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- QuirkyKittten
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Last edited by QuirkyKittten (March 25, 2020 14:51:51)
- JediRey768
3 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25067653/ this is my studio and I feel like this studio is followed by many and people love rping here

- dragonbros119
10 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
This is my studio that I made for Harry Potter, Wings of Fire, and Warriors projects.

I made it with three topics so scratchers can choose either.
Please feature it…..
Thanks- @dragonbros119

This is my studio that I made for Harry Potter, Wings of Fire, and Warriors projects.

I made it with three topics so scratchers can choose either.
Please feature it…..
Thanks- @dragonbros119

- Oooot5
48 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/283312/ let's go!
when green flag clicked
turn cw what degrees
- BLOBBY4862
2 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
- fromage-
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Studio all about staying positive! Description has more info.
Studio all about staying positive! Description has more info.

- 1HappyFroYo1
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
This studio invites Scratchers to talk about music and artists as a group! This helps others find new favorite songs, and we have activities and guessing games! https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25191760/projects/
- devinehan
6 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25184239/ I find this studio to be inspiring and I think it could help a lot of people.
- Nakelipuppy
17 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
i made a cursed scratch project that you press stop to win like thiswhen [ timer] > (0.000001)
next costume
when green flag clicked
reset timer
Don't advertise. This is for studios only
Last edited by Nakelipuppy (Sept. 22, 2019 23:33:18)
- Nakelipuppy
17 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon COOL

- robocoder999
4 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
How do you comment on a forum without quoting?
add [robocoder99's] to [forum]
- Cattima
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
I propose that: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25199926/ . This studio is about saving wolves!
- kenny2scratch
500+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
French, German, ChineseTranslations:
-snipped OP-
- 有一個有趣、激勵創新的題目
- 集中在一個具體的專案種類或題目——比如滑鼠痕跡或者歷史時尚。我們發現具體的題目大多數會更激勵創新!
- 有至少一位活躍的管理員(兩位就更好),但不要太多管理員
- 有少於 100 個專案
- 有至少兩個專案可以用來參考創作坊的專案應該跟甚麼規格
- 不允許所有人加專案(為了安全起見),但是同時邀請任何人在評論裡要求策展員加自己的專案
- 圖標不是一個動畫圖像(因為否則首頁會慢下來)
- 不是一個「甚麼都加」創作坊
- (非必須)有多語言的簡介,並/或者邀請任何人幫手翻譯創作坊的簡介
- 有一个有趣、激励创新的题目
- 集中在一个具体的专案种类或题目——比如滑鼠痕迹或者历史时尚。我们发现具体的题目大多数会更激励创新!
- 有至少一位活跃的管理员(两位就更好),但不要太多管理员
- 有少于 100 个专案
- 有至少两个专案可以用来参考创作坊的专案应该跟什么规格
- 不允许所有人加专案(为了安全起见),但是同时邀请任何人在评论里要求策展员加自己的专案
- 图标不是一个动画图像(因为否则首页会慢下来)
- 不是一个「什么都加」创作坊
- (非必须)有多语言的简介,并/或者邀请任何人帮手翻译创作坊的简介
请不要多次提出同一个创作坊! 如果再提出创作坊时,你能解释那个创作坊的题目怎样独一、有趣、和具体,那就更好。
Last edited by kenny2scratch (Sept. 24, 2019 10:32:46)
- the_cat_meows
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Here is my Is it Dead Yet? studio. A studio with surveys about certain memes, games, and musicians. I definitely think that this studio should be featured. Here it is: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/8607776/
- hibyeperson
53 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
I think that this studio deserves a feature
- my_class
65 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Creative painting, drawing and scratch ideas should inspire each other: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5842938/
- PinkFlower101_1
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25202530/ Is a very unique, creative and overall, truly awesome studio!
- collibra000
20 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
this is my studio and i find my studio to be cute cause of dogs.
please feature this cause i be very happy if this is featured
this is my studio and i find my studio to be cute cause of dogs.
please feature this cause i be very happy if this is featured
- collibra000
20 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
wait do you decide cause now its featured I think that this studio deserves a feature