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iTopic - BBCode Help

Scratchblocks aren’t included.

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iTopic - BBCode Help

Create-Scratch101 wrote:

Scratchblocks aren’t included.
There's a sticky in Help with Scripts for people to test out the [scratchblocks] tag in. Since there is an obvious GUI for it, ways to create blocks that don't exist only really needs to exist in the suggestions forum.

Also, this topic is 11 years old. It doesn't seem that the OP is active anymore, so this will likely not receive updates.

Last edited by BigNate469 (May 9, 2024 13:40:52)

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Why @Paddle2See's responses are so often identical: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/762351/

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iTopic - BBCode Help

There's the center tag.

It does this:
This is centered.

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Scratch Team
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iTopic - BBCode Help

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