Discuss Scratch

44 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

Yeah, The Only Question I Have Is Whether Scratch Cat Is Sentient And Has A Form Of Backstory. I Feel Like They Do But There Isnt Any Form Of Evidence About Scratch Cat, Or Their Story. All We Know that He Was Once Turned Into Lego In 2009 And He Traveled The World In 2016, But Thats All We Know. I Would Love To See A Form Of Backstory. I Would Be Thrilled If We Had Seen The Evolution Of Scratch Cat's Life Or Something. And Does Scratch Cat Have Family. Is The Scratch Cat From 2.0 The Same Cat, Or A Family Member, Or A Friend Or Who Are They. Also Why Are They In A White Void Called ‘The Stage’, And How Did They Get There To Begin With. AIso, Is Each Project Being Made Secretly Another Day, Or Even More Insane, A Cry For Help As Scratch Cat Realizes His Legacy Is Slowly Ending, Painfully As More And More People Stop Using Scratch Cat In Their Project, Knowing That Sooner Or Later, They Would Be Replace Or Dare I Say, Forgotten? ok, im going insane over a virtual cat. BUT, WE NEED A BACKSTORY OR SOMETHING???

when green flag clicked
1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?


trying to abandon this account permanently.
1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

JmpBlast wrote:

Yeah, The Only Question I Have Is Whether Scratch Cat Is Sentient And Has A Form Of Backstory. I Feel Like They Do But There Isnt Any Form Of Evidence About Scratch Cat, Or Their Story. All We Know that He Was Once Turned Into Lego In 2009 [citation needed] And He Traveled The World In 2016 [citation probably needed], But Thats All We Know. I Would Love To See A Form Of Backstory. I Would Be Thrilled If We Had Seen The Evolution Of Scratch Cat's Life Or Something. And Does Scratch Cat Have Family [citation needed]. Is The Scratch Cat From 2.0 The Same Cat, Or A Family Member, Or A Friend Or Who Are They. Also Why Are They In A White Void [citation needed] Called ‘The Stage’, And How Did They Get There To Begin With. AIso, Is Each Project Being Made Secretly Another Day, Or Even More Insane, A Cry For Help As Scratch Cat Realizes His Legacy Is Slowly Ending [citation needed], Painfully As More And More People Stop Using Scratch Cat In Their Project, Knowing That Sooner Or Later, They Would Be Replace Or Dare I Say, Forgotten? ok, im going insane over a virtual cat. BUT, WE NEED A BACKSTORY OR SOMETHING [no we don't]???
100+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

Oh my god, please write a proper sentence next time. I can't read all that.

1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

ajskateboarder wrote:

All We Know that He Was Once Turned Into Lego In 2009 [citation needed]

ajskateboarder wrote:

And Does Scratch Cat Have Family [citation needed].
[that's a question why does it need citation]
500+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

Scratch Cat is nonbinary, according to this

There you go. LORE

Scratch JR may be his child, but I have no idea

The funnest part of lore is coming up with it yourself lol

Last edited by The-Sushi-Cat (Feb. 26, 2024 15:08:47)

An evil kumquat ate my first username lol

Call me Sushi!

They/He/It/She in order of preference

A little part of me dies inside when someone says, “He/She” instead of just using they-

Try to refrain from saying, ‘No support’. It comes off as extremely negative. “The forums are for criticism! Don't post it you don't want it!” Agreed. But I never said that you should agree with everyone. No suggestion will ever be perfect
What sounds more constructive?
“No support, people would spam with it”
“This would lead to a lot of spam, since people can't get away from it. Not to mention, it might upset a few people with the way it's implemented”

In #1, you didn't help OP at all. You said you didn't like it, and why. Nothing else. Not even what was causing the issue of spam
In #2, you pointed out the flaws and the root causes of them. Flaws shouldn't always get a suggestion absolutely ignored

And simply supporting doesn't always help either. It's not a voting system, it's improving your ideas. There's going to be cons, there's going to be flaws, and that's the point of the suggestions. No suggestion is ever 100% perfect in any way
Here are some things you can look out for:
-Are there any flaws/cons that haven't been addressed or fixed?
-Is this idea fully flushed out? Or are there some questions you can ask?
-Are there any flaws that you know how to fix or do you know how to flush something out a bit more?
-Is there anyone else who is confused and needs some clarification?

If you don't have to do any of these, then you can move on!

Is a suggestion unable to be added because it's just impossible? Point out why and have them decide what to do next
But still, try not to say ‘no support’
44 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

The-Sushi-Cat wrote:

Scratch Cat is nonbinary, according to this

There you go. LORE

Scratch JR may be his child, but I have no idea

The funnest part of lore is coming up with it yourself lol
Thanks For Info On What Gender Scratch Cat Is (yes, coming up with this stuff is the most logical but stupid thing i have come up with, and its funny as hell)
1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

no, but I can assure you that nano suffers from dwarfism. Quote:

Za-Chary wrote:

Socialix wrote:

What kind of nearly-15-year-old is as tall as a 4-year-old girl
Those who are afflicted by dwarfism?

Socialix wrote:

and another nearly-15-year-old is as tall as a 30-year-old man?
Lots of people grow early, and by the time one turns 18 (possibly even 15), they stop growing. I'm 5'8“ now, and probably will be for the rest of my life. On the other hand, due to differing genetic makeup, I would not be surprised that some 15-year-olds are currently 6 feet tall. According to Google, the ”average height“ for 15-year-old males is 5'7”, which is already pretty close to my 5'8“ — that average height implies that there are a not-insignificant number of 15-year-old males who are at least 5'8”.

Anyway… let's get back on topic, here. Even if Nano is extremely young, that doesn't mean they should be excluded from being displayed on pages on the Scratch website. Scratch is for all ages.
here's link btw

Last edited by TheEpikGamer211 (Feb. 26, 2024 15:19:13)

Epik gamer 211. Proud inventor of GTTSTES.
im workng on
sc (then SBOX)
when (::ff0000) horribly misclicked and pressed @greenFlag instead.:: hat :: events 
Summon Evil Kumquats using (((((((((((((:D):: motion):: motion):: motion):: motion):: motion):: motion):: motion):: motion):: motion):: motion):: motion :: motion)
1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

Vaibhs11 wrote:

ajskateboarder wrote:

And Does Scratch Cat Have Family [citation needed].
[that's a question why does it need citation]
[my bad, it was a giant wall of title-cased text (removed by moderator - please keep it polite)] ahhhh don't give me a color infection!!!
Also apparantly Scratch Cat has a long-lost LEGO brother stuck at MIT Media Lab. We need to save him!!!

Last edited by Paddle2See (Feb. 27, 2024 01:06:43)

1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

ajskateboarder wrote:

Vaibhs11 wrote:

ajskateboarder wrote:

And Does Scratch Cat Have Family [citation needed].
[that's a question why does it need citation]
[my bad, it was a giant wall of title-cased text (removed by moderator - please keep it polite)] ahhhh don't give me a color infection!!!
Also apparantly Scratch Cat has a long-lost LEGO brother stuck at MIT Media Lab. We need to save him!!!
this is mission critical

Last edited by Paddle2See (Feb. 27, 2024 01:07:18)

1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

The-Sushi-Cat wrote:

Scratch Cat is nonbinary
I think he is actually whatever you want him to be so her gender is whatever you want it to be so it could be male or female or whatever. I think I heard that somewhere?

(Male) (He/Him) (2000+ posts) (4 Years)
Banner by depresso-boiyo, check him out!
Ctrl+shift+down to check out my projects!

Thanks for scrolling; if you like what I do, please follow me!
1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?


Last edited by donotforgetmycode (Feb. 26, 2024 18:15:22)

This text under the grey line is my signature. It's not part of my post, but it automatically shows up under all of my posts.

I recommend reading jvvg and Sliverus's essays.


Stuff at the bottom of my signature:

for \({
set [i v] to [0]
}; <(i) < [10]>; {
change [i v] by (1)
}) \{{
think (i) for (1) secs
}} :: control

Paddle2See wrote:

Would you recommend a confirmation dialog box on that action?
| Really send missiles? (Y)es (N)o |

Please forgive my crude mock-up.

By the way - this is rejected for safety reasons.

An0therRand0mC0der wrote:

a bully with a big belly steals your moist cheesy beef
music origins
Be horizontal —
(thanks @thugatwoary and @Za-Chary)
Be high contrast
Generation -1: The first time you see this, copy and paste it on top of your signature in the Scratch forums, and decrease the generation by 1. Social experiment.
i ran out of characters
Kumquat lore
The Scratch Forums support bf +-<>[],.
It seems I can still use assets in my signature. test:
1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

welp im putting this in my signature

can somebody give me something to put in my signature
1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

ajskateboarder wrote:

JmpBlast wrote:

Yeah, The Only Question I Have Is Whether Scratch Cat Is Sentient And Has A Form Of Backstory. I Feel Like They Do But There Isnt Any Form Of Evidence About Scratch Cat, Or Their Story. All We Know that He Was Once Turned Into Lego In 2009 [citation needed] And He Traveled The World In 2016 [citation probably needed], But Thats All We Know. I Would Love To See A Form Of Backstory. I Would Be Thrilled If We Had Seen The Evolution Of Scratch Cat's Life Or Something. And Does Scratch Cat Have Family [citation needed]. Is The Scratch Cat From 2.0 The Same Cat, Or A Family Member, Or A Friend Or Who Are They. Also Why Are They In A White Void [citation needed] Called ‘The Stage’, And How Did They Get There To Begin With. AIso, Is Each Project Being Made Secretly Another Day, Or Even More Insane, A Cry For Help As Scratch Cat Realizes His Legacy Is Slowly Ending [citation needed], Painfully As More And More People Stop Using Scratch Cat In Their Project, Knowing That Sooner Or Later, They Would Be Replace Or Dare I Say, Forgotten? ok, im going insane over a virtual cat. BUT, WE NEED A BACKSTORY OR SOMETHING [no we don't]???
The travelled the world thing was a project that the ScratchCat account shared at some point I believe, and they say the so-called “white void” is the stage xDD

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators
1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

The-Sushi-Cat wrote:

Scratch Cat is nonbinary, according to this

Scratch JR may be his child, but I have no idea
You mean their, since they're nonbinary

Last edited by Kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)

PS4 User/FALL GUYS/YouTuber/Pokémon TCG/♬ Clarinet ♬/Terraria
To order dial the number on your screen. Each sold separately.
Terms apply.


1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

Yes, scratch cat does have lore.

The forum boogeymen are out to get you

500+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

glitcX wrote:

The-Sushi-Cat wrote:

Scratch Cat is nonbinary, according to this

Scratch JR may be his child, but I have no idea
You mean their, since they're nonbinary

Scratch Cat can be called or referred to as whatever gender you please

An evil kumquat ate my first username lol

Call me Sushi!

They/He/It/She in order of preference

A little part of me dies inside when someone says, “He/She” instead of just using they-

Try to refrain from saying, ‘No support’. It comes off as extremely negative. “The forums are for criticism! Don't post it you don't want it!” Agreed. But I never said that you should agree with everyone. No suggestion will ever be perfect
What sounds more constructive?
“No support, people would spam with it”
“This would lead to a lot of spam, since people can't get away from it. Not to mention, it might upset a few people with the way it's implemented”

In #1, you didn't help OP at all. You said you didn't like it, and why. Nothing else. Not even what was causing the issue of spam
In #2, you pointed out the flaws and the root causes of them. Flaws shouldn't always get a suggestion absolutely ignored

And simply supporting doesn't always help either. It's not a voting system, it's improving your ideas. There's going to be cons, there's going to be flaws, and that's the point of the suggestions. No suggestion is ever 100% perfect in any way
Here are some things you can look out for:
-Are there any flaws/cons that haven't been addressed or fixed?
-Is this idea fully flushed out? Or are there some questions you can ask?
-Are there any flaws that you know how to fix or do you know how to flush something out a bit more?
-Is there anyone else who is confused and needs some clarification?

If you don't have to do any of these, then you can move on!

Is a suggestion unable to be added because it's just impossible? Point out why and have them decide what to do next
But still, try not to say ‘no support’
1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

The-Sushi-Cat wrote:

glitcX wrote:

The-Sushi-Cat wrote:

Scratch Cat is nonbinary, according to this

Scratch JR may be his child, but I have no idea
You mean their, since they're nonbinary

Scratch Cat can be called or referred to as whatever gender you please
Yes, because scratch cat comes from a place of imagination. What do you think scratch cat’s gender is? Ask yourself that whenever your confused on scratch cat’s gender

✮˚. ᵎᵎ ?彡⋆。˚ starlight !! * ੈ✩‧₊˚ ✧˖° female !! ⋆。°✩ they.them !!‧˚₊ muslim !!✶ .ᐟ
︶꒦꒷order at star's cafe! served w/ love꒷꒦︶
star's cafe is a store to order banners, pfps, and more!
(rounded) 1000th post | (actual) 1000th post | first post
~ pakistani muslim ~ ~ born in arabia ~ palestine supporter! ~
stop the Islam hate!useful custom blockslatest projectcomment herePython Learning History
Scratch inspired me to want to become a programmer when i grow up. I plan on learning python :>
44 posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

I Found Out Scratch Cat Has An Obsession With The Colour Blue, And They Love Fish That Is Exactly 2 Weeks Old. No More, No Less. And To Answer The Question Of ‘'Scratch JR may be his child, but I have no idea’' If Scratch JR Is His Child, Then They May Be Potentially Adopted?
1000+ posts

Is there any lore behind scratch cat?

glitcX wrote:

The-Sushi-Cat wrote:

Scratch Cat is nonbinary, according to this

Scratch JR may be his child, but I have no idea
You mean their, since they're nonbinary
Not all non-binary people use they/them pronouns. I think Scratch Cat uses any pronouns.

Last edited by donotforgetmycode (Feb. 28, 2024 18:13:26)

This text under the grey line is my signature. It's not part of my post, but it automatically shows up under all of my posts.

I recommend reading jvvg and Sliverus's essays.


Stuff at the bottom of my signature:

for \({
set [i v] to [0]
}; <(i) < [10]>; {
change [i v] by (1)
}) \{{
think (i) for (1) secs
}} :: control

Paddle2See wrote:

Would you recommend a confirmation dialog box on that action?
| Really send missiles? (Y)es (N)o |

Please forgive my crude mock-up.

By the way - this is rejected for safety reasons.

An0therRand0mC0der wrote:

a bully with a big belly steals your moist cheesy beef
music origins
Be horizontal —
(thanks @thugatwoary and @Za-Chary)
Be high contrast
Generation -1: The first time you see this, copy and paste it on top of your signature in the Scratch forums, and decrease the generation by 1. Social experiment.
i ran out of characters
Kumquat lore
The Scratch Forums support bf +-<>[],.
It seems I can still use assets in my signature. test:

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