Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

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Shorten posts: quotes within qoutes within quotes within quotes… by theonlygusti -> Collapse quote/code by scimonster

If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

or you just used Inspect Element, you hacker

100+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

Here is mine: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/257879/

100+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

bigpuppy wrote:

There is a mistake with the link. It takes you to “wheatly_scratcher/” Instead of "https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Wheatly_Scratcher/". Can you please fix it?

Check these RPs out!: POWERED and Immortal!

Wheatly_Scratcher wrote:

Quoting oneself is just a desperate way to try to make oneself seem right.
(Tauqmuk) // Here is Tauqmuk, my kumquat protector. Because I'm curious, 
// I will reverse his name. K-U-M-Q-U-A-T. Wait, what? Tauqmuk: This signature has been eaten.
1000+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

raymie wrote:

Here is mine: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/257879/
That's a bit of a duplicate I think. Look at the comment I left in your topic.

Wheatly_Scratcher wrote:

bigpuppy wrote:

There is a mistake with the link. It takes you to “wheatly_scratcher/” Instead of "https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Wheatly_Scratcher/". Can you please fix it?
Whoops – thanks for catching that!

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
100+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

Could you please add my suggestion which is here? Thanks!
1000+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

TheMusicalMuse wrote:

Could you please add my suggestion which is here? Thanks!
We would, but that block is actually a duplicate. Try to come up with more ideas.

I used to be active on the forums, but I have mostly moved past Scratch. I still do check my Scratch messages, so if you'd like to talk to me, just leave a comment on my profile. My main project on Scratch was Cookie Clicker, but my newest project is Snake Snake, a game based off of Snake, but with two snakes, and you can play either singleplayer or multiplayer.

100+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

1000+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

Gabriel2900 wrote:

Part 2 plz, you forgot https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/252598/ and https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/257635/.
Could you give a name and and short description for both? Thanks. Just makes Bigpuppy's job easier.

I used to be active on the forums, but I have mostly moved past Scratch. I still do check my Scratch messages, so if you'd like to talk to me, just leave a comment on my profile. My main project on Scratch was Cookie Clicker, but my newest project is Snake Snake, a game based off of Snake, but with two snakes, and you can play either singleplayer or multiplayer.

1000+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

duckboycool wrote:

Gabriel2900 wrote:

Part 2 plz, you forgot https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/252598/ and https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/257635/.
Could you give a name and and short description for both? Thanks. Just makes Bigpuppy's job easier.
yes, please

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
1000+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

Could this just be called the Suggestions Directory?
It's confusing seeing ‘Idea Emporium"
Especially since you’re naming it a shop when it sort of isn't…?

Think before you act.
Actions speek louder than words.

hi there fella
1000+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

MathlyCat wrote:

Could this just be called the Suggestions Directory?
It's confusing seeing ‘Idea Emporium"
Especially since you’re naming it a shop when it sort of isn't…?

That's the only name I could think of. People will understand if they look after the “|” in the name.

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
100+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

Please add this: The Ultimate Scratch 3.0 Block Style Protest Megathread

Scratch Wiki Contributor • Active Forum User • New goal: 500 posts • 310/500 posts (62%)My projectsMy studiosMy profile

(-_-) // This is the Bob the good kumquat. He and his army fight evil kumquats.
(-@-) // This is one of the evil kumquats that eat up your signature!!!
100+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

Please add this: Messages Suggestion.

Scratch Wiki Contributor • Active Forum User • New goal: 500 posts • 310/500 posts (62%)My projectsMy studiosMy profile

(-_-) // This is the Bob the good kumquat. He and his army fight evil kumquats.
(-@-) // This is one of the evil kumquats that eat up your signature!!!
1000+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

titanscratch wrote:

Please add this: The Ultimate Scratch 3.0 Block Style Protest Megathread
That's already been added

titanscratch wrote:

Please add this: Messages Suggestion.
Sure thing!

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
1000+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

Ability to See a Project's Status by st19_galla
Show when a project is FE or NFE

Tell the user when their project is marked as NFE by NoxSpooth

also bumping this change:

stickfiregames wrote:

Shorten posts: quotes within qoutes within quotes within quotes… by theonlygusti -> Collapse quote/code by scimonster

Last edited by stickfiregames (June 12, 2017 22:03:50)

If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

or you just used Inspect Element, you hacker

1000+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

I forgot that I was the person to give descriptions.

Messages Suggestion
Allows a user to mark individual messages as read, rather than them all being marked at once when they go to the messages page.

I will get a replacement for the other one soon.

I used to be active on the forums, but I have mostly moved past Scratch. I still do check my Scratch messages, so if you'd like to talk to me, just leave a comment on my profile. My main project on Scratch was Cookie Clicker, but my newest project is Snake Snake, a game based off of Snake, but with two snakes, and you can play either singleplayer or multiplayer.

1000+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

stickfiregames wrote:

Ability to See a Project's Status by st19_galla
Show when a project is FE or NFE

Tell the user when their project is marked as NFE by NoxSpooth

also bumping this change:

stickfiregames wrote:

Shorten posts: quotes within qoutes within quotes within quotes… by theonlygusti -> Collapse quote/code by scimonster
All changed - thanks!

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
1000+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

duckboycool wrote:

I forgot that I was the person to give descriptions.

Messages Suggestion
Allows a user to mark individual messages as read, rather than them all being marked at once when they go to the messages page.

I will get a replacement for the other one soon.
Done! Thanks!

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
70 posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

Please add to the directory: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/265864/

Last edited by 8435 (June 13, 2017 17:58:10)

i used to have a main called @amberTALE but i didn't like the name
when green flag clicked
stop [all evil kumquats]
this should keep them away from my signature.

1000+ posts

<< The Suggestions Directory 3.0 | The list of suggestions >>

Remix Tree should have some kind of faster navigation by 8435
Allows people to go through remixes of projects based off of a numbering system.
The state of the suggestion is name to change if you want to leave a note about that.

Run without wait option by Jonathan50
Gives the option to the user to have the custom block script running and have the original script running as well, by making them run separately from each other.
The previous one kinda still fit, but I think that this is better. Also, the name should be changed to Asynchronous custom blocks.

I used to be active on the forums, but I have mostly moved past Scratch. I still do check my Scratch messages, so if you'd like to talk to me, just leave a comment on my profile. My main project on Scratch was Cookie Clicker, but my newest project is Snake Snake, a game based off of Snake, but with two snakes, and you can play either singleplayer or multiplayer.

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