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Official Fanfic Thread

*Rabuta ROFLING on floor*
The Battle For The Special Event Involving Eating A Stack Of Pizzas

In the water, Glaceon eated too much froyo in one sitting her special event involving eating a stack of pizzas. She had been busy with the special event involving eating a stack of pizzas for hours and now wanted nothing more than a birdlike cuddle or an attention-deficit OOH SHINY!!!- massage from her lover Jolteon.

She said this last thought out loud, and all of a sudden her rollin', they hatin' they trollin and tryin to catch me ridin' dirty Jolteon appeared at the door, grinning cutely.

“Put down the special event involving eating a stack of pizzas,” Jolteon said sexily. “Unless you want me to eat too much froyo in one sitting that special event involving eating a stack of pizzas on your tooth.”

Glaceon put down the special event involving eating a stack of pizzas. She was punk. She had never seen Jolteon so sharp before and it made her North African Batman.

Jolteon picked up the special event involving eating a stack of pizzas, then withdrew a giant chainsaw from his paw. “Don't be so punk,” Jolteon said with a sharp grimace. “A Milotic bit my claw this morning, and everything became shiny. Now with this special event involving eating a stack of pizzas and this giant chainsaw I can sexily rule the world!”

Glaceon clutched her juicy claw thankfully. This was her lover, her rollin', they hatin' they trollin and tryin to catch me ridin' dirty Jolteon, now staring at her with a sharp paw.

“Fight it!” Glaceon shouted. “The Milotic just wants the special event involving eating a stack of pizzas for his own rollin', they hatin' they trollin and tryin to catch me ridin' dirty devices! He doesn't love you, not the birdlike way I do!”

Glaceon could see Jolteon trembling thankfully. Glaceon reached out her tooth and touched Jolteon's paw sexily. She was rollin', they hatin' they trollin and tryin to catch me ridin' dirty, so rollin', they hatin' they trollin and tryin to catch me ridin' dirty, but she knew only her juicy love for Jolteon would break the Milotic's spell.

Sure enough, Jolteon dropped the special event involving eating a stack of pizzas with a thunk. “Oh, Glaceon,” he squealed. “I'm so birdlike, can you ever forgive me?”

But Glaceon had already moved in the water. That shot gigantic shining lasers of rainbow glory creamsicle cream-soda skyjuice across the land, feeding all the cute Pokémon and baby animals that cried out in hunger, she pressed her tooth into Jolteon's paw. And as they fell together in a shiny fit of love, the special event involving eating a stack of pizzas lay on the floor, North African Batman and forgotten.

…wait, I lost track back there… What am I? | My RPG!
1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

SoraDesmondEzio wrote:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you…THE GRAND UNIFIED TIMELINE!!!!Note:This is not just a fanfiction, this is a record of my findings on how every book,TV show,video game,etc share a universe.
Wow, that's pretty impressive.
Plus I see a lot of Supernatural in there, which I approve of.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to emit a beacon of light from my seeing orbs.
500+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

If you haven't read Full Life Consequences, drop whatever you're doing and read it right now.

My signature was a really funny gif of Red wiggling her eyebrows, but I left it for a few months and it got taken down. Pity.
26 posts

Official Fanfic Thread

I saw this, and this is my current Fanfiction:
The Freezing
The first chapter is out right now. You'll love it!! Want me to do more? Just ask!!
ask [wanna read this??] and wait
This is the first Chapter!

I am DETERMINED. I will not give up.
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

New idea, inspired by a Radioactive AMV.

Mewtwo was captured by scientists. Shot with a tranquilizer gun when Mewtwo was off guard, the godlike Pokemon was tested on. A boy living near the lab, Markl, was hit by a blast, losing half of his spirit. He subsequently felt light-headed, and was rushed to hospital, where he fell into a coma. Mewtwo had been taken over by the other half of Markl, containing conciousness and thoughts, but barely any memories… and no soul. In flashes, Mewtwo could see visions of Markl, and sensed Auras due to Markl being son of an Aura guardian. Mewtwo, discovering that they were void of soul, set off to find a soul, tearing through anything in his path, and attempting to gain at least emotion. Not spoiling my idea for the end!

…wait, I lost track back there… What am I? | My RPG!
57 posts

Official Fanfic Thread

I'm writing a Tunnels series fanfic, in which I brought back my fav characters that died.
I'm also writing a Tunnels-Silver Cross.

I guess, well, here's part of that~

“…nt the best for your lawn…”
“…llstate. Are you in good ha…”
Mark sighed. No luck. He rested his chin in his hand, patiently adjusting the pencil. There
was a huge explosion of static.
“Hello… hello? Get out of there… I repeat, GET OUT OF THERE NOW! The Infected are planning
an attack… we're sending Caitlyn and someone else back to get you… there's enough room. And
the only reason we've survived is because one of us can tear the Infected in half with his hands.”
Mark jerked his head up. “Caitlyn? They were talking to us, weren't they? How do they know Caitlyn?”
he asked to no one in particular.
“Uhhh… Mark, is that you? He's serious! We've spotted tons of Infected out there.” It was Caitlyn's voice.
Paul jumped up. “Caitlyn! Are you okay? Weren't you becoming an Infected?”
“Paul, I'm fine now. These guys are amazing. They stopped the spreading, and I can't give it to anyone. My
arm and face are still silver, but…”
“Who exactly are you with?” Adam snapped.
“Are you sure it's not contagious anymore?” Adam asked.
Paul flinched.
“Caitlyn, Sparks? Ready?” said someone else.
“I think so. Look, everyone, I'm coming over now,” Caitlyn said.
There was another explosion of static before anyone could respond. Erika gave out a long sigh. Mark
set down the pencil.
“So, she's with a group of people, and she believes they've cured her, huh? And whoever she's with
wants us to come over there,” Paul stated.
Mark nodded. “I just can't get over how they contacted us like that,” he whispered, almost to himself.
“Well, are we going to listen to them, or not?” Adam asked Paul.
“I think we should at least see their shelter,” he responded. Mark shifted.
“Paul, are you sure?” Erika sounded uneasy.
Mark was uneasy himself.
He wanted to know who had contacted him.

The next line is the quote in my signature, once it switches back to Caitlyn's point of view.

Why the heck is Gaster's head photoshopped onto the TINPB guy?

Because character quota
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

StarscreamClone wrote:

Whenever I look at fanfics from old obsessions, I immediately a) gag from the childishness, b) shred it, c) think to myself that I'll probably react the same way to the fanfics I may be writing now. XD

eveadelekitty wrote:

Read some Ranma and Azumanga Daioh.

Thinking of a crossover where Ranma ends up in a freaky dream world, in which female Ranma has to escape by having to be the backseat driver of the Yukarimobile. Main characters are Ranma, Yukari, Kalik, Chiyo, and Chiyo #2, Chiyo's duplicate. Chiyo is just going to be deeply disturbed and Ranma has to try to keep her calm, but it's absolutely impossible due to both being deeply disturbed. And Chiyo #2 has to function as different parts of the car that get torn off during the ride. They are chasing a cat, Kalik, which holds a mini-portal out of this world into Ranma's world in a locket around its neck. And Chiyo is staying conscious and calm by constantly eating. Thus, Ranma has to hang out the window half the time to grab stuff off the road. And, in the dream world, food is plentiful. The thing is, Chiyo, Yukari, and Ranma are the real ones, trapped in the dream world. And, Chiyo #2 isn't a dream being. Chiyo #2 is a real-life being, the manifestation of Chiyo's older hair-bobby-thingies. Both Chiyos are deathly afraid of the Yukarimobile. And Chiyo #2 is pretty much SCREWED OVER when it comes to her seat for the Yukarimobile. She, though scared 15/16 to death, does her part to save the world by holding a DANGER sign up, no matter where she is in the car.
I've got a good base. Just gotta learn to make it work.
It'll just be called, simply, (The?)Yukarimobile.
I'm so dumb sometimes.
Actually have a whole SWATH of OC's, including Leppa the Leafeon and some others. Someday they'll star in a webcomic. Then there's Mimi-chan the half Ax Crazy half Genki Girl (Yes, TV Tropes ruined my vocabulary.) Flareon… and Rabuta's pencil. Made a rough copy early sketch about Smite in a notebook. Now we wait.

…wait, I lost track back there… What am I? | My RPG!
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

*Rabuta steals laptop and runs off with it through portal*
“HELLO TO EVERYONE AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO I AM! I just found this washed up in Documents… hey, it looks cool! LET'S EXPOSE THIS EVE PERSON'S STUFF! Oh wait, she's my weird alter ego. Oh hey, this looks nice! ”Two Intelligent Uncles Sitting To The Beat“… Cool!”
Two Intelligent Uncles Sitting to the Beat

Rabuta looked at the giant guillotine in her hands and felt ecstatic.
She walked over to the window and reflected on her pretty surroundings. She had always loved her quiet pocket dimension with its leaking, large lakes. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel ecstatic.
Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Kaisu . Kaisu was an adorable Jolteon with long ears and spiky head whatevers.
Rabuta gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a hilarious, charming, soda drinker with long ears and blocky head whatevers. Her friends saw her as a slightly annoying, gaming goddess. Once, she had even rescued a cute puppy from a burning building.

But not even a hilarious Glaceon who had once rescued a puppy from a burning building, was prepared for what Kaisu had in store today.
The moon shone like bouncing badgers, making Rabuta delighted.
As Rabuta stepped outside and Kaisu came closer, she could see the creepy glint in his eye.
“I am here because I want a hug,” Kaisu bellowed, in a friendly tone. He slammed his fist against Rabuta's chest, with the force of 9000 kittens. “I * love you, Rabuta .”
Rabuta looked back, even more delighted and still fingering the giant guillotine. “Kaisu, would you like me to release the puppy horde?” she replied.
They looked at each other with jumpy feelings, like two oily, obedient ostriches rampaging at a very energetic funeral, which had video game music playing in the background and two intelligent uncles sitting to the beat.
Rabuta regarded Kaisu's long ears and his head whatevers. She held out her hand. “Let's not fight,” she whispered, gently.
“Hmph,” pondered Kaisu.
“Please?” begged Rabuta with puppy dog eyes.
Kaisu looked happy, his body blushing like an inexpensive, icy ice sword.
“I… guess?”
Then Kaisu came inside for a nice drink of soda.


*Rabuta is still laughing for 10 minutes, then deletes the evidence and hands the laptop to Eve, her alter ego, disappearing suddenly into her pocket dimension Terra.*

I wonder what she did? *checks history* WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!?!

Last edited by eveadelekitty (Aug. 8, 2014 00:17:52)

…wait, I lost track back there… What am I? | My RPG!
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

eveadelekitty wrote:

Pretty self-explanatory. You can discuss a fanfic you're writing, post snippets or one-shots, adopt an unwanted fic idea, or even link to a thread for chapters of your own fanfic!
If this should be in Things I'm Making Or Creating, move it.
Make sure the fanfic is appropriate and follows the rules of this forum or I may have to get someone to take the threads down!

Fanfic Plot Idea Hall Of Fame:
None so far!

My fanfic idea right now is:
Berry Parfait, the adventures of my OC's. The crack, it BURNS.

Have fun!
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

I wrote a Pokemon fanfic once about Pokemon going to school. Pikachu was the main character and friends witha Mudkip and Bulbasaur. He was bullied by Medicham but they eventually became friends. The villain in the story was Gengar and he and Pikachu both run for student body president. Oh, and Alakazam was the principal.

I also made an outline for a Last Airbender story where Zuko hires a mercenary from the Earth Kingdom to catch the Avatar for him. The reason he is not going after the Avatar himself at the moment is that he is training to fight Azula in a duel. He still loses, by the way. I abandoned it, but now that I have typed it, I want to come back to it.

I have the outline for a Warrior Cats fanfic where Graystripe trains an apprentice named Lunarpaw. One day, he sneaks out on his own to catch prey by himself and he comes to the ShadowClan border. He meets another apprentice, but he is from ShadowClan. Every night, Lunarpaw sneaks out to talk to him and they become friends. When ThunderClan goes to war with ShadowClan, Lunarpaw is faced with the toughest decision of his life, stay loyal to ThunderClan or join ShadowClan to fight alongside his best friend. Unfortunately, he betrays ThunderClan and is killed by a ShadowClan cat because he has the ThunderClan scent. The story ends there. I actually plan to write this one.
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

I'm working on a my little pony fanfic where each pony has a great secret. I started it right before equestria girls came out and the only secret I'm sure of is that fluttershy is half pony, half changeling. What do you think?

A friend is someone
you watch with all your sight
you know with all your heart
and you love with all your might
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

okay actually I am working on several fanfics including
Eeveengers meets My Little Warrior Cats
an eevee that evolves similar to a ben ten way and then gets transported to the normal world later
a starswirl academy with pokemon
please tell me if these ideas are as crazy as almost everyone says they are

A friend is someone
you watch with all your sight
you know with all your heart
and you love with all your might
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

this is a cool thread

Last edited by ghinrichs (Nov. 17, 2014 04:52:17)

A friend is someone
you watch with all your sight
you know with all your heart
and you love with all your might
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

I've written a ton of Pokemon fanfics (just rediscovered a Word document with 33 pages worth of them actually). I'm considering posting some of the better ones on Scratch. What do you think?

Are you a writer of any kind? Check out the Writers' Guild of Scratch!

Looking for project ideas? The Creative Spark studio is packed full of projects designed to jumpstart your imagination!

“Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of your horn. They teach you there’s a boundary line to music. But, man, there’s no boundary line to art.”
—Charlie Parker
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

You shoul do it! Please post a link here if you decide to

A friend is someone
you watch with all your sight
you know with all your heart
and you love with all your might
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

ghinrichs wrote:

You shoul do it! Please post a link here if you decide to
I'll probably post it sometime this weekend. I'm busy for the next few days, but after that we will see.

Last edited by Code_Name_Geek (Nov. 6, 2014 04:24:38)

Are you a writer of any kind? Check out the Writers' Guild of Scratch!

Looking for project ideas? The Creative Spark studio is packed full of projects designed to jumpstart your imagination!

“Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of your horn. They teach you there’s a boundary line to music. But, man, there’s no boundary line to art.”
—Charlie Parker
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

Hey if you guys don't mind crazy, I have a partially done Eevengers meets My Little Warrior Cats fanfic (yes, I am a total geek). It is short enough so far that I can share it here. Someone please tell me if I should.

A friend is someone
you watch with all your sight
you know with all your heart
and you love with all your might
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

it is not hard to post yes or no, and this isn't a dead forum thread. Will someone else post please

A friend is someone
you watch with all your sight
you know with all your heart
and you love with all your might
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

Hey I'm new to this thread! And here is a pokemon Fan fiction !

The Egg…

Chapter 1

In the Qixi region on the other side of the world further away from any other region there lived a boy named Luke. Luke was an exceptionally good pokemon trainer. He did not get his starting pokemon from the nearest Professor who is Prof. Evergreen. He got his first pokemon from his father when Luke was 6. He got a rare pokemon named Lingsap which looked like a little, cute sapling! Luke caught many more pokemon and to this day is still roaming the Qixi region. Lapsing had evolved into a huge Elder! Which was thought to be its final evolution……..

It was January 19th 2020, At 3.00 A.M. The Impossible happended….
Luke woke up to a bright light at the end of his bed, he got up to see what it was. Suddenly the force of the light knocked Luke flying to the other side of his room. In anger Luke wentoverto the light and kicked it. But that just made it worse…….
The light grew in height and width and it grew legs and arms! It was a huge tree-like being with red and blue veins all over his body and head. Luke searched his backpack for the pokeball containing Elder, he found it but when he opened it nothing came out…..
He then realised that the monstrosity standing in front of him was no longer Elder but was something completely different….
End of Chapter 1

Thanks for reading! If you want to see what happens next then reply to this saying that you do!
Also please read the info tabs below!!! Thanks for your time! Hope you enjoyed!

Info On the Qixi region!
Geographic Facts
The Qixi region is a small region made up of numerous islands (12 to be exact) there are rumours that there is a legendary pokemon known as Wem lives under one of these islands that the Qixi Region is made up of……..

What does The evolutions of Lingsap look like?
Need artists! Please reply if you want to design some pokemon for the Qixi region!

Check out all my projects
But Check this one out first!

100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

super awesome! Please keep writing.

A friend is someone
you watch with all your sight
you know with all your heart
and you love with all your might

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