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Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

nickidj wrote:

I have a question: have I become popular? I wish I could be on scratch wiki…
You don't have to be popular to become an editor. However, if you mean getting your own page, then no, that will never happen.

1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

I just noticed the list of “current moderators” on this page: https://en.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/Moderation

The list seems to be very outdated. Most of the moderators on the Scratch Team are not listed here.

Rather than try to figure out which Scratch Team members are moderators and going through the effort to update this list whenever a moderator joins or leaves the team, I propose that the list be removed entirely. I certainly understand why we might like a list of Scratch Team members, but I don't see how a list of moderators would be useful.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Za-Chary wrote:

I just noticed the list of “current moderators” on this page: https://en.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/Moderation

The list seems to be very outdated. Most of the moderators on the Scratch Team are not listed here.

Rather than try to figure out which Scratch Team members are moderators and going through the effort to update this list whenever a moderator joins or leaves the team, I propose that the list be removed entirely. I certainly understand why we might like a list of Scratch Team members, but I don't see how a list of moderators would be useful.
That's a good idea. Thanks for pointing this out, I removed the list.

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
500+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

I have a question: when Scratch have Scratch 4.0?

“Ngày ấy khi đôi mươi tôi đem lòng thương nhớ ai
Ngày ấy người ta nói sẽ quay về
Ngày ấy bão trong tim nhưng tôi chỉ biết đứng yên
Ngày ấy có cơn đau quên đặt tên.”
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

dexterann wrote:

I have a question: when Scratch have Scratch 4.0?
Scratch 4.0 is not in development, and there are no plans for a 4.0 version.

12 posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

32 posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Je n'arrive pas a me crée un compte alors que je clique sur “demander un compte” !

Mon site ici ! — Je travaille sur ce projet avec d'autres développeurs : Voir les développeurs (Site de mon projet) ! — Je suis entrain de préparé un podcast qui sera diffuser sur Scratch : Les news de l'informatique (qui seront relier à mon site).
Descendez ! il y a des trucs en bas
Descendez ! il y a des trucs en bas………………….. Descendez ! il y a des trucs en bas
Funfact : La première lettre de mon pseudo est tiré de mon prénom ! De plus, mon pseudo révélé l'une de mes personnalités : Bavare.
Citation : “Seul, nous pouvons faire si peu ; ensemble, nous pouvons faire tant.” - Helen Keller
Vous avez besoin d'un logo ou d'images pour un projet ? Alors contactez moi dans les commentaires : je vous en fait. Un exemple : mon logo
Naviguateur web préféré : Firefox et Chrome - Système d'exploitation : MacOS  Mon OS de tous les jours) et Windows (OS secondaire) - Language de programmation appris : Scratch et (en cours d'apprentissage) Python - Âge : 11 ans
A la recherche de personne pour m'aidé dans le développement et le desing de mon système d'exploitation Auronext LightOS. - Studio du projet — Je suis vierge !!!!!!!!!!

1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Lapipelette wrote:

Je n'arrive pas a me crée un compte alors que je clique sur “demander un compte” !
you have to apply

1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Lapipelette wrote:

Je n'arrive pas a me crée un compte alors que je clique sur “demander un compte” !
FR: Vous devez demander un compte avant de pouvoir devenir un éditeur Scratch Wiki. Vous pouvez en savoir plus ici.

EN: You need to request an account before you can become a Scratch Wiki editor. You can learn more here.

1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Hi! I've been a Portuguese (Brazil) translator for Scratch since 2019 and would like my name added to the Translators page. I would like my name listed as “Gabriel Zanette”. Thank you!

Am I in the right place :d

1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Fupicat wrote:

Hi! I've been a Portuguese (Brazil) translator for Scratch since 2019 and would like my name added to the Translators page. I would like my name listed as “Gabriel Zanette”. Thank you!

Am I in the right place :d

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so badWhy the April Fools' Day forum didn't work last year
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

why does the translators page use scratchers first and last names

i do stuff

image updates whenever i check
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Thanks jvvg!

Marc92020 wrote:

why does the translators page use scratchers first and last names
It's good for your resume. I added my translation experience to my portfolio, and now any potential employers can verify that I actually worked on translating Scratch through the credits page.

1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Fupicat wrote:

Thanks jvvg!

Marc92020 wrote:

why does the translators page use scratchers first and last names
It's good for your resume. I added my translation experience to my portfolio, and now any potential employers can verify that I actually worked on translating Scratch through the credits page.
but then how come scratch team members first and last names arent allowed but scratchers first and last names are

Last edited by Marc92020 (Jan. 5, 2022 17:48:13)

i do stuff

image updates whenever i check
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Marc92020 wrote:

but then how come scratch team members first and last names arent allowed but scratchers first and last names are
That was by request of the Scratch Team. We have not received any such request for the translators list.

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so badWhy the April Fools' Day forum didn't work last year
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

jvvg wrote:

Marc92020 wrote:

but then how come scratch team members first and last names arent allowed but scratchers first and last names are
That was by request of the Scratch Team. We have not received any such request for the translators list.

i do stuff

image updates whenever i check
35 posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

make a page called carpeediem she is the coolest st member
35 posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

TheGlassPenguin wrote:

dexterann wrote:

I have a question: when Scratch have Scratch 4.0?
Scratch 4.0 is not in development, and there are no plans for a 4.0 version.
scratch 4.0 is coming in 2025
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

xxgyuh_1x wrote:

TheGlassPenguin wrote:

dexterann wrote:

I have a question: when Scratch have Scratch 4.0?
Scratch 4.0 is not in development, and there are no plans for a 4.0 version.
scratch 4.0 is coming in 2025
the 6 year gap is just a coincidence
and 3.0 is not complete yet

(This is a signature, not part of my post and will always be there. Go to here, scroll down and click Change your signature.)
I sometimes go on topics without any replies or a answer.
I also like playing RPGs mostly of puzzles such as OneShot, Undertale/Deltarune.
I also x2 like playing Ragnarok Online, also a RPG.
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

xxgyuh_1x wrote:

make a page called carpeediem she is the coolest st member
We do not (generally) create articles about scratchers and projects

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so badWhy the April Fools' Day forum didn't work last year

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