Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Banned Accounts

Zacheryisthebest95 wrote:

Why if you are scared of the wait between post
Because in the forums, we have etiquette that we expect people to follow.

Last edited by fdreerf (June 17, 2020 16:36:02)

Hyped for MS-DOS 11.0
12 posts

Banned Accounts

NerdRage wrote:

Permabans are extremely rare and are only served in the most extreme cases (plus you're allowed to appeal them, just word your report correctly and admit to your faults.)

Either download all your projects and save them as a backup beforehand or use Scratch as it was meant to be used.

Permbans also apply to alt accs.

Im just a cat who makes troll projects
1 post

Banned Accounts

when green flag clicked
if <(user)=(banned)> then
play sound [ lai lai (sad bgm) ] until done
define smile

Last edited by The-blue-lights (Dec. 17, 2020 14:24:19)

34 posts

Banned Accounts

TheAdriCoolManDude wrote:

Semi-Support. Would be useful for people that DID NOT get banned because of a inappropriate project, but someone who did can download their inappropriate project onto another kids site..

Some people get perma banned and the appeal doesn't get accepted and that person favorite website is scratch so they are very sad.

if <Perma Ban Appeal gets denied > then
play sound [ crie]

↳ Art-Animation-Voice Acting-Character Design✩
Check out my Comic Series!All of my OCs are here I would love if you would draw them!
1000+ posts

Banned Accounts

no support, they were banned for a reason, right?

The2000 wrote:

All suggestions are unnecessary. If a suggestion is necessary then it's a bug report.

dertermenter wrote:

April Fools Day on the forums has been a repeated privilege, not an expectation
1000+ posts

Banned Accounts

dertermenter wrote:

no support, they were banned for a reason, right?
Yeah, but have you considered that sometimes those bans are false? False bans have happened before.

This is an account that exists.

Here, have a useful link:
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions by Za-Chary

1000+ posts

Banned Accounts

PkmnQ wrote:

dertermenter wrote:

no support, they were banned for a reason, right?
Yeah, but have you considered that sometimes those bans are false? False bans have happened before.
A permaban is a last, last, resort for the Scratch Team (besides IP ban). There are very few false bans to begin with, but it's near impossible to be accidentally permabanned.

Hyped for MS-DOS 11.0
7 posts

Banned Accounts

NerdRage wrote:

Permabans are extremely rare and are only served in the most extreme cases (plus you're allowed to appeal them, just word your report correctly and admit to your faults.)

Either download all your projects and save them as a backup beforehand or use Scratch as it was meant to be used.
@lamb1000 isn't permabanned
3 posts

Banned Accounts

TheRealNetherBefore wrote:

To receive a permanent ban you have to either do something extremely bad or commit multiple bad offences- you probably wouldn't do this on accident. I feel that if you wanted to use scratch and make projects you should be willing to respect the rules in place, and if that is something you feel you cannot do you should just use the offline editor. On top of that, a lot of users who get permanent bans are troll or spam accounts made with the intention of breaking the rules, and likely wouldn't care for their projects anyway. Plus, the knowledge that you lose your hard work if you disrespect the rules enough to get completely banned is a good motivator to follow them, and seems like a reasonable punishment for someone who did enough to get themselves permanently kicked off the site.
However, I understand that this is easier said than done for a lot of users, especially considering scratch's target audience. Children aren't known for being skilled rule-followers or that good at managing their feelings, which is a key part of avoiding alerts and bans.
I'd say I lean towards no support on this one: If you want to have your projects, don't get yourself permanently banned.
Actually, I got banned on accident permenantly.
1000+ posts

Banned Accounts

TheAdriCoolManDude wrote:

Semi-Support. Would be useful for people that DID NOT get banned because of a inappropriate project, but someone who did can download their inappropriate project onto another kids site..
the thing is, you can't really use a .sb3 on another kids site

1000+ posts

Banned Accounts

I agree with this, if the user wasn't banned for a bad project, I agree the user should lose all of the work they did put into projects.

Last edited by DinoMaster20 (Feb. 9, 2022 00:52:35)

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow, 00:00:00)
~ ᴅᴍ20 ~
This is my forum signature! It shows up under every post I make! Here is more info!
ERRØR; THE NEXT BIG THING “Resolved” Button for QaS
/\ Male /\ Forumer /\ TokTik /\ Chatsnap /\
/\ Scratch Wiki /\ Community Guidelines /\ Scratch Team /\ Postpercent /\ Ocular
Currently most active on the forums! I don't make projects, I might come out with one in 100 years.

thanks to rl1123 for gif, and hosting it bc my braindead self couldn't do it
I have eaten the rest of DinoMaster20's siggy! Yum! Find out how to stop evil kumquats like myself here: Evil Kumquat Guards
1000+ posts

Banned Accounts

Support. For many reports auto bans, you should be able to edit them too.

This is my siggy.
Can't wait for FRC water game!
1000+ posts

Banned Accounts

If you're banned permanently, you aren't allowed back on the Scratch Website, so there's no purpose on having them.

Now Showing: CCRP V

Coding on Scratch since 2013

Foruming since 2016

In the Forum Helpers since 2022
1000+ posts

Banned Accounts

qloakonscratch wrote:

If you're banned permanently, you aren't allowed back on the Scratch Website, so there's no purpose on having them.
say , you failed half the subjects except cs , and the cs exam was about scratch and HTML (click start btw) and you didn't pass cause you were banned and couldn't make projects (teacher nowadays don't listen to student's reasoning). so you failed the entire grade , who would your parents blame? most would blame you , but some others might go to the extent of sue'ing scratch.

guide to make good projects <3

Think! Is saying if you support a suggestion necessary? No! People can just tell by your constructive post after it. You have more freedom on your tone!
Forumers, especially new, may also get upset if you say “no support!!!” at them! They may take the whole post in a negative tone, and that makes them upset!
Instead, you can kindly say why their suggestion has cons. They will take it as “constructive criticism” and be happy. - dertermenter

1000+ posts

Banned Accounts

dave-alt-4 wrote:


qloakonscratch wrote:

If you're banned permanently, you aren't allowed back on the Scratch Website, so there's no purpose on having them.
say , you failed half the subjects except cs , and the cs exam was about scratch and HTML (click start btw) and you didn't pass cause you were banned and couldn't make projects (teacher nowadays don't listen to student's reasoning). so you failed the entire grade , who would your parents blame? most would blame you , but some others might go to the extent of sue'ing scratch.
Offline Editor

Is this suggestion still relevant? With TurboWarp, this can easily be done. and I don't think the ST would want to service those who broke their rules.

dave-alt-4 wrote:

but some others might go to the extent of sueing scratch.
I guarantee you the judge would dismiss that case immediately, you can't sue a website for banning you, and the terms of use contains this

Terms of Use wrote:

7.1 Scratch has the right to suspend your account for violations of the Terms of Use or Community Guidelines. Repeat violators may have their account deleted. The Scratch Team reserves the sole right to determine what constitutes a violation of the Terms of Use or Community Guidelines. The Scratch Team also reserves the right to terminate any account used to circumvent prior enforcement of the Terms of Use.
500+ posts

Banned Accounts

TheAdriCoolManDude wrote:

Semi-Support. Would be useful for people that DID NOT get banned because of a inappropriate project, but someone who did can download their inappropriate project onto another kids site..
I don't think there is a kids site that allows you to put games in it. That's called a gaming host website that you can put games and they're: Gamejolt, itch, newsgrounds, steam… and they are not really kid friendly.

Last edited by scratchering_coder (Feb. 9, 2022 07:42:07)

500+ posts

Banned Accounts

TOTALLY NO SUPPORT, if a scratcher gets banned for a inappropriate project then downloading it he can maybe reupload it to scratch because in scratch there's a load from your computer button.
100+ posts

Banned Accounts

Support as long as they are not allowed to download inappropriate projects made by them (if any).

01001110 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101110 01101110 01100001 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110101 01110000 if you translate this,

500+ posts

Banned Accounts

CoolBoy4286 wrote:

Support as long as they are not allowed to download inappropriate projects made by them (if any).
How is scratch supposed to know that because if a user did 100 projects and 1 of them inappropriate how will scratch team know, scratch team can't check all the project only to see if its appropriate.

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