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1000+ posts

Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum

i recently made a clicker game it is Super Scratch Clicker l but I don't know what else to add exept a few upgrades so post ideas here and I might add it with credit like always

press shift+down arrow to scroll my signature after selecting it
Tileblock suggestion forum
Former suggestion forum
Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum
Minecraft modding (i need help)
Igtbox Gpt trailers
Scratchblocks status and my status:
Youtube status: Making Hyperspeed X you can watch me make it on youtube by searching igtnathan
Scratchblocks :: control hat
Testing topic 9 :: pen cap
when someone views my signature :: control hat :: #32CD32
if <a link is clicked :: #008000> then :: #00CED1
say [thanks for clicking one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
say [please click one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
`⬇ scroll down a bit more ⬇` :: control cap :: #00CED1

when I join scratch :: control hat :: #32CD32
eat :: motion
sleep :: #FFB000
code :: pen
}repeat @loopArrow ::control :: #00CED1
100+ posts

Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum

igtnathan5 wrote:

i recently made a clicker game it is Super Scratch Clicker l but I don't know what else to add exept a few upgrades so post ideas here and I might add it with credit like always
okay i'll try it

Im a coder and I know several languages

Be moist

1000+ posts

Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum

You can add more upgrades in the form of remixes or something else in Scratch. Or they can be sprites, like Gobo, Pico, Nano, Giga, or Tera.
1000+ posts

Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum

MythosLore wrote:

You can add more upgrades in the form of remixes or something else in Scratch. Or they can be sprites, like Gobo, Pico, Nano, Giga, or Tera.
i like to make the game with the assets i make but i do have a new upgrade coming soon (or maybe today)

press shift+down arrow to scroll my signature after selecting it
Tileblock suggestion forum
Former suggestion forum
Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum
Minecraft modding (i need help)
Igtbox Gpt trailers
Scratchblocks status and my status:
Youtube status: Making Hyperspeed X you can watch me make it on youtube by searching igtnathan
Scratchblocks :: control hat
Testing topic 9 :: pen cap
when someone views my signature :: control hat :: #32CD32
if <a link is clicked :: #008000> then :: #00CED1
say [thanks for clicking one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
say [please click one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
`⬇ scroll down a bit more ⬇` :: control cap :: #00CED1

when I join scratch :: control hat :: #32CD32
eat :: motion
sleep :: #FFB000
code :: pen
}repeat @loopArrow ::control :: #00CED1
78 posts

Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum

I have some ideas.
1-3. You can add a prestige, or make it so there are crits or ads that give you extra points. (Crits and ads can be seen in my https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/911624949/) (prestige can be seen in my https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/947014777/)
4. You can also add a Smoother CPS (Instead of changing 5 in one second, it changes 1 every 0.2 seconds. This can be found in my script/tutorial https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/951169399/)
5. Make it so you have to unlock something, like in my https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/945752237/

I like making Clickers, I have made lots of them.

“Why merely play a game when you can make one?” My_Peeps07073, November 20, 2023

Check my alt @rollercat-1
and my friend @bananacheese428 and say My_Peeps sent you. He's a beginning Scratcher and may need some encouragement.
78 posts

Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum

Okay, some of the links don't work. Some of them have the ) in the end of them, just delete the %29 in the end of the URL.

“Why merely play a game when you can make one?” My_Peeps07073, November 20, 2023

Check my alt @rollercat-1
and my friend @bananacheese428 and say My_Peeps sent you. He's a beginning Scratcher and may need some encouragement.
1000+ posts

Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum

My_Peeps07073 wrote:

I have some ideas.
1-3. You can add a prestige, or make it so there are crits or ads that give you extra points. (Crits and ads can be seen in my https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/911624949/) (prestige can be seen in my https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/947014777/)
4. You can also add a Smoother CPS (Instead of changing 5 in one second, it changes 1 every 0.2 seconds. This can be found in my script/tutorial https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/951169399/)
5. Make it so you have to unlock something, like in my https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/945752237/

I like making Clickers, I have made lots of them.
well i had an old clicker game named rock clicker that i abandoned cuz of inactivity: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/831033579/ and i will in fact add the prestige and crit the 0.2 secs delay is smooth but i do prefer the curent but maybe i could add it and well i would say that unlockable stuff can be added but i planed a new type of area of upgrades but i'm still thinking of upgrades to acualy put in the area

press shift+down arrow to scroll my signature after selecting it
Tileblock suggestion forum
Former suggestion forum
Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum
Minecraft modding (i need help)
Igtbox Gpt trailers
Scratchblocks status and my status:
Youtube status: Making Hyperspeed X you can watch me make it on youtube by searching igtnathan
Scratchblocks :: control hat
Testing topic 9 :: pen cap
when someone views my signature :: control hat :: #32CD32
if <a link is clicked :: #008000> then :: #00CED1
say [thanks for clicking one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
say [please click one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
`⬇ scroll down a bit more ⬇` :: control cap :: #00CED1

when I join scratch :: control hat :: #32CD32
eat :: motion
sleep :: #FFB000
code :: pen
}repeat @loopArrow ::control :: #00CED1
100+ posts

Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum

an upgrade that increases the max speed of the clicking because the clicking animation is sloww oidjaspoeifjapoweijfpo
also uhh as MythosLore said,

MythosLore wrote:

Add skins like Gobo, Pico, Nano, Giga, or Tera. They will give more points so the game will become more visually good.
he didnt say all of that but soiejfpaoskefj dont care

Oh and a better saving system that saves prestige, cps and cpc

about me:
- Spooky dash cosmic construct guy
- Participated in Silent Quasar, Silent Pulsar and Deep Dark
- Built several top 1s
- Spooky Dash player in kazakhstan (and the only one too)
- gud scracher

https://uploads.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/gallery/34521375_9999x9999.png (i cant put the image directly)

Things i do/dont do:
nothing else here.

i read messages as quick as i can, though sometimes i cant
thats it i think

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