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phone number censor and links

sorry for the confusion must have been something else

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1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

miniepicness wrote:

CellularData wrote:

EDIT: or it was a 1800 link…
Yeah, that too. That should be fixed too
I asked Paddle2See about that a couple of months ago and he said they stopped censoring generic bits of phone numbers like 1800, but then started it again after a spam attack. I don't know how severe that attack was, maybe it would be worth keeping them uncensored. I find that they cause false positives with dates as well as URLs, and that will be an even bigger problem when 2018 comes around.

Last edited by stickfiregames (March 20, 2017 23:31:07)

If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

or you just used Inspect Element, you hacker

1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

All the strategies here failed.
Is there possibly a one which will never fail?
Let's review everything so far.

jromagnoli wrote:

lugga wrote:

miniepicness wrote:

ST please fix this!
Do you have an example of this? 10 digit project ID's? I'll see if I can find something.
The projects are only at 9 digits, but in a few years they will be at 10 digits. The ST does have some time to fix this, but it will be hard if this happens. Maybe a change to hexadecimal?

QuantumSingularity wrote:


I didn't think about that. That would be something very important to change. Maybe adding letters into the code like YouTube does?

CellularData wrote:

The easiest way to fix this would be to exempt the phone number filter in Scratch URLs.

Except for one HUGE problem…

Let's say your number is 314-159-2653 (This is pi, and actually not even a real phone number so don't get mad at me). You could give out your number by linking to this project:

All you'd have to do is say something like “the number in the URL is my number” and people would get what you meant.

Another fix could be to skip 10 letter URLs and jump to 11 letters, but this presents another problem:

This is a way bigger problem than it seems…

miniepicness wrote:

stickfiregames wrote:

miniepicness wrote:

stickfiregames wrote:

Remix-the-Dragon wrote:

I do suppose if we added letters, we could keep out letters like ‘F’, so it wouldn't end up being a bad word..
The easiest way is to block out vowels (and 0, 1 and l if you really need to). You might still get the consonants from a swear word in there but they wouldn't really be noticed when they're mixed in with a random string.
Y is a vowel, right?
it makes the sound yugh
and makes the sound (insert long i)
It's a vowel if it's pronounced like one. For the purposes of this it would probably always count as one just in case.
wait cant we just copy off of “ROBLOX” and use the project name for the link?
(dashes are spaces, unicode symbols left out, underscores left out, real dashes left out)

stickfiregames wrote:

With the way this is going you might want to look at this, it's a suggestion for custom project URLs. I support that, but (1) they shouldn't be able to change once you set them, and (2) each project would still have a number URL, if nothing else because there needs to be a way to refer to it before the creator gives it a name. They should have the username in them to stop namesnipes.

CellularData wrote:

I had an idea somewhat like that. So if you were linking to my 4th project (which is my best project tbh), it would look like this:

This would never become a problem, because if someone got 10 digits of projects I'd recommend that they be banned for spamming projects (I'm looking at you, people who say “i will move accounts at 3000 projects” and make 250 a day)

…BUT the other problem with it is really old links. There are some links left on the site that look like this:

Fortunately andresmh only has 25 projects, but if there were at least 104, that could be a HUGE issue.

So that's out.

The other idea would be like this (again using my 4th project as an example):

And we could also make the old links redirect. So if you typed in the project's real link (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/119943773/) then you'd get a redirect to the other link which I said above.

You'd also be able to view the project's other link, so you will know if you get the 200,000,000th project or whatever.

And there's no way for one user to have two projects with the same name, so I think this will work.

EDIT: Oh, I just realized the problem with renaming projects… Uhhhhhh… We can't do redirects for that, because I might name my other project that same thing. Some websites also have number codes in the URLs so if you type in the wrong title, it will go off of the number code (and you can also rename it) but number codes are the WHOLE REASON THIS IS A PROBLEM!

So, the best solution is this:
When your project is unshared, its URL is still the number code that is associated with it (all projects will still have a number code). When you share it, a pop-up will appear that says, “Your project's title is now going to be a permanent part of its URL. This CANNOT BE CHANGED.” You can then choose to go back and rename your project, or to continue and share it. The title upon first sharing is its permanent title.

dov3lyn wrote:

stickfire-test wrote:

How would you handle project titles that are all numbers? They would conflict with the current system.
Maybe make it so that in the URL the numbers change to letters, like:

So if a title is something like “3.14159265359” (pi) the URL would be “scratch.mit.edu/projects/EQRQTOWYTETO”.

However someone could use this to give out other information… I think Scratch should make it so people can't make titles with 10-digit or more numbers in them.
CellularData's final edit that is shown there is the only idea left, so we could use that. Time to show this to the ST.

Last edited by PkmnQ (May 27, 2017 09:17:18)

1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

^ Glad you like my suggestion! I think @cellulardata's suggestion would work well in most cases.

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If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

CellularData wrote:

The title upon first sharing is its permanent title.

Problem: What if someone put the version number in the title and then couldn't change it when they updated the project (say from V1.0 to V1.1) Unless I'm reading this wrong, is it only the URL in your example that becomes permanent or does the project title become permanent as well? I might be having a dumb moment here…

1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

PkmnQ wrote:

The only ideas not proven to be bad is the first one, hexadecimal and the Permanent URL name. Are there any flaws? If so, what can we improve about them?
We have proven that bad. What if there is a word that is blocked there? You wont be able to comment about your project! Who would like not being able to comment about their project.
500+ posts

phone number censor and links

ZZ9PluralZAlpha wrote:

CellularData wrote:

The title upon first sharing is its permanent title.

Problem: What if someone put the version number in the title and then couldn't change it when they updated the project (say from V1.0 to V1.1) Unless I'm reading this wrong, is it only the URL in your example that becomes permanent or does the project title become permanent as well? I might be having a dumb moment here…
Just in the URL. You could still rename it.

This is why when you first share a game, you should call it “Game Name”, not “Game Name 1.0”. Once it's shared, you can rename it to 1.0 though, and it wont affect the URL

A signature is a small piece of text that is attached to your posts. In it, you can enter just about anything you like. Perhaps you would like to enter your favourite quote or your star sign. It's up to you! In your signature you can use BBCode if it is allowed in this particular forum. You can see the features that are allowed/enabled listed below whenever you edit your signature.

favorite quote: “A signature is a small piece of text that is attached to your posts. In it, you can enter just about anything you like. Perhaps you would like to enter your favourite quote or your star sign. It's up to you! In your signature you can use BBCode if it is allowed in this particular forum. You can see the features that are allowed/enabled listed below whenever you edit your signature.”
star sign: cancer
1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

CellularData wrote:

ZZ9PluralZAlpha wrote:

CellularData wrote:

The title upon first sharing is its permanent title.

Problem: What if someone put the version number in the title and then couldn't change it when they updated the project (say from V1.0 to V1.1) Unless I'm reading this wrong, is it only the URL in your example that becomes permanent or does the project title become permanent as well? I might be having a dumb moment here…
Just in the URL. You could still rename it.

This is why when you first share a game, you should call it “Game Name”, not “Game Name 1.0”. Once it's shared, you can rename it to 1.0 though, and it wont affect the URL
Maybe you choose what shows in the URL and you can report innapropriate URLs

Bump because this is important
1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

Oh boy..
Hopefully it'll be able to tell whether or not it's in a link?

lh70 / nora/tobi / she-they pronouns / pansexual-demisexual / 14 / sagittarius / furry / artist / intp / stop-motion films / lbp / fall out boy / panic! at the disco / twenty one pilots / stranger things / a series of unfortunate events
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“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie
1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

LionHeart70 wrote:

Oh boy..
Hopefully it'll be able to tell whether or not it's in a link?
1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

And this still isnt fixed, data of the cellular tested it.

Last edited by miniepicness (July 28, 2017 03:22:31)

500+ posts

phone number censor and links

miniepicness wrote:

And this still isnt fixed, teal08 tested it.
I also tested it and my name isn't teal08

A signature is a small piece of text that is attached to your posts. In it, you can enter just about anything you like. Perhaps you would like to enter your favourite quote or your star sign. It's up to you! In your signature you can use BBCode if it is allowed in this particular forum. You can see the features that are allowed/enabled listed below whenever you edit your signature.

favorite quote: “A signature is a small piece of text that is attached to your posts. In it, you can enter just about anything you like. Perhaps you would like to enter your favourite quote or your star sign. It's up to you! In your signature you can use BBCode if it is allowed in this particular forum. You can see the features that are allowed/enabled listed below whenever you edit your signature.”
star sign: cancer
1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

CellularData wrote:

miniepicness wrote:

And this still isnt fixed, teal08 tested it.
I also tested it and my name isn't teal08
sorry I was thinking about teal08 after commenting on their profile
500+ posts

phone number censor and links

miniepicness wrote:

CellularData wrote:

miniepicness wrote:

And this still isnt fixed, teal08 tested it.
I also tested it and my name isn't teal08
sorry I was thinking about teal08 after commenting on their profile
lol i do the same sometimes

A signature is a small piece of text that is attached to your posts. In it, you can enter just about anything you like. Perhaps you would like to enter your favourite quote or your star sign. It's up to you! In your signature you can use BBCode if it is allowed in this particular forum. You can see the features that are allowed/enabled listed below whenever you edit your signature.

favorite quote: “A signature is a small piece of text that is attached to your posts. In it, you can enter just about anything you like. Perhaps you would like to enter your favourite quote or your star sign. It's up to you! In your signature you can use BBCode if it is allowed in this particular forum. You can see the features that are allowed/enabled listed below whenever you edit your signature.”
star sign: cancer
1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

miniepicness wrote:

And this still isnt fixed, data of the cellular tested it.
Nooo! This is terrible

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If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

jromagnoli wrote:

miniepicness wrote:

And this still isnt fixed, data of the cellular tested it.
Nooo! This is terrible
1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

Uh oh. I really did not think of this before. This is going to be a huge problem soon (the population of Scratcher's are growing, so this will come faster than we expect).

Now first off, let me say that even with the phone number censor here there are still work-arounds. For example, you could make an image of your number and then send someone a CubeUpload link of it. Or you could write it in pieces:


Please note that I am counting from 0-9, not actually using a phone number. Combine these numbers together, and you'll have my number. 0fhasdjhkf1sdfagsdgf2dasg3ag4ags5agd6agrre7asdg8agfd9.

Maybe we could skip the 10's and go to the 11's?

woah, haven't been on here in a while
1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

VideoGamerCanInvent wrote:

Uh oh. I really did not think of this before. This is going to be a huge problem soon (the population of Scratcher's are growing, so this will come faster than we expect).

Now first off, let me say that even with the phone number censor here there are still work-arounds. For example, you could make an image of your number and then send someone a CubeUpload link of it. Or you could write it in pieces:


Please note that I am counting from 0-9, not actually using a phone number. Combine these numbers together, and you'll have my number. 0fhasdjhkf1sdfagsdgf2dasg3ag4ags5agd6agrre7asdg8agfd9.

Maybe we could skip the 10's and go to the 11's?
11's still count as numbers. And far after that apparentally some countries have really long numbers
1000+ posts

phone number censor and links

miniepicness wrote:

VideoGamerCanInvent wrote:

Uh oh. I really did not think of this before. This is going to be a huge problem soon (the population of Scratcher's are growing, so this will come faster than we expect).

Now first off, let me say that even with the phone number censor here there are still work-arounds. For example, you could make an image of your number and then send someone a CubeUpload link of it. Or you could write it in pieces:


Please note that I am counting from 0-9, not actually using a phone number. Combine these numbers together, and you'll have my number. 0fhasdjhkf1sdfagsdgf2dasg3ag4ags5agd6agrre7asdg8agfd9.

Maybe we could skip the 10's and go to the 11's?
11's still count as numbers. And far after that apparentally some countries have really long numbers
Yeah I forgot about that…

woah, haven't been on here in a while

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