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Starting this afternoon, I (probably) won't be able to take orders for three weeks. I may be able to post a bit if it's necessary, and there's a very slim chance I could take a music order.
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purr101 wrote:

Vice-Chairman: purr101 (On temporary leave until the 26th July so the secretary will fill in for the vice-chairman when they are gone)(Can hire members. Fills in for chairman when absent. Helps choose members on board.)

Im not on temp leave
Oops, sorry. I made a mistake. I'll fix that.

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

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Mail_lion wrote:

Sorry to bug you again but I realized I can do all positions except music, sound, BBcode (might be able to do that later), and I can do some banners and some art.

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Mail_lion wrote:

Mail_lion wrote:

Sorry to bug you again but I realized I can do all positions except music, sound, BBcode (might be able to do that later), and I can do some banners and some art.
Ok. I will put you down for those sections.

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

1000+ posts

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cheese-duck wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

Position(s) you are applying for: Trainee
How active are you: I can usually go on a couple times a day.
Total time on Scratch: About four years
Scratcher status: Scratcher
Welcoming Committee member?: Nope
Scratch wiki editor?: Nope
Any experience in other shops?: Nope
Are you following this thread?: Yes
Why should we pick you?: I don't have much experience, but I'll work hard and gain more.
(Side note: I have a few posts on my side account, just none on my main. I think.)
oh, hi there :}
Yes, hello. I am here now. Don’t ask me how i found this thing, i can’t remember, but i’m pretty sure i found the studio from your account? Probably?
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FloatingMuffins wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

Position(s) you are applying for: Trainee
How active are you: I can usually go on a couple times a day.
Total time on Scratch: About four years
Scratcher status: Scratcher
Welcoming Committee member?: Nope
Scratch wiki editor?: Nope
Any experience in other shops?: Nope
Are you following this thread?: Yes
Why should we pick you?: I don't have much experience, but I'll work hard and gain more.
(Side note: I have a few posts on my side account, just none on my main. I think.)
What departments would you like to be a trainee in?
I can do voice acting, writing, ideas, and reviews.
1000+ posts

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pinkiepie710 wrote:

FloatingMuffins wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

Position(s) you are applying for: Trainee
How active are you: I can usually go on a couple times a day.
Total time on Scratch: About four years
Scratcher status: Scratcher
Welcoming Committee member?: Nope
Scratch wiki editor?: Nope
Any experience in other shops?: Nope
Are you following this thread?: Yes
Why should we pick you?: I don't have much experience, but I'll work hard and gain more.
(Side note: I have a few posts on my side account, just none on my main. I think.)
What departments would you like to be a trainee in?
I can do voice acting, writing, ideas, and reviews.

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

FloatingMuffins wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

FloatingMuffins wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

Position(s) you are applying for: Trainee
How active are you: I can usually go on a couple times a day.
Total time on Scratch: About four years
Scratcher status: Scratcher
Welcoming Committee member?: Nope
Scratch wiki editor?: Nope
Any experience in other shops?: Nope
Are you following this thread?: Yes
Why should we pick you?: I don't have much experience, but I'll work hard and gain more.
(Side note: I have a few posts on my side account, just none on my main. I think.)
What departments would you like to be a trainee in?
I can do voice acting, writing, ideas, and reviews.
And uh, sorry for not mentioning this earlier, but I'm leaving for summer camp today and I won't be back until Saturday, so I won't be able to do any orders until next week. Sorry for the short notiice!
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adsuri wrote:

Position(s) you are applying for: reviewer
How active are you: a few hours a day
Total time on Scratch: 2m 1w
Scratcher status: Scratcher
Welcoming Committee member?: no
Scratch wiki editor?: no
Any experience in other shops?: no
Are you following this thread?: yes
Why should we pick you?: i think i would be a good reviewer

just a usual scratcher, nothing interesting to see here =P
1000+ posts

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npjensen wrote:

adsuri wrote:

Position(s) you are applying for: reviewer
How active are you: a few hours a day
Total time on Scratch: 2m 1w
Scratcher status: Scratcher
Welcoming Committee member?: no
Scratch wiki editor?: no
Any experience in other shops?: no
Are you following this thread?: yes
Why should we pick you?: i think i would be a good reviewer

H                                                                                    He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

72 posts

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~ warml

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Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Hi people

I think there's a rule saying not to bump if there's been activity in the past 24 hours. A lot of times I get mail from this topic only to see it's a bump (… or two bumps), but I can't just ignore messages from the topic because it might be something important… so can we bump a little less please? Maybe only if there hasn't been activity for 24 hours? Thanks.
100+ posts

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Username: zoyahammad
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music): Project Ideas
Description of work:About 10 to 15 ideas for projects
Colours: (if art)-
When you want it done:ASAP
Any more info: I just want ideas

100+ posts

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Could you?

Username: Legolover2018
Work you want done: Siggy banner thingy (Logo/art)
Description of work: It needs to be like my profile pic and have the words “Legolover”. Main logo is in the middle of banner and there is “Lego” on one side with “lover” on the other
Colours: Background need to be a redish-white (Just before pink/not pink)
When you want it done: Anytime. I'm not fussy.
Any more info: Please have the words spelt “Legolover” and not “LegoLover”

My biggest request yet


— Legolover —
- Scratchin' since 2018 - A very bored boi - Likes to make projecc - Helps out in the forum very rarely -
I was Front Page Curator (FPC) number 399!
Some of my projects that are actually good:
Blackbird | How to make your games remember | Interactive portal concept | Encoder/decoder
1000+ posts

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zoyahammad wrote:

Username: zoyahammad
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music): Project Ideas
Description of work:About 10 to 15 ideas for projects
Colours: (if art)-
When you want it done:ASAP
Any more info: I just want ideas

A quiz
Project Introducing yourself
A project where you tell some jokes
Project where you tell some interesting facts
Rock paper scissors
Coin toss
A contest
A platformer
Tutorials for Scratch
A recipe
An interactive orchestra
William Shakespeares stories
State your political opinions
Tic tac toe
A computer simulation

View more here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/195113/

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

2 posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Username: TheChocolateKitty101
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) banner
Description of work: Some type of background that's simple, brown kitties, possibly all over the place, or in several spots, and my username.
Colours: (if art) Brown, white, and simple light colors
When you want it done: By the end of this month
Any more info: Make sure the kitties are cute!

100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Legolover2018 wrote:

Could you?

Username: Legolover2018
Work you want done: Siggy banner thingy (Logo/art)
Description of work: It needs to be like my profile pic and have the words “Legolover”. Main logo is in the middle of banner and there is “Lego” on one side with “lover” on the other
Colours: Background need to be a redish-white (Just before pink/not pink)
When you want it done: Anytime. I'm not fussy.
Any more info: Please have the words spelt “Legolover” and not “LegoLover”

My biggest request yet

TheChocolatekitty101 wrote:

Username: TheChocolateKitty101
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) banner
Description of work: Some type of background that's simple, brown kitties, possibly all over the place, or in several spots, and my username.
Colours: (if art) Brown, white, and simple light colors
When you want it done: By the end of this month
Any more info: Make sure the kitties are cute!
Taken! ^^
100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Legolover2018 wrote:

Could you?

Username: Legolover2018
Work you want done: Siggy banner thingy (Logo/art)
Description of work: It needs to be like my profile pic and have the words “Legolover”. Main logo is in the middle of banner and there is “Lego” on one side with “lover” on the other
Colours: Background need to be a redish-white (Just before pink/not pink)
When you want it done: Anytime. I'm not fussy.
Any more info: Please have the words spelt “Legolover” and not “LegoLover”

My biggest request yet
Here is what it looks like:

(sorry, your profile picture is a bit blurry)
If you want anything to be changed, feel free to ask me! ^^
100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

TheChocolatekitty101 wrote:

Username: TheChocolateKitty101
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) banner
Description of work: Some type of background that's simple, brown kitties, possibly all over the place, or in several spots, and my username.
Colours: (if art) Brown, white, and simple light colors
When you want it done: By the end of this month
Any more info: Make sure the kitties are cute!

(hopefully this picture will do!)
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