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Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

abubriski wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

If the April Fools' Day events are canon, Scratch Cat went time-travelling in 2022, then opened a stand-up comedy club in 2023.
read the wiki

can somebody give me something to put in my signature
100+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

JmpBlast wrote:

Yeah, The Only Question I Have Is Whether Scratch Cat Is Sentient And Has A Form Of Backstory. I Feel Like They Do But There Isnt Any Form Of Evidence About Scratch Cat, Or Their Story. All We Know that He Was Once Turned Into Lego In 2009 And He Traveled The World In 2016, But Thats All We Know. I Would Love To See A Form Of Backstory. I Would Be Thrilled If We Had Seen The Evolution Of Scratch Cat's Life Or Something. And Does Scratch Cat Have Family. Is The Scratch Cat From 2.0 The Same Cat, Or A Family Member, Or A Friend Or Who Are They. Also Why Are They In A White Void Called ‘The Stage’, And How Did They Get There To Begin With. AIso, Is Each Project Being Made Secretly Another Day, Or Even More Insane, A Cry For Help As Scratch Cat Realizes His Legacy Is Slowly Ending, Painfully As More And More People Stop Using Scratch Cat In Their Project, Knowing That Sooner Or Later, They Would Be Replace Or Dare I Say, Forgotten? ok, im going insane over a virtual cat. BUT, WE NEED A BACKSTORY OR SOMETHING???

when green flag clicked
I actually do think there is a bit of canon stuff, in like one/two years ago for the April fools' event we could “time travel” through different kinds of Scratch throughout the years, and the ol' fella even existed supposedly back in ancient times :0

Last edited by -ExoByte- (March 31, 2024 00:36:06)

45 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

-ExoByte- wrote:

JmpBlast wrote:

Yeah, The Only Question I Have Is Whether Scratch Cat Is Sentient And Has A Form Of Backstory. I Feel Like They Do But There Isnt Any Form Of Evidence About Scratch Cat, Or Their Story. All We Know that He Was Once Turned Into Lego In 2009 And He Traveled The World In 2016, But Thats All We Know. I Would Love To See A Form Of Backstory. I Would Be Thrilled If We Had Seen The Evolution Of Scratch Cat's Life Or Something. And Does Scratch Cat Have Family. Is The Scratch Cat From 2.0 The Same Cat, Or A Family Member, Or A Friend Or Who Are They. Also Why Are They In A White Void Called ‘The Stage’, And How Did They Get There To Begin With. AIso, Is Each Project Being Made Secretly Another Day, Or Even More Insane, A Cry For Help As Scratch Cat Realizes His Legacy Is Slowly Ending, Painfully As More And More People Stop Using Scratch Cat In Their Project, Knowing That Sooner Or Later, They Would Be Replace Or Dare I Say, Forgotten? ok, im going insane over a virtual cat. BUT, WE NEED A BACKSTORY OR SOMETHING???

when green flag clicked
I actually do think there is a bit of canon stuff, in like one/two years ago for the April fools' event we could “time travel” through different kinds of Scratch throughout the years, and the ol' fella even existed supposedly back in ancient times :0
This Implies That Scratch Cat Has Existed For Thousands Of Years. Cats Average Life Span Is 12-18 Years, So, This May Imply That Scratch Cat Immortal. I Mean, That Idea Makes Sense I Think. I Mean, If Thats True, Then Scratch Cat Has Lived Through Two World Wars, An American Civil War, Russia / Ukraine, Gaza / Israel, etc.
45 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

jumpship wrote:

Oh my god, please write a proper sentence next time. I can't read all that.
Oh my god, please don't be toxic this took me 30 minutes to write. I can't read that.
500+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

If we're talking about lore, how many Scratch cats are there, I mean of course, look at project ID's. But, how many of them have a scratch cat sprite/costume in it. And Scratch has multiple modded versions of it. With more Scratch Cats, there's several scratch cat images printed out there, so are they all one big family, or clones? If scratch cat was a costume out of multiple costumes in a sprite, would Scratch Cat just be shapeshifting? And, this is crazy, but, is Scratch cat a robot? I mean, robots have coding, scratch cat has coding. Robots can stand in position for several minutes, scratch cat can be in a position for several minutes, etc. Are we engineers, programmers, programming a robot cat? And, why is scratch cat called: Scratch cat? Is scratch cat a orange tabby cat, or a orange robot cat?

This is probably not true, but just thought of it.

I shall

I live in the suggestions sub-forum.

I might move into a 5-star forum!! I think it's called A“bout Scratch”?

It would be greatly appreciated if you gave me an internet!

Workaround chart:

2 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

i was not on scratch on april fools 2023 _gobo_
17 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

There is not much info on Scratch Cat but he has been on vacation to several places and can swim, he has also been to space.

He is also confirmed to be non-binary by Scratch Team member Christian (known as ceebee).

when green flag clicked
say [Scratch On!] for (2) secs
stop [all v]
31 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

The-Sushi-Cat wrote:

Scratch Cat is nonbinary, according to this

There you go. LORE

Scratch JR may be his child, but I have no idea

The funnest part of lore is coming up with it yourself lol


The goofball is here

31 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

23DS2T18 wrote:

I would say that scratch cat was orignaly a normal cat that got sucked into scratch
when green flag clicked
say [lets go] for (2) secs
Scratch cat into the scratcher verse lol

The goofball is here

31 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

JmpBlast wrote:

plantskym2 wrote:

Another thing : In case you didn't know, the full Scratch Cat name is Scratch Catfoodus Frishloovan Bagundis Qandijus Ivilos Mjeow III
so, because of that name, 2.0 amd 1.0 cats are different cats
Probably snapshots of the og scratch cat, which is how he is immortal

The goofball is here

45 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

CanterBow wrote:

There is not much info on Scratch Cat but he has been on vacation to several places and can swim, he has also been to space.

He is also confirmed to be non-binary by Scratch Team member Christian (known as ceebee).
Is There Any Evidence Of Him Being In Space / Going To Space? If Not, Where Did You Hear This Info
14 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

If we're talking about lore, how many Scratch cats are there
Scratch Cat has some lost brothers —–> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/988811325/
45 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?


JmpBlast wrote:

plantskym2 wrote:

Another thing : In case you didn't know, the full Scratch Cat name is Scratch Catfoodus Frishloovan Bagundis Qandijus Ivilos Mjeow III
so, because of that name, 2.0 amd 1.0 cats are different cats
Probably snapshots of the og scratch cat, which is how he is immortal

They Were Always Mortal In Multiple Different Ways (There Are Multiple Timelines Of Scratch Cat Being ‘Alive’. With The First One Being That They Are A Celebrity, Being Made Out Of Nothing But Legos, Once Being In Every Place On This Website One Way Or Another, Being When You Start A New Project, The Scratch Home Page Back At The End Of The 2.0 Timeline Around 2018, etc.) However, Not Much Movement Of Them Has Been Done By Official Scratch Team Members For A While, But That May Change In Scratch Week 2024
45 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

TabletGenesis wrote:

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

If we're talking about lore, how many Scratch cats are there
Scratch Cat has some lost brothers —–> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/988811325/

Thats Not Official In Any Way Though, It Wasn't Down Right Proven That Those Cats Are Scratch Cats ‘Brothers’. This Thread Is Going Off Official Terms Of ‘Scratch Cat Lore’
45 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

If we're talking about lore, how many Scratch cats are there, I mean of course, look at project ID's. But, how many of them have a scratch cat sprite/costume in it. And Scratch has multiple modded versions of it. With more Scratch Cats, there's several scratch cat images printed out there, so are they all one big family, or clones? If scratch cat was a costume out of multiple costumes in a sprite, would Scratch Cat just be shapeshifting? And, this is crazy, but, is Scratch cat a robot? I mean, robots have coding, scratch cat has coding. Robots can stand in position for several minutes, scratch cat can be in a position for several minutes, etc. Are we engineers, programmers, programming a robot cat? And, why is scratch cat called: Scratch cat? Is scratch cat a orange tabby cat, or a orange robot cat?

This is probably not true, but just thought of it.
To Be Fair, Thats Not A Bad Theory. But Despite Many Projects Not Having Signs Of Scratch Cat, Thousands Of Projects Do. Think About It, There Are 1 Billion Projects Now, Lets Say… 10% Of Them Have Scratch Cat. That Would Be 100 Million Scratch Cats. I Highly Doubt They Would Be A Family. BUT, The Robot Idea May Be Correct. If You Pay Attention To The Text Generated When Loading A Project (Whether A Blank One Or A Random One By Someone Else), One Of The Texts That Comes Up Is ‘Herding cats’. Key Word: catS. This Implies There Are Multiple ‘Cats’. What May Be Happening Is That, There Are Billions Of Cats And When A Project Is Made, The First One In Line Is Sent To The ‘Stage’. So, ‘Herding Cats’ Could Simply Imply That They Are Selecting The Cat To Be On Stage. And ‘Herding Cats; Means ’a futile attempt to control or organize a class of entities'. So They Could Be Organizing The Robot Cats To Select What Cat Is Getting On The Stage.
1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

JmpBlast wrote:

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

To Be Fair, Thats Not A Bad Theory. But Despite Many Projects Not Having Signs Of Scratch Cat, Thousands Of Projects Do. Think About It, There Are 1 Billion Projects Now, Lets Say… 10% Of Them Have Scratch Cat. That Would Be 100 Million Scratch Cats.
Well, the entire human population of the world is 8 billion, so 100 million Scratch Cats could easily just be a species.
also, all of us humans share 99.8%-99.9% of our DNA, so it's not a stretch for there to be a bunch of very similar Scratch Cats, even if they were minimally different from each other, so the robot theory may be false. Then again, they do exactly as they're told, at least inside projects

This signature is designed to be as useful as possible.
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Lesser-known Scratch URLs: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/542480/
Why @Paddle2See's responses are so often identical: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/762351/

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Raycaster & Maze 1.4.1 | Don't Break The Ice | Procedurally Generated Terrain | Basic Trigonometry | Comparing the fastest list sorters on Scratch

“if nobody can learn the programming language, it's just gibberish that does math.” -me, in a forum post

The original name of “loves” was “love-its”. Technically speaking, this hasn't changed.
100+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

JmpBlast wrote:

-ExoByte- wrote:

JmpBlast wrote:

Yeah, The Only Question I Have Is Whether Scratch Cat Is Sentient And Has A Form Of Backstory. I Feel Like They Do But There Isnt Any Form Of Evidence About Scratch Cat, Or Their Story. All We Know that He Was Once Turned Into Lego In 2009 And He Traveled The World In 2016, But Thats All We Know. I Would Love To See A Form Of Backstory. I Would Be Thrilled If We Had Seen The Evolution Of Scratch Cat's Life Or Something. And Does Scratch Cat Have Family. Is The Scratch Cat From 2.0 The Same Cat, Or A Family Member, Or A Friend Or Who Are They. Also Why Are They In A White Void Called ‘The Stage’, And How Did They Get There To Begin With. AIso, Is Each Project Being Made Secretly Another Day, Or Even More Insane, A Cry For Help As Scratch Cat Realizes His Legacy Is Slowly Ending, Painfully As More And More People Stop Using Scratch Cat In Their Project, Knowing That Sooner Or Later, They Would Be Replace Or Dare I Say, Forgotten? ok, im going insane over a virtual cat. BUT, WE NEED A BACKSTORY OR SOMETHING???

when green flag clicked
I actually do think there is a bit of canon stuff, in like one/two years ago for the April fools' event we could “time travel” through different kinds of Scratch throughout the years, and the ol' fella even existed supposedly back in ancient times :0
This Implies That Scratch Cat Has Existed For Thousands Of Years. Cats Average Life Span Is 12-18 Years, So, This May Imply That Scratch Cat Immortal. I Mean, That Idea Makes Sense I Think. I Mean, If Thats True, Then Scratch Cat Has Lived Through Two World Wars, An American Civil War, Russia / Ukraine, Gaza / Israel, etc.
Also, they are most likely immortal (just speculation, though.)

This is my signature. When you select this (or profile activity) and press shift+down (that's the selecting downward keyboard shortcut), you can see more of it (so mobile users, I’m sorry; I’ll try to organize this signature)!

Lynx: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Wow a blue one

GUYS I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE KUMQUATS ARE GOING TO TRY TO TAKE OVER THE W[Removed by evil kumquat - Do not leak plans!]!

SCRATCH HAS A HEIGHT CHART? (It's not a statement, it's a question.)


94 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

sorry if anyone else mentioned this, I don't remember anyone doing it– but I found this!

“Ever wondered where Scratch Cat goes if you delete their sprite from your project? Now we have an answer! Scratch Cat goes to Mascots in Training (MIT)!”

3 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

Scratch Cat is H3X from Scratch ARG
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

Please remember that “Questions About Scratch” is here to help Scratchers learn Scratch - the website and the language. Let's please not take up space with other topics, such as polls and hypothetical questions. A studio might be a good place for those discussions.

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)


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