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1000+ posts

game coding fails with minecraft

i have recently been speedin thrugh griffpatch videos theni remembered the one i never done but knew it's existance griffpatch's first paper minecraft moding video i did it on my project remixed my starter and oh i should problebly mention this was a project remix from highpandapanda1's project paper minecraft super mod and the first scratcher to answer this problem will get an invite to my studio igteam anyways on with the forum i opened the list _block_data and did the exact thing griffpatch did but another list had to be opened the _recipes list i began to worrie that it wouldn't work since it had a new code instruction S L E l or M trait but i continued until now it did not craft into a block of cheese since that was the mod here is the game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/935167389/

Last edited by igtnathan5 (Dec. 10, 2023 22:37:38)

press shift+down arrow to scroll my signature after selecting it
Tileblock suggestion forum
Former suggestion forum
Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum
Minecraft modding (i need help)
Igtbox Gpt trailers
Scratchblocks status and my status:
Youtube status: Making Hyperspeed X you can watch me make it on youtube by searching igtnathan
Scratchblocks :: control hat
Testing topic 9 :: pen cap
when someone views my signature :: control hat :: #32CD32
if <a link is clicked :: #008000> then :: #00CED1
say [thanks for clicking one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
say [please click one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
`⬇ scroll down a bit more ⬇` :: control cap :: #00CED1

when I join scratch :: control hat :: #32CD32
eat :: motion
sleep :: #FFB000
code :: pen
}repeat @loopArrow ::control :: #00CED1
100+ posts

game coding fails with minecraft

igtnathan5 wrote:

i have recently been speedin thrugh griffpatch videos theni remembered the one i never done but knew it's existance griffpatch's first paper minecraft moding video i did it on my project remixed my starter and oh i should problebly mention this was a project remix from highpandapanda1's project paper minecraft super mod and the first scratcher to answer this problem will get an invite to my studio igteam anyways on with the forum i opened the list _block_data and did the exact thing griffpatch did but another list had to be opened the _recipes list i began to worrie that it wouldn't work since it had a new code instruction S L E l or M trait but i continued until now it did not craft into a block of cheese since that was the mod here is the game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/935167389/
maybe check the object ids?
100+ posts

game coding fails with minecraft

igtnathan5 wrote:

i have recently been speedin thrugh griffpatch videos theni remembered the one i never done but knew it's existance griffpatch's first paper minecraft moding video i did it on my project remixed my starter and oh i should problebly mention this was a project remix from highpandapanda1's project paper minecraft super mod and the first scratcher to answer this problem will get an invite to my studio igteam anyways on with the forum i opened the list _block_data and did the exact thing griffpatch did but another list had to be opened the _recipes list i began to worrie that it wouldn't work since it had a new code instruction S L E l or M trait but i continued until now it did not craft into a block of cheese since that was the mod here is the game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/935167389/
idk try rewatching and try to find why it bugs out

about me:
- Spooky dash cosmic construct guy
- Participated in Silent Quasar, Silent Pulsar and Deep Dark
- Built several top 1s
- Spooky Dash player in kazakhstan (and the only one too)
- gud scracher

https://uploads.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/gallery/34521375_9999x9999.png (i cant put the image directly)

Things i do/dont do:
nothing else here.

i read messages as quick as i can, though sometimes i cant
thats it i think
1000+ posts

game coding fails with minecraft

daliscreator wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

i have recently been speedin thrugh griffpatch videos theni remembered the one i never done but knew it's existance griffpatch's first paper minecraft moding video i did it on my project remixed my starter and oh i should problebly mention this was a project remix from highpandapanda1's project paper minecraft super mod and the first scratcher to answer this problem will get an invite to my studio igteam anyways on with the forum i opened the list _block_data and did the exact thing griffpatch did but another list had to be opened the _recipes list i began to worrie that it wouldn't work since it had a new code instruction S L E l or M trait but i continued until now it did not craft into a block of cheese since that was the mod here is the game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/935167389/
idk try rewatching and try to find why it bugs out
i did

press shift+down arrow to scroll my signature after selecting it
Tileblock suggestion forum
Former suggestion forum
Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum
Minecraft modding (i need help)
Igtbox Gpt trailers
Scratchblocks status and my status:
Youtube status: Making Hyperspeed X you can watch me make it on youtube by searching igtnathan
Scratchblocks :: control hat
Testing topic 9 :: pen cap
when someone views my signature :: control hat :: #32CD32
if <a link is clicked :: #008000> then :: #00CED1
say [thanks for clicking one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
say [please click one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
`⬇ scroll down a bit more ⬇` :: control cap :: #00CED1

when I join scratch :: control hat :: #32CD32
eat :: motion
sleep :: #FFB000
code :: pen
}repeat @loopArrow ::control :: #00CED1
99 posts

game coding fails with minecraft

igtnathan5 wrote:

daliscreator wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

i have recently been speedin thrugh griffpatch videos theni remembered the one i never done but knew it's existance griffpatch's first paper minecraft moding video i did it on my project remixed my starter and oh i should problebly mention this was a project remix from highpandapanda1's project paper minecraft super mod and the first scratcher to answer this problem will get an invite to my studio igteam anyways on with the forum i opened the list _block_data and did the exact thing griffpatch did but another list had to be opened the _recipes list i began to worrie that it wouldn't work since it had a new code instruction S L E l or M trait but i continued until now it did not craft into a block of cheese since that was the mod here is the game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/935167389/
idk try rewatching and try to find why it bugs out
i did
99 posts

game coding fails with minecraft

Last edited by baovuitinh (March 30, 2024 08:49:25)

1000+ posts

game coding fails with minecraft

baovuitinh wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

daliscreator wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

i have recently been speedin thrugh griffpatch videos theni remembered the one i never done but knew it's existance griffpatch's first paper minecraft moding video i did it on my project remixed my starter and oh i should problebly mention this was a project remix from highpandapanda1's project paper minecraft super mod and the first scratcher to answer this problem will get an invite to my studio igteam anyways on with the forum i opened the list _block_data and did the exact thing griffpatch did but another list had to be opened the _recipes list i began to worrie that it wouldn't work since it had a new code instruction S L E l or M trait but i continued until now it did not craft into a block of cheese since that was the mod here is the game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/935167389/
idk try rewatching and try to find why it bugs out
i did

press shift+down arrow to scroll my signature after selecting it
Tileblock suggestion forum
Former suggestion forum
Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum
Minecraft modding (i need help)
Igtbox Gpt trailers
Scratchblocks status and my status:
Youtube status: Making Hyperspeed X you can watch me make it on youtube by searching igtnathan
Scratchblocks :: control hat
Testing topic 9 :: pen cap
when someone views my signature :: control hat :: #32CD32
if <a link is clicked :: #008000> then :: #00CED1
say [thanks for clicking one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
say [please click one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
`⬇ scroll down a bit more ⬇` :: control cap :: #00CED1

when I join scratch :: control hat :: #32CD32
eat :: motion
sleep :: #FFB000
code :: pen
}repeat @loopArrow ::control :: #00CED1

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