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The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

I added Red's Escape to the Arcade.

when green flag clicked
if <(sonic) = (awesome)> then
say [Sonic is awesome] for [forever] secs
say [Sonic is awesome] for [forever] secs
100+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Borrego as you did for pix RPG base could you give some tips on what to put in again
For pix rpg

Last edited by jamiewinter (Aug. 30, 2013 19:50:24)

Check out PixRPG! One of the best RPG Games On Scratch!
33 posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Math_Addict wrote:

Sir, is the review fine for you?
Thanks for the review! I'll see if I have time to edit it.

–Please try my seasonal games when you have the chance–
Currently it is: NBA 2K14
In this game, you can select quarter length and the two teams to play a full NBA game! This is a simulation so you don't have to do anything, just watch the teams play! Hope you like it

“Why fit in when you're born to stand out?”
- Dr. Seuss
33 posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Can you please put Blackjack up for review:
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11897728/ (here is the link)


–Please try my seasonal games when you have the chance–
Currently it is: NBA 2K14
In this game, you can select quarter length and the two teams to play a full NBA game! This is a simulation so you don't have to do anything, just watch the teams play! Hope you like it

“Why fit in when you're born to stand out?”
- Dr. Seuss
500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

100+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

I'm not sure what to do can somebody tell me?

– Not quite pixel pretzle
imagine, program, share.
Check out my mom: @mompretzel
Unfortunately the rest of my signature was eaten by an evil kumquat
100+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Hotel simulator 1.2 beta! Be the owner of your own hotel and get lots on money! remember to keep it clean and strong which makes more customers and money! more features coming soon! go here! oops something is wrong going down
-pixel pretzle

Last edited by Mrpretzle (Aug. 31, 2013 12:24:21)

– Not quite pixel pretzle
imagine, program, share.
Check out my mom: @mompretzel
Unfortunately the rest of my signature was eaten by an evil kumquat
100+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Airport tycoon. own an airport and 28 airplanes to earn money and get towers to increase safety and get more customers. Airport tycoon! grabbed a screenshot but don't know how to add it.

Last edited by Mrpretzle (Aug. 31, 2013 16:59:28)

– Not quite pixel pretzle
imagine, program, share.
Check out my mom: @mompretzel
Unfortunately the rest of my signature was eaten by an evil kumquat
100+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

borrego could you continue with pix rpg plz

Check out PixRPG! One of the best RPG Games On Scratch!
500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

jamiewinter wrote:

borrego could you continue with pix rpg plz

Did you see my last message? Check the game's comments
100+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Yes i did

Check out PixRPG! One of the best RPG Games On Scratch!
500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Hey, Uhh I know I haven't been here for a while (postwise) but I HAVE been checking. I want to advertise my nephew's project, The Hardest game in the world!

This made me cry. NO!!! NOT THE BOW TIE!!!
500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Just added: Cartman vs Psychics! Check out this week's special: Hilarious YouTube videos! Please add some, but follow the same rules as you would for projects!
78 posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Hello Mr. Borrego6165!

Would you please review my game Wasteland? It took 4 months to complete! Wasteland Link

Please give it an honest review. Thank you very much!
500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.


“The ultimate Scratch RPG.”

Game Design 2/10
I'd love to start this review on a high note, as it seems to have had a lot of effort put into it, but this is the main subject the game fails on. The first level in this game is sadly slow, and although it sounds really simple to play, it is difficult to beat. In fact, after a few goes I gave up and started writing this review; who knows what level comes after this? Basically like any turn-based rpg game, at certain points you encounter battles where for one player at a time, you battle the enemies. Unfortunately, I've never been a fan of them, so that will make the review biased from the start.

You select a tile, and it's probably best you go for one with an enemy on it to attack it. Then you have to press SPACE when the number reaches 5. Well, it keeps changing, and the higher you get the number the more hit points you have. This sounds fun so far, which it was, except there is no way to see what the enemy's health is. This, and the fact that even with all three of my units attacking the same guardian did not get rid of it. So once the enemies had their turns, so did I, and I still couldn't do it! This was with a few 5s and the odd 2s. Speaking of which, I kept accidentally hitting SPACE on the 3, but because of the long delay it kept landing on 5 anyway! Long story short: I was killed off.

Based on this slow level, (the units and enemies take ages to attack) as well as the fact that it won't let you exit early, (I put all of my units on a tile with an arrow and nothing happened!) I had to quit because I just wasn't enjoying myself. Now for the positives! One point for the classic turn-base elements (even if they are not my thing) and a second for when I had a little fun trying to press SPACE on the 5.

Originality 10/10
This RPG is a great example of taking something old (even if it is turn based) and turn it into something original. It's got new characters, it's set in modern day, and it even has a decent story (I got up to the first cutscene before the level above struck me). What I saw was new to me, ‘nuff said!

Ease Of Use 4/5
Clicking on enemies and pressing SPACE is simple, and there are little tips to help you out which are nice. This loses a point because nowhere in-game does it mention that you have to press SPACE to skip text in speech bubbles. I was also never told what health the enemies’ had, which made the first level more frustrating. Still, the existing tutorials justify the four.

Difficulty Balance 1/5
It was either really too difficult, or I simply wasn't taught how to play properly. The fact that I wasn't encouraged by the game to play after level 1 forces this to be a 1, for at least there is a challenge.

Graphics 3/5
I loved the floating menu buttons, the fading character images, and even the background in the menu. Ironically, the best picture loses this project a point because it's from google, unless it can be proven that it was taken by the creator with a camera. Even so, it doesn't go with the cartoony art of the rest of the game, so it would lose a point anyway. The graphics are great and detailed for the most part, but a second point is lost because there were too many little things that bugged me, such as white edges around the characters, units that weren't animated in the battles very well (or at all other than gliding), so this only gets a three. Please fix the glitch where the speech appears before it is printed.

By the way, this game isn't meant to be a comic strip, yet the default speech bubbles are used on the menu buttons! These should never be used because they make the project look messy, especially when they cover up other bits of information. Also, never have brightness as an option! It greatly lags any project, and brightness should not be used on any sprite… EVER.

Sound 5/5
Nice music, especially in the menu. A great use of sound effects too!

Firing Round 5/10 (This is the addition of the following scores)
Reliability 1/2
0 (Very Glitchy) 1 (A few glitches) 2 (Hardly any glitches)
Game Length 2/2
0 (Too Short) 1 (Descent Length) 2 (Long lasting or endless)
Game Pace 0/2
0 (Very slow or too long for it's own sake) 1 (Quite engrossing) 2 (Very well paced and fun)
Replay Value 0/2
0 (Would never replay/ did not want to finish it the first time) 1 (Might replay) 2 (Too good to stop!)
Programming 2/2
0 (Simple to make) 1 (Fairly advanced) 2 (It was very complex)

Overall Experience 20/50
This was an average experience. Sure the dialogue ruined the emersion for me, sure the actual first level I played really bugged me, but who knows what's after that level? After that there could be an amazing game, and after seeing the effort put into it so far (even if there are some annoying things like white edges around characters) I have a hunch that I'm missing out on something great. It could be me having high expectations, but there's something clinging me on that is causing me to give it more than a one out of fifty.

The script isn't up to par, such as no one questioning why there are guardians on the middle of the road. Surely at least one of them would gasp before the match begins. The dialogue could have been improved, such as the “joke” about cats and hogs? One of the characters then says something like “I have a plan but it's not a good one.” Then the girl says “It'll work!” Was she told the plan already to say this? Why are they going to this road? It would have been spookier if something suspicious was going on and we had to find out… and the clock's ticking! Tension! Drama! Not just trying to put in flat jokes with flat music for the cutscene. Instead of comedy this should have started quite scary, which would have altered my expectations for the whole game to something greater. Sure the menu's music was nice and it deserved 5/5, but the cutscene-music wasn't, and in terms of adding to the experience, it didn't.

So I wasn't excited, or tense, or even having much fun, but I felt like a little kid eager to find out what's next! Will this have the same effect on you? Maybe. In the meantime, this deserves a twenty.

TOTAL: 50/100

0-19 I could have made that in my sleep!
20-39 Needs a lot of work.
40-59 An average project I suppose.
60-79 Quite a cool project.
80-94 Wow! It only needs a bit of tweaking.
95-100 You're the top cat!

Last edited by Borrego6165 (Sept. 1, 2013 22:31:58)

78 posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Borrego6165 wrote:


“The ultimate Scratch RPG.”

Thanks for the review. It's a shame you couldn't get past the first level. There are 8 other battles, 10 other enemy types, 3 boss battles, hidden texts, a shop with 5 tiers of swords and 5 tiers of armor to buy, 2 different types of health packs, 3 new dialogue characters, and an extensive story. Feel free to go into the editor to skip the first level if you want. All you have to do is change the variable “game” to ‘3.’ Once you get armor and swords, you get more health and better critical hits and damage. Also, the enemies have no health, like many other real RPG games, to add a element of memorization and discovery. Again, thanks for the review though the first level really does not do this game justice. (PS I love your games!)

500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

bobthejoe68 wrote:

Borrego6165 wrote:


“The ultimate Scratch RPG.”

Thanks for the review. It's a shame you couldn't get past the first level. There are 8 other battles, 10 other enemy types, 3 boss battles, hidden texts, a shop with 5 tiers of swords and 5 tiers of armor to buy, 2 different types of health packs, 3 new dialogue characters, and an extensive story. Feel free to go into the editor to skip the first level if you want. All you have to do is change the variable “game” to ‘3.’ Once you get armor and swords, you get more health and better critical hits and damage. Also, the enemies have no health, like many other real RPG games, to add a element of memorization and discovery. Again, thanks for the review though the first level really does not do this game justice. (PS I love your games!)


Wow! So that's why I had a hunch! So how do you get rid of enemies that have no health- wouldn't that mean they have unlimited health? I tried moving my units onto the question mark and the arrow tiles and they never changed anything, so it's not like I didn't try.
78 posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Borrego6165 wrote:

Wow! So that's why I had a hunch! So how do you get rid of enemies that have no health- wouldn't that mean they have unlimited health? I tried moving my units onto the question mark and the arrow tiles and they never changed anything, so it's not like I didn't try.

The basic clockwork enemies (without shields) have 5 health in total. The ones with shields have 7. The clockwork commander has 10. In the second battle, you will meet a tougher type, but you will gain better weapons and armor in the shop! I released an update making level one more easy and making starting dialogue less dumb.

Oh and by ‘no health’ I meant no health listed. They have a variable value for their health. It's just it doesn't tell you how much they have.

Last edited by bobthejoe68 (Sept. 2, 2013 15:55:39)

500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

bobthejoe68 wrote:

Borrego6165 wrote:

Wow! So that's why I had a hunch! So how do you get rid of enemies that have no health- wouldn't that mean they have unlimited health? I tried moving my units onto the question mark and the arrow tiles and they never changed anything, so it's not like I didn't try.

The basic clockwork enemies (without shields) have 5 health in total. The ones with shields have 7. The clockwork commander has 10. In the second battle, you will meet a tougher type, but you will gain better weapons and armor in the shop! I released an update making level one more easy and making starting dialogue less dumb.

Oh and by ‘no health’ I meant no health listed. They have a variable value for their health. It's just it doesn't tell you how much they have.

Cool! What about the “special” tiles that didn't work?
78 posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Borrego6165 wrote:

Cool! What about the “special” tiles that didn't work?

The only one that doesn't work to my knowledge is the one in the first battle, and I've tried fiing that glitch at least 10 times, and I still couldn't figure it out. All the other ones are fine though. I encourage you to try out the game now that it's main flaws have been fixed. You're missing out on the epic battles ahead and the new enemy types and weapons + armor!

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