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- HDGraphics
18 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
I made a magnifying glass game! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/176436960/
- g2amus
2 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
plz feature scratch team
It would be so cool!
Comment on this if you want it to be featured

It would be so cool!
Comment on this if you want it to be featured
- coonyiscute
78 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Please consider featuring Save the Wolves! because it is trying to spread the word about saving a creature from being hunted, and I really think that it is a studio that definitely deserves the feature.
- yyyyu
13 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
i would like to propose my tank trouble stuio
- Wild_Koi_Studio
24 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
I am trying to form a game development team that will use Scratch for live game jams. I made this studio to show off some of my better projects, game ideas and the general direction of our team. please consider adding it. I spent a lot of time on these projects and have been a member for 8 years. - Locomule
Last edited by Wild_Koi_Studio (Sept. 27, 2017 04:36:34)
- purplewolves
500+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
I was wondering when the suggest a project studio would be advertised and the last forum would be closed, I was also wondering what would happen with the studios! and look now I don't have to wonder any longer! xD
- purplewolves
500+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Please provide a link i would like to propose my tank trouble stuio

- Samorot541
4 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
I Think Beta-games Should be a studio on the feature page! https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/3905743/projects/
- WolfCat67
1000+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/176216043/Please suggest projects at this studio. Thanks!plz feature scratch team
It would be so cool!
Comment on this if you want it to be featured
- I_Like_Oranges
1 post
Propose Studios to be Featured
hello! I think that this studio should be featured, because it really shows that the scratch community, and the people in it, are bonding. I know scratchers can leave scratch if they want to, but people are sad when they do, because they've made REAL friends on here, even if they don't have many real ones. https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4292944/ I really hope you see this.
define me
say [I am amazing] for (2) secs
set [Awesomeness v] to [1000]
set [Love of scratch v] to [infinity]
- purplewolves
500+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Love that idea! This is a nice idea, but I think maybe you guys should make it so the person makes a trailer for the studio (in a project) kinda like SDS Studio spotlight. And then you could have a separate studio with all the projects.
- purplewolves
500+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Hey! Make sure to check out this cool studio! I think it would be a great studio to be featured since it answers people's questions!: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4231285/comments/
- HuggleMePls
1 post
Propose Studios to be Featured
I believe this project should be featured because it is very different from all the others, and is very entertaining.
I believe this project should be featured because it is very different from all the others, and is very entertaining.
- jean-pierre-scratch
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Hi! I propose the “PawPaw Animal Society” studio to be featured, as it supports a good cause, which is helping animals by donating and adopting them. It has some amazing tips on how to help animals! Thanks!
Here's the link: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/2937938/ Ty!

- -SugarySweet-
6 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
This is a really cool speed draw and it's probably the best speed draw I have seen. 885 costumes


- TheChocolateLover223
17 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Hello, I am requesting that you please feature, Paw Paw Animal Society It was once featured, but then, somebody deleted everything, and then, for the past few months, we have been inviting animal lovers and doing polls, and , yeah! So much has happened since that incident, that everything is back up and rolling! As I said, I am requesting that you feature, Paw Paw Animal Society. It is an amzing studio, if you want to check it out, just ask me, @TheChocolateLover223 for a link!

- TheChocolateLover223
17 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
pretty cool
Um… Who are you talking about???

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