Discuss Scratch

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

Sohta_kun wrote:

JaGumy wrote:

Sorry guys, but my Super Scratch Bros. project is getting scraped. I just can't handle the insane demands from people, recreating their PFP and what not. Also with all of the stuf going on in REAL life too. I'm sorry for the inconvinence.
Who even are you?
That's what I said lol.

igtnathan5 wrote:

i'm kind of getting bored here since i have nothing to do here
Be patient bruh. Literally school is basically over. Just forget about AAGS and when we are backing up and running I can tell you.

also y'all this entire post was on my raspberry pi which I finally have :skull:

dont ask why I am typing this at midnight

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

MineTurte wrote:

Sohta_kun wrote:

JaGumy wrote:

Sorry guys, but my Super Scratch Bros. project is getting scraped. I just can't handle the insane demands from people, recreating their PFP and what not. Also with all of the stuf going on in REAL life too. I'm sorry for the inconvinence.
Who even are you?
That's what I said lol.

igtnathan5 wrote:

i'm kind of getting bored here since i have nothing to do here
Be patient bruh. Literally school is basically over. Just forget about AAGS and when we are backing up and running I can tell you.

also y'all this entire post was on my raspberry pi which I finally have :skull:

dont ask why I am typing this at midnight
? it's 10:55 PM

press shift+down arrow to scroll my signature after selecting it
Tileblock suggestion forum
Former suggestion forum
Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum
Minecraft modding (i need help)
Igtbox Gpt trailers
Scratchblocks status and my status:
Youtube status: Making Hyperspeed X you can watch me make it on youtube by searching igtnathan
Scratchblocks :: control hat
Testing topic 9 :: pen cap
when someone views my signature :: control hat :: #32CD32
if <a link is clicked :: #008000> then :: #00CED1
say [thanks for clicking one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
say [please click one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
`⬇ scroll down a bit more ⬇` :: control cap :: #00CED1

when I join scratch :: control hat :: #32CD32
eat :: motion
sleep :: #FFB000
code :: pen
}repeat @loopArrow ::control :: #00CED1
100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

igtnathan5 wrote:

? it's 10:55 PM
I think MineTurte meant the school year is almost over.

kinda off-topic but school ends in March where I live

As a person who is too lazy to think of a good signature, @Sohta_kun is a random guy whose existence is confirmed. Also a self-proclaimed respected member of grifftopia. You can also find him in his dark basement room where you can either see him having an existential crisis or giving up with the Disc System.
when green flag clicked
Hope you don't get banned

To do:

Random filler text: My list of friends
@Thefireking0009: My friend from summer camp.
@beracakirbay: An irl friend I met in fourth grade.
@CeaderCrestLS: Another friend from fourth grade.
@AshNorton321: A friend I met here.

Random filler text part 2: My greatest video game achievements
Beat SMB Lost Levels 20 times
Learned to consistently beat Sonic 1 SMS
Beat Dragon Quest 2
Beat the Final Fantasy NES trilogy

Random filler text part 3: My stats (current/goal)
Frontpaged: 0/10
Number of times I cringed to death: 85/100
Banish count: 15/50
Sonic OC quality recolors: 1/0
Touching grass: 0/1
Day count of trying not to get replied: 30/365
Success rate: 0 / whatever day it is
Filler text: this much / infinite

Random filler text part 4: Milestones on the forums
100th post

Random filler text part 5:
@MineTurte is cool

help im running out of space

Why are you still here?
500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

igtnathan5 wrote:

dont ask why I am typing this at midnight
? it's 10:55 PM
Oh for me it's 3:12 AM :skull:

Sohta_kun wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

? it's 10:55 PM
I think MineTurte meant the school year is almost over.

kinda off-topic but school ends in March where I live
Yep. Also huh?? March?? You're lucky lol.

Last edited by MineTurte (May 22, 2024 07:15:54)

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

MineTurte wrote:

Yep. Also huh?? March?? You're lucky lol.
For the record, spring vacation is only about a week long here.

As a person who is too lazy to think of a good signature, @Sohta_kun is a random guy whose existence is confirmed. Also a self-proclaimed respected member of grifftopia. You can also find him in his dark basement room where you can either see him having an existential crisis or giving up with the Disc System.
when green flag clicked
Hope you don't get banned

To do:

Random filler text: My list of friends
@Thefireking0009: My friend from summer camp.
@beracakirbay: An irl friend I met in fourth grade.
@CeaderCrestLS: Another friend from fourth grade.
@AshNorton321: A friend I met here.

Random filler text part 2: My greatest video game achievements
Beat SMB Lost Levels 20 times
Learned to consistently beat Sonic 1 SMS
Beat Dragon Quest 2
Beat the Final Fantasy NES trilogy

Random filler text part 3: My stats (current/goal)
Frontpaged: 0/10
Number of times I cringed to death: 85/100
Banish count: 15/50
Sonic OC quality recolors: 1/0
Touching grass: 0/1
Day count of trying not to get replied: 30/365
Success rate: 0 / whatever day it is
Filler text: this much / infinite

Random filler text part 4: Milestones on the forums
100th post

Random filler text part 5:
@MineTurte is cool

help im running out of space

Why are you still here?
40 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

Sohta_kun wrote:

MineTurte wrote:

Yep. Also huh?? March?? You're lucky lol.
For the record, spring vacation is only about a week long here.
Dang then never mind– lol

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python, & Lua

grammar fanatic (fear me)
Signature color gradients here.

old account is MineTurte. Who was falsely deleted and still is. I am still awaiting a response to my appeal.
I have 500+ posts on MineTurte. I am a semi-experienced forumer. Part of The Forumers Dwell
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

My spring vacation is only about a week long here, too. but my school is ending in a few weeks

We're desperately needing game designers, who will think about the lore, story and gameplay of games we will make!
500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

moigam wrote:

My spring vacation is only about a week long here, too. but my school is ending in a few weeks
My school ends May 31st lol. Also since I'm not on my school pc and on my raspberry pi, I have no restrictions so I finally have addons and can see your ocular— shameless self promotion is real. Rip that shop though. The amount of bumps you had to send is crazy.

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

MineTurte wrote:

DELETED wrote:

My school ends May 31st lol. Also since I'm not on my school pc and on my raspberry pi, I have no restrictions so I finally have addons and can see your ocular— shameless self promotion is real. Rip that shop though. The amount of bumps you had to send is crazy.
i've have my 3 extentions on my school pc for a while now bc i switched to microsoft edge on my personal acc

press shift+down arrow to scroll my signature after selecting it
Tileblock suggestion forum
Former suggestion forum
Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum
Minecraft modding (i need help)
Igtbox Gpt trailers
Scratchblocks status and my status:
Youtube status: Making Hyperspeed X you can watch me make it on youtube by searching igtnathan
Scratchblocks :: control hat
Testing topic 9 :: pen cap
when someone views my signature :: control hat :: #32CD32
if <a link is clicked :: #008000> then :: #00CED1
say [thanks for clicking one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
say [please click one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
`⬇ scroll down a bit more ⬇` :: control cap :: #00CED1

when I join scratch :: control hat :: #32CD32
eat :: motion
sleep :: #FFB000
code :: pen
}repeat @loopArrow ::control :: #00CED1
65 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

My school ends in 2 days (May 24th)

I make synth music using FL Studio!
Also known as @13UNIT on youtube and UNIT_13 on spotify and other services.
wait (5) [minutes v] for (chicken nuggets) to [finish v] cooking
Online around 10 AM - 12 PM EST
29 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

Do You have an open position for game writer/story director? If so, I would love to try out for it.

One dog barks at you, the other steals your walle- evil kumquats!!!!!! HIDEEEE!!!!!!!!
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

Dual_Doggo_Diversion wrote:

Do You have an open position for game writer/story director? If so, I would love to try out for it.
Please fill an application, which is on the third post: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7816604/

The position you are wanting is likely game designer. Game design is planning what the game will be like, the objective of the game, and the gameplay.

Last edited by moigam (May 22, 2024 18:09:15)

We're desperately needing game designers, who will think about the lore, story and gameplay of games we will make!
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

Dual_Doggo_Diversion wrote:

Do You have an open position for game writer/story director? If so, I would love to try out for it.
i have a big upgraded form on page 41

press shift+down arrow to scroll my signature after selecting it
Tileblock suggestion forum
Former suggestion forum
Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum
Minecraft modding (i need help)
Igtbox Gpt trailers
Scratchblocks status and my status:
Youtube status: Making Hyperspeed X you can watch me make it on youtube by searching igtnathan
Scratchblocks :: control hat
Testing topic 9 :: pen cap
when someone views my signature :: control hat :: #32CD32
if <a link is clicked :: #008000> then :: #00CED1
say [thanks for clicking one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
say [please click one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
`⬇ scroll down a bit more ⬇` :: control cap :: #00CED1

when I join scratch :: control hat :: #32CD32
eat :: motion
sleep :: #FFB000
code :: pen
}repeat @loopArrow ::control :: #00CED1
29 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

Username: Dual_Doggo_Diversion

Position: Game Writer (Not a role so just count it as “unlisted”)

Why do you want to join us: I want to be able to work with a team. I also hope that I will be able to get my game (once it's finished) to be assisted by and published by the studio.

How active will you be: I will likely not be active during school breaks, and will be most active Tuesday to Thursday (on average).

How skilled are you at the position you chose: I'd like to say I'm skilled, but I'm not listing proof of work so what do I know?

Proof of work (if possible):

Notes (optional): P.S. I'm listed as a new Scratcher since I recently switched accounts.

Last edited by Dual_Doggo_Diversion (May 22, 2024 20:23:21)

One dog barks at you, the other steals your walle- evil kumquats!!!!!! HIDEEEE!!!!!!!!
500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

Dual_Doggo_Diversion wrote:

Username: Dual_Doggo_Diversion

Position: Game Writer (Not a role so just count it as “unlisted”)

Why do you want to join us: I want to be able to work with a team. I also hope that I will be able to get my game (once it's finished) to be assisted by and published by the studio.

How active will you be: I will likely not be active during school breaks, and will be most active Tuesday to Thursday (on average).

How skilled are you at the position you chose: I'd like to say I'm skilled, but I'm not listing proof of work so what do I know?

Proof of work (if possible):

Notes (optional): P.S. I'm listed as a new Scratcher since I recently switched accounts.
Accepted. If I don't then moigam will do everything that we do for new members. Sorry I am doing work rn so if moigam doesn't respond I will tomorrow with helpful stuff and also the studio invite.

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

oops I kinda forgot… Sorry here are your links:
Studio (I sent you an invite to it and your team's studio)
Members, roles, and warnings.
All of the information you NEED to read.

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
16 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

moigam wrote:

Main post | Roles | Forms


If you want to join, please fill the following form! Please read the roles post before applying.

Why do you want to join us?
How active will you be?
How skilled are you at the position you chose?
Proof of work (if possible):
Notes (optional):

Username: leoleo2891
Position: General/gameplay programmer
Why do you want to join us?
-im bored
How active will you be?
-decently active but i may take alot of short breaks
How skilled are you at the position you chose?
-about 5 years of knowledge
Proof of work (if possible):
-https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1014364368/ (best work that is online i have better offline)
Notes (optional): my work fully depends on if i feel like it

i am a dumb little stain on the scratch website
500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

leoleo2891 wrote:

moigam wrote:

Main post | Roles | Forms


If you want to join, please fill the following form! Please read the roles post before applying.

Why do you want to join us?
How active will you be?
How skilled are you at the position you chose?
Proof of work (if possible):
Notes (optional):

Username: leoleo2891
Position: General/gameplay programmer
Why do you want to join us?
-im bored
How active will you be?
-decently active but i may take alot of short breaks
How skilled are you at the position you chose?
-about 5 years of knowledge
Proof of work (if possible):
-https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1014364368/ (best work that is online i have better offline)
Notes (optional): my work fully depends on if i feel like it
Accepted! Links can be found in the other application above.

Btw we also have a thing called “hibernation period” where the studio will basically be dead and no activity will be made. Hibernation period starts May 28th.

Last edited by MineTurte (May 24, 2024 15:56:00)

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

MineTurte wrote:

Hibernation period starts May 28th.
Wait, wasn't it June 1st?

As a person who is too lazy to think of a good signature, @Sohta_kun is a random guy whose existence is confirmed. Also a self-proclaimed respected member of grifftopia. You can also find him in his dark basement room where you can either see him having an existential crisis or giving up with the Disc System.
when green flag clicked
Hope you don't get banned

To do:

Random filler text: My list of friends
@Thefireking0009: My friend from summer camp.
@beracakirbay: An irl friend I met in fourth grade.
@CeaderCrestLS: Another friend from fourth grade.
@AshNorton321: A friend I met here.

Random filler text part 2: My greatest video game achievements
Beat SMB Lost Levels 20 times
Learned to consistently beat Sonic 1 SMS
Beat Dragon Quest 2
Beat the Final Fantasy NES trilogy

Random filler text part 3: My stats (current/goal)
Frontpaged: 0/10
Number of times I cringed to death: 85/100
Banish count: 15/50
Sonic OC quality recolors: 1/0
Touching grass: 0/1
Day count of trying not to get replied: 30/365
Success rate: 0 / whatever day it is
Filler text: this much / infinite

Random filler text part 4: Milestones on the forums
100th post

Random filler text part 5:
@MineTurte is cool

help im running out of space

Why are you still here?
500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Not hiring)

Sohta_kun wrote:

MineTurte wrote:

Hibernation period starts May 28th.
Wait, wasn't it June 1st?
Yeah but my school ends earlier than that lol.

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager

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