Discuss Scratch

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➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

Malicondi wrote:

ilovestories wrote:

I think I just need numbers and ".".
Maybe do - too, because I can't remember what all the codes I have use.
Would this work? It encodes the characters provided into binary, which makes it harder to hack, but it's never truly impossible to make a unhackable savecode.

Edit: Also the project explains how it works inside.
I'll look at it on Saturday (see this post).

Hi guys! Some people see my PFP and think I'm female, but I'm actually male. (The PFP looks like a boy to me, and it's from a boy PFP creator, but…)
Forumoji: Unicode emojis. Like the forum ones.
1000+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

ilovestories wrote:

Malicondi wrote:

ilovestories wrote:

I think I just need numbers and ".".
Maybe do - too, because I can't remember what all the codes I have use.
Would this work? It encodes the characters provided into binary, which makes it harder to hack, but it's never truly impossible to make a unhackable savecode.

Edit: Also the project explains how it works inside.
I'll look at it on Saturday (see this post).


I'm a professional forum lurker who likes Vocaloid, retro games, and story writing.

Social Experiment Generation 0: Add this to your signature increase generation by 1 and add the username of the person whose signature you saw this in to this studio

I am the 454th most active TIRAP forumer. Wow! Not surprised in any way though.

I love the OG mods. They are just done with forum trolls.

100+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

ItBeJC wrote:

ilovestories wrote:

Malicondi wrote:

ilovestories wrote:

Order Type: Code.
Order Details: I want a system that encodes and decodes strings of text, numbers, and symbols.
Time Zone: Central.
Other: I can't find a codeword, hope there isn't one.
Encoding and decoding how? Into numbers, or letters, or some other form?
Sorry, I meant encryption/decryption. It's for save codes, and I don't want people to cheat.

EDIT: Can you put a list of the characters you need encoded into a project and send it to me?
nuh uh mines gonna be more secure than urs
500+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

wait I have big brain idea for ilovestories. we have a seperate python script, somewhere and that will update cloud variables, so to check the code we be like,
set [cloud nonsense v] to [our fun code but compressed into numbers]

and then to do the decryption our server is like on its end
set [cloud nonsense 2 v] to [our fun code decrypted and compressed]

1000+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

BringUpYourPost wrote:

wait I have big brain idea for ilovestories. we have a seperate python script, somewhere and that will update cloud variables, so to check the code we be like,
set [cloud nonsense v] to [our fun code but compressed into numbers]

and then to do the decryption our server is like on its end
set [cloud nonsense 2 v] to [our fun code decrypted and compressed]
our encryption function could be a super sussy sha-256 of a value with bit shift. and at the start our value. so we can verify

500+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

undeterminstic wrote:

BringUpYourPost wrote:

wait I have big brain idea for ilovestories. we have a seperate python script, somewhere and that will update cloud variables, so to check the code we be like,
set [cloud nonsense v] to [our fun code but compressed into numbers]

and then to do the decryption our server is like on its end
set [cloud nonsense 2 v] to [our fun code decrypted and compressed]
our encryption function could be a super sussy sha-256 of a value with bit shift. and at the start our value. so we can verify
that is cool but bit shift will be easy so instead we take our number and do a super cool xor with some value that ilovestories will choose. if this value is leaked it will be the end of it

500+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

undeterminstic wrote:

ilovestories wrote:

Malicondi wrote:

ilovestories wrote:

Order Type: Code.
Order Details: I want a system that encodes and decodes strings of text, numbers, and symbols.
Time Zone: Central.
Other: I can't find a codeword, hope there isn't one.
Encoding and decoding how? Into numbers, or letters, or some other form?
Sorry, I meant encryption/decryption. It's for save codes, and I don't want people to cheat.
That is physically impossible. You cannot make it uncheatable, it just isn't possible because if you encrypt say a score in a clicker game, so n -> F(n). And a decryption function x -> G(x) where G(F(n)) is n. This makes sense, but because scratch is open source somebody could easily calculate F(score we want) and use that save code
That is falsed

100+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

depresso-boiyo wrote:


ItBeJC wrote:

@ilovestories can you send me a list of characters you want to be encoded?
(you can't claim code orders btw)
you can't claim bugfixing orders.

so since everybody has unclaimed this, I CLAIM THIS ORDER.
jk obviously
100+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

BringUpYourPost wrote:

wait I have big brain idea for ilovestories. we have a seperate python script, somewhere and that will update cloud variables, so to check the code we be like,
set [cloud nonsense v] to [our fun code but compressed into numbers]

and then to do the decryption our server is like on its end
set [cloud nonsense 2 v] to [our fun code decrypted and compressed]
that will be slow. very slow. and overkill.
100+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

For one of my projects which usually stored its data as a list of booleans (which I interpreted as a single binary number), I tried to convert it into base-10 and then base-36 (0-9 and A-Z).

This was great for getting a less lengthy value, but the issue is that javascript (and by extension scratch) only has floating point numbers. These get really inaccurate at higher values, so I was losing lots of data in the base-10 step.

TL;DR don't play with big numbers in scratch (or javascript).
1000+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

just-a-hriday wrote:

For one of my projects which usually stored its data as a list of booleans (which I interpreted as a single binary number), I tried to convert it into base-10 and then base-36 (0-9 and A-Z).

This was great for getting a less lengthy value, but the issue is that javascript (and by extension scratch) only has floating point numbers. These get really inaccurate at higher values, so I was losing lots of data in the base-10 step.

TL;DR don't play with big numbers in scratch (or javascript).
I find converting to plain binary suitable, normally the savecode is simply just too long for people to bother trying to hack it xD

post #1000 post #100 i help in the forums post #1 post #500 0 second ninja
I recommend reading jvvg's essay about the scratch team before complaining, as it may change your opinion and provide insight on the topic.

coming soon :)

1000+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

just-a-hriday wrote:

BringUpYourPost wrote:

wait I have big brain idea for ilovestories. we have a seperate python script, somewhere and that will update cloud variables, so to check the code we be like,
set [cloud nonsense v] to [our fun code but compressed into numbers]

and then to do the decryption our server is like on its end
set [cloud nonsense 2 v] to [our fun code decrypted and compressed]
that will be slow. very slow. and overkill.
no not really it would be quite fast

500+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

just-a-hriday wrote:

BringUpYourPost wrote:

wait I have big brain idea for ilovestories. we have a seperate python script, somewhere and that will update cloud variables, so to check the code we be like,
set [cloud nonsense v] to [our fun code but compressed into numbers]

and then to do the decryption our server is like on its end
set [cloud nonsense 2 v] to [our fun code decrypted and compressed]
that will be slow. very slow. and overkill.
verifying it is easy and encoding it is easy

this is getting out of hand
1000+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

just-a-hriday wrote:

you can't claim bugfixing orders.

so since everybody has unclaimed this, I CLAIM THIS ORDER.
jk obviously
oh. mb.
1000+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

ilovestories wrote:

Order Type: Code.
Order Details: I want a system that encrypts and decrypts strings of text, numbers, and symbols.
Time Zone: Central.
Other: I can't find a codeword, hope there isn't one.
I might be able to do (not taking)

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)


"[coding is] like clouds - always evolving and ready to transform!" - ChatGPT :)

Go check out my projects!
100+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

Order Type: Bugfix
Order Details: There are a few things like being able to wall jump, the bounce pad seems weird, any time you jump the screen shakes and you are able to clip using wall jumps https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/984846928/
Time Zone:EST
500+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

just-a-hriday wrote:

BringUpYourPost wrote:

wait I have big brain idea for ilovestories. we have a seperate python script, somewhere and that will update cloud variables, so to check the code we be like,
set [cloud nonsense v] to [our fun code but compressed into numbers]

and then to do the decryption our server is like on its end
set [cloud nonsense 2 v] to [our fun code decrypted and compressed]
that will be slow. very slow. and overkill.
it will take like 6 frames or 0.2 seconds, not slow FAST

this is getting out of hand
1000+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

undeterministic wrote:

just-a-hriday wrote:

BringUpYourPost wrote:

wait I have big brain idea for ilovestories. we have a seperate python script, somewhere and that will update cloud variables, so to check the code we be like,
set [cloud nonsense v] to [our fun code but compressed into numbers]

and then to do the decryption our server is like on its end
set [cloud nonsense 2 v] to [our fun code decrypted and compressed]
that will be slow. very slow. and overkill.
it will take like 6 frames or 0.2 seconds, not slow FAST
wait there is an issue, but that issue can be fixed. also 7 frames not 6

100+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

undeterminstic wrote:


just-a-hriday wrote:

BringUpYourPost wrote:

wait I have big brain idea for ilovestories. we have a seperate python script, somewhere and that will update cloud variables, so to check the code we be like,
set [cloud nonsense v] to [our fun code but compressed into numbers]

and then to do the decryption our server is like on its end
set [cloud nonsense 2 v] to [our fun code decrypted and compressed]
that will be slow. very slow. and overkill.
no not really it would be quite fast
the python step would be fast, the cloud variable step would be incredibly slow. and also it could cause problems if there were lots of users using it at the same time.

and it would still be overkill.
500+ posts

➡ The Bug Squishers 2.0 ⬅ ⚙ Code, art, music, and more! ⚙

just-a-hriday wrote:

undeterminstic wrote:


just-a-hriday wrote:

BringUpYourPost wrote:

wait I have big brain idea for ilovestories. we have a seperate python script, somewhere and that will update cloud variables, so to check the code we be like,
set [cloud nonsense v] to [our fun code but compressed into numbers]

and then to do the decryption our server is like on its end
set [cloud nonsense 2 v] to [our fun code decrypted and compressed]
that will be slow. very slow. and overkill.
no not really it would be quite fast
the python step would be fast, the cloud variable step would be incredibly slow. and also it could cause problems if there were lots of users using it at the same time.

and it would still be overkill.
Objection we could but a random 10 digit identifier at the start and also it isn't that slow,scratch just has to send an encoded cloud variable (which is fast) and decode a cloud variable (which is fast)

this is getting out of hand

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