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Python Learning History

Python Learning History
this is a documentation of my learning history with python. i will share new codes i learn and stuff like that, basically just document my learning history with python as per the title. feel free to teach me new stuff if you want, lol

- 2024, April 10th -
I’m learning python, and I know barely anything (I basically only know how to ask python math questions,, assign variables values, and print lol). I’m making this forum post to record my history of python learning and update it every once in a while with what new things I learned. I actually started learning a good few months ago, but I stopped learning but like 2 days ago I opened up python again and it seems that I remember what I learned back then, so soon I’m gonna watch the next tutorial from the lesson playlist I have saved on YouTube. Also it’s rlly late rn but before bed I’m making this post lol. I also just checked if there’s python for iPad too but the only thing I found is an app called pyto and it does work because I tried the free trial, but the free trial is only 3 days and it costs money. I found other apps too, but for some reason they’re working differently, for example if I put “5+2” it doesn’t give the answer, idk lol.
>> print ('hihi :3')
hihi :3
>> 2+2
>> variable = 13
>> variable
>>list = ['star','light','sparks']
>> list
>> list [1]
- 2024, June 12th -
Figured out how the other apps work. I found a really good free app. Basically, instead of just saying “2+2” you should say “print (2+2)”. Pretty simple I guess.
 >> print (2+2)
>> variable = 7
>> print (variable)
alr, another update, so i just relearned some python stuff that I kinda forgot.
>> print (2*2*2)
>> print (2**2)
when it comes to equations like these, doubling the uh symbol thing gives the same output as typing out the whole
>> print (10//3)
this wont work, because // is used to get the answer of a division question without the decimal/float.
>> print (10%3)
>> print (10/3/3)
the % symbol works instead, however idk how to get the decimal w the % symbol

Last edited by starlightsparker (June 13, 2024 18:06:33)

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1000+ posts

Python Learning History


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s͟t͟a͟r͟l͟i͟gh͟t͟ s.her » muslim#freepalestineforumer!has 2100+ forum posts
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1000+ posts

Python Learning History

arise from the depths

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s͟t͟a͟r͟l͟i͟gh͟t͟ s.her » muslim#freepalestineforumer!has 2100+ forum posts
pakistani ᵎᵎ palestine supporter! cat person 2018 was 6 years ago?!
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1000+ posts

Python Learning History

bump + relearning some python stuff rn

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s͟t͟a͟r͟l͟i͟gh͟t͟ s.her » muslim#freepalestineforumer!has 2100+ forum posts
pakistani ᵎᵎ palestine supporter! cat person 2018 was 6 years ago?!
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» order at starpeach city! ৲ join the star bankmy notebookofftopic stuff here )
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1000+ posts

Python Learning History

Uhh i need help, anyone?
stuff like using 2**2 instead of 2*2*2 works but 2++2 isn’t working for 2+2+2, it just says 4

———————————————— ꒰ hello there ! ꒱ ————————————————
s͟t͟a͟r͟l͟i͟gh͟t͟ s.her » muslim#freepalestineforumer!has 2100+ forum posts
pakistani ᵎᵎ palestine supporter! cat person 2018 was 6 years ago?!
rounded 1000th postactual 1000th postpython historymy first forum post :D
» order at starpeach city! ৲ join the star bankmy notebookofftopic stuff here )
the forums kitaesthetic notes tutmy fpcastarchatscratch - the journey
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1000+ posts

Python Learning History

I’m potentially biting off more than what I can chew, but I uploaded this project so I can get help from smart people because I have no idea how to make a python project. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1037080563/

———————————————— ꒰ hello there ! ꒱ ————————————————
s͟t͟a͟r͟l͟i͟gh͟t͟ s.her » muslim#freepalestineforumer!has 2100+ forum posts
pakistani ᵎᵎ palestine supporter! cat person 2018 was 6 years ago?!
rounded 1000th postactual 1000th postpython historymy first forum post :D
» order at starpeach city! ৲ join the star bankmy notebookofftopic stuff here )
the forums kitaesthetic notes tutmy fpcastarchatscratch - the journey
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5 posts

Python Learning History

starlightsparker wrote:

Python Learning History
this is a documentation of my learning history with python. i will share new codes i learn and stuff like that, basically just document my learning history with python as per the title. feel free to teach me new stuff if you want, lol

- 2024, April 10th -
I’m learning python, and I know barely anything (I basically only know how to ask python math questions,, assign variables values, and print lol). I’m making this forum post to record my history of python learning and update it every once in a while with what new things I learned. I actually started learning a good few months ago, but I stopped learning but like 2 days ago I opened up python again and it seems that I remember what I learned back then, so soon I’m gonna watch the next tutorial from the lesson playlist I have saved on YouTube. Also it’s rlly late rn but before bed I’m making this post lol. I also just checked if there’s python for iPad too but the only thing I found is an app called pyto and it does work because I tried the free trial, but the free trial is only 3 days and it costs money. I found other apps too, but for some reason they’re working differently, for example if I put “5+2” it doesn’t give the answer, idk lol.
>> print ('hihi :3')
hihi :3
>> 2+2
>> variable = 13
>> variable
>>list = ['star','light','sparks']
>> list
>> list [1]
- 2024, June 12th -
Figured out how the other apps work. I found a really good free app. Basically, instead of just saying “2+2” you should say “print (2+2)”. Pretty simple I guess.
 >> print (2+2)
>> variable = 7
>> print (variable)
alr, another update, so i just relearned some python stuff that I kinda forgot.
>> print (2*2*2)
>> print (2**2)
when it comes to equations like these, doubling the uh symbol thing gives the same output as typing out the whole
>> print (10//3)
this wont work, because // is used to get the answer of a division question without the decimal/float.
>> print (10%3)
>> print (10/3/3)
the % symbol works instead, however idk how to get the decimal w the % symbol

I have only one thing to say…
You're doing well!
Just keep practicing.
(Oh my gosh I'm also a Pakistani Muslim)

You? Yes you!
Check out this block!
Or this!
Totally epic block  Epicness: ()
Thank you for your time!
- @Cedarsfajrb

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