a box above where you type your reply with a warning.
Yes, I really like your idea, bybb. Like the way it appears when you try to post an image with a New Scratcher account.
Could you tell me what happens when u want to post an image as a new scratcher?

when green flag clicked
say [I hate my username why did I name myself like this]
500+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

As just a reminder of the age and nothing more, I don't see how it could hurt.
New Scratcher
27 posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

Buffek wrote:

sti_scratch wrote:

bybb wrote:

I've seen people accidentally necropost with constructive feedback before, so this would be very good, maybe not a popup though, but rather a box above where you type your reply with a warning.
Yes, I really like your idea, bybb. Like the way it appears when you try to post an image with a New Scratcher account.
Could you tell me what happens when u want to post an image as a new scratcher?
This is sti_scratch, accidentally posted with his New Scratcher alt account to test the warning.
A warning pops up with a gray inside and red outline with red text. You can make your own alternative account and try that.

Last edited by ItIsJustMyself (Oct. 6, 2018 07:15:15)

1000+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

ItIsJustMyself wrote:

Buffek wrote:

sti_scratch wrote:

bybb wrote:

I've seen people accidentally necropost with constructive feedback before, so this would be very good, maybe not a popup though, but rather a box above where you type your reply with a warning.
Yes, I really like your idea, bybb. Like the way it appears when you try to post an image with a New Scratcher account.
Could you tell me what happens when u want to post an image as a new scratcher?
This is sti_scratch, accidentally posted with his New Scratcher alt account to test the warning.
A warning pops up with a gray inside and red outline with red text. You can make your own alternative account and try that.
Yep, that was me… That was accidental. I went on my alt account to try what pops up and then I accidentally posted with my alt account. I edited the post with my alt account to say that it was me.

Last edited by sti_scratch (Oct. 6, 2018 07:17:26)

1000+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

Support, a lot of necroposting occurs because young users presumably google a question and stumble across the forums, not taking note of the date and posting their question/response onto an ancient thread. Having some kind of light warning would probably help these users to realise the thread is old and to encourage them to make their own thread if appropriate.
I'd suggest the notification should appear after hitting submit and should say something along the lines of: “The thread you are about to post on is X months/years/ect old. Before continuing to submit, please keep in mind that bringing up old posts is not accepted in some of the sub-forums and that you may have better success finding an answer to your question by starting a new thread. If you still think your comment it appropriate, just click the submit button again to proceed.”. I'd suggest that this notification shows up for your first couple of posts, as that's the only real way to measure how new a user is to the forums that I know of.
If it's possible within the site's code, maybe the warning could only show up of the forums where necroposting is an issue?

*Drinks ketchup*
there is no ethical consumption under capitalism my dudes
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100+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

TheRealNetherBefore wrote:

Support, a lot of necroposting occurs because young users presumably google a question and stumble across the forums, not taking note of the date and posting their question/response onto an ancient thread. Having some kind of light warning would probably help these users to realise the thread is old and to encourage them to make their own thread if appropriate.
I'd suggest the notification should appear after hitting submit and should say something along the lines of: “The thread you are about to post on is X months/years/ect old. Before continuing to submit, please keep in mind that bringing up old posts is not accepted in some of the sub-forums and that you may have better success finding an answer to your question by starting a new thread. If you still think your comment it appropriate, just click the submit button again to proceed.”. I'd suggest that this notification shows up for your first couple of posts, as that's the only real way to measure how new a user is to the forums that I know of.
If it's possible within the site's code, maybe the warning could only show up of the forums where necroposting is an issue?
Oh, now I know how do people find these threads
Also, support the bold.

Last edited by Buffek (Oct. 7, 2018 15:37:42)

when green flag clicked
say [I hate my username why did I name myself like this]
1000+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

Support, a lot of necroposting is accidental and this could really help cut down on accidental necroposting. I feel like this could've helped my younger self out somewhat since when I was new to the forums, I'd often necropost without really knowing.
It also might slow down some users who intentionally necropost.

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“You'll fear your fears forever if you never do things you're afraid of.” -Josh Dun
“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie
89 posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

Buffek wrote:

Necroposting is just ANNOYING. My idea is that if you want to post on a thread that has been inactive for at least 3 months then if you try to reply on it the reply will not be posted, instead a “popup” “box” will say: This thread is OLD. Do you really want to reply? I think this would help with the necroposting because sometimes someone might actually not see how old is the topic…

Sorry if I made any mistakes the keyboard is thrash

Yes please! Not on Scratch, but on another forum, I felt so embarrassed when I necroposted without even realizing! This is an awesome and simple solution!

pen down

I make animations and I've been here for awhile. I come and go, but I always enjoy animating. Check out my stuff if you get a chance

pen up
100+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]


when green flag clicked
say [I hate my username why did I name myself like this]
1000+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]


100+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

Last edited by Buffek (Feb. 4, 2021 12:14:24)

when green flag clicked
say [I hate my username why did I name myself like this]
1000+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]

Buffek wrote:

bidulule wrote:

Why do you support? (Sorry for asking but everyone does this…)
Well if i say that i support, it's because i agree with what have been said before.
Repeating the same arguments don't make sense.

100+ posts

About necroposting...[confirmation required to post on old topics]


when green flag clicked
say [I hate my username why did I name myself like this]

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