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No Virtual Display....

I have a 5th grader whose display doesn't change when she adds Sprites or Backdrops. At first, I thought she had pressed the “Don't Show” button for her Sprite, but she didn't! When she chooses a Sprite, it shows beneath the virtual display, but doesn't show in the visualize window. The same thing happens when she chooses a backdrop. (We can see it below, but it doesn't appear in the window.)

Any ideas??
1000+ posts

No Virtual Display....

Welcome to the forums
This should be in Bugs and Glitches… so i will ask for it to be moved
Anyway, onto your query, it's either a bug with the position or showing and hiding, or the computer's visual graphics are broken in a weird way.

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No Virtual Display....

Let's start with having somebody take a look at the project you are working on - can you share a link that to a project with a sprite that does not appear in the display?

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1000+ posts

No Virtual Display....

Could it be possible if (on whatever device this bug occurs on), you make a reply to this topic and press the black-n-white globe icon which is right next to the emoji icon? (It provides us some information regarding your device and browser, which might be helpful)

A screenshot of the stage not updating would also be nice. Make sure to check that the costume of the sprite isn't blank (or really far out from the center), that the sprite has a large enough size to be seen, and that the x and y location of the sprite isn't some absurd value.
100+ posts

No Virtual Display....

Please provide a link to the project (or a screenshot).

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)

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100th post!
1000+ posts

No Virtual Display....

TechyTeacher51870 wrote:

I have a 5th grader whose display doesn't change when she adds Sprites or Backdrops. At first, I thought she had pressed the “Don't Show” button for her Sprite, but she didn't! When she chooses a Sprite, it shows beneath the virtual display, but doesn't show in the visualize window. The same thing happens when she chooses a backdrop. (We can see it below, but it doesn't appear in the window.)

Any ideas??
You could make sure that the correct costume/backdrop is displaying using the
switch costume to [ ... v]
switch backdrop to [ ... v]

You can also make sure that your browser and OS is up-to-date, and that you are using a browser that is HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript standards-compliant (don't worry about that last one if you are using Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer or Opera)

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Lesser-known Scratch URLs: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/542480/
Why @Paddle2See's responses are so often identical: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/762351/

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