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Forum Moderator
500+ posts

Scratch 3.0


Hi folks, could you please be more specific about what you don't like? Comments like, “it looks bad!” aren't particularly helpful or keeping with Scratch's Community Guidelines. Here are the arguments that I've collected thus far:

- The new colors have less contrast which make them harder to read
- The increased padding makes it more difficult to make complex projects (each block takes up more space)
- The increased size makes it more difficult to make complex projects (each block takes up more space unless you zoom out)
- It looks too childish / young (subjective … but an important consideration). This argument appears to be the result of a combination of colors, padding, and rounded corners.
- The rounded corners of the stage get in the way of making projects and will be awkward in “full screen” mode (HT @Chibi-Matoran)

Here are some of the arguments that I would put in the category of “not particularly helpful or constructive”:

- I don't like it!
- It's ugly!
- I don't like change!
- This is for babies!

What are we missing? Always happy to have a conversation, but please keep the Community Guidelines in mind when adding to this thread. Thanks!
100+ posts

Scratch 3.0



Notice! The info of the sprites is already visible! (e.g. x, y, name, rotation style, all those options)
If that stays there, IMO it's gonna make a lot of scrolling in the sprites list…


Last edited by MinecraftM153 (July 28, 2017 13:16:51)

I like to make drawings move elsewhere, but on here I do mainly coding experiments. Check them out if you want!
19 posts

Scratch 3.0

Sheep_maker wrote:

Charles12310 wrote:

Austinato wrote:

thisandagain wrote:

Hi folks,
Just a reminder to keep things on-topic. This topic is to discuss the Scratch 3.0 editor. This does not include discussion on other parts of the Scratch website or technologies from current or old versions of Scratch (e.g. Flash).
Not to seem rude, but this topic's name doesn't clarify this. We should change the title of this topic to “Scratch 3.0 editor.”
Yeah. Scratch 3.0 is more than just the editor.
Isn't Scratch 3.0 the unofficial name for Scratch Blocks, which only has to do with the editor?
(though this post says it's the unofficial name for the “next generation of Scratch,” which may or may not include the website redesign)

Scratch 3.0 refers to the editor, which is comprised by the blocks, the stage, the sprite pane. Basically what you see at llk.github.io/scratch-gui/. To launch it on the website, we will need to update the project page, but the community features of the Scratch website are not going to be overhauled to launch Scratch 3.0 in the same way as when Scratch 2.0 was launched.
500+ posts

Scratch 3.0

Jonathan50 wrote:

Ed8 wrote:

New concept! https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3409578/27959368-246e181e-62f5-11e7-9cca-6ff1a9391b2c.png

Source: https://github.com/LLK/scratch-gui/issues/514
RIP “draggable” 2007-2017

I quickly (in paint) reorganized and (slighty) recolored this concept art:

I hope my post helped you in some way! Post count: 500+

Current project: [s3Blocks: scratchblocks rewritten for Scratch 3.0] ::#4b4a60 //https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/290031/ Basically done!
This is my signature identifier “aWFtbml0cm9jaXBoZXI=”
1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0

NitroCipher wrote:

Jonathan50 wrote:

Ed8 wrote:

New concept! https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3409578/27959368-246e181e-62f5-11e7-9cca-6ff1a9391b2c.png

Source: https://github.com/LLK/scratch-gui/issues/514
RIP “draggable” 2007-2017

I quickly (in paint) reorganized and (slighty) recolored this concept art:

For a second I thought this was the actual concept art.
73 posts

Scratch 3.0

NitroCipher wrote:

Jonathan50 wrote:

Ed8 wrote:

New concept! https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3409578/27959368-246e181e-62f5-11e7-9cca-6ff1a9391b2c.png

Source: https://github.com/LLK/scratch-gui/issues/514
RIP “draggable” 2007-2017

I quickly (in paint) reorganized and (slighty) recolored this concept art:

Ugh. I think I liked it at the right. It makes it easier for right-handed. But you prefer left, that's up to you. I hope Scratch can allow us to change this in the future!
And, I don't think anything has been changed. The colors are the same. It may be just me.
500+ posts

Scratch 3.0

Phanthomphax wrote:

NitroCipher wrote:

Ugh. I think I liked it at the right. It makes it easier for right-handed. But you prefer left, that's up to you. I hope Scratch can allow us to change this in the future!
And, I don't think anything has been changed. The colors are the same. It may be just me.

The background color was a blue, now it is a grey.

I hope my post helped you in some way! Post count: 500+

Current project: [s3Blocks: scratchblocks rewritten for Scratch 3.0] ::#4b4a60 //https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/290031/ Basically done!
This is my signature identifier “aWFtbml0cm9jaXBoZXI=”
1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0

NitroCipher wrote:

Phanthomphax wrote:

NitroCipher wrote:

Ugh. I think I liked it at the right. It makes it easier for right-handed. But you prefer left, that's up to you. I hope Scratch can allow us to change this in the future!
And, I don't think anything has been changed. The colors are the same. It may be just me.

The background color was a blue, now it is a grey.
I really still like the player at the left and the blocks at the right…
An option to switch which side the player is on would be great. The blocks at the left just look… Messy to me for some reason, probably because I'm not used to it.

1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0

MinecraftM153 wrote:



Notice! The info of the sprites is already visible! (e.g. x, y, name, rotation style, all those options)
If that stays there, IMO it's gonna make a lot of scrolling in the sprites list…

Well, that's cool. I guess we don't need to right click on any sprite and then have to click on that info button anymore.

A few internet communication companies want to corrupt the internet by getting rid of net neutrality. Stop Them!
73 posts

Scratch 3.0

WolfCat67 wrote:

NitroCipher wrote:

Phanthomphax wrote:

NitroCipher wrote:

Ugh. I think I liked it at the right. It makes it easier for right-handed. But you prefer left, that's up to you. I hope Scratch can allow us to change this in the future!
And, I don't think anything has been changed. The colors are the same. It may be just me.

The background color was a blue, now it is a grey.
I really still like the player at the left and the blocks at the right…
An option to switch which side the player is on would be great. The blocks at the left just look… Messy to me for some reason, probably because I'm not used to it.
That's what we call preference.
I do mass video editing, and I'm getting used to having it at the right. I find the left pane easier to access.

Last edited by Phanthomphax (July 28, 2017 17:59:53)

500+ posts

Scratch 3.0

Just saw this image on the github page

Notice the coloring of the blocks being more similar to that of the scratch 2.0 blocks

I hope my post helped you in some way! Post count: 500+

Current project: [s3Blocks: scratchblocks rewritten for Scratch 3.0] ::#4b4a60 //https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/290031/ Basically done!
This is my signature identifier “aWFtbml0cm9jaXBoZXI=”
1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0

NitroCipher wrote:

Just saw this image on the github page

Notice the coloring of the blocks being more similar to that of the scratch 2.0 blocks
How recent is that? If it's very recent… Then that's great.

73 posts

Scratch 3.0

NitroCipher wrote:

Just saw this image on the github page

Notice the coloring of the blocks being more similar to that of the scratch 2.0 blocks
Man. The brown block on a white background. The saturation's not that great. If they could make the darker color a little bit more lighter? Ehh. I'm too judgy.
1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0

WolfCat67 wrote:

NitroCipher wrote:

Just saw this image on the github page

Notice the coloring of the blocks being more similar to that of the scratch 2.0 blocks
How recent is that? If it's very recent… Then that's great.
I don't think it's recent

- Sheep_maker This is a kumquat-free signature. :P
This is my signature. It appears below all my posts. Discuss it on my profile, not the forums. Here's how to make your own.
.postsignature { overflow: auto; } .scratchblocks { overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; }
73 posts

Scratch 3.0

thisandagain wrote:


Hi folks, could you please be more specific about what you don't like? Comments like, “it looks bad!” aren't particularly helpful or keeping with Scratch's Community Guidelines. Here are the arguments that I've collected thus far:

- The new colors have less contrast which make them harder to read
- The increased padding makes it more difficult to make complex projects (each block takes up more space)
- The increased size makes it more difficult to make complex projects (each block takes up more space unless you zoom out)
- It looks too childish / young (subjective … but an important consideration). This argument appears to be the result of a combination of colors, padding, and rounded corners.
- The rounded corners of the stage get in the way of making projects and will be awkward in “full screen” mode (HT @Chibi-Matoran)

Here are some of the arguments that I would put in the category of “not particularly helpful or constructive”:

- I don't like it!
- It's ugly!
- I don't like change!
- This is for babies!

What are we missing? Always happy to have a conversation, but please keep the Community Guidelines in mind when adding to this thread. Thanks!
I would like to know if the Scratch 3.0 is going to remove importing photos, or is it just temporary as of Scratch GUI?
100+ posts

Scratch 3.0

I want more effects like Ghost and pixelate, I think it would be neat, it's also useful to me because I make slideshows/ tributes and I need more effect options

change effect by 25

Yo to everyone.
I make tributes! Slideshows with effects based on fandoms fnaf and Pokémon mostly! See them here https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/3431879/
Forum Moderator
500+ posts

Scratch 3.0

Phanthomphax wrote:

thisandagain wrote:


Hi folks, could you please be more specific about what you don't like? Comments like, “it looks bad!” aren't particularly helpful or keeping with Scratch's Community Guidelines. Here are the arguments that I've collected thus far:

- The new colors have less contrast which make them harder to read
- The increased padding makes it more difficult to make complex projects (each block takes up more space)
- The increased size makes it more difficult to make complex projects (each block takes up more space unless you zoom out)
- It looks too childish / young (subjective … but an important consideration). This argument appears to be the result of a combination of colors, padding, and rounded corners.
- The rounded corners of the stage get in the way of making projects and will be awkward in “full screen” mode (HT @Chibi-Matoran)

Here are some of the arguments that I would put in the category of “not particularly helpful or constructive”:

- I don't like it!
- It's ugly!
- I don't like change!
- This is for babies!

What are we missing? Always happy to have a conversation, but please keep the Community Guidelines in mind when adding to this thread. Thanks!
I would like to know if the Scratch 3.0 is going to remove importing photos, or is it just temporary as of Scratch GUI?

That's just temporary.
1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0

thisandagain wrote:

Phanthomphax wrote:

I would like to know if the Scratch 3.0 is going to remove importing photos, or is it just temporary as of Scratch GUI?

That's just temporary.
Ah, that's good. I've certainly used that a couple of times, mostly to import some project thumbnails, some screenshots, or my profile picture.


I hope a preference setting is an option for which side the player is on, as I find that the player on the left is a lot better for me. I don't know why, but I always seem to have my mouse on the right side of the page more often than the left (there's usually more stuff going on at the right after all), so the blocks being over there as well makes more sense for me. Also, I'm just really used to the 2.0 way, and I'm sure even the people from 1.4 have gotten used to that way over time as well.

If a preference option were included, either in some editor settings of sorts or even in the Account Settings, that would be very appreciated.

Last edited by WolfCat67 (July 28, 2017 18:42:56)

100+ posts

Scratch 3.0

kaemar wrote:

I want more effects like Ghost and pixelate, I think it would be neat, it's also useful to me because I make slideshows/ tributes and I need more effect options

change effect by 25

What kind of effects are you imagining? I don't know if we will implement anything, but I am curious to know what kind of thing you have in mind.

delete this clone
500+ posts

Scratch 3.0

stymphalianbirb wrote:

kaemar wrote:

I want more effects like Ghost and pixelate, I think it would be neat, it's also useful to me because I make slideshows/ tributes and I need more effect options

change effect by 25

What kind of effects are you imagining? I don't know if we will implement anything, but I am curious to know what kind of thing you have in mind.
Hey, what about a “blur” effect ? That would be very cool ! (UI, animations, and even games !)

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